Understanding what is the best option for treating your kidney stone can be difficult. In our new chart, we summarize the benefits and drawbacks of each surgical option. While it still won’t make the decision for you, it can help you to make an informed decision when talking to your urologist. For more detailed information and videos, see our treatment pages

Has anyone had laser lithotripsy for a very large stone? How did it work out for you?
I’m having it done next week. I’ve had kidney stones, pretty much annually for the past 30 years, but they’ve all passed on their own. This one is stuck and I’ve been dealing with it for three months – so I have the laser lithotripsy scheduled.
Post op infections of typical kidney stone procedures?
These time estimates are EXTREMELY optimistic! I’ve had 2 PCNL surgeries in the last four months and I found it took three weeks of recovery before I could return to work. Any less than that and I wore out too quickly, especially with the stent causing a lack of sleep.
My husband had a stroke 4 weeks ago. Fortunately he is doing well. At the same time he had a hole put into his back (percutaneous nephrolithotrispy) connected to his left kidney with a tube leading to a bag through which he passes urine. He also urinates from his other kidney as a normal male.
Because of the stroke we’re trying to decide the best solution for removal of the kidney stones. Since he already has had the tube put into his back, what would be the best procedure for removal of the stones?
I have had a stent for two and a half months. And I was hospitalized twice and stayed admitted for septic shock for four days both times.
This has been a nightmare.
Nothing is worse than the pain of a stent.
I am scarred for life.
Brother, I can totally relate to the pain…..had a urether stent, let out about 2 liters of blood in the ER, and the removal of the stent were both horrendously painful! I am forever traumatized, no type of psychiatric counseling, hypnotherapy works. It is a BARBARACK procedure, and no man should ever have to endure this!
I have had many kidney stones over the years. Most of them have passed on their own, but twice I have had lithotripsy with successful results. Just yesterday, I had ureterscopy surgery. The stone which was stuck in the ureter near the entrance to the bladder, was blasted with a laser and successfully removed. Immediately following, I had extremely painful burning during urination, intense urgency and quite a bit of blood in the urine. It was not a fun day. This is day two, and things have greatly improved. I’m still having burning during urination, and the string coming out of the end of the penis is painful rubbing against a sensitive area. But all in all, the kidney stone had to go. It was backing up urine in my left kidney causing inflammation. Lithotripsy is the best option, but if that is not possible, ureterscopy is not that bad. Your doctor can advise you on the best option for your particular case. Mine recommended ureterscopy, saying the success rate was almost 100 percent, as opposed to 60 percent with lithotripsy. I hope this information from a patient’s point of view was helpful.
Hi Dan, just curious, how big was the stone you had removed via the laser and ureteroscopy? I have a 3mm stone stuck in the ureter 2″ from the bladder like yours was. I already had a lithotripsy done to blast it down from 5mm to 3mm and had the horrible stent with the string too and couldn’t tolerate it. I hope they can just pull out a 3mm stone whole and not use a stent again Thanks. Jeff R.
Hi ALl,
I have one large size stone of 33 mm in left kidney and 2 stones of 16mm and 6 mm in right kedney….
i am concern about my left kidney…please suggest……both the kidney are normal and fine in size…
Large Calculi, posibly staghorn seen in left renal mid and lower pole calyces the largest one measures 33 mm in size.
I had kidney failure & 8m stone ,was hospitalized for 2 days ,astent was put in 2 weeks later had lithotripsy .Now 2 weeks since lithotripsy I am in a lot of pain when I pee & very uncomfortable,scheduled to have stent removed tomorrow,& nothing can be worse than the pain I have now.