What causes kidney stone pain?

Diagram of locations where stones become lodged

Three locations where stones become lodged

Stones usually first develop in the kidneys. (For more information on the process of stone development, see: How do kidney stones form?) A kidney stone usually first causes symptoms when it tries to move down the ureter and out of the urinary system. As it makes its way down the ureter, it can cause blockage, which leads to the development of increased pressure in the kidney above. This pressure leads to the pain associated with passing a stone.

As a stone moves  down the ureter, it tends to become lodged in three locations of natural narrowing: the ureteropelvic junction, the crossing of the ureter over the iliac vessels, and at the entrance of the ureter into the bladder. Depending on where a stone is located along this path, the pain associated with it can vary. Stone pain usually starts high up near the kidney then migrates towards the abdomen and eventually down towards the groin as the stone moves further down the ureter. As a stone is almost ready to come out, patients may feel the urge to urinate.

What about kidney stones that aren’t passing?

Most doctors feel that kidney stones only cause pain if they are blocking the ureter and trying to pass down towards the bladder. Stones that are not obstructing, such as those located in the kidney’s calyxes, are generally thought to be non-painful. This explains why some patients can have extremely large stones filling up their entire kidney with no or minimal pain.

However, it does appear that some non-obstructing kidney stones can cause pain because of either blockage of small tubular structures in the kidney itself (the collecting tubules) or for other unclear reasons. Supporting this view is a recent medical journal article suggesting that the treatment of small non-obstructing “papillary” stones may provide pain relief. (Gdor et al, Multi-institutional assessment of ureteroscopic laser papillotomy for chronic pain associated with papillary calcifications, J Urol 2011) Additionally, testimonials from many kidney stone patients (including a urologist with a personal history of kidney stones) suggest that some  non-obstructing stones can cause pain.


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I guess I lucked out. Got some pain in the left kidney about 2 weeks ago, but no worse than a day of motocross slamming your kidneys around. Then pink pee, then quite a bit of blood for a few days. Then about 10 days of having wanting to pee about a tablespoon every 5 minutes and an obvious infection. Pukey and dizzy quite a bit and from where the discomfort was and how it changed I think I was able to track it all the way down. I ran a course of amox from an unused bottle and tried to drink at least a gallon of water a day. About 12 days into it I shot a stone out a little smaller than a pea but really jagged and it made a nice TINK sound in the toilet. It hurt, but not worse than pulling your own wisdom teeth. I think my experience may not be typical because although annoying and constant the pain didn’t reach the level of some other things. And surely wasn’t as bad as some people describe with their stones.

Joseph T Benn


I have had KS for the last 4 months and I tell you I have 6 at first. I have had 2-5mm in size One in the right and the rest in the left. Passed most of them but still have a 3mm and a 5mm in the Right and i have been to the er on and off for pain. They do treat you like a drug addict and they have no idea the pain your in. So er docs will give you pain meds and others tell you there no way you can have that much pain. For me they don’t even do any ore tests on me because they seen me so many there is blood when i pee and everything that go with the stones. I wish the could just take them out but were they are, would just reform and become even more stones. I feel all of your pain, wish you guys all the best. Joseph!


HI,i have kidney problems for the past two years ago.I found that my urine contains yellow tinny particles and the amount of urine i urinate is too little i felt a lot of pain and vomitting for the last three weeks ago. could this symptoms be associated with kidney stone?

Amol lichade

Why dont you go for ayurveda treatment , if there would be some stone lodged in your bladder way , then it will be passed , or otherwise treatment will no more hurting if there would have no stone


Will scaring In the urretuers block a kidney stone from moving making it more painful for the stone to pass ? I have had 3 stones in the last 6 months and they have had to remove them and place a stent each time because I wasn’t able to pass them. It has only been 2 weeks since my last removal surgery and they are saying I have 3 more. I am having a unreal amount of pain and just want things to go back to normal.


Hi there,

I found out I have 5 kidney stones all around 1mm each. From the CT scan they are all still in my kidney but I have had major pain even though they are still in my kidney. This all started out feeling like I had a bladder infection but all tests came back negative. I have pain in my lower back where the kidney is and around my side into my groin. I only have one kidney (I was only born with one) and I was just wondering why am I in such pain if they are not traveling anywhere yet? I am drinking tons of water and straining my urine but nothing has come out yet. Thank you for your help.


Hi if someone could enlighten me about this I would be grateful. My son 24 has had a few stones over the last 7 years and passed them all. We have just found out he has a 1.3mm stone lodged half way down. He has not be sore just a bruised feeling in the front of his tum every now and again or if he pushes into it but this was a surprise to both of us. His protein levels are a bit high in his kidney and has been referred to specialist for another opinion. His always feeling tired and some dizzy spells which are getting more frequent. 1. does anyone know if all this is related and 2. how do they get rid of these stones that are half way? Its not stopping him passing water. Thank you for your reply.


That stone is 1.3cm not mm to big to pass so they say.

Mary Ann Fawcett

History of kidney stones. Last one 2 yrs. ago and had lithotripsy to break up 6 mm stone. My husband retired and we are now without insurance. Started having ks pain in Jan. 2013. Without insurance, didn’t feet I could do anything. I am already on morphine 2 x a day for a crushed ankle 15 yrs. ago. So, I guess it’s also been helping with ks pain. 3 days ago the stabbing pain at groin was so bad I decided to see my Urologist ($120). He ordered a CT ($220 – no contrast used) and gave me Rx for pain and sleeping. Had CT done but Dr. is unavailable for 5 days. I asked the Medical Assistant at his office to tell me what the report said. She stated that she is new to urology but the report didn’t seem to say anything about an obstruction or stone size. Now I’m wondering if I’m crazy? What else feels worse than child birth, causes blood in urine, causes back pain as well as groin pain? At 58, I must be loosing it. PS Got a copy of the CT and one kidney is much smaller than the other. I don’t understand anything else of the CT. I’ll keep drinking water like a river and straining my urine, but I really don’t understand what is going on.


Wow, how did you get a CT for $220? I’ve had on and off pain for a couple of years now, from major stone attacks to dull pain to nothing. Had an xray done a little over a year ago when a 6mm stone was discovered by my GP. Went to a urologist in July; got IVP and he had trouble finding the stone; finally found one around 1-2mm, and right ureter was swollen. He sent me for a CT, but I couldn’t have it done because the hospital wanted the $6K up front – and that is with insurance, but a very high deductible. The pain went away for the most part over the next few months, but not completely…again, periods of no pain, or dull aches, or a severe attack. Heating pads always help, and I managed to get my Toradol prescription extended (and that doesn’t always work, either). But I’m sick of this running my life. I’d love to get a CT for $220 and find out what the heck is going on. I’m wondering if I’ve just been making and throwing stones all these years that I thought I had back pain up until the xray last year that diagnosed stones (after my first major attack). But I’d love to find out more details that a CT would give me…

Recurring Stones

If you have recurring stones, ask your Urologist or MD for a pain kit (drugs to treat the pain) so you can avoid going to the ER and can survive the pain. I’ve had KS about every 18 months for the last 30 years. They seem to be getting bigger though. The last one I had 14 months ago was 10 x 9mm. This might be TMI but my last one passed after drinking 16oz of water and then getting stuck in traffic on the way to my Urologist appointment. When I got there I couldn’t hold it any longer and i think the pressure forced it out except it was too big to exit and I had to pry it out. I currently have a 9mm.


ok about a year ago my back upper back where kidneys are started to hurt even in the front under my ribs i have bad posture so went to osteo whomsaid i have kyphoscoliosis of the spine and should do pilates so have been just living with the pain now last week went to er having abdominal contractions worse than childbirth i have 3 kids so much pain even hyperventilated which was scary lots of pain meds and sent for ultrasound, blood and urine tests which all came back fine since then pain is gone and have been urinating more than usual and havnt realy been drinking more than normal except for when i had the ultasound im self diagnosing that i passed a kidney stone and then yesterday i coughed up a tonsil stone are these stones related at all opinions anyone

Donna Reinas

Just found out I have an obstructing stone blocking passage of urine. Was in bad pain a few days ago and had blood work and CAT scan. My regular doctor sent me home and said to make an appointment with urologist. Amazingly, as soon as I got home, my 8 hour bout with bad pain was over and for the next 1 1/2 days, I felt great, no pain! Then last night, it woke me up. Not terrible, but uncomfortable. If a stone was obstructing and you drink enough water, can it then dislodge and travel through the tube? Here I thought I had miraculously passed the stone in record time and now pain is coming back. Is the stone moving? They did not tell me how large the stone was and said most of them pass on their own, so I’m assuming it was not bigger than 6mm.

I have an appt. with a urologist a week from Tuesday, but now am thinking I should see someone sooner? If the stone had been an obstructing one, can it still pass by drinking enough water??

4 stones in 4 days, passing them at home. Went to a Urologist, he did what he could, but because I had no current blockage he could not do much. We did an ultra sound to assure but ureters we draining normally. Also did some blood work just to check that I didn’t have an infection. He didn’t have any real idea as to what the cause of the frequency increase was. Then I did some research online and found the above article which is for medical professionals. Many things made clear sense to me about what may be contributing to so many stones. I went to see my GP and and am now doing a 24 hour urine sample, and will do some blood work. He cautioned me to not change my diet or vitamins until the real root cause is determined. It is a complicated issue and can have serious effects if drastic change is taken without close monitoring and for the right reason.


I had my first KS when I was in high school (1975) and it was removed surgically. Didn’t have another until 1992…about 9mm. Had it for 2 months until I had it surgically removed. Passed 2 more KS (one from each kidney) in the next 19 years….then the floodgates opened. Since December 2011 I have passed 34 KS from my right kidney….I currently have a KS that has been working it’s way for the past 3 weeks. Most are in the 3mm-5mm range. I think the one I currently have is somewhat larger. In the past year I have experienced some pain, but I’m at the point now where I can almost detect where a KS is in the ureter by the type and degree of pain. I am diabetic w/ controlled hypertension. I’m curious as to why I’m getting a multitude of KS now. The doctor is adjusting medications in order to find the answer. I don’t wish this affliction on anyone….


It’s the most horrible pain I have ever experienced. I’ve had 3 babies and kidney stone pain is by far more painful. I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy. I have had them multiple times. It all started when I was pregnant 32 years ago with my 2nd child.

Nina Smyth

Make sure you get checked for hyperparathyroidism. It can lead to formation of kidney stones.


Really! Just had thyroid surgery, now my back hurts. Going for a ct scan!


I am 10 weeks pregnant, visit at the ER suggests kidneystone Im not sure if I passed the first stone @ 2cm? Would I have been in pain? I can only take tylenol the pain comes in waves and constant. I cant go to work Im on lwop bc of this-no more sick leave on the books. ER doc mentioned nothing abt size, just stated blood in urine should help with passing? Yet refered me to Eurologist, what can I do to makes this pass alot quicker?


Also Im drinking lots of water I had a CT before I was pregnant back in Oct. Size then 2cm I cant deal with the pain. Pls help!


hope you feeling better now,,
drink lots of water..had the same probelm,,drink lot of water when u wake up and go for a walk everyday, everytime i urine i drink a bottle of water(500ml).hope it helps


I started getting kidney stones 9 years ago while pregnant with my oldenst son. I went years without any more issues until last year or a little longer. I have been dealing with pain and various stones for the last four months. I don’t have insurance. I have been to the ER so many times. I have had tests and CT’s done and I have many in both kidneys. I have an appointment to see a urologist, but it’s $100 just for the visit. I’m praying I can come up with the money for it! I hate this and all the pain and discomfort. Good luck to you all and I hope you find relief!


had stone in tube went to er twice befoe removal and once after removal treated well 1st visit reated like a drug addict last 2 visits 4 days now after removal still severe pain passin piece of bloody tissue and small clots called dr wi;; take time for pain to stop because kidney and tube had been blocked and it will take time what do I do Pain!!!!!!!!!!!!

christne jackson

i have a 9mm kidney stone in left kidney could not reach with laser doc just said its not going nowhere that come back in march why am i being troubled with lower back pain if it aint moving


I have also been fighting KS for over a year. They tell me you don’t hurt if its in the kidney well I’m in pain my lower back even in my hips will hurt. I know this is the stone its the same pain when its moving that I feel. I can tell you where they are when they are moving down the tubes. I want more then anything to get better I”m so tired of hurting all the time


Me, too!!! I’m also tired of hurting all or most of the time…


hi im colin i have a 7mm kindy stone and im in a lot of pain on my left side of my boby in the frunt of my left side of my bell.

Meiliana Tansri

I’m 38 from Jambi, Indonesia, and 14-weeks pregnant. Four days ago a severe stomach cramp led my obgyn to diagnose I have stone(s) in my right kidney. Ultrasound check failed to show location, size, or amount of the stone, and my obgyn said X-ray exam would be harmful to my unborn baby. I’ve been released from the hospital with prescription drugs to dissolve the stone(s)
and appointments scheduled with my obgyn. For second opinions, should I be also seeing a urologist?


My kidney stones started in 2007 while pregnant, 6 weeks after my kid was born I started to go into renol failure because both kidneys had 7mm stones it started to pass.the doctors knew about it and were just waiting until I wasn’t pregnant anymore. I have chronic back pain I’m starting to think is really my stones!? I had a CT done in the E.R.last Thursday and was told I have tonnes of stones in both kidneys. I am always in so much pain! I really hope my urologist will help me and be a doctor who understands we can be in lots of pain even if I’m not passing a stone! I am so happy I found this website!!


So my sister (18) just found out she has a little stone. she is on medication to make her urethra larger and pain pills. but she is still getting sharp pains. what can she do to relieve it? or make it pass faster?


Im 27 years old and have malignant hypertension and sigmoid tachycardia. I am on the most meds i can take for my pulse. I went to a cardioligist and the found nothing jyst slight mitro valve regurgitation and slight tricks valva regurgitation. Do now im off tosee a kidney specialist. I did dome work before i go see him and found an 8×10 mm and 6×8mm non obstructive kidney stone. I do get sharp pains here n there. Do i need them to be removed? Could these be causing my other problems?


Your stones can cause discomfort occasionally if they move and cause blockage of the ureter. There is also some thought that non-obstructing stones can also cause pain for unclear reasons not directly related to obstruction.

Because your stones are larger, they are unlikely to be able to pass by themselves and you may want to see a urologist to discuss whether you would like to have them treated. It would be unusual however for the stones to be causing your malignant hypertension and (sinus?) tachycardia. An acute attack of stone pain could cause your blood pressure and heart rate to rise temporarily but this would not be sustained all the time.


This is my 2nd year of kidney stones possibly causes by a migraine medication I took for 6months. I stopped taking the medication after my last episode, but still got one this year. Same time, same size, “only 3mm” but it’s not passing and I’ve had attacks of pain “pre travel pain” for over a month. In and out of 4 ERs and the urologist here dismissed my pain and told me to back to the ER because a I “pulled a muscle.” All the ERs concluded that it was the stor causig me pain. Now I am asking my family doctor if I should go to a University hospital so they will treat me… It should be a requirement that all urologist must have a kidney stone before treating a patient. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone… But no one knows what it like ’till they have one. They have been around for so long, I’m suprises there isn’t a garenteed way prevent them. If someone told me I had to learn backflips and do 4 every day I would do it! It’s terrible 🙁


I’ve been encountering responses like this to my pain recently. I have a 6 mm stone (the second in 2 months) in one kidney and a 9mm one in my other (it was only 8 mm less than two months ago). They are the largest. I have in all over 15 -20 stones in each kidney and they tell me I should be in pain. BS!!


Stones that are less than 5 mm suppose to come
out “easy”with the urine.Bigger ones as u have can be
crushed by ESWL therapy.Ask ur GP to refer u to an Urologist
Drink plenty of water!

carl vollbracht

i agree, im now tryin to pass number9. hurtin in the low back n bad in pelvis area so i hope its bout out. dont find out how big it is till the morning. but your right, u gotta flush em out. i passed a 7mm and it sucked. the biggest was 9mm i think.but it was crushed. anyways drink drink drink, and see a good urologist. thats important.


I found your article interesting. I have started having pvc’s and pain in my back(flank areas). The pain feels like I have a kidney stone. I have not went to er because I know they wont do anything about it unless the stone is moving in the ureter. I have been so sick. I have had a kidney stone before and this feels like the same pain. It comes and goes.


I have miniaturing kidney stones. I first found out about them a year ago while having a ct for something else. About 2-3 months ago I started having pains that would come and go. Recently the pain has become a great deal worse and is constant. I went to the er and they told me they didn’t know why I was in pain that. They are unchanged from the credit a year ago. They told me to take motrin and sent me home. But not before making me feel like I was one of those people who always go to the er just to get pain meds. I was insulted. Since then the pain has only gotten worse.

glenn hawks

yes non obstructing and small obstructing stones can cause pain i have a long history of stones and as of this moment i am suffering non obstructing stone pain it really is becoming bothersome


i have small non obstructive stones…7weeks now and still in huge amounts of pain…my university studies have been severely effected and i cant work:( ..small stones can severly decrease your occupational performance and leave you feeling useless…:(

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