What causes kidney stone pain?

Diagram of locations where stones become lodged

Three locations where stones become lodged

Stones usually first develop in the kidneys. (For more information on the process of stone development, see: How do kidney stones form?) A kidney stone usually first causes symptoms when it tries to move down the ureter and out of the urinary system. As it makes its way down the ureter, it can cause blockage, which leads to the development of increased pressure in the kidney above. This pressure leads to the pain associated with passing a stone.

As a stone moves  down the ureter, it tends to become lodged in three locations of natural narrowing: the ureteropelvic junction, the crossing of the ureter over the iliac vessels, and at the entrance of the ureter into the bladder. Depending on where a stone is located along this path, the pain associated with it can vary. Stone pain usually starts high up near the kidney then migrates towards the abdomen and eventually down towards the groin as the stone moves further down the ureter. As a stone is almost ready to come out, patients may feel the urge to urinate.

What about kidney stones that aren’t passing?

Most doctors feel that kidney stones only cause pain if they are blocking the ureter and trying to pass down towards the bladder. Stones that are not obstructing, such as those located in the kidney’s calyxes, are generally thought to be non-painful. This explains why some patients can have extremely large stones filling up their entire kidney with no or minimal pain.

However, it does appear that some non-obstructing kidney stones can cause pain because of either blockage of small tubular structures in the kidney itself (the collecting tubules) or for other unclear reasons. Supporting this view is a recent medical journal article suggesting that the treatment of small non-obstructing “papillary” stones may provide pain relief. (Gdor et al, Multi-institutional assessment of ureteroscopic laser papillotomy for chronic pain associated with papillary calcifications, J Urol 2011) Additionally, testimonials from many kidney stone patients (including a urologist with a personal history of kidney stones) suggest that some  non-obstructing stones can cause pain.


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Hi, i have pain in my right kidney when just i walk or move…. ??? Normally its good. What should i do??


me girl 24yrs experiencing high groin pain on left side since one year that started with hi==urine infection puss 12-15 with high pain on left side back took antibiotics and problem solved after that only left side groin pain started consulted ortho and she diagonised as avn and send me for mri but nothing shows sign of mri and i have left side neuropathy that every pain on my body occurs only on left side of the body and unbalanced when walking (sometimes),now again urine infection cam with puss 12-15 took antibiotics but no use and pain increases with high groin pain and left back pain again,and my friend mbbs final yr student told me that it might be kidney stone, and i have vomiting tendency too..weight loss also ..can anybody suggest a solution? plz..


They found a 7.7 mm kidney stone in my kidney. I was being tested for other things (gallbladder and liver). I have pain throughout my abdomen as well as low back pressure (tailbone) but they don’t think it is due to the stone. They told me that stones in the kidney do not cause pain. What I’m worried about is if it moves. My doctor said I could easily pass it with little pain. I told her that my husband just had a 3 mm stone pass and was in pain. She said that I must be wrong about the size and thought his must have been 3 cm not mm. She said anything up to 2 cm can pass. I know it’s different for guys but wouldn’t a stone my size hurt to pass? Should I see a urologist.

Ronda F

Your Dr sounds like an idiot. No way in hell you can pass a 7mm stone with no pain. I was diagnosed with a 5mm stone 3 days ago, have been sick as a dog while it is trying to pass. I have an appointment with a urologist tomorrow because my ER doc said a 5mm might or might not pass on its own, anything bigger has a 20% chance of passing.


Hello… can we receive an update please? What abt your tailbone pain? Thank you.

Jasmine Thompson

Can anyone please answer this for me. I had surgery this morning I got a left uretercoscopy done and they gave me pain meds but they not working for my pain. Is it possible I can go to the hospital to get something stronger for the pain?

Carla Gilmour

If you have a stint, that can be more painful than the stone for some people. Ask your doctor for toradol, it is an anti-inflammatory that seems to work great for this. I have had 6 uretercoscopies and 4 lithotripsies, so you can believe me when I tell you I know what I’m talking about.


So I went to the ER yesterday and found out I have Kidney Stones after they took an X-ray and blood/urine tests. They gave me meds and an IV I was feeling pain free. They gave me meds and sent me on my way about 5 or so hours later. However the pain meds they gave me aren’t helping. Called the hospital they said that the pain meds they gave me are the strongest they can give me. What should I do? Go back to the hospital? I normally have a high pain tolerance so for me to be in excruciating pain worries me.


Don’t let anyone ( doctors especially !) tell you that Kidney stones don’t hurt!!! Fire them right away ! My stone is killing me right now! ouch! It is hanging around in my bladder but last night I filled the toilet up with blood…:(. Today still some blood but mostly pain……I only take over the counter Ibuprophin…wish me luck, and I wish you all the best of luck !


Take OTC AZO it numbs your urinary tract and you won’t feel anything


Hi i was weeing blood after finding a lodney stone was trapped in my bladder i had to have surgery asap within 5 hours of this i was in surgery getting tjem temoved the wirrying thing is this has happend 3 times now and am goin through it again for the 4 th time mainly because i have 3 kidneys but apparently my life has to be like this they cant remove my kidney as it is conjoined with the 3rd so surgery for rest of life and specialist i have at the min saying its impossible to jave them again that wuick … Only problem with that is ive had a ct scan and yip there there again so push on if u have the pain and the blood in urine as its very dangerous dont let them fob u off hun good luck


About 3 months ago i was awakened by a very sharp pain in my side that subsided after several minutes only to return later that night and then subside again. The foloowing morning the pain was absolutly horrifying and went to the ER. They controlled the pain and sent me home. That night i passed an 2mm stone and expected the pain to go away. I was WRONG. After many tests it was determined i have 6-7 <3mm stones in each kidney. Been told that stones only cause pain when they start to travel to the baldder but still have pain. The pain is at its worst when im at work standing and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Last noghtq at work the pain was worse than it ever had been since i passed my first stone and then i got really dizzy and sick feeling. I for sure thought that last night was gonna be another passing stone night but it wasnt. I woke up with both my sides feeling tender/sore. Any input would be great.

Lee ann

They need to check you for a kidney disease or some type of disease that causes that many stones. I have heard of a disease that causes kidney stones as many as you have. I suggest searching the internet and then going to a urologist. Good luck

Andrea Facey

I currently have a 15mm kidney stone in my kidney and many small ones. The doctors are telling me ithat is not possible to have pain if it is not in the tract. Meanwhile they keep giving me pain meds and sending me hone. They admitted me for 2 days, pumped me up with fluids and told me there’s nothing else they can do. I’ll be seeing a urologist on Monday.

Lee ann

That is such nonscense. Who are they to assume you have no pain. Their not in your body and i would tell them that and then say why do you think i am here? And i hate it when they say , mam i not saying your not in pain i am just say that a 15mm wouldn’t cause pain. How do they know have they ever had one. And if they say there’s nothing else wrong that would cause you to have it,then obviously its the stone. It irratates me to no end when a docter dismisses you based on their so called assumption. I know exzacly how that feel . I was back and forth to the docters for years from sickness. Finally someone took the time to investigate and found out the reason i am sick all the time is i have a autoimmune diseases. I am so sorry they acted like that to you. Actually everybody on here who is treated like that. Some docters can be jerks with to much pride.


I’m so confused!

I had an ultrasound scan 3 months ago, due to a dull ache in the right side of my back and I was concerned as I have a history of bad UTI’s which has resulted in scarring in my right kidney. I was on antibiotics for a lot of my childhood.
The scan confirmed I have something that is 7mm inside my right kidney as well as scarring.
I was referred back to the Consultant just before Christmas at this point the dull ache had become more intense, he told me the pain could be from infection although this was contradictory as he had tested my urine which confirmed no infection.
He said he can’t understand why I would have pain in my back. So I have to go back to the hospital for a CT scan.
The ache has turned from dull to a sharp pain every now again not constant and it is worrying me, I’m studying, working have holidays planned etc. and don’t want to end up hospitalised.
Does anyone have any advice ?


I am having pain in my upper right back, and even shortness of breath. My urologist also tells me that I shouldn’t have pain if the stones are in my kidney. I have a 12mm stone in my left kidney along with many smaller ones 2-5 mm in both kidneys, but the right side is hurting…I am getting desperate. This has been going on for years.


Small kidney stones in the ureter DO CAUSE EXTREME PAIN. I have had this particular stone halfway down the ureter for 5 weeks; not moving. I have to be on oxycodone to stand it. I read a post where the patient had a small stone that could not be removed with ureteroscopy because the ureter was too swollen and inflamed; the docs had to place a stent to try to enlarge the ureter. I believe my stone is not moving because of inflammation blocking the ureter. I’m sure that happens to lots of stone patients and it is common sense. I’m drinking floods of water, as I alway do because of 3rd stage renal disease. The inflammation extends to the bladder which is now not working properly to void and spills mucus. Doctors are dense and mean if they cannot figure this out and do something. I hope the new urologist I will be seeing in several days is smarter about taking action. If I get an infection that could send me into 4th stage renal disease and dialysis, shortening my life. I also suspect that the docs so far are stalling because they are part of an HMO which denies treatment in order to save money. I am not part of the HMO, just seeing the doctors independently. BTW the first item in the Patient’s Bill of Rights is that the patient has a right to participate in his/her own care. I believe doctors who ignore symptoms, deny care, and invent bogus theories such as saying small never cause pain are violating the Patient’s Bill of Rights. Some small stones I have passed with no problem; however, this particular stone is extremely painful, probably cannot pass because of swelling and some plaque that is visible on the CT scan, and should be dealt with. It is the patient, not the doctor, who knows when a small stone is excruciatingly painful. Doctors are morally obligated to offer options for treatment. Keep trying! And good luck!


Hi all…
Please turn towards yoga..
Kapal bharti is the asana that helps in healing kidney ailments and if u make it part of ur routine chances of never getting it back..

Also Surya namaskara( sun salutations) help in keeping kidney stomach liver in good shape ..

Recently diagnosed with 6mm stone. Horrified. But I have resolved to do these two asanas.

There is no harm in practicing natural healing. Its always benefitting.


I currently have a stone in my ureter near illac junction about 6-7 mm..My urologist has put me a 2 weeks medication & also advised to drink lots of water..Even though I drink a lot of water & take prescribed medicine,I still feel slight pain in the flank,back & heavy pain in the area below midriff where may be Ureters and bladder lie,I don’t have Nausea,bleeding or any sorr of pain while urination though..I hope to get well soon



Take care..be blessed..
Leme know if u benefit…


I currently have a stone in my left kidney..My urologist has put me a 2 weeks medication & also advised to drink lots of water..Even though I drink a lot of water & take prescribed medicine,I still feel slight pain in the flank,back & sometimes in the area below midriff where may be Ureters and bladder lie,I don’t have Nausea,bleeding or any sorr of pain while urination though..I hope to get well soon 🙂

Frustrated Patient

I’ve been having kidney stone issues since 1982, but mostly in the past 10-15 years. I’ve had about 9 ESWL’s (lithotripsies) and one laser procedure. I can’t speak for anyone else, but kidney stones which are not blocking urine flow can be VERY PAINFUL. I have just exhausted my patience level with my urologist, who I like very much, and find someone else who is not committed to the common belief that if the stones don’t block urine flow they do not hurt. I have had to go through months of on and off severe lower abdominal pain, bloody urine and frequent nausea too many times until my urologist finally gives in a does another lithotripsy for the stone or stones that are in my kidney — but not supposed to hurt. I survive on OTC painkillers, Oxy and ice packs until my doctor finally does another lithotripsy, and then I’m fine for months or even a year or two…until the next round.

I’ve been shipped off to a gastroenterologist previously for extensive tests — finding nothing. (I would add anecdotally that a full colon sometimes aggravates the pain).

I had a separate ESWL on my left and right kidneys in May & June, 2015. Ironically the right kidney had (apparently) a stone in the ureter causing potential or actual blockage. That wasn’t the painful side, but we did that side first.

After follow-up visits, ultrasound, etc. I was pronounced clear in late June. Except that I wasn’t. By mid-September I was having enough regular pain that I went back in to see the urologist, had a flat x-ray and CT scan. I still had multiple stones (none are blocking anything) in my left kidney. And as usual, was told that non-obstructive stones don’t cause pain. With a new Oxy Rx I was to see how things progressed.

We’re now in early November, and I’ve gone as far as I can go with the Oxy and ice. I can’t spend half of my time in bed. All I’ve been able to get from my urologist is another appointment in a week.

So I’m giving up, even though I’m very fond of this doctor and his staff. I can’t keep battling the belief that my stones are not causing severe pain even when my urine is dark and bloody, I have nausea and it’s the exact same pain in the exact same left side abdomen as I’ve had for the past 10-15 years which is only relieved by lithotripsy. I need to find a doctor who is not wedded to the notion that unless the stone is blocking urine flow it isn’t causing pain.

It was reassuring to see that there is evidence on this site (and others) that non-blocking stones can be painful. I just wanted to post this as I’m sure there are others who are experiencing similar problems obtaining relief. Fortunately the last couple of days have been good, but I know this is only temporary. I need to find a new urologist who will treat my stones.


I also suffer from frequent kidney stones. I had mine tested and they are calcium based. I cut back on dairy and had a few less, but I swear if I have one glass of Milk I’ll wake up with a stone the next day!

But the reason I’m replying is that I’ve found great relief from 2 things that I found at the health food store. 99% of the time, it will eliminate the pain of the stone by breaking it down and softening the edges. I swear by it!! The first is called “Stone Free” and the other is just Hydrangea pills. Both all natural, and worth the try. Available at a health food store. I generally have no need for pain meds, other than occasional advil. And the stone will be on its merry way within days. It can also be taken on a daily basis as a preventative. Cranberry capsules daily can also help with preventive measures. Anyway, I just wanted to share what works for me! I know the agony of kidney stones and the frustrations that come from Drs that just don’t get it!! Good luck to you!


Dietary calcium does NOT cause kidney stones. That is way old school thinking and has been disproved.

Payton Davidson

Hello and thank u sooooooo much for the verification that kidney stones not in the track cause pain. I personally have never had stones but my wife is battling them and has been for over 20 years. Its been so frustrating after MULTIPLE trips to ER rooms, Nights of watching my wife in severe agony (passing out in my arms in freezing sweats), trips to urologists in 2 states, and I an go on, I think you get the gist. EVERY doctor comes in and explains that the kidney doesnt have nerve endings and cant hurt unless its blocked. The Last “Not so smart doctor” had her in tears not believing the pain and said her left has 5 and her right has 6 several above 5 mm. He said left side of back was swollen and she prob just had a pulled muscle. Ugggghh!!!! For real!!! I explained that I have never seen anybody in my life pass out from a pulled muscle. He didnt seem concerned or at all willing to help. I asked him if he could not assist where do I go next. He said maybe a chiropracter. How do these “not so smart” doctors think that there are this many people faking it???? Presently I am at the hospital waiting for wife to recover after just telling the doctor to schedule surgery and we will see if pain stops. I wish that some of these guys could have some stones so they could be more passionate and realize that just because they are not in the track they still can cause pain.Doctor just came and visited me and said he only knew about 2 of the 5 stones that his assistant swore and tried to show us on the cscan that he authorized. Again frustrating but maybe there was only 2 I dont know but I Pray this will alleviate the pain. Again thank you for someone else explaining that we are not alone in this battle with the “Not So Smart Doctors”!!!


I am sharing link of baba Ramdev’s video ( who happen to be India’s most famous yoga guru).
The video is in Hindi. But u can practice by following the video. You can read benefits of kapal bharti in the video details as well as on Internet.

God bless you…plz write to me if you benefit.. It’s not one shot solution. It’s something unhave to practice …


Keep practicing this asana. Over a period of time you will certainly be benefitted.


about 3 weeks ago I started having back pain. It feels like back labor during childbirth. I thought it was a kidney infection so I went to my Doctor. The blood tests were negative for any infection so they did a kidney ultrasound. They found nothing and sent me on my way. I called my Doctor 2 days later because the pain was so bad I was trying to “breath ” though the pain when it came over me. She said “well I just don’t know, all the tests came back negative.” I didn’t want to sound like a big baby but the pain is real, so she made another appointment to see me in a few days.After 2 days, I ended up going to the ER. There they did a CT of my kidney. What do you know….A KIDNEY STONE……I was b bit relieved at this point because I know what is causing the pain. But then the ER doctor came in and said that the stone is still in my kidney and that when they are in the kidney, there is no pain. Well then how the hell did I end up in the ER???? Did she think that I just wanted to go hang up, get more bloodwork and have more tests done just for fun. I mean the pain is real or how else would I have known to go to the Doctor. I didn’t just wake up one morning and say “Gee, I think I will got get an ultrasound of my kidney today for something to do”..The pain is real and it hurts a lot. Maybe there is more pain comming once it starts to move out, maybe then they will believe me. Its really annoying! I hope your wife is feeling better today!


I have recently been diagnosed with same.after doing lot of research found that the solution to cronic kidney ailments is yoga.
Believe me there is this particular asan/ exercise called ” kapal bharti ” which has treated people having need of dialysis.


I know this a old post but wandering if you are still having stone . I have 15 in my right and one in my left . They do hurt in the kidney a doctor told me they move around As your kidney moves . I had them all of my Adult like and the largest one was size of a golf ball . I just had to go to the bladder last sunday .

I posted on here several months ago. I had a large stone with other smaller stones behind it. Tonight I finally passed it…but I almost went to the hospital before hand. It measures 12mm x 8mm and caused some bleeding after it entered the urethra. I went on FloMax 2 months ago…I really don’t know if that helped. Best of luck and care to all….


I have my first ever stone — 5 mm. Ultrasound showed it is at the bottom of my ureter. It hasn’t passed yet. I have been drinking water like crazy… Even tried sipping on apple cider vinegar, warm water and olive oil.. How long before this thing passes? Did most of you have to change your diet? I am healthy female, an avid runner and follow a healthy eating regime. Not sure how I ended up with a stone.

Sandy Larson

I was told that once it goes into the bladder the pain stops and where yours is situated it has made the painful journey already. Also a lot of stones break apart at this point and just sand-like particles pass through and you might not see them. Take heart, the worst is over!


Are you having pain with yours?


I’m 43 been passing stones since I was 18. Most of these post are bs. I’ve have two lithitripsy surgery aND one where they had to drill my kidney to go in cause it was to large to pass. If your stone can get to the bladder you can pass it, period no if ands or butts. Ur ureter is larger than the urethra leading from the kidney to the bladder. It may take pain med but it’s all gonna pass. I’ve passed 20 plus stones they weren’t all easy but they passed. Drink water cause I have had several that got stuck mid shaft, it’s uncomfortable so get some force behind it…..water pushes it out always


I’m with you. I’ve had 529 kidney stones since I was 13 and currently have 54 more. It’s hereditary. I’ve done natural things you name it. Nothing helps. I’m fixing to make another trip to the ER because I can’t Take much more of the pain.

Kidney stone.., make you said special if you are in young age.,,,,, and some people is luck when they had stone not coming back… But…. I can’t say nothing…..kidney stone make you life destroy……. All the time urine burning pain in the back. … So pray God say God plz don’t show me agan

j ramey

lotsofpain28-wHAT THE HELL is a STUMICK?!! What a f#@$%tard!!


To J. Ramey:

Some people speak multiple languages, hold multiple degrees and haven’t mastered spelling the English language, or it could be a typo. It’s not that big of a deal.

Do be so quick to throw out insults. It’s really not necessary.

Tom Bradwell

To be honest, after reading the horrific accounts of pain related to the stent/surgery on this site, I was actually expecting the worst. I had a full blown two-hour double procedure (invasive on one side and the SWL on the other) with a stent inserted this past Friday.

I had a 9 x 5 mm stone removed near the bladder on the right and two smaller stones crushed in the left kidney. I passed one last year, but this one was too large. The first 48 hours of recovery were most difficult, with blood in the urine and burning being the biggest issue. There was some pain…maybe a 6 on a scale to 10.

The Dr put me on flomax, tylenol and pyridium (I never even filled the prescription for percoset). Recovering from the anesthetic drugs used for the surgery were the worst part, the rest has been relatively steady. I improved each day. As of today (Monday), I can barely tell that I have a stent in except for when I have to go to the bathroom (a little pressure and orange urine). I go in tomorrow to have the string pulled and stent removed. My experience was not like many of those I read here, so i guess I was fortunate. It isn’t always hellish.

Has any one out there tried oils to help dissolve the stones? I believe in oils and just curious. They also have oils that you put on hot packs and put on your back. I want to try start tomorrow. I used to take them all the time and want to take a combination of oils in a capsule along with lemon juice and was stone free for 9 nine years. I only stayed on the oil program for one year. I can’t believe the pain the 6mm stone is causing. I’ve never had one this big before and it is interfering with my social and daily life routine. Has anyone tried the vinegar apple remedy or cranberry/water one. I just don’t want to wait 2 weeks two weeks for this thing to pass. Too darn frustrated. I feel like I have to go to the bathroom all the time. So I am afraid to travel away for a wedding this weekend plus worried about how I will feel. Help!


Do you mean essential oils? There are no essential oils that are going to help break down stones. AND you really shouldn’t be ingesting them. You can put some on a warm cloth or heating pad to help with pain.

I’m 28 and my left kidney has a stag horn stone… I’ve had surgery on it 4 years ago… I keep a UTI all the time… I’m now passing a stone I think… The pain is awful… Cold sweats… Sick to my stumick and peeing hurts so much I get a headache from all the pain… What can I do to pass this demon???


I hope you have passed the stone. I know from experience, it is horribly painful. I had to have two of mine surgically removed, they hurt my stumick also. But the good news is along with the pain, they do pass.


i have been feeling pain on my groin area,the pain do resorface after two days and atimes i have difficulty urinating,pls what can do,since i have seen doctor twice but they dont seems to detect my ailment

Phalla Vann

It is not the pain that I am afraid of. It is the fever and pneumonia

Phalla Vann

I am about to give birth to a second baby. My first baby was ten years ago. Hopefully it isn’t causing a lot of damage.


Oh yeah, CAT4676 or anyone else, “PLEASE DON’T” ever drink Cranberry Juice for your kidney stones. This is fine for your Urinary Tract Infection(UTI), but Cranberries are HIGH in Oxylate’s and will only make your stones worse in the long run (It makes stones grow larger since Oxylate’s bind with Calcium.)