What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I had my sent removed today and it was not that bad. It felt like a short bladder spasm and then it was over! Mine was in for one month and was removed with the scope. I read a lot of these comments describing horrible pain. Unfortunately everyone is different and will have different experiences. But it can be a minor procedure that goes relatively smooth with very little discomfort. I hope yours goes by also with little problems.
I can’t believe these kidney docs aren’t telling people anything. this is my third time with stones. the guidelines are to drink lemonade the real stuff, drink lots of water, no laxatives, no alcohol, no caffeine and do exercise. pretty much all the stuff to stay healthy. cranberry juice is also reccommended. do not take any aspirin or anything other than tylenol. all the others affect the kidneys negatively. including advil and aleve. i never have had the pain you all describe. sounds horrible. i have stents in now and they are uncomfortable like a uti. i am taking peridium and it helps! good luck to everybody.
i had kidney stone removal surgery in a London hospital 3 months ago, only to find out later by a dr that he had missed some fractions of stent inside my kidney. Now pain, agony, nightmare. He wants to insert another stent and another operation to remove it. Blime.
In 2010 after all the previous attempts to fix my kidney, I had a nephrectomy on my right side. All srarted after a very large stone was found. After removal of the stone 6 mnths later more had grown. More surgery and numerous different Dr’s later I was told I had a kidney infections called xgp. Basically my kidney was no good and was not working.
About a week ago, I woke up urinating blood and in severe pain. My Dr immediately rushed me in bcuz of my previous surgery. Saw her tuesday, scheduled for surgery wednesday. Dr said surgery went well and she placed a stent to help the new stone come out easier. The last few days I have not been able to sleep. The pain was so bad I paced my house. The pain meds worked for a lil but didn’t last til the next pill time. Finally today went and had the stent removed and I would give anything to b back in that pain. Right now Idk wat to do bcuz I am dying in pain. Dr told me I would have backspasms, well yes I did, sitting in 2 hrs worth of traffic omw home. Now the hot showers and heating pad mixed wit the pain meds r keeping me sain, but I have to set an alarm bcuz if I miss a pill time I might kill someone. I really hope this is the last time I go thro this, and good luck to anyone else who does. Be preparwd for the pain and discomfort, its not as easy as the Dr’s make it…
Rushed to A&E on monday 27th May 2013 in extreme pain, in having surgery within 3 hrs…. one 10mm stone trapped in left ureter & 3 stones in left kidney. Stent inserted and informed that i was then booked for further surgery for (all stone removal) 2 weeks later on the 7th June. I was given absolutely NO information what so ever by my urologist……NONE !!!!! as to level of pain, blood, vomiting etc. i could experience
I was kept in hospital after initial surgery for over 24hrs, due to very high level of intense pain and heavy bleeding because of stent insertion.
Told by me doctor that i could return to work 24hrs after stent insertion……..WRONG…..So began a 9 day nightmare of shocking pain, discomfort and bleeding, burning sensation on passsing urine every 20 odd minutes….beyond impossible to return to work and could do nothing up lay flat on my back for 9 days straight. !!!!! To say i was angry and frustrated is an understatement !!!!
Admitted for second operation on the 7th June… to finally remove all four stones & replace new stent….Job done !!! Again very limited information given regarding what to expect after op,turfed out of hospital later yesterday afternoon with no pain medication on offer……..home and again flat on my back, living on painkillers every 4 hours. Stent is again the source of terrible pain & discomfort….sliding & moving around, urgent sensation to pee all the time and burning when urinating…..Worn out & exhausted !!!!
String attached to stent for removal in 5 days time…..After reading all the posts on this site……..NOT looking forward to that one either !!!
Time off work (UNEXPECTED) and lost income through out this time will amount to 3 weeks.
What has angered me most of all about this whole period of nasty pain and illness is the total lack of information & communication from the urologists involved in my case………and the constant downplaying of the pain levels, disruption to my daily life and what to expect by all medical staff.
The stents while necessary……are horrible, horrible, horrible……..pissed off !!!
Im looking for a word worse than horrible!!..Ive never been in pain like this in my life as much as this stupid stent after kidneystone surgery..i had a 7mm stone stuck that was broken up ..pain from the stent is unbearable to say the least!..its been in 5 days now and im pretty much bed ridden..waiting on my dr. to contact me with a date for removal..if when he goes to take it out and im still passing fragements it will haft to be put back in…oh hell no!!!
Mine was taken out on Wednesday, throwing up, pain, peeing myself.
I had a stone removed recently,and the worst part by far was the stent . Like most of you my doctor gave me absolutely NO information on what pain to expect and he let me leave the hospital with no pain medication. The pain only became bearable with codeine, but there was constant discomfort and broken sleep. I could not walk,sit,or lay down comfortably. I had a string attached to my stent that came outside my body. At my initial consultation (before i even knew what a stent was), my doctor said just grab the string and pull it out after a week. This was a cause of much anxiety and i ended up getting my GP to take it out. I’m so glad i did as i never would have been able to do it myself. The stent stayed in for a week and i was counting the days with a mixture of anticipated relief and anxiety about the pain of the removal process. However, I must say there was no pain when he did it, just an unusual sensation of the stent moving out of my ‘Pipes’. I did however take codeine before i went in and also Naproxen. I did not experience significant pain afterwards, but for several days i felt a ‘stitch’ like pain in my side. The blood in my urine stopped after 3 days and a week later i have no pain. My sympathies with you all. The pain will eventually ease!
I had another stent put in yesterday. Second one in 3 years. I had lithotripsy in 2005. I hurt for weeks afterward. In 2010 I had more stones removed but had to have a stent installed. Not knowing how long the stent actually was, I was surprised when the Dr. started pulling it out. It was more uncomfortable than painful. I within an hour I was in quite a bit of pain. After a 2 hour drive home, I took another pain pill (hydrocodone) took a long nap and had no pain at all after waking. There was the stinging and blood when I urinated. That gradualy abated within a day or so. I was supposed to have lithotripsy yesterday, but because I have a daily regime of taking an aspirin, I have to wait a week (no aspirin) I will be asleep next week when they take out the stent and do the litho…. This stone is on my right side and is a 7mm. I may be different than other people, but when I expect it not to be very painful, it hurts like hell, when I expect the pain to be extreme, it still hurts, but it doesn’t seem as bad as I expected. As always the key to prevention is to drink plenty of liquids every day. Advice I get lazy with and pay for later.
Just went through all this with a 3.5 mm stone that was stuck and my kidney had enlarged some from backed up urine. The surgery was fine, the stent was NOT…..I had it removed the next day in the urologists office and I found that to not be a problem. Scope with sterile water and out! No pain…..maybe a tiny uncomfortable…..but the pain and spasms took their toll on the hour and a half drive home…..hydrocodone took care of the pain for about an hour….so I went to the ER and got shots……better. Nausea next day was not good…..but it is mostly behind me…..I have had two stones about 15 years apart. After the first one, I continue to drink quarts of water every day. My doc is checking para thyroid, 24 hr. urine and having the stone analyzed and then we try to figure out how to prevent this! Good luck to all going through this, it is tough!
Whee! Had stent remover yesterday afternoon. Dr. very clearly told me what to expect. He said about an hour after the removal I would have cramping and spasms that will feel exactly like the pain I had with the kidney stone. He said it will dissipate on it’s own, but to expect it so I would not feel the need to go to ER. Also to expect small blood clots and blood in urine and that this should clear up. He did not say, and I did not ask, how to tell the difference if I feel I need to go to ER.
Local numbing, Cytoscope and slow and steady pull. Felt warming sensation and mild discomfort in kidney and and down as stent moved out.
Waited for a minute, then sat up and waited to see how I felt in each stage. Felt OK. Got dressed, drove home. Got fast food, eat, drank lots of water. Urinated several times kidneys working. Took evening meds and a Hydocodon/tylenol med. and more water. Then about 1-1/2 hours later pain began to build. Couldn’t get comfortable lying down. Thank God for Laz-y-boy, rested in chair for about an hour and then slowly began to feel pain subside. Started to relax and then found myself dozing, so I went to bed.
Taking the day off from work. Drinking lots of water and will go for a short walk this afternoon to test my strength.
Do not want my kidneys to get backed up again so I am grateful that the stent was placed to prevent any complications. As irritating and painful as it has been, I am relieved I have tackled this. I would like to take this moment to thank my family and friends for all their help.
This website is most helpful too. I now only drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee in am and then NOTHING but water the rest of the day. I feel better. I have a physical job and now realize I was drinking too much iced tea and soda and not staying hydrated at all. I did this to myself. Now it is water, water, water. I have learned, to take time every hour to drink water. Good Luck everyone.
I’m glad I read this. I got my stent out today and now have some blood in my urine. I was beginning to worry if something was wrong.
hello . i had a kidney 2 cmt stone removeved amonth a go . they did put 2 stent on both sides . first 2 weeks after a lot of blood in the unrine and i got infection so I back to hospital a gain they did change the new stent and now i have to wait for one more week for removal . i m experients almost amost a month of kidneystone stuff it s pain and scare me to death
I’m on my second stent this stone episode. First one moved and caused damage and bleeding so intense I was minutes away from a transfusion so had to be removed. Now I have a full length stent which is causing me the normal grief – taking Detrol doesn’t help me but could others. For me, experience has taught me to recline 90% of the time and stay off my feet. My doctor is understanding and has given me the time off work so I don’t need to stress getting back to work too soo. I had a lodged stone in the kidney that caused a bloackage for 5 weeks so laser surgery to break up the stone was the first step. Unfortunately, when the stent shifted, I found out after the stent removal that the ureter got blocked again with a stone fragment so had to go through it all again. I hate this spikey little buggers! Now I just get to look forward recovery and doing it all over again on the other kidney since I have a stone in the left kidney – luckily right now, it’s not blocking any flow so can be dealt with … later….. Stents suck to be sure but are a necessary part of the process to recover fully.
Wow the same thing happened to me 7 years ago….now I had the same surgery again 4days ago. I take my stent out tomorrow and I am nervous it will happen again! Wish me luck.
I have suffered now for over 30 years as have Medullary sponge kidneys. Often can have as many as several boughts per year with many stones. I have just gone one year since had my last stone but I passed a bunch of stones 2 weeks ago from my left kidney (I always sieve when know have stones imminent). A week later started with severe pain from right kidney and started to be sick so went to hospital and was admitted for emergency operation to put a stent in as the 12mm stone was blocking the kidney. That has removed the pain but now still feel need to Pee all the time. I have to return to have the stone blasted in the next week. I have had countless operations to remove extra large stones and the consultant said my ureter is now like a hosepipe. My kidneys are peppered with stones and can easily pass them if dont form together to make one big stone. I have had to accept I will never be free from stones but at least better than a cancer.
I had a ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and stents put in BOTH kidneys on Mon 5/20. It was suppose to be an out patient ordeal but because my pain was so high and it was hard to get control of I had to stay over night. The next morning my dr came in and told me that he removed over 20 stones between my 2 kidneys. I went home and felt tired and achy but ok. Wed 5/22 I was back in the ER with unbearable pain and an allergic reaction to my antibiotic. After a few rounds of iv meds I went home and thought I was on the mend. Then Thurs 5/23 I was back in the ER again with extreme pain from my stents. After another round of iv meds I was sent back home with new pain meds and a new medicine to keep me from being sick. Here I am almost a week later 5/28 and I feel like this has been the worst experience of my life. I have had severe pain from the stents and from my bladder spasms. I feel like I need to pee every 10 seconds and every time I move I can feel the stents moving and adjusting. I can’t hardly move without pain and I haven’t left my house for fear of not being able to make it to the bathroom in time. Tomorrow is my stent removal and I am very anxious and nervous. I’m afraid thats its going to be extremely painful and that I will spend the next few days hurting really bad. I don’t know if all of my pain and issues have been what most people experience. But I swear this has been the worst thing I have ever been through. This website has been great help for me and reading everyone’s post has eased my worries.
I remember the day the stone dropped. Hot flash, blinding flash of pain, had to sit down. Pain passed and I went back to work. Over the next 4 weeks had pain below ribcage on left and into lower ab. It would pass after an hour. Then after eating the worst pain and projectile vomiting with loss of bladder control. Cleaned myself up, was able to sleep on right side only but slept thru the night. Went to work then 2 hours in the pain/nausia began to slowly build again. I knew I had to get to the doctor. In the car called primary care doctors office, while I explained my situation, the pain escalated and I realized I couldn’t wait 2 hours for an appointment. Went to ER. Fluids and pain med, an Xray showed nothing, CT showed 2 stones, one still in kidney. Thank god for CT scans. I work early in AM. Hadn’t eaten since 5 AM. Urology took over and I had a stent inserted by 3:30p and sent home. Next day home and then back to work for last two days of week.
6 days later, a laser and all three pieced remover. Day of surgery and two days off. I have a physical job. I don’t do well if I feel dizzy, so I keep my meds basic. Tapered off Hydrococone to 2 tylenol. Now down to 1 tylenol and Phenazopyridine 3 times a day gets me thru the day, with lots of water.
I have also realized that I WAS drinking coffee, tea and soda instead of water and had done this to myself on top of a parathyroid adenoma in 2008. Water has become imperative. 1 cup of coffee in AM, then water, water, water, water, water, water,water, water. When I feel weak at work I need to sit down and drink water. I take longer in the toilet, have to wait for the urgency to pass.
I get the stent out, 2 weeks after stone removal, 3 weeks after insertion.
I have not been offered heads up on what to expect after stent insert, surgery, or stent removal. This is very frustrating to me since I need to work. I have relied on this website for insight into the patient’s experiences and suggestions. My doctor’s office will answer questions, but there is far more patient specific info here.
I am grateful for all the info here, all the sharing, I don’t feel alone. I feel comfortable asserting myself with my doctor now and feel I can continue to plan for the stent removal and time off needed to recover enough to safely resume work.
This next week will be tough, I will be working for 4 straight days, I will have to pace myself. I have found that I feel ok at home resting. But when I get up and start moving I can feel the stent. On top of that the meds do affect me, I do feel dizzy, tired, unsure of how I feel, just need to rest. They need me at work, so I have to explain myself and ask for a change of work assignment when needed.
I will be taking another day off after stent removal. I just figured this out after reading this forum. Thanks everyone.
Amen. Thanks for sharing and the insight given. God bless
I’m getting my stent removed tomorrow and was looking forward to it, until I read this page. Ughhhh… This is gonna suck. 20mm stone in my left ureter Dr. used a laser but only got half and the other half went back up into my kidney. He placed a stent and told me the debris from the stone should pass on it’s own but the other half is still in my kidney. So far no debris has passed, so I fully expect it will after the stent is removed, leaving me in a lot of pain. If this happens again I will NEVER have another stent in my body ever again. I don’t see the purpose of a cure that is worse than the disease, seems like it’s just a way for hospitals to collect money for unnecessary procedures. I am so unhappy right now… sorry I’m not always like this, I’m in a lot of pain.
Hi, I have been having really bad pain since I had a miscarriage last year in Feb. My gyno told me to go to the ER because it as found in my urine culture that a stone was crystallizing. I went to the ER and the did their own culture and it came up negative for blood in the urine and everything. Which is actually kind of strange because when I went to the urologist a couple weeks ago they didn’t find blood either. Anyway, I went home after that and found out I was pregnant again and had a baby in November. That WHOLE pregnancy was AWFUL! I had the worst burning pain coming from my urethra. It didn’t hurt to pee. It felt good to pee. But I as always in agonizing pain for the whole year last year. It would come and go, like one day I would be okay and the next day it would hurt so bad to where I couldn’t get out of bed. But then I had my baby and that is when it hurt every day all day long. I had to take ultram all day long to make the pain go away. I was stocking up on ultram and azo everyday. This whole time I figured I had IC Disease. I am sure some of you probably thought something similar before you found out it was a stone. I went to the urologist to figure out exactly what was going on. I got a cystoscopy and everything was perfect. He was about to pull out the camera and he saw blood squirt out of my kidney! So I as sent for a ct scan and they found that I have a 5mm stone. All this time it was a stone. And would you know I am not experiencing one ounce of pain in my back or anything. I would have never thought it was a stone! I am only still experiencing the pain down below. I am due to get it taken out on Weds. The doctor wants to try and pull it out and if he can’t he will blast it and then I will need a stent.. And I am NOT happy about it. I really want to try and do it without a stent. Reading everything you all are saying is really scaring me! I have 3 kids including a 6 month old to take care. I know how it feels already to have the constant urge to pee PLUS the burning sensation.. Sometimes I cannot even concentrate, it is so horrid! It seems like the stent is going to be way worse than that! My question is.. If I get it, will any kind of pain medication take the pain away to the point where I will at least be able to function? Also, I am terrified to go through this procedure. Last night I told my husband I am just going to keep the thing in. That is how badly I do not want to do this! I am hoping somebody here can give me some kind of relief.. Thanks!
I’ve had a 7mm stone stuck at the bottom of my ureter for about a month, and the pain finally got so bad I scheduled surgery (it did hurt to go pee). Well today I had the surgery and they blasted the stone and put in a stent. I was like you, I did not want the stent unless it was absolutely necessary. It is now 8 hours post surgery and I can’t feel the stent at all. The only sign is that when I do feel the need to go pee, I have to go immediately, but that’s superior from what I was feeling yesterday. It sounds like your stone hasn’t passed through the ureter yet (I also had a 5mm stone blasted in my kidney about 10 years ago and there were no problems). When it does, you will know. It could be very painful, and without the stent you risk damaging the kidney if the “gravel” doesn’t come out easily. Like I said before, I was also very apprehensive about the surgery, but I’m so glad I had it and the stent is not at all what I was expecting. Good luck!
Thank you! I had the surgery On May 22 as planned and it turned out to be a complete disaster!! The doctor told my husband he blasted the stone and removed all of the pieces. Well that night I ended up in the ER with severe pain! They did an ultrasound and told me it was probably just discomfort. And I went home. Well, the doctor had instructed my husband to remove the stent on the 23rd by pulling the string. I wass nervous about that and called the doc to make sure! And they said if he instructed it, then do it. My husband pulled it out and an hour later I was in AWFUL pain in my back. I could not get comfortable .I was in agonizing pain. Like I was dying! I told my husband I would rather die than feel this pain. I wound up at a different hospital a few hours later and they did a ct scan and told me that the stone was still there. After that, I started to feel better and went to the bathroom and there was A TON of blood. Then I felt something hard come out but I couldn’t see through all of the blood and just assumed it was the stone. I was admitted to the hospital and had to have the procedure done all over again! It was the worst first experience ever! I have now had 2 stents placed within a two day period. It sucked! So, now I am home and feeling a little better. I would love to sue that doctor!! But the first stent was not uncomfortable. This stent, I am feeling a lot of burning when I pee. There was a lot of blood last night. But today there is none. The strings are hanging out again, so I go next Tuesday to get it out, it shouldn’t be too bad. Over all it actually is not as bad as I thought it would be. I think all that doctor did was move the stone and then it started to flow through my ureter and then I started to feel the pain!! I would like to NOT feel this ever again, so I am going to be careful about the things I do and try to prevent this as much as possible! Thanks for all of your help guys!
Hey don’t b scared it will b ok. I had a stent put in and I have not had any pain till late at night.. Do the stent you’ll b glad u did .
After seeing my Dr after a lot of pain in my lower, left had side back, it was decided I had a Large Staghorn Calclus. A 50mm kidney stone to you and me. The appointment was 5 months later to have the stone surgically removed. I was put on 5 different pain killers and sleeping tablets on the lead up to Surgery, as you could imagine the pain with a 50mm stone. When I went in to have the op, I was admitted to hospital, put out and cut open. Later when I recovered i was told that the stone was so large they couldn’t get it all out as they didn’t have a long enough “tool”. Apparently the tool is used to smash up and remove the stone. I was amazed that the hospital didn’t have the correct tools to do the job. I had a stent inserted and told to take it easy and sent home 5 days later. When they meant easy, I though they meant just sit around and don’t do any lifting. I was released from the hospital on the Friday, over the weekend I was in a lot of pain and peeing LOADS of blood, so much I passed out. My wife took me back to the hospital, I was given a blood test, and a urine test. I was told that these symptoms were normal and that when they said Take it easy, they meant laying flat on my back in bed. I was scheduled for another op almost three weeks later and still have to lay flat until then. I constantly feel like I really need to pee a lot, and with very little notice to get to the loo, when I do, I pee about a spoonful at a time and the pain is terrible, although my kidneys no longer hurt, going to the toilet is hell as is the pain in my stomach. I run my own company and obviously can’t work because I have to lay flat. But business partner has been great and has managed to cover for me, which I really appreciate. If anyone is having this op, you should plan to be out of action for about 6 weeks. I still have 10 days to go before my next operation, hopefully they will have the correct tools by then.
It’s unbelievable they are making you wait so long to have surgery, given the pain you are in! Two days of pain after stent removal , was enough for me.
Can you go to a different uro, and possibly get in sooner?
Hi everyone!!
I’m glad I’ve found this website,however I can’t find the answer to my question.
My story:
I live in Canada,and was diagnosed with a kidney stone in 2012.However I was told that nothing can be done unless the stone shifts and I end up in the ER.
In March 2013 I ended up in the ER one day,but I thought I had a urinary infection..Dr told me it’s my stone,but sent me home.In April I was finally able to get an appointment and see a Urologist,who have told me that I have a 2cm(yep!!20 mm!!) stone,and he scheduled me to have a lithotripsy.The procedure was ok,they even let me bring in my music.After it was over they sent me home.
5 am the next morning I woke up with an unbearable pain.I was literally peeing ‘sand’..I started to throw up,and was close to black out,so after 3 hours we went back to the ER.
In Canada there is a looong wait in the hospitals..which I wasn’t too happy with.I was in a wheelchair,throwing up and crying my eyes out.After an hour they finally gave me some Fentanyl that eased the pain a bit.They did an X-ray,pumped me full of painkillers and sent me home saying the fragments of the stone will pass.Gave me Flomax.I came home,was all dizzy from the meds so was able t have a nap..Long story short at 8pm I was back at the ER,throwing up,crying from the pain in my back and abdomen.This time I had to be admitted,and said a 7mm piece was stuck,(and nothing bigger than 5mm can pass on its own)..I was just wondering why did the previous Dr send me home when he saw the same X-ray??They scheduled me for surgery the next morning.
However by the morning I was so weak from all this going on..and they couldn’t give me more drugs from the pain since I still had the surgery coming up ..Surgery went well..I had a stent put in.The kidney pain disappeared right after the surgery..but having a stent in was no fun.I was peeing blood ,sharp pain with every urine..and I couldn’t sit comfortably.
I had to remove the sent 5days after surgery.
I was really scared of this part,but honestly it wasn’t bad.It’s almost like pulling a tampon out(for the ladies..guys…I really feel bad for all of you!),slight discomfort,bu it’s out in a second.(The tip I got from the hospital was to have a nice warm bath,and remove the sent while in the tub)
I was so happy that I’m all done!!(little did I know what was coming..
2 hours after removing the stent the same old kidney-back-abdominal pain started.Been up with the pain for 7 hours now…I have noticed that I’ve been peeing out lots of fragments..So I have 2 Q’s!!
1.Is this pain normal after stent removal??How long do I have to deal with it?(heating pad,aleeve,motrin didn’t help at all).I really feel like going back to the ER..but my poor hubby is exhasuted,tred but can’t wake him up…
2.I had to be straining my urine since the lithotripsy..So I know by fact that while I had the stent in,I haven’t peed a single fragment of the stone out…However since I removed the stent it’s just coming like crazy..Is this normal??What was the point of the stent then?(I though I had it in so the fragments can pass without hurting,causing damage.But I know that there is no way that these fragments could go through that tiny stent)
Somebody…help…I’m in an unbearable pain….:((
P.S.Sorry for the long story..
Bee, Sorry to say for 50% of people with a srent the misery come after it is removed! They neglect to warn you about that part! Be sure to drink a LOT of water. My pain lasted about 2 days. Aleve can also help, took that and 1 hydrocodone. The stent helps relieve swelling after trauma to the ureter and bladder.
There is another blog on this site, “severe pain after stent removal, a lot of people dealing with the same reaction. Too bad the dr, underestimated the size of the fragment. Did you do shock wave or laser litho? Sorry I didn’t check this site sooner, hope by now you are feeling better.
I hear ya, last night pulled the stent out, was back in emerg hooked up to IV pumping in the pain meds and anti nausea meds. Waiting to hear from dr of what next….
Oh dear!! I have a stent in from surgery yesterday. Due to take out on Thursday. Will be so happy… then I read your warning. Great!! Praying that there is an end to this!
I have another question to. I have to wear pads..not only because of the bleeding but I am constantly peeing. The stent is almost working like a catheter. I don’t feel that I am peeing but I none stop dribbling and filling pads every few hours. Is this normal? Gee.. I hope I get control back!! wow!
Constant leaking after placement of stent can sometimes indicate that the stent has “migrated” down into the bladder neck/sphincter area. This area is what holds your urine in. When a stent drops into this area, it keeps it open, allowing urine to constantly drip out. An analogy is putting your foot in a door to keep it from closing all the way. Once the stent is removed, your control should come back to normal. You should consider contacting to your doctor for further input and advice.
Here’s my story. I’ve been having occasioal pain in my stomach below my sternum and fatigue. SO I went to my allergist first. She said everything is ok with lungs , so that’s not the cause of the fitigue. Sent me to the gastro doctor. 6 weeks to get in. He said I need another colonoscopy. Scheduled for May 10. 6 weeks ago I had extreme pain and went to ER. Lots of tests. ER doc says I don’t what’s causing this but you have a huge kidney stone. Went to the urologist, he said the stone is 18 mm and will never pass on its own. Said i should probably take the day off after the surgery. Had lithotripsy and stent placement. Stayed overnight in the hospital because of extreme pain. Hurt like hell for a week. Worked a little the next week. Went in to remove the stent removed and he said the stones still there. Had to wait for 2 weeks Had the second surgery yesterday. Home the same day but still a lot of pain today. Didn’t sleep last night. Vicodin every four hours and the antispsmatic. I feel like the doctor minimized the post op pain. Hurts every time I pee and I’m just worn out by the whole thing. But sounds like my symptoms are usual. In case you think I’m a baby I’m a dentist and I didn’t miss a day of work with a broken clavicle or a broken ankle.
No Joe, you’re not a wimp! This pain is most like the worst Labor a woman can experience, Now you know what that’s like. At least then you have a rewrd when its all over. My pain lasted 2 days, now have no more of the cramps I was having for the last year. And yes, most of those who post here say they don’t tell you enough of what to expect afterwards. I want to know all possibilities, this was NOT presented. I’m pretty pain tolerant also, but this was beyond severe! Good luck.
Hi everyone,
I had shock wave lithotripsey a number of years ago, which only split my stone in 2. The uro said to leave it alone, as it was in the kidney and not bothering me. Three years ago I passed one of the stones, went to the ER as I thought I might have appendicitis. I call it my 4th child ,as it certainly was like labor. Guys, now you know what having a baby is like. For the last year I have been having menstrual like cramps and back ache. My gyn cudn’t find anything, then I remembered that was the symptom when we first found my stone. Sooo I went to a new uro, mine had moved, and he tells me” you’d have more pain if it were a stone”. Did a sono and didn’t see anything. I knew the pain came IF i were passing a stone, so he agreed to do a CT scan. Surprise I return to the office and he says”you have a kidney stone” Bingo , I say, told you so , I only passed one and there had to be another one there!
So had laser lithotripsey yesterday for a 1 cm stone. I was scared to death of the stent pain, but have been blessed with only more cramps. Kept me til last night as I was nauseous and throwing up, finally gave me something for that and packed me off home. On Pyridium, Flowmax and Ditropan. So far so good. Guess I’m one of the lucky ones pain wise. I was scared to death, but the cramps are not too bad. Have the stent removed Monday.
Had the stent removed today. Thought since I was relatively comfortable with it that I had been lucky and everything was done, NOT! They neglected to mention that 50% have severe pain after removal, I’m one of the 50%, as I read on this site. Stoners said Naproxene helps, I called dr, they said OK, so I took Naproxene(Aleve) and things are better. Wow that was as bad as passing my other stone was! Hope that is over .
I’m one of the 50% too. Had a stent removed a few months ago and ended up in the ER an hour later. 3 hours later the pain was controlled enough to be discharged. Had another aren’t placement a week ago and am so not looking forward to having it removed in a few weeks. Maybe the 2nd time around won’t be so bad.
Hi Michelle, Sure hope it goes better, I had 2 days of extreme pain. Better now, but some blood in my urine and beginning to wonder if Im getting an infection.Had a number over the years and beginning to get that familiar feeling. Will go to the uro tomorrow if it continues.
I’d be sure to ask your dr about taking Naproxen. I’ve had blood in my urine for most of the time I’ve had the stent in and Naproxen increases bleeding.
Good thought KJoe. I read the research on taking Naproxene, they didn’t mention that!
Hello to all. I just had surgery to get a 6mm stone taken out.
And also had a stent put inside me. On 4/4/13 I had the worst pain
In my life. Right away I knew I had kidney stones because my father in law described the kind of pain he had only about a month
Ago. I never thought I would fall victim to such pain. It was my very 1st stone and it felt like a knife stabbing me over and over.
I hesitated to call 911 because I heared from my father in law that you could pass it on your own.
That may be true for some people but I did not fall under that
Catagory. After about 2 hours of none stop stabbing I told my wife ER please and lets make it quick. I didnt call 911 because I did not want all the fuss and I thought I can handle the pain until
I got there. I quickly found out that I was so dreadfully wrong.
The hospital is only a 15 min drive away but the pain that I experianced at home was Hitting me like waves but sitting in the
Felt like a huge tsunami. I was in one Position in the car but at home I could move around to handle the pain a little.
Once at the hospital –which felt like an hour just to get there because of the horrible traffic lights –I walked up the ramp to get checked in. I told them right away. Pain is 10 on rictor scale. I
Need help. I also told them I think it’s kidney stones. After some pain meds, IV, cathader, and a CT scan sure enough I had kidney stones. There were 2. One was 6.4mm which was in my ureter and a 2mm which was still in my kidney. Both were on my left side. They kept me over nightto monitor me because I was retaining fluid. I was not urinating enough. I didn’t mind because I felt no pain at all. From my point of view I thought I was cured and just go home the next day.
When morning came I was. Very disappointed when I spoke to a urologist. He said the stone were still in me and that I had choices. He said you can try to pass the stone with the help Of flowmax or we can go up your Penis and have our way with you. (he did not actually say that). Of course flowmax became my new best friend.
Flowmax and I didn’t stay friends for long though, I quickly realized it wasn’t helping me. It was giving me more side effects then helpful effects. It went on like this, for 2 more weeks until today, but before today I went through a routine of pain meds, urine straining, flowmax, depression and of course pain.
My urologist told me that I had 50/50 chance passing the stone and to be honest if you told me those odds 2 weeks ago I would’ve thought GREAT odds!! But now it seems that surgery is best so I scheduled an appointment and went through it today. I was asleep the whole time so I don’t remember much. Luckily my doctor was able light saber the stones and get rid of it.
Now I have to recover and it isn’t so pleasant. Looking down makes me scared and Peeing is horrible. The stent put in me isn’t so bad. In fact I could barley feel it. Guess I’m one of the lucky ones that don’t mind the stent. Urinating is the hardest part. It feels like tiny pieces of broken glass just burning my urethra. The pain is bearable compared to kidney stones. At least I can lay down with no problem. If I don’t move to much or have to go pee I don’t feel any pain down there.
Life is crazy, it can throw rocks at you –or kidney stones– and you will fall to the ground but you can get back up. Once you feel you can’t fall anymore there is only one other direction to go and that’s UP!! My heart goes out to all of you with this condition it is not a joke. The pain is real and no one else can understand unless they have been there. I’m glad to read your stories and I just wanted to share mine. Thank you all. Have a quick and safe recovery.
I have just been released from the hospital. A 6 mm stone lodged in the lower area that caused acute renal failure and infection.
I have just had a stent put in and now I am waiting to see if the stone passes on its own. If not, I am headed back in to have the laser do its job on it.
Concerned about the possibility of passing a 6 mm stone. This is my first time with kidney stones and I am concerned.
I am gym fit and watch what I eat. I never drink sodas or add sodium to my food. I am confused as to how I could be in such a predicament. I guess the body does what it does.
Tea is a big factor, since it is so prevalent in today’s society, oxylate creates many of the stones and if you jog and gym, dehydration, even for a short while exacerbates it. It does seem to be genetic to a degree. Also a predisposition to diabetes “could” be a factor. Ergo, preventing is difficult, but hydration, bowel function and electrlye management seems to help. My 2 cents
Sorry to hear! I have had surgery 3 times for stones and Im here to
tell ya your probably not gonna pass a 6mm stone on your own! If you do it will probably be the worst experience ever. If you have lithotripsy and have it blasted they will put a stent in, MAKE SURE he puts a string on it. Last one i had done with no string, so i had to have it removed in his office with a scope, WIDE AWAKE!!!!
they numb your tip only, most horrible pain ever! MAKE them put a string on it!
Im glad i found this website, reading all the comments and stories really eased me up. I had a stone removed last week, and the they put in a stent in my right ureter. Thank god after the stone removal, the pain caused by the stone no longer exists, but anither problem came. I have pain during peeing, starting from my bladder up towards to my right kidney, theres also burning sensation while passing the urine thru.. At times it felt like im peeing razors. Sleeping is a little but better compared to when the stone was still there but, now i have to wake up few times in my sleep just to go to the toilet. Im just wondering, when the stent is removed, will the pain go away immediately?
yes it should, personally I find the stent very irritating. removal isn’t as bad as it sounds, it’s over in seconds.
Hi I have just had my stent removed yesterday after 9 weeks and it was a great relief it wasnt painful having removed and have had no problem, yes it does feel a little bit like razor blades the first few times of peeing but drink loads of water and just keep going and within 24-48 hours that feeling passes my next stage is now to have another ct scan to ensure no other stones are around then consultant in july then freedom of hospitals, good luck everyone
I was online today, researching the kidney stent removal procedure, when I came upon your website. . . . what a relief to find out that all most all of the symptoms I was experiencing were indeed due to the kidney stents. I learned a lot from the article and from reading all of the personal experiences from other people with kidney related issues.
My medical ordeal…I thought that I had passed a kidney stone in early December, so when I went to my primary care physician. I described the experience to him and he ordered some tests to see if I had passed a kidney stone. I continue to have stomach pain. When I went to see him the day after Christmas, he informed me that I had passed the kidney stone, but that he wanted to order some additional tests and refer me to a Gastroenterologist because I had elevated liver enzymes and dilation of my pancreatic duct. The testing indicated an increase in dilation of the pancreatic duct and in addition, dilation of my common bile duct. The Gastroenterologist surgeon was unable to complete the ERPC and it was aborted. My pain was severe; I was diagnosed with pancreatitis and placed on a liquid diet. I was then referred to a different Gastroenterologist surgeon for more tests and another ERPC was attempted and aborted. The Gastroenterologist surgeon told me that the procedures were aborted because once the tube was inserted and reached the area where the ducts are usually located, mine were not there and so the surgeons would spend longer periods of time trying to reach the ducts. However, this can aggravate the pancreas and cause pancreatitis. A third ERCP procedure was then scheduled and completed under a general anestheology. I had severe pain after the procedure as was moved to an observation room for 36 hours. The pain continued and I was admitted. The following day I developed a fever of 102 and had a CT scan which revealed a kidney stone lodged in my ureter. The next thing I remember is having an emergency surgery at midnight to have a kidney stent inserted. That was March 8th . I continued to have the pancreatic pain and I some discomfort that felt like a bladder infection. I was on pain medication and used heat pads throughout my hospital stay. I had a follow-up doctor appointment two days later. I informed the doctor that I was having severe pain bladder pain, he ordered lab tests, and prescribed medication to help with the spasms. I was at home taking it easy because I was very uncomfortable with bladder pain while sitting, walking, standing, and/or urinating. Then on St. Patrick’s Day, just four days after my discharge, I had the worst pain of my life in my sternum. I immediately took my blood pressure (240/191), woke my husband, and called 911. I thought it was the pancreatitis or kidney stone related, but in the emergency room they informed me that I had had a heart attack….most likely due to all the stomach related issues since December. The Cardiologist team at the hospital reviewed my current medications and took me off of the estrogen I was taking. Since I returned home the second time, I have continued to have a lot of pain and discomfort and was passing blood clots. I also have been experiencing what I call “power surges”…it starts in my right wrist and shoots up my arm, across my chest, down my arm, and stops at my left wrist. I feel discomfort throughout this pathway for a couple of minutes. These happen at least once an hour throughout the night. It wakes me up; sometimes I am able to fall asleep again. These surges, according to my Gynecologist are my hot flashes. I returned to my primary care doctor and had another urine test to confirm a bladder infection, but it came back negative. The next day I saw the Urologist and he informed me that all the discomfort I was experiencing was indeed from the stents. I asked him if there was something I could take to relieve the pain and discomfort and he said that there were several medicines that I could take, but that my body would adjust to the stents and I wouldn’t experience pain or discomfort. He didn’t want to have to put me under a general anestheology and wait 4 weeks with the Cardiologist approval for the stent and stone removal. So, he said he would schedule the stent removal and said that he stone should just pass. If I developed severe pain he would then remove the stone in an emergent procedure. The following day I saw my primary doctor and asked them to consult with my Urologist and call in a prescription to deal with the pain. I then saw the Gastroenterologist, he said that the removal of the stents would be a quick 10 minute procedure, but that he was going to contact my cardiologist, for approval of the procedure. The following week I saw the Cardiologist, he and his team of interns perform a nuclear stress test. They prescribed a blood thinner and found another part of my heart that was not performing 100%. He wanted me to wait for four to eight weeks after the onset of my attack to have any of the stents removed. I still have a lot of pain when I walk, sit, and urinate. But when I spend most of the time just resting, I do notice some improvement. I use two BodiHeat pads along the bottom of my underwear and an electric heat pad across my bladder and stomach and I continue to pass blood, not clots, in my urine. Has anyone found something else to relieve the bladder spasms? I was taken off my diabetic medicine, metformin, in early December and have been drinking decaffeinated sugar free tea since then. Is it true that tea can cause kidney stone?
Yes on the tea, citrus can irritate your kidney, no nsaids either. I was given macrobid, and pyridium, major relief, but still cannot resume normal life except for about 2 hours, when the stent pulling from my bladder to kidney gives me awful low back pain and makes me walk crooked. Heat helps, all in all it is much better than the stone(s)
I’m still awaiting my stent removal. The constant pain gradually became worse last Wednesday through Friday. I took pain meds and hoped it would work. Instead, I started to have severe chest pain and went to the ER. I thought I was having another heart attack . The attack occurred again as they were transferring me to the observation room. I was discharged on Monday with a diagnosis of non-cardiac chest pain. The ER doctors thought it might be Nutcraker Esophagus. They seem to think that the attacks were brought on by the intense bladder pain, as I may have passed the stone during that time..not sure. I hope to have my stent out within the next 3 weeks. . .finally. But until then, I spend most days in my pjs and lay around with heat pads. I surely hope that when they remove the stent, they will also remove the pain I have been in since March 8th. Does anyone know if there is discomfort after the stent removal and if so for how long? Is it the same kind of pain?
Finally got the stent out at my insistence, lidocaine 1st,, then cytoscope then injecting sterile fluid to enlarge the bladder to see the “pigtail” end and work a little to grab it firmly, it was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable enough to make faces but not enough to yell or anything. Then you feel a turning and tugging in your flank as he makes a firm steady pull. You open your mouth expecting to youch but you feel it coming all the way out. My nurse said yea, congratulations its a boy! My biggest issue was I really felt I needed to urinate, but they said relax and wait for the feeling to pass. It didn’t, but the I got a shot of antibiotic, my toungue mouth and lips were getting a little numb, from the lidocaine they had inserted below. Odd. When he showed me the stent, it was not smooth on the outside as I thought, but bumpy with ridges to keep it in.
So I was tired, and urinating no longer felt like shards of glass, but I was sore and fatigued. I actually went grocery shopping for more fluids, I now have another Currently 7mm stone in the lower quadrant and will face litho again but for now I need rest and recovery and sleep. Dr gave me cipro and pyridium and about 2 hours later I felt sore and weak like I had kidney and low back punches in fight club, but not the orig pain from the stones, not the amazing pain or urgency from the stent. Took vicodin and an not lying on that side, but it looks like I can sleep. This should go on for the next 2-3 days, then all done until next time. And next time, no stent. I’ve done it both ways now and definitely without the stent. It’s a whole nother world of pain.
I had to have ureteroscopy and laser for a 6 mm stone that wasn’t passing on its own. Afterwards the urologist left a stent in for two weeks. The night before surgery I started to have menstrual spotting, and a day after I had my full blow period. If it weren’t for the period cramps and water retention, I don’t think this would have been nearly as bad. They key seems to be to continue drinking LOTS of water. Urination is slightly uncomfortable and I am left with a burning sensation for a few minutes after I’m done; but I find that if I keep drinking it gets less and less. I am lucky that I can work from home. I have a high tolerance for pain, I really do; but I wouldn’t be able to make it to work if I had a physically demanding job. Even putting on dress pants and heels is too much, as I feel like anything tight or restrictive irritates my bladder. My heart goes out to those of you who have to face this without any leeway to relax and take it easy. If my employer wasn’t flexible I would probably have tried some form of disability, FMLA, or just quit – so I could take time as I needed it. Sometimes you just have to cut yourself some slack. If you’re really suffering, look out for yourself, and if you get resistance from others, dismiss them and don’t give it a second thought. Hang in there! Keeping yourself healthy and taking care of yourself is nothing to be ashamed of.