Kidney stone gallery

We’ve gathered a collection of kidney stone pictures in this photo gallery. The stones include small passed stones up to large staghorn stones. Stone composition (or type) is indicated when available.

Photo of kidney stone fragments

3 stone fragments that were removed during percutaneous surgery.

Photo of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone

A 7 mm stone successfully passed by a patient. Comprised of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate.

Photo of calcium oxalate kidney stone fragments

Fragments of an orginally 1.1 cm stone treated with laser lithotripsy and removed during ureteroscopy. Comprised of calcium oxalate.

Photo of kidney stones removed percutaneously

A 1.4 cm and a 5 mm stone removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of carbonate apatite kidney stones

Collection of carbonate apatite stones removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of uric acid kidney stones

2mm and 4mm uric acid stones removed with ureteroscopy.

multiple kidney stones







Multiple large smooth kidney stones removed percutaneously from a single kidney. Largest stone measures 1.2 cm in size. Analysis demonstrated 70% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 30% calcium phosphate.








Multiple small kidney stones with the appearance of bird seed. Removed with ureteroscopy from a single kidney. Largest stone measured 4mm in size. Analysis demonstrated 85% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 15% calcium phosphate.

Photo of large bladder stones

File photo of large bladder stones removed by open incision. These have a “jackstone” appearance.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of a large “staghorn” kidney stone removed intact by open surgery. The various parts of this stone fill up an entire kidney’s central collecting system, giving it a characteristic shape appearing similar to a deer’s antlers. Stones this size are not commonly seen intact anymore as most are now treated percutaneously and broken up before being removed.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of another large “staghorn” stone removed by open surgery.


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I just passed a 5cm kidney stone this morning, went through hell and with also blood in my urine.


can chanca piedra dissolve 2.7cm. I have been taking potassium citrate I will go for another ct scan to see if it reduced


4.4cm blender stones


I have a kidey stone but they wont tell me how big it is


In the past month I was admitted to the hospital for a urinary tract infection and a kidney stone that dr tried to break up, but the infection was bad and he said that it was with great difficulty that he placed a stint, as he said he was concerned about spreading the infection worse as the kidney wasn’t able to drain the urine and was very swollen and the 5mm stone keeping the ureter from draining the urine to the bladder .The kidney was swollen and infected and the pain was so bad that no narcotic IV morphine and dilaudid helped with the throbbing pain.
After 5 days in the hospital I was discharged home to continue to take oral antibiotics and allow the stint to stretch the ureter.
After 2 weeks of faithfully taking the antibiotics I was scheduled for lithotripsy to remove the stone. The dr. Said that there was no stone, and he removed the stint. I was in horrible pain, went home and finally called an ambulance after vomiting all night and running a fever, urinating blood, and having HORRIBLE pain.
In the Emergency Room the ER doc said I had a UTI and a 5mm kidney stone imbedded in my right kidney. I had hydronephrosis and they put a drain into my right kidney. I’ve been inpatient getting pain meds, antibiotics, and passed the stone last night. I think the pain is much worse than child birth and my kids weighed ten pounds.

Lisa G

i just got told i have a 5mm kidney stone in my right kidney what do i do to pass it still in pain. what happends if i cant pass it?


Just home from 3 days stay in hospital. I pretty much figured out I had a stone about a month ago after a severe half hour of pain in left kidney and nasty urine. Followed by constant desire to urninate and pressure feeling in bladder. Took myself off to Dr a week ago and after finding blood in urine I had CT scan which found 5mm stone in left distal ureter at valve entrance to bladder. Dr gave me some tablets to help expand the ureter but 3 days ago I got the worst every pain in kidney radiating to front groin and bladder. Went to A&E and was by then nauseus and vomitting.Couldn’t sit down for pain. Blood in urine. They gave me wonderful pain meds and kept me in for observation and the urology Dr assessed me and yesterday zapped my stone with the scope and put a temporary stent in. A 5mm oval shaped stone but my ureter passage was to small to pass it hense he pain. Don’t know yet what type of stone though. Very relieved if still a little sore. My first and hofully my last stone.


My husband has just had a staghorn removed from right side kidney. Had a tiny stone in left side causing original problems, but we found through an ultrasound that the staghorn was present, where we never would’ve known otherwise, as he had no pain from it. Blessing in disguise. I am writing this to help all you ppl who suffer with these horrible issues, that there are natural methods to resolve these problems with little to no pain. We usually treat the stones with a product called Stone Free and Stone Breaker. These products dissolve the stones and can more easily be released and expelled, at times without knowing it been expelled. My husbands diet could be the cause of the stones, but we need to hav labs come back to know how to adjust his diet. IF you know, for certain, that you do not have a staghorn growing, those products found at health food stores, Vitamin Shoppe or online, will make your life much better in dealing with them. Researching stones, will also show that the bacteria in your gut may be compromised because of the antibiotics that you may have been on in the past. Please look up thiseinfo on this. It can save you many years of unnecessary antibiotics that will make you more ill as time goes on. I hope this helps. These products. Would eventually have dissolved the staghorn, but my husband became nervous and wanted it gone right away. Trust drs for your care, but also know that they do not know of the natural treatments to alleviate these types of problems. (Nor do they want you to know). I avoided surgery on a trigeminal neuralgia issue. Just a week on a homeopathic pellet (actually, five days), and the problem of nerve inflammation was gone and hasn’t returned. I hope this has helped you who suffer as my husband does, at times. We’ll keep a better eye on his diet, too! God bless.


My Dr told me to put a tsp of lemon juice in my water everytime I drink a glass of water. Also he said drink lemon aide a lot too.

Katherine Chavera

That’s exactly what my doctor said. Lemonade and no tea.

Brenda Hess

Had 5 stones in 10 years. I have never passed one, had surgery for all of them. I get check every 6 months for stones. I have a staghorn stone now and will have surgery in June for that one. Mine are caused from certain bacteria in my system. I have been on antibiotics for the past 3 years. The second stone i had got stuck and my organs started shutting down. Ended up with sepsis and 3 surgeries to get all the stone out. They can become very serious. My Dr. says I will be on antibiotics the rest of my life. I’m 52


How did your surgery go? I am scheduled in one month and anxious


Brenda and Nina, I have a lengthy reply to Natalie, (above), and I would like to direct you to it. I do hope that you do your own diligent research on these products my husband uses. He stopped because of the staghorn. The little one came out without even knowing, as did a cpl others bout 5-8 days before that little one got jammed up. With your dr saying you’ll be on antibiotics the rest of your life? Please read my reply, research the kidney stone you have and research natural methods to treat them. Your health will be much improved once you help your gut recover the proper bacteria it needs iin it. The antibiotics will continue to destroy the good bacteria your gut desperately needs. You need quality probiotics but also prebiotic to prepare the gut for them. Your staghorn must carry infection, that’s why the continuous infection and the rounds of antibiotics. Look up Dr Vauhn’s Integrative Approach to Kidney Stones. Written back in 2014, but still very relevant. Hope this helps whoever would read this.


All you people that think people are telling lies don’t know crap ! All things are possible and to just call sombody a liar because someone said you could not pass a stone that large ! I think you just must be a Hater and most likely a liberal .


You’re an idiot for the “liberal comment” I’m not sure how politics have anything to do with the size of kidney stones; but since you brought it up. Conservatives are usually the ones denying facts, look no further then Tramp and his daily lies.


Agreed! I’m sure that post is a troll! What the heck does it have to do with those of us suffering from kidney stones?


I agree kid ey stones have nothing to do with politics,but the liars are democrats. All you have to do is listen and watch daily. All they spew is lies.


I agree democrats (liberals) are the liars! They have a mental disorder. The majority of them can’t think for themselves, they just go along with the weird liberal rules and when they can’t accept reality in life they have to go to their safe spaces. The liberal women are mostly disgusting sluts and the men are a bunch of sissies!


Oh my God!!! Shut the hell up about the damn politics. Can’t even talk about something medical without the political crap coming into play!!!!!!


People…. keep politics out of this Q & A. We are all here seeking relief from kidney stones, so lets help each other out and give advice on what worked for them without cut downs, insults and etc. I thought we were all adults here? All I know is the pain I have been getting from this is so intense I have no patience for b.s.. thanks

Land of the free

Proceed to talk about politics this guy


Speaking of idiots…look in the mirror…lefty.


So now politics cause kidney stones? Gimme a break. I had a large stone that I was told that had to be surgically removed. Dr. decided to zap it and it worked!!!!


Did it cause you to become a liberal? 😉

Anyway, what does zap mean? Like, laser removal or something? I’d love to know my options just in case.

Janet Esco

Well great gobbly goop….I just need information on kidney stones and kidney cysts for my nice hubby and now I find out it is Trump’s fault……Gee Whiz……It’s My Presidents fault that my poor hubby has kidney stones……????

Who denies the proven science of climate change?
Who denies evolution?
Who thinks education is a bad thing?
Who thinks lying 24 hours a day is acceptable and honorable?
Who has the worst history of sexual scandals, hypocrisy, racism, bigotry, hate mongering, war mongering, and greed?
Spoiler alert: it’s not liberals.
Conservatives deserve all the pain they receive.

Mrs. Smith

I just passed a 7×3 Stone. It took over a month to pass. Two CT scans and an X-ray to have the doctor tell me to wait and see if my body could pass it naturally. I passed the stone with almost zero pain. It felt like a pin prick and the Stone was out. I had over 50 stones in my kidney 13 years ago. Now I am down to 3 remaining. I have only had crippling pain with two of my stones. The others I have passed without even knowing it. I feel very lucky.

Gabe N.

how did you manage to not have additional ones created over time, and just passing the existing ones out?


For the last three and a half years I have produced kidney stones virtually every day – ranging from a few dozen in a day to over two hundred in a day – at least those are the “collectible” ones. My urine is often filled with tiny “grains of sand”in addition to the larger stones – the largest that I have passed are in the eight to ten mm size. I produce both calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones. The UA stones are much easier to pass than the calcium oxalate stones. I have actually gotten used to passing stones that are less than 4 mm, but the larger ones still produce all of the classic reactions. My nephrologist has given up on trying to figure out a solution. I am on a strict kidney stone diet for both kinds of stones, drink enough water to flood an ice rink, use a lot of lemon juice and some cherry juice, but the run of stones does not quit. Does anybody have any ideas?


Chanca Piedra which is a supplement. The name means stone crusher. Also you may be difficient in magnesium. A deficiency will cauae your body to deposit calcium. A cheap and highky available magnesium supplement is mag-water which you can find lots of recipes for. Milk of magnesia and carbonated water.


Have you been tested for cystinuria? I have it to the extreme. It’s a genetic disease of the Kidney. I form kidney stones very rapid and very large. Only two none medications for this and I can’t take either of them. One is called Pennicilliame not sure its spelled right, and the other is called Thiola


I just had a 1.9 cm stone removed. It was growing in the kidney for approximately 1 year. It caused a lot of damage to my right kidney and I had to have all the scar tissue in that part of my kidney removed. That was back in February. They just removed a 7mm stone yesterday and replaced my j stent with a temporary stent. Because there are so many types of stones and causes I opted to have a biopsy of the stones and then seek advice about changing my diet. But first you have to find out what type of stone you are creating

Lol he said he passed a 12mm stone. Lies! I had a 8mm and they had to go in and blast it. And out a stent. They said there’s no way I could pass it as a female. So a male saying he passed a 7mm X12mm is full of shit!


I’m not full of shit I’ve had 200 plus kidney stones over about 20 years. I just passed a 15mmx5mm two days ago no surgery no meds so yes it can happen.

Zach Anderson

I can attest to this guy passing a 12mm stone. Totally possible, because I’ve had kidney stones for more than 8 years myself, and the other day I passed one that was a little bit larger than an actual Greyhound bus…true story! My urologist wasn’t that surprised, because I’ve been taking potassium citrate and Tamsulosin.

Gabe N.

how did you take them? What was the product name?


I too have passed extremely large stones. Been doing it since I was 16 years old. Now 60. I have passed 12 MM stones. Not even the doctor thought it was possible but I passed it.


The word “Pass” when reffering to 12mm stones doesnt do it justice. I will go with, BIRTHED!


There are medications that will widen the ureter to make it easy to pass. I was put on similar meds to treat prostate cancer. It widened the right parts and allowed better urine flow to get them out .. you just may be blessed with a wider ureter than mostt


Oh you poor thing is all I can say. These things suck. Mine are always .6mm and bigger. I hate it


I’ve passed 12mm stone a natural. Took a month of agonizing pain and tons of lemon juice ,but finally it passed. I’ve passed well over 100 to 150 stones over 15 years and 5 surgeries. Just passed a 6mm couple hours ago

Gabe N.

how much lemon and how were you taking it or dozing it?

Mrs. Smith

I just passed a 7×3 stone naturally, without any pain! So yes, it can happen.

You people are crazy to think you passed a 8mm stone or more with no surgery. 8mm is half the size of a dime. Your penis would fall off

Agreed. I had an 8mm and they had to blast it. Told me there’s no way id pass it then had to do a stent.


I’ve had numerous surgeries over the last 19 years (I’m 38 now). I’ve had 2 instances of stones over 2 INCHES that required percutaneous surgery. I’ve also passed many very large stones and a bunch of smaller ones. It HURTS, but depending on the size of the passage, it can be done. I’ve had 5mm stones get stuck and passed a 12mm stone just fine. It also depends on which kidney (my right has had more stones over the years and seems to allow for the passage of bigger stones with less pain than the left-stretched ureters maybe). It’s not helpful to be rude because you haven’t experienced something.


I just left the ER diagnosed with an 8mm stone. They sent me home with pain mess to try and pass it on my own. The last kidney stone I passed the said was 6 mm but when it finally came out was closer to 1 cm. I passed it without blasting or stents. So it isn’t impossible but it hurts like hell.


I have some bigger than marbles they popped right out. Depends on the size of the pipeline hahaha.

Carlo Galloro

All. I have had a staghorn for about a year. I am waiting for surgery. It is 4cm long. Thats correct, cm not mm. My last episode ongoing is almost too much to bear. I have urinated hundreds of ‘fragments’ and blood clots. Sometimes pain is too much to bare. Does anyone have any ideas on how to pass this latest blockage? Not conventional (ie water, lemon juice? but something I can try. Currently taking flomax and percs when pain is really bad.


chanca piedra 500 mg amazon


Chanca Piedra Tea

Gabe N.

did it work and on a Calcium Oxalate stone?


Chanca piedra and hydrangea root.


I am 53, 5’9″, 82 kilos healthy male. I felt a hurt in my genitals while passing urine. I thought maybe an external pressure, will go away.
Another few days it repeated and I was having pain on urinating. I waited for it to give up some more syptoms. Nothing, between 10 days from the 1st episode of hurt in genitals, I passed a stone 12 mm x 7 mms.
What next to expect.
I drink 1-2 ltr water in morning plus many days do 200 call in 20 minutes on treadmill + exercise. I also do a bit of yoga many days.

Mrs. Smith

You need to see a urologist to see what is going on with your kidney. There is normally no residual pain or issues once a stone has passed, but if you had a stone that large, you will more than likely have more. Good luck!


Is the only treatment for a kidney 1.4cm lithotripsy, or surgery? Is that too big to pass?

Hope Parido

it is considered too big to pass and lithotripsy is preferred treatment it fragments the stone into smaller segments which can then be surgically extracted or passed with the aid of a stent placed depending on your urologists preferred course of treatment


I Passed a 4mm


Mine was 12 mm and I started with shockwave treatment which is least invasive and breaks them apart. If that doesn’t work, then next is Lithotripsy.
The dr uses a camera and lasers the stones and can retrieve them however some fragments do scatter which happened to me. But, at least they become smaller and passable. I drank Chanca Piedra tea( purchased from local health food store) and passed three fragements. Still waiting to pass a few more.
If you’re lucky and the fragments scatter upward NOT downward, you should pass them rather quickly. Gravity helps.

Ray Barbery

hi, last year February 2017 had kidney stones removed from both my left and right kidneys.

i was unfortunate when i found out they my urethra were too small to pass the stones, and i needed stints put in. Unfortunately the right stint pierced a hole in my right kidney because i was impatient to start training for a marathon.

But long story short, the stones were removed, the hole closed and i was cleared by the Doctor.

But now…from time to time i get sharp pains around the kidney area on both sides, but more on the right hand side, i get like a dull sensation in my groin are too.When i bend over it intensifies the pain, especially on the right side.

so do you think i need to go back to the doctor? do i have stones again? is the hole in my kidney open again? am i just being a baby?

My reason for asking is because the pain is not as intense as the last time, the last time i started vomiting from the pain.

Hope Parido

YES , go back to Dr. you could have smaller stones I am on my 3rd stone since august 2012…. my current one is 3mm we are hoping it passes


Ray Barbary,
Definitely go back to the doctor. Any pain in the groin is not acceptable.
I would go to a renal doctor if you think it’s aftually your kidneys. You shouldn’t have any pain period!


I emailed you pictures of my stone passed in the past week. 15mm x 8mm


My stone is 22mm.


I just passed a 15x5mm two days ago. No meds no surgery have had 200 plus in the last 20 years. Your urethra tube will eventually become scar tissue and you won’t feel them anymore.


now this is helpful

mahidul hussain

sir my wife has a kidney stone left kidney stone size 1.56cm what can i do with out operation can it remove


Ask your Dr. about a lithotripsy treatment as soon as possible.


Try this link for more information-


I’ve suffered with kidney stones for several years now. I’m just 29 and have had stone after stone after stone, or at least colic after colic. Passed a little rock just yesterday. It has never happened before that I just urinate them out like that which is interesting. I started taking cystone just recently. It initially hurt but I was surprised to see a whole stone looking back at me. Anyway, I’d like to find out what type of stone I have. I’m suspecting a bacterial infection in my right kidney. Started getting stones not long after I had a root canal treatment done just before I got ill. Possibly developed chronic systemic infection since the root canal failed. Is there anyone on here who could identify what stone I have, please? From what I’ve seen it could very well be a struvite, or maybe calcium-oxalate. I know how much pain these stones can cause and my prayers go out to everyone who has to deal with them.


I think the only reliable way to find out what your stone is is to have it analyzed by a lab.


I have had so many I can’t start to count them all and I don’t go measuring them. I started taking potassium citrate and vitamin b6 and it all but stopped them.


5cm lift kidney stone

Jimmy Mills

Hello, can anybody help please ? For 12 years now I’ve had what feels like a muscle tear on my right rib cage. If I press 1 particular area in my back it feels where my kidney could be ? I’ve tried everything from physio to accupuncture and nothing helps. Not even my anti inflammatory tabs for spinal stenosis. Please has anyone any ideas ?? Thank you.


Jimmy, sounds like nerve pain to me. Believe me that if it were a kidney stone, you would know. Kidney stones only start to cause pain as they exit the kidney and block urine flow, which causes inflammation and swelling in the kidney. This type of pain is Hell on Earth and is said to be worse than childbirth. If I had to describe it, I’d say it probably feels like being shot. It is so, so painful you have no idea. So even if you had a kidney stone, it wouldn’t hurt as long as it’s not moving. When it starts moving, all Hell breaks loose. The intensity of that kind of pain easily makes you vomit. You could very well have some type of inflammation in one of your nerves. You should definitely ask a professional neurologist if the problem persists. Or you could try TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). Look into it. It might help. Hope it does. Good luck. Get well soon.

Bhawanshu Sharma

Ypu are absolutely correct about the pain. 2days back at 4 in the morning i had pain right abdominal part, the pain increased as i reached the hospital. It pains like hell, worst than being shot, continuously 5 hours pain and i was injected several painkillers about 7 times. The stone had exited the kidney stuck in middle. 1day later i got relieved as it passed away….


The pain comes from the stone cutting.


Nope, not as bad as childbirth! Both births were natural with no drugs. Also have had kidney stones, various sizes. Agreed, excruciating, make you throw up and cry pain, but not not natural childbirth pain. Not to offend. I will say at least with childbirth, there’s a reward at the end. With a kidney stone all you get is the memory of horrible pain and fear of drinking soda!


I’ve had the same pain you are referring to for about 4 years. My doctor said it was from muscle strain. After getting a ct scan I discovered I had a 10mm and a 7mm Stone in my left kidney. I went through lithotripsy and my pain is completely gone. I cannot tell you how good I feel. My doctor said the stones were most likely
Moving around in my kidney causing the full pain but too large to pass on their own.
Have you had a ct scan done of the area?


I can understand that pain… I’ve had back pain for about five years and was told my kidney function was declining, but they never investigated anything until I ended up in the hospital with excruciating pain. I continue to have lower back pain from stones in my kidneys larger than 5-8mm. I’ve been using Chanca Piedra concentrate plus tablets to help break down the stones. I have less lower back pain and have passed several smaller stones (not painful) and plan to have a follow up CT in the next few months.

T Mitchell

Get A CT Scan.


I had a kidney removed because of a kidney stone. He said that it looked like a big spider. What kind of kidney stone is this?

Amy Hunter

Sounds like a stag horn stone


My brother, a quadriplegic for 39 years, had his kidneys removed today. They were destroyed by staghorn stones; he never felt the pain, and nearly died from urosepsis. The combined weight of the stones from both kidneys was 7 pounds. Seven pounds. His kidneys worked right up until they didn’t .

these stones sizes can make you cry day and night.

Abhijit Dhuri

Every one i am having 3 – 7 days treatment for kidney stone . without surgery . within 1 month stone will disappear from your body. pain will reduce from 1st dose. 100 % ayurvedik. no side effects.
if any one wants the medicine kindly contact me on
charges :
500 for 3 days medicine. + 250 shipment.
for india only. for out side india it will charge more.