What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
Had stent taken out yesterday and two hours after ended up in ER. They gave pain meds and sent me home. Then at 4am this morning another wave of extreme pain. 2 norco and aleve didn’t really help but i pushed through. Each time after I noticed blood clot and tissue in pee. Then again at 1pm extreme pain been roiling around ever since. Norco and aleve have done nothing. How many days after stent removal should I have this pain? I thought getting the stent out it would be better.
I’m so sorry we’ve all had to endure this agony. Mine has apparently only begun, and now my fear and anxiety are through the roof. Sitting here in Hospital, just having a stint placed in my right Kidney on Easter Sunday (1:00 a.m), my catheter was removed just 4hrs ago. Yes, I actually have tears running down my cheeks from the pain. Combine this stint, with the irritation on the prostrate means my body can’t stop pushing as though I’m trying to pee or poo. My recovery nurses have been fantastic, and try to consol me as the beg me to drink more fluids. All I think is that I’m going to drinking cups of glass shards, rusty razor blades, and all those lost needles from grandmas sewing bin. Thank you all, for sharing your thoughts and experiences, I know what is happening is normal now, and that the “mild-discomfort” and few days of “light-pain” really are that great Doctor Speak. 🐉. Now just two weeks until they decided when it will be removed. GOOD LUCK ALL
I had a urethral kidney stent removed and to my surprise I now have a slit under my pee hole that looks like an exclamation mark!!!!!! The Doctor looked when I asked him at my visit , he had no intention of examining me till I asked him to look. No answer why it was there. I told him about my severe bladder problems and have to wear depends 24/7 also effects down there during sex. Forget about leaving the house with extra depends in your purse, I’m so frustrated and don’t know what to do.
I have found some relief from an azo urinary pain product. You have to take a double dose then i lay on my side eith a pillaw between my legs and program my mind on relax and it helps me get some sleep at least. Worst surgery ever.
I had stent place last night around 7:30pm March 29th 2018 I was released from the hospital today after 2pm I’m home now in a lot of pain in my vagina area. This is my 5th time catching kidney stones but this is the worst. They usually give me iv and pain medication and I’m able to pass the stones on my own but this time it was 12mm the bigest ever and I’m 24 weeks pregnant I am so depressed and frustrated. I feel like I should of never had this surgery done on top of that almost risking myself going into preterm labor. I wish there was another way but options for me age very low due to my pregnancy. I just want to feel better (crying)
Had my stone removed Thursday. Guessing you were under anesthesia for the removal? Some depression is probably normal, but if it persists please talk to your doctor ASAP. I was so sad last night, but this morning I decided to just call/text/email a few friends not telling them how I felt, really, just to get some friendly contact. Still feel very sorry for myself, but not as much.
I feel all your pain and understand what u r going through. I had surgery on 23 march as i have heaps on stones in my right and left kidneys. My urethras were very narrow and the surgeon had trouble getting the stents in both side but managed in the end . Blasted all the stones out from the right side 10mm 8mm and 5mm and 4mm.
The pain was so bad they had trouble finding something that would work. Stayed over night with carather in heaps on blood
Went home and pain still bad and heaps on blood and going to the toilet every 1 to 2 mins and not much urine coming out.
I was crying all the time and the very emotional.
I was told that i was going to be back at work in 2 days but that is not the case. I have had 6 days off so far which i am angry about it. The way they explain the procedure and surgery is crap.
I phoned the surgeon rooms and hospital aviut 3 times and the surgeon said its the stents causing the issues on the bladder. He said he could get them out but then there will be complications etc.
The surgeon ended up moving my next operation to the 4 april due to all the pain and discomfort i am in. I am just trying to count the days down for the next operation and hopefully the right stent will come out but i think he will be leaving the left stent in after surgeon again.
I can handle a lot of things but this procedure is the far worst i have every experienced .
I have blood all the time in the toilet and going to the toilet every 1 or 2 mins lack of sleep and tired and very depressed and upset and down. Plus unable to go to work or even leave the house.
I get a heat pack on my back and bladder throughout the day and night to help relief the pressure and it does help a bit.
I have tried vesicare and oxybutnin to help the overactive bladder but the medication hasnt done anything as yet.
I will let u know how i go next week.
All the best and thank u all for sharing your stories
Hi…Sorry for all the pain you are feeling. I went to er with horrible pain and fever on 3/21 After 9 hours sin Er and Cat scan it was determined I had a closed off ureter caused by complication of hysterectomy surgery on 2/27. Once they put me on antibiotics, I felt so much better, along with some morphine. After the stent surgery on 3/22 (next day), I had to urinate constantly, really bad pain, bladder spasms, & blood in urine. I too was supper depressed and though it would never end. We tried phenazopyridine (Pyridium), for some pain (turn urine orange and used for UTI and bladder infections and helps if you have stinging. Then I went on 0xybutynin (Ditropan) for the bladder spasm (I was in the bathroom on a toilet for 3 hours). This drug really helps to control the urges. I actually stayed on the hospital three days until pain and bladder issues became stable. then I came home with Flomax and percoset. The next few days I had pain lower abdominal pain and back pain but by 4/1 (yesterday, I was so much better. Give your time to heal. htis cannot not be reached and if you can go on disability or take time from work to heal, try to do so. Are you feeling any better now?
Wow! Any success stories? After 2 days of pain, went to the ER and they found a 7 x 4 stone. I had a stent put in yesterday and feel really good, no pain when urinating at all although the urine is bloody. They are supposed to remove the stone tomorrow. After reading comments, now I’m worried about after tomorrow’s surgery.
How did the removal go?
You’re all scaring me,I’m gonna have kidney stones removal on Monday and the doctor said they will use a stent,should I pass on the stent?
I am 54 yrs old and have, within the last 8 months, been dealing with kidney stones. I have passed two 4 mm stones at the same time (with no problems). I had a CTscan a few days ago & showed a 5 mm right proximal ureteral stone & a 4 mm left proximal uteral stone, causing a partial blockage. I also have a 1 CM in my right kidney. I’m scheduled to have a stent put in both tubes on March 28th. Has anyone had a double stent put in? Or is this a normal procedure? I’ve been reading everyone’s posts & I am so nervous….ok, scared!!!!! I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but I’m not too sure about pulling this one off!!!
Thanks for your help!!
My husband had double stents put in March 8th. He is 69 years old. He is to have lithotripsy 3/29. Hopefully this will crush the stones enough to remove stent. The plan is to recover from that & then go thru the same thing with the left side. It is uncomfortable but not as bad s the first couple of days . His kidneys were blocked, only a little urine flowing. Thankful we got the help we did as fast s we did.
I had a stent put in and my stone was lasered. The next day all felt great and still does. However during the following day my urine appeared to be clearing, now I just urinated twice and it is a purplish brown color. Not sure what happened
I had a stone removed from my left kidney yesterday March 22, 2018 and a ureter (don’t know how to spell that) stent was placed and will be removed Tuesday March 27, 2018. As soon as I woke from anesthesia I was in excruciating pain. My dr didn’t tell me it was going to be extremely painful he just said I would have some discomfort and some mild possibly moderate pain for no more than a week after the stone is removed and stent is placed. It’s been 29 hours since my surgery and I have NEVER had my pain under an 8. He gave me Dilaudid 2mg to take every 8hrs and tramadol 50mg to take every 4hrs. I have done this on time since I was sent home 3 hrs after surgery. The pain is excruciating in left side of my back and abdomen and is just as excruciating when I pee. I cant squat or bend down or lift without it feeling like razor blades from the left side of my back down to my vaginal area. I have NEVER had pain like this of any kind, and NEVER had pain I would call excruciating until this was done yesterday and it is still NO relief more than 24hrs later even with both pain meds he gave me. My hysterectomy pain was a breeze to relieve compared to this pain I’m having from this stone removal and stent put in. Nurse messaged me after I told her I’m not getting relief better than 8 on the pain scale and told me I needed to be seen at the ER if neither of the pain meds are helping like they should because there could be some reason why it’s causing such excruciating pain when it shouldn’t be that bad with both pain meds on board.
Has anyone else experienced this same thing as I’m dealing with on the pain being so excruciating that the pain meds the dr gave you weren’t relieving hardly any pain at all like it should be.? If so, what did you do, or what did you find out was causing the pain to be extremely painful? No one I know has ever had this kind of surgery before, yet alone this kind of pain. Please help!!
I had two large stones removed through my back on March 19th, and was told I’d would probably be fine in about two days. It’s now Saturday the 24th and I’m I’m terrible pain still. Not sure if it’s the stent but it probably is. I said the same thing as you about my hysterectomy being a breeze compared to this. The dr said to get stent removed two weeks after surgery, but surgery was done in Philadelphia and now I’m back in Cape May. My local dr is putting me off till 3 weeks because they say they don’t have an appointment till then. Have they given you Flomax for the stent pain? I was prescribed it and will probably try it today. I was trying to avoid taking it but I am in pain and hope it may help
Lovina..this was exactly my experience…Hysterectomy 2/27..ER on 3/22 with sever pain. Blocked Ureter caused by Hysterectomy surgery. At Stent put in on 3/23…three days in the hossible….server pain and uncontrolled bladder spasm…. Ditropan really works and so does Flomax, along with antibiotics (having urine stuck in your ureter or kidney is really painful in itself.) …take pain meds and lay down…do nothing for a few days. As of 4/1 yesterday, I am a new person….. my stent is in 6 to 8 weeks. do not rush your healing time..this takes a while.
I have just had a 12mm stone removed I have a stent that is supposed to be in for 4 weeks causing me a lot of pain feels like razor blades ever time I have to pee pain Meds not helping at all don’t know what to do
I am feeling the exact same pain you are feeling after my ureterscope with stent placement. I had surgery on March 22 to remove 2 8mm kidney stones on my left side. I was sent home on 3 days antibiotics and Oxycontin for pain. I was due to get the stent out on April 4th. Let me tell you, the pain has been excruciating, unbearable and a nightmare for me. Every time I pee I start crying, It feels like a jack knife going through my groin and having severe kidney spasms. Pain meds have not even touched the pain. I literally can not get off the couch. I was told I could go back to work the day after my surgery. Well you can guess that wasn’t happening. I feel I was totally misinformed about the post op after this surgery. My pain scale also has remained at an 8 since surgery. I called the doctor and am having the stent removed on March 30 instead of April 4th. This surgery is a nightmare and the stent is by far totally unbearable. There has to be a better option for kidney stone sufferers. My life has been a living hell since this surgery. I only hope there will be relief with removal of the stent.
I’m sad to say lm happy I found all of you! Unless you are are going or have gone thru this nightmare, people don’t understand. I had a 17mm Stone, yes you read that correctly, and just had the lithotripsy and the infamous evil stent! I have had 2 children , this is the worst and most uncomfortable I have ever been in my life! Insurance problems getting the Flomax , but I am going to pay the cash to get it to see if it provides any relief from constantly feeling like I have to pee! I CANT TAKE IT MUCH LONGER!! Good luck to everyone!!
Flomax really helps, so does oxybutynin (Ditropan), but Dr. said flomax is best if you have to choose.
I have a stent in and ive been smelling poo few times today, I was in a bath last night so I’m not dirty, what would be the cause of it
Your not suppose to take a bath with a stent in !!! Only showers you probably are giving yourself a yeast infection or uti
I had my stent put in about 48 hours ago and I have not stopped bleeding. Is this normal. I have not passed any cloths.
Dr. told me this is totally normal to have blood in urine. Its from the tube going through your ureter.
Had stent removed today. My Doctor was experienced and in tune with me.
I took a Valium before procedure and it helped.
Very surprised at lack of pain and shortness in time of procedure.
If your doctor has performed many of these like mine, don’t sweat it.
I had emergency surgery in the Domincan Republic as my ureter dislodged from my right kidney. It was reattached using a double j stent. I was told by the doctors in the DR to have it removed in no later than 3 weeks. The Canadian doctor says it can stay in 3 months. I am in pain, my bladder is spasming. I haven’t even seen a dr in Canada yet, this over the phone talk to a urologist secretary.
I have no pain meds. I am suffering and scared about what the Dominican Drs did to me as the blood i was loosing was severe.
How am I supposed to follow the Dominican Drs advice on getting this double j stent out when I can’t even see a dr in Canada. This is the worst feeling in my bladder. I have no pain drugs. Please anyone have advice for me. I am suffering.
I had a stent removed, do they sometimes have to cut you a bit? Finally got the nerve to look down there a month later. There is cut as if they sewed me up after having a baby and my pee hole is quite bigger from what I can remember. Also I have no bladder control anymore. I’m a 62 year women, any input would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Oh no! So sorry. I had my stent placed just yesterday and I am miserable also. Pain, spasms, pressure, and incontinence. I have always had good bladder control and this scares me. I’m 69. I have to pull my own stent out in 5 days. 😣
My dr, is removing mine in 6 to 8 weeks. Can you ask your dr. to assist you? I read a few comment above and I think the dr. should remove this with a little pain meds, etc.
Hi I have a stent in my right kidney since 5th of January over eight weeks now and I am so stressed the amount of pain I’m in and discomfort is worse than any pain I have ever experienced my kidney problems started last July 2018 with me presenting to A&E with pyelonephritis secondary to renal stones treated with intravenous antibiotics, fluids and pain relief. continuously given one antibiotic after another to date I have had eight antibiotics feeling depressed not able to do much a 15 min walk is impossible because of discomfort and inflammation lying on the couch is all I can do at the moment sick awaiting to go in to have stones taken out under general anesthetic I have a multiple of very large stones in both kidneys nightmare cannot wait to feel normal again
I feel for you. I had the exact same pain the whole time that darn thing was inside me. And I could not tell if I needed to pee as it felt like I was bursting 24/7 (ALL THE TIME), so going to sleep was near impossible. I wish you the best. Hope you are able to get pain relief.
I’ve had four surgeries my kidney is a producer you may want to switch up your diet if you haven’t.. I know Kidney stokes sucks and I’m
Sorry I know how you feel. I’ve had two kidney stone new on each side of my kidneys to an they were two big for me to pass 😞
So sorry. There is nothing I can say that will make you feel better. It’s the worst pain ever.
I had a 7mm stone in my right kidney and had ESWL on February 9th. Everything seemed to have gone well and I was feeling good.
On Friday 23rd I started to have pain in the back again. It was the stones fragments trying to pass through the ureter. The doctor recommended some drugs to help it along but after three days of excruciating pain we agreed I had to be hospitalized.
I had the most awful ureteral laser stone removal. To begin with, the spinal anesthesia hurt like hell. The anesthesiologist checked my sensitivity by pricking my legs and I felt it all. Regardless, the urologist proceeded by inserting his tools and it was very painful to say the least. It all lasted I guess about 10-15 minutes I left the OR with a stent and catheter.
The catheter was bearable and helped me pee a lot of blood out, but I was glad when the nurse removed it.
What made me shiver with pain was the first pee. Red and very painful. It luckily cleared up rather quickly and also felt better.
I waited one more day and then I went for a short run of 3km.
I should’ve stayed in. The pee was red again and as painful as at the beginning.
Now my concern is that the stent moved because of the thumping because regardless of the presence of blood the urethra hurts. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Now I’ll have to have the stent removed before the expected date. Has anyone had the same problem?
Im 52 second stone but 1st stent and ureterscopy. 1st couple pee’s were excruciatingly painful with lots of blood. 9.5 on the 1-10 scale. 3rd 4th 5th have been closer to 6. Bearable but not pain free and little blood. 1st day so not sure what day two has in store but zero pain in flank, bladder or kidney so far.
I have a 10 year history of kidney stones. They used to come every two years, but this past year it’s been every three months. I’ve had two blasted and the rest passed on their own. This time I had the mother of all stones. An 8 mm. The urologist asked me if I wanted him to go ahead and blast the other stones I had while he was in there. (Uteroscopy with laser) I said, yes. So he blasted 10 stones. I have had TWO stents for the past week because he worked in both kidneys. I really haven’t been able to function. I was on Percocet for the first 3 days and switched to Ibuprofen. I’ve been couch bound and cannot wait to get these things out. So much discomfort and I’m exhausted! I have been diagnosed with hyperparathyroid, which causes your body to produce too much calcium- hence the kidney stones. I have surgery for theparathyroid scheduled for next month! I am hoping this will be the end of the stones for good!
I have a right pelvis kidney with many stones in both kidneys. Just had surgery to try and remove 1lg stone in the pelvis kidney. The stent is as painful as a stone in my opinion. I can’t get it out for 14days due to the fact my surgeon is on vacation 😭
I have been reading alot about hypereparathyroid. I am wondering why I haven’t been tested for this since I have almost every systems. Is it was a simple blood test?
I seriously am going to go crazy for 14days having this stent.
I have hyperthyroid (Grave’s Disease) so when I had to go to the ER for a kidney stone last month I asked if that could have caused it. But that’s just when your parathyroid is hyper. The next round of blood tests a few days after the ER the doctor said I was NOT hyperPARAthyroid. So, they had already tested for that as just part of the overall blood test.
I hope your stent removal went well. At the hospital two days ago when I had the kidney stone removed, they told me to set an appointment for the 30th to have it removed. When I called they said they were closed that day (Good Friday) so I will have to wait until the following Monday. So by the time I get it out the stent will have been in for 14 days. And yeah, it’s starting to really annoy me.
Thanks to people for sharing their stories and for the makers of this site. Comforting to know some of this is normal. The stent in me – for a 6x9mm stone in my left ureter – is incredibly uncomfortable. After one week I still have frequent bloody pee, a frequent need to pee which is waking me up at night, an ache in my bladder and – although this is abating – a very intense pain in either my belly or bladder when I urinate. Nothing they said prepared me for this, they really undersold the discomforts, said the lithoscopy would be to REMOVE the stone and instead I still have it, PLUS the stent. How having a stent is going to help me thru lithotripsy is beyond me – they say it will, but how are the stone chunks going to get INTO the stent when it is going around the stone? Plus my sick days are done so I am having to work the whole time – running to the toilet to piss blood and scream silently every half hour or so. Really a lot to deal with.
The start is to allow your kidneys to drain. Also it helps streach the ureter allowing the stones blasted without damaging the ureter.
I have had lithotripsy twice which did help me to pee out about 3 5mm stones and lots of smaller fragments, but unfortunately some stones were stuck fast, having seen the doctor after he said to have ureteroscopy to break up the remanding stones in both kidneys and to have stents put in to help pass the remaining stones and fragments.
Well having come around and a brief chat with surgeon who preformed the procedure (I can hardly remember what he even said as I was still groggy, I can remember him saying all went well and must keep stents in for 4 to 6 weeks, well the pain is terrible still to pee and still a lot of blood, but sometimes is just light blood, I am drinking plenty of fluids to assist the stones to go, but I wouldn’t like to go through this again ( the doctor has said I might have to after he has checked the scans they take on my unknown follow up appointment date (nothing in post for appointment yet). the pain is driving me mad and although I have seen my own doctor he assures me this is all fine and it is normal to have this bleeding (what after 2 weeks!) I just cannot wait to get them out, the burning sensation is still terrible as is the urge to go as soon as I have had the smallest amount of liquid, its keeping me awake at night. I had terrible pain passing some stones before this procedure but the pain went as soon as I had passed them normally, I am starting to think is several weeks of this type of pain worth it, I really do hope so, I have my fingers crossed I don’t need to go through this again, even typing this I am busting to go for pee but I know it will be just a dribble and painful, and the pulling pain on your back when you are peeing is really annoying as well.
Ohh I know your pain, demand they remove them but try Chanka Pedra and dmannose (gnc). It makes the inside of your tract slippery. I passed my 8x5mm last night and I’m dying from the stent. Good Luck
I am 48 and I just had my first kidney stone. My first symptom was Christmas day, and I went to ER two days later and had 5mm stone in right ureter. They gave me script for pain meds and referred me to urologist if stone did not pass within the week. It did not. The imaging at my follow-up showed that the stone had not moved at all. So he recommended lithotripsy, which I had one week later. That procedure went fine. My next follow-up was two weeks after that and imaging show very little progress. He recommended cystoscopy to be done the next day. They removed the stone and placed a stent.
That stent was the absolute worst, most excruciating pain I have ever felt.
The procedure went well, but I was not very well prepared for what was to come. Discharge nurse told me “you might feel some discomfort in your bladder when you urinate.” What she should have said was “it might hurt like a mofo when you urinate.”
She said “it might sting a little when you urinate.” What she should have said was “it might sting like shards of glass passing through dragon flames when you urinate.”
Urinating took me about 10 minutes because I could not relax and I kept having to stop. It was so bad that I cried the whole time, in fact, I started crying as soon as the realization that I had to go hit me, and I would cry and pace through the bathroom for several minutes before mustering up the courage to go. I had to squeeze one of those big scrunch/stress balls (that I luckily had in my craft room) while going. Its a good thing those things don’t bust when squeezed too hard. I highly recommend those to anyone with a newly placed stent. It won’t make the pain go away, but it helps a little with the stress of going. Also, my other tip, don’t try to rush when you are going. That only makes it worse.
No one really talks about the anxiety you go through. It was just horrible. I cried more during that week of the stent than I have my whole adult life. And just knowing what would be happening during the stent removal also left my anxiety level extremely high. I couldn’t eat or sleep that whole week and the medications made me feel like crud. The stent was removed Feb 2.
I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! And I am so sorry for anyone going through it for the first time and not knowing what to expect.
Try the stress ball. The bigger the better, I think. Mine is almost the size of a basketball and I don’t think anything smaller would have worked.
First stone for me . just had 9mm stone removed and stent put in. You are right when you say they do not prepare you for what takes place after. When I went into surgery my pain level was passable. When I came out, it was a 10 plus. It felt like I had someone with a blow touch inside me. I could not walk, sit, or lay down. I screamed every time I had to go to the bathroom. I could not even sit down to pee. Was given Flomax for inflammation that seem to help but still have awful pain. Child birth is nothing compare to this.
Just had my stent removed yesterday and at 3am this morning I suffered from stone fragments passing. Your words describe the feeling perfectly. Wishing all a speedy recovery.
3 weeks ago, I started feeling very uncomfortable with a pain on my left side, in my waist. 2 days later, the pain travelled down my groin and round my back. The next day, I was in the worst pain ever and admitted to hospital late Sunday night. They scanned me on the Monday afternoon and took me to Theatre to remove the stone. Unfortunately, I had an abscess on my kidney that had burst and had a serious infection so they put a stent in and put me on a large dose of intravenous antibiotics. I was in for 4 days and gave me a further 5 days of oral antibiotics. The pain was still bad and very uncomfortable but yesterday the pain is back in my waist, down my groin and round my back. I’m terrified that I’m going to be in the same pain as before. Has the infection not cleared or is it the 2cm stone? I’m taking dihydrocodeine and paracetamol but it’s not working. I had diclofenac suppositries and oramorph in hospital which worked wonders. I don’t know what to do, any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Were you passing large amounts of blood. I had this stent put in me in a third world country. I can’t get a Canadian urologist to look at me as of yet.i had this procedure done on Feb 19.
I need this thing out with in 3 weeks. It is hurting me.
I have a stent in my right ureter. It has been there for many months (approx 14). I plan to have it removed but wanted to know what the typical success rate was? I have a birth defect in my ureter and it was too small where it went into the kidney, this prevented my kidney from flushing and filtering properly. They placed the stent in hoping it would fix the problem. But when i went to have it removed the doctor didnt want to, he said it may not work and just wanted to do surgery. I want to know if anyone else has had this happen and if the stent fixed the defect? Or if anyone with a simliar problem what was the success of the stent? I am praying the stent fixed the issue as i REALLY dont want surgery to correct the problem. Thank you!
I have similar condition. There is abrupt narrowing at the proximal 3rd segment in my right ureter (L4 vertebral body level). My urologist advised me to put a stent as this may correct the narrowing avoiding open surgery. She told me that this method had been successful to some patients with same condition.
Good luck to both of us.
Hello, I have the same problem. Born with the ureter too narrow at the kidney. July 2017 I had a stent placed. When it was removed I had extreme pain. The surgery did not work. Feb 2018 I had surgery, pyloplasty. The stent is giving me grief but it is comming out in 5 days. Then I get the results from my last renal scan to see how it is draining. I feel for you and hope the stent placement fixed your problem. If you do need surgery, get a good surgeon who can do laproscopy instead of open.
I had a 1.7 cm stone removed on 12/26/17 and a stent placed. On 1/3 I had to have another cystoscope and stent placement because the Dr was afraid he hadn’t gotten it all the first time because the stone was embedded. He had me pull that stent at home 3 days after the surgery. I pulled the stent at 10 am and by 4 pm I was in horrific pain that pain meds didn’t touch. Thankfully the flank pain settled down the following day but I was vomiting and had back pain across my whole back. The Dr just kept telling me this was all normal for having a stent removed. After a week I finally went to the ER and was told I had a blood clot and severe hydronephrosis. I went back in for surgery on 2/12 where it was discovered I had a stricter from scar tissue and not a blood clot. The Dr did a ballon dilation and put a larger stent in for 6 weeks which was just removed today. I felt fine this am but tonight I am having that flank pain again. Can you tell me how long it took before you knew the procedure didn’t work? I am worried the ureter is closing again but the Dr says it takes a while and doesn’t want to recheck me for 3 weeks. Just wondered if you got sick after the stent removal, how long it took, and what they did to fix it since the dilation didn’t work. Thanks!