What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
I just had my stone removed yesterday through Ureteraloscopy. I have had my stone for 7+ months. They put me under and in 30 minutes to 1 hour I woke up with pain and discomfort from a stent. They also gave me a suppository, to help with the urination sensation. I stayed over night at the hospital and during that time I woke up 6-8 times and did my business in the washroom, I won’t lie this hurt every time and it was filled with blood, its now over 18 hrs later and my urinating still hurts a lot but there’s no more blood. The Tylenol 3’s I was given do not help and as for stent removal, I was told to remove it after 5-6 days, it is super uncomfortable and when I pee it feels like a I’m passing a stone every time.
Thank you Frank for being honest. My husband had an 8 mm stone and had to have a stent along with it being shocked. The doctor gave him a piece of paper on what to expect with the stent but didn’t cover the pain he has when urinating. I read what you were going through to my husband. He had his done April 4, 2013 and isn’t suppose to get his stint out until the 15th. He is not too happy and very miserable. Thanks for the info.
Noticed blood in my urine and as had hysterectomy years before knew something was adrift so went to docs who made appointment at hospital for xray then scan then a CT scan all within 2 weeks. Went to see consultant 2 weeks before going on a cruise 28th dec 2012 and he tried to get me in for op immediately before i went away as had 3cm and 1cm stones that were sitting just inside kidney and on top of tube Lucky for me i didnt get the op but was told not to go away as was danger of kidney failure but i contacted renal kidney website and gained insurance to cover me if anything happend which it didnt. (If i had of had it done before cruise i would of been in agony) Got letter to have laser surgery on 26th feb (thought it was supposed to be dangerous but took long enough for date to come through) all went well they blasted the stones and fitted a stent. Consultant said i would be ok to go back to work after a week (didnt go back for 2 weeks) the pain on urination is very uncomfortable to start with and to open the bowels but eases if you drink lots of water and take antibiotics given by hospital and pain killers. I was uncomfortable but it was bearable, i was told that stent would be in for 6 weeks and would get an appointment within 3-4 weeks of op and so far nothing and 6 weeks is up for removal of stent so phoned hosp and they said there was an error in a booking to go back to have it removed internally and my records had been filed and she thought stent had been removed (lucky i phoned)so now waiting for appointment. I had read all the posts regarding stents but never throught the scratching on the bladder wall, constantly wanting to pee and the uncomfortable pelvis which feels swollen with the chronic back ache, dont get me wrong im glad it has been done but i feel that the stent is too long and the lady at the hosp said oh its only a 5 min job to get the stent out as though it was nothing but i bet she hasnt ever had one, i only have to do housework or a very short walk to bottom of garden and there is blood in my urine, roll on for removal, its ok but to be honest i just want the stent out no matter if it is painful to remove and get back on my feet and swim go to gym and walk my poor dog who is wondering why am i not being walked she is probably thinking miserable woman cause that is what i am at the moment as so fed up with antibiotics, drinking so much water, i have counted every tile in my bathroom and i want a cup of tea.
Thank goodness for this site and all you beautiful people for sharing your stories. I have felt so very alone these past two weeks thinking that no one else understood. Nine days ago I went to the ER with severe upper abdominal pain and a fever. My pain in the ER was by far the most pain I have ever been in. After urine and blood tests and a CT Scan I found out I had a terrible UTI and a stone obstruction which caused my kidney to swell with fluid and become infected. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days. They placed a stent in my left ureter and at first I thought it was a miracle. I felt a thousand times better… until I went home. I am a college student in the second semester of senior year with a part time job. I am constantly in pain now, there is nothing I do that does not hurt. Before the stones I had been dealing with constipation for almost 3 weeks and It had not responded to any treatment. My stomach was getting better until the kidney stones and now my whole abdomen is swollen, front and back. I look like I’m 6 months pregnant and I can only fit in sweatpants and t-shirts. Also after leaving the hospital my legs became very swollen and though the swelling has gone down my knees and ankles hurt any time I put pressure on them, even if I’m just lying with my knees bent. The antibiotics I was given make me very nauseous as do the pain meds. I’m afraid to eat cause I know its just going to cause me more pain. I can feel the spasms throughout my whole abdomen and it just kills me. The pain meds nock me on my butt. There is absolutely no way my brain can handle all the homework I have to do not to mention I can’t even get to school if I take them cause I can’t drive on them. I work with children and I don’t feel comfortable taking narcotics when I’m responsible for their safety so I just have to suffer through work. I only teach hour long after school programs but I still find myself crying in pain the minute the children leave.
I’m scheduled to have my stone removed next Thursday, and then I will have another stent put in for who knows how long. I sure don’t, cause the urologist never tells me anything. I swear they are just making it up as they go along. No one told me I would be in this much pain with the stent in, of the 20 some odd urologists, nurses, schedulers, pediatricians, nephrologist, and med students I asked about the procedure not one of them told me the truth. Now that I’m out of the hospital, my friends, family, teachers, and boss all think that since they let me leave “I’m fixed”. None of them seem to understand that I am still having debilitating pain and they expect me to just jump back into my busy schedule and I just can’t. I know my suffering is little to nothing compared to what some of you have or are currently going through and my love goes out to all of you in pain. I just honestly don’t know what I’m going to do if this pain continues. I only have a month of school left. All I want to do is shut down and stay in bed but that is just not an option. I apologize for this very dramatic rant, I just feel isolated in my pain and I haven’t had anyone to talk to at school. I feel like my pain makes other people uncomfortable and so I’ve been trying my best to keep it to myself. People ask how I’m feeling but they don’t really want the truth. So thank all of you so much for all the advice and experiences you have posted. I feel like a whole level of anxiety has just lifted off my chest. To be honest I found myself tearing up while reading some of your stories, it was the just the compassion I needed when all I was finding was sympathy. I hope the best to all of you. The pain of stones can make life seem impossible but you have all reminded me that it’s not and that it will pass in time. peace and love.
How is it going? I going through the same thing. I have a 3mm distal urethel stone. Been in the hospital twice due to unbearable pain. I’m on day 7 yet it feels like an eternity. I’m on Percocet and flomax. I just started to drink parsley tea with a little honey and have done the lemon and olive oil once. The lemon chews up my stomach and creates more pain. I’m scheduled for surgery Thursday. I’m uneasy about the stent. Some sites say its as painful as the stone. My dr say the stent stays in 5-7 days. How are you coming along?
Thank you . . . I have been feeling your pain for the past two months. It really does give me some sense of relief hearing that someone else has some of the symptoms I do. . . . I still find it odd that when our doctors realize that our body’s aren’t adjusting to the stent placement that they don’t move on to plan B to reduce the level of discomfort that we are all experiencing. We should not have to feel isolated and “deal” with it alone. There are a multitude of symptoms and various degrees of pain and discomfort that we all are experiencing and it just doesn’t make sense that we are sent home and basically expected to deal with it. Every day when I wake up I think that maybe today’s the day that my body will adjust to the stent; but then reality sinks in.
I recently had two kidney stones removed a few days ago. This is my second time having kidney stones. I was out under anesthesia as they were surgically removed. The doctor placed a uretral stent and informed me to leave it for 3-5 days. Today is day 3 and considering the fact that the stent is annoying and extremely uncomfortable, I removed it this evening (about two hours ago). Now as I lay in bed I’m experiencing bad cramps similar to the original kidney stone cramps. They’re in my side and run along to my back. I took a painkiller and have a heat pack on my side as well. I was just wondering if this pain is normal? And how long it may last? Please help! Thanks!
I have felt that pain-terrible. I had stone removal last May and had a stent placed for 4 days before I had to fly out for a graduation. Bad move. Stent was removed day before I flew out-very uncomfortable, and to find any comfortable position was pointless. Nevermind the accompanying spasms and urges to urinate constantly (felt much like a UTI gone bad). It was as though the meds they gave me had no bearing on pain relief. I remember that I could not sleep well for 2 weeks and was not back to my normal self until about a month later. Is this normal? I hope not. I just found out I have 3 more stones now, bilaterally after only 10 months. Hoping to God no stent is needed this time or that they can give me mega doses of the best concoction out there to make the stent and stent removal process more bearable. I felt the pain was near as bad as the stone trying to pass itself. Hoping you are feeling better since about a week has past since your post.
I just had a stent placed after a kidney stones removal, and I have never felt so Bad in my whole life. Every time I go to the Restroom I feel I severe pain, I cannot move and walk well, I vomit , I have a terrible constipation, and I lost my appetite, I am eating just jelly and crackers. The vicodin the doctor prescribed me doe not work well, I have some release only I sleep for a few minutes before waking up go to restroom and start to suffering again and again. Probably I will have to live with that for more weeks until I have the stent removed, until there may God Help me!!
Hi Jane,
I have suffered from kidney stones since the age of 6. I am 36. For the urgencyto pee go to the store and get Uristat it is made by monistat. it will really help!! It works better than the pyridium the doc gave me. It soothes the urge and the burn. Also try a heating pad. i just had surgury last fri and have a stint in now. I use two heatingpads. One for my back and on for the front, I sometimes use it in between my legs. Also ibuproferen works well for the swelling. I will pray for you hun hope this helps and if it continues insist on going to your urologist..i say insist beccasue they like to shrug us off!
I have my ureteroscopy with laser litho last December 2012 in both Left & Right Ureter and removal of those annoying stones was very successful (Thanks God) but Stent was needed to be inserted in my Right Ureter because a much larger stone was removed in that part. Now I’ve wearing my stent for 2 and a half month and is due for removal on March 29 exactly 3 months after its insertion, With God’s grace ever since it was inserted I never felt any pain on it except for sometimes when I can’t take more than enough water after urinating, I felt uncomfortable like I want to urinate again but when I drink water relieving effect will immediately follows. I never took any medication eventhough my doctor precribed me what to take in case pain occur.
I am 50 and have undergone 4 surgical procedures in the last 3 months. It all started with a stone in my right ureter in December. They did lithotripsy and only half the stone passed. They went in again to get it in January and I had passed it prior to surgery. They put a stent in and it was just as horrible as everyone describes. Luckily, I was able to remove it myself after 4 days and it was not painful at all. I had a third, planned surgery in February for a bladder suspension and at my 2 week follow up I commented that I really did not feel well yet. My urologist sent me for a CT and lo and behold, I had 3 stones stuck in my LEFT ureter, along with an 8mm stone in my kidney. At this point I begged my urologist to do anything she needed to in order to get all the stones out. March 8 she did a ureteroscopy with laser litho, got ALL the stones (God love her) and placed another stent, which had to stay in 10 days. I begged her to take it out Fri 3/15 instead of waiting into next week for the 10 days. She did, but no one prepared me for the kidney and bladder spasm pain that would follow. It was horrific, and I had taken vicodin, uribel and flomax prior to the procedure. It started about an hour later and I was in bed moaning in pain for 2 solid hours. Nothing relieved it.. It came back later that night but was not as bad. That pain was way worse than the pain from the kidney stones. My doctor is very kind and compassionate, but even she told me I could go back to work THE NEXT DAY after my last procedure. I couldn’t tolerate even sitting up with that stent and do not plan to go back to work tomorrow. There is at least (I hope) a good ending to my story and I hope and pray all of you get there as well.
On March 2nd I too have a stent! This is barbaric! I cant sit, walk, drive, work and the pain drops you to your knees! Crying for 20 minutesa after urinating. I have to go back Wednsday and same process an blow the stone and back thru! I am told I will probably require another Stent! I vomit, dry heaves, fall to my knees, cry 20 minitues after urinating! This is horrible! I am concerned how addctive pain meds are-cant do without those are! I too saying having babies have nothing to this!thank you for not making me feel like a baby!
My doctor says that my pain with the stent is uncommon. He made me feel as though I was making it up. I had 2 kidney stones and only one removed so far. In April I will be having the 3rd operation to try to remove the stone from my left kidney. I have so much pain with the stents I actually just asked to have the kidney removed. I stay at home since when I have to go I have to go right then. I have been dealing with symptoms of a UTI since Halloween 2012. I’m drained. The stent removal itself isn’t really painful but the aftermath is so painful that I have passed out. At least after reading the comments I no longer feel like a freak. Good luck to all going thru this.
Your doctor said that stent pain is uncommon….I beg to differ, maybe he needs to read these posts. I hope you are feeling better now. Suffering since Halloween is ridiculous. I, too, have been suffering several months. In fact, I still have my Christmas decorations up throughout my house since it is too uncomfortable to bend, walk, stretch, or lift to take them down.
My kidney stones started after a particularly rough trip on an unpaved road. Stones blocked the right ureter and I had spasms of pain and vomiting from related pain. Had scans which showed stones in both kidneys. The stone in the left ureter had blocked the urine to such a degree that the kidney was swollen to the size of a large grapefruit and was about to fail. Stents were used to push the stones out of the way and left in for about 60 days before the lithotripsy was done to remove the largest stone of about 9mm from the RH kidney. Stent was then replaced. Then went in a third time to have stents removed. Instead urologist removed only RH stent and replaced LH stent after removal of the stones. I must now reluctantly go back to have the LH stent removed. Again under general anaesthetic. It has all been excruciatingly painful. Especially because of the procedure which reminds me much of trying to overhaul a motorcar engine via the exhaust.. The procedural pain becomes less but the discomfort of the stent in my baldder has removed the desire to live and I cant exercise or walk far or go shopping where there are no Public facilities.. It has been hell and I have not slept through even one night in more than 4 months.. And now I have to try and get onto the urologists schedule to have the last stent removed.. Seems I was entirely forgotten about which peeved me off even more. But what can I expect,, living in a 3rd world country amongst 3rd world surgeons.. I just want my life back !!
It was a necessary evil but I don’t want to experience it again,,,ever.. The discomfort and thoughts of pain caused by the procedure are preventing me from living like I should.. It had a severe psychological effect on me and I cannot freely recommend this torture to anyone… I don’t wish it on my worst enemy !!!
Michael, I want to just shout out a big ” THANK YOU ” for sharing ur story. U gave me hope that I am not alone.
Thank you for this story, Michael.
I feel your pain. 🙁
I had a stent put in while having a hysterectomy done didn’t even know it was needed til after I got out of surgery. While in the middle of surgery my doctor had noticed I didn’t have any function of my left kidney and started searching for reasons and noticed my urethra was kinked and had a urologist come in to take a look he ended up placing a stent and I have been in the worst pain ever! I have 4 kids and 3 were delivered via c- section this pain is is horrible. I can’t sit,eat,move nothing without crying even with pain meds nothing is helping to subdue the painand the doctor told me I need have the stent for a minimum of 3 weeks but would like it in for at least 6 this is horrible!! I feel for everyone who has gone thru this! It sucks!!!!
I have a stent in and it’s been in for 3/4 weeks the last two days iv been aching in my vagina and earlier my wee started to go pink, now it’s red and bloody every time I urinate it really hurts 🙁 I am thinking of going back to the hospital I am worried! I go back in for second operation to have my other stone removed
Reading these stories is amazing.I’m going through all of this since Dec. Last week had to go to Er because of the severe pain and vomiting and dry heaving.I was dehydrated.They gave me meds.,stopped vomiting and it eased the pain alot. Next day they put stent in. I hate this stent,I am so uncomfortable and feel a constant pressure to pee.I have intense pain in my left side of back when I do pee.Laying down flat is uncomfortable now due to the bladder feeling full pressure.My stone is 16 mm. It will not pass on it’s own.Having it blasted on Monday,sure hope it works. I can’t stand this pain.
I just had surgery on Monday march 4th.i had same size stone in left kidney,also had several kidney cyts. Which r pockets in kidney filled with different things.they also used something and drained them.i am feeling Alot better,Thank God.alsoi gotta keep stent in for two weeks.i can never get use to them.i have dealt with stones since I was 19 and now 48…I hope it all go well.just drink lots of liquids afterwards,Good Luck let me know how everything goes.
I can’t even begin to realize how you have been able to deal with this kind of pain throughout your life. You must be a very strong person! Your sharing has been inspirational to those of us experiencing this for the first time. Thank you!
I feel your pain I had surgery today to break u the stone and I’ve had the stent in for a few weeks now its the most uncomfortable feeling ever especially when u pee,hope u get better soon I can’t wait for this to be over its pure misery
they opere me for kiney stones last week they leave the stent insine that cause really bad infection i pass i very bad time i cant do exerxise for a month god bless to evrybody have the stent .
I went to the ER 3 days ago in horrible pain. I knew I had kidney stones but have no insurance. They did an ultrasound and said I had a .8mm & a .9mm stone inside the ureter. They gave me pain medicine and was going to release me but I turned grey and started hyperventilating. I got hot and I couldn’t even keep water down. I actually stopped breathing twice after they gave me pain medicine through the IV . They did a CTSCAN and found a 1.9 stone that was completely blocking the ureter and I had fluids backed up into my kidney. I ended up having an emergency surgery and had a stent put in but they did not get the stone. Instead, they pushed it back into my kidney. Now this is day 3 with the stent and it is extremely uncomfortable. Trying to urinate is literal misery! With the stent in, it feels like I always have to pee and I was told to always try to completely drain my bladder but the pain that comes with trying is so horrible. The whole right side of my groin hurts and it burns, it hurts all the way through my bladder and into my kidney and hurts in my back. I go back to the urologist tomorrow and I’m not sure what their plans are for me. There is a string coming out from the stent and I have no idea when they plan on removing it or if they plan to blast the stones. I was told to limit my caffeine and carbonated beverages and I’ve had nothing but water ever since…I was told the caffeine would irritate the bladder or stent and I am dying for a cup of hot coffee! I am taking Percocet, antibiotics and also phenazopyrid for pain and keeping a heating pad between my legs. Walking around, sitting up on my butt or lifting anything hurts and even just wiping after using the bathroom. Any movement of the string hurts. Any info or suggestions that anyone might have for me?
Last week I had bilateral stents placed after two large stones were found in both urerters. Watch out. I had strings attached to both stents. If they offter you something for bladder spasms take it along with pain medication. Nothing else will help you. Along with Ibuprofen for the swelling. I couldn’t handle the stents and after four days had them removed. They had strings attached. The pain was immense. In fact, I can’t even explain. But I screamed. The next day I began vomiting and was seen in ER with right ureter swelling and given more pain meds. It’s 9 days later and I still feel like I’ve been punched in both kidneys.
O.M.G. – I am a chronic pain patient, female, 57. I have lumbo/sacral inflammatory process, vacuum disc space, degenerative disc disease, severe congenital and acquired cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis, chronic pancreatitis, auto-immune diseases, etc., etc. I am post total thyroidectomy, and one parathyroid was removed, so my calcium was low, been taking meds for that for 7-8 months, they can cause kidney stones …. I never had an attack until Feb. 5, after using the restroom it all started. After meds and 45 minutes nothing was better so I went to the ER. Was told I had one tiny stone in my right ureter, to followup with urology and PCP, usual ER discharge instructions. I was still in the same severe pain and nausea as when I had arrived in the ER when I was sent home. The PCP nurse called Friday, saying that the report only showed one stone in my right side. They faxed the Rad/CT report to my urol. …. I had left a msg on Thurs with urol but didn’t hear back until Friday when I was told to “just come to my appt on the 26th”.
After 6pm I didn’t think I’d hear from anyone all weekend, my nausea was never addressed in the ER. I had already been sick for a week, thinking gall bladder because it was all about my stomach, no usual UTI symptoms. At 6:35 pm that evening the urol called me, saying he wished he’d seen my films sooner – my ureter was blocked and my kidney was swelling, and I still had the left side stone also. He wanted me in the hospital that night, did cystoscopy in surgery the following morning, removed the stones and placed bilateral stents. When I got back to my room I was already discharged. The pain after voiding was unbearable. I begged them to call the dr, no go. Couldn’t drink or eat, moaning, begging for help. I was sent home in a big, bouncy transport van – omg that pain. At home I used my nausea, muscle relaxer and pain medicines, and dry heaved all night, couldn’t lay down. So I was in the ER twice since for rehydration, pain and nausea meds.
I have to start taking meds an hour before I urinate, and strap a hot pack to my back before I can void, then I moan in pain. I get the stents pulled tomorrow, in office, and I am so afraid of the pain after I go home …. I will medicate well before he pulls them, trust me. I don’t understand why I wasn’t kept for observation so urol could see me in the hospital in the a.m. I don’t know if the CT was poorly read but the ER dr never told me that my kidney was being affected/that the ureter was blocked, and the report didn’t even mention the stone on the left – I was told that it was gone. This is not “mild discomfort”. I don’t feel anything except the excrutiating flank pain upon urination, I never had burning, urgency, etc.. This is inhumane, IMHO. My dogs don’t suffer like this if ill or injured. I can’t function – can’t cook, eat, make the bed, do laundry, even bathing is hard, hair is greasy but I really don’t care what I look like at this point. I’m so afraid of the post-stent removal pain, nothing has been offered for the spasms but I’m asking tomorrow. I wouldn’t wish this on a soul, not even a murderer, a pedophile … no one.
I feel for everyone here. I know I’m not a baby re pain, I wear duragesic patches for my chronic pain – chronic and acute pain are different, an ER dr should know this.. Sending people home right after a surgical procedure is just wrong. Is there anything we can do about it? Anywhere to report/complain? My hypoparathyroid meds will most likely cause more stones. I had a UA done the day before the attack. The specimen was cloudy brown, I already had a UTI and there were a lot of crystals in it. I don’t want to go through this again!! Any advice is so very welcome. Thanks and good luck to everyone! After reading this I at least know that it’s not just me being a baby, I have suffered many painful pancreatitis episodes, this is worse. Peace. 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about your Pain. I had Cystoscopy Two Weeks ago and thought i had it bad, Reading your e mail put shiffers down my Spine. Mine was Painfull i take it the vomiting must be from the pain. Did you go to another Hospital or other Docters for a second opinion.I was given Petatine Injection and Voltaren Supposetery and had it bad for a couple of hours. From what Country are you from. I am from South Africa and was in a Private Hospital. I have medical Insurance. Going to a state Hospital here i figured i would have suffered much worse fate. I really hope you can go to other Hospitals so you can get proper pain treatment. I pray for u and wish you all of the best.
Many Regards
I had kidney stone removal(9mm) last week and they inserted a JJ stent.
The problem is that i am travelling next week and I am worried about that.
Dr said the stent should stay for one month but he said he can remove the stent before I travel.
I was just wondering if it’s safe to remove it in two weeks? Or it should stay longer?
What are the risks of removing the stent before time?
Stent removal is easy and you will feel a lot better once its out. But give yourself a couple of days.
Dawne….can I remove my own stent? I do not want to go back to that place. They told me not to, but the string is just handing there… My dad removed his but I’m a woman. Is it different for women? thanks..
I just had surgery for a 7 mm stone and they placed a stent in me. It was removed just 4 days later. Removal was uncomfortable but the pain i felt afterwards was unbearable! I’ve had four kids naturally and never in my life have I felt such pain! I would rather have had the stones back in my kidney! My kidney spasmed and I ended up at the ER about 4 hours after having it removed! I asked the doctor why it I wasn’t warned about it because I would have taken something to help with the pain (you know, pain management) and he said everyone is different and there is no way to know who it will affect! I just want you to be aware there could be additional pain. I still have the constant urge to go and I see my urologist tomorrow. I’m concerned I’m not healing right but that’s another issue.
Best wishes!
This page has really helped & informed me about what I’m going through. For years I’ve had on&off flank pain in my left side and after many tests, discovered I have a 7mm kidney stone. Thinking this must be the source of pain I was brought into hospital for laser & basket retrieval surgery. This was 12 days ago. The surgery was completely unsuccessful, my ureter tube was too narrow to allow the camera up to see the stone (despite my telling the doctors through all tests this was the case & I had previously needed peripatetic size scopes /cameras). So I woke up from surgery no further on, but with a stent in place. I am scheduled for another try at this op in 6 weeks, so I have this stent in until then. I am in constant agony and discomfort. My urine is always ink with blood & the pain when urinating is excruciatingly bad. I have nausea and headaches and the medication I’m on (inc antibiotics) seems to be doing very little. At the doctors a few days ago my urine was tested again and showed lots if blood and infection ..now on a stronger antibiotic. The truth of it is the pain of the stent is way worse than any pain of the stone and I am now seriously regretting starting this process. I don’t think I can handle six weeks if this, plus I am self employed and not able to work at the moment due to being housebound with pain. The worst if it is, I’ve been told ill need another stent in after the next op, so I’m looking at about 3 months in total if this. I am really considering asking them not to perform the next op and instead just to remove the stent. Any advice or thoughts on this would be most appreciated. I just want to feel normal again (with or without stone). It is my first and wasn’t blocking anything or causing swelling so perhaps could just be left be? Any advice on living with a stent /pain relief would be if great help also. I really feel for those out there going through it..hopefully for everyone it’s short term.
I had the surgery to remove three 5mm stones last Thursday. They did put in a stent during the procedure. I had the same pain most all patients did. Burning sensation, constant need to urinate and back pain. It is now 5 days later and I had the stent removed this morning in the doctors office. This is normal procedure for this doctor. I was given a local and was told there would be minor discomfort (or spasm as the doc put it) for only a momemt or two as the scope was inserted. The total procedure lasted only 1 or 2 minutes. It is now 3 1/2 hours later and I have no pain at all. I did take 2 tylenol just in case, but that’s it. Hopefully this will remain the case. I know personally I was very careful and checked around to see who the most qualified doctor was in my area. A lot of people go through this, so it wasn’t hard to get good information. From reading some of the other stories here, it seems like there are some unqualified doctors out there. The need to be put under seems ridiculous. My case was very ordinary and removing the stent was uncomfortable for a few minutes, but no where near the pain of the stones themselves. For what it’s worth I’m a 54 year old male in otherwise good health.
How is the pain when remove the stent??..
I’m sorry how is the pain when the stent is removed??..
Well I have a stent now and after being humiliated for my fear of stent removal in the office I’m having my stent removed in the OR room at our hospital iv had way too much pain I had a 8 mm stone and two 4 mm stones in left kidney had stent put in in OR and two weeks later lithotripsy on stones then three days later in er with accrue uti and much pain thru all of this and went to dr office and nurses and dr was insensitive to my needs and my fears and no real respect for me as a person I’m very very unhappy have cried most of the day because the way they made me feel I think most nurses and doctors have never had it done so they say it ain’t bad I was pressured really bad by nurse and dr to have it done in office but it ain’t happening and I may never go back to that dr again after this. Oh and I’m 42 had two kids historectomy and staples removed and passed 48 stones I feel I’m a brave person with high pain tolerance but I want my treatment my way I’m paying for it
Good for you. I had a stent removed from ureter (stone) done in the Dr. Office. NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!! I’ve had many stones, lots of pain as you can imagine —– but that day I really thought I would die right there on the table. The numbing gel did NOTHING. If it happens again I will absolutely insist on being put under anethesia.
My mom just had a stint put in today at 11a. When I got her home she went to sleep by 3pm and woke up just now at 7pm, soaked. Should I worry the stint may have partially come out and take her back to the hospital? Nothing can be seen but the string and she is scheduled to have the stint removed first thing monday morning
. Today is Friday. She & I are worried the stint may need to be replaced since dhe is experiencing leakage so soon after her procedure.
Incontinence doesn’t necessarily mean that the stent has slipped. I had my stent placed on Thursday and yesterday, I did nothing but ‘go’ every 10-15 minutes. I was at the mercy of my throne all day! Most times, I didn’t even make it to the bathroom – that’s how bad the urges are and the uncontrollable response to ‘go’. I am happy that I bought a box of diapers and saved myself the mountain of laundry I would have created otherwise. Frustrated by the inability to function at all, I called my doctor and was assured that this is a common occurrence but if things do not improve 3 days post-op, call back on Monday. I asked for a script for the burning and although I have only dosed once, that little pill has helped. I am still running to the potty today, but at least, as of now, I have a little more control and am able to make it to my destination without wetting myself! The good news is… luckily, for your mom, the stent is only with her for the weekend.
I had my stent removed on monday. The doctor said some people have severe pain after the procedure but that it is rare. I now have read that this is not rare but occurs in half of patients. I had severe pain x 3 hours or so. They also said any discomfort should be gone in 24 hours. It is now thursday and i still have painful urination and occasional flank pain. Is this normal? Does anyone know how long this will last or if i should call my drs office? Please any advice is appreciated!
How many urine stones are fount in one patient at a time till today? I have gone through surgery and had 28 stones
That one session for me! Oh I love having cystinuria. Never had any problems with stents put in before just got bilateral stents put in the pain is ridiculous and the consent scracthing sensation is a nightmare. Any one else feeling/felt this?
I had a 15mm stone removed Thursday and now I have a stent. I have to wear a pad constantly because I’m leaking bloody urine const antly. I haven’t seen anyone else mention this problem…is this not normal? I can’t control it, it just comes out. I’m a waitress so I haven’t been going to work because I can hardly walk around the house. I get it out Wednesday though. Is the leaking something I should be concerned about?
Constant leakage of urine after having a stent placement usually means the stent has accidentally partially slipped out. It is most likely bridging across the muscle which holds in your urine. This causes urine to drip through the stent and leak out constantly. Some patients in this situation may actually see the tip of the stent peeking out. Contact your urologist as it most likely needs to be removed or replaced.
I had a large kidney stone removed on Friday and had a problem with leaking too. In the mornings I would be absoloutely soaked. I had the stent removed 4 days later and have had no leaking since. Also would just like to say that the stent removal took about 30 seconds and was completely painless. Hope all goes well for you too, God bless…..
Reading all these comments makes me wonder if I should have the surgery at all. My pain for 8 months has been intermittent and on my side. I have 16 kidney stones, about a cm in size each, both kidney affected. Surgery called lithotripsy with stent scheduled Feb. 21. What happens if I do nothing? Your expertise is appreciated!!
I’ve been dealing with kidney stones for the past year and a half. I’ve only had a problem twice, however the problem was a stone obstruction which led to a kidney infection. The first time I became septic and spent 4 nights in the hospital. This time I had emergency surgery and only spent one night in the hospital. Both times I didn’t know I had the kidney stones. So, I would recommend being proactive before you become very sick.
I had lithotripsy and a stent a couple of years ago and the procedure and recovery with the stent wasn’t bad. Some discomfort from the stent while it was in and even some discomfort for about a month after removal. But the discomfort from the stent was better than the pain from trying to pass a stone that was too big. I have another stent now from a scope procedure on a stone and I’m having more bleeding and pain than I remember before. It just varies I suppose. Still this pain is not as bad as the pain of the stone trying to pass.
Hi all hope everyone that is dealing with these stones and stents get to feeling better. I just had my stent removed yesterday at the Dr,s office it was a piece of cake, the nurse came in and put some numbing gel in to penis, the dr came in about five minutes later went in with the scope got the stent and out it came less than a minute to do. I felt great for about an hour or so after then the spasms started and it was as bad as the stones themselves. The nausea, pain and throwing up have been terrible even with the percoset, hydrocodone, and zofran for nausea. Still can’t keep anything down but the pain has eased up some today, been fighting this mess since Christmas Eve will be glad to get it over with. Hope this has helped ease the fear of stent removal for some of you especially guys, it’s not bad at all the worst is afterwards when the pain meds wear off and the spasms start hold on to your hat and get ready for a heck of a ride.best wishes to all my fellow stone and stenters hope you get to feeling better.
So Dec 28 2012 i got a kidney stone 4mm. After a week it wouldnt pass. So i was scheduled surgery. I started reading all the horror stories online and really worked myself up. So here is my experience. The Dr removed the stone and put in a stent. The worst part was goong to the bathroom the first day or so then i was fine. After about a week i could feel the stent. I wouldnt say it hurt but it was uncomfortable. I didnt need pain meds. Today jan 18 i had the stent removed amd yes i had them put me to sleep. The only pain going to the bathroom is a mild sting. Yes my kidney hurts a little but not unbearable. It is 5 hours after the stent was taken out and im ok. Im a little sore. I took a pain med just to calm me down after reading the after effects that some peoe have had. Over all the whole thing sucks but i can manage it. I feel for the people who really hurt. I just wanted a not so bad post. And dont believe everything you read online 🙂
Question: I have never passed a kidney stone without a stent. I am on my second stent because of a 5mm stone that was obstructing. Last night I was having intense pain that started in my kidney, then traveled down. It lasted about 20 minutes. Today is the first day in 6 days (since the surgery) that I’m not completely miserable and hurting. Coincidence or did I pass the stone?