From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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I had a 7mm kidney stone in my left kidney which landed my doubled over and in the emergency room. I followed up with my urologist who said I needed emergency surgery the next day. I read up on the stents and was freaking out. I asked him if there was anything else I can do besides get theses stents out it in. He said you will experience minor discomfort. I was preparing for the worst. I must be one of the lucky ones because I had absolutely no pain. I felt the need to pee every two hours but besides that not one issue. I had more pain for the stent removal then I did with the stent. I took one pain killer on the first night and that was it. I feel terrible for all of you that have experienced unbearable pain. I have one more stone in my right kidney that I will monitor and get blasted if I have to. I feel like I was really lucky without suffering that pain and wouldn’t want to have to chance going through it again


Forget to mention…

Been drinking Chamomile tea, and lots of water. If you can, avoid coffee/tea (anything with caffeine). Also, Coke a Cola (any cola based soft-drink), produces stones. I was drinking heaps of Coke. Haven’t touch a drop in close to 6 weeks.


Hi All,

Thanks for your comments and information.

I’d been diagnosed with multiple stones since 2011, but my Dr said they were too low, so just monitored – experienced lots of bouts of renal colic over this time, passed a few, largest being 5mm.

6 weeks ago, and after yet another toe-curling episode of renal colic, another (this time specific) Kidney Stone CT scan was completed. Long story short, Had surgery on 14/06/2018 (4 days ago) for multiple stones in left Kidney.

Also had a 6mm stone stuck in the lower section urethra past my bladder. Was told this had likely broken away in my last attack, but, I’m sure it had been there a lot longer. Had experienced off-and-on overwhelming pain in that area, for the last 18 months.

Anyway… Surgery went well (all up about 50 min). Stent in for 2 weeks. Maybe fortunate, but just before going under, surgeon told me, he too had this procedure a few months back. All he said was… Be prepared for ongoing pain while the “stent” is in.

At the time I thought, no probs, can’t be anything as bad a renal colic or passing a stone. Got discharged from Hospital two (2) days later. Reiterating, four (4) days post-op, and the pain is driving me nuts. I’m taking pain killers like sweets. And, just like another poster above said, I too feel like this “stent” is drilling its way into my testicles.

Aside from the back pain, I’ve now got gut pains. Granted for the 1’st 24 hours, I was urinating blood-clots, which were the size of a small thumb. Given the diameter of the “stent”, its no surprise to why I was practically passing-out every time I urinated. Looking in the toilet bowl, was akin to the chainsaw-massacre. Add in the feeling like I was literally pissing razor blades, the mental and physical abuse this had on my body, was, peaking 10 out of 10 on the pain scale. That’s even with IV pain meds.

Thankfully that’s gone now, and my urine colour is returning to normal.

I was told to drink lots of water, and to also use Ural effervescent granules. However, the Ural is supposed to reduce the acid in urine. But, while it may have done that, I found it was causing addition pain in my Left Kidney when I urinated. Hence, after 24 hours I stopped using that product. Since then, the pain has lessened.

Been told I’ll have the “stent” removed in two (2) weeks. That day can’t come quick enough. I’m still living on an assortment of pain killers, and also taking antibiotics, just in case an infection develops.

Aside from the pain killers, I’ve found using a wheat-pack (heated in microwave) and applied to Affected Kidney area, helps to stop some of the cramping etc. I have also started using Voltaren Emulgel. This contains an anti-inflammatory, which, I’ve been rubbing into the surrounding area of my Left Kidney (and lower back), along with applying it to my stomach area. This seems to also provide some extra relief.

All in all though, the % of people who experience little to no pain with these “stent” applications, must surely be extremely low. Seems the majority of people who have had a “stent” for Kidney Stone, all go through medium to high pain.

Unless your totally whacked out of pain-killers, don’t expect to get a normal nightly sleep. At best, I’m getting 3 – 4 hours.

Hope everyone who is going through this issue, finally gets back to their usual self 🙂


13 years ago I went to the ER with a kidney stone on my left side which I thought had passed. A few weeks ago I went to the ER with pain in my right kidney. The Hospital did a CAT Scan and asked me if I was having pain on my left side not my right. I told them no just my right side. They informed me that my left side had a stone which was a very old measuring at 11mm. Not only did they find stones in my right Kidney but 13 years ago the stone everyone thought passed never did. I have stents now in both kidneys and 2 to 3 Lipotripsy planned to try and removed them all.

Since the stents have been placed I seem to have stomach cramps after I eat also before having a bowel movement. Is this normal to experience? I asked my Dr but he really didn’t answer my question. Since I went to the emergency room I was set up with a Dr and I’m not crazy about his bedside manners however, I want to get this over with and trying to find a new Dr would prolong getting this over with.


Kinsey stents are unbelievably painful. I’ve had one in for 6 weeks now and I’m now 32 weeks pregnant. I will be stuck with this thing in my body until a month after I deliver and I’m so miserable I can’t stand it!! I feel like being pregnant is hard enough without throwing a stone in the mix that I will have to pass after labor which everyone says is worse and would rather have a baby then pass a stone. I get to do both this year and deal with surgery with a newborn. 4 months with a stent is rediculous! I swear if the urologist doesn’t take it out at that apt I will be very unhappy… I just want my body back


I had a permanent stent removed as it had dropped 60mm into my bladder and replaced with another stent 01/06/2018. Incidentally, I have actually passed a Memokath sent out and the surgeon did not believe me until I showed it to him! The ‘new stent’ is so horrendously painful it is now causing nausea, it it the worst one I have ever had. 13 Days post op, I’m worse now than before the replacement! Its so painful its disabling and affecting all my function. I had the stent as I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and the cancer had wrapped around the Ureter effectively strangulating it! My current pain is so dreadful that I’d rate it at 8/10 pain rating scale and that is constant day and night. Bearing in mind I take strong painkillers for bone pain twice daily This stent pain is pushing through it and I cannot imagine how bad it would be without the medication.

Chris Sussman

If you are like me and looking for a ray of hope then here it is. Read my story for the one example of a ureteral stent that wasn’t nightmarish. So, I have been dealing with kidney stones all my life. But in November 2016 I had my worst experience yet. I went to the hospital passing a 4mm stone in my right kidney. When I went to the urologist for a follow up, I found out I had 6 stones in my right kidney with the smallest measuring 6mm. I was in for a long ride and now almost 2 years later I want to share my stent experience with you. Between that time and now I have had 4 Lithotripsy surgeries, each with some measured success, no stents needed. It was this last time when a 5mm stone dropped in to my ureter that the doctor said he had to go up with a scope, laser it out, and place a stent. Reading the above stories I was terrified of the stent and was dealing with high anxiety up to and through the procedure. I woke up in the hospital with discomfort but none of the issues I have been reading about above. Basically for me, I can tell the stent is there but other than a slight cramping feeling, it is not bad. I do not feel like I have to pee every minute. When I do, the pain is pretty bad but goes away quickly. All in all, this isn’t the horror story I was expecting. Would I rather not have a stent? Of course not, but I am here to give you one small experience in a sea of negativity that perhaps… just maybe… the experience will not be as bad as you read above. I wish I had found something like what I am posting before the operation to hold on to instead of focusing on the negative. Breath, focus, this too shall pass.


My story is similar to yours!!! I am now 2 days post op with one stent in my left ureter. Mostly uncomfortable, not horribly painful but definitely an irritant. You’re right, this too shall pass– and thank God for that! Thank you for your positivity.

Brooklyn Marie

I am 17 years old, and I woke up Friday morning with the worst pain ever. I went to the ER, and they ran some tests etc. I had a 5mm kidney stone on my left side. So, they gave me phentenol through IV, and norco for the rest of the time being. They said that I should be able to pass, and to go home and I should be okay. They said my stone was sort of high up, so they said to wait it out. Sent me home on Norco. I could not bare the pain, so the next morning I want back. They immediately admitted me for pain control, and fluids for I couldn’t stop vomiting. So then Sunday came, and it was time for my prodecure. It went smooth, but when I woke up, it was living hell. They wanted me to stay another night, but I couldn’t. I went home in antibiotics, oxybutin, and Percocet. All three pills became a NEED to even be able to get an hour of sleep. I’m constantly urinating. My doctor failed to inform me that the Norco and Percocets would cause constipation. So, luckily, I have had constipation problems before so I take bentol(a tiny blue pill) and the next day I was able to have small, but decent bowel movements. It’s been almost three days since my stent placement, and I just want to curl up and cry. There is so much discomfort with in the vagina, and frequent urination. I take more oxybutin than I an supposed to because the urine spasms are too much. I am getting ahold of my Urologist tomorrow and asking for a stent removal ASAP. I would have much rather suffered through passing the kidney stone, rather than having a stent placement. I do not recommend stents for younger people, unless you have a high pain tolerance and are patient.

So far, the only remedies that seem to help are:

1. Sitting on a toilet for hours
2. Laying down with a pillow between my thighs
3.knees to chest

That’s what I have so far. Now, please be careful!

I have been on the toilet so much, that my legs are becoming swollen due to dehydration and sitting in that position for so long. This is a nightmare for me…


I’ve had my stent in now for a week and it’s honestly worse then the kidney stone pain itself. I have a very high pain tolerance and I can feel this stent all the way from my left kidney to what feels like the tip of my penis. It actually feels like its going through one of my balls, I know its not, that’s just how it feels. they told me I would only have a little blood in my urine for a couple of days & then it should start to clear up. FALSE! It has not cleared up @ all, a week later it still looks like a bloody massacre every time. I wake every hour, sometimes twice an hour to go pee. It hurts to walk, it hurts to sit. Laying down with a heating pad on my left kidney seems to relieve the pain better than the pills do. I go in on Friday to have it removed. they want to put one on the right side but that will NOT be happening. I cannot wait to have this thing removed from my body. I don’t know how all of you who have had to have a stent in for 4 or more weeks have done it. I have much respect for all of you!!


I’m sorry to hear you are dealing with the same issue as my wife. But your story makes me feel better about our situation that the stent is a NIGHTMARE to say the least.


May 7th I was having lower right abdominal pain, I pushed through until the 14th of May when it woke me up at 8:00 AM. I went to work at 3 on the 14th and every hour it was getting worse, I am an EMT and figured it must be appendicitis. We had a violent storm at 6:00 PM. I left work at 10:00 PM to go check my home and start the generator as the electric was off again 4th time in 2.5 months price you pay for living in the woods and relying on REC for your electricity. After slowly making my way home starting the generator, I drove to the ER where they put 2 bags of IV in me in 30 minutes. From there it was the CT to rule out appendicitis. The result was negative but showed a Phlegmon in my duodenum that was causing inflammation to press on my right kidney ureter, so 4 days later on NPO diet many nasty test and procedures all associated with GI and losing 20 pounds my 6 french neon green 10 inch stent was placed in my right kidney and bladder. I have been through a lot, consider myself a very tough individual, all I can say is this stent has humbled me, basically crippled me into moving like a very old senior citizen I am 57, nauseous all the time , saliva in the mouth, can’t sleep, the burning upon urination has exceeded hundreds of times and will be over a thousand before the stent is removed. The right flank pain, the bladder pain, everything south of my bellybutton hurts and is in agony. I was not given pain pills, I have taken 5 ibuprofen since being discharged. What amazes me about this device is that I gave up 1 pain for another much more severe pain. Some nights I am freezing, some I am sweating, the everyday normal no stress activity, i.e.: mowing the grass on a riding mower, grocery store small shopping leaves you more tired and in pain than any flu or other sickness I have had, I have thrown up in the middle of the night from the kidney pain. I tell my wife I feel like a fish on a hook. It has just passed 3 weeks and I am having a GI scope on Wed to look at phlegmon , I will be urging the urologist to get the stent out ASAP. Many take life and everything for granted, being and EMT, running rescue, and working as a tech in the ER I know life has different plans for us at times. I feel for whatever the reason I am being mentally and physically challenged and tested. All of us with stents have to push through and remain positive knowing it is temporary. I have also explained to many who have asked about my discomfort, I believe not only 1 but 2 stents could be placed in criminals who have committed sex crimes and leave them in with no string forever, that will do more to them than an 8×8 cell with 3 squares a day.


Try homeopathic cantharis for burning urination, infection


I went to urgent care for on again off again left flank pain that was radiating into my back. Was finally in so much pain I gave in and sought help. My pain had been going on for about a year. Anyway, the urgent care dismissed me with a torn muscle diagnosis and treated like a drug seeker. Laughable. We drove and hour and a half to the good hospital. Tears the whole way. Ct scan show a 9mm left kidney blockage. They drugged me pretty heavily, set me up with a urologist and sent me home. A few days later I was havinv emergency surgery. My kidney perforated and there was bad inflammation and infection. Litho took care of the stone. Coming out of anesthesia, I was in so much pain they had to drug me with so much medication that my oxygen levels kept plummeting. They had to keep me over night. From the time i left the hospital til now, the stent has been killing me. It’s nauseating. I was so happy to find this post. To be able to compare and know that I’m not being overly sensitive. That the stent causes more than just “mild discomfort”. Total joke. Why do they say that? I would rather give birth than deal with this crap. My stent comes out in 5 Days. I am counting down the hours. Omg and don’t use the pyridium that they offer. It makes it soooo much worse. It numbs just enough that you bear down a little more when you pee. Due to how a stent works, making your ureter a two way street in the process of creating a straight shot to your bladder, the harder you bear down to empty your bladder, the more pain you will be in. I was on it for 24 hours, before I realized why I was rolling around on my bed in excruciating pain. Just don’t take it. It’s hard enough without it! I’ve been up almost 24 hours now from misery. 5 Days, just 5 Days. Two weeks of stent time is too long. I couldn’t imagine months like some of the others here.

Elizabeth Tulloch

On February 8th 2018, I was rushed into hospital with the worst pain ever. They discovered I had a 20mm kidney stone. I had a serious infection too with a burst abscess. They put in a stent they said until the infection cleared up. There are only 2 Doctors that do this surgery and they work in a different hospital. I finally got my operation 12 weeks later. I have been stuck indoors as the pain was horrendous. They had to put in another stent to make sure all the fragments of the stone went through the right channel . The day after surgery, I was diagnosed with Sepsis. That was 4 weeks ago and I’ve had 3 infections since. I go in on Tuesday to get the stent removed. It’s been 16 weeks of horrendous pain. I am dreading this as I don’t know how I will cope if they don’t remove it. According to my appointment letter, it takes just over an hour. Is this correct?
Elizabeth T


Stents suck.
That being said my story is pretty much the same as most here. I was in the ER with off and on pain in my side and gut and they found the 5mm stone during a catscan. The nurse and the DR were both surprised that I was not curling up in pain as most people they see with this kind of diagnosis; I have a high tolerance for pain. The ER sent me home with pain meds and said to push fluids and wait for it to pass. That night I ended up in the most pain I’ve ever felt.
9AM the next morning the chief of urology calls me and tells me I need to go 5 towns over to a hospital to have the stone removed as its impacted and won’t pass on its own. SIGH. After the surgery, they placed a stent for, what was then stated, a week. But when I called to make the appointment for the removal they said I would have to wait until the 29th; at the time that was 2 weeks later. ANOTHER SIGH.
The pain is nothing like I’ve ever felt before. I got waves of dizziness if I turned wrong or walked too far. It’s really just miserable to live. I run a shipping and receiving office for a big box store in the North East and it’s so busy right now.
It was literally 9 days before I was 90% comfortable and now that my spasm medication is out and no more percs that number has bumped down to 40%. The pain is back as an aching pulse on my side and since day 1 it feels like I have a tampon malfunction going on. I don’t know how else to explain it, it feels like the stent is trying to poke out.
My removal is tomorrow afternoon and I’m terrified something is going to go wrong. I may have a couple autoimmune disorders but I’ve never had any injuries or had to have surgery before so this is all very new to my 38 yr old body!

My suggestions to all reading this, ASK QUESTIONS! If your doctor has suggested a stent make sure it is necessary and be aware that even if you don’t have pain your body will know that there is a foreign object inside it. Every one is different. Also, mine didn’t have a string, which I’m told is common… WHY? *cringe*


I’m 2 days out of Laser Lithotripsy after 1.5 mos. treatment hospital,sepsis,failed ESWL. My 1.3 CM was mid ureter and grew there as I never had pain, first sign was fever.
I get my Nephrostomy tube out in a week (it’s capped) the tube was a pain for me.
Now I’m feeling the stent. My urine cleared pretty quick, peeing is only slightly painful compared to the first few times and day. I’ve wanted to stay away from the Perc 5-325 as it strangely keeps me awake all night! (and dosen’t really help and can be addictive) I am super active, landscaper, mountain biker and hockey. At 58y.o. a little strange I know. This whole stone thing has killed my activity. No work and I’m in pain from Nephrostomy and now I got the stint pain / discomfort. I can tell already the stint will be a pain and keep me from wanting to be active. Has anyone tried Chanca Piedra? Tired of feeling like old man and need to get active (again) Will try returning to work in a couple weeks. Thanks for any advice on how to deal with the stent. The doctor said he wants it to stay in for4 weeks!


Did anyone have to urinate with the stent like every 2 minutes. I can’t even go out without having to use the restroom every place we go at least a couple time. It’s making it hard to even do daily tasks.


Yes, I’m in that exact situation now. It’s awful!


I had my stent put in March 20th and Ive been to tge doctors and hospital about 4 times since with agonizing pain burning and with an infection i have been on three different antbiotics and they keep telling me different pain meds to take. Iam trying to work with this but its hard going to the washroom every few mins. I will be so grateful to get it out on the 30th of this month May never again if you van avoid this i suggest you should most pain relating to child birth.


I had my stent put in March 20th and Ive been to tge doctors and hospital about 4 times since with agonizing pain burning and with an infection i have been on three different antbiotics and they keep telling me different pain meds to take. Iam trying to work with this but its hard going to the washroom every few mins. I will be so grateful to get it out on the 30th of this month May never again if you van avoid this i suggest you should most pain relating to child birth.


I finally got my “stent” removed yesterday after all those months. I can walk again, normally.I walked a distance home and jumped off and on buses. The docs put me to sleep and got to work, the stone had dissolved a long time ago, it was the “STENT” that was causing all the pain who would have guessed? And so once the moronic thing was removed I rested in bed, and a catheter was put into my groin, I kept peeing blood into it and it hurt… but not as bad as the stent, similar but not as bad, only was hard to poop. It was… bad having people mess with my genital area. I had nurses and doctors messing. My urine is back to normal-ish but burns. I’m on Codeine Phosphate 30G. I was given boring… Paracetamol and Omeprazole. I haven’t used any yet, I’ve endured the burning. I don’t think I’ll need the drugs where I’m going, maybe just the codeine. I can somewhat endure this burning sensation because peeing with the stent in was ten times worse. It’s a similar sensation only different…


In January I went to the Emergency Room after 16 hours of at home “pain management” – which looked a lot like me getting sick on myself and crying in the bath. I passed a stone upon walking into the ER and after, a CT scan revealed a 7mm stone in my right kidney. I also had a kidney infection. I spent the night in the hospital and went home. Cue 1 week ago (May8). I woke with back pain and instantly knew. I went immediately to the ER where I was transferred via ambulance to a larger hospital an hour away. There I was told I had a blockage and my kidney was septic. They took me into emergency surgery to place a stent and I was hospitalized for 2 days on IV antibiotics. They sent me home with antibiotics, but no pain medicine. I have been home for a week and I am in so much pain it’s unreal. I can’t walk, or sit, or breathe, and forget peeing. Its horrible. I’m not scheduled to have surgery again until June12, and I don’t know how I am expected to wait that long without any relief from this pain.

ANY suggestions on how to deal with the pain of urinating?

Jackie ^^ "Anonymous"

Feel free to email me if you have suggestions!

Jackie ^^ "Anonymous"

I’m sorry u r suffering sooo much!! I know what your going
through. That’s absolutely awful that ur Dr. expects you to just suffer b/c she/he isn’t living up to their oath of, “Do not harm”. If you are in that much pain you could be stent intolerant.(Look up the symptoms & see if they fit how u r feeling.) Then inform ur Dr. of this. With all u have been through I don’t see why ur Dr. can’t give u a weeks worth at a time & watch u. That’s what my Dr. does for me. U don’t want pain meds u need them. U should
challenge ur Dr. with this inform. If I were you I’d do just that. Ur Dr. can prescribe u some Uroxatral for ur excessive urine, Also, ur Dr. could also give u Oxybutynin & Pyridium. I hope this helps u & u r able to get some relief!!


I feel for you, my stent has been in since Monday, and it’s been terrible. Today is the first day i feel a little better. My only suggestion is to use a heating pad, rest and take all medication as needed. I was trying to be conservative with that, and finally decided I’ll take it again before the bladder spasms, pain come back. Hope you feel better.


I am trying Aleve for the pain cause the Oxycodone knocks me out (use it at night). I also have the Oxybutynin which calms the spasms. This is my first stent experience and it’s horrible. Fourteen days and surgery. Can’t wait to be done.


I have had my stent in almost two weeks. This is by far worse than anything I’ve ever had done. I have it in for two more weeks at least. The pain, pressure, burning, etc. is almost intolerable. All I want to do is sleep, but I can’t get comfortable. And eating, forget it, I’m too nauseated. I have no strength or energy. Miserable!


I just got my stents out today. I was in so much pain I called my surgeon. He had me taking oxycodone every 6 hours. It wasn’t helping. He then had me take 800 mgs of IBU every 8 hours on top of oxy. I could tolerate it then. I hope this helps anyone else.


I should have said when I first got my stents in I talked to the surgeon. To tolerate the pain of having them in I took IBU and oxy.


I’ve been going through this for about a month. I had pain in my right side but passed it off as nothing. I shouldn’t have done that, it ended me up in the ER. With 5 hours of waiting they found that it was a kidney stone, just my luck. Ive been out of school for two weeks now and have no idea whenI’m going back. I had surgery to get the stone removed and they put a stent in place. Oh my lord, it hurts so badly. I can’t sleep and all they gave me was Tylenol to manage the pain. I can feel the stent from my kidney all the way out, I just want it out. I’m suppose to be getting it out next Thursday, I don’t think I can wait that long. I can’t miss more school, but I can’t possibly go like this. I feel nauseous and my back aches.


Try waiting four months to get it removed, I count as the days go by. Even the gall stone issue wasn’t as long as waiting for a kidney stone check up. The gall stone issue I had was just A&E then antibiotics and hooking me up to help the inflammed. The back pain for me comes and goes and varies. Hopefully they take it out and don’t put another one in me after they laser the stone, because what was the point in having it in for months? When they were only going to put in another one?


I had ESW lithotripsy on 5/4 for a 9mm stone in my left kidney. The stent is driving me crazy. So painful! I am still taking Flomax which is supposed to help relax ureters and help with stent pain. I am also taking OTC AZO Maximum Strength which helps with the symptoms of frequent/urgent urination and pain during urination. I have a few more days with the stent and I pray that all of the fragments have passed by the time the stent is removed. I hope to not go through this again.


I have same problem. Stent put in my left side, so crushed stone fragments can pass more easily. The stent is killing me. It teminds me of the horrible menstral cramps I used to get. No medicine helps.


Just got mine in today and told I’ll have it in for weeks. (Maybe a month) Have a Litho scheduled for Tuesday. They discharged me within hours and I’m currently miserable ans can not sleep! They gave me oxy 5mgs and some medicine for bladder spams. But it is not helping at all! I’m in tears! Any tips to help the pain and maybe calm down all the bathroom runs?


I’ve got 5 more days until mine is removed. From experience (I have had mine in for 4 months now) there is “no way” to calm down the bathroom runs. You just have to drink a lot of water, and then urinate and endure the pain. There have been days where I am in agony and days when I can endure it. Keep in mind I ran out of painkillers a long time ago. My ( Tamsulosin) aka Flomax and 50g Codeine ran out ages ago, I’ve just been using Paracetamol and Codeine from the local store to try and relax. The back and side pain is just horrible. The worst part is walking long distances, it makes me dizzy and I just feel really ill when I do. I feel like my bladder doesn’t work very well in this state, I’m not used to it.


Hi A.G,

Why can’t you obtain ‘strong’ medication? I’ve noticed a few comments from people here, saying the same thing…

No one regardless of having health care or not, should ever be in a position where they can’t obtain painkillers for a bona fide reason… Australia, like so many other countries these days, has changed a lot. But least here, we can obtain ‘free medical treatment’, in the public health sector.

It saddens me to read the plight of some people here, knowing the pain I’m going through.


Please read what I wrote to Anynomous above. I truly hope it helps u in some way. Feel better!!