What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I just got a stent placed in one side, the doctor told me I can pull it off by my self in 7 days from today. Does anyone recommend me to request him to take it off with anesthesia?
Hi folks: I had a large stone and after the ureteroscopy they left the stent in for three weeks, which was so far the worst medical experience of my life. Had to be catheterized because the blood clots blocked the flow of urine. Got the stent out 4 days ago – not as painless as others describe because I also have an enlarged prostate and the urologist described the removal, which took about 8 or 9 minutes, as “tricky.” Now I still have pain in the kidney- I think “hydromephrosis” or swelling – either in the kidney or the ureter, I think. I am reluctant to take NSAIDS because of the bleeding and clots I had earlier when the stent was in. Tylenol and hot baths help some. Any ideas?
I just had a stent put in with a string attached 2 days ago. Today is the 1st time I seen the string and I am in more pain now then when I left the hospital. Horrible pain. I am supposed to remove on Monday. Should I deal with the pain til Monday or try and remove it now?
I had a stent placed in my kidney one week ago had to stay in the hospital for a week for intravenous antibiotics. When I got home first day I had spasms in my bladder and it was very painful and irritating . had to pee all the time . Of course doctor told me to get azo over the counter at the time that I got my antibiotics filled . It took two days of the Azo before I got relief. While waiting on the Azo to kick in the only relief I found I could get was just to put my hand between my legs and find where the pain was the most and keep pressure on that spot a few minutes and it did give me some relief. Also short walks and warm showers helped a lot too. Lemon water with a little sugar helped drink a lot of water and by day two I felt so much better the spasms slowed down a lot … Azo had kicked in the walks helped. Now I’m going on a week and maybe one spasm a day or not a all … just waiting on them to take the stent out. hope this info and my experience will help someone
I had a ureteral stent put in yesterday because I had two kidney stones too big to pass , had them crushed with sound waves .. today I’m in soooo much pain when I urinate ! It’s murder actually ! So so painful .. has anyone here experienced this ?
Yes! Had a stent placed today. Fire!
Hi Julie, I’m going through the same drama, I have to keep mine in for two weeks . It’s hard to believe that this is modern medicine. I can’t sleep because it’s too painful to lie down. My name is Rick, I’m 71.
Yes, I’m going through it right now. Just got back from my surgery. It is very uncomfortable.
Doctor left stent Berman. Two stent came now put years ago bleeding still happening help
i had a big kidney stone wouldnt pass so they put a stent , that discofromt feels like a knife goi g up your bladder, i try resting my legs up or a pillow between my legs, for me i got the stent in first then the stone out through the back also had a cthater insife thst relivd so much pressure. now waiting on stent removial, four srugerys in a span of 2 months crazy, i head heating pads work
kidney stent removal: Recntly had my stent removed, followed advice here and elsewhere to take an NSAID beforehand. Was terrified, The whole idea is horrifying isn’t it. Pleased to report the antibiotic injection into my thigh was the most painful thing about it. No pain at all on insertion of cystoscope or grasping of stent. Bit of a whoosh feeling as the stent and the cystoscope came out, not painful, not even really uncomfortable, just strange and lasted a few seconds. No blood in urine after. No pain, Few doses of NSAIDS over the weekend and resting. I know this isn’t everyone’s story, but hope it can reassure some that it can also go really smoothly. it is a relief to get the stent out.
I had kidney pain went to er ct scan showed 3 stones ive had surgery twice prier for removal from bladder but this time the doc said my kidney was so inflamed he could not work so they had to stint my kidney when i came home i was going pee from a tube out my back but it must have helped because 4 days later i had my surgery and they got the three stones out . I feel your pain the internal stint does range from moderate to somewhat severe discomfort next week it will be removed and imma make water a higher priority in my diet i wish you all the best and your comments were helpful thanks
Hey all. For those of you having back pain when you have a stent in, is it the same side as the stent? I have a stent in but my back pain is on the opposite side. Feels like my kidney is gonna explode sometimes. I’m scheduled to get the stent out Feb. 15, and thankfully they’re putting me to sleep for it. Not sure I could handle being awake for that LOL
I too have tried a heating pad after lots of Google searches. Why the doctor didn’t include that in my post op instructions is beyond me. It sure seems to help with the pain from my Stent removal. I wish I tried it before my Stent removal. That and pounding water seems to help. Coffee seemed to aggravate it, so as much as I love it, I’ve discontinued at least for the time being.
I’m posting here in hopes the heating pad comes up in other Google searches. I’ll do anything to help my fellow pain sufferers, because it’s not fun. God be with you during this incredibly freaking hard time!
I have a staghorn Stone that was shutting my kidneys down. Spent 4 days in the hospital with blood infection, kidney infection etc. My urologist put a stent in to keep the stone in place so that it won’t block my kidneys again. I will have to have the stone removed through an incision in my back with a specialist but due to the Covid 19 situation can’t be scheduled any time soon. I’m dealing with the stent-I’ve had many in my life-trying to be patient but wondering if I can get in a hot tub or swimming pool? Summer is coming! I need a diversion..
Hi .i had a kidney stone operation 3 weeks ago I have 4 stones and one 14mm in size this one was removed and have been left with a stent ,3 weeks on and on my 3rd infection and major blood in urine looks like red wine just wondering if this is correct as my GP s. Don’t seem to be worried about it . I am passing urine 15 to 20 times a day most of the time when I pass urine because the amount of blood I feel ill afterwards ,I can suffer the pain from the stent back ache and other symptoms but just worry about the amount of blood passing ..
I felt exactly the same. Everything you said happened to me as well minus the infection. I Had my Cystoscope with lithotripsy procedure done today and 8 hours later I’m still passing “red urine ” and stone remnants. Just like an unfiltered bottle of Red Wine. The pain/ spasms have been horrible since the stent placement a week ago.
Straining the crushed stone particles is next to impossible. Have you collected extra fine sand or salt using a colander? lol… this is the best the medical field can come up with? Can’t wait to have this stent removed.
They gave me a hat to catch my urine, along with a funnel that has a very fine mesh screen. It works great.
Why push the stone back into the kidney. This means after the stent is removed, the stome will move back into the ureter and block it and I will be back in the hospital going through the pain and misery again.
I have a stent and im in so much pain! I have such a hard time with these and guess what no pain medicine. I cannot believe there not giving meds for these. I need suggestions please
I was put on Oxybutinin by my urologist.
read above……get a hot water bottle and or a heating pad…..works better than the pain meds…..i quaratnee it….
My mom has been getting kidney stones pretty much every month for years. Im 27, and just got my first one. Got a Stent in 4 days ago, because it was to big to pass. Don’t feel anything in my kidney, all my pain is in my testicle and private. Every single time I pee, it’s like I’m being kicked repeatedly in the balls. Is there any help? Called urology and was told all I could take was Tylenol. My surgery to laser the stone isn’t for 2 weeks and I don’t know how much more testicle pain I can handle. Not to be to descriptive but the tip of my business is so sore. I imagine it has something to do with how they place the Stent but this is unreal. And to not even be able to take real pain medicine? Showers and icing haven’t helped much.
You need to get a different Urologist for the next kidney stone. There is no reason to hold back on pain meds unless your doctor isn’t comfortable prescribing them. I hope everything turned out ok.
I have and am currently suffering with my second stent after another kidney stone. I did not want the stent in. Doctor insisted. To be told that I could NOT have it removed until I paid $338 dollars down. I do not have medical insurance. I will now soon since I have currently lost my job due to the discomfort and pain. It is absolutely miserable and life debilitating. I have had 4 children and a full hysterectomy. This is by far the most miserable bullshit I’ve dealt with
I had a UroLume Endoprothesis placed following frequent blockage of the urethra tube. That was in 1997; twenty two years ago. Urination is slow and sex is painful. Is it too late for removal?
I had a pyeloplasty 4 weeks ago due to a congenital PUJ obstruction; a stent was subsequently inserted (I had the usual culprits – difficulty urinating; an almost chronic urgency to pee; and fairly regular bladder spams), but it was bearable. This week I had the stent removed under general anaesthetic (an in-office procedure was not offered to me, not sure why). Anyway, I was told it was a minor procedure and that I would be able to go back to work the next day. I had to be readmitted to hospital on the same day of the stent removal due to severe pain (much more severe than the flank pain that necessitated the surgery in the first place) – after several shots of morphine (the first 2 didn’t touch sides) the pain subsided from an 8/10 to maybe a 7 out of 10. I am home now and on oxy and anti-inflammatories for pain management. Not sure when I’m meant to start feeling normal again but it has been 3 days and I feel pretty rotten! The pain is a persistent stabbing pain that does not alleviate on changing of position.
Removed my stent after having laser lithotripsy 7 days ago . I still feel often full like I ate a large meal making eating uncomfortable and I easily become short of breath where I generally have good cardio and was never short of breath just walking up stairs and even getting out of bed some times. I also still need colace for bowel movements because when I stopped I became constipated . I have not used any narcotics for 10 days but even when I was prescribed Percocet for back pain in the past It never affected my bowel movements. My diet also has not changed except taking in smaller portions but the same food. Any info would help . I would make an apt with my doctor but my over priced insurance makes it difficult and I would like to see what info I can gather on a site like this first . Thank you for any info
Hi, I wanted some information really , I had a kidney stent put in and got told it would be have to be out in 6months but it will be over a year before they are going to remove it , how safe is it
drs would only let mine in 3-4 months max..then a new one was put in
Xrays should be taken to make sure it is in place and that calcium deposits are not occurring. I just had this done and my doctor said I could wait. It will be 10 months until I have it replaced.
We all know pain here, that’s for sure. 8mm stone removal ureteroscopy and double j stent with the string. The nurse pulling it out said I was “spasming my prostate too much”. Lol from beginning to end, kidney stone surgery f***in’ sucks.
WOW aren’t all you guys so lucky with ureter problems caused by stones etc. Relief on the horizon perhaps!
I have an inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm that is squashing my ureter causing kidney issues. No stones or blockages just compression restricting urine flow from the kidney. My solution, deal with the aneurysm! NO dimensions of the aneurysm is currently sub operation level albeit it has dilated some 8 mm in 5 months but have to still continue with the watch and wait programme. Vascular surgeon advises an ‘urgent’ referral to urologist and rheumatologist? First option offered by rheumatologist is steroids – can’t take them due to adverse side effects. Lengthy debate about side effects of steroids and the trauma of the operation that could be fatal. I’ll take my chances and opted for surgery over steroids. 7 months pass and I have my pre-op appointment booked with urologist. Told of procedure that requires stents that will stay in and be replaced when needed or until vascular team decide to operate. Wow I am to be given the stents that can stay in for up to a year.
Weeks pass by and I receive a call from the consultant anesthetist. She is not prepared to proceed as my BP is TOO high. Told to take BP meds for 6 months then re-review. AS with steroids I experience serious side effects from BP meds and they don’t actually work for me so told her I would not take then. ‘Oh’. Call ended.
After contacting my vascular team I suddenly received a message to attend hospital for an urgent procedure to insert the stents, like operation was book for the next day. This is now 8 months since my consultation recommending urgent referral to urologist.
I arrive at hospital and the surgeon comes in and has a chat. Prob thingy up the water pipe takes about an hour and Bobs your uncle. Slight cystitis and flank pain may be experienced for a short while post op.
What an understatement. F&”%ing hell 10/10 pain, blood in pee and a feeling of passing acid. Stronger pain relief applied reducing pain to 6/10. It will ease they keep saying. An ultrasound image was taken – result all in place and could go home.
That was on 9 May 2019. 2 weeks pass still with serious pain in flan and feeling of passing acid. Just keep up pain relief I’m told. In addition I continually want to pee and if I try to hold it longer than a couple of minutes 8/10 pain to my flank. I am now over 3 weeks post op and I have yet to leave home, am in constant pain, hate the sensation of peeing acid and with the associated flank pain. Nurse took blood and urine sample 3 days ago. Only response they want to remeasure my BP.
Does this ever go away as I have the potential of suffering from this for at least a year or more with stent replacement or a full on vascular surgery which doesn’t look likely to be soon.
Cut me open and deal with it at least the pain will subside albeit after a month or so or I shall pass away and I shall have total relief from it all.
I would not wish this procedure on my worst enemy.
Not a great deal makes me feel anxious or stressed. I might even flippantly throw around sayings and cliches carelessly to demonstrate my disregard for the seriousness of it all. In fact, I would go so far as likening myself to the coolness of a cucumber (this is a simile, I know) to describe my happy and easy going nature.
I am a typical 37 year old Aussie country boy. I love the warm weather, the occasional beer and spending time with my wife, 2 kids and close friends.
Not much rattles me……that is unless you mention “The Double J Stent.” (Insert ominous music)
The mere mention of the double j stent has already set off a case of the nervous farts. The absolute indignity of having a little poly pipe stuck in my pecker….. sigh.
I’ll never forget the first time I discovered this diabolical pipe of despair. Being the typical bloke and knowing that I was having surgeons playing around with my ding-a-ling, I groggily threw back the bed sheets post op, drugged up to the nines just to make sure my meat and two veg was still where they should be. An 11mm stone had just been plucked from inside me.
What I saw next made me die a little inside…..
My battered uncircumcised penis with a little bit of string poking out the hole, taped up so as to not lose the string. All I could think of was how my penis looked like a badly wrapped Christmas present, like the way grandma wraps presents – finding left over bits of string, tape and oversized wrapping for that really sweet but disappointing jumper she knitted you.
God only knows what they did to my foreskin in that operating theatre because it came out at least an inch or two longer. Shame it was only my foreskin and not the rest of my donger 😔. I’m not complaining mind you, perfectly happy with what I have. If there are any urologists reading this, do you have taffy pullers in the OR?? I just can’t explain the mystery of the elongated foreskin….
I distinctly recall the surgeon coming in to see me and explaining that the stent had to remain in for a week. He went through all the do’s and dont’s of stent ownership then thrust an A4 piece of paper at me with the instructions. Being a boy of 23 at that time I was excited to see that I didn’t have to abstain from all the carnal pleasures in life because I had a stent shoved in. On reflection I am disgusted that this was my first thought and I didn’t realise at the time that I was still heavily medicated. Silly horny boy that I was…..
Shortly after leaving the hospital, my newlywed wife and I started to make our way back home. As the drugs wore off I felt like there were two methylamphetamine affected sea urchins snorting viagra and having violent sex on a bed of glass inside my body. Needless to say, the stent inside my urinary tract felt like an oscillating corkscrew.
We’ve stopped at my parents house on the way home to let them know that I was still alive after the procedure. Alive….,,hmmmmmm, definitely regretting my decision to be alive at this point in time. The meth affected sea urchins had invited some friends over for an orgy and were using the stent to do some pole dancing. I tell myself to take some deep breaths, it will pass in a second.
It didn’t pass in a second……
In actual fact the sea urchins had invited a sea urchin sorority house over and they were doing viagra jelly shots inside me.
At this point I was really regretting going home from hospital. My wife had ducked out to pick something up at the supermarket and had left me with my elderly parents.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw that my complexion was so pallid that I was almost transparent. Sensing that something was amiss, my narcissistic mother had a moment of clarity and realised that I wasn’t listening to her talk about how much pain she was in seeing me in pain.
At this point my pain was so bad from the stent that I could only communicate by way of crippled charades. I had lost the power of speech and was breathing heavily like an overweight chain smoking sex phone line operator.
Amazingly the matriarchal narcissist picked up on the fact that I had to go to hospital by my writhing and crying act in crippled charades. I was loaded into my parents car and driven (very slowly) to the hospital.
After circumnavigating the town with various stops to point out the picturesque gardens and bargains in the Main Street windows, i was dropped to front of the emergency room.
The next hurdle I had to face was getting out of my parents vehicle.
The trip had been agonising and treacherous. In my state of 10/10 pain, I had puckered my anus up nice and tight to relieve some of the abdominal discomfort. In doing this I had nearly managed to vacuum seal my anus to the back seat of my parents car. Luckily the threat of some barbecue tools to scrape me off the seat was all it took to unseal my puckered caramel star from the back seat.
I was met by my father who was anxiously waiting outside the car with a wheelchair. The old man threw me into the seat and wheeled me into the ER where I was seen immediately.
After several doses of fentanyl I was admitted into one of the wards. Turns out that some people can handle stents and some can’t.
I have Hyperoxaluria, I have had 7 of these procedures done….all with stents.
I have a 9mm in my left kidney and a 6mm in my right kidney….looks like I’ll be having another stent adventure soon
OMG! ROTFLMAO!! Just had to thank you for the funny story.
Join the discussion…Thank you for making me laugh. I have a 6mm. I believe it is at the ureter/bladder juncture. I am hoping all will be well. Anyway, this has been painful and I was teary-eyed even a bit ago and I appreciate the humor you brought.
Thank you ladies and or gentlemen….
Sweet lady fate decided that after my little old rant here, I was going to be blessed with a touch of the old “hyperoxaluria” in November….
Oh dear lord, where do I start….
I was at work (I work in emergency services) and was having your typical Friday night massacre.
After doing emergency service stuff, my measly 15 year old looking body decides that it’s had enough of doing big boy work and went, “screw you AJ, you suck. Let’s make your left nut feel like it’s going to explode. Omg in fact, let’s make you feel some real pain!”
Wellity, wellity, wellity…. seems like I have a problem.
I think to myself, “you’re a big boy. You can handle this. Take a breath or two pal, you’ve had worse. In fact, you had just been punched by a meth addict with false teeth.”
The floor in my workplace has this sudden appeal; like it’s been coated in gold and covered in the Colonel’s secret herbs and spices. I had to lay the fuck down, right then and there.
No go Joe. Don’t lay down. Go back and nicely ask the meth addict to punch you a few more times, it’ll be better than what you’re currently experiencing.
Sadly the meth addict wasn’t an option any more…. I was in trouble, big trouble.
After a couple of explosive roadside “liquid sit downs” (commonly known as the shits), I went back to my workplace. By this time, my bunghole felt like it had been dipped in acid and tempura batter. Then the vomiting started…. I felt like I had come down with a case of gastro so badly, I thought I was going to win an Olympic medal for projectile vomiting and bum squirting.
My left testicle and kidney decided that vomiting and projectile shitting was the only option around.
Hmmmmm….. you’re in a bad situation AJ, what are you going to do now?
Option 1: shit myself in front of my workmates
Option 2: shit myself in front of my workmates, spew all over myself
Option 3: shit myself in front of my workmates, spew all over myself, cry, rock like an autistic kid and then pass out from pain.
I chose option 3….. unwillingly.
After having the carpet cleaned at work and several apology letters later, I went to hospital.
“Mr AJ, you have an 11mm blockage in your left kidney.”
“Do I? I would never have guessed. Do you have some fresh pants? I’m too embarrassed to ask my wife or workmates.”
(Doctor stifles a laugh), “uhhh, no we don’t. Perhaps you need to make a call to someone.”
Well, that’s my day fucked…
After explaining the “Code brown” to my wife, I was transferred to the closest regional hospital that sent me in for an emergency stent to unblock my football sized kidney. I will add that I had fresh pants by this time.
Long story short, had a stent, then had laser lithotripsy with bonus stent afterwards.
I’ll update you crazy kids with the surgery tale later on. I still haven’t recovered from the trauma of surgery number 9 after all this time.
Oh my God soooooo Funny! I cried from laughing. So well written, even a foreigner exploded in laughter even though I came in pain here.
OK, AJ, just gotta let you know that I feel for you and all you have gone thru but also wanted to know what profession you are in. If you dont have a really good job, I recommend you become a stand up comedian because I have peed my pants just reading your posting! Dont know if it is as funny to those not afflicted with this “kidney Krap” as I so kindly call it, but thanks for the laughs. I pray they get you fixed up quickly and finally and no more problems for you. Again, thanks for the laughs. I pray someone can bring a smile to you! Help him Jesus. Just saw your second posting. I see your trauma continues. Still think you need the comedy club to come and check you out! Help him Lord! Thank you. Amen
Ok, here is my experience. I’m male, 60 years old and regular stone maker for the past 30 years. I’ve managed to pee some of them out without support (meds), with meds, lithotripsy and more recently a ueteroscopy after a failed litho on a 1.3cm stone in the lower pole of one kidney.
My Urologist is amazing, one of the leading Urologists in Canada (every now and then I have some good luck). He always explains everything in layman’s terms and is never in a rush. You practically think that you are his only patient.
Anyway, no surprises.
As promised peeing was uncomfortable to painful for 3 days post op. Meds certainly helped. I was prescribed Dilaudid, Flomax, Oxybutylin, and Advil. They were my best friends for those 3 days. After that it was just Advil and Tylenol as needed which wasn’t very often. Some days I did more puttering than I should have but the Advil Tylenol combo worked just fine.
The stent, yeah it took about 4-5 days to get used to it, well as much as you can get used to those things, lol. There were some positions that you just didn’t want to be in, like bending over for me to get something like my shoes was definitely one I avoided.
My stent was in for 18 days. The first 3 days were the most painful. On a scale of 1-10 it was about a 7-8 without the meds. With the meds, 4-5. The other 15 days were at times uncomfortable and annoying. I don’t know about anyone else but for those 15 days peeing was nothing that I really looked forward to doing. I always got momentary cramping from my kidney to my bladder and then of course having male bits, the finish was always a couple of sharp twinges or jabbing at the head of the penis. Again this was more on the uncomfortable annoying side than actual “pain”, and it always stopped as soon as I stopped peeing.
After reading experiences here and other sites about the “removal” of the stent I will admit that I had myself pretty worked up expecting the absolute worst!
One hour prior to my appointment I doubled my daily dose of flomax as instructed by my doc, took 600mgs of Advil, 500mgs of Tylenol and my regular dose of Oxybutylin.
The procedure was done in his office. His Nurse held onto my penis and injected the numbing gel into the urethra. She then held on to it holding it straight up for a couple of minutes so the gel wouldn’t run out while it did its magic. After a couple of minutes of small talk he inserted the scope into the penis while she was holding it. He explained everything as he was going along giving me a heads up as to what I was going to feel. There was an unusual pressure that felt like I was peeing backwards and a slight pinch when he passed by the prostate into the bladder. At this point he injected water into the bladder, again a bit of a weird sensation and it felt like I had to pee. He told me almost immediately that he found the stent. He then paused for about 10 seconds to let me adjust to the sensation. He then inserted the tool for grabbing the stent through the scope. Almost immediately he said that he had it and to take 5 deep breaths, wiggle my toes and to “pee”. Within about 8 seconds it was out. The trying to pee part was to help the body to naturally expel the stent instead of “tensing” up and fighting it while he slowly pulled it out. Like I said, the guy is amazing.
So aside from some minimal discomfort the absolute WORST part of the removal was his Nurse holding on to my penis for the 3 minutes that the entire procedure took. My wife laughed and joked that this was the most action that I’ve seen in the last couple of weeks! LOL.
I am now 4 hours post procedure. Aside from a bit of discomfort peeing and a slight ache on my side, I’m doing ok so far. I am taking 400mg of Advil and 500mgs of Tylenol every 4 hours and I have some dilaudid in reserve if things should get worse. He told me that with his patients urinary tract spasms were a rarity and that any effects of the removal would subside in about 48 hours.
So there you have it guys and gals, esp the guys. Everyone’s experience of course will be different but for me this whole experience, that I could’ve lived without mind you, was made pretty comfortable by a great surgeon, professional staff and the right meds. I am btw a natural wuss when it comes to anything involving the chance of pain and discomfort so for me to say that it really wasn’t that bad, it REALLY wasn’t that bad!
…I should also mention that I asked him why he didn’t use a stent with a string on.it for self removal. He explained that in his experience male patients that had them complained on a regular basis that they were more annoying and uncomfortable than the stents without. He also had patients, male and female that pulled them out too early or stopped part way through and ended up back in the ER.
For him it’s always a minimum of 2 weeks in for uncomplicated procedures, an xray or ultrasound pre removal to ensure everything looks good and then removal. This as he says ensures 100% patient compliance and about a 99% success rate!
Hi James . Had stent removed 7 days ago . I find I feel often full like eating a large dinner making eating meals difficult at times and I find my self short of breath with very little exertion an example is getting out of bed or walking up a slight incline while walking my dog. No pain or trouble urinating . Any of the symptoms mentioned have you had since the stent was removed? Thanks for any info
Wow some horror stories on here. I have a stent and it will be removed on the 10th of April. So i would have my stent for 2 weeks in total. I have a 3mm stone that i couldnt pass on my own since I have and I quote “delicate pipes” and it was blocking my kidney. Doc said it smelled like a sewer when he finally got the stent in since “it was a tight fit”. The stebt is only 0.54mm so it is relatively small. My stent is killing me. I can barely walk and sit and lay down and I can only take shallow breaths. It stopped hurting when I pied the same day of the operation. So now the only problem is the stabbing pains I get just inside my vagina. There is a constant burning sensation with a stabbing pain every few minutes or so. It has been increasing in intensity and pain killer aren’t helping. I am peeing in small drops yet I am drinking so much of water. Is there anyway to releave the pain that the stent is causing me?
Sorry for that am having one, inserted on 2nd og April to be removed on 11th hopefully. I have the same feelings as you. Mine was inserted after a biopsy, wishing to be removed like yesterday. I take too much fluids yet blood still show in urine with clots during the morning hrs. Hope all goes well
Same here.. I had 4mm stone which I couldn’t pass and surgery was done yesterday morning and a stent was placed.. Feeling very discomfort because of it, they asked to visit after 2.5 weeks to remove the stent. Expecting worst 2 weeks of my life 🙁
Same here! My vagina is burning on fire all day and night, nothing to relieve it. Not Flomax, Advil, AZO, nothing! They never told me I was getting a stent, or any of the complications that I would have. This thing is killing me. I can’t think of anything else. I can’t get in any comfortable position. I hate Kaiser! They refuse to give me anything for pain. Telling me that most patients tolerate stents very well! Well f*ck that, I call bullshit.
Wow me too for 3 weeks. 7 mms stone & stent still in me. Pyridium, monistat, at home IF antibiotics not stopping pain when I pee. I am 70 year old female. Never had a dam stone this big. Tired of feeling like shit. Spent 4 days in hospital with this one & I still feel awful.
I am 74 and just had surgery to remove several stones from 7mm, 6.8mm and down in both kidneys. He put stents in both sides. I was just an outpatient. I am miserable today, they didn’t tell me I would be gushing blood, so much I have to wear diapers. I wonder how long this will last. Surgery was yesterday.