From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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I am a 40yr old female dealing with this for the first time. I was diagnosed with a 4mm stone in left ureter one month ago along with a 4mm stone inside my right kidney. It had actually been present since February as i experienced symptoms but chalked it up to stress. After one excruciating, shaky, tearful, vomit filled pain episode 6 days ago, I thought I had passed the stone. I was still experiencing groin, back, and leg pain through the next day. I figured this was residual pain after passing the stone…up until Sunday am when another excruciating doubled over episode hit me. I went to the ER at 5am. My stone had moved lower, but has grown to 5.5mm. I had severe infection and my left kidey and hydronephrosis. As it was a Sunday, my stent procedure was to be done sometime the next day. I was over 48 hours without solid food, on IV antibiotics, morphine, toridol, and Tylenol for a non stop headache due to not eating. They had to place the stent and come back in later to laser the stone due to risk of sepsis. After stent placement I had yet a 3rd episode of the excruciating, tearful pain in recovery and BP was high. They gave me dilaudid. I stayed one more night in hospital and was sent home the next day despite an increase in WBC. This. Stent. Sucks. I’m on Percocet, flomaxx, antibiotics, and zofran. I supplement these with Aleve, Azo, a searing heating pad, and gas relief medicine as I am very distended and bloated. No schedule yet for second surgery. I find when I am on the Percocet, doing minor household things is tolerable but urination is still very painful. Sleep is in small increments due to pain and urination. I have not been back to work. (I am a vet tech, which is a very mobile and physically impacted job) I have a vacation to Las Vegas planned in 10 days to play a national pool tournament which the urologist is aware of. I have 6 pain pills left. I’m terrified. I am going to try to get more Percocet because I must go back to work and I’m scared of being miserable the entire time I am in Vegas. I thought I was improving, which I truly think I am…in baby steps, but I woke up this am, essentially no pain meds on board and it was horrible. I know I can’t function without them. And there’s no end in sight. I don’t have a great outlook at this point.


I had a 3/4” Kidney Stone broken up with laser, and basket removal. Unfortunately my Urologist was not able to get all of the pieces after going in 41 times. A Stent was placed. For the first two days it was just discomfort and moderate pain. On the third day the torture began. In my opinion Stents are brutal and horrific. I was given Diladud for pain. It only took the edge off! I hope to never have a Stent placed in my ureter again. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and this is truly unbearable! I had the Stent removed today after 2 weeks. I am happy to have it out, but 3 hours after removal the pain is stabbing and miserable. Hoping this is very short lived. I’m so sorry for anyone that has to endure this. I agree 100% that the Medical Staff saying it’s not that bad, clearly has never had the joy of a ureter Stent!

Phoenix Kai Haven

I woke up this past wednesday morning (4/18/18) with acute, severe, right lower pelvic pain, like someone was stabbing & twisting my insides with a hot poker, drenched in sweat and extremely nauseated. Went to the ER with that I thought was a ruptured appendix. ER they took blood & urine right away. Gave me fentanyl, demarol, & finally toradol. Did a CT, told me I had a kidney stone & a massive UTI. Gave me IV antibiotics & said urologist ordered ER surgery to place stent. Said couldn’t do lithotripsy because there is an infection present & behind the blockage & if they “zapped” it, it would crack the kidney. The pain from this stent is the worst thing I’ve ever felt & I’ve had a child, this is worse. I called myt dr who did the procedure & was first given Vesicare & Myrbetriq since they were meds to relax the bladder & Tramadol to help the pain. Those haven’t even taken the edge off. I had to call the on call dr back & he has now given me Tamsulosin, Ursogesic blue & Levaquin. These haven’t even taken the edge off of the pain either. I called the on call dr back, in tears, begging & pleading to please just take the stent out, that I’ve had this pain for 5 days now & I just can’t take it anymore. He told me it can’t come out until the dr that put it in says it can come out & to call his office tomorrow morning to discuss that, but that he couldn’t prescribe narcotics over the weekend, and that if I was in that much pain to go to the ER & get doped up. I reiterated to him that I wasn’t asking for pain meds, I was asking for them to please just take out the stent. He said no & that I’d have to talk to my dr, that put it in, tomorrow when the office opens. I think this stent pain is worse than the pain I went in with in the first place. These people that says it’s only mild, or a discomfort, or that you should be able to go back to work the next day, have CLEARLY & OBVIOUSLY not ever had this in their own bodies. These people that say it should get better after a day or two, are completely misleading. I’m in so much despair with this HORRIBLE stent issue that I almost don’t care if taking it out compromises my kidney & it has to be removed, I mean we have 2. THAT’S how much pain this thing causes. If anybody else can offer anything up to me that I haven’t already done or tried. or have found something successful to help with this pain, please, please share it.


5 days? I’ve had my stent in since Feb, it doesn’t get taken out till the 16th of May. Three months… “never again” will I allow a doctor to do this to me. It hurts when I try to walk long distances, I can’t even change the bed sheets or I get nausea, weakness and dizzyness. It hurts when I urinate. Sometimes it gets really bad. Only hot water soothes the pain. Breathing in or out when urinating sometimes stops the “stabbing” pain that was originally in my side, but made its way to my stomach. Worst of all the doctors didn’t even leave a string in so I could take it out myself. Apparently it hurts when being taken out and mine is not visible. When I do get it taken out it’ll be done by anesthesia – knock me out! I just want to be able to walk again – normally. How can one kidney stone do this? I have gall stones too which makes it ten times worse because it hurts to lie on my right, and hurts to lie on my left – I can’t win. I can only lie on my back. If I get in the right position, I can make it through. Heat seems to nullify the pain. I try not to take too much paracetamol because using too much of that causes major problems. I also have used codeine + 2 paracetamol several times, when the pain gets really bad. It makes me drowsy and the pain then fades a little.

How to kind of “numb” the pain? 1. Hot water bottle. 2. Heat pad. 3. Hot bath. Worst of all you are forced to drink water. If you don’t drink enough, you end up dehydrated and it puts strain on the stent. I didn’t drink water for one day and nearly fainted. You can’t win with a stent – everything is pain. The only solution is to either wait it out or have it removed. And when you want it removed, the grr… Urology have you waiting for months and ignore your calls. Took the cake to get a booking to have mine removed. And I’m still here waiting.


I forgot to mention… I’m also now experiencing back pain…


Sounds like you also suffer from socialized medicine. Research some herbal supplements. Chanca Pietro (stone buster) – I use the tea. If you’re a guy, pee standing up into a pee bottle – helps.

Horrible horrible horrible pain… Worst I ever felt.


I’m currently stented for about the 7 times in the last 18 months… This all started when I fell pregnant… I had a 1 cm stone that got blocked followed by sepsis but thank god my daughter was delivered safely 6 months ago! Worst pregnancy ever.. Stent fell out 3 times due to pressure and had to be re inserted. I’m now 6 months post partum and my situation is worse now…. 2cm 1.5 cm and matrix stone all in my right kidney and only 24% function in my left 😩 I’m currently stented again after 4 emergency uroscopy ops in the last 6 months, it is killing me! I can’t even pick up my daughter without crying it’s all getting too much. I’m now waiting for pcnl treatment in 7 weeks but I don’t know if I can handle this much longer! I’m 32 and before all this was very fit… I can’t lose my baby weight and it’s a nightmare…. Sorry just need to divulge


I went to the ER on Monday 4/16 with what I thought was a kidney infection. A CT scan revealed I have a 19mm stone in my right kidney, (2) 7-8mm stones in my left kidney & a smaller one in the ureter. The urologist put a stent in my right ureter that evening and I was released from the hospital this morning 4/18. The pain from the stent is nearly unbearable most of the time. I can’t even walk without bending forward a little. I find comfort in my recliner in only a couple of positions. I’m definitely in more pain now than I was when I went to the ER in the first place. I’m scheduled for lithotripsy on Monday 4/23 to try to break up the 19mm stone. I just hope and pray that he removes this stent sooner than later so I can resume normal activities. Good luck to you all going through this same pain & agony!


I still have my stent in it hurts, I’ve been able to take the pain for weeks but now my side is throbbing and I have lost control of my pooper. When I take a dump, I pee at the same time and it burns. Originally when peeing I got this pain in my side, but now it’s digging into my stomach. Urology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bham are ignoring my calls. I had a kidney stone trapped in my side, but am unsure if it is still there. I never saw any stones pass. All I feel is pain, I also have gallstones so I don’t know what is causing my pain, but I’m sure it’s the stent. Terrible sickness/dizzyness earlier, I felt faint.


I have been diagnosed with Retroperitoneal Fibrosis. I also have kidney stones. I had bilateral stents put in just under 2 weeks ago and have been in pain since. I am going to my GP today to hopefully get some kind of medication to make this pain more bearable. I was mistakingly informed there may be some discomfort but that it shouldn’t interfere with normal duties. What a crock! I am in agony for most of the say and can hardly lift myself off the toilet after urinating. I find a hot water bottle on my tummy is the only thing that eases it enough to get some sleep. My bowels have not worked properly since the stents were put in so I feel severely bloated on top of everything else. The doctors who tell you it will only be a mild discomfort really have no idea at all! I have to keep these stents in for 3 months at a time and they will be replaced every 3 months for the foreseeable future. I cannot live like this in constant pain “for the foreseeable future” and have absolutely no quality of life. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can help ease the pain please?


I had a stone and blasted and got a stent in January. It was miserable and painful for 2 weeks. A cat scan two weeks later showed that my ureter was blocked with scar tissue and my kidney still could not drain. Four days ago I had another stent put in. I feel awful. Lots of pain and the spasms have started again. I wear this one for 4 weeks. I just hope and pray that it opens my tube up for good this time. I am thinking like another poster – just take it all out. I have two friends who are living with one kidney so I’m startinf to think ‘what the heck do I need two kidneys for anyway’.


I am currently with a stent after two days in ICU and a wicked UTI, that everyone informed me was very bad. I have vague collection of most of what happened other then emergency procedure. If anyone else can help I had all the symptoms you don’t want and was initially sent home from hospital with pain med on the holiday wkend. 4/1/2018
My symptoms were spiking fever, uncontrollable shaking, explosive waste removal, all signs of septic shock.
Stint is in, not comfortable but tolerating. Does anyone have trouble regaining bowel movement? Did not really eat for a week with allergic reactions to antibiotics, breaking out in rashes and sick to stomach. Just started eating this past weekend, It worries me because I have had a bowel surgery in the past.
Any help or insight would be appreciated.

Sheila B.

On The Mend:
In the last 2 weeks I’ve been in the ER 4 times, had 2 surgeries, 2 stents placed in my right uretrel tube, had a lithotripsy on my 7+mm that as trapped in my uretrer and my other kidney stones ranging from 4-5mm on the 4th of April. I’m on Keflex currently for the UTI and kidney infection that’s currently plaguing me. I’m waiting on the Drs office to call me back who at this point the nurse who keeps answering the phone must think I’m a druggie, because i already had a rx prescribed for a small quantity last week and she says “you shouldn’t have this much pain from a uretrer stent and some of the smaller pieces left over from your kidney stones” obviously, this woman has never had either and is making me feel bad :/
I’m having chills, fever, (nothing above 101 thankfully) been drowning myself in water and occasional cranberry juice (since i read too much can actually cause kidney stones?..) I’ve tried ibuprofen, acetaminophen, hot showers, heating pads etc. It hurts to lay down, sit upright, halfway lay down, to stand and to walk. I still can’t bend over and although urinating itself doesn’t hurt anymore, its when I’m close to finishing, it feels like a straw stuck in an empty Capri sun pouch, and it burns (weird way of saying it eh? Lol)

But, my muscles aren’t spasming anymore and the tremors from my kidneys shutting down are gone for the most part too. I’m on day 6 of my antibiotic and it took about day 4 to stop the tremors from debilitating me and causing me to fall onto the toilet (it was primarily my quads, back, ribs, traps and left shoulder/arm) that were affected.

Now i get to have the stent removed on the 12th, I’m nervous though since i won’t be numbed or asleep for it, and to have a scope going up my peehole and then pulling out a 2ft plastic tube….I’m terrified but I’m done with this thing, i was done with it whenthe first one went in 2 weeks ago -.-

Okay, I done ranting lol.

****btw, if anyone knows, idk if i took my antibiotic this morning, i don’t think i did but since i the it twice daily, would it hurt to the again if i did already and then a 3rd time tonight?**


I had a stent placed in my left ureter today for a 8 mm obstructing it. Sooo much blood in my pee and the pain is unbearable at times. I have five stones in my right kidney measuring up to 3 mm. I’m only 19 and I hate my life now. This feels like the end for me, but these comments gave me hope.

Renee Hartman

Hello fellow stoners, I am a 48yr old female who has had to deal with stones since age 19. This week 4/4/18 I had laser surgery to remove 2 stones from my left ureter. This is my 4th stent from same procedure type. I am in a lot of pain. I realize today is only Friday but I just cannot believe how horrible I feel. Pain, nausea and even muse weakness. I have song history of left ureter issues; surgery to resection the UPJ which now gets occuluded from scar tissue and then another resection due to an accidental sdcering of the ureter during a hysterectomy. I will have this stent for two weeks, when he removes it we need to discuss another issue he found a couple of stiches are obstructing the ureter, another surgery?


I had a stent put in on 4/5/18. This is worse than having a child. I do not believe I can hold on until the 16th. I spent 4 days in the hospital on diladid (sp) I felt nothing until I got home.


Hi guys. Has anyone experienced extreme bloating? Pressure on the chest and an aching pain in the back? I had a 6mm stone that was removed with the basket removal procedure- the stone unfortunately crushed on it’s way out so a stent was put in. I have gained 10 lbs in one night and my stomach is extremely bloated and painful. Is this normal?


Yes, I have bloating/hard/full/tender abdomen. Mine seems to be caused by swelling. Pain often shows up in testicle also. Toradol takes care of it for me. Bowel movements may be making the pain worse also. They are completely irregular and unpredictable.


Forgot my name above.

Sheila B.

Another comment!
I just realized they didn’t give me flowmax because i don’t take pills (issues) and its a 24hr release or something, they had mentioned something else to help Sooth and would turn my urine kind of odd colors but reassured it would help and then never got rx for it.
Its Saturday night now in a town that rolls up sidewalks at 2 on sats and nothing’s gonna be open tomorrow.
Idk what to do tbh.

Sheila B.

Update: very concerned, went to ER for the 4th time, apparently while placing my stent, within 16-18 hours caused me a Severe kidney infection/UTI.

My symptoms:
Spasms and tremors,
Urine that resembles tomato juice :-O
EXTREME muscle pain and weakness, primarily on ribs near sides, both flanks, my diaphragm/stomach feels on fire and burns to do anything,
My legs (quads and groin primarily) are so shaky and stiff i have to fall onto the toilet, and lifting myself up or from the chair/sofa is worse
My throat hurts and my breathing is weird, I’m going to attempt sleep, I’m a stomach sleeper so i can only imagine what lessons await my awakening.


I’ve been prescriberd pyridium for my stent pain.


Go by some Azo it’s at any walgreens or rx over the counter. Helps with burning. Turns your pee orange

Elena Mikaelson

It’s pyridium and the best one you can buy is called “Uristat” made by monistat each pill is 100mg. It’s the closest to prescription strength at 99.5% and it’s $7 at Walmart for 30 pills normal dose is 200 mg x3 a day (unless your Dr has you on a different plan) .. Its by the yeast infection stuff…. The script from your Dr is around $70 for 60 pills

Sheila Biser

I just got out of the hospital for the third time today
this time, it all started last Saturday so a week ago today, I found out I have a four or five 1mm on the right kidney and I have
7+mm in one stuck in my ureteral tube, on the 4th of April (tonight’s Saturday so this upcoming Wednesday i believe?)and have to have a laser lithotripsy, the stent is uncomfortable and I’m oddly enough very nervous about having it pulled out, they want me to have it in from today, 31st to 11th and I’ve only had it in (including anesthesia time) for about 4 hours.
There’s periodically light bleeding, urinating isn’t terrible but the initial urination shocks me and burns then its ok. I cannot get comfortable and I’m Very tired, no sleep last night in the hospital because a. Tremurs from a dangerous allergic reaction to Ketamine and b. Stomach sleeper. I hadn’t eaten in over a day and they didn’t want to feed me IN CASE there was a surgery, which there turned out to be.
I’m truthfully upset that my urologist said i have to wait until the 4th to get them broken up and removed, since they had the OR up and running with a full crew and i was already admitted and ready to go, yet he thought a stent would help.
I can literally feel the occasional burns of urine dripping into my bladder and it feels instantly full even when far from.
I had kidney stones (4 of them at once!) In 2010, while in college, worst pain i had felt before these.
Lord help me

T. Harris

Has anyone found effective pain relief? Over-the-counter or prescription ? I have had mine for three weeks and have two weeks to go and it seems to be getting worse. Thank you in advance for any help 👏🏼😉


Tylenol Extra Strength, Also the pills that turn urine orange . Ask for a Torodil shot if it persist.


Pyridium makes your pee orange and has always helped me


I had a ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy a week ago for a 1cm stone. I had no discomfort from the stent for about 36 hours, but since then it has been nearly unbearable. The pain medication takes the edge off a little, but the constant sensations of urgency, frequency, and burning are torture. I’m having the stent removed tomorrow morning and I can’t wait!


I had mine removed yesterday and my lady parts were in so much pain ! Please ask for pain killers you seem sensitive like I was.

Brittany Farissier

I am a 28 year old female. I had a uretal stent in about three years ago (which did not hurt nearly as bad to the current one I’ve had put in over a week ago), and still haven’t had the surgery to remove the stone. It’s been almost two weeks and I can’t get by without pain meds (which barely help). The first time I had it done, it was done within hours. But this pain I can not bare, when they tell you it’s slightly uncomfortable, it’s a bogus lie.


Just got my stent yesterday and a thankful it is for only 48 hours! I can’t imagine this for weeks on end – especially as a teacher. And all these articles about returning to work the next day is BS! I am in so much pain and my meds are barely touching the pain. I had a 5mm kidney stone and it was stuck in the ureter. Anyway, I am feeling huge sympathy for you guys that have it longer. Can’t wait until the morning to get it out.


Just got mine two days after you and I’m in worse pain than I was before the procedure! Aren’t these things supposed to make you feel better??

Sheila Biser

I appreciate this forum, i came to this site expecting replies from 2004, 2011 etc. I was surprised (delightfully) to see others who have commented just yesterday or day before me.
Day 1 for mine, waiting until Wednesday (April 4th) for laser lithotripsy. I’m stuck with this burning, bobbing painful sucker from tonight 31st to april 11th until the outpatient pull which I’m really nervous about, no anesthesia/numbing agent, nada. :'(
Help us all!! Keeping each and every one of you felt stent sufferers in my thoughts, i feel a little less alone!

Jamie Meli

I had a stent placed in my left kidney on March 14th. Im also 7 months pregnant. I was given pain meds and antibiotics but I feel there is nothing I can do to help with the discomfort. They want to change the stent every 4 weeks until delivery, i feel like the remainder of my pregnancy is going to be miserable. The constant urge to urinate the burning sensation… I cant find a comfortable position to sit in let alone sleep. I’m miserable.


Did they give you any of that med that makes you pee red? It helps calm things down. I had the same thing when preg with one of my daughters and I would literally cry when peeing. The over the counter version is AZO but definitely talk to your doc about it. Helps a lot. Good luck and my thoughts are with you!

Sheila B.

Do you know what drug is called or just AZO, anything to aid this burning and such would be a godsend, my urine already looks jacked, might as well get some relief (of course tomorrow is Sunday, lol)

Happy Early Easter all.


It’s called pyridium I think that’s how you spell it, same thing as Azo… and I have to have a stent in for 2 weeks before my procedure to go in threw my back and kidney to scoop out my 11mm stones in both kidneys! I don’t know how but my body manages to stay alive threw all kinds of torture… and they (DR.S) don’t tell you how bad it really is bc you wouldn’t let them do it… I will get this left stent replaced when they cut into my kidney in 2 weeks then a week later they will be doing my 2nd kidney… I’m so happy to hear others are getting threw it gives me a bit of hope! Sorry for the rambling, just got out of a 3 day stay in the hospital because my kidney became inflamed and infected and I had symptoms of Meningitis… wish you could go into a long coma so you don’t have to deal!


Do not take any Med that isn’t prescribed by your Dr while pregnant. No AZO without Dr ok.

Lynn Vandevander

Sorry for any typos it sent before I could edit.

Lynn Vandevander

This is probably my 7th stent give or take. This time both kidneys decided to pass stone’s at the same time. One being 14mm and the other 16mm. My kidneys make them before we can get rid of any. I feel almost like a pro with these things and trust me when I say the first few were agony!!! This time leaving with 2 in place I was glad that I finally got a regimen of medications that actually work without narcotic pain meds which I don’t like to take. If you need to take them I understand 120% bc these stents are no joke. My new urologist keeps me on Ditropan for the bladder and kidney spasms bc thats where 90% of the pain comes from at leasr for me. I would start to void and I would tense up never really emptying my bladder which made things more uncomfortable. Next medication is Flomax and then OTC AZO the one that says for stinging and burning. Along with occasional tyelnol and plenty of water I have found my stents pretty bearable and I NEVER thought I would say that. Figured I would share the combo of the medications. Most might already be on something similar but since my first urologist never had me on this combination I’d figure there might be someone I could help even if its only one person. Good luck to all 🙂


Thanks for the information. It’s amazing what you can learn from other patients that the doctors don’t tell you. Can you tell me more about the Ditropan and Flomax ? Such as dosage, how often, etc. I know you cannot give medical advice, I am am asking about your personal experience.


My husband currently has a uretal stent. It is anguish for him. It has been 3 weeks now. He has to keep it in until chemo therapy shrinks the mass beside his kidney. Do not know how log this will take. But working as a mechanic is tough and he doesn’t want more codeine because that leads to constipation and laxatives work unpredictably. He is caught in a tough spot for possibly months.Today was the first day back to work and he peed dark red like he did the first day the stent went in. This seems ridiculous.


So took husband to emergency today. He has been suffering with urethra pain for a little while and his pain intensified this weekend after going through the first three days of chemo. Doctor believes the chemo is acidic and is aggravating his already raw tract. It might be a UTI from the instrumentation making him susceptible. This can not be confirmed until 2 days from now when they grow a culture from his urine sample. Here in Canada in the only drug that could have helped, phenazo, was removed from market. Though effective at numbing the bladder and urethra, it was linked to possible bladder cancer. We do have a compounding pharmacy here that can make it from scratch if my husband gets a prescription for it. Wednesday will be the day that we find out.


Forgot my name above.
