From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Having had 2 stents in and sitting here in pain now with them, this is a perfect description of how I’m feeling, I’ve not slept in nights and I’m at my wits end im so tired and low


Had a stint for correcting a blockage on the 17th. First couple days ddnt not feel much pain but now the pain is coming from all over. Plus I would stay in bathroom for extended periods hoping that I could empty all the painful urine inside.Even laying down at times brings alot of pain.


I had a stent put in today and retrieval of my kidney stone. Was doing great! Now, my pain doesn’t seem to be coming from the bladder or kidney. Rather, I have sharp horrible pains just inside the ureter. Has anyone experienced this pain? It’s becoming debilitating, almost worse than the kidney stone. I’ve taken my pain meds and a prescribed medication to calm the bladder, but the ureter hurts so bad at the bottom near the opening!


I meant to type the pain is more in the urethra not the ureter. I should also not I have a string attached to the stent to remove myself when it’s time. I’ve been very careful not to get it caught when wiping.

Monica Lueck

Yes! The stent was actually more painful for me than the actual kidney stone. It was horrible. I wish I had never had the stent surgery. I hope you find relief soon. Hydrocodone pills helped, but this was far worse than the initial kidney stone pain.


I went to urgent care and the doc said I was dehydrated. Went home, then to the ER where they gave me morphine, toridol and a lot of fluids. Did a ct scan and found kidney stones, gall stones, and cysts on my liver. Gave me meds and discharged me. Went home and back to ER (couldn’t stand the pain). They started yet another iv and admitted me. Surgery 2 days later, removed 20 kidney stones, most small some bigger. Told me to remove stints 3 days later. I had so much pain and cramping! Had that much pain again today. Calling the urologist in the morning. And, the amt of blood has been a lot, not a small amt like others have described. Thoughts?

Ashley Beamon

I had surgery 2 days ago to zap a 14mm stone that was embedding and an 8 mm stone. I have a stent in place. At first, it was painful to use the bathroom and then the next day it felt almost normal. I returned to work today to only feel the need to use the bathroom constantly. It’s not painful, but as a teacher. I cannot go constantly. I should have the stent removed in 4 days. Hopefully I will get some relief.

Deana Lister

I am so glad I found these comments. I had uterine cancer back in 2015 and found out a few weeks ago the cancer is back. There was some blockage in my kidney and a stent was placed about a week ago. Before the stent I felt pain in the lower left side of my stomach and back. Now I only feel pain in the lower back almost in the hip area. Is this normal? The blockage was caused from swollen lymph nodes pressing against my kidney causing boackage to the ureter. How does one know if the stent is working?

Rebecca Cooksey

Deana, I had a stent fitted yesterday to relieve a blocked kidney caused by cancer swelling a lymph gland! Sounds like we are in the same boat. I can’t find any comfortable position at the moment and as others have mentioned, can only sleep in a recliner. I thought cancer and chemo was bad but this kidney pain is the most debilitating of all.

janice brownlie

i have just had a stent put in two days ago because i have a 14mm stone.the stent is fine no pain at all but i constantly need a pee all the time i am drinking water all the time and still only dribbling when i pee.there is more water coming out my eyes than my bladder.will this continue for the 6 weeks i have the stent in.


Unfortunately, mine has lasted the entire time! I’ve had mine in since mid October 2017…I was told no longer than 3 months could each stent be in the body. I have 2 large stones, on blood thinners and at the time I had a severe kidney infection. So they could not remove stones until the infection was gone. So in went the stent…’s now January 15, 2018. Was to have the stent removed on January 9, 2018…..However they did not stop warfarin even though I had been on blood thinners when they put the stent in (somehow got overlooked) and at the time they put the stent in I had stopped blood thinners for 2 days but it was a different blood thinner…..needless to say I am very unhappy!!! I want this thing out of me ! Surgery is set for January 23, 2018! Can’t wait , im so miserable ! The lady who started this whole post described it perfectly! I feel like I’m bladder and sphincter muscle is being skewered Louie a shish kebab !! Have to pee as soon as I stand up from peeing! Back pain (well side or flank) and the meds they put you on to help with that suck!!Mine is Oxybutin and I’m telling you it dries you like s raisin! I’m sorry to break this to you but , yes mine has lasted ….I pray that you have better results!


I too am relieved to find that I’m not the only one! And I pray that when this comes out I’m better without any of these issues!!!

Dawn Curzons

I am so pleased I’ve found these comments ! I am just over a week into a left sided stent being placed before undergoing surgery to remove a 6mm stone 26th Jan. The pain from the stent when sitting, walking or driving is awful and leaving me with no option other than staying off work and semi reclining to get some relief.. I was beginning to think it was just me or something had gone wrong !


Just had surgery today. Have a stent out in. Its been 9 hrs so far and no pain. Is this normal thanks

Janice Brownlie

my partner had no pain at all after getting his stent out


I’m currently sitting on my couch with a stent in right now my stone was only a 3mm but I genetically got screwed over cause the tube going from my kidney to my bladder is undersized normal there between a 4-5 mm mine is only a 2 so my stent is very uncomfortable I’m just waiting a few more days to get this thing out of me


I passed my very first kidney stone in October. I had been urinating blood, lots of blood. I went to an immediate care since we were out of town taking care of my mother in law in the last weeks of her life with lung cancer. I was told at the immediate care it could be a stone but was treated with antibiotics. No sooner had we gotten back home than I was on the floor with the stone. My husband looked up what I could do and I drank organic apple cider vinegar and water. That stone passed in about 35 minutes. Then in December here they are again. I had an 8 mm stone. I just got through two back to back surgeries. First the Lithotripsy to break it up but a no go, then a week later the procedure to physically remove the now 3 mm and 5 mm fragments. They were embedded so we’re not gonna pass. To me all of this has been very painful but the stint, now on week three has been so bad. It is just that it is so disabling. Narcotics stopping bowel movements and then yeast infection from the antibiotics killing off all the good bacteria. That burning when I urinate still feeling like someone stuck a hot poker into me. It is like so many have said, intolerable pain. I try to look at the good side. I had developed incontenence issues and an odor and was not sure why. My stone was totally blocking my right uretur so guess all that was backing up and never fully getting drained. All that seems to be gone but I am still 28 hours away from the stint removal. I will say I had a good physician and though I never even like to take any kind of medicine, the pain meds have helped. It is the being still and waiting and trying to get through the days that seem so bad. I am thankful for the stint that I loath right now but will be even more grateful when it is out. With my kidney being blocked off though, this could have been much much worse. My faith in my God and prayer has helped a lot too. I sincerely am praying for each of you going through this terrible time.

Joanna Vasquez

I’m with you all.. it’s very uncomfortable.. I have a 7-8 mm stone. I had liptotypsy and it was unsuccessful. I got the stent in place for 3 weeks now and omg it’s a horrible tugging burning lots of pressure oh it’s bad .. my holidays were non enjoyable. And I can not work like.. I hope I get some relief after this stent removal ‘


I currently have stents that are pain free. But I had stents 5 years ago that were miserable.


I recently had two stents put in, am waiting to have surgery to have my kidney stones removed, a 35mm on one side and 18mm on the other. Hate asking the Dr. for pain medication, he acts like I’m being overly dramatic. The stents are almost as painful as the stones. Any suggestions?

Ashley Beamon

Wow. Those are big. My doctor hands out pain medicine and tells me to take two and if I’m still in pain after 30 minutes to take 2 more. There is no way I could function with that much pain medicine but that is what he suggest.


I am a 20 year old male that was unfortunate enough to have a 5mm kidney stone that got stuck in my ureter tube right at the entrance the the baldder and needed surgery to remove it. Now I have the stent in and I am afraid to use the restroom because it hurts so bad. I would say it is worse than the kidney stone traveling down my ureter tubes. I literally sit on the toilet for a few minutes just to work up the nerve to pee and then can only tolerate a few drops coming out before I’m in tears and have to stop. I have to have this thing for two weeks and I have no idea how I’m going to be able to work. I was prescribed only 5mg of oxycodone and that literally does NOTHING even for the pain of just laying down.


Everyone should go to the health food store and purchase a product called “stone breaker”. The doctors won’t tell you about it. It’s a natural herb that many people have had great success with. I’ve personally used it because I’ve watched my husband go through a stent. I get small stones all the time. The first week using the stone breaker I passed multiple small stones. It’s wasnt a big deal. The product is a liquid and you put it in your water. It’s flavor is like celery.


Do you know if this is safe to take while pregnant? I’ve seen it mentioned a couple of times, and would like to try it. I’m 6 months pregnant and have a 1cm stone. Removing the stone is too risky for the pregnancy, so I have a stent to prevent blockage. But three months of this pain seems like an eternity!


I just had a 15mm and a 9mm removed from my left side and am uncomfortable with the stint but my discomfort comes from down in the groin area which subsides at times. I still pee a little blood but urination does not hurt. I am sure the stint is responsible for this and mine comes out day after tomorrow, will have had it in for 8 days. I don”t understand why some of you have the stint in for so long. Maybe the skill of the urologist is key I know my guy is one of the best any way heal up everyone this is not forever and drink your H2/o.

Kim Standley

I know for my mom, she has had her stent longer because of the severe infection. It has taken weeks of antibiotics to clear it up. The infection has to be gone before they can break up the stone. On top of that, she caught the flu and has slowed her recovery.


Foe .i have 2 at moment following prostate op,had one before so knew what to expect I had to phone my consultant before and beg to have it removed ,relief was instant.these 2 have been in for 6 weeks now ache in kidneys and testicles is at times unbearable unless you lie or sit still.mine come out in 2 weeks time can’t wait then I can try to recover from my op.if you get told you may feel some discomfort don’t believe it they are awful in this situation I think consultants ought to have them fitted for a while to actually experience the pain.its obvious really when you think of all the nerves they interfere being kicked in balls and punched in kidneys daily.


I had a stent inserted on December 22nd and I appreciate reading all of these comments. I told my wife that I felt like a baby because I kept complaining about the intolerable pain.I have bladder and prostate cancer . Finding comfort is hard. Getting up every 30 minutes has been difficult. Laying in bed on my back after urinating seems to help the pain. Sitting in a recliner also helps during the day. My taste buds seem to be affected because coffee or alcohol taste terrible.


May be the meds….I am on Oxybutin…it’s to dry you so you are not going to the bathroom every 5 minutes for just a little tinkle to come out! But oh my it’s horrible it dried You so bad that I have blisters on my tongue and can’t gave a BM…it even dries my snot in my nose!! And yes everything tastes horrible! Good luck….maybe by the time you read this reply it will have subsided or you’ll have your stent out! Take care!


Really helpful to read this. Same deal. Right stent. Pain worse than the original stone. It comes and goes. Walking helps but I also wonder if it aggravates it. Some nights are ok. It’s unpredictable. When it comes on strong it feels like spasm and narcotics, calcium channel blockers, climax, antibiotics, Motrin, breathing, zofran and copacetic seems to be the magic cocktail. Reading these excerpts helps a lot to understand it’s just part of the course and will improve. Thanks!


Really helpful to read this. Same deal. Right stent. Pain worse than the original stone. It comes and goes. Walking helps but I also wonder if it aggravates it. Some nights are ok. It’s unpredictable. When it comes on strong it feels like spasm and narcotics, calcium channel blockers, colace, antibiotics, Motrin, breathing, zofran and flomax seems to be the magic cocktail. Reading these excerpts helps a lot to understand it’s just part of the course and will improve. Thanks!


WONDERFUL, how pleased I am to read all of you on your stent experience. I had a comfort feeling at some of the descriptions. I say this because I thought I was the only one going through this pain. The first stent was hell and had to be removed after 5 weeks due to discomfort and pain with excessive burning when urinating. Plus dribbling and running to the toilet every 30 minutes with just a drop coming out.Thus they took this temporary stent out and put in a aluminium one, which they said would be a mild sensation. Now I have new pain in different places. Have plans to see my urologist early in the new year to take the damn thing out.


Had two stents placed in me after ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy. Currently using Norco for pain relief, but still feel incredible pain in kidneys when urinating. I found that applying heat pads to my back really helps with the pain after urinating. I get them ready beforehand so they are ready to apply. Just wanted to share this tip in case someone would find it useful for pain management.

Christina Wilson

I just had my stent put in today. I had a 7mm stone stuck for the better half of 4 weeks. And tonight I am absolutely miserable. It hurts so bad to pee. I just want this damn thing out of me. Thank goodness for the medicines.

The stent is needed for swelling purposes. After the lithotripsy, the ureter can swell shut which will cause the urine to back up into the kidney, which can in turn cause kidney failure. So the stent is necessary or you will be in a much more painful state.


I can’t say how much better this article and the comments make me feel. I’m currently sitting in the bathroom at 30,000 feet wondering why on earth I didn’t leave the stone alone after being told a stent was the best option for someone about to travel.

The 6mm stone wasn’t nearly as bad as the past 3 days have been, and after the ‘minor discomfort’ talk I was worried something was seriously wrong with me.

Fortunately I have the green light to pull it out tonight and it’s coming out come hell our high water.


This is my fourth time with a stent in the last ten years due to stones. The pain from the stent for me is nearly unbearable. My doc explained that some people have a little pain and some like me find it excruciating. Pain meds and limiting activity help me get through the week I need the stent, if I needed it for several weeks I’m not sure I could do it.

What I found shocking is that my short term disability insurance expected me to be able to work with the stent in place. Crazy, totally lacking in compassion!


Stents are from Satan. I’ve had tons of procedures and it’s the worst part. That “discomfort” is BS. They are torture. They should be used by the military on our worst enemies.


Beth. I couldn’t agree with you more. They are inhumane and ungodly. I’m also
Pregnant, which makes everything even more painful. I’m going on 2 months of a stent now. Doctors don’t want to remove it unless something really bad happens like an infection or blockage.
They actually think I can last 4 more months and give birth with it in. Sweet baby Jesus….I’m just trying to survive.


Omg, you poor thing. ….

Rose Marie

I couldn’t have said it any better. There has to be a better way. This is just pure torture. No quality of life.

Nancy Giov

Omg Beth best comment ever! I am so glad I happened upon this article. It’s not just me….this is hell

Mohammad Siaj

OMG, I’m in so much pain as I had to laugh so hard after reading your comment, even laughing hurts after you have one of those stupid satanic things inserted into your body. I’ve been suffering for the past 7 weeks, mind you they put me on a 6 weeks waiting list to remove it 7 weeks ago and after cal Ling them every day for the past 2 weeks they said the earliest it can be done would be the 8th of Feb, I’m taking up to 6 Endones per day and I think I’m addicted to that shit, there is no way I could service without it, don’t know how I’m gonna servive for the next 4 weeks.


I’m a 46 yr old male. Sounds like I wasn’t the only one who was flat out lied to when I was told that “the stent will only be mildly uncomfortable.” I’ve passed many stones in horrible pain, and yet they were mild in comparison.
This time I had three 8mm stones in a row on my right side. I was passing them on my own very slowly but the urologist said that I should get things over with by resorting to a stent. I’ve passed so many stones that sadly I am somewhat used to that type of pain. It was pretty bad this time but based on what I was told it would be more tolerable with a stent.
So I had the stent put in and immediately felt worse than ever. Spent the next day in the ER due to a blood clot in my wiener. Now widespread pain instead of just my kidney. Pain killers are barely effective. I can’t hold my pee so I have to wear a diaper or live in the bathroom. I can’t leave the house due to pain except for treatment with someone else driving for me while I lay in the back seat. The stones are trapped between the stent and ureter wall and are now not moving. All attempts of lithotripsy since the stent was placed have been failures.
I was in tolerable pain but doing ok and still working before I had the stent placed. Now I can’t do anything because the pain is so bad and I have to wear a diaper. I’m self employed so my decision to have that stent placed has already caused much loss. I am so angry for giving in to the pressure to have a stent placed.
Long story short, if you are given a choice, don’t do it. Maybe there is a place for these things in certain situations like a collapsed ureter but I think they’re being thrown out as a quick fix for all stone issues because it pays well or something.


This sounds absurd! Why did they not attempt to break the stones into smaller passable fragments?! 8mm is HUGE I couldn’t imagine three of them! I believe the urethra is only 8 – 9mm so it’s insane that you’d be expected to pass a stone that size!

Jiayu liu

I was feeling terrible stabbing pains in my lower back for weeks (couldn’t sleep) and took myself to the ER to find out that I have acute kidney failure and had only about 1/4 kidney function left and a terrible kidney infection. Had my stents put in and have to leave them in for 8 weeks, I’m on week 2 right now and at first it was fine and I actually thought I was feeling better (probably cause of the Percocet they prescribed me and all the azo I was taking) but then starting yesterday I was feeling intense burning/stabbing pain on the lower left side of my stomach everytime I stood up. It feels like there’s needles in my bladder whenever I stand for more than 2 seconds but peeing doesn’t hurt :/ scheduled an appointment to see my doctor to get more pain medication to hopefully be able to survive 6 more weeks with this stent.. I can’t do anything but lay in bed or atleast be sitting. I HOPE EVERYONE HERE FEELS BETTER!! Stents are the absolute worst!!! >:(

JD Warren

My Urologist explained that no two kidney stone removal procedures are same (i.e. they are like snowflakes)… The highest medical priority on all such procedures is preserving the health of the affected kidney. It makes sense to me that recovery with stint in place will have no two people with the exact same experience with pain (i.e. like snowflakes) but a few people finding this site are unfortunately dealing with terrible pain…
It is therefore very hard for any one of us of to advise what to do. My stint was put in 4 days ago after removal of a 8mm stone and I have only modest discomfort from time to time. In my case I sit while urinating and found that holding my stomach muscles firm reduces the onslaught of side pain that occurs while my bladder empties. I also take my doctors advice and drink lots and lots of water through the day and keep my body movements slower that normal to avoid any further aggravation.


FINALLY! Some decent news! Thank you, man. I’m about to undergo surgery in January to remove an 8mm stone and was told I’d need a stent in place for 2 – 4 weeks. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but these recent comments were bumming me out! The last time I had kidney stones was 13 years ago and I was able to pass them on my own through months of torture. I’m 33 now and not looking forward to this.

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