What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I’m 6 week post laparoscopic hysterectomy, during which they nicked a ureter, not discovered for another week (!), catheterised for 4 weeks with uretal stent which is still in for another couple of weeks. Since the catheter was removed I have been experiencing back ache in the area of my kidney, no outward signs of urinary strait infection as I’ve only just stopped a course of antibiotics after the catheter. Is the back/kidney pain normal?
Yes! Especially when you pee…it feels like something is stabbing your kidney, and then tugging on it. Stents are the worst thing I’ve ever been through. But, the removal isn’t too bad…mostly just a relief to get out.
In 2000 a doctor inserted a rubber like large looking tube (stent) with tabs on the end. He said the tabs held it in place.He showed it to be when he remooved it in his office. I am trying to find out the name and if its still available and used. I now required constant stents and what has been used turn painful.
If you are able to contact the facility where you had the procedure done, you may be able to request a copy of your medical records. The doctor should have made reference to the stent in his report. Any time a device is implanted, even temporarily, the physician placing the device is supposed to give the details (brand name, model # and/or serial #) about that device.
I will say, though, that I have run into a problem with this in the recent past with regard to a surgeon failing to give those details about a Port-a-cath I had placed several years ago. I needed an MRI and had no way of knowing if it was safe or not because we didn’t know what type of device was used and what material it was made of. Which is why doctors are supposed to document the device in the report.
Fourteen years is longer than most facilities keep records, but you may get lucky.
I had a 6mm kidney stone in the beginning of December that was blocking my kidney and causing it to swell. They put me on Dilaudid for the pain and flomax to help try and open the things up for the stone to pass. I could not get in for surgery until Jan 2nd, so I suffered with the pain until then. The morning of the surgery I passed the stone. I went to the hospital and told the doctor that who told me that she still needed to go in. I had a stent placed, and on the ride home the meds wore off and I was in the worse pain of my life. I felt like something was wrong right away but convinced myself it was the stent pain. The next day I began vomiting and had a high fever. When I went to the emergency room, thankfully they cultured the infection to find out what kind it was. I was admitted to the hospital and found out it was an ecoli infection in my kidney. Three days in they removed the stent, saying the infection would not clear otherwise. Having the stent taken out caused the worse pain I have ever been in. I still have pain in my side where the stent was 3 weeks later. The infection has cleared and my kidneys look fine according to an ultrasound. I still have some lower back pain… Anybody else have pain WAY after the urologist says they shouldn’t? its scaring me, am I just healing?
Went to ER on 12/6/13 with severe pain which I knew to be a kidney stone from previous experience. 4 mm stone stuck with ureter swollen shut. I Agreed to laser lithrotripsy and told that the stent would need to stay in 8-10 days. Upon waking up from surgery doctor said he could not get stone and stent would need to stay in for at least six weeks and then another try at surgery. The first 3-4 days after insertion were really uncomfortable. With blood and pain during urination. Afterwards I have been unable to do anything that requires standing or walking for any length of time. The good news is that sitting in the lazy boy means I am relatively pain free, but the wife is not happy that I can’t do anything!!
Second surgery performed on 1/27 got the 4mm stone and the urologist was kind enough to get another 2 mm stone that was on deck… The pain following this was much more severe and passing blood clots are no fun. After 3-4 days I settled into my normal routine of living with a stent..Norco and Ditropan worked for me, but I used them sparingly. I do have occasional back pain and the need to frequently (and urgently) urinate.
I go in for my stent removal in 2 days after living with it for over 2 months!!!!
The thing that sticks in my head the most is that it takes something like this to appreciate and value feeling “normal”. My heart goes out to anyone that is dealing with this and I hope that my story in some way helps you.
Just back from having stent removed. I can’t say that I am pain free… I think it will take a few more hours. The procedure was amazingly fast…the scope insertion took 5 seconds, not pleasant, but tolerable because of the brevity. Took approximately 20 seconds to latch on to stent and another 5 seconds for the removal. It took about 5 minutes for the spasms to stop after removal and my pain level was about 5 out of 10.
Here it is less than two hours later and it still pinches when I start urinating but other than that I feel good…flank pain from stent is completely gone!!! I hope to be back to 100% by tomorrow. Best of luck to you in dealing with this!!
Thanks for the story! About to get my stint and this helps!
I went into the ER on Nov 20th and was diagnosed with a 3mm stone with more to follow. The urologist diagnosed 5 stones altogether with a 9mm stone waiting to inflict pain. To compare, I have an M n M in my kidney. After a few visits and tests he scheduled the ureteroscopy for Jan 21 for laser because the stone is more dense than bone and litho wont work. With my bad luck, the 20th I awoke in severe pain. Back to the ER and emergency surgery. He couldn’t get the scope all the way in and I had a stent implanted. I am really uncomfortable. Going in the 28th for another round to laser the stones and have a new stent put in. Hopefully this will all be over in a week or so.
November of 2013 I had a stent put In I am in so much pain. I go to the doctors on the 10th of March to see what they are going to do. There is blood in my urine I am in a lot of pain and sometimes it feels like my vagina is about to fall out. I am on so ,many meds. If anyone has gone through this and is now ok can you let me know what I have to ;look forward too. Hate the pain
Just had my stent done yesterday…was admitted wed due to kidney stone..im having a lot of pain in my front from the procedure…lots of blood..even some blood clots this evening..i just came home from hospital..removal is supposed to happen in two weeks.all the blood makes me nervous…..any help.??
I also had a lot of blood in my urine, and from what they told me its normal and should go away within a few days to a week. Mine lasted for 4 days then it went away for 2 days, then came back.
Did your blood stay there the whole time mine keeps coming and going ?
The more you do the more the stent will make you bleed…I had one in for 6 weeks…My Gosh I hated it.!! It was heaven when they finally took it out. I bled on and off the whole time. P.s. on my second stent..once a kidney stoner always a kidney stoner..
Suffering stones over a week. Just had litho and a stent put in yesterday. Had no idea the pain from the stent would be worse than the stone! Taking naproxen and Norco – any thought from those that have been through it? Also, have fever so dr called in antibiotics
In nov 2013 a ct scan reveled 2 large kidney stones 1cm in each kidney- they were not moving, but my urologist suggested lithotripsy. Left kidney first…procedure did not hurt much, but afterwards I ended up in the Er as fragments were passing- 3 weeks later, the right kidney – litho was fine, until I ended up in er again- find out that I have a 10mm stuck in my ureter -no pain, but doc wanted to get it out. Had ueteroscopy today…..a lot more after side effects- stent is not pleasant, it burns a lot when I pee, almost like I have to brace myself to pee, plus a lot of blood- far more than lithotripsy…..
I’ve had a stent in place for 4 weeks now due to my right ureter being severed during a hysterectomy. Had to have another surgery (psoas hitch) to reimplant the ureter into my bladder. I had to come home with a foley catheter for 11 days after surgery. The stent is nothing compared to the catheter!!! The stent is aggravating when sleeping because I can’t lay on my right side (which is my favorite side). It hurt the first few days when urinating after the catheter was removed, but not so much anymore. I notice that the more I move around during the day or the more walking that I do, the more blood I see in my urine. I also see bubbles in my urine. Has anyone else experienced bubbles in their urine (that you’ve never had before) with the stent?
Hi Lindsey-
Sorry to hear about all you are going through on top of that psoas hitch. I have the Biaori flap due to damage done during surgery to remove endometriosis and they hit the right ilac artery. A great new urologist saved my right kidney by performing this. My lower ureter is gone now on r-side. I get adhesions and dense scarring overtime and my Dr.’s automatically request stent placements prior to any abdominal surgery. It helps them track the flap. I say this in case you have future surgeries down the road, it may be something to ask your dr. about. They place them prior too and remove before I leave the hospital. I have that now and I too see some blood and the bubbles. I remember things go back to normal when removed. It will get better, I am so sorry for all everyone is going through. It’s uncomfortable but necessary to preserve these very thin and important parts of our urinary tract to keep things from obstruction or damage. Much healing. Many blessings. I can’t wait to have these out too.
I had a stent placed in my right kidney in nov 2013. I wad 5 months pregnant . Im now 7months and am living a nightmare with it constant stabbing and burning and gets worse when i urinate. The stent should b removef upon childbirth but i cant wait 2 months. I can barely walk from pain . Cant wait for this to b over
I’m not pregnant, but I completely agree!! This thing was put in on Monday, I’m in constant pain, nauseated to the point that even getting the in car makes me want to get sick, I can’t pick up my little girl with out pain, can’t bend over without pain and the feel of wanting to pass out is getting really bothersome!
I had a stint put in , I am scared to move or do anything 🙁 some one please give me some advice
I had uretroscopy done on 11-dec-2013 to remove a stone of 9mm in ureter & a stent was put after removal of stone. I was discharged from hosital on 13-dec with stent inside. I had no problem in walking or doing my normal rourine activities with a caution not to move fast or lift any weight etc. finally stent was removed on 20-dec, So nothing to worry. It’s not serious or much mainful.
Is it normal to have blood in your urine all the time ??
yes it is normal to have blood in your urine after . I was peeing what looked like red cool-aid for 4 days and it eventually went away, but 2 days later it did come back which I was told is also normal. If it starts hurting so bad you cant stand the pain I suggest going to er just to make sure the stent is not moving or theres no infection. I went to ER today and found out my stent has moved and have another infection so they want the stent out by tomorrow.
I bleed evey day nearly , there is no pain and it is light in colour , I’m scared 🙁 I just want it out now I am over it ,
You can move around just expect to have some grapefruit looking urine and some bladder discomfort frequency to urinate. ( know where the bathroom is)
I had mine removed yesterday. Intense pain for about 2 hours then got better.
Skipped the ibuprofen 600mg from midnight to 6 am oops I had spasm’s until I got the pain and Dramamine back going.
It’s just a process to get your system to heal after getting rearranged.
I had a stent for almost 4 weeks, just got it out day after Christmas.You need to scale down your activities for sure at first but you can move normally, bend and even lift things without too much trouble. You will at first experience cramping pains at times and intense urge to relieve yourself frequently but your body adapts. After a week, I only had pain when urinating but was pretty good doing normal stuff. I even shoveled snow one day with no effects. I think after a week or 10 days I did not notice blood in urine anymore. Before that it was always pink lemonade, but it was always dark yellow until stent was removed.
Good luck, you will adapt and use pain meds as needed.
Wonderful news today! Have only one 4 millimeter stone left in the lower pole of my left kidney! With any luck it will stay put right where it is! This after three lithotipsies. The last done just before Thanksgiving and without a stent being inserted! Thank you, Dr. McLeod! I wasn’t too sure on a few of those days, but finally got through them. Only resorted to tramedol twice. Took tylenol a few times. Yes, passing large fragments was painful, but not nearly as bad as dealing with a stent. The last procedure to break up a 10 millimeter stone and several large fragments! Stones up to 6 millimeters in size passed. One was quite large and shaped like a football, but with sharper edges. I had started to urinate and then for some reason I couldn’t continue. After some bleeding, stinging and quite a bit of pain, a loud ping when it actually hit the plastic hat! I was shocked as it was the largest piece I have ever passed. Then relief when I could urinate again! Plan to continue with low oxalate diet and lots of water!
I had a kidney stone in 2008 that was lodged in my ureter. The pain was worse than childbirth. I had a stent placed for a week, then the urologist removed the stent and the stone. Recently I started having flank pain and after an X-ray, ct scan and ultrasound, I found out I had 15 kidney stones. I had lithotripsy and a left stent placement. One week later I had the left stent removed followed by a right stent placement and bilateral lithotripsy. Today I had the 2nd stent removed and I feel better than I have in 3 weeks. I have an upcoming IVP and 24 hour urine test to find out why I form stones. This whole experience has caused me to gain a new respect and compassion for people with chronic medical conditions.
I had kidney stones 25 years ago had it removed surgically and haven’t had any problems since. A few weeks ago I was admitted to the ER with extreme flank pain.
I was diagnosed with a 6 mm stone blocking my ureter I had to have surgically removed and a stent was inserted. I went home after my surgery and experienced more pain than before stone was removed. After being told for two weeks that this was normal the doctor then decided to remove stent because I was complaining of so much pain. This brought on high fever, severe vomiting and rigors, back to the ER where I was finally diagnosed with a urinoma ,acute infection, hydronephrosis.
I had to have two tubes inserted in my back to drain the kidney and the urinoma. This entire experience has been awful. I’m home healing from the urinoma , still have the stent ( re inserted after nephrostomy tube was inserted) and am experiencing a lot of stent pain.i changed urologist because first one was horrible. New Doc just gave me uribel, been taking myrbetiq, naproxen, flomax, percocet.
Uribel seems to be helping.. I still have several stones in both kidneys, can’t do anything till ureter heals….what a nightmare! I dread all the treatments I have to go through, HATE the stent. Has anyone else experienced a urinoma? I understand it’s rare.
My mother was treated with kidney stone 3 months back and Doc told us that a stent is placed and will be removed after 3 months. yesterday when we went to hospital Doc done Endoscopy and told that no stent was found in the body and it is common that stent passes on itself ? is it normal? we had X rays, endoscopy reports and Ultrasound reports with us?
I just had surgery for the removal of 2 stones. One 7mm and the other 5mm. I know that is not as big as many, but I would go thru childbirth again. The pain is horrific. I had stents put in to ease the pain for 2 weeks and surgery on 11/25/13. stones removed and new stents put in. Back pain is bad but I can take it for a few weeks. Stents removed again on the 17 of december. Hope to enjoy the rest of my life never to have kidney stones again,
In the middle of my 4th round of kidney stones going back to 1985, always on left side. Latest was 5 stones, largest being 1.1cm and had to be blasted with laser and removed, all too dense for lithotripsy. Doctor removed the 2 largest and stent was placed for remainder, last Thursday 11/14/13. Lots of blood in urine with any moderate activity, pain, burning, need to pee every couple hours, not seeming to be much help. Finished my antibiotics 2 days ago. Have changed my diet earlier this year to eliminate meat protein, sugar and dairy, reduce fat and cholesterol, lost 30 pounds, all health attributes vastly improved and feeling good for 1st time in years, then stones blasted me. Can’t get a break it seems, stones hit just days after 2nd divorce was final.
I had two kidney stones 16 mm each and surgery saved my life. 9-13-13 was my surgery and a stent was put in. Its now 11-7-13 I had another surgery cause another stone was found. I hope god will just take me now I have been suffering with kidney stones for over 10 years and I’m ready to rest in peace. Drink lemonade and don’t eat to much meat. Powerade is also good. No soda. Good luck to all.
I have had calcium oxalate stones for 35 years. I have gone through lithotripsy 7 times not to mention a few cystoscopys. Once I consulted a nutritionist/dietician and learned the sources of calcium and oxalates, I was able to at least decrease the frequency of the stones. Among foods that contain high oxalates are: chocolate, tea, coffee, nuts, dried baked beans. Dairy products and many leafy green vegetables are high in calcium. One also must watch many over the counter medications such as anti-acids for calcium content. Drinking a lot of water and cranberry juice helps keep the kidneys flushed.
Hope this helps.
I have a stone in the left kidney, 7mmX13mm. I had a stent placed on oct 24 and don’t see the dr until 11/13. Not sure yet what they are doing at that appointment. Have to call the Dr before my husband takes me. The stent is very uncomfortable but compared to without the stent, well there is little comparison. I really need to figure out what is causing these things. It is a total life interrupt. Prayer for me is appreciated.
I just went through my second bout with stones… same kidney. all i will say is that the second time was much eaier… the first time i had to go in 3 times before they were able to try at the stone… kink in ureteur, stent insertion, then not being able to get the stone… waited 6 more months and changed urologists. 2 proceedures and i was done… i hated waking up and being asked to pee before i left… you can realte i bet. second stone was this past month, 7mm and 4 mm in the same kidney and was one shot deal with an office visit to remove the stent after a week… yes that was so much fun having a string hanging out of my, ummm yea… the removal was near painless… but when everything started to spasm about an hour later it was horrible… the only thing that helped out was an electric heatting pad my wife has.
I am a incomplete quadriplegic, for the last 26 years I have managed my bladder by tapping myself in the groin to create a spasm in the bladder to allow me to pee. This has been a nightmare for many reasons, embarrassment, pain, inconvenience and much more.
Two days ago they discovered a 9mm stone in my Ureter causing complete blockage, A lot of pain, wow, i was told this must be remover immediately, Because of its size they could not remove it and a Stent was in placed to allow urine to flow past.
it is now about 36 hours since surgery and i have not felt this good in 26 years, oh lord im in tears typing, and laughing, its like a miracle. I hope this keep up 🙂 I am now typing this from home as i was released from hospital the same day.
At first i had discomfort when I started to pee and lots of blood, Now I have little discomfort and the blood is lessoning.
I will update over the next few days.
P.S. my real name is above but I prefer be called Max. Cheers
I just went through a large kidney stone (.8mm-.10mm) w/ a kidney and urinary tract infection. I don’t know why someone is telling someone to use herbs to soften and break up the stone, I received this medication from the urologist. The medication is called UROCIT-K 10 or the generic name is Potassium Citrate ER 10 MEQ (1080 MG) Tablet Extended Release. Two tablets twice a day. These are big/thick tablets and I needed a pill cutter.
I also received pain medication and and antibiotics.
The doctor specifically asks what medications you are taking and not to take various herbs like St. John’s Wart…and similar. Therefore, I would recommend checking with your doctor before hand.
What is the name of the herb? I just had a Stent put in today
I ‘ve had three libtrotripsy s in three months stent put in on both sides it has been a nightmare hate the stent but went to herb shop and got ks that’s the name it will help bust stones up good luck to all
U sure the name is ks? Can’t find online.