From a Patient’s Perspective: The Ureteral Stent: Friend or Foe?

Even though different people respond to stents in different ways, I suspect anyone who’s ever lived with a ureteral stent remembers the experience.  I have had two, and both were, indeed, memorable.

Prior to undergoing a pyeloplasty, (a surgical procedure to correct a urinary tract obstruction) I was informed that a stent would be in place for about seven weeks.   I also recall being told, or perhaps reading, that such stents cause “discomfort” in some patients.  In my mind the term “discomfort” equates to nothing more than an annoyance or a nuisance, so going into the surgery I was not overly concerned.  For the first couple of days following surgery, perhaps because of post-surgical pain killers, it seemed the stent would be absolutely no problem.  I could hardly feel it.  “This will be a piece of cake,” I thought.

Then, shortly after going home, I became increasingly aware that some apparently sharp object was attempting to drill a hole through the wall of my bladder.  In fact, the image of a shish-kabob skewer came to mind.  At the same time, there was the sensation that something was tugging on my right kidney, trying to pull it down from its usual location.  It was difficult to find comfortable positions…and it felt as though gravity was becoming my worst enemy.  Urination was frequent and painful, and my urine continued to be bloody for the entire seven weeks.  Involuntary tears came to my eyes and waves of nausea were common.  Finally, I discovered that sitting in a recliner and tipping it back approximately half way seemed to relieve the worst of the pain, and that allowed me to get a little sleep at night.

After seven long weeks, I welcomed the removal of that first stent.  A generous application of lidocaine made the procedure entirely tolerable, and I watched on the monitor as the stent was grabbed and the upper curly-cue began its descent down through the ureter.  Once I was free of the stent, the relief I felt far surpassed the minor discomfort associated with its removal.

About a month later, I accepted a second stent with guarded optimism.  This one was placed following lithotripsy for a 1+ cm stone in my left kidney.  It seemed logical to me, since this ureter was not compromised or swollen, that this stent should not hurt nearly as much as the first.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about that. Once again, the same familiar painful and distressing physical sensations returned.  And once again I sought relief in the recliner.   The stent allowed stone fragments to pass, but I was elated to be rid of it after only three weeks.

The second stent experience left me with a new determination to do everything I could to prevent future stone formation.  If making a few adjustments, such as drinking much more water each day, can prevent new stones and another stent placement sometime down the road, then I was ready to change old habits.   Accepting the inevitability of new stones, then treating them as they become problematic, is no longer acceptable.  My new plan is to be well-informed and pro-active and do all I can to discourage new stone formation.  In fact, it’s the vivid memory of previous painful stents that continues to be the most powerful motivator.  In a way, then, those stents are still serving a most valuable purpose, and I should remain grateful for them.

Editors note: Bonnie writes about her experiences as a stone patient in her posts. If you have experiences as a patient you would like to share, feel free to add a comment or send her an email at:


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Lauren caley

I am a 28 year old female, previous history of stones was 3 years ago where I had a 8mm stone blasted, for 3 years I have been OK, no pain but 4 weeks ago I had a stone attack and wow oh wow did it hit me .. my kidney was infected and full of puss and requires a stent to be inserted .. I was told it would make me feel better and be slightly uncomfortable but bearable .. but oh my days .. after surgery I passed blood in my urine which I was told would settle down .. I returned home the next day with pain relief. The time came to pass urine and I can not describe the pain .. my toes curled and I cried .. the pain shot up my back instantly but after I passed urine the pain went. I thought I was tense and if I tried to relax I’d be OK, 30 mins later I needed to pass urine again the same thing happened … pain up my back. I kept thinking they want me to drink fluid but I’d I drink fluid I’ll need to pass urine and if I pass urine I’ll get horrendous pain. I find the only place to feel comfortable is sitting on the toilet .. I can take pain but this is something else .. the pressure in my bladder is intense .. a constant dragging down feeling .. I’ve had 2 UTI in the past 4 weeks antibiotics galore and 2 a n e admissions… I’m living on tramadol and coidene not how I wanted to spend my life .. my stent due out next week and I can’t tell you how nervous yet excited I am but also a worry in the back of my mind I might have another attack.. my review on a stent isn’t positive but everyone is different .. good luck to anyone having a stent fitted …

to be inserted

Barbara Jones

I had mine in a week its consonantly pain when pee and move around I fell twice it supose to say in 4cweeks but I can’t wait thatblong I won’t it out now pain meds don’t help what should I do it hurts so bad still I cry someone please tell me what to down


I have a stent inserted in my left ureter since may16, 2016 and due for removal anytime next week which is giving me anxiety and stress thinking of what pain to expect.. luckily i did not have any discomfort with my stent ever since up to now.. all i am afraid is the removal… hope all is well.. 🙂


Hey peeps,

3 weeks into the 6 weeker before my 9mm stone gets blasted. I have to say, it’s bloody uncomfortable if walking more than half an hour. It hurts alot when I piss, I read somwhere to focus and breath deeply which for some reason helps. I have to control my urine as it comes out by using the muscles in my old chap. If I just let it come out it hurts like hell in my groin and kidney. If I try to hold the urine in once the 60 second clock starts ticking it hurts the kidney.
The one question I have, I’m not sure if it’s the stent but does anyone have considerable pain on the inside of the urethra near the middle of the penis. It’s like it’s sawing every time I move, like really uncomfortable. Then when I piss on it it’s a burning pain. That’s the worse part of the entire thing and get’s worse the more I walk.
All the best, I’m with you- extremely painfull


Well, I don’t have a penis, but I sure do have electrifying pain from the stent. Had the jj put in July 25th after this stone. By that I mean, at least 7 I have had, 3 “requiring” stents. This doctor told me just before surgery that he would not remove the stone if I didn’t agree to a stent, as I was being wheeled in….nice huh? The last doctor told me I was a “baby” for asking him to remove the stent after a week. The first stent I begged to have removed after 2 days. Maybe I am a baby, but after childbirth and multiple stones, as I live and try to breathe, the stent is equal to all the above evils. The pain is truly indescribable, unless you’ve experienced the joy of a jj. Ah then the constipation from all the pain meds (which barely touch the pain anyway….am I right?). Well I have such compassion for those of you who have tolerated a stent for ANY length of time. There must be a better stent out there somewhere that isn’t crippling….we put a man on the moon decades ago……..I’m going to try to talk current doc into removing this in 3 days, wish me luck my fellow sufferers!

Dayna Garbarino

I have had a stent in for a year and no ending in site. It’s replaced every 3 to 6 months. I had surgery and my urethra was accidentally cut and due to endometrosis it scarred over causing complete blockage. I go to Johns Hopkins in October to meet with a surgeon and hopefully they can fix this but it is all taking forever due to constant complications. This pain is unbearable. I don’t know how much longer I can take it.


My kidney stone lodged in the tube leading out of the kidney, it was painful, and I could only pee about an ounce at a time every 30 minutes or so. A stent was installed, for a day and a half I was pain free, now I am in the same pain as before and have to pee every 30 minutes and only an ounce at a time. So I’m wondering, just what good was there having the stent installed at all?

Heather Bielskis

Any help for the pain


0630 Arrived at Lovell VA hospital. Greeted as I approached down the hall. Prepped and made comfortable within 20 minutes. Nurses and support technicians came in and told me what their role would be. Nurses, urologists and anesthesiologists all very professional and empathetic. 0730 Dr. Gudeman checks in. I know it was 0730 because I asked her in a feeble attempt to be funny “what took you so long?” Reality was I had been attended to since before I even made it down the hallway to surgery. Brian saw me coming and anticipating correctly inquired who I was. Walked in, went to room, changed clothes and was plugged in to meds, fluids and monitors within 20 minutes.
Wheeled into procedure room and under anesthesia mysteriously within 5 minutes. Not so mysteriously actually. I did not see the anesthesiologist in the room but in her earlier visit she told me what would happen. She did not miss a beat either. I did not recognize anyone but asked Dr Gudeman how big the stone was as a point of reference and to know she was in the room. 8 ml was her response. Her voice was reassuring. Good officer. Gas passer crept up behind me and I was gone.
In recovery room by 0900 to best of my recollection. Anesthetic much easier on me than in previous encounter. Wheeled to a room to R&R and clear my head. 0930 I’m feeling pretty good. Nap and check in with staff monitoring my vitals. 1130 good to go. Request permission to leave. Monitors and IV disconnected and am awaiting ride home by noon. No discomfort to speak of with stent. Not what I anticipated. So far so good. I’ve been dealing with kidney stones for 2 decades now. Never fun. This big one wouldn’t move on its own but the hospital stay was easy. Not anticipating trouble with the stent. Looking forward to knee surgery.
I’ve been a frequent visitor to Lovell VA this year undergoing procedures to prepare me for full knee replacement. Moving this stone should be the last of them. I feel confident the staff will continue to show true professionalism that reflects the honor and integrity of the people in the medical fields and military as I continue this adventure.

Kassy Helmandollar



I had uteroscopy and dr was supposed to laser the stone but he could grab it a d it went back into kidney. He put stent. Now I have to see whst he will do to get stone. But stent is like something pulli g on ur insides a d I feel best lying down. I am a PT and returned to work . But hard to complete all my assignments due to constantly being in bathroom for frequent and urgent urination

Derek James

I am a 59 year old male, I had my first JJ Stent inserted into my right Ureter back in December 2015. In March 2016 had the encrusted Stent removed and Laser treatment to break up the Stone, then another stent inserted!!!.Had great discomfort and bleeding from day one!.In July had an emergency operation for a stone now blocking my left Ureter and had a stent inserted!.Now I have two stents, one in each Ureter and will have the right one removed in a week and another stone lasered which has developed in my right Kidney.I have great difficulty walking, since I am in great pain passing blood with clots.When will it all end?, my general health is suffering not to mention not being able to work for 8 months.I have contemplated suicide on numerous occasions, but I have a daughter and a disabled wife that rely on the little help I give them.

Ureteral stents are based on a > 20 year old technology / design, managed and marketed by essentially three device companies; one which controlling < 50% of the market. There is has been no real innovation, only leveraging technology they have no incentive to change. Similarly for about 20 years every peer review article seems to conclude "the ideal stent material has yet to be made available". So, I entered the space with a new technology and material focused on patient comfort and reduced infection. Accordingly I strongly recommend the readership take a look at the FDA approved Q Urological pAguamedicina 100% hydrogel ureteral stent poised for market this fall.

Thank you for this site and the sharing of pain with the stent. I had to have surgery for a 8mm kidney stone. It could not be removed so the stone was broken up and a stent put in. The surgery was on May 21st and I need to keep the stent till July 25th. There are days when the pain is tolerable and then there are days like today where the pain and pinching make my eyes tear. I call the doctor’s office and am told that the pain is normal as long as the stent is in. My husband is going for hip surgery tomorrow and I want to be able to care for him 100 percent and I hope I can. I sure hope the last few weeks goes by quickly and that I never need to do this again. I understand about wanting to just take it out

Ms. Compassion

When a Dr says ‘a little uncomfortable’ or ‘might sting a bit’, just get ready to be passing out from pain. I currently have a stent, post surgery from an infected stone. It absolutely feels like hard labor, which mine was 35 hrs long. My problem is the stents become infected, making urinating impossible. They fill with crystals, clots & puss. If u are having stone surgery, refuse the stent. I mean beg, steal, or borrow!lol U can have the surgery w/o the stents. The stents are like the stones on hyperdrive! I mean they have teeth, hormones, and hot flashes! Prayers for all of us!


Thanks for sharing this it made me laugh and then I had regrets afterwards from lol due to pain from the stents. I have double stents in place on one side if I might add due to abnormal duplicate tubes. Your message sums the experience up perfectly.


For those of you that have pain when you pee, i had the same symptoms with my stent. It has been in for 4 weeks now. One of the nurses gave me a great tip and it worked for me. Don’t drink anything with caffeine in it. That was a life saver for me and i still have to go to the bathroom every second but it no longer hurts at the end of peeing. It has been a week with no pain at the end of a bathroom visit. Just wanted to pass it along just in case 🙂


Last Wed I woke up with slight pain with the pain increasing thru out the day. I raced to the hospital er in record fashion! I was told I have stones in both kidneys,but I had one 8mm stone causing blockage in the right kidney. They were able to perform removal of stones by laser in right kidney and placed a renal stent on Fri. They wanted to send me home right after the procedure,but I wasn’t budging! I was discharged late Sat afternoon. I drove myself home and went to sleep after I took 1 5mg perc and 1 5mg oxycodone. I didn’t wake up till 8 pm Sun! I could barely move and I was in so much pain! I had Dominoes deliver my breakfast,lunch, and supper.It dread every time I have to urinate! They want you to drink plenty of water”fluids” ,but then that means more frequent urination which means more frequent pain! They are saying I can pull this out myself this Wed.Just 5 days after placement. A couple years ago I pulled a stent out myself in anger after the VA couldn’t get me in soon enough to remove the stent. I pulled it out while taking a hot steamy shower. I was in such relief afterwards. I believe I will feel great relief after I pull this one out as well.


I’ve had my stents in for almost a month and they’re being removed in 3 days and I can’t WAIT!!!! I feel like I have to pee ALL THE TIME and it burns, my kidney hurts when I pee, I feel like I could pee seconds after I get done!!!! I’ve got discomfort in my groin and lower abdomen and can’t get comfortable very easily. I had a 7mm kidney stone and the attacks were awful so these stents better have been worth it because I want them out SOOOOOOOOOO bad!!!!!

Steve Mortimore

you all have my sympathy, i currently have a stent fitted to my left side with a stone of 1.7cm and another of 6mm, the larger one was blocking the exit from the kidney.
yes the stent is very uncomfortable and painful at times but compared to the acute pain i was in prior to the stent being fitted, its a fair trade off.
I am 4 weeks in to the 4 – 6 week wait for the stones and stent to be removed, the first 2 – 3 weeks apart from passing blood when urinating wasn’t to bad but by the 4th week the discomfort increases the pain relief seems to do nothing and urinating is a nightmare, it burns like hell and your kidney feels like its going to explode, couple that with the constant ache down my left side, the only relief is to lay down !
looking forward to having the stent and stones removed in a week or so and ill update after the procedure is done.

Mary Lou

I also have stent which was inserted after a 3rd lithotripsy for kidney stones. This is the 3rd time I’ve had a stent inserted and this is the longest time it has to stay in. After 2 weeks I am still have stinging & burning on urination which lasts for a while. I am taking Pyridium 3 x a day which does take the edge off but it only lasts for about 3 hours at a time. In between I take ibuprofen or Tylenol. Relief only comes when lying flat with feet up. I manage to do errands after taking Pyridium & make sure I’m home before it wears off. Stent needs to stay in for 2.5 more weeks as doctor says ureter has to stay open. If it comes out too soon I could have problems leading to losing kidney. Therefore I have to grin & bear it for another 2.5 weeks. To all of you out there, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just have to suffer until we get there.

Experiencing "some discomfort"

There is a light for some of us, not for us all. However, your attitude is the right one. Anyone can do anything for a month or two, you’ll get there. I’ve had two stents for 5 years, not trying to one up but offer that I understand far to well and when you have a light to focus on, you absolutely should. I want to envy all of you, but I can only be happy for you, there are few people I would wish this hell upon and certainly none of you.

Experiencing "some discomfort"

I’ve had stents on both sides in place for over 5 years…as you might imagine there are days, though not many, when I wake up and really wonder if being alive is worth it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I know it hurts but hey, you could be me.


Experiencing “some discomfort”

Feeling helpless

I have had my stents in on both sides due to cancer obstruction for 3 months now and am due for a replacement. The stents will be there probably the resto of my life. I am in pain every single day – in my back where my kidneys are and groin. The urologists keep saying everything is fine. Is this what having stents is meant to be like? I too feel like some days I want to sleep and not bother waking up, I am only 26 and this is no life.


I had a 9mm stone removed today and was totally dreading it. Sounds crazy but I passed a 10mm stone 7 years ago so I held out for about 2 months before having this one removed. The procedure itself was not bad. Going under and the stent after we’re my biggest fears. The going under part went well, in fact I did not take any pain mess because I don’t tolerate them well at all. The stent is definitely uncomfortable and feels like a bad UTI, luckily I only have to have it for a week! I have been taking IBUPROFEN and continued the FloMax and they seem to be making it workable. The removal of the stent is my current fear obsession, it’s just the unknown that bugs me! I have survived a c-section with twins so I know that I can handle it I just want to understand the pain level as much as possible so that I can be mentally ready for the stent removal!

C Puzz

I am the biggest baby ever and was terrified of having my stent removed. I also had a couple of C sections and such unbelievable pain from my kidney stone. I will tell you it really is no big deal. It’s super quick and you barely feel it. And it’s a huge relief to be rid of it!!! Don’t stress-just be excited for it to be out 🙂


Wow that’s good to hear ! My stent is due out on Thursday and it can’t come quick enough. Had a 9mm stone blasted through urethrascope treatment under general anasthetic on Saturday. Pain was unbearable on Sunday as had a water infection too. Will be so glad to get rid of it. Hopefully all worth it in the long run!

Elena Gomez

I can’t believe it has taken me so long to find this site. But it makes me realize my experience is, relatively, normal. I’ve had 2 prior kidney stone attacks. The first was 20 yrs ago and the second about 11yrs ago. But this has been my first experience with a stent that I was told might be uncomfortable & would allow me to return to work. Those were both either gross under estimations or flat out LIES! I began experiencing extreme pain almost immediately after being released from out patient surgery. After a few days of no relief, even with pain meds, I called Dr’s office & everyone, very nonchalantly, said that it was from the stent. I explained that this was nothing anywhere in the realm of discomfort or uncomfortable. Again, I was simply told, it was all from the stent. The pain & problems from the stent have been 10 times worse than the actual attack. I was diagnosed on May 2nd. (After 3 weeks of my chalking off discomfort & moderate pain to menstruation or ovulation.) I received stent on May 10th. Lithotripsy on May 27th. Yesterday I was told at least 2 more weeks of the stent in place & then we’d reassess. As for work…I teach middle school. I basically missed the last 6 weeks of school. The pain requires meds and they make me a little fuzzy around the edges. I can’t function properly in class while on meds. And the stent causes frequent need to urinate, increased frequency of urination, and once the urgency is felt I have about 60 seconds to get to the bathroom. Teachers don’t have the luxury of urinating as needed. I usually go right before classes, at midday, and immediately after school. I also am needing to measure and strain urine for 10 more days. Can’t do that easily at school. Thankfully school is out now. I need to clean my classroom but after that I have 6-7 weeks of time to get healthy without getting docked on my paycheck. (Hoping the right kidney stones ca be dissolved by medication.)

Kevin Byrne

I am a 58 year old male and had my kidney stone removed a week ago and a Double J Stent was inserted during surgery. I can state without doubt the Stent is very painful indeed. I can only urinate when I sit down on the toilet and lean forward over my knees, totally forget standing up the pain and cramps will be too painful.
I also constantly pass blood in my urine but understand this is a common factor, as is dificalty controlling bladder function.
I am taking pain relief but to be honest the pain never really goes away and can be excruciating at times when you urinate. I will have the Stent removed under local anastetic in about 2 to 3 weeks.


Am presently going through the process of my first stent. My surgeon talked about “some discomfort”, I wont be trusting him again, It hurts.
Its been a week since my stent insertion and there is still significant levels of blood in my urine, and pain when peeing.
I have stopped taking the strong painkillers but am still taking some combined paracetamol and anti inflammatory tablets after walking for half an hour.
It would appear that we can put man on the moon, but we cant ascertain how to effectively stop kidney stones. I drink more water than a fish, have amended my diet with less meat etc (calcium stone) and yet I’m still getting new stones….

Alison littlejohn

Had my stent in for a week it’s killing me I am pain all the time I can’t even walk right it so dam painfully I’ve got to wait 5weeks to wait to get this removed but got holidays 3 weeks. Not sure if I can got help

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