From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Caron D.

I had laser removal of two large stones on April 1st, followed by stent placement. I was told to remove the stent 3 days later on my own. Prior to that, I had relatively little pain, but just felt more annoyed by the stent string than anything else. Five minutes following stent removal, severe, acute pain began. My ureter was spasming so hard, you could see my abdomen move and it felt like a had a baby kicking in me. I had to go to the ER and can honestly say, even after YEARS or horrid kidney stone pain, this was the worst pain I could ever imagine. I couldn’t even speak. It was 10/10. SO, HERE’S MY QUESTION: Has anyone been told to remove a stent so soon after surgery (3 days)? Anyone who has or has had a stent, have you been warned about the ureteral spasms its removal could cause? What kind of pain regimen have you been put on following laser removal? Was anyone told to make sure they had pain meds on board BEFORE removing stent? I’m facing a situation where I feel my doctor and his office have been negligent, so I’m just wondering what other people’s experiences have been.

Doug Priver

I can’t even imagine why the doctor told you to remove it yourself, Me – no way! Put me to sleep, get it out, then wake me up. My doctor knows my wishes and would never put me through what yours did. Get a new doctor, right away!


I just had bilateral Stents put in today. I am so uncomfortable. I cannot find a position that doesn’t put any more pression my bladder. I’m using a heating pad. Any suggestions for sleep positions would be great!


I had a 7×11 mm stone and had to have a stent placed in the ureter due to damage to the ureter. I was in the hospital over night after the stent was placed..the next day while still in excruciating pain the nurse informed me “dr– said you shouldn’t be hurting anymore.” Like I was pretending to be in pain?!?!???!!! They sent me home with no pain meds at all. In my opinion the stent feels like someone trying to pull my kidney out. It is very painful. The first stent caused more pain than the second one. Yes, the first one came out. On its own! I tried to push it back in there but it wouldn’t stay. After calling the office I was informed to pull it out if it was on its way out, so I did. Within 1 hour I was in excruciating pain. My ureter had swollen shut and my kidney was backing up and about to explode. What did the smart elic dr say? “I’ve never known of a stent coming out on its own.” After I told him “well, this one did” he continued to act as tho I was a liar. To reiterate his accusation that I was lying he said “we’ll replace it and this time I will not leave a string outside the body”… I’d be interested in knowing if any of you have had one to come out in its own. I go Friday to have it removed and I’d like to be able to share with him that “I” am not alone! That the severe pain I was pretty much accused of ‘not having’ is real!! That they do come out on their own etc. thank y’all for any reply you may provide!!


I might include that the bladder/kidney numbing medication works wonders for the dis-comfort. It’s high for the prescription strength tho. Walgreens 15 for $52. You can get it over the counter and it’s still costly. Take 200mg 2-3 times a day. “Azo” is one brand the prescription strength is called Phenazopyridine 200 mg. Ask your pharmisist they’ll help you. Trust me .. It helps with the feeling like you have to go all the time and some of the pain. This isn’t my first go-around. My desire is to “help” anyone with this severe pain. God bless!!


Laser litho 3 days ago,9.5 mm stone in left ureter 1.5cm and 3 mm stones still in left kidney could get them out .i have a stent ,was very painful at first especially as bladder was emptying . I urinate , breathe and try to relax until my bladder is empty. The pain of a blocked ureter is unbearable the stent is bearable I find a huge difference between the two, I will take the lesser evil right now .I have mine out in 8 days. Try to be brave and breathe , you have to try and relax or you will go crazy. Hope this helps a few of you .


The excuriting pain is off the wall. I had Staghorn kidney stone removal. Into my second week and I feel death would be a welcome relief.
Contacting dr to see if this torture can end sooner.

Caron D.

At least at the end of childbirth they give you a prize to take home! This pain is unrelenting and almost indescribable. Sorry you’re going through it.


The rush of joy I felt when I read these post is astounding, not because you are all in pain, but because I’m not alone! I have felt terrible since my stent was put in on the 2nd of March. I was also told I could go back to work a day after surgery, but I have had among off work. I work in an office but I find sitting all day puts pressure on my bladder and strains my left kidney, causing constant aching. I tend to get relief in a recliner or laying down also. I’m taking meds every 4 hours and have been since surgery. I’m on a waiting list to have my 6mm stone blasted but don’t have a date yet, but have been told it will be a few more months.


watto says

I have had the stent in place for almost 12 weeks now and am looking forward to its removal. I was never informed how painful it was going to be, and the constant need to go to the toilet only to pass drops of blood is very frustrating. I’ve been told this is normal but if I had a chose I would never have another again


I had mine placed this morning. I’m in excruciating pain. Weird positions bring mild relief. The few pain pills I got barely take the edge off. I’m so nauseated all the time. This is miserable. Any suggestions on relief? I’m desperate now.


i had my stent placed on 4/1 after taking Norco every 3 hours nothing helped called my doctor and she stated to take ibuprofen and it helped to be able to tolerate the stent until I get it removed in about a week.

Bob sorice

I had a stent put in 8 hrs. Ago.took the some and then put the stent in. The string thing is weird. Have cramping ant tiredness. Pain when urinating and has anyone had some leaking of blood?.getting the stent taken out next friday.5 th bout of stones but passed all the others. This one was 7cm. And was causing me some fevers. Any reply about these questions would be greatly appreciated.

What i was seeking on here was how much kidney loss occurs with a stent. Noone in the beginning comments has noted this. Im losing chunks of kidney..same pain issues as most..annoying like labor pains. Mine was inserted 23-3-16 European date time. And I have surgery scheduled mid April. I wonder about loss of part of the kidney and damage from the stent noted with bleeding from activity. I have 120 stairs in and out of my building.


I came to the hospital for a kidney infection 6 days ago. Found out day before yesterday that my left kidney was blocked with stones and only right has been functioning. Have double ureters on my left side so they are smaller. Had stent put in yesterday was fine 10 minutes after surgery then BAM unbearable pain I was crying and got 1.5 dilaudid plus 2 doses of toradol. Pain relieved almost all the way. Couple hours later, norco 7.5 is my pain relief every 6 hours plus toradol. Most of the time I am in horrible pain. Always having to per. Still in hospital but doc wants to send me home today. I am terrified of being home in this pain and using up my meds too fast. Don’t know what will replace the toradol. Have this for two weeks while rest of infection clears then I get The sonic treatment. Just found out I go home with norco 10, ibuprofen 800 and b&o suppositories. Hope it all helps.

Marie Kapuscinski

I am glad I found this page. I had my stint put in last Thursday. It is suppose to come out in 2 weeks when they go to remove a large stone. I too am in pain,discomfort. Peeing is not fun at all. Going all the time and the pain in the kidney is aweful. Monday night I thought I was going to the ER, the pain was so bad I was in tears. Finally getting the heating pad and laying down did it get better ,but it took almost 2 hours of agony. They too said I could go back to work, but I am in sales, retail. I can’t just stop and go the the bathroom when ever I want. I am too on my feet all day. Some days I work by myself for hours. I have restricted myself to my house due to the pain and going to the bathroom.

Ruth Gunkle

After reading all these posts, I’m petrified about the prospect of the stent the urologist is planning to put in my kidney/bladder next week!!!!!!! Will they let me have any decent pain meds to go home with afterwards, I hope? Oxycodone doesn’t do a thing for me when they prescribe it. I also have a high pain threshold but it sounds like an awful ordeal to go through, versus losing my kidney function/sepsis if they don’t do something.


Ruth, I was terrified of a stent. Had neph tube placed instead, therefore no bladder, ureter pain at all – just inconvenience of the bag. I’s been a Godsend. FYI – my kidney was greatly compromised, I did develop sepsis and the 15mm stone completely obstructed my urine flow, Doc will likely use the tube that is currently in place to perform PCNL.


I had stent placed on Feb 27th and it saved the day. Before I had it placed I woke up at 2am with flank pain and got sick and had an immediate feeling of burning of a uti. I had been struggling with back to back uti’s for 2 years. So went to ER and they admitted me to the hospital and put in a stent. My kidney had swelled due to stone blocking the ureater and was going sepsis and my white blood cell count was off the charts. Dr saved my life and this little stent my new best friend is keeping my kidney happy until I get the stone blasted. Does burn when I pee, mild discomfort in bladder and stomach area at times, odd sensation of the full bladder, but if I find it too much discomfort I may take one tablet of pain med. Went back to work in 3 days and do standing and walking and sitting. Any discomfort can be remedied by cold pack or heating pad. I drink 4 16 oz bottles of water a day,besides other beverages. This stent saved me and would do it any time it’s needed.

Christian de la espriella

Question about Stents do they cause frequent urination. The reason I ask is because my 3 year old son has one but it mimmicks a lot of the other symptoms he had when he got the uti s any onformation is helpful as my 3 year old cannot really expalin to me thank you by the way wihen he urinates he is not in pain


Yes it does cause or makes you feel like you have to go even though you just went. And even though you may may not have to urinate that much, that once you get in close proximity of the toilet you best be ready to sit down or in regards to your boy ,stand there to pee or it can just start coming. Sounds odd but that’s how it’s been since I have had mine in for about a month now.

Kathy D.F.

I didn’t realize until the stent was coming out. But the stent keeps the Urethra open all the time. So urine is constantly running and filling your bladder. So you always have the sensation you have to pee. I know when mine was in, all I had to do was move a little and I was running to the bathroom. It’s horrible.


The end of the stent that is in the bladder makes the bladder feel like it must be emptied to get rid of that foreign object. It sends signals to the urethra saying ‘you have to pee, now’ and if you don’t it gets more and more insistent until the urethra is spasming like crazy.


I am so glad to read these posts . I have had my stent in for 3 weeks now and have never had pAin like it . No one explained how it would feel and I am quite hardcore with pain. It hurts to walk and every time I need the loo I dread it as I know how painful it’s going to be . When I left hospital on the Friday they said just take paracetamol and you can work Monday . Had to have a week off and am still really suffering and feeling miserable with it . 6 days til removal. My g p has prescribed codeine but it doesn’t really help. Really wish the consultant had explained what’s involved . Still have blood in urine too. Do you feel normal as soon as they take it out ??

Kathy Williams

I suffer from kidney stones at least once or twice a year. I have had lithotripsy many times. Most of the time the stones are so large they block my kidney, thus a stent is put in. My stones have become so hard that lithotripsy is no longer an option. In January, 2016 I had multiple stones on both sides in the ureter and in both kidneys. I did pass some stones from the left side that were causing a blockage. The others I did not pass. I had surgery and now have bilateral stents in. Yes, they are a pain. But with the bilateral, I am having a hard time moving without causing bleeding. I have ten more days before the stents are removed. But I remember the pain from the stones and I am so grateful the pain I am having is no where near what I was experiencing from the stones. Yes, there are days I think I am going to pull my hair out. But then I have to remind myself I could be suffering even more. I have read some of the comments and did not know that naproxyn will help and resting in a recliner. I will do both of these things when I get off. This experience has me drinking more water with lemon and I have had no soda at all. If this does not convince me to take better care of myself, I don’t know what would. Remember, even though you may have shock wave or lithotripsy, you still need a stent for the pieces to pass without excrutiating pain. Although the stents are very uncomfortable, stones are much worse pain. I just wish someone could come up with something you can insert into the bladder to help relieve the discomfort from the stents. Why could we not be given lidocaine to insert every so offen? I hate taking pain medication that makes me sleep and dizzy.


There are medicines which cause the wall of the bladder to be deadened somewhat so it lessens that ‘need to urinate’ feeling. It is called phenazopyridine. It is also sold over the counter in lesser strengths called AZO. There is also something called ‘flomax’ or ‘tamsulosin’ which was invented to help men with prostrate problems by softening the ureter, and this med will lessen the spasms of the ureter for women too.


Hi ladies I ended up in the ER this past Tuesday for severe pain left side cat scan revealed 2 stones 1 8mm the other 4mm. I was sent home w pain meds and told see urologist ASAP. Well of course the urologist couldn’t see me until Monday . so Friday morning I woke up in agonizing pain on all 4’s committing etc. I ended up having surgery Friday night to place stent. And then having the stones blasted this week sometime. I want this stent out it is horrible I hate taking pain meds and it’s been 2 days since stent was put in still have the burning and urgency and it honestly feels as though it’s going to fall out. I won’t dare touch it but it feels like when you put a tampon in and don’t push it up as far as I should is this normal feeling? I’m am so scared now reading they will need to put another in after the blasting surgery 🙁 I am feeling just awful 🙁


That’s exactly how I feel. Like I put a tampon in when i was too dry and its just in there. And sometimes the pain of burning makes me burst into tears. I’m pregnant too so a lot of meds are not available for me to use. It’s going to be a difficult few months.


Had my stent removed 48 hrs ago in clinic. 6 days ago
I under went laser litho. for multiple stones causing blockage in my lower ureter. 11mm, plus some sml nuggets in the kdney. Stent was only in for 4 days. MISTAKE.
Since removal I have had bouts of excruciating pain every 6-8 hrs from clots blocking my ureter. This causes swelling and pain worse than the stone. I have been back to clinic for torodol once, went to ER in middle of night for more pain treatment, and tests to make sure it wasn’t structural. They actually wanted to put another stent in to promote healing, leaving it in three weeks this time. At the moment I passed on that option and as I write this I’m laying flat on my back in bed during the afternoon. Advice: don’t rush to remove stent!


I am a regular stoner, every 8 months or so constant pass 8 years.
I have had multiple stents.
This is currently my second time with bilateral stents.
Omg what pain, I am basically home the whole time resting.
I find that laying flat on the bed helps.
I take pain meds after a busy day.
I’m not a fan of the constipation the oxybutin causes so I don’t take them.
I’m lucky because I work from home ,

I have been known to work on my laptop in bed.

Walking around is horrible,
I do find that after multiple stents, your body gets used to them. I tend to find that the bilateral ones are worse.
Unfortunately the only remedy for me is rest laying flat on my back


I can so identify with each of you. After detecting an 8mm stone on March 5th, the stent was inserted on the 7th. I got the same story about no pain or minor discomfort. WRONG! That night I was pacing the floor in the middle of the night. I also have interstitial cystitis and just thought it was a poorly timed flare up. Nope, it was the stent. Aching. Burning. It’s been one week and I have not been back to work. I am supposed to have lith. on Thursday and I just hope I can get some sleep before then. I, too, have a high pain tolerance, but this is absurd. Getting out of bed now to take codeine. This is just terrible.


As sorry as I feel for you, thank you for posting this. I am so glad that someone else is experiencing what I am experiencing right now. I expected this to be easy but it’s been so painful. Stent was placed in on the 15th and I am in tears every time I pee and am so uncomfortable all the time. Still taking T3s on the regular. As if stones don’t cause enough hassle to daily living…


I just went in and had lithotripsy and a stent 2 days ago for a 15mm stone! Today its a constant pain in my kidney! Using the bathroom feels like someone is trying to rip my kidney out! I wasnt prepared for this at all. I only expected “discomfort”, this is far from discomfort. Its frustrating to say the least! Lol


I had the shock treatment(lithotripsy) back Dec 2015 no stent.I was amazed how well it went. But the pain came back, I returned to the doctor in January only to fine out I had another stone. As the doctor put it the lithotripsy is not 100% effective it may have hit part of the stone. SO back to the hospital March 4th to get it removed for good. This time they found 2 stones and put a stent in. YES the stent hurts. I have a high pain threshold don’t like to take pills however i am on every 5-6 hour pain meds. I have found that a body pillow and a heating pad helps with the discomfort. Eating small meals and mostly soups help. The medical staff will say some don’t have problems with the stent but I have yet to hear of anyone! 😉


i got a stent in on the 13th off january .got a 9mm stone,they are not removing stone until 21st off march ,i was never told off how much pain that i will be in,just want to be pain free!!


I have pain in my kidney also feels like someone tugging downward on my kidney and it is a annoying pestering pain if you need to chat feel free to email me it helps to talk to others feeling the same thing


I had a 8mm stone removed on February 24 th , that put a stent in and I was told it was for a week or 2 and that it may be uncomfortable . The first day or so after surgery wasn’t too bad but it got worse . The pressure and feeling like something is poking into me . I called my doctor on Monday only to find out they are not taking it out until March 23 after 4 weeks .should have been 3 they said but the doctor is on Holiday for march break . I am still off work because I am on my feet all day as a server and it hurts just to walk . Not sure how the doctor thought I should be back to work 2 days after surgery . The did give me some medication to help with the bladder spasms and I do think finally it is a little better. Just wish I knew what I was up against when I chose this route rather than the shock wave that was offered

Yvonne Garcia

Get a heating pad and take your pain pills every 5 hours.


Heating pad it incredible.


I had the stent placed on Feb 25th, 2016 and I still have it until April 7th, I am miserable and I really am glad to read all of this because I thought I was a wimp the doctors just tell you that you will have discomfort so you think that’s no big deal. I am in pain and on top of that I have the urge to urinate 24/7 it drives me crazy because I have already peed on myself a few times. I tell my husband I should just sit on the toilet and never get up. It also burns like hell when I do go. I am not able to go back to work because I do alot of walking, standing and lifting heavy items so I am on short term disability. Never did I think it would be like this. I thought I had a high tolerance for pain but not this.


I am in the same situation. I am a carer so there is no way I can go back to my job as it would entail being on my feet 80% of the time. The only peace I get from the continual need to pee and the immediate painful urge to pee is to sit or lay down. I’ve even thought about having a catheter.

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