What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I was diagnosed with a small kidney stone on 9/08/2013. I am a 50 year old female who never had children. But from what all of my female friends who have had stones and children, passing the stone(s) is worst than giving birth. I gotta tell you that I have NEVER been this sick in my entire life! I was sent home with anti-nausea, pain meds and told to drink plenty of water. I went right back to hospital the next day, had a stent placed. Now I am having problems with the stent! Urinating is almost unbearable! Nauseated ALL THE TIME!!! I have an appointment for Thursday, 09/26 to have the stent removed! It feels like a permanent CATHETER!!!!
Paralyzing pain!!! Went to ER, was admitted; Dr. found a 13mm stone + lots of infection so he placed a stent & sent me home with pyridium. 2 days later, still in severe pain, back to hospital I go. New Dr. did ultrasound & the stone had pushed the stent down!! And I found out I had gall stones as well. Gall bladder surgery on Sunday & on Monday new Dr. blasted the stone & re-placed the stent. Now, 2 weeks later, I feel like a knife is going right thru me every time I “DRIBBLE” (which is about every 30 min). First available appt to get it out is Oct. 8th. I WOULD NEVER WISH THIS ON ANYONE, NOT EVEN MY WORST ENEMY!!!
14 mm stone got stuck. Wished I would of had it blasted early.
Had a previous stone which I was not prepared for when it passed. Thought I was going through childbirth. End of July started feeling nauseated and diarrhea pretty constant. CT scan and ultrasound revealed kidney stone in each kidney, one 7 cm and the other 6 cm. So far no pain, but doctor wants to blast each one to break up, put a stent in to stretch out the tube to help the stones pass. Doctor said the stent would only have to be in for a couple of days. Has anyone been told they had kidney stones, but haven’t had pain and just left as is until started getting pain? Wondering if I should just leave alone until I start having pain.
I had in couples years ago left it alone now the stone is bigger going in for a stent on Monday wish I would of done something back then
Hello all, thanks for all the info I have read here. Very helpful. I had my second kidney stone attack three weeks ago. I have 7 stones in the left kidney and one stuck in the ureter which is 6 cm’s. What a nightmare. I am having the Lithrotripsy done this Wednesday, 9/11/2013 and the surgeon says she may put in a stent but after reading about the stents from all of your notes, I may tell her to forget that part.
Did you get the stent?
This is a great site, thank you so much!
I’m a 50 year old female. I have had too many kidney stones the last 10 years to count. Having kidney stones pains are the worst pains I ever experienced. However about 2.5 years ago an x-ray showed an 18 mm stone in my right kidney. They worry about a stone that is 6 mm, mine was 18 mm.That’s the size of a nickel sized marble. I went to the ER 8/25/13 and was admitted to the hospital since my right kidney was shrinking. The pain was unreal and I could not live with it anymore. Three days later 8/28 a Lithotripsy was done and a stent was put in. Nobody prepared me for the pain that followed. It’s been 2 weeks now and even with pain meds I’m in a lot of pain. I can only walk very slowly, it hurts to sit down and even sleeping. It feels like someone put a blowtorch up my uretha.Urinating is excruciating. I’m scheduled for another Lithrotripsy next week and the stent stays for now. I could not have done this without my husband and daughters. I can not go back to my work in a Deli, and they don’t understand why. Maybe you just have to live through a kidney stone and stents to understand. This is no life to live. The pain meds doesn’t do much to ease the pain either. I read all the other comments and my heart goes out to you.
Went to the ER on Sunday 9/1 with severe pain in my right side. After morphine in the ambulance the pain started to subside a bit. CT scan showed a 9mm stone stuck in the top of my ureter stopping the flow from the right kidney. Kidney was swelling. A stent was placed so the kidney could drain. Need to go back to have the stone lasered next month. AZO and cranberry juice with hot baths work wonders.
This is a great site. Thanks to everyone and hope you all feel better soon!
My urologist says that drinking cranberry juice is not the best option before a surgery. If you have a calcium oxalate stone it can dye the stone and make it hard for the doctors to see on an MRI/ct/X-ray. If you have a month I don’t think it will be a huge deal but probably a good idea to take a week or two off of any thing with lots of color, natural or artificial.
Hello All, I am a 53 year old female and had my first kidney stone attack 6/15. Sorry this is a bit of a long post, I have been dealing with “the stone” for 3 months. Went to the emergency room, I had a 8mm stone that had traveled down my ureter. I left the ER with prescriptions for Flomax, Vicodin and anti nausea medication. Felt terrible even with the drugs. Saw a urologist 2 days later and was set up for lithotripsy on 7/3. I was managing okay with the meds but could not wait for the lithotripsy procedure. Had the procedure and was sent home with more Flomax, Norco (pain med) and told to drink lots of water. When I got home I was pretty uncomfortable, so my most wonderful husband got me an ice pack and that along with the pain meds helped so much! I then took ibuprofen and Flomax and was doing okay, I had a six week check up scheduled and about at the end of the 4th week I was getting uncomfortable again, some lower back pain and the urge to urinate constantly, made an appointment, x-ray taken and was told there was pieces of the stone left to pass in the ureter. More Flomax and ibuprofen. Had appointment on Monday the 18th for my final follow up, unfortunately Sunday at 2 am I was up; intense back pain vomiting, back to the emergency room, ugh! CT scan showed big piece of stone still present and had reached the end of the ureter and top of bladder. waited 2 1/2 weeks and had my ureteroscopy this morning a 8:30 am, they placed a stent that I was told I could remove myself on Monday ( I will let you all know how that goes!). Yikes! The pain is awful! Burns like no other when I pee, but I can say the more water I drink to dilute the urine seems to help. Using heating pad and pain meds although at this point, I am not seeing much relief. Just can’t wait for this to be over! Thank you everyone for your posts and suggestions. I hope all goes well for everyone.
All anxiety about removing the stent was over shadowed by the fact that I just could not wait to get rid of the thing!! Took my pain meds, drank a lot of water and headed to the shower. The removal was so easy, no problems there. Took it slow and easy as others suggested and it came right out. Wish it could have ended right there; but as other people warned a few hours later the cramping started and it was very painful. I maxed out on all the pain meds I could take, tried to lay down with a heating pad but decided that pacing was better. It took about an hour for the pain to get somewhat tolerable and then by mid afternoon i was feeling so much better. BUT as you can tell by the time of this post I am up at 2 am, the cramping came back at midnight and I am just now thinking about heading back to bed. I know tomorrow will be better! Once again, thank you all for the tips – they really help!
Thank you, Cindy, for sharing. You pretty much answered all my questions. Your ordeal has been identical to my daughters. She got her stint two days ago. Hope you’re feeling better. KT
I found out that i had a kidney stone on Thursday August 29t. The pain was bad and i was throwing so much i couldn’t even keep a sip of water down that night at 1 am i went 2 the hospital my husband was not very pleased 2 go and taking ,y 1 year old daughter with us but i told him i needed 2 to go. The pain was so bad and crippling i could not move with out being in horrible pain. The hospital does a ultra sound 1st because i had a D&C on the 1st of august the ultra sound showed nothing so they did a CAT scan. The CAT scan showed my Kidney stone and it was stuck they sent me home and a few hours later i was back in the hospital. the pain worse than ever i was throwing up so much more witch i did not think was possible i was very dehydrated i could nit keep a single sip of water down. It took me 3 times going back to the hospital for them to do anything other than rehydrate me and push a ton of pain meds. on September 1st at 10:30am i went into surgery to get the stone removed but they could not remove it my urethra tube was way to small so the put a Stent in with the kidney stone being stuck in the same place it has been for 4 days. After the surgery and i was awake the doctor told me that there was no way for me to pass it on my own my tube was to small to let the stone pass.. it is September 4th and the stone still stuck and very painful and the stent is very uncomfortable on top of the pain i have to go to restroom quite often and it does burn to got to the bathroom i can also feel the stent when i move or walk or pick up my 20 pound daughter i try to avoid lifting her i ask someone else to hand her to me. I am drinking lots of water i have even tried a natural way which is drink olive oil and lemon juice mixed together but nothing is working. I am still throwing but not as often as i was. My stent removal surgery is September 11th and if the stone has not passed than the will try to remove it. This whole thing has been painful and nausea. I am 22 and Kidney stones run in my family and i hope that i never have another 1 again. This is very challenging with my 1 year old daughter.
Well I had a kidney stone on my right side and the pain was beyond anything I’ve ever felt before I snapped my tibia in half and it made that feel like a paper cut now I have a stent and get it out in a few days I’m super nervous about it it has the string and I doubt the pain of removal will compare to that of the stone itself but ill let you all know any ideas on what to expect should I do it myself as my doctor suggested or let my girl do it or just go in to the clinic and hope for the best I’ve never had something like this happen or at least not of this magnitude of pain so any tips or tricks to relax would be great because I’m leaning towards ping in to have it removed and I’m sure they won’t put me in a warm shower to do it the stent so far has only caused minor pains in my stomach and lots of discomfort!!!!!
The pyridium( Over the counter AZO) it helps quite a bit. A warm bath also helped with the discomfort. The stent removal is not that horrible. Not pleasant, but not as bad as you imagine! I am still having some cramping and nausea and my stent removal was yesterday. If you have been sick with the stone for a while it will take your body a while to get back to normal. The kidneys filter our system of toxins and the stones definitely slow that down and make you feel horrible.
If a stent is only in the ureter and not the urethra, then why do I feel like it’s in my urethra? I got my stent 4 wees ago. Tonight, lots of pain and burning. I feel like something is stuck at the end of my urethra. Is that possible? I was passing stones today. Maybe a stone scratched my urethra on the way out?
Im going through the same thing even tho the stint is uncomfortable and painful when i got to the restroom nothing on earth can compare to the pain I was 8nn from the stone its self I’ve heard people talk about how painful a kidney stone was and i never thought it could be that bad until i got one so if anyone ever tells u how bad it is its the truth i found that azos do help with the pain of the stint my second dosage helped alot so good luck to alli
Well it’s been a month since I’ve had my stent in. I went into the ER with so much
Pain with my kidney, told me it was a stone and I would pass it and sent me home with pain killers, a few months later bk in the same pain so returned bk to the ER and come to find out it was the same stone it got bigger and was blocking my urine now, so was out into the hospital until my doctor decide to put the stent in to help it from blocking my urine cause it is to big to be removed, well it’s been a month since the stent was put in and has been thee worse month ever, pain, discomfort everything that all of you has explained. I get no sleep, can’t go out and plan things with my husband cause I’m always stuck in bed or at home, now with me having no insurance I was sent to a charity hospital for my next surgery and was told it could be months before I have it and to get the stent out and don’t think I can go months with this. If anyone has any advice they can give me would be very appreciated, thx in advance!
Had my stents placed yesterday & it was hell. I was in tears in the recovery room. It took hours for me to pass a tiny bit of urine, it was awful. The pharmacy had problems filling my meds so I was in pain for a few more hours after I got home. I tried drinking as much water as I could, but urinating was extremely difficult. I had to lean to the left, right, front & back to feel I emptied my bladder enough. Finally got my meds & relief was approaching! This morning I woke up in terrible pain & after urinating I felt the tug from my kidney & bladder, no bueno! I’m trying hard not to take my pain medication because I am a recovering addict, but after naproxen & the heating pad for a while I had to give in. Although the pain isn’t as excruciating as I had anticipated, it’s enough to keep me laid up. The dr mentioned keeping them in for up to 6 months so I hope the pain level remains this tolerable. Hopefully surgery is an option to correct my duplicated ureters so I will not have to switch out the stents every 6 months. Good luck to all of you on this journey and stay well!
I had my stent put in on August 29th i was in so much the Pharmacy had problems filling my meds as well it took me 3 times going back in forth 2 the hospital for them to do something. There is no words to describe the i have a 1 year old daughter that i have to take care of and i am pretty much useless except 4 little things. I know what u mean about always having to go i cant stay off the potty and i also throw up as well which makes the pain worse. I hope u pass ur stone as well as i hope i pass mine
If a stent is placed should the patient by on antibotic therpy to prevent infection?
In most cases, antibiotic therapy is not given after a routine stent placement. The exception is when a urinary tract infection is known to exist or is suspected.
I am a 37 year old female, pain from May 2012 was misdiagnosed as urinary infection until I got an X-ray in may 2013, to find a 6 centimetre stag horn stone filling my left kidney. Finally got the PCNL operation on 22nd August and I understand it has gone very well with just a bit of stone left at the top of the kidney, which can be treated with shockwaves in a months time. Thing is, they installed a ureteral stent, which also needs to be in for four weeks! I have been in constant pain since I came off the morphine and the painkillers are not working. I was given alpha blockers two days ago and I really hope they kick in soon! I didn’t think things could get any worse for me than the stone pain but I was very wrong. When I cry, cough or sneeze it feels like I am being murdered, so having a zen state of calm is very important, as well as a loving hubby to care for me. To all of you who have posted on here, thank you so very very much for doing so. Reading through made me feel more normal and I have a few things to try…hot bath first up then a cold damp tissue. Over the past year water has been my best friend and am keeping that up but was advised with the stent not to overdo the drinking either, so am doing about 2 litres a day. When the stent is gone I’m going to give myself one hell of a flush! Looking on the positive side I have been passing many clots, one on the second day was huge, so imagine how serious it could have been without the stent! Advice from me at this stage is to keep as calm as you are able and find some way to fast forward your life till it can come out, like DVD box sets. I’m clinging on to Star Trek as my choice! Sincerely wishing you the best of success as soon as possible.
Hi folks.
I had a stent inserted on the 27/7, after the surgeon was unable to remove my stones. They are not as large as some I’ve read about here,only 8mm so count myself lucky. I had stones about 12 years ago. Had surgery to remove them. But I didn’t realise it left my tube scarred and distorted. Since the stent was fitted I’ve had to deal with passing blood, the constant urge to urinate, and the stinging. I’ve managed to deal with it without taking meds, which i don’t like taking ,mainly by drinking additional water. I’ve tried avoided excessive lifting, but that’s difficult when you work in construction. I find drinking cranberry juice does ease the pain a little. It’s mainly the excessive straining and lifting that aggravates the kidneys causing additional bleeding. I’m not due back for surgery till 11/ 9, so am resigned to deep breathing and lots of fluids. I’d just like to thank those who commented.. As their tips have helped a lot. For those fining the stinging painful.. Try a damp cold tissue.. It has helped me a lot…. 🙂
Needed the meds today. Extreme pain. I’ve had to take an oxynorm , diffene, and paracetamol to try ease it. 1 month on from the stent being fitted, and its not got any easier if I’m honest. . Got another 18 days till surgery. Counting down the days..
Just had a stent placed today. Very uncomfortable…not sharp pains right now…last time I urinated there was a lot of blood in the urine…I’m guessing this is normal? I have to deal with stent for 3 wks until the shock wave to break up my 8mm kidney stone. After reading others’ remarks…am glad mine is only 8mm. Thanks for everyone’s comments…I know I’m not alone.
OMG I can’t walk I can’t stand and when I sit I have to sit on my side because the stent is so uncomfortable. I thought it was just me that had the burning feeling and feels like its going to fall out I hate feeling so helpless I go to my urologist on thurs to see when we are going to do my surgery on my 18 mm kidney stone. I just want this stent out, then the antibiotics he has me one makes me sick to my stomache just want to get back to lil ole me again! Any suggestions I’ve tried drinking more water which honestly I can’t stand drinking alot of makes be sick to my stomach I also don’t know what to eat and not eat don’t want to triggar anymore harm to my body! Feeling very helpless
I had surgery on Monday after having a stone in my left ureter for three weeks. I went in for three xrays(1 per week). The last X-ray they could not find the stone and the dr was convinced it had passed. Wrong! I told him it had not, and the pain was still there. So he reluctantly did surgery that morning. A good thing too. The stone was lodged and in his words “well embedded” thus not showing on the X-ray. Above the stone my ureter was swollen and infected. They blasted the stone with laser during surgery and inserted a stent. (Surgery was one hour, and I was put to sleep). Recovery was rough. Pain and vomiting and lots of blood and burning during urination for 4 days after. The Dr had left sting on the stent for removal later. The stent was installed because during the layering of the stone, he accidentally lacerated the ureter wall. So today, 4 days later, I had the stent removed at the Dr office. It was quick. 1,2,3 pull. It was uncomfortable yes, but much better than having it in. I could feel it when I was bending over, or driving and hitting bumps. So now that it is out, there is still some burning and a little blood, but not as much as when it was in. Thank god. Still, much much better than when I had the stone. Hang in there folks, it will get better, but you are still going to be in for a hell of a ride!
Had a stent put in yesterday (8/15), and it’s a horrible sensation. Feel like I have to go to the bathroom all the time, or that I can’t hold it – but so far I have been able to. Also causes burning when urinating, blood in urine, and back pain. Took Percocet and Flomax, but nothing really helps and I don’t want to take a lot of pain pills. I know you’re supposed to drink a lot of water, but the effects of the stent do NOT make me want to drink much. The post-surgery checkup nurse just told me that the sensations will go away and it’s important to drink a lot to flush everything out. My ureteroscopy surgery was unsuccessful because the ureter was too narrow…I go back in 3 days for a second try…I’m worried that the ureter will still be too narrow, the stent won’t have helped expand it. If the second surgery doesn’t work, they’ll have to go into the kidney from the back. I just want the stones out! – I have 2 big ones, 11mm and 17mm. If anyone else has had this problem, please post how it was resolved. Best of luck to everyone.
I’m in same boat. I had surgery Monday 8/19 to remove four large stones from my right kidney. The ureter was too narrow to reach my kidney so doctor placed a stent to try and stretch. Two things: 1) he shared with me 95% of time stent successfully stretched ureter enough for second attempt at the surgery could successfully be completed – hope that eases your mind as it did mine. 2) I’m envious that you only have to wait 3 days. My doctors schedule is full for the next two weeks, plus Labor Day. As a result, my second surgery isn’t until Sept 5th (16 day wait).
Best of luck!
I just went through the surgery for my 2 cm stone. I came through the procedure well, but due to the size of my stone they did the first round on Wednesday, but had to go back in on Friday to get the remaining chunk. Now I am stone free, a bit achy, and tired, but no more stones. Soon my stent will also be removed and I can get back to life as normal!!
Hi every one, tuesday I had my kidney stones blast. In both kidneys have stones but my right side kidney was almost shut down so doctor had to look that one.I also have a hugh stone in my left tube.After surgery 2 stents was place in both my tubes to allow healing nd passing of bits of stones that was blast. Having these stents in me are so painful gosh I wish the days can go away fast so the stents can be remove. Having kidney stones pains are the worst pains I ever experienced. My advice to all no matter how health u think u are go have a early check up. Sickness comes so suddenly u can never be prepare for it.
Has anyone had or heard of placing 2 stents on one side due to duplicated ureters & moderate hydronephrosis? After reading a lot of uncomfortable & painful experiences some of you have had, I am a little nervous to say the least. The date for my upcoming procedure is on the 27th of this month. The Dr mentioned the possibility of laproscopiclly correcting this in the future, if it looked possible after placing the stents. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Im going through this process now… OMG this is SO PAINFULL AND DISCOMFORTABLE is not the word!!! I hardly drink that much water but no mater how much I drink or how little I drink I go to the bathroom 15+ a night!!! Tried the pain pills the dr give me ans that dont work either…. even called the dr to ask him to prescribe me sumthng stronger and he says he cant do that…. this is going on day 2 and I wish it would just be over w.!!!!! Good luck on your surgery and hope u get well soon!!
Had TURBR(Bladder resection) July 15, 2 ureteric stents placement and obnoxious pain 1st day. Put on Percocet, Ditropan/pyridium and vicodin and pain went down 2nd day. Drunk +gallon of water/day to flush out the blood clots and scar tissues. The dysuria and bladder spasms were manageable within a wk. Both stents out @ 2nd and 3rd wk and getting better by the day. Try lots of water. Hurts initially but works eventually.
Pulling out stents a little annoying but glad they’re out.
Best of luck fellas.
I hope I never have to wear a Kidney Stent again, it hurts like hell when I pee and after I get done I have to go and sit on a heating pad..and walking is no fun, at times it feels like someone is sticking a ice pic in my bladder.and if I drink anything besides water, omg it hurts also.Can anyone help me and tell me what I can do.having surgrey Ang.19th to bust my 13mm kidney stone.
This is a great site, thank you to all.
Going through the same pain and symptoms myself.
Drink lots of WATER and other fluids. Cranberry juice seems to work very well for me. Best thing I’ve found (on this site actually) HOT BATHS !
None of us want to take medication, but it’s only for a few weeks, so do it.
Be prepared for more pain when they explode the stone and the bits pass.
Good luck and get well soon.
I am so fortunate so far to only have intense back pain during urination and am able to walk with no difficulty unlike Twyla.
I am not drinking EXTRA fluids, though, as you would think this would increase the occurrences of urination (wiggling now and waiting for bladder to be more full). Are you (AGJH) suggesting that drinking more water makes it easier to void? I’ve been chicken to try.
My operation to remove stones is on Aug 20; stents replaced by “temporary stent”.
Thanks everyone.
It does make it easier…it dilutes the urine and can help with burning, plus,it flushes the system and will help prevent future stones! Water will be your new best friend!