From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Traci R.

I too had a pyeloplasty. I had 5 incisions and a drain in my abdomen. The worst is the stent. It feels like I am being stabbed in the groin with an ice pick if I stand for too long. If I bend at the waist, I can feel it move in the kidney. To say that I can’t wait to be rid of it is an understatement. I have never frequented a bathroom so often in all of my life.


I am a female 63. I had suspected kidney stones for 2 years but rarely, and never passed one, but the pain would go away on its own. After 2 consecutive UTI’s in under a month, my doctor ordered a CT to see if a stone was stuck. It showed there wasn’t a stone at all, it was an obstruction in the ureter about an inch long, completely blocking urine output, which caused severe pain when I drank a lot of water. My urologist put in a stent July 9th so the kidney could drain while I waited for the ureteroscopy in 2 weeks to do a biopsy to find out what it was. My ureter was too small for the scope, and he ended up splitting the ureter where it joins the bladder, so he stopped. He wanted to leave the stent in place 3 more weeks and try again.Meanwhile, I continued to have a UTI, and developed anemia and a swollen kidney from the backed-up urine. I lay on the sofa most of the summer in jeans and a sweatshirt in 90+ degree weather, weak, nauseated and lacking in appetite. I am a small woman and I lost 10 percent of my body weight. The second ureteroscopy wasn’t successul either because the sample was so small it was inconclusive, and I found out he had put a new stent in.I was not happy about that, because the stent is so irritating and painful it was driving me crazy. After a urine culture, it was discovered the infection was resistant to the antibiotics we’d used, so the doctor ordered a 5th round of antibiotics. The infectionffinally cleared, 4 months from the first one, and my strength and appetite returned. After 2 months since he put in the first stent, he sent me to a robotic surgeon since it would be a less invasive surgery. This doctor was very confident that he could solve this issue, but the death knell sounded when he said he was booked ‘a ways out’. I couldn’t ask what that meant, because the thought of a long time before the surgery, plus 4-6 weeks with another stent after surgery was so depressing, I just couldn’t even think about it. It’s been a week since my consultation, and I’ve heard nothing so far, which is a hopeless, helpless feeling.
If you have ever had a stent before, you can understand what I am about to describe. My bladder constantly burns, especially at the end of peeing, and I feel a tug in my kidney with urination. I also often have strong cramping in my bladder, and I can feel a sharp poking, and unbearable tickling, urgency/frequency, severe pain at times associated with leaking, which I suspect is the stent sitting right on top of the valve that releases urine, a most maddening feeling from which there is no escape. I use AVO every day, oxybutin for cramping most days, Feldene for inflammation most days, and when I have severe pain, oxycodone with APAP (Tylenol with codeine) as a last resort, which merely takes the pain down a notch but doesn’t relieve it. I used to be very active, gardening, and riding my bike or walking briskly for 2 miles. It’s been four months of this torture, and I can’t walk more than 10 minutes without strong irritation and urgency. Riding a bike is out of the question. I haven’t left home in 4 months except for errands , and my husband has had to go on 2 trips out of state without me because of issues with walking and having to urinate so frequently. ( It seems that each of my doctors however, has had two vacations in this time span, and I had to wait for the scheduler to return from her vacation!) When I do work on my feet a lot, I experience fresh bleeding and such burning irritation in my bladder I am forced to the couch with a heating pad to try to stop the bladder spasms. To think this could go on indefinitely is a unthinkable situation. Doctors’ literature describes this as discomfort. DISCOMFORT? I think every doctor should endure a stent for at least 2 WEEKS before he/she is ever allowed to prescribe this for anyone else. It is an unrelenting, inescapable, maddening misery! And for me, there is no end in sight.


I have a stent after removal of a 7mm stone.ive had 50+ stones and never needed a stent.i was drinking alot of soda.however that immediately stopped now.i thought the stone was bad over 2 weeks of pain before removal.but the whole process of the stent may be worse cause I’m done with soda.i also was given no meds when I left the hospital.and i think I’m gonna call my urologist tomorrow and demand something.this is terrible in every hurts all the time.and burns like I’m peeing bloody fire every since it’s only been 3 days but I assumed the burning would at least get better,but no such luck.

Cecilia Pienaar

Please Read This….
It took 6 years to diagnose a Staghorn growth in my left ureter & on 13 Jan 2016 it was removed with a 3 in 1 operation. In 18 months I had 6 double J stent replacements & on the 1st of Aug 2017 a Memokath 051 long term stent was placed. It needs to stay life long. The double J stents made my life a living hell & was told that this metal spring will be my saving grace, not for all the tea in China will I ever advise anyone to have this placed. I am in constant pain with constant infections, fatigue, my skin is a mess & I am constantly bloated and sick. If I smell meat or eggs I get so sick that I cannot keep anything down. I cannot work as a bookbinder any longer, I cannot drive or be transported long distances due to pain & bleeding. It has been a year since the placement of the Memokath 051 and I am begging the doctors to rather remove my Kidney as I would rather die than live with this any longer. All studies shows doctors that this works and the patient should feel the presence of the Memokath 051 with minimal discomfort????? All the studies are incomplete or without any base…….. Think twice about having a Memokath 051 sent inserted please.

Stent Dependant

Had a kidney transplant 2 yrs ago. St thomas hosp in nashville botched it. Kinked my ureter on the distal end. I have had about 13 stents. Cant remember. Mine is between the transplant and the bladder. No string do-hicky. All internal. The run a camera, flashlight-pair of pliers on a cystoscope snake thingy up you urethra pee-hole. That thing is about the size of a Sharpie magic marker. OMG. It never gets better. Mine were being swapped every 10 weeks they were the el cheapo plastic ones they use for kidney stone people. They were getting encrusted with bacterial colonization. Mayo Clinic jacksonville put a titanium coil stent in that lasts about 8 months.
I here to say, that a combination therapy of Vesicare 10mg WITH Flomax WITH tylenol3 with codiene daily helps me cope. Every day, every hour, I still suffer from chronic irritation and pain. The pain is reflected into the length of my penis. Fells like I have a snapping turtle hang off the end all day long. Due to the presence of the stent I run a constant low level of UTI. The docs let it ride. Like one other poster, I too whizz hot dragon fire lmao every time I urinate. The UTI cannot be treated in my case because im on anti rejection/immunosuppression meds to keep the transplant. I cant take antibiotics willy-nilly. There may come a day when we’ve exhausted all known forms of antibiotics.
The folks with trmporary stents, yeah its miserable but there’s always someone else worse off. So take your lumps that’s just life. I don’t this miserable afflication keep me down. I still stay active and focus out the pain best I can. I do despise opiate addicts who’ve ruined it for us folks who live in LEGIT chronic pain while they just exploit for an ‘escape’. Selfish idiots.
Other things to consider- avoid spicy foods, these stents aggravate the prostate and induces more pain, try a hot tub if you have access or soak in very warm bath tub for an hour. The AZO cranberry is a joke, don’t waste your money. Try also to keep a very soft cushion under your behind. Take it to work, to into restaurants it helps too. I will have my stent and my 2wice yearly exchanged for as long as my transplants lasts. Which I hope is a long time. The chronic pain of a stent is waaaaaay better than dialysis.


I’ve only just seen your reply. I had my stent on the 24th August and last week, I got called back to the consultants office. They have now told me that they were unable to biopsy the stricture in my urethra, because it was too closed up.
So now, got to go through having another stent put in. Just been signed off for another month. Had 2 infections in 4 weeks. Still in pain every time I owe despite medications to stop some of the bladder inflamation.
Been told if it doesn’t work next time, they will be discussing my long term options…which frankly depresses and terrifies me. I’ve found the best thing for pain relief is a hot water bottle on my back and one on my side. I’m taking paracetamol as codeine is making me feel sleepy and sick. And taking the other stuff…that I can’t be bothered to read off the label. I can’t do my work, as that involves heavy lifting and standing the whole time. But I am back at uni…but worried I could get booted out for missing lectures for my next stent op.
Stent dependant, thanks for your honest answer…Dragon fire piss is a perfect comparison.


I am due to have a stent put in my left kidney in 2 weeks time. I have NO kidney or urethra stones. Been told that the stent will be in to do a biopsy and because I have hydroneprothy, hydrourethronepropothy and distal urethra. The consultant says I have a ‘distortion ‘ causing my urethra to kink and that is why I need the stent and biopsy. My right kidney does nothing and has atrophied. Any idea how long I might need this stent in for? I am terrified and worried about how long I will need off work.

whitney b

I just had a stent placed yesterday afternoon on the left side due to passing a stone that damaged; inflamed and swelled my ureter bladder junction. After anesthesia wore off I’ve been in excruciating pain; narcotics, ibuprofen, motrin, advil, AZO, bladder spasm meds and rapaflo has not even touched the pain from the stent. I can’t find a comfortable position, can’t walk. I’ve tried a heating pad and ice pack.. nothing is helping.

Earlier this year I had a stone in my right kidney and a stent was placed, after my failed ESWL, for a month. Then another stent after a cystoscopy with a laser to break the stone and take it out manually. I don’t recall the pain being this bad with the first stent, just discomfort and pain when urinating, however, the stent I have now (and my second stent on the right) has a string attached to it and I think thats part of the issue. I only have to survive one more day and I get it out thursday. My body wants to purge itself rid of the stent and I have uncontrollable moments of pushing. I have the urge to urinate and nothing comes out except fire then pain shoots up into my kidney.

From here on out I will attempt to expel my stones naturally and take anti inflammatory meds round the clock in an attempt to avoid ever having a stent. There’s no way I can work with this pain and discomfort. I know this doesn’t give much help to those of you suffering, but I wanted to give my take on a ureter stent.. please drink water, lemonade and take apple cider shots. Also walking a lot throughout the day seem to be the best for me when it comes to passing your stone quickly. Also never decline a prescription for pain meds, they may not take all the pain out when your stone is traveling, but it will dull it enough to make it bearable.

Good luck to you all!


I just had my stent placed last night August 6 to help with my 3 stones that they used shock wave therapy for as well. With my stent they told me i would remove it myself which is fine. I don’t want to go back to the doctor. I can’t sit down and I can’t control my bladder I don’t even know I’m going to the bathroom expect on occasion. I know it’s a little tmi but it honestly feels like a tampon is needing to come out? Is this normal they said it was but I’m not aT all sure and it makes nervous.


I’m having to wear depends.. this is all to much for me and i had cancer so that’s saying something. My husband has mentioned that apple cider vinegar is a home remedy to prevent stones again and straight cranberry. have you guys tried it? Does it work ? I’m needing all the help I can get.


I had a 8mm stone in my ureter caused by 11 years of recurring utis, let me tell you.. the pain from the stone was not even comparable to the pain of the stent. By far the worse pain and experience I’ve ever had. It’s conpeltely inhumane, no one should have to go through that. I had no life whatsoever. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t sleep I had the worst permanent urgency to go toilet even when there was nothing to come out. I had permanent flank pain and was so depressed. They wanted me to keep the stent in for three months and it had only been 3 weeks and I was dying! In the end I had to resort to paying privately for treatment and when I did they went to laser the stone and said it was gone much to my disbelief! It was a miracle. I passed an 8mm stone through my 4mm ureter and they wanted me to suffer for another two months! My stent was removed and I have my life back! Instant relief! I’m so sympathetic to all of you guys, I hope in time your pain will ease. Doctors really need to experience a stent to see how bad this “discomfort” is.


Let’s remember we don’t know what it would be like without the stent. Could a clot or spasm cause us to loose a kidney from severe obstruction?? Who knows. But thanks for the helpful comments.



24mm stone and 12 mm stone. Lithotripsied the 24mm and placed stent. 3 weeks of hell. I sit on toilet most of the night with the squatty potty supporting my elbows on my knees holding my head to sleep. Or in recliner. This is awful. I get it out tomorrow by urologist doesn’t believe in pain medicine, clearly he has never had a stone. They only did one at a time which has to me a scam. I have a 300$copay to just walk into the er so I have grinned and bared it the several times I have layed on the floor feeling like I want to die unable to even get up to throw up. Cannot even wait to do this again.


Hi I need advice please. I went in hospital to have a large stag antler stone removed in February this year when I woke up I still had the stone but now had a stent fitted.After constant pain and infections the stent feels as if is sticking inside me all the time and it is now July and I am still waiting to have my stone removed.The consultant said it was too big to remove in February but surely the stone is getting bigger each day and waiting all this time can’t be good for me. It seems he just won’t listen to me. What should I do !

Jim Martin

Prostate cancer and removal surgery January 2007, relapse 2011 and given 37 shots of radiation. Relapse again April 1018 and put on Hormone replacement therapy.
Had a problem urinating since the 2011 radiation so just recently it was disovered I had a blockage in the uretha which was cleared and then recommended I needed a stent which was done late May 2018. Since then it has been sheer hell. Uncontollable leakage and then weeks later nothing but cramps and spasms so bad I had to go to emergency 4 times and wait 3 to 4 hours each time and had cathetors inserted. Asked to see doctor the next day after 4th visist to hospital, took out the cathetor and now I am back to cramps, spasms and no drainage.
Aside from all this when I sit down it feels like I got a stick or object up my butt, strangely enough. Have taken no meds except yesterday when we had to bail on friends for the long drive home because I was dying of pain. Took 2 tylenol. Got in the tub and finally got some relief for the evening but it is now around 1 p.m. and the cramps and spasms are coming back and wouldn’t you know it my Uroligist is on vacation.
Who said retirement is fun


I had my 1st stent placed July July 6th. I have a 8mm infected stone, that they wouldn’t remove due to risk of spreading the infection. The stent is killing me. They won’t remove it or the stone until August 8th. What makes all this worse is that I’m a travel nurse, on assignment, 2000 miles away from home. I don’t know any of the doctors here and am still having to work because I’m under contract and need the money. The only symptoms I had of this stone was a 102.7 to 104.1 fever and mild burning when I urinated. I’ve had 2 other stones before, but have never had a stent before. I spent 2 days in the hospital on antibiotics and missed 1 week of work. Being sick is crappy, but being sick and in a strange state is worse. Working with this stupid thing is torture. To top it off, due to the fever, I developed a fever blister and now have to wear a TB mask while in the presence of patients. I’m terribly ready for this experience to be over! But glad to know that everything I’m feeling is apparently normal. Thanks for allowing the rant.

Nancy Natoli

I hope its ok to post here, I had a stent put in on Monday, I do not have stones, but I had to have a biopsy for a tumor that is in my kidney, like most of the replies here, I found that the pain is unbearable, and the recliner in fact is the best way to get rid of the pain, I can’t wait to get this out, nothing works, not the pain bill or the so called pill to help with the burning, reading that I am not the only one who has had the pain does help


I ended up in the ER on 6/29/18 with grossly bloody urine. CT scan showed an 11mm by 8mm by 7mm kidney stone in the left kidney at the pelvic junction. I was admitted and had a stent placed the next morning and was sent home. On 7/3/18 I had shock wave lithotripsy. I have been passing many stone fragments daily since then. I still have the stent but other than urinary urgency at times, I do not find the stent very bothersome. I have passed some pretty large fragments and without the stent I know it would have been much more painful from previous experience. If my xray next week shows most of the stone has passed, then I will have the stent removed on 7/23 in the urologist’s office. I am a female and really have no objections to the stent. Guess I’ve been lucky.

Actually just had a stent placed this morning and I thoughy it was just me! It does seem to be worse than the pain from the stone itself! It CONSTANTLY feels as if i have to pee, when I do, I piss out dragon fire and scream the entire time Im on the toilet because the tugging on my kidney is unbeareable!!! Been in the hospital since Thursday morning with Toradol and Dilaudid every 3 hours but so far nothing for the pain from the stent but I will ask for it shortly! I drink more water than the Atlantic so not real sure where this sucker came from but I pray to ALL the Gods it NEVERRRRR EVERRRRR comes back! Stay strong my friends!

Marion Cubero

I feel your pain I got stent put yesterday and I fought for it because I need to go back to work. I have a nephrostomy tube placed into my kidney last week 6/27/18 cause I got sepsis because I had to wait a month to have surgery. My body couldn’t take it anymore. I went to the ER on 6/4 by ambulance they probably thought I was a druggie cause they treated me terribly. They sat me in a chair for 10 hours next to the staff. I was like put me in a room I feel awful. Also I told them I am in pain but I do not want morphine or dilidaid I do not want to throw up. Give me something non norcodic but will help. So after making me wait forever and placing others in rooms besides me they found out By catscan I had a 7mm stone stuck in my urethra. Gave me ivproven cuz that’s what’s I asked for. Told me to see my urologist. His idea was get a stent placed 3 weeks later you’ll have surgery. Long story short still haven’t had my stones removed they canceled my surgery on 7/5 to put a stent in 7/6 to have surgery 7/17 I hate this dr I am in horrible pain and spent 5 days admitted with sepsis 6/26-7/1/18. I’m thinking of taking legal actions against this urologist. He dropped the ball and never followed up with me after I left 4 messages with him. Sorry so long so in pain understand what your going through.

Marion Cubero

Also I wanted to say the second the stent was placed immediately regretted it is so painful I can not stop sitting on the toilet I want this thing out. Thank God they didn’t take off my nephrostomy bag I’m diverting my urine that way. But still have this misderable stent that feels worst then the stone itself. I just want to go back to my normal life. This has taken 5 weeks away from me now 10 more days to go for surgery. I just don’t know if I can make it.😔😔😔😔

whitney b

I am so sorry you had to go through this. With my recent stone i made 2 ER trips. The second trip i could not urinate and i had drank a gallon of lemonade and two bottles of water, no reason i should not have been able to go. CT revealed the stone was stuck in the bladder opening and was blocking my urine from passing. Which i’ve been told is an emergency because it can ultimately cause kidney damage. I told the ER doc that my urologist told me to come there and to contact him so he could do emergency procedure. Instead i was given a shot of dilauted, sent home and told to call tomorrow to the urologist office for further treatment. I battled the entire night trying to urinate. I followed up with another urologist due to insurance issues and he told me to wait 3 weeks before intervention. I begged him to help me and do a procedure, i couldn’t urinate and if i did it was so little. I ended up having to pay out of pocket/self pay to a doctor out of network for her to admit me to the hospital and have an emergency procedure.

after my experience I realize how much patients do not have say in their medical care. i also learned to have the doctors document that they refused treatment and declined my request(s) that way they are held accountable for any illness or disease that occurs as a result of declining my request. i got lucky with this woman urologist who really took charge and treated me and my specific needs versus just being another textbook patient and rushing me out the door.

i’ve also found that going to the ER constantly and pestering your doctor with your concerns and pains do not go unnoticed and they will take have to do something. every call to the office is documented, a long with ER visits, and office visits. most insurances now intervene especially when there are constant ER visits; raises a red flag with your insurance. insurance case managers will then contact your physician to find out why ambulatory care is not being done in office and what needs to be done to make sure you get that care. Hospital visits are more expensive than any office visit, therefore your insurance wants to save money; ultimately their motivation. Having worked 4.5 years in healthcare, I’ve seen several people get immediate attention when their insurance intervenes. whether they find you a new physician or go to higher ups in your doctors office.

I hope all is well now for you, but I urge you to be proactive in your care and use your resources. Waiting for the docs or just accepting what they say is not always the best move.


No way ! I feel so sorry for you please don’t except a doctor like that… I went in hospital they did a cat scan mine was a 6cm stone.. I’ve had them 5 times so I no this pain …mine was suck in the ureter and I couldn’t urinate..I waited 5 hours in er but they knew what I had they did blood test and scan in between other patient’s a head of me! I was in sooo much pain! They kept me overnight I also had a acute uti infection…I came in on Sat afternoon they put in my stent and did surgery on Monday..I was there 5days..they gave me high amounts of antibiotics and morphine didn’t even kill he pain… I had a test to make sure I wasnt getting sepsis.. I told them I wasn’t going home till this was solved.. I was also lucky there was a urologist there doing a surgery…. You have to be your own advocate…don’t take there bs good luck take care….


Same here pain is unbearable while urinating Doctor prescribed me a pain killer tablet only for three days but i continue to take it even after three days because if i miss one time the pain came back and gave me a hard time …counting days to remove this monster from my belly …i wish all u guys out there be safe


Preach sister!!ur post made me laugh but I couldn’t laugh to hard because I had a stent placed this morning and your experience matches mine to the T!!i will try to stay strong but it is not easy


Lol! Thank you for describing it so well. I’ve had my stent in for about 2 weeks and it’s everything described. Seriously makes me so grumpy and I can’t stand having the urgency to pee and only a drop comes out with all the pain.


*I’m sorry this post is so long :(*

Reading these stories has me terrified. I have a 4mm stone in my left kidney (I know that sounds small, but it really doesn’t feel small). I’ve been dealing with it for two weeks now, and has included two er visits. The first time they sent me home with 10 Percocet and a strainer and told me to follow up with the urologist. None of the urologists in the area could fit me in for two to three weeks. I ended up back at the er when the pain meds ran out. They did look at me like I was a junkie at that point. The nurse said I must have a very low tolerance for pain. Hearing her say that made me want to cry even harder. I don’t care if my tolerance is high or low, this really hurts and I needed help, it felt like she didn’t believe me. With that visit the doctor admitted me. I waited the whole of the next day for an ultrasound and to be seen by the urologist. At one point I was laying in bed in tears from the pain and they were only only giving me IV Tylenol. The doctor had written that I could have morphine, but the nurse was wary of giving it to me. Finally was seen by urologist, and he was really good. He asked me if I thought I could go home and try passing the stone there and I told him that the only reason I had come back to the hospital was because I ran out of pain meds. He called the doctor in the er a moron and said he would send my home with more meds this time. Had an in office visit with him two days ago and he thinks I will need a stent if the stone doesn’t pass soon because I am still having a lot of pain. Unfortunately, due to insurance plans, I will need to see a different urologist at a different hospital if this all continues. The thought of going to a new hospital with new staff that might not believe me scares the hell out of me. Not to mention the fear I have of the pain from the stent of needed. All I know is that, once this ordeal is over, I’ll as much water as possible and do everything in my power to prevent this happening again.


They should of put a stent in and took it out! I think your like me I can’t pass stones I’ve had them 5 times …they gave me morphine and pain meds the doctor ordered..this makes me so upset for you! It’s the law if you feel like you need to stay overnight.. You can contact your ins. And fight it! They did treat me fairly thank God…. hope you get this taken care of…take care


I am the proud owner of my fifth or so stent.I have had probaly 30 to 40 stones since I was 24.I live in North Georgia and if you havent heard the southeast is known as being the kidney stone belt.I am now 46 with a 13mm stone in my left kidney and stones in the right but they did not tell me the size of the ones in the right kidney.I am waiting for the lithotripsy again that is on the way.This probaly being the 10th one i have had of them.Yes the pain and renal colic are terrible.The colic always requires a trip to the hospital to get an intravenous injection of at least morphine to stol the vomitting.You pray for fentanyl and toradol yet they look at you like you are a junkie.What exactly is their definition of discomforting pain and how many stones have they had?That pisses me off worst than the stones themselves they have the pain meds yet think you are in there with renal colic and a 13mm kidney stone which you didnt even know you had till it reared its ugly face to catch a buzz or a fix?What has our medical community come to?I have no control over these stones and dread to see summer coming because i know a stone or boulder in my case is not far behind.The pain and nausea are off the charts and they think you do this to catch a buzz.Stents when i hear the word make my skin crawl and i automatically want to throw up.They are painful because as you know just like a stone your body wants it out.Feels like a donkey kicking you in your kidney every time you piss.Then along with the donkey kicks you think you are pissing fire.But this is just so called discomforting pain.I believe to be a urologist you should at least have to be a kidney stone victim to therefore you could get the whole perspective picture.How can you judge kidney stone victims pain if you have never had a stone or stent yourself?Much less 40 or so stones at least 10 lithotripsys and 5 stents and this is just discomforting pain.The doctors nurses and urologist are more worried about people addicted to pain killers so they deny the victims who really need them without ever having a stone or stent themselves.I can only hope and pray the lithotripsy is soon and when i see the urologist he is understanding and doesnt send me home empty handed with no pain meds.Pray for all of us kidney stone victims and stenters out there because i believe it will get worse before it gets better.And yes i have tried everything under the sun to try and figure out why they keep reoccuring.I have done two 24 hour urinalysis donecall kinds of blood work changed mycdiet and went to the top doctors and hospitals in the state to no avail.I am doing another 24 hr urinalysis this time around and the blood work and diet change and have drank the atlantic ocean dry every summer .


Good luck. I had my 6th stone and 1st stent put in while i was on vacation 2 weeks ago. Lithotripsy on Tuesday. Upstate SC here. They have always been liberal woth morphine when I go in. Sometimes I wonder if marijuana wiuld help with the pain. Wouldnt be as addictive and is probably cheaper and safer than going to a doctor for more pills all of the time.


Pot does help. At least it did last night after coming home with my new little extension


My uncles, dad and me keep having stones. Not my dad or uncle anymore!

I’ve been having them every 6-7 months 8mm to 1.1cm for the past 4years.
I’ve done every procedure so far. Shockwave, laser and stents.. as I’m typing this I have a stone in my right side , Removed 4 stones.
Nephrologist in the U.S put me on potassium citrate pills, drink 4oz lemon juice throughout the day, low oxalate diet, low sodium diet and lot of water. I still get them.

So for the first time I’m just starting this as it was recommended by my uncle. he said It was the only thing that worked and he never saw them again.

He takes magnesium Oxide and vitamin B6 supplement with food.
He takes Hydrochlorothiazide. Back home it’s called “Esidrex”
Don’t cut calcium specially if you eat moderate oxalate. Calcium and oxalate bind together in stomach.
He swears he’s never had a stone ever.


That’s what I have is oxylate diet too, lemonade or lemon juice water.I’ve had them 5 times and I’ve never been able to pass a stone! I just had a 6 cm taken out I get stent out tomorrow feels like a dragon with fire when I urinate..thank God….they’ve always treated me well at my urologist…


Dang! I had a stent placed this morning…happy 4th of July. Did you have severe kidney pain as you were urinating that subsided as soon as you finished urinating? I was looking for the answer as to why this happens when I saw these posts.


For me, the pain radiated from my bladder up my ureter and to my kidney. almost enough to knock me off the toilet. It is hard to stand up straight for a few mins after urinating, but after that the sharp sharp pain like that in the kidney passed. however I did have constant pain everywhere for the first 4 days after the stents. Couldn’t even work. I’m on day 5 of them and my swelling has gone down so it is a bit better, definitely going to the bathroom is still awful, but slightly better. I CANNOT WAIT to get them out in 5 more days!!! PS- I highly recommend investing in an electric heating pad if you do not already have one!


the bladder irritation/pressure/pain is more prominent than kidney pain for me. however I read that the stents allow for backflow of urine into the kidneys so you may have some back pain from that as well


I had my first stent placed yesterday. at first it was the kicking and then the burning – right now its just hurting like hell….constantly. in my lower back…. and the pain pills they gave me are useless…its not easing any pain at all for even a moment


I know right! I have oxycodone plus tamulosin it helps with that squeezing feeling and I take an aleve if I don’t I can’t make it! I’m disabled if I had a job I don’t think I’d make it! Wish I would of saw these post before it’s really helped me to know I’m not the only one ..these stents are painfull but they don’t really tell you that!!!!


I have the exact same my stent was placed 4 days ago its like a sharp tugging pain on my kidney that immediatly goes away after I finish urinating. I think the pain is almost worse then the pain I had from the kidney stone but its not constant.


Well I just joined your club. I had a stent placed on July 07. I went in with no pain and just a scan from my doctor in my hand. Now I unrinate every hour night or day and it feel like someone shoves a blade in my lower back and twists it. Not a short blade either something more like a bayonet.


It’s very hard to do but drinking large amounts of water is a must. I strive to drink 1oz for every 2lbs I weigh. I’ve stents in both ureters after getting a stone in each ureter within hours of each other that were to late to pass. I’ll have another surgery on the 11th of July. 2 new stents will be placed again after surgery to remove more stones which couldn’t be removed from 1st surgery. Discomfort reminds me of back labor pain when I do to much. Save my pain med for night when trying to sleep. I was only given 10 pain pills (hydrocodone) due to opioid problem. I use with extreme pain 8-9 level. Rest all the time in my recliner. House and yard are a mess.


Dang! I had a stent placed this morning…happy 4th of July. Did you have severe kidney pain as you were urinating that subsided as soon as you finished urinating? I was looking for the answer as to why this happens when I saw these posts.


Mine doesn’t subside it hurts almost all the time … it feels like someone has a dagger stuck inside me! I get it out tomorrow


Just got my second stint in other ureter. Even with Percocet which I was given when pain could not be controlled otherwise outside of hospital, pain is bad. Hope I can make it ten more days to second surgery. Sometimes there is no pain and other times it is about 8.5 out of 10. Passed out with pain in ER with initial 7 mm stone. Aetna sent me letter denying coverage, are you kidding me? Pay over $8,000 a year for my coverage out of my pocket. Now amidst this hell I have to fight my medical insurance provider!


PS. Authors initial article is well written and summarizes what it feels like. Thank you. Shared it with family so they could understand.


I had a stent put in last week for a 5m kidney stone I’m trying to pass. I can honestly say that the stent has caused me much greater pain and discomfort then trying to pass this damn stone! Even with pain meds the pain and nausea is absolutely awful and know I have a fever so was put on antibiotics for an infection. This stent has put me through he’ll and back.

Tony t

I just had a stent removed after ureteroscopy to remove a rather large and rare fibroepithelial polyp on my ueeter. It was removed just a half hour ago. My stent was the type that uses a string that is exposed at the end from the penis. It was removed by the doctor in his office. No anesthesia of any type. It was painful, a 7 out 10 in terms of pain HOWEVER the doctor distracted me and the pain only lasted a second or so as the doctor was pulling it out by the string. No eggageration, literally a second or so. The anticipation of pain was far far worse than the actual removal since it goes so fast. No pain afterwards however time will tell I guess.


Hi all. I am currently reading these stories through tears. 9 days ago i went to the er in severe pain. They found a 9mm stone in my ureter which had blocked my urine from coming out and caused severe infection. I was hospitalized for 5 days which during a stunt was put in. I was sent home from the hospital with no pain meds. This pain is horrible and i will have it in at least a few more weeks. I dont understand why i cannot get pain medicine. I was sent home from the hospital with a pamphlet for opioid addiction after having to beg for my pain meds in the hospital every 4 hrs when they were due. Now im terrified to even go to my primary care to ask for pain medicine because I’ve been treated like a drug addict. Im so overwhelmed with the pain i just dont know what to do. Anyone have any ideas. Thank you


Hi there. I’m in the same situation as you.Just had a second surgery for a 2cm stone with no luck. I will now have to have a “Perc ” surgery. I’ve had the stent since May 8. If you can get Buscopan where you are please do. No prescription needed at drugstore. Back ordered in Canada 3weeks


Do what i do get them off street if you have to you should not have to suffer.I am the one who posted about having 40 or more stones.They treat me the same way with a 20 year history of them.I do not know what their problems are but i would have never have left the hospital without any .I would at least tell my primary care doctor that they did not send me home without any and if he denies you than ask for methadone or suboxone or subutex surely they wont deny you of them.


No way! The hospital never treated me like this or my urologist they gave me 46 oxycodone pills and I got pain meds and morphine in the hospital. My stone was a 6cm stuck in the ureter with a stent placed… no one should have to beg or suffer! Sorry for your pain!