What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
Hi All,
Thursday 29th June 2017 woke up in sheer agony at 2 am for 3 hours with pain in my left side towards the back. Finally settled down. Got an emergency appointment at the quacks who pee tested and suspected Kidney Stone.
Saturday the 1st July 2017 8am up to go to gym, then all of a sudden excruciating pain in the same place except it went accross the belly as well. After 45 minutes of trying to keep quiet and not wake everybody up, i think my quiteness woke my wife up as i was giving her a lay in and she rushed down stairs. I must have covered 2 mile walking around my room hundreds of times to keep my mind off the pain. She bollocked me for not getting her up sooner (yes 65 minutes i kept as quietly as possible in the most excruciating pain i have ever dealt with) and she took me to A&E.
We had a 20 minute wait, no where to sit, seems people go to A&E as a jolly not just the pooly person and there carer there seems to be family outings, family in front of me had Grandmother, Mother and father teenager and 3 young kids, sorry i digress, but when there is nowhere to sit and your being told to wait behind the line, well this is why, bloody ridiculous. Anyway i was spotted in writhing pain and hyper-ventilating. Nurse just put me in a chair into a triage room did a quick 10 second assessment then wheeled me straight into A&E treatment room. I was throwing up because of the pain. They managed to put a canular in me and give me some anti sick medicine then after 20 mins they gave me 7mg of morphine pumped in and the pain almost gone. Enough time to get a X-Ray followed by 10Mg of more morphine. They moved me upstairs to the surgical ward.
To cut a long story short, i havea 7mm stone, had a stent placed in my left to relieve the pain i was in.
I’m now not in excruciating agony and since coming out of hospital 5th July 2017 19:30 hrs the pain when peeing is almost like peeing burning hot razor blades is all i can describe it like. I also get side pain like before but it is only for 4 seconds as im peeing. The plan is to go back into theatre in 2 weeks after my ureter has dilated slightly thanks to the stent, they are using a lazer to disolve the stone then remove the stent, where i then pass the remnants of the stone as normal. Just in time for my holiday to america on the 10th August that has been planned for the last 2 years… Yes all cutting it very fine.
The feeling of needing to pee every 10 mins has now passed, but the excruciating burning sensation and bloody pee still persists. The fact that after removal i have it to look forward to all over again is not something to be looking forward to.
I have to say though that my hospital Basingstoke NHS have been absolutely superb. They have got me in and sorted and have even brought me forward to get the stone and stent removed before my holiday. My experience of our NHS system has put without doubt in my mind what a top bunch of people we have working there and when you see the pressures they are under fromthe moment you are admitted to A&E you really do realise they do not get enough money or credit!
I had about the same experience and same dates too except I’m getting mine removed on Tuesday. Good luck
Going through the same thing, went to the hospital yesterday nor
yesterday morning . Sure enough X-ray showed
1.73cm stone. Transported me by an ambulance to a bigger hospital
A bigger hospital. Had stent put in this morning,
they let me go home at 5pm today, have to go to the Dr.
Dr.thursday to put me back in the hospital Friday ,
to do the laser, the stone had blocked the flow in
My right kidney
Left kidney stone removal yesterday. Not fun but necessary. The stent is uncomfortable any urination comes with a burning sensation but day 2 i an not peeing blood anymore. I dread going to the bathroom but myself like all of you have a foriegn tube in our urethra so naturally our bodies are fighting it. Stay strong folks
Im really nervous about my stone it is 16mm
I had two stents put in today under local anaesthetic. I also have drains in.
My ureter is being pressed on by a tumour.
Sorry to frighten anyone but I found the pain of the right hand stent going in unbearable. The idea of having them out again fills me with dread and I am going to beg to be put under general anaesthetic!!
Wow, I’m so glad to know that I am not the only person that doesn’t accept the stent. The pain can be mild to excruciating in a matter of minutes. I’ve had my stent for six days now and have had two episodes of excruciating pain. The dr is admitting me to the hospital to co troll the pain after taking 800mgs ibuprofen and two Tylenol 3 with codeine and no relief. They have given me morphine and as long as I don’t move around much it’s controlled. Prayers of relief to y’all suffering.
Thank you all so much for your comments. I had a stent placed 10 days ago after laser surgery. I have been in such excruciating pain from the stent. I was not informed that a stent would be placed in until right before surgery by the anesthesiologist. I have been thinking it was just me and this pain was uncommon but after reading all of your comments I now see what it common issue this is it has helped me greatly. I have only been able to do one day of work since I sit at a desk and the pain was so intense by the end of the day I have not been able to go back into work. I get relief by trying to stay laying down. It is most comfortable on my stomach. I too have been taking pain medication but there are times when the medication does not work at all. I am grateful to know that I am not alone in trying to deal with this pain God bless you all
Hi I’ve had a 10day stent placed into my left kidney on monday. This is my second one 1st one had no strings attached, this one has…. All is ok so far think im used to the feelings and discomfort now my only issue is dealing with the strings im female and of course its like a tampon string but longer.. im terrified of pulling it. My surgeon placed medical tape on my leg to hold back the length but it was too tight when i woke up from my kidney stone removal that i couldn’t sit up so had to loosen it off I’ve changed the tape everyday leaving a little bit of slack for general movement, but I’ve been wearing leggings and jogging bottoms till today i put jeans on and either tape or sting were rubbing all day which were worst than the stent itself! I have work tomorrow and have to wear fitted black trousers to work im dreading it rubbing tomorrow. Can you Pease tell me what you all did with you strings mine are probably about 8inches long. Im unsure whether i can just took it all into my knickers and be careful pulling them down for a wee!!
I’m going thru my 2nd round of uric acid stones (1st. 10/23/15 which put me in hospital for 5 days with blood issues and a last minute 50th anniversary trip to Italy cancelled.)
Had stents in both ureters for 3 weeks (no peeing pain just peeing often) Never again will I go thru the removal of stents without being put under. 20 minutes of pure hell,no kidding. Went in this past Wed. for the removal of stone in (L) ureter which they couldn’t get out,so stent inserted. Much pain in passing urine and some blood. Been on Flomax for 18 yrs. deals with the prostate but not this. Won’t take percocet so OTC pain meds dealing with it. Off alcholol possibly for good. Try tart cherry concentrate in water for uric stones,hopefully stent out next week and stone passes.Will change my ways (diet and hydration appears to be the key)
I’ve been 4 months dealing with a kidneystone had a Shockwave done in February it broke it up but not enough to pass . So in may I had the more evasive surgery had Stent put in still had some of the stone still June 9th had another Shockwave done this worked and had Stent taken out today what a relief I’m not going to lie there was some discomfort having it out felt like a bee sting
I’d like to know if anyone had that feeling when getting a Stent removed
I went to the er last Saturday morning in excruciating pain and throwing my guts up. Thank goodness it was empty and I was given drugs quickly and Ct scan which detected a 3 mm kidney stone. I was admitted because my blood levels were off probably because of all the throwing up. I had the pain again on Sunday morning and was sick again. They gave me diloudid and zofran but was sick all day. After an ultrasound it was decided that the stone was not moving and I should have it surgically removed. Since I believe the narcotic made me sick they gav me a different drug, something like todural, which helped the pain. They did the surgery, removed the stone because as it turns out my ureter was too small to pass the stone, and inserted a stent to be removed in two weeks. Sent me home on Wednesday and today is the best I have felt. I still have the urge to pee and some blood but do feel better. Now my blood pressure has gone up and I don’t know if that has anything to do with the stree of everything. I haven’t had high blood pressure before and I feel like my heart is jumping. I’m hoping it’s all because I have this foreign object in my body.
You can get high blood pressure and diabetes from having stone blasted apart.
Hi everyone, I am so glad I have read all your experiences regarding stents. 4 weeks ago I had a Partial Nephrectomy due to duplex kidney on left side, I spent years suffering infections which hospitalised me 3 times in the past year, until they decided to operate. The surgeon put in a left side stent after the OP and I have to say I have been in agony ever since. Pain in left lower side, constant urination and feel the need to go again after about 10 minutes or so. I spent a day in A&E last week due to severity of pain and wanted the stent removed, but CT scan showed the stent was doing what it should be and will be removed in week 6? I am still off work as am only able to walk short distances before experiencing pain and feel overwhelming tiredness? Bleeding occurs after walking or if I lift anything or just slightly over do things. Am in real shock that a stent could cause such problems and prevent me from working. I cannot wait to have it removed
I had a stone removed and a stent put in and I have to take it out in a week, my question is does anyone else fill like it’s coming out, mine feels like I have a annoying tampax in. Just wondering. Ty
That’s exactly how I have been describing it! Have had mine in for 3 days and awaiting an appointment to laser blast a 9mm stone. All the best with yours.
I read everyone comments and seen videos. I just had surgery this past Monday to remove an egg size bladder stone and kidney stone. I had a stent in from the last time I had surgery which I didn’t know it was in till this past Feb. So it was in almost 3 years. They took that out too and replaced it with another stent. Today I got the stent removed. It was painful off and on when my doctor was turning the scope… After it was out I had to lay there and just to try and relax. I am in pain now but the doc said it will be a couple days and the pain from your pee hole will go away. As far as peeing ….when I had the stent in it was very painful …burning …always having to go…and literally had to grab on to something to get thru it. I have went to the bathroom since I had the stent removed …which only has been a couple hours and no burning ….the pee just flows right out like it suppose to…. I will try my best to get back on here for an update in the next couple days. Best of luck to everyone going thru this.
I’m a 24yo female and just had an 11mm stone taken care of in my right kidney. I’m on leave from work for ten days since my job requires heavy lifting that I can’t do without a lot of pain from my newly installed stent. I’m having pretty constant pain that shifts from discomfort to moderate because of the stent, mostly in my right side. Hydrocodone has worked wonders on me though.
I have a stone blocking my ureter. Dr said he would put in stent which would allow him to reach the stone and remove it. The procedure didn’t work, just ended up pushing the stone back to the top of ureter. Now I have to go through the pain of the stone moving back down again. Has anyone ever had this done. I can’t find anything that says stents are used this way. And as others have said pain medications aren’t helping much.
I recently went through the laser surgery to have a stone remove and when I woke up they told me they were unable to get the stones out because my uriters are too small to fit their instruments in so they told me they put a stent in each one of my uriters to spread them and I go back and have a second surgery in two and a half weeks the reason I’m posting on here is because everything I’ve read nothing says anything about putting a stent in to stretch your ureter out so I’m wondering if there was complications in there just not telling me but here we go again from one pain to another and yes the pain was very extreme the first two days and pain we won’t even talk about that at times I would scream I wish there was somebody else going through this that I could talk to because everything I’ve read this isn’t common take care everybody
I just had a stent put in for the same problem and it’s to stretch the tube so they can get in there and get the stone out easier. In a 30 year old female and currently have a stent for this reason
That was the reason I was given for the stent insertion: it expands the ureter so it is easier for the stone to pass. I just had the lithrophy today to break up the stone. The feeling that I have to pee is quite annoying.
Hi I’m a 52 yr old male,
yesterday I had á 4 mm right uvj stone removed via laser and a stent with retrieval thread loop was placed as part of the procedure. As is typical, urinating is painful, managed well by the meds given while attempting to pass the stone earlier. A few things seem to help me reduce pain intensity:
1. Slow the flow by squeezing penis near the base. That seems to help minimize urine flow in the stent (the sphincter in the bladder end of the ureter closes to prevent unwanted flow, but the stent prevents that) by allowing the pressure in the system to change gradually.
2. Before going to the toilet spread the meatus (hole where urine exits) and put in a few drops of personal lubricant, e.g. Astroglide. That helps with irritation from the thread, and seems to help protect against stinging from the passing urine.
3. Drink plenty of fluids to keep urine concentration diluted.
I’m hoping my stent can be removed next week. Sounds simple enough to do at home, so I’ll ask my Dr. about that.
Hi all,
I have stent installed for my left side since last 4-5 months, one operation to install and second to remove the stone but the doctors could not remove the big stone in One session so i am going to have the third operation (2nd on removing stone). Yes the urge to pee is killing and having pain on my all left side. Kidney, bladder, testis and even my left leg. These are all understandable but I have somthing else wierd and I dont know if anyone else experienced it. Pls tell me if its a part of this long frustrating process or something else. Which is along peeing I need to deficate. I have the urge and pain to pee and also deficate (to poop). This is so uncomfortabel, bizzare and horrible. Somehow I was told that all the peeing nerves, bladder, prostate and anus nerves are all connected and thats the side effects of the stent. Is it truw or I should see a doctro as its something else?
Thanks to anyone will share any idea or suggestion
That is exaxclty what i said feels like i gotta poo all the time . So yes i feel ya i n that but i feel like peeing all the time also so i sit for a sec and fell myself its just the stint amd the feeling will pass other wise id be sitting on the toilet all day lol
Yes, I too have had the same feeling. Especially right after stent placement. Sometimes I don’t go and sometimes I do but the feeling is uncomfortable.
Thanks for everyone’s experiences. It helps a lot. I just had 2 stones removed and a stent put in. I having all the same pains. I asked my Doc to take out the stent early. He agreed to will know more when I go to his office later today.
By the way if anyone thinks they have a stone insist on a cat scan. I went to an ER and they did not do a scan causing me anther week of pain until I could get an appointment with a urologist. My learning is: speak up the ER’s are not that thorough as They used to be.
I just want to know that after the kidney stone lazer surgery…stent which were puted during surgery are compulsory to move? Asy Dr said that the stent will dissolve by itself….so is it true?
Plz help out!
They have to be removed otherwise a bladder atone may form on the stent. .. It happen to me.
Omg i havee two stints in one o. Each side it is to stretch my uriter so they can get the camera and stuff in there . This is some of the worst pain iv every had and they say u can go to work next day “i think not “.i go back for another surgery in 2 weeks omg .cant wait for another 3 days of pissing fire and feeling like ny inside are being squeez to death
I am now on day 5 post laser blasting 2 stones in my R ureter and placement of a stent. I have 5 more days to go until the stent is removed in the dr.’s office. The stent causes burning while urinating which is frequent. The uncomfortable feeling of the low pain is positionable. Strangely standing up diminishes the pain and laying on my left side feels better than on my right. Neither flomax or a drug called Urible (to lessen spasms in the stented ureter) have reduced the pain. My dr. gave me a Percocet prescription and that works to knock out the pain. I’m taking 1/4 of a Percocet about every 4 hrs.
As one person wrote before, one with stones usually has to get them out even if you don’t want to. In my case, as long as they’re in my kidneys I have no pain, but then they grow larger and can cause trouble with kidney function later .
I had a stone in my Ureter and they had to go in to get it and they put a stent in. I am so uncomfortable that I can not be anywhere that takes me away from the bathroom. The pressure and burning is awful. I can not sit down without discomfort and pain. I am supposed to have my stent in for 2 weeks, but I don’t know if I can stand it much longer.
Hi everyone. My name is Steve. From Brisbane. Australia. I’ve. had kidney stones. Seriously back in 2014. And now their. back. I have 3.at around 7–8. mm. Stuck blocking the flow. In my left side and one huge stone on the right. Im. Going in to surgery. to instal a stent for both. Trufly I’m scared. Previously they have put in single. And the pain of testicular to bladed and the can’t control peeing. The doctor says. The sentence must be left in 3–6. Weeks. I don’t know if can take it. I can tell you something I got to change my ways. No more alcohol. Soft drinks. Just. H20 3 all more litres, a day.
Does anyone know if Zyrtec causes Kidney stones in women? I took it for 4 months and have a kidney stone that will not move. I current have a stent and will have another procedure at the end of the month to blast the stone.
I went to the ER after 9 hours of excruciating pain. Luckily i didnt have to wait long. I had a stent put in yesterday (may 26) at 7:00. I left the hospital around midnight.
They gave me flomax and painkillers. In my case the discomfort of the stent didn’t
start until this evening around 10pm. The pain killers are ineffectual and im not sure if the flomax is helping either. That being said the discomfort im having is minor (so far), compared to the persistant and almost unbearable pain of the stone itself!
My urologist said it is to be removed in 2 weeks. Since yours was done at almost the same time as mine, i was wondering if you are having the same issues; pressure in lower left back (side where stone was), pain from moving around a lot, and minor bleeding.
Hi tulip I had a kidney stone removed on Tuesday and I have had a stent put in I still get pain in my left side but it is not like it was when I had the stone. I still take pain killers and coding and I still get a little stinging when I go to the toilet and am also always tired.
I have read everybody’s agonies. Yes, helpful and making me nervous because I am going to have a stent put in in a couple of hours and the doctor told me on the phone that I may feel some pressure, and that was it. No need to be asleep, he said since the procedure is quick. Well, well, well. So now I do know what prescriptions to ask for, Flomax and Percocet. I really don’t like all these medications but it definitely seems to be necessary and I am not planning on being stuck at home without pain medication over the weekend. It’ll be “hey emergency room, here I’m coming.” But who knows how long you may have to wait there and IN PAIN.So thanks everybody for describing all of your problems with stenting. At least it has prepared me for what questions to ask. I have stones in both kidneys and in both ureters, but i have no problem peeing, but my doctor warns me that there may become a complete blockage, so I guess I have no choice.