All about ureteral stents

What is a stent?

Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

Photograph of a ureteral stent
Photo of a ureteral stent next to a pen.

When are they needed?

Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

Illustration of a ureteral stent.

How is a stent placed?

Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.

How is a stent removed?

Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.

How long can a stent stay in?

In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.

What are the symptoms of having a stent?

While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:

  • Sensation of needing to urinate
  • Seeing blood in the urine
  • Bladder spasms
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Pain in the back during urination or when moving
  • Pain in the bladder

Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?

Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies.  Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.

Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?

Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.

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I had at uteroscopy 5 days ago which was extremely unpleasant. This was my second extraction so I knew what to expect but it was as awful as the first. The urge to pee afterwards is enormous and this continues for about a week afterwards. There is blood in the pee for a few days, but the first 24 hours is the worst but should clear up after a few days.
Sadly the op failed to get the stone so I had a stent put in to drain the kidney 4 days ago under local anaesthetic. The op was fine and I didn’t feel much until about a day later. My kidney was sore and the bleeding started again. Now it is 4 days after the stent op. The urine has some blood but significantly less. The urge to pee is still there. I must have gone to the loo 30 times yesterday!
It is painful urinating for a few days but that is reducing.
I have been told the stent is to drain the kidney to prevent infection and also that the action of the stent might break up the stone and allow it to pass naturally.
I am not sure what happens if the stone is still there after 3 months but frankly I am fed up with large objects being pushed up my penis.
Im a bit depressed about it but I know what you are all going through.

Scott W

I had two stents inserted after laser lithotripsy. Eight stones were treated. I have had kidney stones for years and have been able to pass them until recently. The pain from the stent is as bad as passing the stones. They one thing that has helped with pain is putting warm heat on the area. I have a bag filled with rice that we heat in the microwave, that I place in that area that has spasms. Calming the spasms helps reduce the pain. Good luck to anyone going through this pain.

leaonie boyd

Like you Scott, I have sufferred stones for years. However last week had probably the worst renal colic ever. Seems the large stone is wedged solidly within ureter and 4 other large ones sittkng in kidneys waiting to create havoc in my life. Have a stent for 1 week and I agree, the pain is easily as severe asthe renal colic. As result I am becoming depressed, tired and all things that go with constant pain. 2 days to go but never never again.

Whitney N

Omg.. Went to ER with severe back pain and lower abdominal pain. Found out I had stone stuck in my ureter. Has a cystoscopy and stent placed in eureter.After surgery I couldn’t urinate for 8 hours and to get drained. I was numb from spinal. The next day I was in terrible pain. Blood in urine horrible bladder pain. I feel like I have to pee every 10 min. I’ve had it in a month I get it removed in two weeks. Same day surgery to remove it. I can’t wait. No meds they give me works. I take ibrupropen 1200 mg every 6-8 hrs for pain for a month already. Doc told me one week before surgery removal no ibrupropen . I feel like I’m gonna die it’s horrible. Wish they would have told me if be in this much pain. I wouldn’t hve had the surgery.

I went to the ER Sept 1, 2015 in terrible pain. CT showed a stone ( my first) on my left kidney. It also showed swelling in my right kidney and “something else”. I had surgery Sept 2, 2015, to have the stone removed and two stents put in. Also the “something else” was scraped for a biopsy.

The nurser prior to surgery was the first person to tell me that stents can be uncomfortable. For me, they haven’t been a really big deal, as I’d been living with similar symptoms for a long time.

I am now able to completely empty my bladder, without pain. I’m scheduled to have both stents removed on Sept 28, 2015. I’m praying my biopsy report is benign.

Edwina Dorricott

All best wishes to you


If any one wants to talk about kidney stents/stones with me, I’d be more than willing to share my experiences and tips with you, My Skype is del580.

I’ve had 2 kidney stents over 5 years with many a different stone 🙂

You are right! Stent terrible. Can’t move for pain. Doctors need to brief you up front about what to expect.

Jan Wesselius

I had some heart work done so I am Efferent and cannot have a ultra sound to break up the stones. I had a stint put in yesterday. I don’t know which hurt worse the surgery of the spinal numbing and after effects of the stone or the stint. I have back pain from the numbing of the spinal tap numbing. I am also have what seems to me an excessive amount of blood in my urine. I have a call into the nurse of my urologist to get some answers. The Doctors don’t tell you what to expect with surgery and the aftereffects. Am I suppose to feel this miserable or not?


Just want to say mad respect for everyone going through such an experience! Had a open pyeloplastly 6 days ago, everything went great I think with tolerable pain, but the stent ladies and gentleman, the stent really tickles you all the way down. The tickle I feel is worst then the pain for it is just so uncomfortable. The stent still needs to stick around for another 3 weeks and that is just how it is. It is nice to see mutual feelings from other people going through the same experience, lets think about each other and heal through that compassion! 😀 know you are not alone!

ronald kotin

I had a 4 mm stone in the right ureture. Had laser surgery to remove it and a stint was put in. The stint is uncomfortable but when I urinate the pain is just like the pain I had with the stone. I have narcotic pain meds but they only help to a degree. I’ll be glad when this is all finished.


People who suffer with kidney stones!
Doctors never tell you this & I believe it is worth a try. There are herbal medication you should try. Many people have been helped. They are:
Acid Acai about $10.00 a bottle
Uriflow about $40.00 a bottle
Chanda Piedra about $15.00 a bottle
Most are for a month and can be found on line!
What have you got to lose? Just unnecessary pain!

Rhonda Chancey

I’m afraid those do not work and provide disappoinment more than anything else. But Thanks.


For those of you that have experienced little pain from stents….lucky you. I don’t think anyone is exaggerating about the pain they feel or how little pain meds help. I had stones removed on my left kidney on Aug 25th & stents put in on both kidneys. I have never experience pain like this. I had two c-sections & can tolerate pain. I was sent home with OxyCod & it only works for about 2 hours & I’m not even up walking around. It’s just helps me fall asleep. I wish I knew how painful this was going to be before I had surgery. I get my left stint out on Friday-I’m hoping this will receive most of my pain. Can anyone tell me how painful it is to have the stents removed? I’m nervous.


I fully agree with you! I had a stint put in last thursday bc I am now 35 1/2 weeks pregnant and they want to do the least invasive thing we can. The pain is horrible. The medicines don’t work. They help for a little bit. Im left laying in the couch and still in so much pain.


When I had one two years ago it did not hurt taking it out. It was like a small pinch. I felt so much better and so much relief. I wasn’t medicated either getting it out. Putting the one in I have now wasnt too bad, I had numbing meds and fentenol. You can ask for them to numb you up.


Had a CT scan in June in prep for an unrelated surgical procedure. Noted that the report stated I had a 6 mm stone in right kidney which was not at or near the ureter at the time. No surprise when I started feeling pain in my right kidney this past Monday. Dealt with the pain until Friday and went to the ER. Yesterday it was pulverized by laser and stent was inserted. Minoan pain since. No current need for any pain meds. I do have the need to urinate frequently and there is discomfort during urination, but it subsides shortly after. Doc tells me to pull the stent out myself on Wednesday. Will let you know how it goes.


I meant to type “Minimal pain since.”

Shira Richards

I have had numerous stents. To me, the removal is just a little uncomfortable pressure. I few stents have been awful. Any step I take, I felt like I needed to go urinate. Felt lots of pressure. A few, I didn t even know they were there. Not sure why the difference. My last one and the one I have now, I have been able to remove myself which I prefer. Was terrified of removing myself, but it was not bad at all. Hope I didn t jinx myself with removal of one I have now! Hope your stent removal goes well and your stones are all gone!


I just had my stent removed today. It didn’t hurt to have it out. A bit of discomfort and pinching but that was it. I am feeling a stinging sensation but only because of it being irritated from them putting the scope in to take the stent out. On a scale of 1-10 for pain i would say 1-2 but more just of a discomfort then pain. Good luck!


First of all, let me say how happy I am to have found this site because I feel somewhat NORMAL now after reading the above comments. My doctor acted like stents were “no big deal” and I am having a hard time just functioning with day to day life. The medicine makes me nauseated, tired and no appetite. I work full time and have 3 kids to take care of. I just had mine put in on 8/24 and it’s on the left side but the pain and pressure feel just like the kidney stones I had. I am told my stent has to stay in for 2 weeks and the thought alone nauseates me. I hope it really does come out in 2 weeks….

Rosalind wright

I have had kidney stones for nearly 3 years. First time I knew was when I nearly died from sepsis & pelyphinitis due to stones in my left kidney. The hospital discharged me & said there would be a follow up to remove them & they never did! I have been in constant pain! My ultrasound & ct scan are showing hydrephonsis & they decided to put a stent in & help drain the water build up. My god I have had this in for 5 weeks & put up with the constant, relentless pain & been told it’s not working! They won’t take it out as the operation requires a stent in. I have got to wait another 2 months yet I know my kidney is dying. Low potassium, exhaustion, swollen abdomen & ankles. My diabetes is uncontrollable & my body is trying to expel the stent. Because my other kidney is showing as normal & compensating for the other they don’t seem to care. I know people have illnesses worse than mine but there seems to be absolutely nothing that takes away the pain & now I feel like my mental state is dwindling!!!

anntonietta bogdan

As I type, I am actually sitting in my hospital bed recovering from kidney stone blasting and stent put in place. Ive had kidney stones on/off for 24 years. This time it felt different, I had ain in the same place since April 2015 -today 31/8/15. I found out from a scan my kidney was swollen and tube, left side blocked by a 8mm stone. My advice…im not a Dr but I know my own body. I have been pushing continuously since April for help, appointments, x-rays scans, anything. Saturday, after having an xray, I was told not to leave the hospital, go a&e…i had an emergency op as I was told it couldn’t be left any longer. Please fight in your corner, ask others to fight for/with you and don’t give up. We are all as important as each other and valued by the ppl who know us. Depression/ a sinking feeling came over me but, I still kept going. If I hadn’t of, I would only have one kidney as I nearly lost the other one!


My mom has lymph node on urinal , which creates pressure on vein, so she has problem in urine, creatinine is high upto 2, Doctors are advising her to put ureteral stent, please guide us is it correct decision?


I appreciate everyone’s comments on here. I am 41 years old and have dealt with stones for 21 years. Just last week i had my 6th stone removal surgery and 4th or 5th stent put in. I hate stents, but i also know they are used for good. For me, the first few days are horrible. Pain, discomfort are continuous. Then the feeling I have to pee all the time. Fortunately, this one is coming out tomorrow.


Is the process to take it out very painful? I am dreading getting it out but hate having it in…..


My stent had a string attached so I could remove it myself. I was scared of the pain but it really was just mildly uncomfortable, not really painful. BUT, 2 hours later I was in worse pain than when I had the stone plus felt that urge to urinate even though my bladder was empty. It was a long night. I took Oxycod, Flomax, & the medication for bladder pain (forgot name) then added Aleve & a heat pack. Finally after 6 hours I was able to sleep. Now I feel like I’ve got menstural cramps (not possible) & abdomen is bloated but it’s tolerable pain. I read this happens about 55% of the time after stent removal. Wish I’d known ahead of time. I would have taken an Aleve 30 minutes before & possibly avoided a long night of pain & discomfort.

Shelly S

Did you pull your stent out? I have to pull mine out on Sunday. This is the third time having one, but I have never pulled one out on my own. Yikes!


Mine came halfway out on its own 2 years ago. I went on my computer to finds out what to do. I pulled it out slowly, no pain what so ever.


I’ve had my stent in now for just over 2 weeks and i am still in a lot of pain on a lot of medication and still have blood in my urine but i guess im just one of th unfortunate ones, peoples bodys react differently to things if you have any worries atall about any side affects go to your gp thats their job to help.


I have had stents since end of June and now a replacement stint after a follow-up
kidney procedure for more stones. This site is giving the wrong message to those
who will get stints. I have never had any pain from the stints, unaware that they are
there except that sometimes in urination, I can feel them slightly. I guess I am really
blessed, but if you are getting stints, they are life-saving for the kidneys and do not
necessarily cause pain. 100% of these comments describe pain, usually unbearable.


I wish I was as luck as you are! Mine has been in for 3 days. Pain, burning, blood, even more burning, and the constant need to urinate. I knew that it would be this way for me, simply because it’s my luck…all of that being said, NOTHING compares to the pain prior to the stent, so I’ll grin & deal for 4 more days. I will admit–I am ready to break up with my stent.


I wish I was this lucky, I’m going for my second stent in 4 days and let me tell you I’m not exaggerating this pain. I’ve have pain tolerance, 2 of my babies were born without any form of pain meds. So glad you don’t have pain with yours.

Clark Braddock

I get 1-2 stones every month and I pass them very easily if they are 5mm or smaller. I have had two stents and pleaded with the doctor to remove them due to the pain, it was worse than the 9mm stones. I decided to go to Mayo Clinic for a 10mm stone in Jacksonville expecting them to be more patient oriented. The urologist snickered at my insistence that he not use a stent and he then suggested he would leave it in for 10 days after the stone removal. It seemed the more I objected the longer he would leave the stent in. Does anyone know of any urology clinic that can remove stones and not use a stent? I left Mayo clinic and am searching frantically for a non-sadist urologist. The stone is still there and the pain is substantial. I will travel anywhere in North America for a urologist that will be more understanding of the pain the patient is going through.


My Urologist, Dr. Simmons, is wonderful. I’ve had two surgeries this month. I had a handful of stones in my left kidney and a 5mm stuck in my ureter, and a 1CM (!!!) stone stuck in my right kidney. He layered the stones in my left kidney first and put two stents in. A week and a half later he removed the stents during surgery, blasted the giant stone, and added a new Stent in the left ureter. So, he does use stents, however any time I have had concerns, even on a Sunday, he, or somebody from his office, has been available to ensure that everything is find. They are very considerate and attentive. My doctor is in Bend Oregon. My Stent comes out on Monday. I truly cannot wait. It’s simply awful, but the alternative, failed kidney, is worse.


*lazered the stones. Typo, sorry.


Initially about 2.5 months ago, urine stopped and were having pain in both kidneys. U/S showed stone in right ureter, which have been passed within month through medication. Post stone pass symptoms were; very low urine output (approx. 150 ml x max. 2 ~3 times a day) with pain in both kidneys, bladder especially right side and feeling of bladder fullness but unable to pass the urine. Urine stopped 2 time while it was intentionally hold to full the bladder for U/S and it was hard to empty the bladder for post void measurements. It took more than 24 hrs. to pass the urine again. 5 days ago, urine was stopped for more than 20 hrs. feeling pain in bladder with feeling of its fullness, Intermittent catheter passed. Immediately 2~3 liters of urine discharged. After that having urine approx. 150 ml x 4~5 times a day (without feeling bladder full). As per CT Scan report, there is minimal fullness in both renal pelvis and right side of ureter.
Currently breath shortness, increased heart rate, dizziness, On & Off pain in both kidneys, low daily urine vol., having fever most of the time & as well as shivering from cold.
Someone please advise me on this!

Sehrish, Please go to an urgent care or ER immediately. If you have fever and shivering is a very high indication of infection. Kidneys are obviously very important as they are the last organ in your body to die. As a RN, I would be seen immediately.


You need to go to the hospital now! You are in danger of losing your kidneys! If your tubes are blocked, urine is going back into your kidneys, all the toxins are destroying your kidneys. I have just had the same sort of problem. I was told my left kidney was shaped like cauliflower and had emergency op to blast 8mm stone and a stent put in to help drain the kidney. Stents are awful but keeps your tubes open to help the flow of urine and in case of swelling due to infections.


It will be a full two weeks tomorrow since I had my right renal stent inserted and as stated in previous comments nothing much has changed. The only thing I do know is that unless I completely immobilise my body from my chest down (except for quick pee breaks), nothing I take or do will relieve my pain & bleeding at all. Which everyone knows is completely impossible. I’m also required to have a urine test done every three days to keep on top of the infection this is causing. I’m completely miserable.

Scott - UK

I wanted to comment because I read some horror stories on here before I had my stent fitted, and it scared me to death! I had my stent fitted last week, and although the surgeon wasn’t actually able to fit my stent on the first attempt by going up the ureter, (due to the shape and condition of my ureter) so I had to have a second operation in which I was only given local anesthetic, and the stent was placed into my back, down through my kidney and down to my bladder.
The stent has been in place now for a week, and although the first few times I went to the bathroom was painful, I am now in no pain at all. I had blood in my urine for 4 days, but now I am experiencing no side effects at all.
I just wanted to put some people’s minds at ease, as it appears as though you only read the horror stories on here.


Same for me… this is my second time with a stent . The first was miserable but with this second stent, the first couple of pees hurt but after that was able to function on a azo, flomax, and ibuprofen. Not a sunny walk in the park but bearable. 3 days total. After removal I’ve experience pain in groin but temporary. Best is to avoid stones at all! Research urine pH and get alkaline levels up! Blessings and speedy recovery!

Kathy F.

I just had a megagillionth lithotrypsy after having had one in Feb of this year, and again, another round with a stent. I’m up every 5 min trying to pee because it feels exactly like a uti!!! Last time I had a stent nothing helped. This,time, flax and the Pyridium are helping but just a tad. I am 3 days post op from litho and I’m going back to work today and as,a supervisor I’m always on my feet which makes for excruciating discomfort from the stent. Horrible thing to have in me, but feels,so good when it comes out!

melinda layton

had a stone removed at a local hospital by a well-respected doctor . he also inserted a stent during the same procedure. i was awake (after this procedure and all through the night with paiin, cramps, and quite a bit of loose stools which made it impossible to sleep. I am sltill in terrible pain after taking 1/2 a box of AZO (over-the-counter) meds.
i had relatively little pain before the surgery, but now i am REALLY in pain. i called my doctor to inquire about pain meds but never heard back. do you have any suggestions
I can try at home.. thank you for reading my concerns Melinda Layton. (address removed)

I wondered if I was the only person that had bowel problems after my stents were removed. It’s been almost a month since the stents were put in and I couldn’t take the pain. I had them removed in only one week but the pain is still there. It’s starting to get better, but I have many bad days. Still having painful urination and loose stools.

Kiwanis Tra

HI everyone, I had surgery for kidney stones on August 5 2015. The stents were put in during surgery. This has been the worst ordeal I can recall. The pain from having the stents put in place are just as bad as the kidney stone itself…They are not comfortable at all, and even taking the pain pills only gives minor relief temporarily. I had other issues that developed which prevented the removal as scheduled, so I’m at two weeks now still trying to have mine removed. I haven’t been able to go back to work yet due to the pain and uncomfortable feeling. The doctors should really be honest and let you know how complex these stents are before they put them in place.


Hello all.
Had 2 stones (one for each kidney) removed on Tuesday after they found that both stones were blocking kidney function, and the doc put stents in both my left and right ureter after the stones were removed. He claimed there would be some cramping and bleeding and minimal pain. This is supposed to help, right? Wrong. I have never been in so much pain in my life. The stones hurt LESS. C-section recovery hurt less. I thought maybe the pain would lessen as the infection left my body…but yeah no. They rxd Norco..which some friends (one was in a bad car accident and the other has MS) claim is “the best” but it’s not even keeping the pain at bay for more than 2 hours at this point, and gives me weird hallucinations when I try to sleep. About to go back to the ER for pain management and to have them remove these darn stents. The left side seems to hurt more than the right, which was odd as the right kidney had the larger stone.


Norco is only loritab & tylenol mixed together. You should not have hallucinations from that. That’s weird

Lisa Blakeman

Norco, hydrocodone, vicodone, all narcotics can cause hallucinations, weird dreams and nausea with vomiting. Depends how your body handles the drug. Renal issues can also cause nausea. I have a stent and have had a 9mm stone completely blocking my left ureter. All I could handle was ibuprofen. Narcs made me sick. Never have had that kind of pain in my life. I have 6 kids and delivered with no drugs. That sone was hell.


I feel your pain. I had only 1 stent put in on the 19th of August. They gave me Norco too for the pain and I too have hallucinations when I try to sleep…plus it makes me very sick to my stomach….the sad part is your right it doesn’t even last very long at all. Now I feel like I have a yeast infection the last day or so…this is horrible. I agree I am in more pain since the surgery then I was with the stone. I just pray the other 3 I have don’t get stuck like this one did……I REALLY DO NOT want to go through this again.


Hi…I had a stent replacement in on June 20th 2015 and still to this day have it…this has been the worse experience I ever had..the pain is unbelievable and I guess what it makes it worse is my job..I believe at this point no medication is or will help me they have changed my medson three times already and nothing the sad part I will have the stent in for another month because for the second time I will be have a shock wave to try once again to break up my kind which I still have


Had a 5mm stone that needed to have lazaed inside the ureter, too close to bladder so no lithotripsy, lazer inside ureter instead yesterday. Stent was put in with no string.

The stone was so close to my bladder that the pain immediately before surgery in my urethra and the shaft was so terrible it had me to the point of moaning and cowering on the ground moving around uncontrollably making a huge scene.

You know, that point of time where it is about to unload onto the bladder and the pain at that point has gone from my penis being pealed in half to now having razor blades being forced out.

Anyway the stones, for me, have different pain manifestations at different points in the passing process from beginning to end. This stone has been passing for a month and I kept letting it go because I didn’t know it was so large,

I thought I only had 1mm stones since the last CT scan, but this grew quickly I guess. I’ve passed so many that sometimes you just have to deal. As it got lower and kept going and pain was really getting bad then I knew something was up.

The stent for me on this day after surgery is very uncomfortable. It’s pain mimicks all the pain stages at once except my penis only gets occasional sock waves as compared to constant yesterday. I feel like the stent is worse than the stone because with a stone I have pain, sometimes unbearable, but I can still move around the house and bend and do things.

Being used to that I feel I have maybe been moving around too much this morning and just need to take it easy. I hate asking people to do things for me, but am starting to ask Fiance to.

If I lay completely still it is a bit better although I get these shots of a cramped bloated pain in addition now and I’m moaning and agonizing every ten twenty minutes. Then I have to try and carefully and slowly adjust position, unlike with just a stone I can jump around, walk back and fourth, grab myself hard, etc. Lots of blood in urine. It sort of feels like my body is trying to reject and push the stent out.

I can’t do any of that now because it’s so tender. I have dilaudid, which I would totally recommend to anyone for pain pills at home and ER. They are the strongest you can get and way more effective for me than oxycodone. .

They said the same thing, stent won’t be a big deal, well for me it sucks. I might as well be passing a stone. I wish they would be straight up about that risk. I would rather have the stent put in while under a general anesthetic than going to the ER later with swelling that has created a blockage.

Some things that have helped is laying down and not at a tv watching angle as it puts more pressure down there. Another thing that soothes a bit are hot wet clothes or get a shower massager head and spray real warm water all over that are. Also don’t wear underwear that fits snug. I can’t wear any at the moment, tool much pressure.

This whole thing is a catch 22, but gotta do it like I said, I think it would be more awful to have to go in and get something done for inflammation post op. It really does stuck though, can’t wait to get it out. I hope it isn’t like this the whole week.

Lots of docs will not prescribe what you were given due to addiction issues. It is stronger than OxyContin. Most of the names are brand names for it. OxyContin is brand name for oxycodon.

I never had pain from stents only discomfort and pyridine and a drug like flo max worked. The first stops urgency and the latter bladder twinges or spasms. But I have a serious disease dRtA. I have had 2 open surgeries before medical lasers, sound waves and laparoscopy existed. I don’t want people to think I have never had pain. I did have emergency surgery before developed pyenephritis with sepsis . I had a high fever for a while before antibiotics worked. But I did eventually get better and normal recovery time was about 3 month so. I did not find out how serious this was until 15 years after it happened.

I know I am a more tolerant and compassionate person due to all my time spent in hospitals etc. I try to be grateful when I am more or less healthy. I only wish the money spent on healthcare could be spent on tangible things and travel. It would be dangerous to go to remote places as there is no way to know when I could have kidney colic. My husband also has MS so maybe I am more understanding . his problems come and go but he is mostly stable. He is not as sick as many MSers are.


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