Many kidney stones will pass spontaneously and will not require surgical treatment. Whether a stone can pass successfully primarily depends on the size of the stone. Based on several studies of stone patients, a size criteria of 5mm or less (about 0.2 inches) is generally felt to predict a reasonable chance (50-70%) for spontaneous passage.
The location of a kidney stone when it is diagnosed also is predictive of likely success at spontaneous passage. Stones that are more distal (closer to the bladder) are more likely to pass than stones that are more proximal (closer to the kidneys).
Take a look at our infographic below to estimate the chances of passing a stone based on its location and size.

The decision to allow a stone to pass spontaneously will also take in account the amount of pain you are experiencing, your medical health, the possibility of infection, and other factors. Typically, a period of 4-6 weeks is allowed to give stones a chance to pass.
Medications to help pass kidney stones are now more commonly being given to patients experiencing an active stone episode. These medications can improve the chances of successful passage of a stone, decrease the pain associated with a stone episode, and decrease the time required for passage.
I was detected with 3.6 mm stone in my left kidney lower lobe and I am currently undergoing homeopathic treatment for last 3 long does it take to pass a stone of this size with homeopathic medicine and about 12 glasses of water daily.
I have 20 mm stone in kidney what should i do pls suggest me bcz i dont want to do operation
CleanseDrops – Kidney, Gallbladder & Liver Cleanse – Chanca Piedra Herb – Phyllantus niruri whole plant extract 1:1 – 59 ml / 2 fl oz .. Got through Walmart online $34.96, free shipping 9/7/2017 – passed stone surprisingly almost completely but got stuck at very end of penus.. No pain !!! Still had to go to emergency room to get it out because I couldn’t.. This was the morning of 2/3/2018 .. Had emptied about 80% urine then it abruptly stopped !!! Then I discovered the 12 to 13 mm stone was there.. Very happy it has passed through but still in trouble but No Pain !!! I was very surprised with no pain the night before !!! Cat scan done 9/1/2017 reveals the stone maybe as late as 9/6/2017 that I got the test results.. Canca Piedra means Stone Buster.. I barely got it out, manually with two people and a local anesthetic to stop any pain inside where the stone was.. Yours is 20 mm and may need a stent or something to help pull it through.. It maybe more envolved and require a minor surgical procedure.. All I can say is I had very little pain when they finally removed it.. They first tried to flush it out with my objections and it didn’t work and wasted a few hours before they did remove it.. And yes they tried flomax in that failed attempt.. My father had kidney stones and went through hell so I know how painful it can be !!! Wow, Very Happy !!! But this stone was in me for many years, 4 or more years, and I did have attacks, bad but not as painful as I heard it can be.. It was like having bad cramps where you want to go to the bathroom to relieve it but can’t.. When I threw up I started to feel better but it took a few throw ups to finally feel better.. I learned to throw up more on purpose to start to relieve it sooner.. And yes I had pain on the left side just above my hip.. Years ago in the beginning I had pain on both sides but the right side gave way.. I must of somehow passed a stone on the right side without discovering it or seeing it..
I didn’t take this stuff all the time and only in the beginning did I take this stuff a lot.. So there is hope for you !!! So it took almost 5 months for me to pass but if you take this as directed and keep taking it, 3 weeks straight then up to 1 week rest and then resume then maybe as early as 2 to 3 months you may pass that stone and it may break apart into smaller pieces and pass.. You can take it also 5 days on and 2 days off.. And just continue.. If you have the money just keep buying the bottle before you use up the previous bottle.. This taste good to me so I take the drops directly into my mouth, 20 drops.. Then slug down a pint to 2 pints of water.. This is a single remedy and in drops, so it is more potent and concentrated !!! When it has other so called remedies together with it, it is really a way they water it down and does not have the same potency as when it is by itself !!! And other forms of taking it, like in capsules, is not as potent either.. You take this more often then I did, for a longer time frame continuously and who knows what you can accomplish !!! Think of a lot less pain as the stone moves and eventually passes.. ~ www(dot)cleansecaps(dot)com ~ info@cleansecaps(dot)com ~ I had calculus or Calcium Oxalate..
Kashif, if you can get the stone to pass into the urethra, they can put a stent in and get it through.. Else if it gets into the penus a that size, it can get stuck there.. They then will have to push it back into the urethra which can be problematic, cause damage and be painful.. Then they will have to put the stent in making matters worse.. Better to have the stent put in before it gets to the penus, less damage less pain.. But if the stone breaks apart or disolves and gets smaller, then it has a much better chance to pass and get through the penus.. This is your hope.. Get second opinions and tests on a monthly basis at first.. Don’t let the doctor use fear tactics and con you into a surgical procedure !!! The tests will reveal if the stone changed in size and position.. If it starts to move towards the urethra, you got it made.. If it stays large you can get it out with a stent, if it gets smaller you can pass it on your own.. 1/3 the size of yours and half the size of mine to be on the safe side..
My stone, even though it was large, it was more distal or closer to the urethra.. This is why I had such good results.. If it is more proximal or closer to the kidneys then I don’t know.. But it is still worth trying.. Take the middle road, learn more about anatomy of the area in question, then you can discover the location and what it entails.. But give this stuff a chance..
I had a kidney stone measuring 5 mm in my right kidney in June, 2016.It did not disturbed me since then. Now suddenly I felt severe pain in my lower abdomen. By CT scan, it is found the stone has been shifted to ureter. Now the size is 7 mm x 3 mm.
Is it necessary to do lithotripsy or Laparoscopy? Can it remove through urenary channel by itself?
I had a 9.3 mm thay told me would never come out passed smaller ones. For 2 years and the pain sucked every time but when the 9.3 poped out i thought i was going to 2 die in my kitchen it put me on the floor i got rushed to the er where thay imteeded me ad hadd the laser surgery witch didn’t turn it to dust but into four stones and had to be put back in the hospital because 1 got stuck next to the stent so allways check ur opstaion cause thay never told me this could happen
I have 4.5mm stone in to left kidney, can it pass through spontaneous
I have advice for you all. If you have a kidney stone. Go to the doctor to see next steps in passing it or removing it. This is my advice
Hello Sir namaste. I have 17.1 mm kidney stone in Right kidney. So could please help me how to remove it.
I have 10 mm stone in right proximal ureter but no pain
Would it pass normally?
No. It will have to be removed
I am 13 years old and in my left kidney has a stone approx 3.7mm what can i do plz tell
Adity Roy:
A 3.7 mm stone can pass on it’s own. However, if you start getting pain on your left side, and maybe down towards your testicles, tell an adult right away. I would advise your parents to seek the help of a kidney specialist (Urologist). This doctor can help explain what is happening and why. No worries. It might hurt and it is a scary thing, but you will be fine. Let us know how you’re doing.
I’ve had 3 surgeries to remove complete blockage of kidney, renal pelvis, ureter and bladder, apparently i make ten times more calcium then regular people and yesterday morning i passed a 10mm oval calcium stone (i felt pain for a whole week) that gave me a renal colic 2 months ago. After every one of those surgeries i passed stones that were 8 mm, 7.5 mm but this one was the biggest (i thought i was going to pass out from pain), and after 5 years of having the first procedure. My advice is, you need to drink A LOT of water and lay off the red meat, anything that comes in a powder presentation, salt and coke. If you feel like you have a stone in your bladder neck that’s blocking your urethra, push pillows in your back, raise your pelvis so the stone can pull back and let you urinate. Potassium citrate and citric acid help with dissolving mine but that doesn’t work for everybody. Not being able to urinate causes the kidney to fail, so if you can’t do it go to the doctor and have your bladder drained. Hope my story helps someone that thinks they cannot pass a stone, you just have to drink water and be patient, also, take anti inflammatory medicine.
Have you had you parathyroid glands looked at?
Our bodies do not produce calcium.
My daughter has a genetic disease, cystinuria, which causes her to have stones monthly and sometimes weekly.. The only way you can have cystinuria is if both parents have the negatie gene. She produces massive amounts of cystine, which is an amino acid and her kidneys can’t process it. That’s why she produces massive amounts of kidney stones & potassium citrate is specifically made for cystine stones. You sould seriously think about asking your Dr. to have one of your stones tested for cystine. My daughter is in stage 2 chronic kidney disease & stage 5 is kidney failure. It’s because she’s had hydronephrosis so many times. I wish you good luck & pray you don’t have cystinuria.
Sir I have kidney stone in my left kidney. Size A 5.8 mm echogenic focus is
seen in middle calyx of left kidney. So can it be pass out through urine &
medicine ?
i think ive had one moving down the R back for like 8 years. it got worse recently and i had a CT abd pelvis w contrast-“4-5m at R uereter bladder jxn.” ive had 3 “waves of pain over the 3 weeks” crescendo de crescendo etc. the worst pain diminished with a heating pad and a tens unit. im trying 0.4 mg flomax a day now because apparently at this location urgency and dysuria is pain at urination (small amounts is common) ie when its stuck at that area ie pelvic brim. so far the flomax has helped the pain. im pissing in a glass.gotta wrap this up cause its interfering with my distance running.
I have a 5mm by 3mm stone in my distal ureter of my only kidney. The pain goes away making me think I passed it. But when the pain came back it feels like I’m being stabbed, in my flank area, my abdomen and my lower groin area. My last stone that was roughly the same size 5.5mm had to be surgically removed due to obstruction. I don’t get why they think this one will pass, if my 5.5 had to be blasted.
Any answers?
I went to the ER 3 days ago due to extreme pain, and when it went away after the 2 hours there, I assumed it was in my bladder, and would pass after being discharged. They told me it was 4 mm, and said “hopefully it will pass”. I had passed my first stone in 2005 after the pain was gone and I was discharged. Well, yesterday, the pain came back with a vengeance! How can it be that I would be pain-free for a day? CT scans show that the stone was in the same place, both ER visits, at the end of my ureter. I decided to get surgery, because apparently this thing won’t budge, and I don’t want to experience the unbearable pain at home again. Does anyone else get a pain-free period of time while trying to pass a stone that sits in the same place? It seems counterintuitive to me. I hate being on edge, being a prisoner to it. If I leave the hospital, it will come back, and I will throw up my oral meds.
Yes, I have the same problem with my 5.4mm stone in the end of my ureter. It has been three weeks of waiting for it to pass and nothing yet. I take a Flomax 5mg tablet every day. The strange thing is since I went to the emergency three weeks with horrific pain, once released from the hospital, I no longer have any pain. I know it’s still in there because a week after this happened I had an x-ray done and it showed that it was at the end of the ureter. Since it’s still in there, my Urologist wants me to wait 4-5 weeks for it to pass. I’m going back next Thursday with another x-ray follow-up, and if it’s still there, he wants to do surgery (Ureterscopy) to remove it. It sounds painful, but I also don’t want to leave it in there. If I’m experiencing no pain whatsoever, do I still need surgery?
How you doing now Carol? I have a 5mm in the urethra for the past 4 weeks. Pain comes and goes.
Hi I passed a 14 mm stone a few years back – took over a year and the worst pain i have ever experienced, a schmuck of a technician looked on a scan and told me it must be less than 3mm in size as he couldn’t find it!
Many months later it passed making my urethra bleed and me almost passing out. It was one of those very sharp crystal kind so not surprised by the bleeding.
I took the relaxants but in the end was gobbling codeine (3x30mg at a time) just to be functional.
My advice – get it sorted asap and don’t bother trying to be brave take the meds!
Kidney stones 7.3mm is that big
Mine is 8mm and is currently lodged in my ureter
I just got released from the hospital about 3 hours ago. I have an 8mm stone in my right ureter trying to pass. I hope I can 😫
Is a 7.3 mm kidney stones big
Just passed a quarter of an inch stone all natural. No Drs visit, er, or pain medication. Although I’ve passed more stones than I can remember. I also pass them 2-6 times a year. Like any other pain in life. After so much you get use to it. What I don’t understand is how I had to have surgery to remove a 5mm stone and this we much bigger.
I’ve had a 7mm Stone that gave me no pain for 8years about a year ago it stared bothering me on and off this week it’s Excruciating kit State Street hard time walking kit sleep problem is I have extreme anxiety of doctors and medications is there anyway this can pass at home the only thing I’ve been doing is drinking lemon water
I have a 7.4mm in the ureter just below the kidney. Pls suggest precautions.
I have 3.5mm stone in right ureter… doctor suggested dynapress for 1 week…hope it will pass naturally without pain
I’ve had problems with my side pain for 3 years randomly reappearing but no one ever assumed it’d be a kidney stone. They always said it was a UTI. I went to a different hospital. I had unbearable pain for two hours before deciding to go in. Sure enough it was a 9mm stone so close to coming out the bladder. About an inch away Dr said. Still waiting for it pass (found out this morning what it was) Dr was impressed I had no complain way before that. I’m a 22 yo female obviously really well with pain. But man this last part of the passing is PAIN.
My boyfriend just passed a 19mm x 6.35mm stone. It’s the shape of an almond. He didn’t have a lot of sharp pain as he had with previous, smaller stones, but the has been experiencing discomfort and frequent urges to urinate. Basically his symptoms were the same as a urinary tract infection (UTI) so he’s been taking OTC meds for it the passed week.
He was surprised at the size of the stone and lack of pain.
Just had to share the story because HOLY SCHMOLY IT’S A HUGE STONE!!!!!
Dangit man. Lol. That was huge, and no pain? I am trying to pass an 8mm stone and the pain is unbearable.
Riiiiight. Don’t think so.
This is my second experience with kidney stones, the 1st time I had lots of blood an only then went in to the ER, alas the stone had passed but they discovered that I had a 2nd stone 9mm that the MD said I would not pass. Four days ago, after 30 hours of pain and vomiting at home alone, hot and cold packs every hour, I take an ambulance to the ER where I am made aware that the 9mm stone is out of the kidney and is on the move, desending. I was given pain and anti nausea meds and sent home with terazosin to help eliminate the stone. how long has it taken others to eliminate a stone this size with this med? I don’t feel much pain, could I have passed it already?
Dr say u r stone size is 1.3cm .how to solve it without operation.
I have 10mm calculus in my ureter will it pass easily
No I don’t think so my husband had one 11 no way was this getting through as it gets thinner the ureter as I goes down and it also bends. This could actually block the kidney. In our expeiriance. Good luck…
I just had a 11mm blasted with sound waves..just now passing some debris. A 5mm & under can pass safely..see a Dr. as that size will be painful.