Many kidney stones will pass spontaneously and will not require surgical treatment. Whether a stone can pass successfully primarily depends on the size of the stone. Based on several studies of stone patients, a size criteria of 5mm or less (about 0.2 inches) is generally felt to predict a reasonable chance (50-70%) for spontaneous passage.
The location of a kidney stone when it is diagnosed also is predictive of likely success at spontaneous passage. Stones that are more distal (closer to the bladder) are more likely to pass than stones that are more proximal (closer to the kidneys).
Take a look at our infographic below to estimate the chances of passing a stone based on its location and size.

The decision to allow a stone to pass spontaneously will also take in account the amount of pain you are experiencing, your medical health, the possibility of infection, and other factors. Typically, a period of 4-6 weeks is allowed to give stones a chance to pass.
Medications to help pass kidney stones are now more commonly being given to patients experiencing an active stone episode. These medications can improve the chances of successful passage of a stone, decrease the pain associated with a stone episode, and decrease the time required for passage.
Sint i sumar fór mið að verkja hægramegin í kvið neðarlega og aftur í bak. Þetta bara versnaði og veresnaði. hefði vheldur vilja fæðingarhriðir en þetta, sem ég vissi ekki hvað var. Eftir nokkra daga sem mér leið svona þá f+ór ég að pissa rauleitu þvagi. Þá pantaði ég tíma hjá heimilislækni en tíminn sem ég fékk var 10 dógum seinna. Og sá tími var slæmur. En var verkjalaus þegar ég fór til læknisins. Sagði bara frá verkjasögunni spurnið hvað þetta gat verið. Hef aldrei fengið svona verki áður. Veit nún hvvað ég á að gera ef þessir verkir koma aftur. Nokkuð sem ég hefði viljað vita fyrr.
Svo er bara að vona að þetta sér einstakt tilfelli sem verði aldrei aftur!
I drink 72 -82 oz of water everyday, and don’t eat junk food, have a healthy diet and I still have had two major and one mild this year, several years ago, I had one that put me in the hospital for several days
Had 13mm stone left side and 7 mm right side. Also, had a 2mm stone in ureter that would not budge. I have what they called “tight” ureters. I opted to have two surgeries and three procedures. First to blast largest stone with a laser and remove as much as possible with limited impact, then implant stents in both sides. Second was to remove remains of largest stone and remaining stones. I do not recommend combining procedures and having two stents simultaneously! I was in pain and wanted badly to be done with it but should have spaced the process out more. The pain from the stents was as bad as the pain from the stones. Dr. indicated it could be as many as 3-5 surgeries and I did not like the sounds of that, but after having this experience I would go with his recommendation and space them out.
Very useful information, I believe lack of fluid consumption is the number one cause. sufficient amount of water daily can prevent stones.
Had CT scan done in Feb for sharp pain in groin. Found I had bilateral inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia along with a kidney stone in the left kidney. The bilateral hernias are 6 mm on right 5 mm on left the umbilical hernia is 1.5 cm. The kidney stone is 4 mm in the mid to upper pole. I have had extreme pain left side just below rib cage radiating down the the left testicle. When that happens, throbing pains begin across the entire lower abdomen. Surgery is scheduled in April for the hernias. Should I have the urologist go get the stone rather than to let pass naturally since I am having more pain than just the kidney stone?
Was just in the ER March 8 for extreme pain from the kidney and making me very nauseated.
I’m a Solomon Islander and i had kidney stone since 2016. I’ve been to our national Hospital several times but there is no facilities to do any surgical operation. i do not know why i have not been given any prescribed medicine from the doctors. all that they told me is to drink more water but for any positive remedial is forthcoming as far as i can see. i have also been to a private private doctor but what he told me is that; my kidney stone is right at the center of my kidney and that needs an operation. he said that we do not have such machine in the Solomon Islands, there fore he recommends me to travel to either Australia or Philippines for such operation. for me that cannot be possible because it is very expensive for me. All i need now is clear directives and advice to get the right medicine and at what cost?
vibrator propulsing kidney stone machine externally applied
This is interesting where can this be found?
In late July 2019 at age 56, I started to take Forteo for osteoporosis. In November, I found out that I had a 7mm kidney stone. I had pain for less than 12 hours. It was the first time in my life I had ever said “10” when asked me to rate pain on a scale of 1 to 10! I immediately stopped taking the Forteo, which does not linger in a person’s system.
My primary care doctor thought that the Forteo probably caused the kidney stone, even though my blood calcium in the ER was not high. The ER referred me to a Nurse Practitioner who recommended over the phone that I had an ultrasound six weeks after the ER visit. The stone was back in the kidney and I had no pain. The NP recommended (again over the phone) a laser uteroscopy. I got a second opinion from a urologist, who said that the stone might stay in the kidney for 30 years, cause me no problems, and if that was the case, he’d be fine with that.
In April 2020, the stone came back out of the kidney and went to the top of the ureter. During the beginning of the pandemic, I suffered at home for 5 days waiting for a CT scan to be scheduled. It was horrific. I barely ate and lost 5+ pounds. Pain drugs stopped working within 2 hours of taking them, so I interspersed those with Extra Strength acetaminophen. By the time I had the CT scan, the stone had stopped moving but was still at the top of the ureter.
I had an ESWL at the end of April and was prescribed a daily dose of Flomax/Tamsulosin, which I took religiously. Two weeks after the procedure, I had about 6 hours of dull, lower abdominal pain that was tolerable with extra strength acetominophen. A month later, the stone was mid-ureter. From the end of May until the beginning of July, I drank an average of 1.5 liters of water a day and walked an average of 2.5 miles a day. At the beginning of July, the stone had not moved!
On the 4th of July, I took a bumpy ride on a tractor-pulled wagon with metal wheels (no tires). About an hour or two later, I started having the lower abdominal pain again. It continued for about 36 hours and was tolerable with extra strength acetaminophen. At the end of July, the x-ray showed that the stone was gone. My urologist thinks it broke apart and came out as sand because I didn’t notice passing it.
I was very fortunate in that despite the stone being 7mm, it didn’t block urine and I never had any symptoms of infection. I’m really glad that I held out and didn’t have the more invasive and expensive procedure. The infographic on this page helped give me hope that I would be able to pass it eventually and I share my story to possibly help others in a similar predicament!
Oops! Both the radiologist and urologist couldn’t see the stone at the end of July (actually the x-ray was on August 5th), but it was still there! I stopped taking the Flomax/Tamsulosin the day of that X-ray. Exactly one month later, I started feeling something going on in my bladder. I resumed the Flomax/Tamsulosin. For two weeks, I had a feeling of discomfort bordering on pain. It would come and go. Once I settled down to sleep, it wouldn’t bother me much. I didn’t have a fever.
Yesterday morning (September 21), it was really bothering me. And then I passed it! I wasn’t completely sure until I saw it. It did appear to be 7mm. My advice to anyone suffering from kidney stones in their ureter, bladder or urethra is to ask your doctor to prescribe Flomax/Tamsulosin. I am convinced that it was the main thing that helped me pass my stone over the course of almost 5 months.
Did it hurt when you passed it? Iv been on tamsulosin for 3 weeks now and drink plenty of water and had 2 ct scans and it is still in same place but what i cant understand is i was in agony at 1st had to have plenty morphine was in a+e 5 hours,but had no pain since just bit discomfort so bit confused if scan says its still in same place why i have no pain and it is 7mm.i am booked in for surgery on 19th july
No, I didn’t really feel it come out! I haven’t had any since. I hope your stone is gone by now.
If its blocking urine and backing up in the kidney that is when you will feel the pain. No pain means somehow urine is flowing down your bladder and is not completely blocked. As the stone moves, pain will depend if there will be a narrowing of your ureter, if there is, there will be pain.
God bless each and everyone of you that can pass the kidney stones that I call gravel stones. Unfortunately I develop the kidney stones that latch to your kidneys and if they are able to roll to the ureters they can not pass. A small 3.5 mm stone that I consider velcro stones will make you septic ASAP.
I had a 7mm stone for 3 months. Eventually passed with Tamsulosin and LOTS of water and regular exercise.
Where was the stone?
I have a 6mm obstructing stone in the left mid ureter of the lower pole moiety. What are the chances that the stone will pass?
Hi, i had a 6 mm stone in the lower pole of my ureter. It did not pass over 5 months. I decided to do uteroscopy. Unfortunately the doctor did not remove all the stone. He said that he broke the stone but a small piece return to my kidney. He put a stent for one month. But the small stone returned to the same location. I believe now it’s depend of the ureter size. Some ureter are narrow and other not.
Some people said to drink a lot of lemon juice to avoid the stone become big
Some will said Chanca piedra is good.
Advice: if you have insurance. You can try first shockwave
And no success, you can try uteroscopy. But I prefer the flexible uteroscopy
Good luck
The Chanca Piedra, a native to the Amazon region of Peru is great. IMO….best to buy TEA loose leaves ( not in a tea bag) helped break my husband’s kidney 4mm stone. He had 2 to 3 cups a day.
One lemon in a one cup of water in the morning. Another during day or evening.
Use a straw you do not want your teeth enamel damaged from the highly acidity in lemon.
I have 9.5 mm stone in my distal ureter. I am using Maxflow Cap and waiting for its removal.
ditto.. have a 7mm stone up near the kidney. Flow max, pain meds.. Will discuss lihotrypsy with doctor this week. Spent the last two days drugged out. Feeling a little normal now.
dear sir, I have 7×5 mm lower ureteric stone since 2 month.. when i try to pass urine it hurts before and after what is it ? before 15 days i had lots of infection , then i went to doctor he gave some pills for relief… now i have no pain but continues pain around penis….plz advice.
Hello sir i have 7.5 approx 8 mm in left side and and at right side kydnee 4.5 mm the left side stone is not pure shape is it damage kydnee comming out it ?
I’m 40 and have passed several stones. Had a lithotripsy done on an 11 mm stone just 2 months ago and now I have one around 6 mm stuck in my ureter. Best thing to do is to take Flomax (or Tamsulosin) which opens up the ureter for the stone to pass easily. Lots of water and rest.
Am having a kidney infection stone of5.3mm can it urethra
Began dealing with stones forty years ago! Had a wreck twenty years ago. Stone pain has been worse than the wreck which broke my back in three places. Dealing with stones in both kidneys as I type. Only relief other than demarol or dilaudid is to puke or dry heave until yellow bile is expelled. Then take vicodin or similar med to sleep or rest. At present I know of no solutions to stopping these holy terrors!
Just wondering if you ever tried drinking straight lemon juice
What helped my husband break stone:
TEA— Chanca Piedra ( loose leaves).
He had 2 to 3 cups daily.
Natural lemon squeezed in water.
He had 2 to 3 lemons a day.
9.5mm left vesicoureteric junction calculus with hydroureteronephrosis right renal calculus
I just found out I have a 6 mm stone in my right kidney. I woke up in severe pain at 2 am. The doctors gave me a couple of shots and then sent me home with meds. I haven’t been in pain in two days. Now I’m worried about how long it will take to pass. I have to call a urologist tomorrow morning and go from there. Any advice is helpful, thanks.
Dear sir- my stone is 9.5mm—- it passes from kidney to urter without blocking urine but with lot of pain… now stone is in the bladder…. can it pass from urethra 10mm stone….
what are the possiblities of passing 9.5 stone from bladder to urethra.
please advise.
Don’t worry, It is probably oval and NOT round. If it can pass through your ureter it can pass through your urethra no problem. I just had 2 surgeries and a stent. My penis is bleeding and very sore from them going inside. If you CAN pass it, then do it. Surgery hurts.
Pain on my left kidney burning when urination what is it ?
I passed a 9.0mm this morning naturally. Hurt, but glad its out!!