From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Bad Ass

I had a stent put in two weeks ago, have a 6mm stone on the right side coupled with a nasty infection, dehydration and low potassium levels. This dang thing is killing me…so much pressure on my bladder and back. Every time I urinate want to cry from the pain…I know it is probably all in my head but it feels like I have a sideways tampon lodged in me


Had a hysterectomy with horrible complications: Baldder cut and ureter completely occluded. Had corrective surgery, Damaged part of ureter removed and ureter reimplanted into bladder, I have had a stent for 5 weeks so far, it is uncomfortable, but I am able to work, Urgency can be an issue and some pain during urination. Tylenol and Advil seem to help, I also have back pain on and off. The stent comes out in 10 days. Looking forward to it!


I recently had a utereral stent in for 7 days. I had a 7mm kidney stone that was near my bladder but just would not pass so I had to have it blasted with a laser. Afterwards, they had to put a stent in me. After reading patient reviews, I was scared to death. I don’t consider myself someone with high pain tolerance so I was even more freaked out. Coming out of surgery, I didn’t have any pain but I did have a feeling of urgency to urinate. When urinating, it burned a lot when I would pee and I would have some pain in my kidney, but it would go away as soon as I was done urinating. The burning sensation went away almost completely after a couple days and the pain in my kidney when urinating got better as well. I frequently had to urinate and it was always very apparent to me that there was something in me but outside of the burning sensation and kidney pain while urinating, it was very tolerable and very manageable. I was even able to go back to work and function fairly normally. Is it something that was fun? No. Would I want to do it again? No. But it wasn’t as horrible for me as many people have stated it was for them. If you are out there reading this and are freaked out like I was, just know that not all people have an awful experience. I hope yours is as tolerable as mine was.


I should also mention that I (and my family) prayed a lot before and during my time with the stent 🙂 Never discount the power of prayer!!!

Lynn Vandevander

Did they have you on any medications? I have to have stents all the time but since they put me on Ditropan (which may have helped you with spasms) amd flomax and then I added AZO to it and have had no problems and I have a left and right stents


They gave me something that turned my urine Orange for the burning when I would urinate but I’m not sure how much good it did. Percocet for pain but I didn’t take many of those and some antibiotics.


I just had a stent placement due to a 6mm stone lodged in ureter. You couldn’t have explained this any better. Currently feeling like I am urinating razor blades. At this point I would rather deal with the stone. I absolutely DREAD going to the bathroom!


While i was pregnant a 6.2 mm kidney stone formed in my right kidney. About 2 months after I gave birth to my son, i ended up in the er for uncontrollable vommiting (this was in November). Found out about the kidney stone. I wanted to be able to chance passing it naturally as i don’t have to resources to be down.
I give it a try. Doesnt work. So yesterday at 11 am i had it taken out. They put a stent in and I’ve been in agony ever since. After i slept off the remaining antithesics I woke up and every time I’ve peed felt like razor blades coming out.
I looked around and found that Azo help releave some of the pain. Doesn’t stop the nausea but does help with the razor blade sensation.

But now I’m stuck on bed rest until the 13th and get the stent taken out monday. I’m hoping with all the antibioics and the Azo gummys i should feel a bit better.


I just got a 5mm lodged near my bladder, I have heard of the horrible stories with a stent and I told the hospital I am going to pass on the stent. I did get lithotripsy and it was successful. Two day later I’m a bit sore and tired but no blood in uruine and feeling pretty good. At least I think good to as about options.


I had a stent out in 1-29-18 an first couple I was like sweet this is nothing. ( iv pain meds ) but after coming home I honestly would rather deal with the 2cm kidney stone I have. Im okay til I pee then its like peeing razor blades. I was told to try aso over the country ther after I had an allergic reaction to the oxybutin. Which I just got the azo so I will be trying it tomorrow. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. So glad I’m not the only one having so many issues with the stent. Oh you will feel a little discomfort my a** worst pain. Ever!!!


Azo helps but not entirely. Get the gummies, they work a lot better. Take 2-3 a day and make water your best friend. (Heating pads help if your having back pain.)

Lynn Vandevander

AZO has been a lifesaver if you still have problems have your urologist give you Ditropan and Flomax. I have stents on both sides and this seems to be the winning combo of meds so far! Good luck and prayers for speedy recovery.


First night with a stent in after an unsuccessful uretescopy. Been told I should be fit for work in a couple of days but I’m peeing every half hour (if I hold on) and my sides ache as though the stone is travelling when I go. Do the toilet break gaps get bigger or is this it until they take it out?


Hey, feel your pain. I am a police officer and have had the stent in for 6 weeks thus Tuesday. Literally counting down the minutes. It has been hellish and not been able to work obviously. Initially I thought the toilet issue was just a problem that would ease but unfortunately it doesn’t. To make matters worse urinary track infections are very common. Have been through it and still going through it I would be very surprised if you made back to work. Good luck man.


Thanks for the response Lee, very insightful, hope yours gets sorted without further issues!

Theresa Conley

Got a stent after arriving at the emergency room in pain from a kidney stone and UTI. I experienced everything stated on this post. Then three weeks later they surgerically removed the kidney stone and placed another stent with wires so I could remove it a week later. I am no two weeks post stent removal and I am still experiencing the urgency, painful need to urinate. Called the doctor’s office to find that I may experience this along with the pain and blood in the urine for “several” weeks. What is the definition of several weeks? I tried the Oxybutynin but had a terrible reaction (chest pains and difficulty breathing). This has been an awful experience and I am only 50 years of age.


Had a stent put in mid Jan as tubes were too tight for the surgeon to get up there. Had reappointment for another op to get the stone mid Feb. They got the stone this time so all ok. NAH! Now six weeks with stents, can’t stop pissing, pissing, pissing and more pissing. 20 pisses an hour on average. Just got the appt to have the stent removed, 6th April, yes another six weeks. Fuck that! I’m not pissing glass and razor blades for another 6 weeks. Here in the UK its all free but I’m going to find a doctor to take this out and don’t mind paying him/her! I’m 65 now, been around a bit, never known anything like this fucking stent. Tell you one thing, they’ll never put another one in me.


Beautifully put.


I am on my 6th week with my stent prior to the stent I spent 6 days in the hospital with a kidney infection caused by a 1cm stone, so far I have had 2 infections after stent placement. My PCP is beyon mad cause all the antibiotic I have taken in such short period of time it has been hell for me, I’m a stay home mom so I had the chance to take it easy. Even though I only do your normal house work at the end of the day I cry myself to sleep. I think I have called my dr for pain meds every other day and they tell me no, Tylenol, ibopirofren, alive, Advil none of them worked for me. I’m going for my lithotripsy next month on the 1st, my stent moved out of place and the dr said to just go ahead and keep it like like that since my procedure is in lea then 2 weeks the pain has gotten worse, and still not pain meds .
I don’t know if they are placing another stent after the lithotripsy, but I’m hoping not I have passed stones before and yes they were painful but this stent suck so I think I’ll just go ahead and opt out of a stent.


I had my lithotripsy Tuesday morning, and yes another hellish stent.This one is mush worse. Its the one with the string coming out of my junk. Every time i pee it’s like everyone said. RAZOR BLADES. And now for the best part. Monday they suggested i remove it myself. I don’t know what this doctor is on. but F— that. I already names the damn thing Lucifer so if i take enough drugs to pull it out. Its going on my mantel. lol

Erwin van der Minne

Well, looks like I’m pretty much in the same boat s most of you stoners.
I’m 55 & the last time I had kidney stones was in 2000!
Now I have a staghorn almost totally filling the left kidney and lots of 1+cm stones in the right.
I’m also one of those people that has complications in almost every surgery (I was in hospital for 3 weeks for a bowel obstruction operation back in 2015; I was only meant to be in for 4 days, 5 tops!).
Anyway, when they went in last week, the ureter was too narrow for the laser and so they put in a stent. So this past week have been crap.
I also have Fibromyalgia & Crohn’s Disease, so I’m already on a lot of opiods (Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Panadeine Forte……) so nothing touches the pain when I’m at home; just gotta put up with it…….
They try again in another week to get all the stones out of the right kidney – even though the urologist said it may take a few goes.
And then there’s the staghorn to look forward to; kinda really scared about that one…
Also for those having lots of spasms due to the stent; Oxybitinin is not the only medication available for the problem. There’s another, newer medication called Vesicare (Solifenacin succinate); you only need to take it once per day (5 mg) and it works well (takes more of the edge of than Oxybitinin does). BUT it may be expensive.
I’m in Australia and it costs $48.50 for 30 tablets! But the pricks (pardon the pun) know they’ve got you over a barrel and that you’d sell your firstborn to relieve the pain..
Also, especially for the guys that have the burning pee (like peeing razerblades); try Ural. It make your pee less acidic and therefore it doesn’t burn as much. It’s over the counter. In a pinch, if you can’t get it; a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in quarter of a glass of water works almost as well (it’s pretty much what Ural is, but it has some additives to help make it dissolve quicker).
Ural is also for the girls; it’s just that more guys get the “peeing razerblades” pain (longer urethra; go figure).
All the best to all…………


I’m pretty tolerant to pain. So getting a kidney stone for the first time a few weeks ago was a bit humbling. The pain was horrible and I felt like I could stand it, but the nausea was the worst. 4mm stone with a jagged edge and had it surgically removed. They placed a stent. It’s been mostly nuances for me. Only supposed to be in a week, but my docs wife had a baby so now going on the 3rd week. Passing tons of blood, not just a little like most sites say. Sometimes it literally looks like I’m passing tomatoe juice. No fever but burning at the tip which only seems to happen when blood is in my urine. I go from peeing every few hours to sometimes every couple of minutes.

Looking back I would probably have tried longer to let it pass. I mean the nausea was horrible, but a good trade off for the 3 weeks of these problems. And why the hell didn’t they leave a string on it so I could remove myself? Would have much preferred that.

Stents suck.


This stent is horrible!!! I have had 16 kidney stones prior to this one, lithotripsy twice and passed all the others. Why do urologist now think everyone has to have a stent? This is the first time I have had a stent placed. If I have any say in the matter I will not have another. I have been a nurse for many years and seems this “everybody gets a stent” is a pretty new thing. Makes me wonder how necessary they are. I just know I am totally miserable.


I currently have a stent also. I am also miserable. It’s almost worse hen the stone that was obstructed.

Brittany Meyers

I have two stents one on each side. I have had them for 3 monthes and i feel ive had more problems with them than before they were put in. Only reason they were put in was because of kidney infection . i have had for two years that wouldn’t go away but never bothered me. It was not until i turned up with a cyst i got tricked into stents after being fed a lie about going into kidney Failure. Which in fact im not . its my six set since i was a child and i have made my mind up im never getting them again. This been the longest and worse experience with them so far.

Tammy Lewis

Hey Everyone! I received stent yesterday I’m packing a lot of infection and abscess
Do to fact the stone was found in November 2017. I have multiple stones but all are to big pass. Stent has stay in for 3 weeks. After all infection all then they going try and blast them. If that don’t work then they remove them . The stent hurts pee, to move so I been couch potato. They sent me home on Narco 7 still half go pick it up from pharmacy. I hope Narco 7 works .

Sarah A Rugg

I have a similar thing going on too. Went to the hospital in november for uncontrollable vommiting, found out that that i had a 6.2mm kidney stone. Just 11 am yesterday, went in to get it surgically removed. I feel the constant need to pee but the worst part is, when doing so, the nauseating pain the pulses through my kidney.. I’m using a heating pad and it seems to be helping a little, but takes a bit.

I would deff suggest Azo gummies, they help with the razorblade peeing feeling . take 1 like 3 times a day. Should help.

Mohammad Siaj

Finally and after a long, miserable and severely painful 12 weeks my stent was removed yesterday. This thing is not normal, it needs to be used to as a way of punishment not treatment, I’ve never experienced a worst pain in my life, mind you i had 2 back surgeries after a bad pain but it was no where near the pain I had from that satanic thing. I couldn’t walk, sit still or even sleep properly for the past 3 months, they put me on Endone 5mg “1 tablet” per day after a week of putting it in and two weeks later I was up to 6 pills per day. Thankfully I didn’t get addicted to it as I’ve been pain free and haven’t had any since they removed it yesterday. I WILL NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE ALLOW A DOCTOR TO INSERT ONE OF THOSE THINGS INTO ME UNLESS THEY SAY YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DONT PUT IT.. Good luck to you All.😁😁😊😊


I had a lithotripsy on my very first 6mm stone on Jan. 29, and surgeon went in and retrieved the largest part of it, leaving some fragments for me to pass. Stent inserted … was really uncomfortable, but he said I probably only needed it for 3-4 days. Well, after 3 days it decided to dislodge and came halfway out during the night. I was relieved when it was gone, but since then, I’ve had the constant urge to pee, 24/7, as though it were still there. I’ve not had a lot of bad pain, but wouldn’t you think that nearly a week after stent removal, the urge to pee constantly would pretty much be gone? Unless maybe there are still stone fragments that have not passed? It feels much better when I’m sitting or lying down but when I’m walking, it feels like my bladder is going to just plop out. New stoner here, not sure what is normal or what to expect. I have an appt. in 5 days for an xray and to see the doc again.

Chris Sanders

Does a stent hurt all the time, I’m going for a ureterscopy on Monday 😩
Can you work with a stent in ?


Omg, im on day 9 of a stent and i have a hard time standing and walking let alone working. everyone is different but I WILL NEVER ALLOW A STENT PLACEMENT EVER AGAIN!! ive been miserable since lithotripsy.


Everyone is different. I’m on day 2 with a stent in my right ureter. The pain comes and goes throughout the day. My stone was 6mm. Just make sure the Dr. Sends you home with a good pain killer and take them on time. Don’t WAIT until you feel pain! The next day after the stent was put in I was doing great pain wise. But the next day after that was pretty bad. I think maybe the pain meds and the anesthetic they give you before surgery had worn off by the 2nd day. Good luck to you!


Yeah Chris, it’s an absolute bitch. Like some (not very many) people are saying, everyone is different. For me being on my feet at all, anything from 5 ‘mins upward I’m pee’ing blood and feel a jagging in around my bladder. At toilet a hundred times a day and off work for the entire 6 weeks. Get it out on Tuesday all being well and never been so excited to get back in the police patrol car! Any other questions let me know


I am a frequent stone producer. I have the cystine kidney stone disease that is a genetic disease. I have been diagnosed with this since 1990. Have had every surgery possible to get rid of stones. Stents are the “worst” things about any of the surgeries themselves. I now finished the left kidney to remove a 15 mm stone (5 surgeries in 7 weeks, 4 trips to the er for unbearable pain and 3 stents removed. Now I’m currently waiting on surgery for the right side that has a stone bigger than a golf ball and has 3 staghorn tips coming off it. They placed a stent in the left kidney cuz the pain landed me in er once again. I opted to have the bigger surgery on this side which they cut a hole in you back and place a tube in your kidney and remove the entire stone whole ( no breaking it up). It will require me to be hospitalized 3 days but after a few days of post surgery you have relief…no pain and no stents. I have had “several stents,” and all times was in enormous amount of pain. Then when you call your doctor they act like giving you pain medicine is such a big deal but don’t give up fighting with them to you get relief. I take 5mg roxicodone which does nothing for the pain but I found if you add 1 rapid relief tylenol with it you get comfort from the pain. Good luck everyone and I feel your pain and frustration. Don’t give up keep being persistent after all we are the ones spending thousands of dollars to have these surgeries so they damn better give us the meds we need to help us not be miserable while we are waiting for them to take care of our issues!!!


I also have cystinurea, pass stones nearly every single day (since 13 years old, I’m 32 now) have had 114 ureteroscopy/ cystoscopy, homium laser lithotripsy, stone basketing and always bilateral stents. Also I have had 19 of those nephrostomy tubes placed that your about to have done and replaced after they became blocked as well. I don’t know how long you’ve endured your issues but there is a drug out there for our disease called thiola and it’s made by a company called dohmen out of St. Louis. It is the only drug made specifically for cystinurea. Many people have tried penicillimine and the few others that help a tiny bit, but the side effects from most are also pretty rough for a high percentage of people. Thiola hasn’t gotten rid of my stones completely but they are for the most part small enough to pass except for the few a year that still require surgery for me, (but that’s the best it has been for me in 20 years, so the medicine definitely works) I Just figured I would throw it out there in case you haven’t found any type of solution for this lovely disease that we share.


I had a bilateral kidney stent placed on Thursday 25th January, I was 15 weeks pregnant and I attended my first appointment at renal pregnancy clinic at our local hospital. Upon meeting with the nephrologist he told me you need surgery urgently, I had severe bilateral hydronephrosis. I was sent Straight to my GP who called a urologist (who I saw in 2009 when I had my first and only stent placed) she got an emergency appointment for 2 hours. I went and got my husband from work and went to my appointment. When I sat down he looked at my most recent scan and said you need surgery now and proceeded to call the public hospital because I’m pregnant he said the public hospital is the safest place for me to be.
So I went and I had the bilateral kidney stent placed. I was in so much pain, the bladder spasms, the urgency hurt so bad I remember feeling like I’d been holding for a whole day being wheeled from recovery to the ward I was up and out of the bed running to the toilet before they even stopped the bed, it was a tiny trickle of just blood. The blood persisted for about 5 days and has eased off. The pain is a little more bearable now and I no longer have to sleep sitting up. I was given panadol, endone and buscopan for the spasms. Being pregnant is going to make this journey a lot harder and chances of kidney infections are a lot higher for me now. Doctors at the hospital don’t want the stent to stay in long but urologist wants it in for 6 months so it’s all in the air what’s going to happen.
The urgency hurts and gravity is a bitch. I’m great when I’m vegging in bed chilling with Netflix but as soon as I get up that heavy painful feeling in my vagina comes back.
I’m now 16 weeks pregnant and my stent will remain until bub is born in 5-6 months, then i will have the laser to remove the stones and another stent placed for 3 months, so 2018 will be filled with lots of pain and discomfort..


I am 21 weeks pregnant and had to get a stent put in yesterday. I am currently in so much discomfort and can’t find anyway to be comfortable. My urologist said that I would have so come back in 2 months and have my stent taken out or have it replaced and dependent on of my stone passes . If they replace it i will have it removed after baby arrives in June and then I will be sent for a CT scan to see if there are any further issues underying. Not looking forward to dealing with this on top of being pregnant. Atleast I know I’m not alone!


This happened to me last year (December 2016) I too was pregnant, 6 months along. I had a very large obstructed stone that I had to get removed. They also placed a stent. Stent came out and I continued to pass stones, about 1 a week until the baby is born. Fast forward a year later and I just had the same surgery again for another obstructed stone and another stent.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. It definitely makes pregnancy even harder. Hang in there.

I had a 10mm stone removed earlier today and have a stint in now and It blows almost as much as the stone did. Cant Piss or get comfortable. Keep dripping bloody piss drops. Getting real old real Quick and I got 2 weeks left. But I dont feel like Someone is trying a Rip my balls Off or begging My brother2 shoot me in the head out in the Yard so i guess im better than I was . This Was my first Ever Hospital v isit and I got Hit by a FN Train before without going so Kidney stones are a cunt.


Your story made my stent pain go away for that brief moment. Thank you.

Jo from Tx

Wow, is about all I can say. I had to have my stent, that I have dubiously dubbed“Killer,” placed the 10 of this month and was told that it is basically a walk in walk out procedure, by the nurse who discharged me from day surgery. I was having major bladder spasms and urgency like crazy, then on top of that on my right side in the pelvic area, where the stent was, I was beginning to have increasing pain that was making me sick to my stomach. I was given only a prescription for antibiotic and told to take AZO tablets for the bladder issues, and to push fluids. No pain medication what so ever. Well I finally asked to go to the ER because I thought I was going to die. Never in my life has the pain been that bad, not even in giving birth. I was given some morphiene and sent home with tylenol 3 script. I suffered through the night and called my doctor at 7:30 am and he finally gave me pain meds that helped. It took almost 2 and 1/2 weeks for me to come off the pain pills. Then I go to the doctor for my follow up and he says I have no ureteral stenosis and he has no idea what has caused my hydronephrosis, but he is leaving the stent in for the full 3 months and I got a yes on recurrence of the hydronephrosis when he takes it out. Yeah! Me.


I’m on my 2nd stent since mid-December, when I wound up in the ER for a 5mm kidney stone. Like Jeni, I found the bladder spasm medication to be most helpful. I’ve also spent a lot of time in the recliner, finding just the right position to take the edge off of the pressure.

The second stent causes less discomfort than the first but… out of nowhere, I am incontinent! Thank God, this stent will be removed in 2 days. In the meantime… I am stuck wearing pads to catch the leakage 🙁


Hi, I was inserted a stent on Wednesday, 24th January. I have to say , it is better,than I expected, because I read a lot about it before the procedure so I was prepared for the worst. Although I have to say that I cried in pain on the first day. I got dihydrocodein, it is an opium based medicine and it worked for me, but makes me very sleepy and constipated. I never thought that one day I would be happy when I can poo again. I know it sounds ridiculous, but 3 days without toilet,started to drive me nuts. Plus this medicine is also addictive so on Friday I stopped and bravely swapped that strong painkiller for paracetamol. When I lie down and don’t move around, I feel ok, but when I want to do anything, I am in pain and super grumpy. I found putting hot water bottle to my tummy and onto my back where my kidney is, helps a lot . I have been with my hot water bottle constantly since Wednesday. Peeing is painful, but I can survive and in my experience if I drink more , then it is less painful . I have to have in the stent for 3-4 weeks, but I don’t know how I will be able to do things alone with my 3 kids when my mum goes home. I just feel so tired and not myself.


Had surgery less than 12 hours ago. I had two large stones (6mm/7mm) that gut stuck near bladder so I had to do the stent. OMG…. The head of my penis stings SO BADLY! Hard to get comfortable. Hurts to lay down, hurts to sit. Please tell me this will go away. I’m trying to guzzle water. But peeing is absolutely EXCRUCIATING! I’ve tried to pee both standing up and sitting down. I think sitting down to pee is MUCH worse than standing. Does that make sense? All I have is percocet as well as Ibuprofen 800. Hate the way percocet makes me dizzy and grouchy. Plus it only works for couple hours. That’s another thing… What happened to Percocet? It USED to be fun…Lol

Anyway, I never post on these sites. But I’m desperate! Any other males out there have some tips and tricks on best peeing position, sleeping position etc? Laying down is rough because every time I move, my penis shifts and it feels like needles stabbing into my pee hole! Also, I tend to (involuntarily) clinch my pee hole. And holy crap on a cracker, that HURTS! Lol

Anyone have any suggestions… Or maybe, I’m just venting here. 45 year old male, DJ/producer. Usually such a positive, upbeat, happy cat. But this is quite possibly the most painful experience I have EVER gone through. So, thanks for listening to me whine and ramble on. Sending love and good vibes to everyone here.



I am female and also had Lithotripsy with stent placed for a 1.5 cm stone that was actually found by accident doing some scans for an upcoming back surgery. Because it was obstructing and the urologist saying it was as far up in my left kidney it could possibly be he recommended this procedure. Went good but woke up immediately feeling that need to pee. I was also given Percocet which in my opinion just barely takes the edge off. I was also prescribed Ditropan (Oxybitinin/generic) for bladder spasms that has actually helped a lot the last few hours. Finally got about 4 hours sleep! If you aren’t on anything for spasms you might check with your Dr…it has helped tremendously! Finding that comfy position is still challenging as I already have some pretty serious issues. There was a slight chance this could have been causing the pain in my back but Neurologist did not believe so based on my scans last week when this showed up! I’m still hopeful but the pain/numbness in my left side and leg are still exactly the same as before but waiting to see when all the pieces pass and have stent removed in week. Good luck to you! I truly feel your pain right now.


I know what you going through every time i pee it burns worst pain i ever i been through. Taking ural and pain killers and have to take movicol for constipation aslo tamsulosin so the stones move more easy .

Bill Dotrieve

Oh man, never thought i’d be afraid of having to pee and really can’t hold back because of the pressing urgency. The first few times I went to the bathroom I was still high on the anesthesia drugs and tramadol but I was still in so much pain, (pissing razor blades) I was so nauseous. The nurse in the hospital rubbed lidocaine on my penis to numb it which is standard but that only helped a little. It took 4 days for that to subside now it’s back since I started waking up with my standard morning wood and the string from the stent is too tight and scratching up my urethra. I only have a stent on the left side so if I sit to pee and lean to the right and stretch my left leg out fully I can minimize the flank and back pain from the stent. 28hrs til this sucks comes out so just gotta distract myself a little longer. At least Marijuana will be legalized soon and if I ever have to get this done again I going to veg right through it, worked better than narcotics after a surgery I had in college.

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