All about ureteral stents

What is a stent?

Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

Photograph of a ureteral stent
Photo of a ureteral stent next to a pen.

When are they needed?

Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

Illustration of a ureteral stent.

How is a stent placed?

Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.

How is a stent removed?

Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.

How long can a stent stay in?

In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.

What are the symptoms of having a stent?

While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:

  • Sensation of needing to urinate
  • Seeing blood in the urine
  • Bladder spasms
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Pain in the back during urination or when moving
  • Pain in the bladder

Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?

Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies.  Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.

Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?

Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.

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Rick Howard

I had a stent removed about a week ago and have had to urinate about every hour. Urination is painful. And when I am not urinating I feel like I have to. The pain comes toward the end of urination and located only in my penis. I had a urine check for infection and it turned out negative. Now I am taking phenazopyridine three times a day and it helps with discomfort quite a bit. No back pain after stint was removed. Dr. thinks that there may be some element of kidney stone still there. Drink a lot of water maybe it will pass. But this pain does not come from my kidney area. Only from my penis when I urinate. Wondering if I could have a stone that passed into my bladder and is trying to pass through my penis but not quite getting there. Pulling the stint out was very painful in my penis. Maybe inflamation or swelling there. Any response will be welcome…..


Hi Everyone!

I’m no stranger to getting kidney stones, but it has been some time since the last one. I just recently got out of the hospital after finding out I have a 12mm stone that is still in my kidney. The stone was too high to be seen by X-ray to do a lithotripsy so a stent was done instead! My next procedure is a ureteroscopy and stent change…I guess I’m just curious to know what this means?!? I had assumed I was getting a lithotripsy and just saw my papers for what the actual procedure is now being the ureteroscopy and stent change! I was under the impression my prior stent was put there not only to bypass the stone so everything could function but also to maybe stretch the kidney a little so the stone would drop; however I thought it was too big to go into the ureter so I’m confused as to why they would do a ureteroscopy ! Has anyone else had experience with this??? I was really hoping for no more stents since they are extremely uncomfortable especially with having a job where I am up and moving for anywhere between 7-12 hours a day!


Moira I know how you feel . Ive had bi-lateral stents for over 4yrs, due to oth my uteral tubes being burnt from my radition . I had infections the first few years but since I stopped working I havent had any problems. I was on my feet all day.
I will be like this for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone but it does get better.



Oh my god


Hi All,
I had a stone stuck in my ureter for 14 days before having it removed and a stent put in. The stent was there for a week and since it was removed I have been in similar pain to the stone (for the past 6 weeks). I followed up with my urologist, had a ct and they cannot find issues. Has anyone else gone through this 🙁

Joel DeClue Sr.

That sounds awful and I am truly to hear of your suffering, I can only imagine what you are going through.

The experience your are describing is definitely abnormal. If I was in your position I would be proactive as possible and do the following. Please know this is my opinion and I am not a medical doctor nor in the medical field. I am just a 28yr prolific kidney stone producer who has passed 100’s of stones, has had many stents placed and removed, too many KUB x-rays, ct-scans and others to count and at least 23 lithotripsy procedures done. With that said, here is my thoughts.

I would recommend that you request an MRI at the least to see if there is anything that is not showing up on the CT Scan, such as soft tissue damage or scarring that may have occurred. After that, if it shows something that can be corrected then get it taken care of. If it did not show anything and you are still suffering by that point the I would request that my Urologist does a cystoscopy as soon as possible. This would allow he or she to use a camera to look for the cuase and possibly take corrective action at that time.

Second opinions should be an option as well, sometimes another doctor with a fresh perspective or different experience is the answer as well. Too many patients today seem to feel an allegience to the first Dr that they have gone to and feel that seeing a different dr is tantamount to changing your hair stylist in the same shop 😉


Has anybody gained weight from surgery?


2nd November 2016, I have also just had 2 stones removed and a stent put in. The stent was giving me so much pain it was like I was passing anotger stone . 2 days after having it removed I am in the same amount of pain. Strong pain killer get ride of it for a while then it comes back. My bladder feels like it’s burning. I feel I need to go all the time no 1 and no 2. My Kidney feels like someone has put a knife through it.

Joel DeClue Sr.

Debbie, Very sorry to hear of your suffering. Above I gave advice that may apply to you as well as the pain from a stent should not last very long after being removed. Usually it is a short period of time, hours to a day, that you may have discomfort resulting from the procedure to remove it. Typically that pain is limited to your urethra and bladder which can be irritated from the tool used to go in and pull the bottom of stent out from your bladder.

Again, as noted above, I am not a medical professional and my knowledge and/or advice should not be taken as fact in any way.

With that said, it is my belief that the depending on the type of stent, the width of it compared to your ureter and how the ends may interact with the bladder and kidney can cuase certain individuals to have much more severe reactions than most.

Do you have pain all the time or when urinating? Where is the pain located, back flank over kidney or lower abdomen, bladder and/or urethra?

Sometimes the pain is not related to the stent at all. Many times I passed small stone fragments through a stent after a procedure and then upon having it removed larger fragments that did not fit into the stent began passing.

I have many times passed one or more large stone fragments after having a stent removed and they are very painful.

I have passed a single kidney stone that was the typical unbearable pain associated with the process of normally passing a stone. And, unfortunately, I have had lithotripsy’s that have broken large ones into smaller fragments yet still left 3-4 pieces that were large enough that after having a stent removed I went through the same agony 3-4 times over a week or so afterwards due to these larger fragments then being able to be passed.

I can tell by the pain if it is stent related, because I have had that many experiences with these processes.

I recommend you talk to your Urologist and get an x-ray (KUB), STAT! If you are in that much pain you need to know why? You need to know if is it kidney stone fragments passing or something else. Sometimes knowing it is fragments and they are passing is half the battle, while it is unbearable pain, at least you know they are coming out and it will end.

Wish you the best of luck, prayers and a quick end to your suffering.


I got a stent on 10/28 as part of ESWL to blast a 15mm stone. Before go into bitching mode, i’ve got to ask just how necessary this thing is? I was told the only reason was to prevent blockage in my ureter. i’ve yet, after 4 days, to see a fragment over 2mm. wouldn’t any blocking fragment have passed by now? if its to help with pain, i’ve passed 3-4mm stones with aspirin and water and i have narcotics if needed. i don’t see benefits.

As for shared experience, my surgeon didn’t tell me about stents until 15 min before i went under but was kind enough to give me a choice while i was loopy from 36 hrs of dietary prep. 4 days post-op, I still get cramps (sometimes triggered by sitting), leakage, burning, etc. i have a drug that controls the burning but it turns by urine orange and stains everything. i can absorb the burning pain more than the annoyance of ruining cloths. wearing anything remotely fitting short of sweats exacerbates the discomfort. i wear adult diapers due to leakage and this whole setup with the 20-min interval of burning peeing breaks basically prevents me from functioning in the office (ignoring my straining regimen). would love to talk to the doctor except she’ s away until 10 days after my surgery (another fact she failed to mention).

SANDY Hungerford

Da_Mess, Hi I have 2 stones in my ureter tube , One is 10mm and the other 5mm. I also have 3 small ones in the kidney..What happens is it blocks you from urinating out of that kidney which causes infection and can be bad. I got E-coli from the infection. You can not pass stones that large that are up in that tube. They go up there and Blast the stone/stones and it has a basket (cage on the end) that catches a lot of the stone fragments. So make that is why you aren’t see that much, The stent is then applied there for a week so you can urinate okay and no infection accure… I hope you feel better soon.
I had a stent put in 2 months ago because mine were so big i couldn’t pee and got infected and also E-coli … This haws been a nightmare with this stent this long…. Make a long story short I am suppose to have them crushed and removed Tuesday but to my surprise, I have another infection because it has been so long getting back in to have the procedure done because of my lovely insurance company,,,, So back on antibiotics and we will see come Tuesday if they do it. I am in so much pain from this stent riding my kidney and bladder for 2 MONTHS .. I am about ready to lose my mind. He did tell me after the surgery I will have another stent but only a week. Got my fingers crossed,,,,People don’t know pain…I gave birth 27 years ago and this is way worse…. Blessing.

Laura Morales

What are symptoms when a kidney don’t have any function?


Hi Don’t know if you can help me but I have had my kidney stent replaced 8 times in one year due to infections. I don’t have kidney stones but I do have bladder cancer and my kidneys keep getting blocked. Do you or anybody know why I keep getting so many infections , my doctors tell me this is very unusual my body keeps rejection the stent but nobody has an answer or a cure. I don’t want to get a bag.

Leah Fisher

Somebody just shared this with me yesterday. Maybe it can help you…

The tea is called K-B Tea and it can be bought from My husband uses it frequently and it has always dissolved his stones. We’ve given some to several friends and it has worked for them as well. Hope it helps!

Catherine Kraft-Urkow

Hi! Can you clarify the mane and brand of the tea you recommend? When I do a search on the link you provided, that product is not available. Thanks!


I just had a stent put in yesterday after the doctor pulled out 3 stones and blasted 3 more in my kidney. I am misstable. I have tried Flomax, Oxycodone, Ibuprofen, Toradol, oxybutynin and heating pad. Nothing is helping. I am open to any other suggestions- seriously anything.


The pain will go in 2 days, I had that on tuesday 25

Tracy N Faris

I too had a stent placed on 10-28-16 after having two 5 mm stones laser removed from my kidney and bladder. These stones made me a total of 26 kidney stones and my 7th surgery. This is my first stent. I am on hydrocodone and Pyridium. This coupled with a heating pad is giving me SOME relief. Hope this helps.

Tracy N

I too had a stent placed on 10-28-16 after having two 5 mm stones laser removed from my kidney and bladder. These stones made me a total of 26 kidney stones and my 7th surgery. This is my first stent. I am on hydrocodone and Pyridium. This coupled with a heating pad is giving me SOME relief. Hope this helps. I also plan on removing my stent myself……..


Jet tub. As hot as you can stand the water. May as well drink some chamomile tea while you are in there. It won’t do anything medically except maybe give you a much needed break from the pain.


I have a stent in as well. I had one in my right kidney for about 2 months on and off which was uncomfortable but relieved by vimovo. Now I have one in the left kidney and was to get it out today but it has moved and the Dr can only get at it by doing another surgery which I am scheduled for again on Tuesday. My 5th surgery in 3 months. Now I am on Naproxen, hydrocodone and toviaz. I just started taking this today so not quite sure of its effects.


How great to find this site.When I was 15yrs old I had an operation for a twisted kidney and ureter that would only empty when I lay flat for 30mins,the pain I had was excruciating until I lay down and it took several years and hospitals at that time to diagnose it.(I am now 70yrs) Nobody has ever checked my kidney since then even though I have had repeated infections,viruses and constant blood and yeasts in my urine.Just given me masses of antibiotics.Recently on having the dreadful pain and not able to pass water I was sent for an ultrasound on my bladder and the young technician was intrigued with my scar which goes from the middle of my stomach to the middle of my back and he was horrified when I told him when it all became infected after the op they put me in a bath of ice for an hour to bring my temperature down.( How surgery procedures have changed over the years! )After a further CT scan it was found that the outlet of the my kidney and ureter were almost totally blocked with scar tissue,so a week ago I had a stent put in. I have had heavy internal bleeding for 5days but on phoning the hospital was told that this was because they had to be so brutal (her words) to get the stent in.The bleeding has thankfully stopped,but the discomfort in standing and walking because of the pain of wanting to urinate which I do every 15-30mins even through the night will not go away,I’m exhausted.My doctor and the hospital say this is all normal.Any suggestions? In response to Kellie’s post,I’m not going to get a Dachshund,I’ve got two beautiful cuddly Persians which are my best tonic!


Wow, Valerie! What a story. Even though no pain mess helped me, I took them every 4 hours as prescribed. I didn’t get the anti spasm mess until the day before the stent was removed! They forgot to prescribe that to me.
I took several very hot baths a day! One thing that I noticed that helped me while urinating was that while I sat on the commode, I sat straight up with my back against the lid.
If you are in excruciating pain, I would go to the ER. I sure wish that I would have. Calling the doc didn’t help! I have heard of people being admitted for several days for pain management!
Another thing, if your stent placement was so ‘brutal’, I would be concerned about a possible infection! Just a thought!
Good luck!
Stay well and God bless!

Joel DeClue Sr.


Backing up what JuJu stated and more.

I have also found that sitting up straight on the toilet while taking deep breaths to relax helps with the pain while urinating. Pehaps try leaning back and also to one side at the same time as well. It helps to visualize the placement of the stent and your ureter and try to position yourself so it makes a vertical line straight as possible between your kidney and bladder.

Also, any medications the can help to numb and/or relax the bladder makes a huge difference when compared to just pain medications. Unfortunately if you need to watch for blood in your urine then simple OTC Uristat is out as it makes your urine apear bloody in appearance. If there is 100% no concern about blood in your urine AND your Dr agrees and says you can take Uristat, it can help. But, again I stress the fact that you can not visually monitor blood in your urine while taking it.

I have noticed the amount of pain I feel when in a urinating and “at rest” increases and decreases dramatically based on my body positioning. I can also use body movements to try and reposition the stent as well.

Taking it further to overall pain and stents, below are my thoughts on the matter. Much more information below.

This is what I believe cuases the pain and irritation we probably all experience from stents based on my own experiences.

There are multiple sources of pain and irritation caused by stents. Understanding them all helps me to visualize what is happening and also helps me with reducing the pain of the stent.

First is the pain resulting of the natural processes involved with urinating, the bladder and kidneys and the rippling and constriction motions and movements they create in order to pass the urine. The stent gets in the way of these processes and, in addition to causing irritation, your body will try to push the stent out when this procceses occur but it can’t due to the J hooks at the ends.

Secondly, it is a foreign object that at all times causes restriction in the movement of the ureter and places stress in and around the ureter and where it is attached to the kidney and bladder.

Lastly, one end or the other, or both, of the stent is always touching either your kidney or bladder. By this I mean that neither end is usually free floating at the same time, the J portion of the stent is either pulled up against the top of the bladder opening or it is pulled down and the top J hook of the stent is against the opening to your ureter in your kidney. Also, depending on the length of the stent it could be, if it is a bit short then both ends may be constantly irritating your bladder and kidney at the same time, etc.

Unfortunately both the second and last issues cuase pain, irratation and a frequent feeling of having to urinate all the time. Add all of that together and the resulting pain causes cramping and more pain as the cramping then cuases pain by forcefully pushing and pulling against the stent. That then makes it self-perpetuating and can cause a simple movement of the stent to cause pain which causes cramping and then more pain in rapid waves coinciding with the cramps.

But! Knowing all of that realky helps me when dealing with stents. Understanding the “when, where, how and why” of the stent irritation and pain can then be used to try and help alliviate some of it. I find positions and/or body movements to help move the stent internally to a more comfortable position or just find better positions for my body when at rest, moving and when urinating.

As an engineer, businessman and 28yr “Prolific” kidney stone producer I can think of better Stent designs. I really wish I had gone into the medical field as their just does not seem to be Urologists with these issues in a position to do more for all of us.

Best of luck and prayers Valerie.

Chris Isaac

Thanks for your post here. It’s accurate and descriptive. I really agree re the visualisation of what is going on mechanically and connecting that with our somatic experience. We know that there are many impacts on our experience of pain and that a clear understanding of this can significantly down-regulate the pain intensity.
Thanks again.

Joel DeClue Sr.

Chris, Thank you for your reply. I have just come across this site and finally found a place where hopefully I can find kindred spirits and share my own experiences and knowledge. As most everyone sees a kidney stone as an isolated incident it is very difficult to find and share with others like myself.

Cheers and thanks again, Chris.


Oh you are both so sweet! both JuJu and Joel DeClue Snr I so appreciate your comments.I actually have not been back on this site as I have been so poorly.I was admitted to A&E as I could not pass urine except blood.On phoning the private hospital firstly to try to speak to the surgeon I was told he had left the country!!!! but when put through to another doctor he said I must go immediately to any hospital that had an A&E.This hospital was marvellous and it was found that I have a very bad infection,I did wonder that myself as I was feeling so confused and had pains all over my body,the hospital were worried about septacemia but that was not the case.I still have the dreadful dragging pain when I’m standing and get no relief from urinating.Also not happy about when I saw my surgeon two weeks after my op he said if the outlet from the kidney and the urether are still blocked when the stent comes out (three months) he will have to remove the kidney!)


Hi Valerie
I’m glad that you made it to the hospital.
So sorry that you have to suffer another three months!
Thanks for the update.
Gods speed on your recovery.

Clare Smith

I’ve got a stent at the moment due to a blockage caused by kidney stones. I’ve had them before as I suffer from Medullary Sponge Kidney. What I am concerned about this time round is I keep wetting myself. I have my stone removal operation in Friday where they will remove this stent & replace it with one with the string. I just wondered if anyone else has had this wetting.

Becky Brooks

Hi Clare,I’ve had the same problem before, and I too have a stent right now,also have Medullary Sponge Kidney, my surgery is scheduled for Friday Oct,18,2016. When I’ve had the bad leaking before with all my prior stones it was due to the Stent slipping and letting urine freely flow out. Wish u the best.

Becky Brooks

I’m sorry my surgery is Nov 18th.


My doc said my stent can last for 6months, but yet this article says only 3? I’ve had mine since June or a kink in my ureter…

Diana S Kirk

I had an emergency stent placed during the 4th of July weekend, not because of kidney stones but from scare tissue from a 21 year old Artificial artery implant into both my legs this scare tissue from the implant was collapsing my ureter and backing up urine into my left kidney to the point my healthy kidney nearly exploded. They placed stent in to keep my ureter open and once I got rid of all the infection, took four different antibiotics, I’ve felt no pain from stent. The urgency to urinate has subsided considerably and now it’s October and so far everything is okay. Since I do not want them to do surgery and bother my 21 year old artificial artery implant which supplies blood to both my lovely legs, I’ve chosen to try to maintain this stEnt as long as possible this first one we’re shooting for eight months to a year. I’ll gladly go back once a year and have the stent replaced as long as I have no more problems than I’ve had with the first one it’s been a godsend. I’ve never had kidney stones nor is there any kidney disease or bladder disease found in My bladder or either one of my kidneys. So wish me luck.


These stents are worse than the kidney stones. I got them yesterday. /’somebody tell me they get less painful!!! 🙁


Yes it gets better. I had mine put in on Monday and the first 36 hours (for me) were terrible with the burning, abdominal cramps, back pain and bladder spasms. After that, the burning went away as did the abdominal cramps. Today (Friday) was the first day I haven’t needed pain medication however the stent is still annoying but tolerable. Can’t wait to have it removed in 3 days!!

Amanda Phillips

I got mine put in yesterday and honestly i’d rather have the burning when i’m peeing then not being able to sit or lay down. I have three kids and I made their night coming home yesterday and being able to eat and everything. ( I haven’t been able to do that for almost a full week without getting sick).

Danny Gleeson

Hi folks. I’ve had a sent put in(but not because of stones) for nearly 4weeks also had a catheter which was removed yesterday. Since then been getting a pain in my kidney similar to cramp in my kidney every time I pee. Should I be worried?

Larry Moody

I had two stones (5 and 7mm) Friday afternoon, and a stent was put in place from kidney to bladder. Pain from the stent is worse than the stones. Saturday evening ~28-29 hours post stone removal I went to the emergency room for a five hour stay. I came home with four bits of new to me information, and two prescriptions. 1) the stent is properly placed (x-ray). 2) I now have a bacterial infection. 3) I also have a yeast infection. And 4) although there is quite a bit of highly visible blood in my urine, I’m not going to bleed out! ER doc dosed me up with an anti-fungal sent me home with an antibiotics prescription. Now, some 72 hours later I’m still in considerable pain, and still passing quite a bit of blood (my urine looks like fruit punch Gatorade). As of today I was finally told by the clinic’s nurse that none of the above are abnormal. Basically I was told to increase the frequency of taking my pain meds from six hour intervals to four. My constant pain level varies from 4 to 6 (of 10). The pain when I urinate spikes to around an 8… Somewhere between pissing lava and having a long strand of barbed wire yanked out my penis. But the worst part is I urgently need to pee every 1 to 2 hours… I’M SLEEP DEPRIVED ! It sometimes takes an hour to get back to sleep, an then I typically get only 15 to 60 minutes of sleep before waking up needing to pee again

Alisa Tobin

I don’t think you need to be worried I have the same issue I called my DR’s office and they said that it was normal.


I got a stent put in a few days ago and they told me the cramping will not go away. It mainly hurts when I move around or urinate.

Amanda Phillips

i would go to urology or call ur doctor… could have problems.

Joel DeClue Sr.


First, I am a 28 year veteran with passing 100’s of kidney stones and enduring many, many stent placements, removals and procedures to remove large blocking stones. I am not a medical professional nor can I take the place of one. I will always refer to your Doctors first and foremost. I can only share my personal experiences and my own years of personal research from a patients perspective. Now to your specific issue.

It is my experience that when you urinate and have a stent in place you will feel a great amount of cramping, in very painful waves, in your kidney as your body tries to push the urine down and out of your body. This is, I believe, a result of the natural passing of urine which cuases cramping in waves and your body attempts to push and pull against the stent. Having a catheter, most likely, allowed your kidney to drain in a fashion that resulted in your kidney and ureter not having to naturally pass the urine out. I assume the pain is only occuring now that your kidney, ureter and bladder is having to pass urine naturally.

If you have pain, in a cramping style, in your kidney which you will feel in your back flank area during urination, in my experience, this is common. It has happened to me in every single instance that I have had a stent. And that pain is typically very severe and almost identical to the pain of passing a kidney stone. While I feel other pain as a result of stent’s, this specific pain occurs only while urinating.

If you are having other pain or your pain is not as I describe above or in my previous posts I would get checked out including x-ray(kub), ct-scan or mri as soon as possible. It is better to err on the side of caution then not, in my belief.

Hope this is informative and best of luck, Danny.

Nancy Fordham

The end of my string is no longer there can I try to get it back out so they can immediately take it out ? I have to wait another week for doctor to do the scope and grasp it .it’s very uncomfortable and I have appt tomorrow.the string had come back out but not what happened?


Thank you, reading all these posts I am going to try some Flomax to ease the pain, nothing else seems to help. Hopefully this will. =)


Any pain from the removal of the stent? My mother just had hers removed yesterday and was told to expect mild pain. However, she had severe pain, almost as bad as when the stones were still there! Needless to say she ended up back in the ER. Normal?


No pain from temoval


I had surgery to remove a stone last night and a stent placed, when i peed the first time i was all doped up and didnt realize the strinh was there and pulled it pretty good, that hurt. Then it was lodged just so that everytime i sat, stood, coughed, ANYTHING i peed and it was painful so i pulled my own stent out when i got home and have fwlt mich better since, moderate cramping but nothing like the stones. Pulking the stent was uncomfortable but not really painful. It was much longer than i expected.

Mohsan hassan

Hello guys
I was on holidays in austria.i have the history of stones 2year but i never feel the hell pain.when i reached there thr second day in the evening i feel a littel pain in my back.slowly slowly it is coming more even i can not bear it.i went into the hospital with the help of my tullin(vien) hospital emergency they admitted me and they just gave me pain killer amd told me you need to go korenburg (vienna) hospital.he arranged the ambulance for me.when i reached there urgency a doctor team came to see me and done ultra sound.she told me about the stone and done ct scan and admit me in the hospital.after one hour she came to me and say to me we are putting a stent into your kidney.i was very happy they gonna remove my stones but i was realy dont know about the stone.any they done surgery when i wake up i just checked my belly where is the cut of surgrey but i just foud a drip with my two month the stunt is inside.the life is like hell.i cannot walk.cannot do work.cannot stop the pee.just taking tablet and waitng for the dct appointment in back home uk.


Stent can it cause orgasm? is it normal because I felt like I had an orgasm with it on when I moved in places.


I thought it was only me, but yes I’ve had the same exact feeling.

Edward P Fox

The comments are enlightening . I am about to have a stent put in in the near future. Just wondering what to expect. My stones after the sonar smash left a collection of stones which are not passing and causing pain more than what 10 mg of morphine can handle.

Alisa Tobin

Be prepared for alot of discomfort from the stent I’ve had mine in for about three weeks and I still have some discomfort but not near as bad as the first week. I found out that the heating pad was my best friend and I rested alot for the first week just remember it does get better! I can handle it now but still don’t like it!


Recently recieved a stent in my right kidney as i have a puj obstruction recently found ..i would just like to mention to people who suffer with the pain of it ive had infection on top so antibiotics cleared that but a combination of diclofenac sodium suppositorys 50mg and 20mg buscopan 4 hrly i am after one week on top of pain and more mobile than before when in pain not heavy duty pain relif as i have opiot allergy and copd but these work a treat targeting pain quiker and more directly ..on the recovery happy

deep baruah

It’s been two week since and today there was blood in urine. Travelled through a rough street by scooter is there any chance it’s because of that. Very curious if it’s a critical matter


Drink plenty of water too see if blood disapears in day or two if not u may have dislplaced then stent so would need an xray to check positioning ..maybe deop a sample into doc to test for infection to rule that out ..speedy recovery ?


I still have blood. I was told I’d have blood until it was removed, maybe even after

Larry Moody

Hi Mandy, Same as Holly. I was told today that I would have blood in my urine until the stent is removed. I had a worry filled weekend. They should had told all of us more about what to expect.

Steven Webb

I just had uretoscopy/basket/laser procedure, L and R, on Friday.
Other than stent pain during urination (frequent and urgent
Usually), no problems. Going to work tomorrow. Metering
Hydrocodone works fine.


First off, I would like to tell y’all how much I appreciate this site. I’ve been coming here and reading since I first got my stent in May. Although I didn’t acquire my stent due to kidney stones, I have experienced the pain and hell of having it and it has been enlightening and comforting to come here and feel like I’m not alone. On March 17, 2016 I experienced pain in my right lower flank that I never thought possible. I went to my family doctor and he treated me for a UTI and possible stones. I took the antibiotics he prescribed, as well as the hydrocodone, and slept pretty much for 3 days. I didn’t get any better and fever took hold of me. I ended up in the emergency room with 104.3 fever and even more pain. I was delirious. Normally in an American ER you wait FOREVER to get seen, but they took me straight back and started working on me, telling my husband I was the sickest patient they had at the time. Within 4 hours they had diagnosed me with septic shock due to an absessed kidney, performed a specials procedure to install a drain in my abdomen directly into my kidney, and had me comfortably resting in the ICU stepdown unit. Later that evening they told my husband to call in the family because they didn’t know if I was going to make it. Fortunately I’m still here! I was discharged from the hospital 4 days later with the ‘nephrostomy bag’ still stuck in my abdomen. I carried it around for the next 7 weeks until all the infection was gone and I no longer needed antibiotics. On about the 4th week of having the bag, they did a nuclear medicine test to find out why I apparently had 4 ureters. My urologist came to me and explained that I had 4 (FOUR) KIDNEYS!!! Each one had their own ureter. In the CT it simply looked like two kidneys and two ureters coming out of each one, but the nuc med test showed a division in each kidney and each division had its own ureter going to my bladder. However, the ureters on the right side joined just before going into my bladder and the blockage was on the inside of the bottom one. The kidney had gotten so full of stuff (it looked like coffee with half and half, which is probably what it was LOL) that it had been pushing on my other organs. I’m 50 years old. My doc said it took 50 years for that ureter to block that kidney. So I got better and they removed the nephrostomy and gave me one of those stents that looks just like the one in the picture above. I thought getting the stent would set me free and all would be right with the world and I could have my life back and return to work. Folks, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is….I’ve had…the stent from HELL. I have to keep it until I can have the bad kidney removed (leaving me 3 working kidneys). We are waiting for the tissue to shrink so they won’t have to cut me in half to fix it. Ugh! I’m going to get the robot to do it. So at first every time I moved, the stent dug a new hole in the bottom of my bladder. It got a little better after a few weeks. Then it started feeling like I was being stabbed in the urethra with a railroad tie and having alcohol pouring over it every time I peed. My doctor prescribed Oxybutyn and suggested AZO, which seemed to help a good bit. Except for when it didn’t. I still take the Oxy, but as time has moved on, I have educated myself on the benefits of keeping my PH regulated in my body. I quit making regular visits to the snack room at work and now I have crunchy vegetables and fresh fruit at my fingertips at all times, and I have almost stopped eating meat. No enriched ANYTHING. Yall…I have no more burning urination. I only reached out to the internet for help because my doctor told me all my pain was normal and tried to always give me more medication to take. I BEGGED him to remove the stent because he said he had got through the blockage, but he refused and said I could only get rid of the stent after surgery. By the way, I didn’t tell y’all he said I could keep this stent for a year. I go every two months to have it checked and it’s still holding, just draining that kidney like a big ol’ bag of chunky water. The moral of my story (and thank y’all for listening) is this: Eat to live. If you have a stent in your ureter, you don’t have to sound like you have Tourette Syndrome when you go pee. Control your own Alkaline and ph through the way you eat. Life is too short to be miserable even when you’re miserable. Appreciate each day. And get a Dachshund.

Lisa Konteh

Lol I like the get a dachshund part. Thank you. This has been very informative. I’ve never heard of someone having four kidneys. How fascinating is that? My friend was a fraternal twin and his sister and he both have one kidney.


Great ending to your post. Wishing you a speedy recovery. X

Thanks for sharing your story, I also have a stent in my urethra, I have it for two weeks, all this time I believe I’d been in hell, the first two days have been the most horrible days in my life, I think you went through a lot of more stress than me, but still I hope, I will never get through this episode of my life again.

Thanks for sharing your story, I also have a stent in my urethra, I have it for two weeks, all this time I believe I’d been in hell, the first two days have been the most horrible days in my life, I think you went through a lot of more stress than me, but still I hope, I will never get through this episode of my life again.


Can I return to work whilst stent us in place? I’m due a uterus copy with biopsies and laser fragmentation of 7mm kidney stone any day now. How long do I expect to be off work?

Robert Hill

Just depends on how you feel. My first time, three weeks ago, it was done on a Thursday. I returned to work on Monday. It was a miserable week, feeling the need to urinate every 20 to 30 minutes all day long. Otherwise, as long as you are still it’s not that bad, movement makes it worse.

Had my second one done last Thursday, and returning to work tomorrow. The second time isn’t as bad as the first. The first, I used up 40 oxycontin. The second time I’ve taken four and none the last two days.

Your doctor can give you a note to allow more time off if you need it. I mean, this site says the typical time to return to work is 8.5 days. And the time to feeling normal again as 16.5 days. Both seem correct to me.


Hi guys read ur comments and i have a relaxer for ur frequent trips buscopan 10 or 20mg dose 4 hrly i had exact problem they helped alot ?and non prescription so can go to any chemist and buy them ..helpful to ibs spasms is muscle relaxer helps my menstrual cycle pain at 20mg and ibs at 20mg sure they wouldnt help a man in the monthly but bladder is muscle helps spasms in uterine tube ?

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