What is a stent?
Ureteral stents are soft, hollow, plastic tubes placed temporarily into the ureter to allow drainage around a stone or to speed healing after a stone surgery

When are they needed?
Stents are used for various reasons in patients with kidney stones. They may be placed in patients to help reduce pain from a stone, when infection is present to allow drainage, or when a stone is preventing a kidney from working adequately. Stents are also commonly placed after surgeries for stones, as in ureteroscopy, to allow healing and prevent swelling of the ureter.

How is a stent placed?
Stents are placed during surgery by sliding them over a soft “guidewire” which is placed up the ureter, which is the tube draining the kidney. See a video below of a stent being placed.
How is a stent removed?
Stents can be removed in two different ways. Sometimes, a string is left attached to the end of the stent. This string is allowed to come out of the patient’s urethra, the tube where he or she urinates. The string can be used to pull on the stent and remove it. In cases where a string is not left attached, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the patient’s urethra after numbing medication has usually been administered. The cystoscope is then advanced into the bladder and the stent is grasped with an instrument and removed. See our post on stent removal for a video and more details.
How long can a stent stay in?
In general, most stents should only remain in for no longer than 3 or so months. If a stent is left in too long, it can form stones directly on it, making removal difficult.
What are the symptoms of having a stent?
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
- Sensation of needing to urinate
- Seeing blood in the urine
- Bladder spasms
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pain in the back during urination or when moving
- Pain in the bladder
Is there anything that can help reduce the discomfort of a stent?
Different medications may be given to help reduce the discomfort of a stent. The most effective appears to be those from the alpha blocker class of medications including tamsulosin (Flomax) and Alfuzosin (Uroxatral). Other types of medications commonly given for stent discomfort, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or phenazopyridine (Pyridium), do not appear to be successful at reducing stent related discomfort in placebo controlled studies. Traditional pain medications are also less successful at reducing stent discomfort.
Hasn’t anyone come up with a better stent?
Research into improving stent designs will hopefully reduce the discomfort associated with them. Innovative stent designs currently being tested include stents embedded with medications to reduce discomfort and stents that dissolve by themselves.
What about sex with a stent? I have had one in since Dec 19. That one was replaced during my second surgery Jan 7 – and it will be there until Feb 7 or so, which is a while to live with the periodic pain and discomfort. During the times I feel up to it my wife and I would like to take advantage of that, but we are a little concerned about increasing the odds of complications. There is no string, but I imagine there is still increased potential for infection. How common is that? While I’m at it, what about hot tubs?
Thanks to all who comment and whoever maintains this site. It has been a nightmare, but you folks have made it so I understand what I am going through.
As long as there is not a string attached to the stent that is visible to you, there are usually no restrictions for intercourse or hot tubs. You may notice increased blood in the urine and some discomfort related to stent though.
You guys are golden. Thanks.
I could not even imagine having sex while having a stent in place. They told me three days of no sex and no baths, just shower. I had such awful pain and burning with the stent that I sex was the last thing in my mind.
I had laser surgery on an impacted kydney stone that was removed this past Friday , the doctor put a stint in , I was told to come in toorrow and he will remove it.
(6) Days
Hello all. This isn’t my first go round with stones. But this time it is 9 mm I guess has been there for over a year and I had infection. Ive had two kids and let me tell you they should give epidurals for these devils. But here is my question. Ive had a stint for two months. Ive had the lithotripsy or what ever and it still hasn’t moved. They say because its so big and the tube is holding it together. This stint is a living hell!!!!!! If I go back to my Dr. Next Friday and nothing Ill just die. I’m only 35 walking around like like I may puss my pants all day id so not cool…not to mention the srpanims…burning. I have taking up to 3 baths a day to relieve the annoyance ….please talk to me…no one I know has a clue what I’m dealing with.
Believe me I know! Today my Dr. gave me this medicine called Vesicare. It’s suppose to help with the spasms and the urgency to go pee. It helped a little bit, but the cure. My right leg still feels numb and there’s still pain! I can’t wait till this stent comes out on Tuesday!!!!
hello i had it for 4 weeks now a stent i peed my self the pain was so bad luckey nobody around last time a ran in the bush i was peeing on a snake the pain was so bad i dint care poor snake no i have to go work with the dam thing peeing blood all the time i feel for u people i know the pain every time a pee like razor blades
OMG! I hear you and feel your pain! Stents in since Dec 21! What a nightmare! I am a nurse and NOW UNDERSTAND what my patients tell me about this pain 🙁 getting through a day of work is a challenge. I never expected the pain, i have resorted to just tylenol, cant tolerate anything else (i will never be a drug user haha), flank pain- I use the therawraps (just like a heating pad and does last 10 hrs), dr put me on Toviax for the constant urge to urinate- instead of every 5 min,now its every 30 min. I have 2 weeks left of this hell and praying never again…….i will do short term dialysis than again! Hope all goes well for you 🙂
Well to say the least this New Years was not a happy one! I went to the ER in pure pain. They found out I had a 8mm kidney stone stuck on the tube. It was big so they removed it by Cystoscopy and a stent was placed on the right side. The procedure went fine n I was drugged up from the procedure and pain. I went home that night and the pain from the stent is far from pleasant! They didn’t tell me about all of this pain I’m experiencing. I have to pee every 5 mins, my right leg is numb, the burning is horrible, and I can’t go the bathroom! Why don’t they tell you this before you leave the hospital??? Well I go in on Tuesday to get the stent removed I’m terrified and anxious to go get it taken out!
Sounds like my story. Keep taking the Pyridium for burning and the pain killer. I found that laying on my side and sleeping on my side as well, diminished the pain and discomfort of the stent. The procedure for taking the stent hurts for only ONE instant. Mine, they just pulled it out. I saw the stars and had tears in my eyes, but immediately pain stopped. The day you have it removed, don’t plan on doing anything except going home with a pain medication, as back and womb pain will likely ensue. But this is the last pain that you will have, so pamper yourself after the stent is removed, take your painkiller and lay down. The end of the nightmare is close.
I have in large kidney and I have to keep getting new stents cause they wouldn’t work. But I finally on my 6th surgery got my surgery to fix my kidney without having a stent but a couple days later urine leaked in my organ so I had to the er again
But my doc fix me up and I have no more stent but I don’t know if I shouldn’t do certain things?im sorry if anyone has this or any thing that’s harming you.God bless u
I’m 14 and I so thankful god fix me up still hurting really bad but I’m better
How you doc fix you up because I went for my 6th stents change and I don’t know what to do please help me?
My surgery was he took out the part that wasn’t working and took a tissue piece from my bladder and fix the my tube in my kidney but he didn’t put a stent in but had to go the ER later but if this is your 6th stent are isn’t not working talk to your doctor.
When mine didn’t work had to get more of them. Feel better
Hello to everyone and you guys are in my prayers I have some of the same situations I just got my stents placed on both urethers and I am currently 21 weeks preg since I was still early they gave me an epidural but I started off with flank pain that been going on for years way before I got pregnant I had a stone that was like 0.3 cm that’s stuck inside the kidney but they say wasn’t obstructing but that came about due to me having stents before in 05 and stent calcified which made it hard for them to remove so somehow the Uroligist puncture an artery on my right kidney which happens to be where the stone is so now as if dec 20 I have stents and I’m 21 preg and I am in a lot if pain my Uroligist got me on Percocet which I finished and so he called in vicodine and now he saying I will have to go to ob get meds cause I’m preg but on dont want to because I’m preg so what am I to do? And I have to keep them in til I deliver which is April 26,2013, and on top of that I have to get them change every two months cause my body carries a lot of calcium so can anyone tell me what’s the best medicine to stop my back pain with the stents thanks a lot all .
i have been in and out of the er since december 1st .. i am 20 years old and have several kidney stones plus a kidney infecion had a stent put in two days ago and i barley can walk im in so much pain, is this normal? the pain meds dont even begin to touch my pain. and its like every 10min. i have a bladder spasms. is this normal. im so uncomfortable ..
— About being pregnant and having to get stents..
I, too, am glad to have found this website! I am hoping my experience with stents will draw to a close in the next three months, since I’m 26 weeks pregnant and will probably need a stent in for the remainder. At 22 weeks I woke up with tremendous pain in my abdomen, just to the right of my belly button. I started sweating and dry heaving and my husband immediately took me to the OB Triage unit at our hospital. Doctors assumed (as I did) that it was my appendix since the pain was in the front. I was writhing in pain so much that they couldn’t do an MRI, and they couldn’t do an x-ray because of the baby. So, I quickly got an appendectomy – though it wasn’t my appendix! I woke up from the operation in just as much pain as before – all the narcotics weren’t touching it. The next day I was told that it was most likely my kidneys (after an MRI) and I had hydronephrosis (swelling of one kidney due to a backup of urine). I had no kidney stones but something obviously happened for me to have a kidney rupture (most likely the uterus blocking the ureter). Anyway, they announced that I would need a stent. Little did I know what would await. I was fitted with a stent, went home a few days later and started the recovery from both the surgery and stent procedure. At first the stent was tolerable… until it wasn’t. I started bleeding (in urine) and could feel it every second of the day. This went on for a couple weeks – about 3 – and I even consulted with my doctor about it. He basically said “stents are a foreign body that your body wants to push out. It’s an irritant and it will get worse.” I was so discouraged. I finally asked to have it taken out at 3 weeks. I’ll be honest – it was very painful to remove. It had already developed calcium deposits on it and my bladder was horribly inflamed – so much so that he had trouble finding it initially! Removing it was a blessing and for 3 days, I felt great…. Until… another kidney episode. This time going in to the hospital, they found 2 kidney stones and, of course, I needed another stent. I begged my urologist to not replace the stent, but it was obvious I needed one. I have to say – so far, so good. I’m currently happy with my stent. My Dr. said he measured twice this time and put a longer tube in, hoping that it would help. I think it has so far. I’m still nervous about this, knowing that at any time it could calcify again and my bladder could become inflamed. But, for the moment, pretty good! Let’s hope it stays this way. I’m sure I’ll be writing an update in a few weeks. Ha
UPDATE** 26 days later
Well, I spoke too soon. I was hoping a longer stent would solve the pain problem, but I was wrong. It did help initially, but quickly got painful and almost unbearable. I could tell it was calcifying again. I ended up switching to another urologist because I felt my former doctor had no plans or answers for what he wanted to do with my next stent. It was frustrating, feeling like I had to ask questions and do my own research and follow up. I’m so glad I consulted a new urologist because he could immediately tell that I had probably developed calcium on my stent again and scheduled a replacement. Sure enough, the stent was SO calcified he said he tried three ways to get it out and the last one worked. He almost gave up and that means he would have had to schedule a surgery to remove it another way. I’m so frustrated that my first urologist would have let me keep that stent in for months! It most surely would have become stuck. Anyway, I have yet another stent in. This time my doctor wants it replaced within 3 weeks – max. Any longer and we’d have the same problem. I have to do this at least until I give birth (2-3 more times), and then we’ll go from there. Thank goodness for health insurance!
If you feel like your urologist isn’t helpful, get a second opinion. I’ve discovered there are those that want to help and make a plan for you.
I’m now 28weeks pregnant. I had one stent put in 3 weeks ago and has to have that one exchanged for a smaller one. The first one and my body hated each other and I still felt like I was dying. This Smaller one… I’ve had for bout a week and half now and I went back in a few days ago and found out I’m dehydrated and I have a very sever bladder infection. The meds ain’t doing anything for me. Not the bladder spasms one or the tramadol for pain….. My hip, and area by bladder hurt. I can’t do anything but lay on my bed or couch. If I do anything else I’m in pain like no other. I am due April 28th and have to have this stent in till I deliver. Should I go back in?
Just had surgery four days ago. the pain was so intense. I had a 5mm stone and for two years living the pain that even local doctors could not find. Thanks, to Providence Hospital in El Paso they fixed my problem. It was taken out but now I live with another pain. They, put in a ureteral stent inside which I live with pain discomfort and burning sensation. Its so scary knowing that I have to pee at night or every 30 mins just cause of the pain I endure afterwards. My god one pain goes away and another comes.
Man I feel ya just had surgery on Monday and they placed stent after cutting out a 10x5mm stone with spikes (and did a basket retrieval)on it that sat there grinding on my ureter wall for two months.(The VA hospital maybe free,but it is a Government system and Frickn takes for ever(just like the Obama care will).My system didnt take well to havn a stent in after recovery.I spent 3 hours throwing up,sweating,shaking,having major pain. Three days later i was to have stent taken out by me at home ,but was having lots of problems still from it,so I got permission to take it out last night and then 15 mins. later what a nightmare(45 mins of hell). I ended up in E.R. this afternoon.They ended up prescribing me Phenazopyridine.I’ve only had two doses,but hope it kicks in tonight??Shoot, when I had to pee I would have burning/painful kidney,ureter,bladder start spasming,etc… WOW!!! Not to mention constipated for four days from pain meds(kolace pills not working),So, I bought a Cherry Flavored Magnesium Citrate tonight(Bottoms up).Should do the job,that can bring on a considerable amount of pain it self?? HOPE,Lots of praying,crying ,rocking,and pacing.
Really, Will??? This is hardly the place for your political commentary! How about being a tiny bit grateful that you have access to healthcare at all.
I had my surgery two weeks ago. It was my second
surgery Iam still can not get rid of stones it’s terrible nothing easy. The pain was extremely awful. You reminded me of what I have passed through…. Exactly the same pain especially when you said one pain goes and another comes …. OMG just today I have the stent removed when I remember Iam still having more stones I start crying because it’s very hard surgery the pain from the beginning till the end …. Kidney stones is serious illness because you can’t get rid of them at all how lucky am I …….
I went in on Dec 7, 12 to do wave laser kidney stone breaking. (for got the spelling of test) and it suck. I have been sick this year since jan. i have had many surgerys this year for many things. in jan they found a 12 mm kidney stone. due to the other surgerys and testing i needed done. iwas to wait on the kidney stone. I was not haveing much pain any way and the other 4 kidney stones i had passed on their own.. So after the year is coming to the end. i told the doc i needed to get the kidney stone out. so we did the wave laser suregry . during it , it felt like someone was htting me with a hammer in the left side. but i did have a another surgery there this year, so maybe that is why it hurt so bad. After it was over , went home. NExt day got up , was doing great . Then about 12 pm I was in the worest pain of my like, sick , not holding down food. around 4 in ther afternoon, went to the ER. got meds and was placed in a room over night. the wave test work, but the stone moved down and then got stuck again. and also found out that i now have huirna in my belly. the nest day went home, was doing ok until the next day and the again got sick, back to the ER. and placed in a room and stayed again . Dec. 11 had surgery to have the stone removed. felt better from the pain. BUT NOW HAVE the STENT in, i hated it. painful, feeling like peeping all the time, had to get diapers for adults. and they did not tell me , that this would be like this.. i got to removed the stent today dec 15. and it was much better , but tonight haveing issue like everyone else.. i hope this gets over soon . i can not peep with out pain , walk with out pain, my back hurt , leg hurts, feeling sick..
Hello fellow sufferers.
Let me tell you of my experience. Remember that though this helped me it doesn’t mean it will for everyone else. I had a 3mm Kidney Stone removed and a Stent put in, which I was told to remove 2 days after the surgery. I felt GREAT after removing the Stent, which by the way doesn’t hurt the way you think it might. It feels like you a peeing or have to pee while doing it, but just keep pulling and it will come out. It does greatly help to do this procuedure in the shower with very warm water while taking it out.
About 30 minutes of feeling great a wave of nausea and pain started, especially in the area of the Kidney, bladder and testicles. BUT HERE IS THE SECRET. After an hour of suffering my mom suggested using a HEATING pad on the kideny area and down the back and BOY WHAT an amazing result. About less than 8 minutes after starting the heating pad the pain and discomfort disappeared COMPLETELY!!! It was amazing. The heat apparently stops the Kidney from spasming after the stent is removed. I slept with the heating bad and for the first time since the surgery I slept like a baby.
The pain, but NOT as bad as yesterday, started up again in the morning, I sat in my Lazy boy recliner and put the heating pad back on and within 10 minutes I was fine enough to fall asleep again.
When it comes to eating during the first few days keep eating simple, don’t eat anything that causes gas, or hard to digest… crackers, see through soup, maybe and egg or two on a toasted bagel is perfect and of course continue to drink water, water water. Got some Benadryl to help wtih sleep and relaxing.
I will repost again after a few more days past, but I have to say the heating pad really helped me.
God bless you all … and remember you might be uncomfortable now but there are those in far worse shape than you somewhere in the world and as the famous proverb says, “THIS TOO SHALL PASS.” And it will.
I had a very large stone removed last week, in hospital for four days, home from work for two. I’d probably go back to work earlier except for the pain and discomfort of the stent that won’t be removed for a few weeks. I feel like I have to pee constantly, my right leg is numb, and I get pain off and on which lasts for an hour – almost as bad as the kidney stone pain itself. I can’t wait to get this thing out! And I agree about the heating pad. I use a heating pad and a hot water bottle. Those and small doses of morphine have helped tremendously.
Sorry, should have clarified. I’m off work for two *weeks*.
This whole thing is a nightmare, I have a stone stuck by my left kidney. I just had to have the stent put in and the bladder spasms are so bad. I still need to have the lithotripsy (sp?) Surgery and removal. Last time I was able. to have my stone removed surgically but this time is too high up so they had to put in the stent. I don’t have burning which is good but the spasms are worse. The medicines vesicare and belladonna help with the spasms I just want this to be over.
so i had some stones removed last month. 2morrow i get my stent out. i was asleep the last time & now im petrified of it hurting. has any1 had a better exp then what ive read
I just completed a cystoscopy with a double “J” stent placement and ESWL for a 1.8 cm kidney stone on Nov 30th. I was “out” for the procedure. I had done a lot of reading about this procedure and that can be both good and bad. Sometimes you can worry about it more than you should. I had no ill effects whatsoever from the ESWL. The stone was crushed. My main concern was the stent itself. The first night it was very uncomfortable and I had to urinate every 2 hours. There was pressure on the bladder and there was a burning sensation when I relieved myself. There was also blood in the urine which was normal. As the days went on, my body seemed adjust to the stent and it turned out not to be as uncomfortable as I thought it would. I had a string extending from the tip of my penis which would ultimately be used in the removal of the stent. From the 2nd night on I slept rather comfortably. I never took any pain medication. There was some burning days 2 to 7 when I urinated and eventually the blood disappeared. I was taking Cipro to guard against infection. On day 8 I went back to the Urologist to have the stent removed. I honestly was more concerned about that than the procedure itself. It turned out to be a piece of cake. Absolutely minimal pain and it was done in 1 minute. The only problem I had was when I got home after the stent was removed some fragments from the kidney stone started down into the ureter and I was in complete pain. A couple of vicodin later I was fine after a few hours as the fragments passed. I feel fine now. Bottom line- this is not as bad a procedure as you think it may be. I spent needless time worrying about it from all the horrors stories I read on the internet. Now maybe I was lucky but if you need to get this done- just do it and don’t read to much into it. Good luck.
I just had my stent removed today. A week ago I was diag. w/3 stones. One was .9mm and “at least” two more were right behind it. I waited from Monday till Wed. evening (in pain) before I could have the procedure. They were removed with “some effort” and weren’t broken up beforehand. The procedure went well, and the pain afterward was managed with hydrocodone every 4 hrs. By Sat. I was ready for the stent to come out. I started to have back pain radiate down through to the bladder and it was very uncomfortable trying to sleep. I had the stent taken out today in an office visit which lasted maybe 30 minutes from check in – to urine sample – to removal – to check out. Pulling out the stent had me very concerned, for many reasons (several listed on this site). My brother had a similar procedure fairly recently and had a very painful experience. The scope was uncomfortable to say the least. The grabbing of the stent was even more so. Pulling the stent out went quickly until the very end when oddly, (the only way I can describe it, is) your body almost instinctively bears down and clenches in an attempt to hold on to the stent. If you try to relax, it won’t hurt so much, but will feel “strange”. The problem I’m having, like others have mentioned, is that within 1/2 an hour of getting home, I have severe pain. The doc said I may have pain or blood or pain from blood clots passing through all as swelling decreases over the next week or so. I should be back to myself by then with any luck. This pain is nearly as bad as the stone. It’s going on 4 hours since removal.
Hi, I have just had a JJ stent fitted in my right kidney, to cut a long story short….12 years ago i had cervical cancer 2B and back then i was told that my right kidney had been affected by the radiotherapy and operation and would eventually shrivel up and die, i was in a lot of pain back then and when the pain subsided i thought the kidney had gone!
Back in October this year i was delivering some training at work when a sharp pain which didn’t subside was felt in my right side of my groin, i called at the doctors who sent me to hospital who in turn gave me 3 different scans, which all showed that my kidney was still there and functioning 25% however the kidney showed that it was swollen and misshapen again after other tests it showed that i had infection in the kidney but no stones! but it did show that the kidney was not draining properly and thats when it was agreed that i would have a stent fitted and a biopsy!
Having read on the internet how painful stents were and that i should be sure that is the last resort, i had 3 consultations with my consultant as i was petrified i would not be able to stand the pain.
How glad i am to have my JJ Stent fitted! not wanting to take away the pain people have gone through and are going through but i do feel the need to let others out there know that they maybe one of the lucky ones like me who has not been in any pain what so ever, in fact i have never felt better! Yes the blood is scary! but i have not had the spasms people speak of or the pain. My urethra is seriously damaged by the radiotherapy and i am now hoping that the biopsy comes back clear, but until then my stent is to stay in place, so because of my experience i’m not so worried about having it removed now, even though i have read on forums that it is painful..!!!
I hope this helps others who are deliberating to have a stent put in place, hopefully you will be one of the extremely lucky one where the pain is minimal.
Cheers for reading my plight!
3 months ago I was diagnosed with stage 3b cervical cancer. I had had some symptoms of bleeding and abdominal pain for a few weeks (was diagnosed with adenomyosis), but then started having stabbing pains in my kidneys. After many tests, they discovered the cancer. It had blocked up my ureters and caused kidney failure. I got nephrostomy tubes (local anesthesia…needles in the back, then an IV of Fentinyl and Versed…didn’t do much because of the severe inflammation by that point of my kidneys), 10 days later had them removed and had double j stents inserted (no anesthesia of any kind…absolutely traumatizing…the narcotics had been accidentally locked up in their box with the key inside…so painful), went through six weeks of chemo, external beam radiation, and brachytherapy, and am, thank goodness, healthy enough that the stents could be removed with no more danger of kidney failure. Chemo and radiation were rough, but honestly, had I not had chronic pain from the stents, I think I would have breezed through it without many problems.
Having the stents in was a nightmare. I had no life. I have been on Tylenol, Naproxin, and Dilaudid around the clock since they were in. I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes. Bladder spasms had me in the bathroom constantly, and were so intense my body would bear down like it was trying to birth a baby. The doctors said my stent pain was worse than normal because of the inflammation and scarring radiation causes. In any case, I got through, and scheduled stent removal at a private clinic, otherwise I would have had to have waited an extra month with agonizing and unnecessary stents in my body.
The Tuesday before last, I had the first stent removed. They don’t do both at the same time, as it is known there can be swelling. This is fine if you have one kidney working properly…if both ureters swell and block the kidneys, then obviously renal failure is a risk. Getting the stent out wasn’t a big deal. It pinched and felt awful while it was coming out, and my urethra felt funky for a while after, and the next couple of days I amped up the Dilaudid, but then things calmed down. The bladder stopped spasming, I didn’t have to pee every ten minutes, the pain in my bladder improved, and I didn’t yell out from the kidney spasms anymore which would happen at the end of urination.
But about two days after I got the second one removed (day before yesterday), I experienced this heinous pain right on and on the side of my pubic bone (Same side stent was removed), a pain that radiates into my groin, that I feel on the side of my knee, and even a little in my foot. My urologist checked me out and didn’t feel it was related to my urinary system, and thought it was radiation related. He went ahead and took the second stent out because my kidney functioning was fine. It was less painful than the first one. I took my meds regularly to avoid too much pain.
Then that night i developed pain in my pubic bone that I swear was about as bad as the pain of having babies. And I have had four babies. Naturally. No epidurals or narcotics. One labour was even forty five hours long. I am NO wimp. But this pain had me yelling and distressed. Having a baby hurts, but you get a BABY at the end of it, and you get a break from pain between contractions most of the time. Not so with this. This was sheer, pointless agony. I am sure I traumatized my husband and children.
My husband brought me to the ER. I had terrible visions of having to wait 12 hours in a waiting room in this kind of agony (I live in Canada). But when my husband wheeled me in and said the magic words “oncology patient…severe pain”, they got me a little private room and hooked me up to morphine immediately. FINALLY there was some relief. I had a gynecological exam, and they felt nothing suspicious there. I had urine tests and there was blood, but no infection. I had a CT scan, and it reported nothing unusual. They sent me home with morphine, and it has definitely been better pain relief for me. Not perfect, but better.
Even though all the experts say it doesn’t seem to be stent related, I don’t see how it could NOT be, given the advent of this pain occurred at the time of stent removal. And from reading others’ stories, it seems to me a lot of people experience post stent removal agony, even if that’s not something urologists list off hand as something that could happen, which I think makes it MORE distressing.
I wish I knew how long this pain would go on for, as it’s no fun being doped up on narcotics all the time. I have a life to live and embrace post cancer treatment, and it’s getting me down that my healing progress is so impeded by this pain.
If anyone has experienced anything similar in terms of this pubic bone/groin pain, hearing from you would be life saving.
Hi Lesley, I hope you are starting to feel better. I just had the same experience with post stent agony. It IS stent related and there does not seem to be much support or information for patients about this. I had a kidney stone procedure on Nov. 12 and had to have a stent for 3 days afterwards. I was worried about the stent because in the past I have had to be rushed in to have it removed. This time I was so happy because I tolerated the stent and was able to remove it myself at home. They told me to take a vicodin before I pulled it out because there might be some “discomfort.” Two hours after I took it out, I started having ureteral spasms – pain, intense feeling of having to urinate, and nauseau. I almost passed out! I called my urologists office and the extremely uncaring nurse told me that it is common to have some spasms after stent removal and to take Tylenol. Vicodin wasn’t working, why the hell would I take Tylenol? Plus, they never told me about this happening or gave me information about it. My husband took me to the ER where I was given dilaudid, tordal (sp?) and anti-nausea meds intravenously. They called my urologist and he said, “Oh, that’s just the spasms. They’ll last a couple days.” Gee, thank for the heads up! When I went home I felt great. Woke up at 2 a.m. with the same thing happening again. This time I took oxycodone that they gave me at the ER. Waited in agony for it to kick in. Never did, so we headed back to the ER in the middle of the night. Luckily my mom was staying with us so we could leave the kids. Got the dilaudid again. I am no wimp either. My epidural had to be turned off when I gave birth because I couldn’t feel enough to push. I “pushed” for 4 hours without any pain meds. So I know what you are talking about that it is the worst pain ever! Then they told me to take pain meds every 4 hours, even if I felt fine. That helped, and the spasms did get “lighter” over the next few days. Then I went through withdrawal from all the drugs – body aches, fatigue, depression. I hope as I write this you are starting to feel better. I just wanted you to know that you are not the only one to experience this. I told my doctor that they should provide patients with info on this. He’s pretty aloof and didn’t really seem to care. Will be looking for a new urologist if I ever have to go through these darn kidney stones again. I’m also sorry to hear that you had your stents placed without anesthesia. That is so awful. I wish you the best in your recovery from cancer!!!
hey everyone.
yea l got my stent in. and has been in for like 4 or so months. they say you shouldnt keep them in longer than 3 months. l did have an appointment to have it taken out about 1 and a half months ago. but had something l couldnt miss. and yea now dealing with all the side affects that comes with it. l will copy and paste this part.
While some patients with stents have minimal discomfort related to them, other patients will report symptoms that can range from being annoying to being severe enough that the stent has to be removed. These symptoms can include:
Sensation of needing to urinate
Seeing blood in the urine
Bladder spasms
Burning sensation during urination
Pain in the back during urination or when moving
Pain in the bladder
l have ALL of those. the worst is the massive bladder cramps just as your about to finish urination. l was taking antibiotics. but after reading that, l know its not an infection like l thought l had. because my urine is clear. its the stent. because its been in too long im guessing. because it was fine like a few weeks ago. it gets unbearable. having the massive bladder cramps. because the stent makes me need to go urinate constantly. so im constantly having that pain. its like a gas bottle exploding in your bladder. anyways thankfully l do have another appointment to have it removed in 2weeks time. wont be missing this one.lol l will try and go to the chemist tomorrow. and get the antibiotics that someone here suggested. she said it made the stent 10x more bearable. and l think she has the same symptoms as me. l hate getting stones and infections. but with degenerating kidneys (which l have had since birth) and one kidney dead and the other below 50% l guess im more prone to getting these. so yea. cant wait to have this stent removed. and can feel human again. unless those drugs the person recommended on here that says its pretty affective actually works. heres hoping. hope not many others reading this are going through the same thing.
its not fun
Hi everyone, although I am sorry others are going through this, it’s nice to know I’m not alone! Almost a year ago I had my first bout with kidney stones when I was so sick for 3 days, fever, chills, vomiting, back pain. I was admitted to the hospital in acute renal failure, with pyelonephritis and kidney stones. That saga lasted almost 2 months, I had shockwave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy, multiple stents, multiple antibiotic resistant kidney infections (finally kicked that after having a PICC line placed and doing 10 days of IV antibiotics at home). Then about a week ago I got the familiar pain again and knew it was more stones (thankfully no evidence of infection this time.) I apparently have several small stones in my right kidney but I had 3 big ones in my left – 1.3 cm, 1 cm and 9 mm. I had another ureteroscopy with laser litho and stent placed yesterday. I was *dreading* the stent as I had a horrible time with it the first few times. The first time my dr basically forget to prescribe me pyridium and it was horrible – constant feeling of having to urinate, painful bladder cramps after I would pee, complete misery. This time I am not only taking pyridium but also Vesicare. That must be making the difference because the stent is 10x more tolerable this time around. I will have this stent for 3 weeks and then it will come out. Getting it out sucks, I have done it with and without valium and there was no difference but thankfully my urologist has never had any trouble getting mine out. Anyway…apparently I am a “stone making factory”. Trying to be better about my diet and water intake. I also ordered an herbal supplement online called Renavive – hoping it will help, still waiting for it to arrive. Best of luck to all of you, kidney stones suck 🙁
My story is long! I am 36 weeks pregnant. 7 weeks ago I went to the hospital because I was having contractions every 15 minutes for about 3 hours. So I knew it wasn’t just the Braxton Hicks that I had been having. They admitted me and they gave me the Tribudilin (sp?) shot and that slowed them down but didn’t stop them completely. I was having some back pain that was a different kind of pain then I was used to so they ordered an ultrasound of my daughter and all of my organs to see if they could see if maybe it was my gallbladder as on my side of the family we have gallbladder issues. It wasn’t my gallbladder. It was my kidneys. They were swollen, infected, and unable to drain. I had no idea. They kept me over night and a urologist came in to talk to my husband and I. They said that we had to do something because my right kidney was on the verge of shutting down and I was going to lose it and my left wasn’t far behind. So they suggested stents in my kidneys that I would have to keep in until I had Rowan and then they could assess the situation. Not only would this save my kidneys, it would also help with the labor as they were saying the pain and failing of my kidneys were throwing me into labor WAY too early. So my husband and I discussed it and we opted to go ahead and have the stents puts in. Along with the stents, I would be put on quite a few medications: Pyridium which keeps my bladder and kidneys from spasming in response to the stents, Keflex to get the infection out and keep it out, Loracet because they are extremely painful. That was it at first but then I had an allergic reaction to one of the medicines and they put me on an antihive medicine. I was also losing a lot of weight because I was staying in pain continuously and had NO appetite which is bad when I’m trying to provide for my unborn child. So they put me on an anti nausea medicine. Of course all the medicine on top of pregnancy made me constipated so I was then put on a stool softener. So I was put on bed rest because I could hardly walk to the bathroom without crying I was in so much pain (I was a server so that was out of the question of course). Now, I’ve grown accustomed to the stents and the pain. However, I have been back to the hospital twice for preterm labor again. The first time Tribudulin(sp?) stopped it so I was able to go home. This last time however was different. I was admitted immediately because I was having the urge to push her out and was only 33 weeks. Not good. So they give me a shot of the Tribudulin(sp?) which did nothing. Second shot made them worse. In fact, my doctor had induced a woman earlier in the morning and my contractions were more intense, longer, and more frequent than hers. So they started me on the Magnesium sulfate, which did work but is an awful medicine! It makes you feel hot, nausea, can’t trust your legs so you have to stay in bed, no bathroom. I was also so constipated that they had to give me an enema. The magnesium makes you pretty much have no control over your body (at least that’s what it did to me). I was throwing up so hard I lost bladder control. So when they released me they gave me another medicine to stop the contractions called Procardia but I was able to stop that last friday. I’m just concerned now that the stents will get stuck or cause more complications. Just needed to vent and this seemed the place to do it.
I had my lithotripsy today after a week and a half of having the stent in….apparently my 2 stones are 1.7 cm and 2.0 cm……or as my doctor says ” the size of a ping pong ball.”….he says it’s gonna take up to 3 blast (possibly a stone)….so I’m living on vicodin and I start a new med tomorrow to help desolve them and it better ….this no ins thing sucks.
desolve them. and it better seeing how it cost 200.00….this no ins thingsucks
I know this is long, but this is the SHORT version of my story. I had my laser lithotripsy and stents put in both kidneys on November 7th. I had 5 or 6 stones in each kidney. This is not the first time I have had this procedure. I had the exact one done about 3 years ago. That recovery went ok, some discomfort, nothing major. I went in to have the stents removed, not a pleasant experience but I was very surprised when he said they were out. An hour later, I thought I was dying. The spasms had me in the ER. I was not expecting ANY pain, let alone a pain of that magnitude. Injections of dilaudid would work for less than 10 minutes then I was moaning and crying again. Fast forward three years. After the procedure on the 7th, I had a week of HELL. Chills, sweats, fevers, excruciating pain, up every hour on the hour. Dr put me on cipro and changed my pain meds to something stronger. The stents make my kidneys and abdomen scream when I have to pee-like NOW-but you have to stay hydrated. What a circle. Dr finally agreed to take my stents out a day early, Nov 13th, so my husband and I went in prepared for a repeat of three yrs ago and how to deal with the spasms we knew were coming. On the table, lidocaine for numbing, increasingly uncomfortable, then pain, then agony, then moaning and crying and retching from me and swearing from my hubby. Finally the dr had to stop. He couldn’t get them. Too much mucous to see and then grab the stent even after flushing with water. He said I could come back in Friday and try again. Now I can barely catch my breath, I’m in so much pain. Back home with pain meds and discuss what to do. My decision, I can’t do that again. I call the office the next morning to tell the nurse I need to be put out when he goes after them again. She says “It’s a simple 5 minute office procedure.” To which I replied, “It sure wasn’t yesterday” I let her know then I would be going to the ER, because I KNOW this isn’t normal. I’ve done this before. Went to the ER, IV pain meds and fluids, ran bloodwork to make sure that I didn’t have an infection, then called my urologist who said I could come try again or call the office and schedule for OR procedure. So I did. Same nurse. Told me it would be awhile to get the OR space to work with Dr’s schedule and I shouldn’t need more pain meds, I just got some. Fortunately I work in a pharmacy and my pharmacist called and schooled the nurse on pain control. The nurse apparently had not communicated with the doc because he ok’d two new prescriptions and stents will come out Monday, the 19th. It’s been a long weekend. Continued pain, but at least I can control that. Then I find this website. FINALLY!! I’m not alone. Experiences vary not only from person to person but every episode is different. I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. Four kids, 2 ectopic pregnancies, one tube ruptured, two miscarriages…this is my idea of hell. To add insult to injury, Drs and/or their staff to be insensitive or not have knowledge of what seems to be happening on a regular basis…GRRRRRRR. So angry about the whole situation. I wish I had found this site before. It would have saved me and my loved ones a lot of worry. We were in a panic because we knew our reality, but couldn’t get info from the dr that this may happen. If tomorrow goes well, that will be the end of this chapter and I will seek out a new urologist for the follow up and results of my 48 hour urine collection. If it turns out that something is wrong…..
Oh my god, My daughter just went thru the same thing you did a week ago and she is only 15 years old. She is still in pain a week after her stent removal. She basically said she is truamatized. We are going back to the doctor in 2 days, she can bearly walk without hurting..
Oh no. My heart breaks for her. I had my first stone when I was pregnant 16years ago. I cannot imagine going through this at such a young age! Did she have issues with the stents or the removal or both? Do you know what kind of stones she had? After this last experience, I will do whatever is in my power to avoid another….if possible.
Finally on the mend two weeks after uretoscopy/laser litho. Having the stents removed have brought tremendous relief. I did get put under for the two minute procedure since the first attempt was such an excruciating experience. The doc said my bladder was “pristine” this time, whether that is because I was so hydrated or the antibiotic or a combination, who knows? I received a dose of ketorolac in the OR to help with spasms later and I took a pyridium as soon as I left the hospital. I am feeling 100% better after two weeks of hell. My heart breaks for everyone who is at the beginning. I have had a couple minor twinges in my kidneys, I assume this is to be expected? Also, this is my third episode with stones and I have never gone in for an X-ray or scan to make sure they are gone. Is that necessary? Does anyone know? My next appt is to go over results of my 48 urine collection to find out what my body is producing that may be causing them to begin with.
I got a kidney stone removed and a stent placed this morning and it hurt a lot. My doctor prescribed vicotin for the pain and phenazopyridine and oybutynin for the bladder. They all they help sooooo much. The stent with out those drugs unbearable for me! I recommend them very highly! I feel pain the only now when I urinate.
Has anyone heard if drinking lots of water helps with the stent? Thanks and hope everyone feels better!
I just had a stent put in after surgery as well. I have drank nothing but water and avoiding eating any thing real solid. Rest was the key for me. I was in unbearable pain after surgery, was given Vicodin for pain, however; I had some Toradol left over from initial ER visit so took that as well to help. The pain only lasted the day and sleep is how I delt with it. I notice so does uriniation. The less pressure on the stent the better. There is blood in my urine and I have some discomfort but pain is much more managable now then after surgery. I am not sitting in a tub full of water as the string from the stent can be putting water into your bladder, the best this is to keep that end of the string dry and stay out of the tub. Shower for releif if need, use heat and cold to help with discomfort but rest and sleep is the best thing for it. Get up when you feel you can, pee when you can but try not to do to much because your body is trying to get use to a foreign object.
hi im brooke i am 18 years old & i have had kidney stones since i was a year old! i have a 8 month old daughter which i had kidney stones throughout my entire pregnancy with her and i am now 28 weeks an 5 days pregnant with my son. i had a stent placed in my right kidney on tuesday bc i had to much fluid on my right kidney and the stent needed to be placed right away to be drained. i am in the worst possible pain you could ever imagin. they are leaving the stent in until after i give birth. Does anyone have any ideas on why i am in so much pain?. I have also been feeling really bad sharp pains in my vagina and cant seem to get any releif from pain meds warm baths nothing seems to help!! do any of you know what that could be coming from. I definatly dont think i am going to be able to handle having this stent in until i give birth it feels like my son is tugging and pullin at it. Everytime he moves my body shakes from the pain bc he favors the right side were the stent is placed! If any of you have any ideas or thoughts that could help me or that i could try please let me know they would be greatly appeciated!
Brooke i pity you being pregnany with this. I had stent put in 8 weeks ago and had your symptoms to start with i ended up back in A&E the next day vomiting with the pain, it does get easier after the first week or so although it bleeds intermittently, I actually insisted they take it out after a week but they wouldnt as they explained tube wouldnt be any wider…unfortunately a lot of symptoms have stayed. Walking is difficult it causes pain and pressure in places you never knew you had and a lot of movement does the same. I have only found Tramadol to take the edge off the pain. but it spaces you out and you probably cant take that with baby ;( I am having the stent and stones out in 9 days and i cant wait although i am worried how much worse this can get!
I feel your pain the only thing that has kept me sane is knowing without it, it could of been a lot worse if stones voluntarily started moving around… apparently that is hideous pain. x
I could not imagine going through this pregnet. And being pregnet, I would not want to take the pain meds. I so sympathize with you. All I can say is drink water until you feel like you are floating out the door…and then drink more, get up and walk be as active as you possibly can be without going too far from restroom. Also I have found that putting lemon juice in my water seems to help them pass better, and they say keeps them from sticking together. Good luck. You and the baby are in my prayers
Brooke I am in the same boat as you. Be careful taking baths though because they can cause bladder infections if you didn’t take a shower beforehand, at least that is what my urologist told me. Have you gone into preterm labor? My stents have caused that which is scary. Are they keeping the stent in until you give birth? If you want to you can email me if you just want to talk. sarahmcline12@gmail.com
Hi, just woke up at 2am again (6day after my laser operation here in the UK)
i was diagnosed with 2 kidney stones last December after coming down with appendicitis and here is my story of pain.
I had one large stone stuck in the kidney itself, was too large to fall down the uthera tubes on its own. On tuesday 6th nov 2012 i went under the laser treatment to break that one up as well as one stuck in the tubing. Since tuesday i have the following problems with both the stent and the pain..
1) after drinking tons of water i still get spasms from a dull ache to sharp knife plunging intensity.
2) my urine has changed from cloudy to clear
3) still not passed any stone fragments that i can see.
4) Every single time i need to pee, at the end i get what i call cramps. the pain here is on a scale 9-10
I have now been able to sleep on my left side but running low on Tramadol…using co codamol atm… anyone know what the cramp pain is?
My mother is in severe pain after having a stent placed yesterday. She is also experiencing bloating in her stomach. In addition she has vomited a few times. The discharge paperwork from the hospital says to call them if vomiting occurs. Im awaiting a call back now but wonder if this is serious enough to go to the E.R.?
i would chase that up with the urinary team that done the operation on your mother. ready my comments above (typing this in sheer agony and cramping) as i have felt a few times to go back to AE and get stronger pain killers!
I wondered if someone could tell me whether the pain I am still getting is normal so to speak. 3 weeks ago I had a 12mm kidney stone stuck and went straight to A&E as the pain was worse than childbirth (and I’ve had 4 kids!!).
They carried out emergency surgery to laser the stone into smaller pieces and inserted a stent. My urine was like pure blood after and I was in quite a bit of pain (although not nearly as bad as when I first went in!). I was xrayed 2 days later to check the stent was in place and the urology consultant informed me that there appeared to be 2 x 4mm stones at the top of the stent waiting to come down (and was told they would pass hopefully). I drank plenty of water and eventually the pain became manageable with regular anti-spasm tablets, paracetamol & tramadol and I was discharged with the stent due for removal in 2 weeks.
Within that 2 weeks the pain I had was intermittent, uncomfortable and I couldn’t lie on my left side where the stent was inserted. On my return to hospital I was due another x-ray before the stent removal but the radiographer refused the x-ray saying that I was being exposed to too much radiation. The consultant wanted to know whether the 2 x 4mm remaining stones had passed but in the end the consultant and radiographer ended up having a “spat” with the consultant giving in. He decided to remove the stent with no local anasetic or pain relief – which I have to say hurt but not that bad more anticipation of it I think but I did nearly pass out after removal again I think shock of it all. I have been told to return in 4 weeks for the x-ray and to decide whether I have to go through the whole thing again if the stones haven’t passed…..
Anyhow it is now 1 week on and I am still getting pain in my kidney which the more I do round the house etc the worse it gets – obviously I am trying to rest whilst the 4 kids are at school but can’t just leave things to build up…is this pain normal, I was hoping to return to work next week. It doesn’t hurt to wee and I have no pain down below just in my back and left of my stomach – I am concerned that I have to wait another 3 weeks to go back and am “popping” tramadol like sweets to stop the pain?
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you 🙂
i hear you girl. this stent is unbearable. did they give you flomax? ijust had shockwave surgery yesterday. was back in er last night screaming for them to yake it out. they didnt. got through the day okay taking vicodin and trying to sleep. then a couple of hrs ago the excruciating pain started again. i have been vomitting a bit too. they prescibed detripan. i took did not work. i took another. finally helped the pain but urge to pee is still there. sounds like you still have stones to pass. keep drinking water I mean chug it and then chug more. you need to pass them for the relief of them. The only thing that made mine feel better was to keep it floating and stay as still as I possibly could. Not happening with a 5 year old grandson I was raising. He had to go live with his other grandma and my boyfriend of 9 yrs left also. I have been suffering with this huge stone for 8 mos. Because I couldnt work I had no insurance. too 7 months to get on county insurance. I feel no more pain in my kidney. I felt the stone was gone before completely coming out os anesthesia. They said they were able to crush it all not all that I need to do is pass the small pieces. But this stent is horrible. I just want it out and my dr wont call back. Good luck my prayers are with you