From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Had stent in September 6 for 10 days due to a obstruction of unknown origin. I have been to
Er twice with uncontrolled pain , bright red red blood in urine, which stopped after 3 days and infection. Have feeling of wanting to pee all the time and totally exhausted. Has anybody else went through this. Stent out on friday. Want my life back.

Rey Mejia

Thank you all for sharing this. I thought I was the only one suffering. I have a 7 mm stone in my right kidney and was stented because it was to far up. Yes this “SLIGHT DISCOMFORT” is unbearable. I thought I was going crazy already I thought I had some type of infection or disease this burning sensation does not go away. Even when I’m not urinating it burns. This Stent is the worst thing ever! I should be getting it removed this weekend. What should I expect after removal?

Hermila Lariz

I had a stent placed yesterday and I’m in so much pain. I can hardly move.


Hi. I had 7 MM. stone removed on Monday, no problems all went well said the surgeon.(bullshit) I was back in hospital on Wednesday morning extreme pain, had a ct scan and 4mm stone showed its face. All day Wednesday on morphine, a different surgeon operated on Thursday morning he said it wasn’t a 4mm stone but was little bits gathered together from when I had the laser on Monday which the surgeon didn’t bother to remove. I was also fitted with a stint on Thursday which I wasn’t told was happening, I only found out when I asked the nurse why there was a piece of thread coming out the end of my penis. I’ve since been back in ER all day Sunday with the pain being extreme I’ve never felt pain like it, from the end of my penis too half way up my back.urine full of blood and running for the toilet every 10mins really stinging feeling. I’m 33 have had stones for a long time but the stint is the worst feeling I’ve ever had. I get the stint removed tomorrow Tuesday so it will only be in for 5 days which is far too long. I’m praying it’s not sore please don’t let it be sore.. From reading all the posts lots and lots of water and lemons seems to be the only thing that helps . Please if anybody nos anything else to reduce are stop stones forming please post.

Suzanne McCrae

My 91 year old father has been dealing with Kidney stones. About 2 weeks ago, he had one removed in his ureter and they put in a stent because they couldn’t get to the one further up in his kidney. from the time he walked out of that office, he has been in excruciating pain. He was unable to empty his bowels and became so constipated, he has been in the hospital 4 times since then to try to get his bowels emptied. He had to take so much pain meds which didn’t work that it made the constipation worse. His radiologist keeps insisting that the stent has not caused his pain but after reading everything on this site, I know that’s the problem. He went from a healthy man and right now is basically an invalid unable to even get out of bed or walk. He wants to die!

Melissa Taylor

Hello all,
I have had my stent in for 3 days now and oh my gosh I hate it. The frequent peeing of can deal with but the constant burning it horrid. I can’t get any relief! I have a 10mm stone in my right kidney and will have the stent for 4 weeks before they blast it.


I’m a male, age 44 & just had my first stent inserted yesterday.
I feel like I have to pee all the time and that I’ll frankly pee myself when trying to get to bathroom. This sucks but it’s not my concern at the moment.
What bothers me is that it hurts to pee each time.
The pain is in my penis in the first 1/3 of my length. Hurts as though there is a wound inside.
Is this normal, perhaps just agitated or something that will get worse, such as infected and end up crying in pain? It’s pretty bad right now each time I pee.

Jamie Brizendine

Yes. This is my third stent. That is common, and it’s always the worst for me.


I’m a male, age 44 &Just had my first Stent inserted yesterday.
I feel like I have to pure all the time and that I’ll frankly pee myself when trying to get to bathroom.this sucks but it’s not my concern at the moment.
What bothers me is that it hurts to pee each time.
The pain is in my penis as though there is a wound inside.
It’s this normal, perhaps just Austin or something that will get worse, such as infected and end up crying in pain?


After reading everyone’s story and dealing with my own stent for a week now. I’m due to return back to work in a few days and I am terrified at the thought of being up and down on my feet all day at my office with this stent. Does everyone else still manage to go to work and do there normal activities with the stent and it’s uncomfortableness or does everyone stay on bed rest for an extended period of time???

Please lmk, I feel so helpless.


I have had my stent 11 days and working has been horrible. Yesterday was the 1st day the stent didn’t bother me so I cleaned and worked with minimal meds(Pyridium, Oxybutrin). Tonight my bladder is on fire and feels so irritated, call me crazy ,but the strings even feel like they are rubbing my pee hole. Thanks for all you guys, it helps to know I’m not the only one.

Jamie Brizendine

I worked 8 hours in a production paper plant today. Average temp 90+ humidity 90% and it was hell. I drank 400 ounces of water. And the bathroom is 4 minutes away on foot.

All with no pain meds. Had Lithotripsy last Wednesday, no idea when my stent comes out.

I. Am. Miserable. Did I mention tomorrow is 10 hours. Until Saturday. Then it’s only 8. Same for Sunday, but they are kind enough to let me come in at 4:30 am and off by noon.

I think I’m going to die at some point.


My 2nd bout with kidney stones. 5m stone in left kidney, obstructing ureter along with a serious kidney infection starts with a py. In the hospital 4 days on IV antibiotics. Went home with a stent that was like a knife inside me. Been thru this once before but I guess I screwed up as far as diet and water intake. Never again… Mind bending pain. Anyhow my infection cleared up only to reappear as an UTI. Caused by guess what? The stent. Apparently bacteria can colonize and create the infection your trying to get rid of. They also gave me Cipro (the worst antibiotic which I’m resistant to) anyhow wound up back at the ER… Thinking let them do the lithotripsy. But not till the UTI is cleared up. How long can this batshit crazy merry go round continue. Pain meds is my diet. Have no appetite… And cannot walk around without have to pee constantly which is torture.


I became sick July 7 with severe back pain. I went to er and was told I had urinary infection.After 2 weeks with 103 temp I returned to er and after a ct scan was told I had a stag horn kidney stone and also a stone in my left ureter that completely blocked my left kidney. The stag horn stone was 3cm by 10 cm, thus starting my kidney stone hell. My doctor first put in a stent and after 1 week did litho to remove stent in ureter, removing stent. My next procedure involved putting in a neph tube into my left kidney. The next day my doctor went thru the neph tube to try and break up stag horn stone. Next he did another litho to break up more of the stone and he did not leave stent in. Well long story short the kidney became blocked and urine was coming out track left my neph tube, bloody smelly urine. After 2 days I was taken back to surg and had litho and stent placement. This is where I am now the stent hurts and I feel like I have to pee all the time at which I would like to scream when I go. Reading all the prior I realize this is normal.


Wow, after reading all the issues everyone has been having with stents l feel like l’m lucky. l had 5 stones blasted in my left kidney and they put a stent in me. l took 1and 1/2 weeks off work, drank at least 2 litres of water a day and after 5 days stopped urinating blood. My only issues with having then stent in me have been nausea and fatigue. Some days l’ll go to work and other days l can’t get out of bed. l took 1 Celebrex for the first 3 days and since then l’ve been taking Panadol ,2 tablets 3 times a day but being someone who hates taking tablets l’m trying to cut it down to 2 tablets ,both morning and night. l get my stent out next Wednesday and have organised to have both Wed and Thursday off work to recover as l’ve had a stent removed before and as others have mentioned above, the pain is more than just mild. My doctor has told me to take a Tramadol and a Valium prior to having it done which will help with the pain. Good luck to everyone else with there problems.

Richard Allen

Glad to hear from you people.I don’t have kidney stones but my right ureter kinks every 4 or 5 years. The cure is a stent is put in for from 2 weeks to 8 weeks. This time its in for 6 weeks…the pain is terrible. It was put in 10 days ago and it was 6 days before I stopped peeing blood. When I am peeing it feels like I have been stabbed in the lower abdomen and the kidney pain is monstrous. I have been back to emergency because of the pain; they fill me full of intravenous painkillers and send me home. I am prescribed 10mg toradol every 8 hours with 8mg hydromorphone every 6 hours…..they don’t work. the only thing that seems to work are belladonna and opium suppositories which are no longer available here…any suggestions?


Try taking ditropan. Ask your doctor for it. It’s been helping me a lot with the stent pain. It’s a bladder spasm medicine. I also could not find the opium suppositories. Hope this helps.


I’m so glad I found this site! I am in my fourth week of a ureteral stent and it has been a total nightmare. The doctors did warn me that I would feel like a had a UTI. Try that times 10. It is miserable. The only thing helping my pain/discomfort is oxycodone/acetaminophen combo, which causes it’s own problems. I had to have the stent because, during my hysterectomy Aug. 2, the surgeon accidently cauterized my ureteral tube shut. As time goes on, I’m more and more incontinent, in addition to the pain, nausea and feeling generally miserable. Last night, I woke up every 2-3 hours soaked. Now having to wear adult diapers. Plus, I’m an emotional basket-case after this medical error roller coaster. Very depressed and scared that this will not be resolved after the stent is removed, in which case I’ll be facing kidney/ureteral stent removal. The irony of that is that my brother has progressive kidney disease and I committed to donating one of my kidneys to him, if it should come to that. Prior to the surgery, I was a very healthy and active 45-year-old. Really hope I can get back to normal. Thanks for the ability to share and for sharing your stories. Blessings!


I’m going through almost the very same thing. I also had to have a bladder flap surgery in order to repair my ureteral tube. Originally from hysterectomy complications. I have found Azo helps relieve some of this pain. You can buy azo from pharmacy over the counter. Are you seeking legal advice?

Sherry Isadore

Here is a website. It mentions that stents are sometimes put in too long and having a shorter stent put in could relieve the problem.

Deborah K

It’s been 3 days since I had my first stent put in and I had 2 days notice this was happening as I have a 91/2 mm stone stuck in my uretha . I can so bloody relate, the pain with the stent is worse then the pain I had in my left kidney. The constant trips to the loo every 10 minutes to do stuff all pee but the sting is unbearable at times. I’m not in any way worried about the blood but if anyone had told me this was going to happen I would have suffered through the kidney stone pain with no stent. I’ve got this thing for 4 weeks until they do the laser of all the stones in my left kidney. I should have shares in toilet paper and worried I’m going to empty the weir of water with all my trips to the loo. there is no comfortable positions and oh my god when my partner or dog bumps my left side I just want to kill. There is no way in hell they are removing this stent under a local, I will be demanding general . I have no issues giving up soft drink and drinking loads of water now as I never want to go through this again. It reminded me of child birth and I feel like a new mother as I am getting no sleep with all the trips to the loo. Let’s talk about driving when you get stuck in peak hour traffic and you have to pee and you hang on knowing that when you go to pee not only will it be bloody but the pain is going to be so bad that you grip onto what ever is around you and scream inside your head. Thank you for this site as now I know I’m not alone and I’m not being a sook as it turns out this is normal with stents. I love how they do not share this with you up front before they place it in you and torture you for weeks on end. I apologise for any spelling errors but I’m trying to write this so I can go pee.

Sherry Isadore

Hi Deborah, I am going through the same thing. and my husband had a 10 mm stone in his ureter a year ago. For my husband they went in with a laser and broke the stone up and put in a stent. They had him come back ONE WEEK LATER to remove the stone pieces but then put in another stent for anow additional week because of swelling. Every time they put him under anesthesia. it was a 2 week process for the whole thing. I don’t know why your doctor is taking so long. My husband did not have much pain with the stent but I am having a miserable time with mine. I barely walk 10 feet without having to run to the restroom. I can deal with always having the urge to pee and pain while peeing and for about 5 minutes afterwards but the pain after about 36 hours became so severe that it was 5 times worse then labor and there was not even a minute of relief. Doctor gave me hydrocodone 5-325mg. I was taking oxycodone the first day and a half because I had it left over from.when the stone was diagnosed. It works better than hydrocodone. I started reading others comments and this is what I found works best. Oxycodone or hydrocodone every 4 hours. I have been taking 2 pills at a time. You also should take 1 Flomax a day to widen the ureter tube. The most important thing to do, according to what I have read, is Detrol LA 4 mg and/ or Pyridium 100 mg. I do not have the Detrol but I did have the Pyridium. Now most people take Pyridium 200 MG at a time, 3 times a day. I have been getting relief with just 100 MG. There is also an issue with taking Pyridium more than 2 days in a row without a doctor’s consent, so talk to your doctor. Hot baths and a heating pad seem to help.
Seriously, I can’t see why they are making you wait 4 weeks except for them maybe not having time in the surgery schedule. your doctor about it. Good luck


Hi guy’s,
Was just in the hospital for 5 days being diagnosis and missdiagnosis. Finally they removed a kidney stone and placed a stint in place. Lots of cramping blood when peeing. Feels like I have another uti. Anyone else?


I just had a stent placed yesterday when they were trying to get up into my bladder to blast the stone. Apparently the top end of my ureter was too narrow to even get the scope up, so they put a stent in for a week and then they’ll go back to hopefully remove the stone. I’m in so much pain right now. I look like a two year old trying to poop when I go to the bathroom, it’s that bad. I grimace, sweat, cry and do everything I can to get it over quickly. Then times without warning I almost drop to floor with pain from my lower abdomen. I can deal with the blood and frequency but the pain is beyond compare… Which is surprising because I have a rare genetic disease that causes awful pain, for which I’m already on Percocet AND morphine. None of it helps. I’m thinking of sticking an ice pack covered in towels in my crotch to see if it relieves any of the pain. Crossing my fingers the stent has done its job by week’s end and I can get back to the pain I’m used to.


Hi my name is B I had bilateral stones lazered on Friday last week with 2 stents inserted. I had some discomfort for the first 24 hours was bad but I found that the opiate meds didn’t make and difference but diclofenac suppositories really helped up until today, 4 days post op. I woke with a sharp pain last night and after urination it was unbearable. It has settled somewhat today but I was just wondering if pain increasing instead of decreasing normal? My urine is still full of blood but I’m not too worried about that. Thanks


Went in on July 28th to have my stent removed after 2 months of pai and discomfort. I still couldn’t pass my urine so the stent had to be put back for another 2 months. I was hoping it wouldn’t hurt as much the second time around but I am sitting in my chair with sharp pain in my bladder and still bleeding when I urinate. I just don’t know about another 2 months of this but I know I need the stent. Thank you for this sight I just don’t know who to talk to or who else understands. Thank you for listening?

Ernest Leith

My god! I freaking knew it! I knew the whole “slight discomfort” was a lie! I wanted to end my life due to the misery of the pain your in. Think on a scale from one (being no pain) to ten (being the worst), it’s a freaking 20! It’s like doubled or tripled the stone attack pain! There’s no relief at all, take the drugs! Don’t even bother relying on ibuprofen  (it ain’t gonna help, at all) don’t even think tyenol will take the edge off cuz it won’t! Both will be like taking a placebo sugar pill!  The first one I had, I made them remove it early due to the amount of pain I was in. I’m currently due to get a “ureteroscopy with a possible stent” bull, they are gonna put the stent in. It’s a 6mm stone that’s stuck high and hasn’t budged in 4 weeks so I asked them to go in and remove it but I said NO STENT! They looked at me like I had 8 heads when I said the pain is unbearable! And scoffed at me saying “surely it can’t be that bad” and I said I would never wish this on my worst enemy! Ugh I’m scared! So terrified they will screw me over and put in a stent anyways! Wish me luck! (I’m so going to need it ?)


Wow, it sounds like I wrote this…


Good luck, ma’am! My stone is also 6mm and blocking the sphincter to my kidney. They’re hoping the stent will open up my ureter as the top part was too narrow for the scope to go through. I have seven more days of this hell and hopefully the stent AND stone will be gone. You’re right though, those OTC pain meds won’t do shit for this pain. I’m on Oxycodone and Morphine for my other condition and even those don’t touch this pain.

Roger Meekings

I have been a kidney stone sufferer for nearly 20 years. I had a stent fitted, but after a while it was giving me all kinds of complications. It was decided to have it removed prompted by my GP. This was done under a local, the nurses were making me feel very relax with idol chatter about nothing, when the surgeon gave one almighty yank and removed the stent which had encrustation growing on it. I jumped off the table screaming and cursing while hopping around the room, it was the most pain feeling I have ever experienced. I was told it was the only way to remove the stent, with my body relaxed, had my body of gone tense, they would of struggled to remove it. That was 20 years ago, I am at present waiting to go into hospital to have a second stent remove and laser treatment on the stones. You have no idea how much I am praying that there has been advancement in 2016 to remove stents…….this is 100% true. It makes my eyes water just thinking about it.


I have had one kidney stone and one stent, and that’s more than enough for me! Honestly, the stent was just as bad (if not worse) than the kidney stone! I have begged my urologist to remove it, but he said it needs to stay there until we determine the kidney stone has passed. I had lithotripsy, and the stone came out in small fragments. So, I just want him to do an x-ray to determine if the stone(s) still exist in my kidney. The gravity of standing is painful, and sitting with my feet elevated helps. It’s a constant discomfort with urination being painful. I do take Urised to help, but the pain is still there. After 5 weeks, I am so ready to have this stent removed! Drink lots of water and a gallon of REAL lemonade each week, and I’ve been told you will never have another kidney stone! I’m going to change my diet so I never have another kidney stone!

Carolyn Stone-Zeigler

I had a large stone blocking the left distal ureter today. Stone was removed and stint placed. Problem: For the first 8 hours I have been able to urinate without difficulty. Still no difficulty with urination – that is the issue. I now have incontinence. Is this a normal side effect or something that I need to notify my MD? How long should I expect this if a normal issue after placement?


Feel better♡


I never had any leakage, I was more the opposite could never pee♡

Sherry Isadore

They told me the incontinence should only last 25 hours but I have had it forn3ndays so far. If you have toone maNY problems go back to the ER. They have had lots of problems with syents moving and causing issues. Good luck. By the way Detrol or Pyridium will help with this. Ask your doctor.


hi everyone. I’m a frequent flyer with kidney stones. Been dealing with them sense 2004 with many surgeries because I am unable to pass them. This year I had a lithotripsy on July 14 2016 for a 4mm and 7 mm in my left kidney. plus several more in both kidneys but doc only worked on the 7 and 4. last Friday had to call 911 in pain and couldnt walk was admitted into hospital with 2 stones both 4mm stuck near my bladder in ureter tube. Had ureteroscopy on sat. this time putting a stent in. My first experience with a stent and right now I would rather deal with a kidney stone stuck then the pain I’m feeling with this stent. 🙁 Also have very heavy blood in my urine almost the color of black with blood clots. Is this normal? thanks


Go to the doctor or ER immediately if you are have blood clots. That is not good at all. It may not be due to the stent but the procedure. I just got mine done today and my paperwork says if you begin to urinate bright red or show clots.


I’d rather have the stone as well just as much pain and cramping. Lots of blood in pee. Feels like I have another uti. Hoping you feel better quickly hang in there

Sherry Isadore

Lots of bright red blood when my husband and I both had stones removed and stents inserted. The blood stayed as long as we have had the stents but it was never black and never clots. I agree that you need to go to the ER. I will keep you in my prayers.


I am female in my late 50’s
I had to have a stent inserted because I had a blockage of the ureter at my kidney and my kidney was a bit swollen. As someone else said, probably because of the drugs they give you at the hospital, I felt fine afterwards for a couple of days… Then the pain started. I didn’t want heavy duty drugs, so I opted for Tylenol 3, which hardly touched the pain. Lots of blood in the urine and pain at the end of each pee. That lasted about two weeks.

I thought I’d be ok after that, but then the bladder spasms started. OH boy! Miserable is the word for those! They come in waves of agony. At times, standing was unbearable. It was ALL I could think about. I called the urologist and asked for a prescription that helps but doesn’t take the spasms totally away. (Oxybutynin 5mg) WHY the F did I have to ask? They should AUTOMATICALLY prescribe them for people with stents. Your bladder is saying “hey, there is a foreign object in there and I
want it OUT”

Anyways, that was over two months ago and my symptoms have gotten worse. There are times that my whole pelvis feels inflamed and angry, and it just about kills me to even sit down. When it’s bad, it feels like my bladder is trying to come out through my urethra and that I have to pee all the time even just after I’ve peed. I walk bent over. A bumpy road (to our cottage) is excruciating. I found myself lifting my body off the seat by my hands for relief on the bad bumps.
As for having sex? Are you kidding? Not even a chance with this going on. A good thing that I have an understanding husband lol.

I was told that I would be getting it out August 16, so I called and re-booked an earlier appointment for August 4 (in two days) I was told by the dr’s secretary that this appointment is for a consultation… A freaking consultation? He was supposed to take it OUT on the 16th according to him when I booked it. This smells like a rotten deal
and he will just make more money from our health care system on a 5 minute consultation, rather than just take it out on my appointment date. I wonder how many other people have these “consultations” and how much extra cash-Ola that the doctor
is making on these? When I go there, his waiting room is full and the patients waiting for their appointments are spilling over into the hallway.

My conclusion at this date: stents aren’t for sissies. If you doctor mentions the words “discomfort” or a “bit of pain” they aren’t telling the truth. They hurt, and at least in my case, it doesn’t get better. Symptoms just change from one problem to another.

I just pray that when I get mine out that I won’t need another. If kidneys weren’t such an important organ, I’d just say take the problem kidney out of me instead.

Sherry Isadore

my doctor never even told me there would be pain. My husband had one and his was no big deal. I have leads been able to handle pain better than him and mine has been terrible. And if you have constipation or loose bowels, watch out, it will drive your drive your kidneys, ureter, and bladder crazy.

Sherry G

I have an appointment in the urologist’s office next week. When I had the stent put in I was told that it was supposed to come out at that appointment.. do they do this in the office and not in the OR like when they put it in? I’m scared to death now! I have a 5mm stone that is stuck and was blocking my ureter tube. I felt instant relief once the stent was placed but now I have the same pain and discomfort that everyone else is describing! I have to pee every 10 minutes and it hurts when I go. I can’t wait till this is over so I can feel normal again! I take hydrcodone at night, I have young kids so I don’t take pain meds during the day and I just want to die.

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