What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I have just been told after a few tests, that my latest CT scan shows that I have hydronephrosis in my left kidney and that I have a bulge/lump where my urethra and kidney meet, so I have a build up of fluid. My right kidney has virtually no function, as it has atrophied. Been told I am now on his urgent waiting list to have a stent put in and to have a biopsy. I was in such shock, I just signed the form, as I’ve been told it will be the only way to salvage my left kidney function. I am bloody terrified. Any idea how long on average I will have it in place? How long will I need off work…my job is physical and not near any toilets?Will I end up incontinent with it in? And can I kiss goodbye to my sex life? I do have a high pain threshold, but the right kidney is already giving me pain 24/7…and waiting for the op for that to be removed soon. I’ve been stubborn and insisted that I need my 5 day holiday first for my own mental health. I am bricking it!!!
My pain is less than most after 7mm lazer removal and stent placement. After stone pain and ER I learned there is pain that even morphine cant defeat. I asked for pain meds and was refused. The whole procedure and post op was poorly explained.
Here is my lesson: most doctors are shit; the third leading cause of death in the US is medical fuck ups but they don’t write that on any death certificates; you will be in more pain and it will take much more out of you than you think and they will not prep you adequately; if you get resolution you are lucky, meanwhile you’re at their mercy. Oh and good luck trying to communicate with them. They turn into bad psychiatrists quickly. To be fair its alot to ask to be a stellar doctor and human being at the same time. I put my effort into finding medical competence and up to date protocols.
I was diagnosed on June the 9th with a 11mm stone. I woke up on the 9th in the worst pain I have ever been in my whole life. My daughter drove me to the hospital. I was later sent by ambulance where they placed a stint in my right kidney. I have pain in my kidney as well as my vagina when I pee. It sets me on fire and the pain in my kidney takes my breath away and make me feel as if I am go to puck. I am on 8 different meds for the kidney and bladder. My surgery is on the 28th. The question I want to know does any women that have these stint feel as if it coming out of there vagina? I am so uncomfortable and in pain all the time.
The way my Dr. explained it to me was the stent felt like a urinary tract infection.
I was diagnosed on June the 9th with a 11mm stone. I woke up on the 9th in the worst pain I have ever been in my whole life. My daughter drove me to the hospital. I was later sent by ambulance where they placed a stint in my right kidney. I have pain in my kidney as well as my vagina when I pee. It sets me on fire and the pain in my kidney takes my breath away and make me feel as if I am go to puck. I am on 8 different meds for the kidney and bladder. My surgery is on the 28th. The question I want to know does any women that have these stint feel as if it coming out of there vagina? I am so uncomfortable and in pain all the time.
Feeling so ill right now. Had an operation under General anaesthesia last Friday to remove a 8mm Kidney Stone & temporary put in a stent.
The Next Day after my Operation I could not move out of the Hospital Bed, despite them wanting the bed back. I was feeling really dizzy & could not stand up. So the Hospital discharged me the day after. They said that I would start to feel better.
Now that I am home, I have changed from losing lots of Blood to losing traces of Blood. Regarding the Pain, I am in as much pain, if not more than when I first started. On my lower right side, the pain is stabbing, going from my front to my back. It is burning when I go for a wee. I am feeling Dizzy, Sick & I can feel the Stent. My Private part is hurting like mad, also it is effecting my nipples, god knows why, but I am getting sharp pain from them as well.
I just do not know what to do with myself, despite taking Pain Killers & using my Hot Water Bottle.
My 6m old just had a surgery that involved stint placement. He also had catheter in. The 1st one came out on its own & a 2nd was placed! On the day of discarge the stint came out with the 2nd catheter…
Q: what happened to the billions one the ends of the catheters?
Q: should there be cause for concern being that the stent did not stay in the whole two months?
Will the R kidney still drain properly?
Hi dear ones
I am Zubair Haroon from Pakistan… I have 21mm stone in my right kidney as diagnosed 3 months before. Now i went through ESWL Procedure and put a DOIBLE J Stent as Stone moved on UPT. I suffered a lot. Some one tell me what to do next ? What is the latest treatment or Technology in the World ? Plz people help me… I am in great misery… My whatsapp num is 00 92 333 6953266.
Thanks a lit in advance
Sorry my whatsapp num is typed incorrect. Correct num is
00 92 333 5953266
I feel your pain im always miserable bcuz of my kidney stent ive had in for almost 3 years its been changed once.im scared everyday.bcuz of transportation issues i cant get to no medical appointments to get healthy again.hot water helps the pain a little or good pain pills which i dont get.i sudfer everyday sick losing weight i have 5 dauggters that have to see it.so i know your pain
Right side pain started and thought it was a stone. Went to the ER and after a scan they noticed the ureter was inflamed. A week after had a Uteroscopy to determine if it was Transitional Cell Carcinoma. Nothing found. Pathology negative. Will scan in the next two months to monitor.
Stent was placed after the Uteroscopy. Yes, your Kidney hurts when peeing with the stent inside. Hurts a lot. Also burning sensation. To pull out the stent is not that bad. Just the correct breathing and voila. Kidney pain is gone when peeing. Still burns a bit after a week.
Question: Does anyone still have a sensation of slight cold around midway down your ureter? I wonder if the coil of the stent irritates the ureter when being pull out?
The string on the stent came off. Should I be concerned? Never a dull day for 1 month. Like hell on earth. Please someone help.
Seems like they might have to go into your bladder to find the end of the stent. I heard is local anesthetic. Good luck
Had surgery to blast a 7 mm stone in my right urinery track and a stent insertion was put in on Sat. May 26, 2018.. I have mild pain a my groin area all the time. I am constantly dripping pee with blood and now using mens diaper to help. Is this dripping of pee normal and does the dripping of pee stop after the stent is removed.? Waded 3 weeks for surgery and the doctor and his team where great and calmed me down and made me so assuring I had the right people to and would to thank them for their proffessal skills. Can any one help and answer. Thanks big al
I’m going in for a obstructed stone removal and the placement of at least 2 to 3 stents in my left ureter for 6 weeks. I have a real hard time with stents and I swore the last two times I couldn’t go to work with them in. My question is I believe that my insurer doesn’t allow STD claims for stents. What can I Do?
Oh!!!! I would fight that….it’s not so much the stents that keep me off the job, but what goes with it. For me it’s things such as pain (sometimes intolerable), incontinence, anxiety, altered level of conscience due to pain meds, bathrooms break as often as every ten minutes that can last 20 minutes because the burning and pressure that makes me feel like I’m in labor!
I have had a stent in almost a week. I feel a stabbing feeling in my vagina. I’m dying. It hurts so bad. Is it possible when I made a bowel movement I pushed it out?
I’ve wondered the same thing, but from what I’ve read it sounds like the stent is rubbing low on your bladder wall (and it’s worse when your bladder is empty in my experience). I had a “surprise” 9mm removed 5/25/18 from my right kidney and a planned removal of a 14mm from my left kidney tomorrow. I have stents in both now and I’m utterly miserable.
I had laser surgery on Tuesday, and they placed a stent with a string in. The pain when peeing was severe (9 out of 10) in my kidney area (some burning pain on the penis). I found that if I pushed on my abdomen (firmly but not hard) where the stent/ureter is, the pain lessen (7 out of 10) while peeing (burning pain remained). Perhaps the pressure helps prevent the stent from moving (as much)?
I went to the ER last Sunday in excruciating pain on the left side. CT scan showed a 20 mm impacted stone, plus a kidney infection. They admitted me into the hospital and the next day the stent went in. I was discharged on Tuesday and haven’t been able to go back to work, I pee every few minutes, I’m taking meds for pain as well as bladder spasms, I’m in bed the majority of the time with a heating pad, the pain and pressure is unbearable at times, and I have a high tolerance for pain. I have no appetite, and have lost 8 lbs. in less than a week. Lipotripcey on Thursday, but honestly I don’t know how to deal with the constant discomfort until then. I called the Dr. and asked to have the stent removed, he said the kidney has to drain. My question is, is it normal to be this sick from a stent?
You are more than likely sick from the stone itself. I get sick every single time and am completely miserable. The stent also causes a lot of pain and irritation. Hope you feel better soon.
Also, you will be very sore after the lithotripsy, but when it’s all over, you will feel much better.
Dont worry i have 2 surgerys in one week my kidney stone it was the sides of my kidney iam in the 4 week after surgerys dont know when the stent is gonna be removed i think in the 6 week just drink water and ne positive all the time big hugg for all we all are in the same page ♡
hello people….. your comments are really helpful and inspiring. How expensive is the ureteroscopy procedure? I’m from Nigeria and I have a stone of about 17mm in my right kidney….. somebody help plz.
About $20k
200000 dollors ?
Sorry 20k dollors ?
For six months I’ve had six surgeries from kidney stones I’ve had two stents put in for a numerous amount of time great discomfort the stents cause Scar Tissue requiring me to go back and have surgeries to remove the scar tissues I gained her I lost 30 lb and now I understand there’s a recall on the kidney stone stent stents themselves does anyone have any information on that my email address is Richard Laurie 4763 at gmail.com
Try CBD oil…i had kidney stone surgery also back 2013.
I have left side flank back swelling with a ureteral stent in place. Not from kidney stones, but because of an abnormal tissue growth. The past 2 weeks I’ve had pain more than usual, and now swelling in my back. I don’t get my stent out for 2 more months. Is this swelling normal
Can I go golfing with this Stent in my left kidney? All this sitting around is driving me crazy! I’m kinda scared I may cause a problem if I swing too hard..I just don’t know what to do…Help!
Yes, you can do normal activities with stents in place.
This is my 5th time with a stent most were for stones this time is for scaring and blocked kidneys on both sides. I have always had severe pain from the stents. I am fine with urination my pain is in the kidney area and stomach. It feels like labor pains. The pain meds hardly work and Im miserable. I have to have surgery to fix the scaring on my ureters and then have the stents replaced for 6 weeks. I don’t know how Im going to manage this. At least my Dr warned me. He told me they were miserable and didn’t make me feel foolish or a cry baby. I did not feel any pain when they were removed but the next day had sever contraction like pain but it only lasted a day. every one is different so don’t feel bad about your pain. I delivered a 12Lb baby naturally and Id go through that again over this
I just had laser lithotripsy and stent placement on Tuesday and I honestly hope that it’s kept in there for a good long while. After two weeks of severely painful kidney stone attacks, I have no doubt that I am pretty ripped up inside, so I actually WANT my stent to stay in for as long as possible so everything can heal up fully. Aside from needing to urinate CONSTANTLY (every 10-15 minutes, 24 hours a day), that’s something I can live with for the foreseeable future compared to the pain of kidney stones. The discomfort is minor, not much of a bother, really, and I’m very happy with having had it put in there if it means no more stones! It just makes planning to do anything or go anywhere a little challenging having to CONSTANTLY urinate.
I have no idea how long I will wear a stent, but if it means relief from constant and horrendously painful stone attacks, keep it in there for a while! I’m so very happy to have one! It’s reminding me to stay hydrated, and that’s a GOOD thing about it! The less I drink, the more I hurt. So it is a great reminder to drink up, because it feels much better when I do! So I drink tons and tons of water in order to stay comfortable. I’m grateful to my surgeon for inserting it to bring me the relief I so craved.
I’m glad you found relief Sally. But I differ on the stent, Day 25 here. Feels like fire ants when I urinate. My body shakes, breaks into a hard sweat and my BP skyrockets. Good luck
I used Uristat Extra for the pain and burning when urinating. Bought it at Walmart for $6. Pharmacist said its as good as Pyridium only 1/2mg less. Great medication to stop the burn. It will turn urine orange
I have a chain of stones in my bright ureter with the first one sized at 9mm by 6 mm. It is followed by five progressively smaller stones, ranging down to about 4mm. There are several 10mm+ stones in my right kidney. Due to a car accident, a CT scan revealed the blockage, which I thought was just pain from a large stone passing. Of course, there had been a lot of blood, but that has happened also when passing large stones. I am scheduled for a uteroscopy laser removal of the stones in the ureter and hopefully in the kidney but may need a full blown surgery as they are getting too large and hard to break up with a laser. A stent was placed to get past the jam of stones. It is mildly uncomfortable, and I have to urinate more frequently and more urgently. The last time I had a stent was following another uteroscopic stone removal, and it was more uncomfortable than the present stent, but I did get used to it to some degree. I just try to drink as much fluid as I possibly can. My problem is that I produce dozens to hundreds of kidney stones every day. Most of them pass – even through the stent, but lately, they have been getting larger and more difficult to pass and I worry about potential blockage of the stent itself. Has anyone experienced that?
I have a stent placed to allow healing after robotic pyloplasty. I am experiencing severe pain after urinating, but at the opening or urinary meatus. I can’t find a single thing online with anyone experiencing the same thing. Does this mean it is not stent related, but instead a UTI? I’m on antibiotics already for UTI but nothing is changing and I’m almost done with the antibiotics. Please help me with an answer. I’m beyond miserable and still have a while to go with this stent.
I have a stent in Ureteria which is placed 4 days ago, I did not have stone but only had narrowing at the point where ureteria joins bladder. Suspect either had a stone, or infection, not yet determined.
I have similar pains. at last part of urinating, also I feel like pins are inserted in to my penis forehead time to time. Also if I do not drink much I can feel stent is there.
on the 3rd day I had a blood clot (due to stent) it gave me very hard time to discharge. I had to take couple of pain killers and analgesic in the emergency.
But my doctor says and I read in net, once stent is removed, all the discomfort also disappear.
I have RTA, which means over the past 12yrs I’ve had about 13 surgeries, all of them requiring stents- sometimes only 1 side, but usually both. I’ve had the experience you’re describing. In my case, the stent had slipped slightly out of position, causing irritation at the exit and exceptional pain with urination. Since it had to remain in place for 3wks, my urologist elected to re-position it in the office with a local anesthetic. Unpleasant, obviously, but better than a stent that had slipped downward. It worked and I had no further issues. I’ve learned you have to be your own advocate; if something feels really wrong, speak up. Good luck.
I too had robotic pyloplasty done on my kidney. I think it’s normal to have some discomfort while peeing the next couple days after surgery and catheter removal. This will improve in time, antibiotics are to prevent infection. If discomfort is persisting is get you urine checked but your provider. Did anyone ask if you could have alcohol with a stent in place?
I have the same thing.This is the third week after laser surgery I have 2 stents one in each kidney.3 large stones in the left 7 to 8mm and 16 smaller ones in the right.The surgeons only done one side as a precaution as if one kidney fails ,I still have one functioning.
After a week of urinating blood I copped an infection from the stent,thus taking antibiotics to cure.Uncontrollable frequency to to the toilet.Unable to have a decent sleep as I have to go every hour or two.
I am prescribed with pain killer for the pain in the kidneys, lower back and ureter when urinating which helps.
Drinking a lot of water , but cut down drinking before bed.
I also found herbal tea for kidney is very comforting.
I still urinating blood and went to see the nurse at the hospital as she its normal even after 3 weeks.
Had an ultra sound done the other day and found my stones have cleared on the right side but still have pain a mild pain in urinating and blood.
By avoiding heavy lifting,heavy exercise or anything that strenuous will help the bleeding as I found.
Loose pants helps too.
I am now trying herbal medication.I have order a bottle of stone breakers (phyllanthus urinara)to try.I am hoping when I go back to the hospital the surgeons cant find the stones and the herbs have done its job.
I do not want to go through this pain again as it feels I have stones stuck for 3 weeks.
I am still waiting for the hospital to call for replacement of the left stent and removal of the right stent.
I think I be in more pain when they remove the stents more than the put them in the first place.
Hopefully this will destroy the stones on my left side.
It come from a plant
My father had a kidney stone of size 16mm in right kidney and 14 mm in left kidney. Doctors done a laser again he had a kidney stone of size 7mm and 11mm doctors told us to do laser. Whether it creates any problem because within 4 months again they are going to do laser
Can you take a shower with a stent that has a string??? This is my first time with a stent or a kidney stone that was this large…7mm. I don’t want to do something that will be wrong. Thank you
Shower Yes, Bath No.
I had uteroscopy on 4/12 to laser and remove a 4 mm stone that was stuck in the ureter tube. Due to swelling from the surgery I had to have a stent put in. I am scheduled for it to be taken out on 4/16. Pretty short period of time. I feel decent. Discomfort when urinating but not unbearable. I see a lot of comments about pain after having a stent removed that was used to bypass the stone itself. Mine is to keep the ureter open and allow healing. Should I be expecting more pain once the stent is taken out?
I just had the exact same procedure for the exact same reason yesterday. However, my stent will be in for 10 days. Just curious if you have experienced pain after the removal. I’m definitely having discomfort, hopefully I’m just adjusting to the stent and it will subside. Time will tell. Hope you are feeling better.
Right on target with the two of you! I had a 4mm and a 3mm. He said he was leaving the 3mm (no idea if he did). Put the stent in and I have been bleeding and have had pain(which feels like a pinching) and I think it is the stent. I also feel that the more water I drink, the better I am. I also use a heating pad. I had NO idea I would be out of work. He never mentioned that possibility. Also, I did not realize Flomax could help and I have not tried that, yet. My PC gave that to me, not the urologist. Thinking of trying it today. Having it out Tuesday which would make it 12 days. Good luck!
I also had the same procedure done for a 7mm stone. I also gave birth to my first child 6 months ago, and I am nursing him still. It has been very difficult to do it all with the stent. I am drinking tons of water to keep up my milk supply and to flush my kidneys!! My child recently was said to have a dairy allergy, so I stopped all cows milk products and started soy milk. I think the soy milk might have encouraged the stone. I was scheduled to have it removed just two days after the stent was placed, but all of the urologists are apparently on holiday, and I will be getting it out Monday. Is it terribly uncomfortable to get it out and afterwards? I will hopefully share when they take it out Monday. Good luck to you all. I’m hoping to prevent more by eating a different diet in the future. I have had UTI like symptoms and pain since January! I thought it was due to my c-section. I can’t wait to be free of pain. I’m hoping this will be the case soon.
I had one stone, size 6mm in Left uretor, 2cm above UVJ. I had another stone, Size 8mm in my right mid uretor. Urologist decided to remove 8mm stone by URS procedure. The stone was broken down and removed by pulling it out. Thereafter, Doctor asked me, if he can remove 6mm stone from my left UVJ? I said okay. Doctor removed it too. Doctor informed me that he has inserted a stent in right uretor and it will be removed after two weeks. I was discharged from hospital after 24 hours observation. My urine was looking normal with little pink colour. Next day I walked for about 200 meters. I could feel that something is pricking deep inside my right kidney. I felt the pain of pricking too. 10 minutes later I went for urination. There was lot fresh blood in the urine. I decided to take rest and in half day the fresh blood reduced in urine. My questions are:
1. There was no stone inside my right kidney but it was in mid uretor. Why a stent was placed in my right urinary System when the 8mm stone was broken in three parts and all three broken pieces were already removed from right mid uretor.
2. Why another stent was not placed in my left urinary System for the same??
3. Today, the third day after URS, my observations are that fresh blood will trickle in if I go for 50 meter walk, I can feel painful pricking deep inside my right kidney. Should I go to another surgeon and remove the stent??
4. Is it wrong on my part to think that there was no requirement of placing a stent in my right urinery system when all three pieces of broken stones were removed during URS procedure. I feel that surgeon wanted to make more money. Please correct me if I am wrong ??
The stent is in place to keep the ureter from swelling shut due to inflammation following the procedure. When your stones were in the ureter they were also most likely causing inflammation as well. My doctor said the pain from a ureter swelling shut is much worse and can damage the kidneys too.
You are not wrong at all my stint came out right after surgery and I went home and need less to say I was right back in there the next day because Michael is absolutely correct I was in Dyer pain with just a 4 mm kidney stone but let me tell u after the stone being removed and then the stink falling out my ureter was completely swollen all the way to my kidsny and that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt even then the kidney stone pain. I couldn’t walk couldn’t move nothing was getting sick couldn’t stop an hand to go in for another surgery to get another stent placed in again.