From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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I was admitted to emergency on Sunday morning with suspected stones. I woke up literally crying in pain. Because of lack of beds I spent three nights in emergency for pain management. On Tuesday I was transferred to a private hospital for surgery and was told I would have the stones lasered and a stent put in. I was also told I may experience mild discomfort but nothing like I had prior to the op.
An hour later I woke up in worse pain then I have ever imagined (and I’ve had kids without pain relief). I was immediately given Fenton twice via IV which put me to sleep but as soon as I woke up the pain returned with a vengeance! I was given a morphine shot, two panadeine fort and nurofen. I asked to go to the toilet to see if it helped me as I felt full. So went and peed blood which they said was normal. But it also burnt!! So I was given ural. I was supposed to go home that night but had to be admitted for two days for pain management. It’s now Thursday night and I’m lying in bed after taking my antibiotics and endone and Panadol and am still in agony! It feels like my kidney is being pulled down and the stent is try to crawl out my urether!
Can not wait to have it out but also terrified that yet again something will go wrong!!
To make it all worse – they didn’t even find stones!!!!


They didn’t perform a CT scan to verify the presence of a stone first?


I had my stent put in 6 weeks ago and let me tell you these have been the worst weeks of my life.. My twin brother had the same 10 weeks ago so he must be getting the hump with the phone calls after phone calls the poor sod ( did you have this did you have that) like everyone else it feels like my bladder and kidney is being pulled and twisted when I wee, if I try to hold it then it’s like I have been shot in the side! Now I’m having pains in my bladder that feel like I’m being stabbed. My poor wife has been great but I can tell I’m driving her nuts now. And to add to it I went back to work after a week off! In my job I left walk climb And let me tell you every day at 4 o’clock I’m ready to give up on life. Oh and the “you may pee blood” Is funny I haven’t stopped since day one! I wish you people all the best! Ohh a hot bath helps me (really hot) and a hot water bottle.


I am having my third one placed tomorrow. I have always had pain with them, frequent urination and bladder spasms that bring me to tears. My urologist says they are smaller now and fewer people have problems with them. Seems like it’s the same to me from reading these comments.


Had stent put in on Tuesday (now Friday) for RH Stone that could not be removed on the day. I was told this “might” be “uncomfortable” and went home with some anti-spasm meds.

Sure enough, as above, I am reading this at 5-00 in the morning – after taking some old prodeine forte I had for a back injury but was up at 3-00. Paracetamol and the anti-spasm tablets were not helpful at all.

For about an hour and a half I was in writhing (never fully understood that until now) pain and couldn’t even read, let alone write, this. I thought of going to the emergency, but this would necessitate a long wait, admission, x-rays/CT, referrals and so on so I effectively short circuited the process, though my surgeon had expressly sanctioned prescribing anything that might cut through this pain.

Is this some kind of urology tough-love? The pain is excruciating – and yet it seems the specialists are unwilling/unable to give the kind of prescription that might provide appropriate pain management. I don’t think I am going to become some raging addict on the back of a few pain killers, if that’s the concern. Does anyone have views on this? My surgeon seems like a decent sort of fellow – and must be aware of the consequences of the stent – so why leave so many patients in this awful state?

I can’t imagine how I am going to get through 3 weeks of this, so the notes here have been helpful, if a little disturbing.

Best of luck to all – and hope your various ailments are sorted out as efficiently – and painlessly – as possible!


Worst week of my life. Couldn’t walk or lay on my side. Forget about going to work. I was about ready to pull it out on my own. But immediate relief once removed!


I got my stent put in a month ago for an 11mm stone with a bad infection. I had to wait 4 weeks for lithotripsy. The “discomfort” from the stent is just horrible! Anytime I move I can feel the stent rub against my bladder. I cant walk for longer than a couple minutes without the pain becoming intolerable and peeing blood. Even laughing/coughing/sneezing hurt. I cant lay in any of my favorite positions at night. I can only lie on my back. I have to have my stent in for just under 3 more weeks. I cant WAIT for this torture device to get removed!

stacey layton

hi i had a stent fitted on the 15 th feb, i will be having this for 6 weeks until they do laser, then another stent fitted for another 6 weeks. i can not think of anything worse. i have had ten operation i am 38 years old and this is by far the worst experience after a operation.. i feel like i am going mad, i have already been back to the doctors once, as the hospital only perscribed paracetamol for pain, what joke i say joke. they need to experience this need operation before they only warrant paracetamol. which was obviously no cutting it so i now have oralmorp, which works a treat, got given movical as i have only had my bowels open once since 15th too!! another problem to add to the stents are making me feel. absoulutely dreadful, i have lost my happy go lucky self, i have practically cried every day in pain, weeing well what can i say i dread it!!! worst feeling ever doing it on tip toes as to scared to relax. constant pain and stinging in urether. feels like my kidney is being pulled out of place, walking is uncomfortable too, just after 5 minutes i want my bed, everything is so tiring, i do believe i now have a infection of some sort as wee smells fishy, discusting. i want to sleep after the smallest of tasks. sitting in a car chair has to be the worst as to much pressure i guess.. laying in a reclined position has to be most comfortable, but even then i have to fidgit around. how they tell you , that its ok to return to work after 2 days is a joke, i retured after a week, and i tell you that was far to soon..i put all my cleaning jobs on hold, i tried hoovering yesturday, let me tell you it aint happening. so frustrating..i am going to drive my self mental i can tell, my husbund has been amazing … be strong people carry on and just hope the time flys for you ….remember look after yourself listen to your body it knows what do to.


I had a stent fitted on Thursday as they can not get to my 7mm stone. I left with a catheter and I am now on the couch as the Cathiter is pressing on my bladder causing discomfort, I can not sleep and the pain when I pee from the stent is horrific. I can not cope


Hi, this is my second stent in a few years and like all the other experiences mentioned on this site it feels just as painful as the first.

Whilst my doctor prescribed some nice strong meds to help with the pain relief, last night I laid in the pool and drank some Gin & Tonics……………..I found almost all discomfort dissapeared 🙂

At the risk of becoming an alcoholic this will now form part of my pain management.


I have gone thru the same procedure n now with a stent, I have been advised with hifanac p but however it has hardly made any change in the pain. Cud u tell me what pain killer you were advised. I am having immense pain while urination so much so that I am shit scared to urinate…


Getting urethral stent in was the most miserable days off my life. And it’s only been 11 days.


6 days out from ureteroscopy with laser to remove kidney stone. A stent was placed and fortunately I have had very little pain from the stent but my legs are so weak and I’m exhausted from just walking around? I had an epidural instead of general. Has anyone else experienced extreme fatigue afterwards? I have had 4 major surgeries before and have never felt this tired?


So glad to have found fhis. I too was told to expect “slight discomfort” however I’ve found fhe constant back and groin pain from the stent much harder to manage than the original kidney stone pain, which was intense but for shorter periods of time. Emotionally too I found it easier dealing with the stone pain as I could tell myself the stone was passing and my body was on the road to recovery. However a month after my 7.5mm stone was diagnosed it was clear that it was going nowhere and that I had also developed a UTI, leading to a three day stint in hospital and stent insertion on Xmas eve. Then a six week wait to have stent taken out, as my infection was under control and I went to the back of fhe queue as was no longer at risk and “treating pain, even if significant, is not a priority”. This was the hardest part, six weeks of agony and frustration knowing that my body was not making progress. But, had second op yesterday where they lasered the stone and swapped stent for a new one. This one more painful at present than last one was straight after op, weeing actually makes me cry and retch with the pain. Been told this one could come out in two weeks, but to expect a 4-6 week wait, so keeping everything crossed that they can get me in sooner rather than later!


I had 6mm stone on my left side. But I had kidney pain since 10th of Jan. Went to normal GP and did ultrasound. Couldn’t see stone but kidney was dilated. He said there is stone at ureter. So for 2 weeks I was taking apple cider, reddish, and lots of water. But reduced. In between had to take pain killers. Went back to GP to check again. Still looked same after doing ultrasound. Referred me to urologist. Did CT scan. The stone was at lower urerter. Near to bladder. Did ureteroscope. Discharged the next day. But had to put stent to prevent infection. First 2 days I had blood and a bit of burning sensation when I urinate. Now, I don’t feel any pain but when I urinare I feel like a pull from kidney. But it is just mild discomfort. Not pain and not bothering my mind. This is way more tolerable compared to the pain I had prior to the surgery. I have to go back to remove stent in a week but it will be done under general anaes again.


I’m glad to find this article and know I’m not the only one with this pain from my stent. I had a lythotripsy half a week ago to break down the stones in my left kidney and had a stent put in when they discovered that there’s so much scar tissue in my tube that it’s causing an obstruction. My doctor told me it would be painful, but I had no idea how much. He said I would be fine to go back to work tomorrow. With how I’m feeling now, there’s no way that’s happening. All I can do is lay down on my back to relieve the pain. I thought my frequent kidney stones were bad enough, but knowing this pain is going to stay here for 3-4 weeks until my stent is removed is pretty terrifying. It also doesn’t help that Tylenol and Tramadol don’t help either. My heating pad does wonders at least.

Simply knowing that others are going through the same thing and making it through the ordeal helps put my mind at ease.


Tramadol is a joke. They gave it to me originally for my stent but later had to give me Percocet because of the pain which barely did the trick either. I would let your doctor know the Tramadol isn’t working.

I had my stent fitted after being took in for PNCL I think it’s called. My kidney stones was in a difficult position and was extremely hard for my surgeon to do. But he did and put a stent in to help with the little bits that had broke off. I have never experienced pain like it, I cannot move far stand for long do anything because I feel like I want to were and the pain in my stomach really really hurts. Just got up today and been trying to potter around but the pain got worse and reduced me to tears its that bad. I am having my stent out on Thursday thank god as giving birth doesn’t hurt as much as this. Can anyone say if they are seeing normal or not. I don’t think I am seeing enough for the ammount I am drinking so if anyone can let me know I would be grateful. Roll on Thursday


I am on my 2nd stent in the past year. Mine is due to damage done to the ureter tube during my hysterectomy. My kidney has stopped draining on the left side and caused big issues. I am scheduled for surgery Feb 12th to try and rebuild and correct the damage. I will be getting my third stent then. No matter what I do I get no relief. I figured d a heating pad and a recliner helps the most. But Lord I bet I pee at least 75 times a day. And sleep none.

Andrea Wright

I am on my third stent after also having laser surgery to put a wider stent in. My damage was done during gyny surgery. I’m feeling like I’ll be unable to return to my job as a carer until my stent is out. Are you going to see if you can get compensation?


I am currently on day 7 of hopefully only a 2-3 week period with a stent. I am so glad I found this site as I thought it was just me suffering. I was meant to have laser stone removal for three stones in my left side. But unfortunately as my ‘tube’ was too narrow my specialist has had to fit a stent to stretch the tube between my bladder and kidney so she can get her laser up and have another go soon. I have to say I have never experienced pain like it. While the initial stone pain was immense, once it was controlled after a few hours I could move quite normally with no discomfort. Since having the stent put in I can honestly say I’ve had nothing but discomfort. From constant pain in my back and groin. The top of my leg is also aching and I get pain in the bladder and while going to the loo. I was discharged from hospital with paracetamol and ibuprofen which doesn’t even touch the pain. Like others the only positions offering any comfort are lying down or sitting in a reclined position. Walking is extremely difficult and I can only manage about 5 mins before really struggling. The specialist was hopeful for me to return to work after a week but standing, sitting or even moving for any period of time even after a week at the moment is impossible. Luckily from my last few trips to a and e with the stones I have some naproxen and diclofenac left which I have been experimenting with (not at the same time of course). I have been avoiding the oral morphine as my specialist advised against it as it can cause more problems with constipation and putting extra pressure around the stent and thus causing more pain. I have to say the diclofenac suppositories work the best providing some much needed relief and I would definitely say anyone who has the need to try it. The only thing really getting me through it is the fact that hopefully in a couple of weeks it will be over. Just waiting for a date for the second procedure. Unfortunately I will have to go through it all again on the right side to remove another 2 stones. I know how important it is though and can only look forward to being stone free.


This is my second go round with a stent…I have a chronic obstruction which needed ballooned open…the first time sucked…so does this one. Feels like a razor blade is in my bladder, Dr wants it in for two to four weeks…I had Dr office fill out FMLA leave… I have to lay on couch lots of pillows under knees and lots under my head..heating pad on…counting the time down to when I can have another pain pill..I’ve xrayed people who have had a stent in for months to years and act like its glad to see I’m not the only one who have a low tolerance for them.


Thank you, thank you, thank you…I really needed to read this article and responses as it has helped me understand what I have been experiencing the last week. It wasn’t until today that I too figured out that sitting on a hard flat surface, or tilting my bed up helps out so much. I am having similar symptoms as many of you, like frequent urination, irritation, and lower back pain, all slight but ever so annoying for me to talk about. I am on Flomax but it doesn’t seem to help very long or do much. About 2-3 days after my surgery I didn’t feel the irritation, must have been all the other drugs I was on. I will say sitting flat, laying flat, and definitely not walking around helps.


I had a stent put in due to complications with my Gall Bladder operation. At first it was fine but then the back aches started, my body started to swell and I got such a horrific abdominal pain I thought my appendix had burst. The stent had caused a life threatening infection through out my entire body. After 10 days in the hospital on Antibiotics the infection was under control. I had the stent removed surgically and am finally getting back to normal. If I can avoid it, I will never get one again.


I had a stent put in my left side to open up what my Urologist says is a blockage. I had no symptoms, they only found it because of a MRI I had done. I had it out in The and here it is Sat and I’ve been to the ER 3times!! After my procedure I wasn’t told wether I could go back to work or not so needing the money I went o work the next day. What a mistake!! I am a caregiver and care for a quad so its heavy duty work. The second day with the stent I cried my way thru work and ended up in the ER with a stabbing pain! I was given dilauted and it helped. 3rd day stayed home, 4th day felt ok so went to work. Once again I cried my way till the end of my shift. By time I got home I was so sore and tried to just take the oxy 5ml they gave me and relax. Well after being home for a hour I was in excruciating pain and had to call 911! I was given Dilauted again but with another pain med not sure what I was in such a pain filled haze. After crying and praying to God for the pain to stop I finally gained relief from the meds. This was the worst pain in my life and I have 2 children with natural child birth. I figured out that I’m just gonna have to take the time off work until I get this stent out in a week. Hopefully I won’t ever need it again!!!

Andrea Wright

I’m new to this site but I’m so glad I found it. I’m a carer also and have decided that there is no way I can go back to work whilst this stent is in as I have such severe urgency to pee I’ve even thought of a catheter!!! This is my second stent and symptoms are so much worse. Resting is the only way to relieve these awful feelings. I’m just going to have to rely on my husband to bring the money in and hopefully my children who are 19and 21 can help around the house. I’m so glad I’m not on my own.


As all of the above I can sympathise with you.Over the past 4 month’s I have had stents placed in both Kidneys.I was told it was to straighten the tubes from the Kidney to the Bladder as some how they had become twisted and were begining to block the tubes.
I have had nothing but pain in my bladder since,it is a nagging pain that refuses to go even with pain killers.A simple matter of walking irritates the bladder and feels as if you are being poked all the time with a a sharp needle.And cause me to feel like urinating all the time,but sometimes only a thimble full will come out.Also Blood returns at time’s.The only relief is when I lay down.And you can’t spend your life on your back.


I had a stent due to obstruction flow of urine .I was in pain so bad I had it removed after4weeks .I now have to have amother stent in place I am more scared because I no of the pain and hv been told it has to stay in for 3/4months.


Ive had 2 right stents in the last 2 months, most recent one was put in Christmas eve 2015 and the one prior was placed october 27th and removed November 14th.let me tell you I am so over this crap. I’ve had uti issues since I was 3 due to a congenital condition called megaureters (in the words of my urologist my ureters are so massive that urine just pools up and becomes stagnant and full of infection) now I have a yeast infection in my kidney which we tried treating without stent to no avail. At this point I have to wait to see a peds urologist (I’m 22) because they know best how to operate to fix my ureters (because most of the time this is fixed when covered by a peds uro at 1.5cm or above.. Mine are above 5 inches or about 12.5cm)and the stent is in until that happens and until I heal from the procedure… I hate stents.

This is my second stent placement and im not gonna lie its painful as much as the first one i got last year hopefully getting it removed in a week but i found that a heating pad and laying down provide the most comfort from the pain tramadols and tylenol 3 dont work unless you have vicodin or some stronger pain meds id say that and a heating pad are gonna be your best friend for several weeks until you have the stent removed i hooe everyone a speedy recovery and god bless


On 18th dec 2015, stone was removed from my right kidney by lithotripsy and stent is inserted for two weeks, but there is severe pain in my right side. what i have to do?
Doctor had change the pain killer but it is not giving satisfaction.
Kindly suggest what i have to do?

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