From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Jose Hernandez

I have been miserable with the stents for about 2 months the pain when I go to the bathroom is as if I was going through labor pains all over again every single time not even pain meds help it is horrible the pain is excruciating sharp piercing pain constantly and I advise everybody to take care of themselves to make sure they do not get stones because I know this is my second time going through this and now I know this time I will definitely take precautions and eat healthier to drink more water so this will never happen again.


I had what I thought was going to be removal of 3 stones in my left kidney on the 30th November.
When I got into theatre, the urologist said that I will probably have a stent. Memories of a stent started racing tgrough the brain , 2016 was my first experience having a 11mm stone. This first stent was inserted in April of that year and finally removed in September. I had many months of UTIs along with trying to control the pain.
Fast forward to September this year and I find I have a 12mm and 2 stones around 2/3 mm sitting in my kidney.
Since surgery, the pain is unbearable and increases and varies. .. surgeon said that they tried to get stone but because of location was difficult
He also said that with their location, I wouldn’t be getting the pain I was… I go back for stent removal in 4/6 weeks and was told they will try n blast stones rhen but are happy for them to stay where they r as they won’t be of a hinderenss, …. oh fragments from 12 months r still present also…. 😔😔 I can’t keep going through this , wish I wasn’t in the public system… pain relief to date… panadeine forte left hospital with non…. 😒😒

Leonard W. L.

So, my concern is so far different than everyone else’s but – has anyone experienced issues AFTER the REMOVAL of the stent? I got mine removed via scope after it being placed for week and a half. Had a kidney stone removed, little over 5mm but the pesky thing wouldn’t come out on its own. Anyway, all was fine with the stent (save for the slight pain and awkward trips to the bathroom) however after I had the stent removed I began experiencing some weird issues. I would struggle to urinate fully, experiencing some incontinece-like issues but never any leakage. It was a constant feeling of “You’re about to pee your pants, this very second, it’s too late, you’re going to pee, it’s happening.” no matter what I was doing or where I was. This would last for up to 3 hours at a time, and I’d even have weird little feelings on my legs like I peed myself and it was wet there. But it was never wet, I never peed myself, and I actually had trouble pushing the urine out. I’d have to push so hard that I would hurt & strain my abdominal muscles. It also came with the occasional ‘tingly’ feeling in my penis. Any ideas or clues what’s going on?


I’d check with your nephrologist. Perhaps you have a blockage somewhere. When I had kidney stones the first time (about 13 years ago) I never had a stent but I believe I had a blockage. Prior to passing the stones, I experienced the same symptoms you described. The intense feeling of having to pee like your bladder may explode at any moment, like you were about to pee yourself and then little or often times no urine would come out at all. For me, that was the worst part of having kidney stones, perhaps even more so than the random blackouts.


So pleased to have found this thread, as I was feeling a bit confused. I had ureteral stents put in both sides on November 29th after round 1 of treatment for kidney stones blocking both ureters. My second procedure is scheduled for the 17th of January, and the stents will stay in place until then, and I imagine for a time after that procedure (my fingers are crossed that I don’t need a third, but realistically I’m not sure I’ll get off so lucky). I was in no way prepared for how the stents would feel. My only indication was that the urologist says he doesn’t put them in unless he has to because they’re often more trouble than their worth. He felt pretty certain my case was severe enough that stents was his only option. Regardless, I had no idea what to expect and by reading basic information on the web, I too thought “discomfort” would be tolerable. I mean I’ve dealt with kidney stones for the last decade so how much worse could the stents be? Ugh. First day was like peeing through a paper cut. Ouch. Really sucked and I felt pretty sure this would be a matter of healing. Now onto day 3, I really wish the paper cut feeling replaced the gnawing, yanking on my kidney type pain I get every time I pee. Horrible! As I look into the busy Christmas season ahead, I’m wondering just how jolly I’m going to be when I really want nothing more than to curl up into a ball. I’m also realizing my pain medication was only meant for two days and that has me concerned about managing in the days and weeks ahead. I’m really hoping I find a better coping strategy and/or my body adjust to this foreign apparatus sooner rather than later. I’m currently testing a theory that position while urinating affects the pulling feeling on my kidney (stents on both sides, but I only have pain in the right, likely because the left side is still blocked). Pain seemed lessened when I leaned as far forward as I could versus sitting up straight. Only time will tell. Heading to the store to invest in a heated pad as this thread has me thinking this pain might be here for the long haul. I appreciate everyone’s candor, and I read a bunch of comments to my husband in the wee hours of the morning to reassure myself and quite honestly to make it well known that I was not alone in feeling so miserable. A little sympathy and understanding goes a long way in a marriage 😉


Has anyone ever experienced bloating after their kidney removal/stent placement? I had my stone removed and stent placed last wed, but the stent moved, and I had to have a new one put in Sunday morning. I’ve been super bloated since the first procedure and am not sure if that is a normal thing. This is my first time going through all this, so I really have no idea what’s normal and what’s not :/


I am a 57 year old male living in the tropics of far northern Australia and have had kidney stones since I was 20 years old.

Some useful tips for dealing with stents:
1) before the operation clean out your bowels, straining in the first few days after the stent is in doesn’t enhance the experience.
2) Have a warm shower and leave the warm water running over your kidney when you pee, yeah I know it’s gross peeing the shower but trust me it’s better than the painful alternative.
3) Plan to do nothing for at least 5 days after having the stent in, I’m at day 4 currently and have made a rule to do nothing until the bleeding stops (which is usually day 5)

Unfortunately, it’s painful, it’s scary, it’s worrying but man I enjoy having a week away from my busy busy earthmoving business (they still bloody ring me but!)

When the stent was in my uretra ,i had a piercing pain in my kidney when i had to urinate. I went back to hospial and the urologist removed the stent the next day. Ever since i have been in extreme pain in my kidney. The medication helps to overcome the pain up to 6 hours. Four days have passed. What is the next step to complete recovery


I just had my stent removed last week. I’ve had multiple stents and firmly believe that the stent is exponentially worse than the stone. The last stent was in for about a month and I peed blood (not clots) every single day. The pain was miserable and I was left taking hydrocodone almost daily while the stent was in. Working was particularly difficult because the pain was much worse with extended movement. I always lobby to not have a stent placed and if it is medically necessary to have it for the shortest amount of time possible. I would also recommend asking for the smallest stent possible. Al stents are miserable, but I’ve found that the smaller stents are somewhat better.

Alan Cummins

I had laser stone removal almost a week ago for a 7mm stone in my right kidney, prior to that procedure I didn’t have any kidney pain, but have had consistent infections for the previous 4 months. I was told I would have a stent, most likely with a string attached, so that I could remove it in a few days to a week. However when I awoke there was no string and a lot of pain in my kidney and bladder, when I tried to pee it felt like someone was grinding their fist into my kidney, I had to catch my breath it was excruciating. With the pain was a lot of blood and burning sensations as I tried to pee, I was still in recovery and my blood pressure soared, it took 2 hours to settle it down. 5 days later my bleeding has settled down, but the pain in my kidney when I try to pee goes on. I saw my urologist, thinking he would remove the stent yesterday, but he told me if he took it out, I’d be in emergency within 4 hours and that I had another 3 weeks to go and then a follow-up procedure, before the stent would be removed. I cried about the pain and he gave me a prescription for pain patches. I’m sure he has never had a stent. And I can’t work out why they have to be there anyway.
30 years ago I passed 4 stones without any mention of a stent.

Louise Collard

Hi, I feel relieved to have found this thread! What i’m trying to find out is:
Is it normal to have no pain for a week or so, then for pain to come on and increase in intensity and frequency as days go by? It kind of feels like contractions when you’re in labour but in my side/kidney.

Jakelein H Mokulehua

This is kind if how I’m feeling now. I got a stent in about two weeks ago. This morning I woke up with lower back pain and this…. Pressure starting from lower back up to my left kidney. It’s getting hard to walk. Like I pulled my back or something. Called the Dr. Office and the nurse told me I’m going to experience pain and it will feel like I don’t know where it’s coming from but it’s the stent. I have surgery next Thursday to remove the stent and the stone. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Bernnadette K Cecena

Hi, glad i find this, I’m sorry eryone is in so much pain but I’m glad I’m not alone. I think my situation may be slightly different but i was wondering if anybody has felt this or if i should worry about infection. I hag a total hysterectomy about 2 weeks ago and the doctor nicked and collapsed my left ureter. I was sent home with it unnoticed as it was an outpatient surgery. About an hour after being home i began to feel very sick but i just chalked it up to post surgical pain. Ny the following morning i couldn’t urinate on my own and when i attempted to i wanted to die, the pain was unbearable. When i went in they did a ct scan and found urine filling my abdomen and my white blood cell Chung high so they put me back in the or for stent placement. I wad in the hospital for 5 days following placement and sent home with a catheter. 3 days later i went in to try to remove the Cath and it was unsuccessful. I now have the Cath and i still have 3 more weeks with the stent. It has been very painful and uncomfortable but tonight is far worse. I’m having lower left side back pain, my bladder is on fire, and i have what feels like severe period cramps in both of my upper legs all the way around. Has anybody had this type of pain? I’m just not sure if maybe there might be infection or if the stent may have slipped. I’m in tears, i have taken roxicodone, ibu 800 several times today… not helping


Happy to have found this thread. I too am in excruciating pain, and feel so sick.

I have a very important job interview on Monday (fortunately on the phone). I am looking for some help here …

How are others managing life with the stent? At what point should I consider going back to the hospital? I have a strong preference to stay home and try to get through the pain. I get more rest here. But I also want to make sure that I am. It overlooking something that can make the situation worse. Today I developed unbearable pain on my lower right back, feels like the SI joint. In fact, i have such pain now that I cannot even get out of bed.

Some background…Urgently and unexpectedly I had a ureteral stent placed this past Wednesday, November 22, 2017. I have a 6mm stone in my right kidney that has caused a severe blockage and significantly swollen kidney, causing diminished kidney function. This is the second stent I have had—the first one in early 2015 due to a collapsed ureter.

This is a unique, severe, intense and insane kind of pain. My doctor was very up front with me that I would likely have a repeat pain scenario of the first stent. And boy, she wasn’t kidding.

After the first stent, I told my husband that I would have to be in DIRE circumstances to allow another stent be placed. Well, here we are. The docs made it clear that if I waited to pass the stone and didn’t get the stent that I would be at high risk for further infection, and could lose more kidney function, or even the kidney itself. I really didn’t have a choice.

Symptoms post placement as follows;
— painful, sharp and burning urination, as if I am peeing glass
— intense lower back pain
— urgency, so bad!
— terrible exhaustion
— nausea
— inability to sleep
— pelvic fullness and discomfort

I have to have the stent for about 6-8weeks…at which point they will laser the kidney stones…and leave the stent in place until the stones pass.

As a note…following the stent placement in 2015. I have developed severe Interstitial Cystitis (IC), as well as chronic bladder and kidney problems. If your burning and urgency doesn’t subside, see a urologist to treat the IC symptoms. Also, do your research to see what kinds of food and bev you need to avoid due to their high levels of acidity and oxalate. Sadly, coffee is on that’s list! If anyone is having these issues, I have become an expert. I am more than happy to give insight into managing IC if anyone needs.

Thank you for reading my post. Any recommendations welcome and helpful. Currently the only thing providing any relief is the heating pad. I just place it wherever I feel the pain.



I recently had a Kidney stone broken up via laser.
Peeing hurts like hell. Its not the exit pipe. It feels like a kidney stone or an angry ureter. I have tried Oxi and it sort of helps but not much. Oxi actually helps me sleep. I think Ketorolac also helps a little. I really think 600 MG of Advil helps me the most. Like others on here say make sure you have a morning dose of Colace or Dulcolax.

I wish my Doctors would have told me that the whole time the stent is in, you are going to have lots of pain (a lot more when you pee). It is not comfortable. You pee blood and ( at least with me) makes you dribble pee into your shorts. There is no way that last week I could have been effective at work. I suggest sitting at home in bed. Make sure you have a heating pad for your kidney area. Have some books and or TV. A case of water. The above listed medication.

I found after a day of things feeling better pain will creep up on you and something is going to pass. One day early on, (day 2) a bloody blob with the consistency of a snot ball slowly oozed out of my manhood. That was horrific because it does not flow like pee. So your bladder squeezes urine back into your kidney and holy cow. Horrible. Then, I was ok for a day( Ok is relative, still not good) until the pain started coming back.. This time it was a bunch of “sand”. Again, horrible. At least the stones are getting out. Other times if you walk around a bit, Maybe the stent shifts, but “manageable” pain peeing switches to I can’t breath and did I just get stabbed?

I get my Stent out in 2 days that will be 11 days. I have left my house 2x for a short time.

I hope its better than what some people are saying on other posts but i am looking forward to the moment when someone finally retrieves the stent and gets it out of me.


I take it back. Motrin really doesn’t do anything. It seems to me the pain is getting worse. I didn’t think it could, but it is. I might have a dirty sewer rat biting my ureter. I have to play games to be able to pee. I always sit because I don’t want to fall so far if I pass out. I start a cross word puzzle until the first few dribbles come out and you think, It may not be so bad this time, but wham the flow starts and so does the pain! A piercing shriek and heavy breathing like I may give birth. The pee flow stops and I realize if I stop now I am screwed in ten minutes. So I push like hell. Again the pain is enough to make me see white. All for about an eighth of a cup of urine. Now for the next 3 minutes I do back arches and breathing trying to settle the pain. Grab some TP to catch the residual pee because when I stand up it ends up in my pants or on the floor( not typical for me with out a Stent). It is just flat out stupid how this feels.

I am really over it.

Barbara L Davis

I had a lithotripsy Nov 4th 2016, i have had 1 infection after another, including MRSA, in my blood and urine, almost died 4 times, homecare twice, and battiling with it to date, Nov 10th, 2017, over 1 year, and im pissed, the 4th stent should have been taken out last May, and the urologist has not removed it, and my CDC DT, went thru an act of congress, to get medicine to kill, ecolie uti, every infection, has been different, this week this damn thing is coming out, i want my life back. I am never having a stent put in my ureter, and kidney ever, again, or i will sue, it feels like someone with a damn blow torch, every time i urinate, and Doctors, let me put one in you, and see how you like it, trust me, you will want it out, immediately.


Just had procedure to remove 8mm stone today. I thought hydrocodone would keep the pain at bay for a few hours, but seems it just sedates me and takes the edge off pain. I’m going to try ibuprofen for next dose and use heating pad for a bit. Thank goodness I took a couple of days off work and have additional weekend days for recovery. I so far don’t have the terrible pain some have mentioned here but will post again after a couple of days have passed and if I find a combination treatment that might be helpful for others.


Has anyone taken their stent out a day early due to pain? I’m 13 weeks pregnant and the urologist told me it’s more painful for pregnant women but I can’t take it anymore. I’ve missed work and I can’t stand or sit… it’s suppose to come out Thursday but I’m debating on taking it out tomorrow.


Omg I just had my stent put in and was told I had to wait up to 8 months after I deliver… if you know of a procedure that allows removal earlier please let me know I am suffering and I am 12 weeks pregnant with a stent also 😩

Fred Sweet

Thanks for your answers here–it’s encouraging to know I’m not alone with my stent pain–mostly for me it’s nausea; the pain of peeing is over, and i have this for one week before removal. ANy advice?


USE A HEATING PAD! I’m on my second uretal stent. You’re welcome!

DAvid Williams

Where do you put the pad?


Has anyone ever had it removed early because of the pain. I can’t take much more of this. I also had a infection so they didn’t blast them. I have a stent on my left side. This is the worse pain ever. I have had 2 c-sections and a broken knee cap. This by far is worse than those.

Robert Zimmerman

Yes, after a stone removal, apparently it is common practice to place a stint to move any fragments out. I remember going home and falling down in bed with intense pain. The pain persisted and I had my wife drive me to the emergency room where they gave me an injection of ativan to relieve the stress and pain I found myself under. This helped a lot. The next morning I called the urologist’s office and made him take the torturous thing out. After they did that, it was a huge feeling of relief.


I am in hour 12 of having a stent put in. I asked the doctor about the pain I would feel afterwards and he flat out lied saying “Most people only need Tylenol”. Who are these people??? I’m ready to go back and have this thing removed right now! Only problem is I can’t stand long enough to get to the car!!! This is absolutely horrible. Meds do not help mostly because I wind up vomiting them back up 15 minutes after I take them. I would rather he said “you’re gonna have a long 10 days”. If my wife doesn’t leave me before this thing gets removed I’m going to Jared’s.


Wow… I’m 16 years old and I am a female. A week ago I found out that I had 1 5mm stone in my right kidney and a 3mm stone in my left kidney. I was on hydrocodone for the whole week but the pain was just too bad so the doctors suggested I get 2 stents (1 stent placed in each ureter). I got the surgery yesterday and I pee every hour and throw up right after or throw up if I eat or drink ANYTHING. The doctors gave me more hydrocodone prescriptions but that does not help the back pain where my kidneys are located or the pain in the area where my bladder is located. When they put the stents in they did not take out either of the stones and in 2-3 weeks I have to go back and get the stents taken out hoping that the stones have passed by then. I’m in a lot of pain and just wanting to know if anyone can help tell me when I’ll be back to normal from this first surgery?


You should’ve had a laser lithotripsy before the stents were placed. It would’ve broken up the stones and they would’ve passed. I’ve had bilateral Stents 3 times now. Do NOT let them remove your stents unless they do a ct scan and make sure the stones are gone. If they haven’t passed then demand a laser lithotripsy! Stones that large week Cause Major problems! Good luck sweetie! Feel free to look me up on Facebook if you have any questions. Hannah Durazo.

Audrey Vella

Had a lithotripsy on the 16th September to remoVe 2 x 1.4 cm stones in my left kidney.
First few days were fine and me thinking easy Peary, I can handle this no problem. Fast forward a few days and can honestly say that this has been a most horrible and painful experience.
Dreaded peeing as pain is excruciating. Like I have a red hot knife tearing my insides. Painkillers don’t help and ibuprofen is giving me terrible stomach ache. Expelled about 30 stone pieces some of them about 3 or 4 mm big. Seeing doctor today and hope it’s removed. Cannot stand this and even feeling very low.
Have this suction pain which feels like I’m peeing in instead of out. Getting no sleep and feeling very anxious.
Had this done 3 years ago for a 1.6 cm stone but stent was only in a week and not so bad. Cannot believe that only 3 years later have 2 x 1.4 cm stones again.


Does the lithotripsy work for you? I have a 1.5cm Stone right now and I’m very nervous that it’s not going to work. I can’t eat or sleep because of the pain.


Laser lithotripsy will demolish a stone of any size


Hello, I currently have a ureteral stent with what amounts to fishing line hanging out of my weiner. I am a house painter, so going up ladders and such is not going to be an option due to the level of discomfort I am feeling. I plan on taking the time off(about a week). I’m not in much pain, now that the stone I had is gone, but feels like I have to pee all the time, and every time this “string” moves its very awkward and a little painful. More of a stinging sensation. I’m used to sleeping on my side, and just can’t, so I sleep on my back until this is resolved. The thought of this string getting caught on something terrifies me!


I’m about a year late in this feed but I just wanted to say that it’s been really reassuring. Two and a half weeks ago I had the lovely sharp pain of a kidney stone ruin my weekend. Went tonite t care in Sunday and then to my GP on Monday. Gave it about a week straining per praying to the higher up that I pass the stone only to find out after visiting the urologist that the stone was still up by my kidney and hadn’t moved at all. Fast forward two days, and I’m in the hospital for the laser blasting and stent. Turns out it looked like I had an infection so I got to keep my stone and deal solely with the stent. Well, looking back, I’d take the stone any day. The stent has been the worst pain of my entire life. I liken it to childbirth. They say nothing is like it, well, a ureter stent comes close. I still have 4 days to go for my second surgery, this time to remove the stone and stent, I’m praying to baby Jesus that they don’t put another stent in, I will literally die. Nausea, right flank pain like I got kicked by a horse, constant urge to pee, I’m not certain I’ll survive the next 5 days. Horrible horrible experience. Glad to hear I’m not alone, it’s really comforting.


Sorry about the typos! 🙂


I had a 14mm Stone removed. Now the stent in for week. I’m only on day two and the excrutiating pain is worse than child birth. All I’m dealing with is the stent since the stone was laseered away. I haven’t gotten much sleep yet. I will do whatever I have to do to not go through this again. I’m happy to have found this as I don’t feel like I’m alone. I took the week from work as I can’t inagine dealing with this there.

Louise Collard

Oh my goodness yes! This is how I have felt! Labour contractions. I keep going back to the hospital telling them something must be wrong. How do people live with these things!!?

Heidi Rubin

I had to have two stents put in 4 days ago. I am in a LOT of pain
and have had to reschedule all of my work commitments.
The surgeon told me that once the stents were put in, that I would be uncomfortable
but I never expected this burning, knife blade feeling in my


So happy I found this article! Had a stent put in after ESWL last week and am in misery! I’m fine when I lay down, but standing and walking are my enemy, making work difficult if not impossible. On top of that, opied based pain killers have no affect on me. Ibuprofen helps for about an hour. Luckily I only have to deal with this thing for a week! Did anyone lose time from work because of theirs?


I haven’t been able to work all week. Mild discomfort they said. Absolute nightmare, I can barely walk let alone drive to work and dot at a desk. My only relief is laying in bed with the heating pad and Percocet. 😩

Carolyn Rudzinski

Yes, i am missing work. The more i walk or stand up the more pain i have. Had stone removed 6 days ago and had stent put in. Also have been nauseated. Have 5 more days of this misery to go. I work in retail so working on my feet for 8 hrs. a day is hard. Yes, i was told i would have discomfort but found out its far worse


I’ve missed work all week. I can’t even sit up without being uncomfortable or in pain.

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