From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Maggie L

Thank god I found this site. Just had two stones removed and a stent placed. Keeled over this afternoon from the pain and couldn’t breathe it was so bad. Felt like someone was ripping out my intestine with a blow torch. And my urine continues to be full of bright red blood four days after the procedure. Next issue will be anemia. Can’t medial science come up with a better fix than this?


Im relieved to see I’m not the only one out there. I was scheduled for my kidney stone removal Thursday, of a 2cm stone and a .75cm stone. But the surgeon said my tubes were too narrow, so now I have a stent in place to hopefully widen it in two weeks. But just the thought of having to go through all of this again in two weeks is agonizing. I dread going pee, the pain is unbearable, it feels like someone is squeezing on my left kidney, and no position helps, unless I’m laying down in the bath tub. But I can’t take a bath every time I want to urinate lol. The first night I was up every hour like clock work passing urination. The second night was not too bad. I’m getting control of my bladder but I still dread going. I wake up in the middle of the night with extreme side pains and i feel pathetic for relying on pain killers but the pain has me in tears. I’m only 22 years old and this is the worst pain I’ve yet to experience aside from my terrible menstrual cramps that I get, but they do not compare to the flank pain of my kidney while I urinate.
I’m dreading going through the second stage of a stent when they reoperate in two weeks because I’ll be swollen again.
This is just awful.


Are you taking any meds to help with your stent? Such :

Anti-inflammatory like Diclofenac?
Pain Killer – narcotic such as Tramadol (which doesn’t make you as out of it)
Alpha blockers which work to relax the bladder muscles – Flomax etc
Anticholinergic – helps with bladder spasms
A urinary tract analgesic such as Azo – over the counter


Hi, iv had a stent in my left ureter for nearly 2 years now because of surgery damage to my ureter and bladder. I have gone from a fit an active 34 year old to now only being able to walk a short distance due to the pain and discomfort of the stent. I am now hoping to have reconstructive surgery to replace my ureter and hopefully get my life back after 2 years of pain and discomfort. The doctors have no idea of how these stents affect people, I just hope that my nightmare will come to an end soon x


Are you taking any meds to help with your stent? Such :

Anti-inflammatory like Diclofenac?
Pain Killer – narcotic – but you would not want to take that longterm
Alpha blockers which work to relax the bladder muscles – Flomax etc
Anticholinergic – helps with bladder spasms
A urinary tract analgesic such as Azo – over the counter


I suppose it’s nice to see I’m not alone.. Every time anyone says “discomfort” I want to slap them. This isn’t discomfort, it’s pure pain and hell! I’m 25 weeks pregnant and had a 9mm stone blocking my ureter, so a stent was placed. It’ll stay in until May, when another will be placed until after I give birth. I’m so miserable, I want to tell them to just take it out and I’ll deal with the kidney stone pain. I can’t believe I have to continue being in this amount of pain for the rest of my pregnancy.

C Brown

Oh thank God I found another pregnant woman dealing with this. Although I’m so sorry to hear someone else is going through this too. I’m 15 weeks pregnant now. I had my stent placed when I was 8 weeks pregnant. I have a 3cm, CENTImeter, stone in my right kidney that’s blocking urine flow. Caused swelling (hydronephrosis) and almost sent me into renal failure. Had to have the stent placed and a nice little stay in the hospital. They had me on so many medications, I’ve been worried about my baby the entire time. I have to have the stent in for another month and then it has to be replaced, and I have to have that one in til I give birth by c-section which will be early because of the situation. I’m due in October!!!!!! This is the most miserable I’ve ever been in my entire life and completely ruined my last pregnancy. I also work full time and have two small children. All I can think about is my baby and his well being. I just want to get it all over with, have my baby here and be done with this mess! They have to surgically remove the stone after he’s born. As you know, there’s very little we can safely take while pregnant so we’re just suffering through it all. I wake up and cry every morning because I dread the day. I’m getting depressed and gaining weight SO fast because I cant get any exercise at all! I’m praying for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this too. Just know you’re not alone out there <3


I had urertoscopy surgery 2 weeks ago on a 3CM stone and a stent was also placed. The doctor could only remove half of it due to being so big and after removing pieces for approx 2 hours visibility was an issue. I go next week for my hopefully final urertoscopy. I was lead to believe the stent would not be an issue and would be able to go back to work and regular activity in a few days. That is def not the case!!! This stent is misreble! It hurts to urinate, flank pain and stabbing pains in my bladder! The more active I am the worse pain I’m in!!! Every step I take I feel a sharp stabbing pain!!! Doctors completely try to down play, I can guarantee they have never had a stent!!! I don’t know if I will make it another week!!! If you have an option don’t get a stent, passing a stone is easier!!


Are you taking any meds to help with your stent? Such :

Anti-inflammatory like Diclofenac?
Pain Killer – narcotic
Alpha blockers which work to relax the bladder muscles – Flomax etc
Anticholinergic – helps with bladder spasms
A urinary tract analgesic such as Azo – over the counter

Mr alex h machin

I was due to have a urethoscopy to remove kidney stones last week….well they started but the tubes are too narrow. So for a week now I have a a stent to widen those narrow tubes so they can be repetition hopefully successfully in two weeks time.

But I have had the stent for six days now and the pain is pretty much constant and the pain in my side is awful when passing water.

I’m told to drink but drinking leads to pain which is no incentive… my fiancee has to nudge me to drink more…….and no or little coffee!!!

Do people think it is easier with a full or less full bladder….either way I get the urge to pee and it’s always full of blood.

Fed up…..any advice?


Are you taking any meds to help with your stent? Such :

Anti-inflammatory like Diclofenac?
Pain Killer – narcotic
Alpha blockers which work to relax the bladder muscles – Flomax etc
Anticholinergic – helps with bladder spasms
A urinary tract analgesic such as Azo – over the counter


i had my stone removed last Thursday Feb 23 and a stint placed because of the swelling. My doctor told me some pain is normal, but this is crazy. I think my wife thinks i am making it up. I now wish i had left the stone in place.

Kristie Gangwer

On Dec. 11th I experienced excruciating pain in the right flank; following this was nausea and vomitting and resulted in a trip to the ER. They gave me some zofran and morphine, then sent me for a CT scan. They found a kidney stone blocking the urinary tract and admitted me. Not only did I have a kidney stone, but also a horrible UTI. They put in a stent and I was released on a Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was back in the ER, but this time it was with a heart attack. They transfered me to another hospital where I underwent a heart catheterization and a stent placement. Unfortunately, this has complicated things with the kidney stone. The surgery to crush it was cancelled due to the fact they can’t take me off the blood thinner yet. The stent is driving me crazy right now and I am sick to death of it. The earliest date they can try to crush this is four weeks away! They gave me Oxybutynin but I really don’t see where it is helping too much. Even with taking it, my bladder still feels full and bloated and it feels like I’m being “poked” constantly with the stent. I am not sleeping very well, and if I am very active, I pay for it in pain. There has to be a better way to handle kidney stones that putting these stents in—they are more of an irritant than a help. I live in the bathroom. If it isn’t to pee, the meds cause diarrhea. So, I am scheduled to have them laser the stone March 27th. After this, should I ever develop another kidney stone, it will be a cold day in hell before they put another stent in me!


I had a ureteroscopy with laser and stent placement for an obstructing kidney stone on Tuesday. The procedure went well but for the following 2 days, I had excruciating pain every time I had to pee. I felt like my kidney was being stabbed with a knife! (I’ve had 3 c-sections and this pain was much worse!) After reading this page and doing a little on-line research, I called my urologist on day 3 and asked if I could remove the stent myself since the strings were hanging out. My urologist said that would be fine. I took a couple of pain pills, hobbled into the shower, grabbed the strings and pulled. Poof! Out slid this horrible contraption and the shooting pain that had been haunting me was immediately gone! I was sore for a couple of hours but I’m now recuperating predictably with mild soreness and fatigue. I would say that the stent was the cause of 90 percent of my pain and discomfort. From what I’ve read, stents are overused and can cause severe pain. Anyone who is suffering should talk to their doctor and make sure that it’s absolutely necessary. Best wishes to everyone else going through this ordeal!

Michelle Bedy

I have found that putting ice between my legs helped with the pain from the placement of two stents after bilateral lithotripsy. Still havent managed the constipation, but figure one thing at a time. I deplore the idea of urinating…the pain is unbelievable.


I am having a small operation to have a stone removed on Friday- they’re not sure if I’ll need a stent but I am absolutely terrified that I will be in tremendous pain after the procedure. I have had this stone for a week, I’ve been in the ER 3 times and have already missed a week and a half of nursing school which is very bad! I just want relief from these stones but I’m nervous about the surgery- any tips from people who have been there? To top it off, I am having this procedure the day before my birthday and i really want to not be miserable for the day! Thank you all!


I just went through 5 weeks with a stent, and taking Valium (vaginally, I was surprised about that one, but it worked) & Percocet were the only things that helped. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still felt it, but I didn’t feel like I was dying & I actually went to Disney for a week! I drank water non stop to keep my bladder full & sat with a heating pad whenever possible & slept with the heating pad as well, but I made it! Taking one medication at a time did nothing for me, it was the combo of valium & percocet that worked & that was the only thing that worked. I’m not going to act like I wasn’t miserable at times, but for the most part it was far more comfortable than the last time I had a stent.



I have a stent from 23 dec 2016 and stays probably till June.
I’m pregnant and i have a kidney stone that is to big to pass.
They can’t do anything else on the Stones because of The pregnancy.
The stent is awfull! It really hurts very bad!
Constant need to pee and it Burns like hell!
I have The feeling that My vagina is burning 24/7.
I can barely sit, walk, stand.. everything hurts and the pressure on My bladder gets worse.
I can’t take medication for The bladder spasmes.
Taking The stent out would be dangerous for My kidney and The baby.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Does someone know something else i can do to make it at least a bit comfortable?

C Brown

Another pregnant woman. That makes 3 of us I’ve seen so far. I’m 15 weeks pregnant and had a stent placed at 8 weeks for the same reason. I have a 3CM stone, not mm, CENTImeters. I would rather have the damn stone pain than this stent pain. It’s been an absolute nightmare. Same as you, there’s really nothing they can do because of the pregnancy. I’m taking Tylenol 3…. does NOTHING except make me a tiny bit sleepy. I was on hydrocondone, made me very sleepy and really did nothing for the pain either. Oxycontin made me feel very sick. I’m also scared of taking any medications because of the baby. I keep a UTI even when I’m not having these issues so I’m battling a UTI, kidney stone the size of a dang baby head, and an evil stent from hell. The only thing I wish for is my baby to be safe and be born healthy. I will stick it out for him. I’m supposed to have my stent replaced in a month. That stent will be in til I give birth via c-section probably end of Sept. I’m due end of October but they have already said he will be born early more than likely because of the circumstances. I work full time and have 2 other small children. My husband is a LIFE SAVER. But it’s very upsetting because nobody understands. My work isn’t very accommodating, they just don’t understand. I feel like everyone thinks I’m lying or exaggerating. When in all reality, I’m toning down how I really feel. When I’m alone, I cry from the pain. At work and in front of my kids, I try to seem as happy as possible. This is the worst thing I’ve ever gone through. My c-section pain from two kids was NOTHING compared to this!


It’s currently Feb 19th and I’m a little over 2 weeks with a stent in each kidney. The last 3 days have been horrible. The first week was so mild it was bearable. Now when I walk I feel like I have a metal coat hanger in my bladder or a cactus plant. When I urinate (which feels like I have to all the time like a UTI) it hurts so bad towards the end I have to holler in pain. I have 4 weeks to go. Lord help me.


I had a stent in yesterday. Immediately once the pain Ned’s wore off. I felt horrible pain. Percet didn’t help. Started vomiting from the pain. I went to the ER. Gave me strong pain medicine and nausea medication. Still hurt but not as painful. 2 weeks til my surgery. I can’t wait for this to be over with. I don’t have kids. After this pain. No babies for me lol. Never experienced pain like this in my life!!

Rebecca Cullen

This ordeal starting Jan 12th when I woke up with incredible pain in back on right side. I waited a while and then when it didn’t subside drove myself to the hospital. Short story is a 5mm stone in right urether…they sent me home to see if I could pass it on my own. Fat chance and the next day back to the hospital where I ended up being admitted and on morphine every 3 hours. The next day I had a stent put in and felt like I died and went to heaven. That lasted for a couple of days until I decided to do something. I’m so glad for whoever posted that exertion is what causes more problems. I had lithotripsy last Tues as the stone was still there after CT scan. So now on top of stent still there, I had reaction to dye contrast and have spent the last week itching. Of course the Dr. said it could be from anything, but interestingly enough the anesthesiologist was very helpful. Yesterday I had an Xray where the tech said she couldn’t see any evidence of a stone….yea she actually broke the code of somebody not being able to see their own Xray when they’re taken. Since, I have missed a lot of work , I have a cleaning business, for the 3rd day I mopped and vacuumed. By the time I got home if there was a way to pull the stent out myself, I would have. Thank God for the pain meds I haven’t had to use yet, because they are the only thing keeping me sane. Tomorrow is D day and the urologist who put the stent in will be the remover….or so the dream goes. What a nightmare.


I HATE IT. Started losing control of my bladder so now I have a catherter

Selendra Barefield

I was given Vesicare to try out and prescribed oxybutynin days after my surgery three weeks ago. I suffered with pain over the weekend until I contacted the Dr.’s office and they gave me the prescription.


I had a stent inserted 2 days ago and the pain is far worse than having the actual stones. I’ve found when I sleep the pain subsides but as soon as I need that first wee in the morning my god!!!! I dread going and now I darent drink as I can’t cope with the discomfort. Nobody warned me of the discomfort this awful thing would cause and no painkiller appears to work so I assume I have to put up with this until the 15th Feb. In general I feel sick and totally down in the dumps with no drive to do anything apart from sit with a hot water bottle..


I also had a splent placed on the 3rd and have it removed on the 15th. This is my third experience with a stent. I find the more water I drink, the more comfortable I am. In fact, if I slack off the water I can almost immediately tell a difference. A heating pad helps, hot baths help, and pain medicine in general doesn’t do much. I am counting down the days with you!


I had surgery 6 months ago for the stone in my right kidney I had the stent in and it was uncomfortable but I was able to return to work 4 days after without pain just frequent urination. I just had the stone on my left side remove on the 10th and I have in 2 stents because I had a small stone on my right side again and the pain on my left side is so horrible this is by far the worst pain I’ve been in it takes my breath away pain meds don’t cut it the pain comes in waves I still haven’t been able to go to work and I’m suppose to be there tomorrow don’t think that’s gonna happen. Been to the ER twice and they say everything looks normal I can’t take this pain I sleep with a heating pad on high and that clams it but doesn’t take away the pain I go in the shower with real hot water and that seems to help but as much pain as I’m in I would be in there more than 1/2 of the day. Drs don’t tell you the bad side of the stent they just say it’s uncomfortable I thought it was only me but after everything I’ve read online I’m seeing it not. Hope you all get the relief. I was told 10-14 days they have to stay in there my appt to have them removed is 3/3 I’m not waiting that long I’ll ended up in the ER having them take them out I can’t deal with this pain anymore and I have a high tolerance for pain but this took the cake.


I’ve had a stent since the 13th of January and my experience is nearly identical to yours. I had almost no issues whatsoever prior to its introduction to my ureter and didn’t even know I had a kidney stone if it wasn’t for the xray taken prior to my appendectomy. I feel completely debilitated and demoralized. Its affected me physically, mentally and especially financially.

I’m finally having surgery to remove my stone on Thursday and hopefully the stent on Valentine’s day. If all goes well a stent will never find it’s way inside my body ever again. I will never involve myself with a urologist for this issue and will be more then content to sit back with my Chanca Piedra and Lemon juice while the stone slowly dissolves itself into oblivion!


I’ve had kidney stones for 3 years. This is the second time I’ve had stents placed but this time it was placed in both ureters. After I got out of surgery on February 8, 2017, I ended up in the ER due to the worst pain I have ever experienced. The only thing I can compare it to is the first kidney stone I passed in 2003 which was over 5 cm. I’ve never had to pass one on my own that big since as I have had 4 lithotripsies and two laparoscopies. The stents were placed after both laparoscopies as I had 9 mm stones. I, too, have felt miserable since then. The first week I was doing pretty well after the surgery and the ER and went to work all week. Then that weekend the pain and the frequent urination started. The pain pills gave me diarrhea. I did find that using some ibuprofen helped better than the pain pills but even with that the “discomfort” was more than I could bear and I missed more work. For those of you that think that lemon juice and Chanca Piedra work – think again. Lemon juice can help but Chana Piedra does not dissolve stones – neither does lemon juice. I have found though, through a lot of research that there have been several double-blind studies on magnesium oxide and B6 actually do help to prevent kidney stones so I got on that right away. I estimate that over 14 years I have had to pay out of pocket over 50k. That, plus the pain, are the motivators to research anything and everything. Nothing dissolves kidney stones so don’t waste your time and money. Try 300 mg of Magnesium Oxide and B6. The studies showed that these prevented stones in stone formers. These work for calcium/oxylate stones only. The studies showed that those that stopped using this started forming stones again so don’t think it’s a “if I remember to take it” thing. You need to take it daily. Urologists don’t tell you about this because, let’s face it, they make a lot of money on surgeries. I can’t tell you my experience on it yet as I started on it after researching on Google Schoolar. I’ll bookmark this page and let you know how I’m doing in a year when I get more scans.


Make that 13 years. Not 3!


I had litho in the morning on this Monday the 23rd on a 12 mm stone in my right kidney. By midnight I had intense flank pain from a 5 mm chunk stuck at the top of my ureter blocking the flow of urine. Three expensive trips to the urologist for toradol injections and a different doctor checked for blockage yesterday, which I had. He rushed me to the surgical center and made time to do stent placement yesterday the 27th. Now it doesn’t really hurt, but I’m getting weird abdominal cramping and gurgling on the left side? This usually follows me bearing down to empty my bladder which occasionally causes mild discomfort. Oh, and the sensation I get now for a full bladder is the sudden urgent feeling that I’m going to poop my pants, like you get with a bad stomach bug. I have been getting cramping gas pains throughout my abdominal tract since getting home from the surgical center yesterday evening. I don’t feel like this is coincidence, but why am I having cramping on my left side?!
Update: I fell asleep before posting and it seems that laying on my left side in bed puts pressure on the bladder end of the stent which causes it to freak out and cause spasms. After a good sleep things have calmed but I still haven’t had a bm. Things may change as I strain to have one. I’m thinking of resorting to an enema as it has been a week that I have been fighting the constipation.
But on the plus side I haven’t taken a pain pill in over twelve hours and I don’t forsee needing them anymore! The horrible flank pain is GONE, the abdominal pain is GONE, the renal colic pain is GONE, and unless I irritate it I can’t feel the stent. This is amazing! I could cry I’m so happy!


Just a note here. Never have an enema. It can puncture the colon. Seriously. If anything, take some milk of magnesia. Milk of Magnesia is simply Magnesium with milk and the magnesium and B6 help prevent kidney stones in calcium/oxylate stones.


I am so glad to read this comment- I am getting a stone removed on Friday and they are not sure if I will need a stent or not but I have been reading all of these horror stories and am becoming more and more terrified, it’s nice to read about someone having a somewhat positive experience!!


i feel you i have kidney stones 3 of them 10mm passed 2 i have the stent since aug 28 2016 was scheduled for lithroprosy first time couldnt do it cause the doctor told me was ok to take ibuprofen for pain that was canceled then another one was scheduled went to that one broke that stone up put another stent in went and had xray 2 pieces flowing down and one on kidney tried to use a tool was to short couldnt reach it now its moving to mind u ive a stent in aug til mow now in scheduled to have it rem feb 3 2017 this stent is the most unconfortable thing ive ever had and mind u this is kaiser permanente feels like someone is squeezing the tip of my penis all the time and the 2nd stent felt like i was pissing razor blades im a heavy mechanic big work every time i exert my self i pee blood and ive had several urinary tract infections causes of this stend so i feel ya


I feel your pain. I was taken in 6 weeks ago with renal colic due to a 7mm stone being stuck in my urethra pipe. They put a stent in and its been a nightmare. Constant need to urinate and it burns like hell to the point of where i feel like passing out. I dread going for a wee. ?


I had my stent 3 years ago due to bladder injury during childbirth. My ureter main artery burst so they decided to cut and stitch. Doctors didn’t expect me to survive the ordeal but Thank God, I Did. A stent was inserted for 3 months (to support my kidney) and there’s no problem or pain while the stent in me. In October last year , I had a sharp pain on my right kidney and running high temperature. The ultrasound showed my right kidney swollen. So my urologist scheduled me for a surgery to insert a stent in December 2016. As I didn’t encounter so much pain previously, I just agreed on this. The reason was because he found a stricture on my ureter that caused the kidney to swell as it can’t really flow properly. Doctor said, if I don’t do the procedure to insert the stent, I might cause the kidney to fail. So I agreed. The day after the insertion, in the hospital , it was not so bad. It got worst when I went home. My genital felt like gonna to burst due to the pain during urination. The urine was dark brown and when the doctor called to check, he said that was normal. It’s been a month after surgery. It’s not getting any better. It’s so damn painful when I need to pee. I feels like going thru labor in the toilet every time I want to pee because I need to apply deep breathing technique to reduce just a bit of pain… It was really a disaster and I dread peeing. Less or more water intake was no difference. I am afraid going out from my home as every 5-15 minutes I need to pee and the output was just a drop or two… Paracetamol was not making a difference at all. In fact past few days feel it is getting worse. My next review is in February 8. My urologist will decide whether need to change a new one or just take it off. (Initial plan was I need the stent for long term). I don’t even dare to have sex as the pain right after going toilet was really beyond words can describe. I really hoped and prayed no one suffer like me…


I had a stent inserted on Thursday, was never told about the pain,just told it wil be taken out after 7 weeks.i blame 12 mm left kidney stones.i feel like I m dying ,I can’t find a comfortable position. Please which medication can make this better.


I had a ureteroscopy scheduled for January 6 to remove multiple stones in left kidney. When I awoke in post-op, I was told that after stent was in place the urologist went to grab a few stones that were impacted in left kidney and couldn’t get them. A piece of one broke off and the stone/piece moved and released backed up infected urine from the kidney, so he stopped the procedure. I still have the stent. My next apt with urology is January 24 and am told the stent will not come out then either (I’m disappointed). We will have to review the plan to go forward and laser the stones. I assume he’s keeping the stent in so that he doesn’t have to reinsert another when second surgery is done. But, now the stent horror story. I can feel it inside me and it’s more uncomfortable than painful. But, I have frequent urges to urinate and then when I sit on the commode, very little comes out. But as soon as the urine starts to flow, I immediately get a sharp pain at my left kidney. It lasts during the whole time of the urination, which isn’t long. I don’t like to take the pain pills during the day, but I am also on a bladder spasm medication which really doesn’t do much for me. I can’t wait for this stent to come out and more importantly can’t wait for this whole mess to be over with.

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