Kidney stone gallery

We’ve gathered a collection of kidney stone pictures in this photo gallery. The stones include small passed stones up to large staghorn stones. Stone composition (or type) is indicated when available.

Photo of kidney stone fragments

3 stone fragments that were removed during percutaneous surgery.

Photo of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone

A 7 mm stone successfully passed by a patient. Comprised of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate.

Photo of calcium oxalate kidney stone fragments

Fragments of an orginally 1.1 cm stone treated with laser lithotripsy and removed during ureteroscopy. Comprised of calcium oxalate.

Photo of kidney stones removed percutaneously

A 1.4 cm and a 5 mm stone removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of carbonate apatite kidney stones

Collection of carbonate apatite stones removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of uric acid kidney stones

2mm and 4mm uric acid stones removed with ureteroscopy.

multiple kidney stones







Multiple large smooth kidney stones removed percutaneously from a single kidney. Largest stone measures 1.2 cm in size. Analysis demonstrated 70% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 30% calcium phosphate.








Multiple small kidney stones with the appearance of bird seed. Removed with ureteroscopy from a single kidney. Largest stone measured 4mm in size. Analysis demonstrated 85% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 15% calcium phosphate.

Photo of large bladder stones

File photo of large bladder stones removed by open incision. These have a “jackstone” appearance.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of a large “staghorn” kidney stone removed intact by open surgery. The various parts of this stone fill up an entire kidney’s central collecting system, giving it a characteristic shape appearing similar to a deer’s antlers. Stones this size are not commonly seen intact anymore as most are now treated percutaneously and broken up before being removed.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of another large “staghorn” stone removed by open surgery.


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Rambabu Marni

i think size is 7mm. if it is 7cm it,s bigger than our kidny its not possible

Guru pakistani

Berberis vulgaris (made in Germany )
10 drops in halp tea cup 4 times a day…


Mirza Aslam Shahid

Sir.i have 1.1cm in left urine side and 6mm kidyen stone.please advice me how it go without surgery


is 0.29 cm is big for a kidney stone?or it can be pass out witn my urine?


I was diagnosed with a 7mm stone earlier this week. The uroligist cant see me for a week so my wife did some research to see if she could find a natural remedy that could offer some relief. She found an herb called chanca piedra. I have been taking it for 4 days now and tonight I started peeing out multiple pieces of green and black bits. I dont know if they are stones or what they are. I am still in pain but every pee has pieces in it for the last 4 pees. Anyone else try this herb and what were your results?


Yes!! This herb is awesome! Keep using it. I recently passed a 9 by 8mm stone (ouch) and was told I still had a 17mm stone in my lower left pole. My urologist wants to do litho on it but I wanted to wait. I’ve been taking the Chanca Piedra and just had another ultrasound and it is down to 12mm. I’m going to keep taking it until that little bastards is gone!!


I m from india. Please tell me where to buy this herb. I hav 9mm stone in my left kidney middle ureter


its available in

Thank you for sharing your info. If you are going through this, I hope your doctor is advising you to collect the stones and take them to be analyzed and treat your body properly so they will not came back..


Where do you find this herb?

I had not experience with the herb but, you can (or should) go to pharmacy and ask for a stone strainer, and strain your urine through this, save the stone looking things you are passing, and not in water but in a dry zip lock type of plastic bag store and take to your doctor to be analyzed and thus find out of what type of chemical composes your particular stone in order to treat your body and not produce any more of those. Review your diet. I got all this information from the Kaiser Hospital members educational pages. I became proactive because I had constant UTI’s for 2 years straight and it was blamed on not wiping my self properly or the fact that I was over 65 years old!!! Good luck.


Boil fresh parsley in water and drink it before breakfast. Drink it at anytime after that. Helped me pass my stone in 2 days!

Clery Roshan name is Clery Roshan..I have..1.9 inches of stone in my left possible to remove without..serjery..please advice me as I am financially week..and family depends on me..


You should pass it without surgery. Drink plenty of water.I have hyperparathyroid, not thyroid, which causes some including me to have stones on a regular basis.

Have you heard of chanca piedra? Look at some of the postings on it and in the web. Water will help, pure cranberry juice also, but that size of a stone, I would think, it needs to became smaller first. Read previous postings.
The best of luck to you, Clery Roshan.


Just found this sight.. i am a kidney stone producer for about 20 years. Been passing 20-25 a year only had 3 lithotripsy’s done in 20 years. I will have to say this is my worst year ever so far I at 24 stones ytd. I will have to say that I have been through a lot of studies and research and my urologist from chicago at the time said I can go through a lot of testing or just realize I am a producer and deal with it the best I can. Had to go to Er the first time in 5 years and of course 1 is stuck in uterer about 6-7mm and have 4 stones in left kidney about same size and 4 in right kidney. I will say I pass so many a mth and one thing that has helped me pass them is having sex. However maybe it’s just in my mind but I started to take viagra as I heard this from a Chinese doctor on a forum suggested. Almost every time I do both those things and obviously together I pass the stone the next day. Just some insight on my own issues and things have worked for me. Thanks J

Have you ever had those stones tested for chemical composition? You would have to sieve them from urine and take them in dry plastic zip bag to doctor to be analyzed. What we eat can produce stones. Have the doctors dwell with your diet? Most of them do not!


I too have multiple stones. I had a 5mm that I tried to pass in the hospital with iv’s flowing. About 5 days later I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked for surgery. By that time I had severe hydronephrosis. They took it out with a basket and put in a stent. The stent was just as painful as the stone. I could not stand straight up. Doubled over in pain. They asked for a urine sample and it came out completely red/ bloody. I asked for the stent to be removed. He said if I did that and had to put in another one he would put me back in the hospital. I said fine, so he took it out and I such a sigh or relief. Since that episode I became incontinent. Had surgery by the same group and a year later, I am still incontinent. I still have stones, but they do not bother me. My mom had kidney stones on both sides at the same time. And now my daughter is in the hospital right now for a second time with kidney stones.


I just had the shock wave procedure yesterday for a stone removal been passing tony fragments of it. I have to admit the stent I had in for a week was horrible it so uncomfortable I was so relived when they took it out yesterday. Like you I couldn’t stand or get comfortable with the stent in I wasn’t sure how it was suppose to help if anything made me more uncomfortable

My heart goes to you!!! I have hydronephrosis with the pyenephritis and it is excruciating pain!!! I suspect stones in my case, but I’m a member of a hospital group in California and is sometimes very difficult to get your voice across. So I’m becoming proactive and studying as much as I can on the subject so I know what to ask for… or should I say demand for? Somebody called Poppa in this forum recommended a natural herb called chancra piedra which helps naturally to make the stones into sand and then you can pass them with more ease. Also the diet in our lives may have to do with the making of the stones. Find diets for stones or something to that effect. Good luck for you and your daughter.


My kidney stone pass out through urine ,,how can l know ,it which type stone(chemical composition).

Katen Proesl

You should have collected it and taken it to a urology lab or a Dr. They will send it to a lab to test it and see what type of stone it is. You will need to change your diet according to the type of stone you have.


I have stone in my left upper ureter about it possible to dissolve the stone without any surgery?is there any natural cure?however there is no pain i am feeling.

Yes I had 13mm stone,QUEBRA PEDRA (CHANCA PIEDRA capsules and tea bags ,in South America its also commonly known as stone breakers.? best wishes.


Stonebreaker (chanca piedra)- get it at Amazon – in liquid form helped my 8mm move down the pole and become 7mm. However I still take it, it might have dissolved some smaller stones in my kidneys, but the 7mm – 7 months later is still hanging out (no pain though) I don’t want surgery, although 3 times I almost went for it, but the universe said no….so I’m praying when the time is right, it will leave my body!


I’m 55 yrs old and a stone maker, I was diagnosed when I was 16 yrs old. I’ve also had a bowel resection which I hear could be making the stones worst. I have lost track of how many stones I have passed, I’ve had at least 20 cysto with stents. I’ve had 20+ Litho, change my diet and I am still suffering.
Since 2012 my lithos hasn’t been working, usually after litho I experienced pain, blood and passing of gravel. For some reason the stones aren’t breaking up like before even though my Dr said that there machine is more powerful. Also, once the litho is done it has taking up to 6 months to a year before anything passed. I’ve been in the ER several times since Sept 2016 with 3 stones in left kidney and 4 in my right kidney. I keep having pain, nausea, vomiting and chills.
For some reason I’ve had 99% of my stones are in my right kidney, is been over 15 years since I had one in my left kidney. When I had them they had to be remove because they always get stuck and block my kidney. I have always had calcium plate stones that where brownish in color but now they are black and some are white. Why would they be a different color now? No one in my family have stones and no one can tell me why I have them. Most of the times the doctors seems to be confused why I have so many because apparently I don’t fit the norm when it comes to kidney stones.
I have never had a baby but they say stones are worst than labor. I truly feel like I’m going to die because the pain is so, so bad! To top it off I have an allergy to all opium pain meds and that makes it hard to control my pain. I’m so tired of going back and forth to the ER and my doctors without any relief, I am so fed up and depressed because kidney stones keeps me from taking vacations because I always seem to be suffering when I go out of town or plan a vacation, I’m afraid things will get worst. I’ve had stones pain at the movie theater, airport, funerals (yes) social gatherings and work. The pain has me acting like a crazy woman, where the ambulance has been called. No one can never know that pain unless they’ve experienced it first hand. I never allow people around when one is passing because it’s a site to witness. I find myself rolling on the floor and crying uncontrollably which is very embarrassing! I have tried every stone cure out there with no help. Why is my body manufacturing things! Please help! Sorry for ranting!


I’m no where close to that…GOD bless you.I’m going to pray so you can go on vacation. So start planing cause JESUS all powerful…you are good. It sucks.


Aw , how sweet, thank you for your kind words and prayers, I really appreciate it. I’m now passing brown fragments of stones. I passed some last week but I thank God that the pain wasn’t too bad.

Best wishes to you!


I’ve had a rough few months. I had a stone in November December January and then another in April and I just passed another tonight. The ones I pass are easy it’s the ones that send me to the ER that stink. I have a few pieces of advice as this is what is being told to me.

1. Get a 24 hour urinalysis and check what your stones are this way you can try and figure out what is causing them.
2. Check your creatinine levels along with vitamine D
3. Adjust your diet (I know obv but I’m just adding to the list)
4. Go to nephrologist to make sure your kidneys aren’t injured. Each blockage hurts you a little.

I finally found a doctor that knows what the heck he’s doing and I’m so happy as we are actually solving the big prob not just treating each stone individually.

I was low on vitamine D which caused an issue in my intestine which caused my parathyroid to activate blah blah I make stones.

Good luck to you.


I have same problem.. Didn’t even know I had hyperparathyroid until I started having stones and passing one a week. Endocrinologist thinks getting my vitamin D under control will eventually stop the stones.


I have passed 2 more stones and now I have to do an 24 hr urine collection. Along with some blood test and ct scan.

I had an ultrasound and it showed very large stones in my left kidney.

I am so surprise because all of my stones have been in my right kidney.

In all these years I’ve had only 2 stones in the left kidney. Now that’s where the larger ones are and unfortunately they are not in a position to pass.

The right kidney still has smaller stones which seems to be Brown in color but the left stones are white with black spots. Very strange, why would there be different color stones in each kidney?

I hope to know more after the 24 hr test, I also have to see a Nephrologist to see if my kidneys are functioning fine.

I had low b12 sue to bowel resection and a few years back I had a low vitamin D level.

Just saw this and Im gonna try it I have 12 kidney stones and not all the same as u but i wanna stop them (im going to order it prob in 1 week) I just had two stones removed in hospital I do feel ur pain never know when their going to attack u Renavive is a all natural product Look it up for urself Hope it helps us both


Visit Dr. Frederic Coe at the University of Chicago Medical School. Or at the very least, visit his webpage, read his articles, and read his responses to patients who have written to him from all over the world. Email him and perhaps he will have some suggestions for you.

Thank you Maggie!!! golden info…

Karen Stone

I too have had stones since 26 years. After changing urologist after 16 years of stones two to three times a year I went to a different urologist. He asked me why I wasn’t seeing a nephrologist. A urologist can get rid of the stones but not prevent them.
My last stone was in 2012 right now I will have two stones that are a 6mm and 8mm I will have then removed Tuesday.
Hope you find relieve they are not fun.


You should be able to pass those! With Flomax, I passed an 8 by 9mm stone.


Hi! Every body, just yesterday i did flushed my kidney stone its color black, if u like to try u can, its easy step. U need the ingredients apple juice organic, epson salt, extra virgin olive oil organic, lemon.
1. 6 am take 1 glass of apple juice
2. 9am take 1 glass of apple juice again
3.12 noon 1 glass of apple juice again
3. 2pm late take of apple juice.
4. 6pm dissolve epson salt in warm water and drink
5. 1cup of lemon juice pure, 1 cup olive oil mix 7 pm drink the mix lay down on your right ,drink moderately every 15 mins unril the mixture done. After 30 kis, drimk filtered water. Nxt in the morning , u can see in your stool, strain it if u like, its depends kind of stone u have if black ,orange, red or golden. I got black. If u like u can try it.


those are gall stones, not kidney stones

Although those are gallbladder stones, the advice is welcome. Thanks Angie

Just about all places that real people post I had to laugh at someone posting that WebMD said not to use Chanca Piedra if you have kidney problems. Well in other place where it tells what it is good for it says it helps kidney problems. The big PHRMA’s do not want people to use God’s natural cures of course. If we can just figure out what to use for the problem they would be out of business! Amazing what God did for us and we do not even try to use those natural cures.


Actually, what WebMD says is: Kidney stones. Early research shows that taking chanca piedra by mouth for 3 months does not decrease the size or number of kidney stones in people prone to kidney stones. However, other research suggests that taking a specific product of chanca piedra (Uriston) by mouth for at least 3 months after undergoing shock wave therapy to break apart kidney stones helps the body get rid of kidney stones if they are located lower in the urinary tract.


I’m a huge fan of Chanca Piedra. It shrunk a 17mm stone of mine to 12mm in the past month. I’m going to keep taking it until it goes away!


Hi since last 15 yrs I am suffering from kidney stones size 5/7/9 mm and before 6year I had passed 8*16 mm through urine and then minimum 7/8 mm passed through urine December I came to know that my right kidney 33/27/22 mm removed by PCNL


Hi husband(32yrs) has 4 stones ,2 in kidney 7×6 &7×7 mm.And 2 in bladder 15×11 &11×14 mm and passes blood and clots in urine.No pain he this dangerous.


He needs to get help right away I have the same problem and I had this problem previously please don’t wait or play around I almost died for my previous stones I had to get surgery and because I waited so long I had a bad infection that’s what almost killed me the infection


I have 4 marbles in my left kidney 1.6, 1.4 and 1cm, other is 8mm. I had a Stent put in 16 dec 2016, and am going for shock wave treatment 7 feb 2017. The pain I have been excruciating pain in since having the Stent I’m going for Shockwave treatment on 7 Feb, and I know I will have to endure this pain until I have passed all the kidney stones, but I honestly don’t know how, it feels like I have blades in my kidney and bladder, wee’ing is hell, standing and walking is just as bad, the only time I have relief is if I’m on my back, sitting can also become excruciating. There are times that I break out in such sweat and my whole body starts shaking uncontrollably from the pain, and every time I go to the loo, I take a towel with me which I bitE on and cry into, as I don’t want to distress my family. There are times that I could seriously of harming myself. It feels as if I’m wee’ing blades, then the pain moves up to my kidney. On a few occasions I’ve actually wet myself, not just a dribble but a full bladder, in the car, as I got home one day. I’m 52, I have stones from when I was 12, but this is the worst pain I’ve ever been in. The dr were amazed at the size of the stones and all came to take pics of my x-rays. I am going to try the lemon juice. Has anyone had the shock wave therapy, was it sore? I’m sure there is something wrong with my Stent, should you have so much pain, is it normal. And then I felt so brutalized when it was put in, no anethestic, I was traumatized. Now towards the end of a day I walk as if I have huge some between my legs because every step feels like hell with blunt blades, the pain has drained me, I’ve lost over 15 kg. I just want to enjoy a normal bathroom trip without the shakes and shivers and sweating. To be able to walk properly, to not pee myself in public AND NO PAIN.

Crystal. The days that it is so sore, like today, I could really harm myself. Is there anyone out there experiencing the same


I’m so sorry you are having this pain. I too had serious pain when I had the stents and I can relate to how you’re feeling. I’ve since heard from others that their stents were also terribly painful. Not all, but some certainly are. Please let your dr know you are in such pain. Hugs to you.

Sherry L Briggs

Years ago i had stents put in and told the doctirs office after i woke up from lithotripcy that i was in bad pain, especially when i urinated.
Come to find out one of my stents was migrating down my uretor!
Stents removed, pain gone!!
I just had lithotripcy done today, no stents this time!!

Peggy A Minus

God bless you Crystal. I hope that your pain is gone now. I’m trying to hang in there, too, until this stone can be broken up. Prayers are coming your way.


Feel your Pain :/
i just had a stent put in for a 6mm stone that was causing excruciating pain. The pain went when the stent was inserted yay me. My stent is causing zero pain just some weird hey theres a long piece of plastic inside me feeling when peeing.
Ive previously passed 2x 12mm stones without trouble and abouot 1/3 the pain level…
Are they gonna laser the stones?

Karen Melling

I am so sorry that you are experiencing this pain. I am nearly crying reading your post. I can relate to everything you are saying. My stones were 8 and 11 mm in size and I had 2 surgeries and therefore 2 stents . The pain and discomfort is awful. A tip I found on here was counting whilst having a wee and believe it or not it did help slightly !! Please keep drinking , I know you may not want to but you must and I also drank diluted lemon juice
I am amazed at the lack of information and medical support . I live in the UK and I know most posts on here are USA but honestly the info in the UK seems as lacking as it does in the states !!
Please if you are unwell visit your doctor , I am concerned about your shaking as this could be a sign of sepsis , take care you will get through and take comfort in that you are not alone ! X


My great grandmother Fisher died from gall stones. Mom showed it to me and it looked like a sweet potato. My husband 80 yrs old had surgery Tuesday March 14. The doctor put a stent in him and said come back in two weeks. He passed stones and had bloody urine. My mother and grandmother had gall stones. I wonder if this is hereditary.

D.L. Myers

Crystal I sympathize with you which is a hole lot of comfort know but I have had many stones with stents placed after removal> I finally found a doctor who would prescribe me oxybutrin which actually helped me so much with the pain I was feeling from the stent and it also significantly reduced the number of times I had to run to the bathroom to only urinate a few painful drops and also decreased how many times i wet myself. I had resorted to wearing adult diapers (Depends brand) to avoid public embarassment when I had no other choice but to go out in public. I hope you try this. You can buy payches of this drug without a prescription but they are too expensive and did not work as quickly or as well as taking the pill did. Another thing that has helped is taking tha pills that turn your urine orange that are usually used for pain and burning from UTI infections. I was desparate and I tried them taking double the recommended dose and it helped. If you are still in pain I hope you try these two things because I have told several friends who had stents about them and they helped them get through the pain much easiertoo. The orange color does stain clothing so use if not try itcaution. I hope you are out of pain but if not try these. one note I used the patches when I ran out of pills on a weekend when I couldn’t get a new prescription and had to use two and three at the same time to get relief. I wish you good luck and I send prayers your way.


After one of my first stone passing, I remembered how a nurse had told me to sit in a tub of very hot water and pee in there to avoid the pain that would come from the scratching of the ureter. I did that, and I felt no pain. Recently, I had a 3mm stone that took 5 weeks to completely pass. As it dropped to its lowest position, I was in a lot of pain. I kept thinking maybe hot water would relax my ureter and help things along. The first couple of hot baths didn’t cause me to pass it, but definitely helped the pain. The third time, I passed the stone right into the hot water. I did feel a brief sharp pain, but nothing like the usual bowled over, almost killing me kind of pain from the usual kind of passing it. Maybe this way can help relieve some of the pain for some of you, too. Just remember, it has to be as hot as you can stand it. And after passing it, the same method will spare you from that first painful pee.


You should have had a general anasthetic for the procedure.
I had stents put in both kidneys at the end of March 2017, and was out for just over an hour.
I still have a lot of irritation in my bladder, but the blood in the urine has now almost gone.
I’m still getting bad back pain when I pee.
You should ask your Dr why were you not given a general anasthetic!!!
My pain was bad enough when I woke up, never mind enduring the pain while the procedure was being performed!
That would have been horrendous for you.

jose santiago

yeahhh iam jose santiago and just happen to have a stent placed in my urinary track toward my right kisney the pain seem to come wen trying to urinate it is verry encruciating so the best solution is to try to block the pan from yours mint
and rest on yours back on the couch


I had a stent put in last week for a 6mm stone. I had the shock wave treatment yesterday and the stent removed. The stent was very painful and uncomfortable I couldn’t stand, walk or lay comfortable. I was so relived when they took it out yesterday. Now just passing fragments of the stone brow pieces of sand is what it looks like. I’m sorry you are having then pain I honestly can say I know what you are going though. Praying it gets better for you


hi my husband has been having kidney stones for over 8 years one is calcium oxalate phosphate and magnesium ammonium. he has been in and out of hospital and had them blustered but they just keep coming back he drinks 5 litres of water a day. we need some help because we are still waiting to find out what’s happening to cause them. and how he can finely get rid of them.


Deb: Have him pour Lemon/lime (Real Lime) juice into his water. No sugar. Make it as strong as he can drink it. It will help his kidney to continuously pass the stones. What the lemon/lime juice does is causes the kidney to contract and push out whatever is in it.
Does he eat a lot of nuts? What about soy? You need to watch what he eats. Adults should not drink whole milk either. 1% or 2% maximum. Stay away from dairy and other fatty foods. Not every nut is good for you either. I just passed a 6X4 mm stone. They placed a stent in my ureter because the stone was blocking the kidney from releasing urine. My diagnosis was “There is left hydronephrosis and hydroureter with infiltration of the perinephric fat and fluid in the left paracolic gutter. The calculus was now at the distal left ureter and measures 6 x 4 mm.” I didn’t even realize I passed the stone. I felt the pressure in my bladder and urethera. I never heard it pass. This is because I was adding Real Lime Juice to my bottles of water. I drank at least 4 per day.


I can testify to the effectiveness of drinking lemon water and lime water. A copious amount of lemon can upset the stomach, which is why I suggest alternating the two. I “lost” a 4 mm after drinking primarily real lime water.

I am no doctor or nurse but the first thing is what kind of water is he drinking? Distilled or reverse osmosis is more pure than most water. The second is have you heard of Chanca Piedra (phyllanthus niruri) from plant made with leaves and stems? It is known for dissolving kidney stones and even gallbladder stones sometimes. I found them through Swanson’s Vitamins and I have been buying from them for about 15 years. They should be taken after a meal and with water. Please look on internet search just type in: chancapiedrawebmd then go to the one that says uses, side effects, interactions and user reviews. Actually I read all of the user reviews and rely more on these people that use the product. They have different problems they use it for and the bottom select is all. It also offers most recent, most useful, low satisfaction or high satisfaction. Since some products are cheaply made and do not work then others are too strong I always trust this one because I’ve bought from them so long but you could probably go to local health vitamin store and buy good ones too. Try lower power first to see if you are ok with any product. This has been removing my husbands stones and his pain is almost gone. Hope and pray this helps.


Oh my gosh. I am 35 and this is my srcond time with stones that I know about. I passed 2 4mmstones and 2 3mm ines. Now I have two small ones on the left and two 5mm on right. I have been given choice as I want to get pregnant in the next year to either try and psss them or do the shockwaves to break them up. I am scared about kidney damage as my 4 year old son has kidney disease and my dad is on dialysis. What should I do? Any thoughts?


Hi Angie:
I have passed a 6 x 4 mm stone before. Drink plenty of lemon juice/lime juice. Drink a gallon of lemonaide every day. This helps your kidney to contract and push the stones out. See my response to Deb above.


I have same problem.. Didn’t even know I had hyperparathyroid until I started having stones and passing one a week. Endocrinologist thinks getting my vitamin D under control will eventually stop the stones.


just found out I have staghorn stone. haven’t had stone(s) for 15 years, at least ones that have bothered me. when I previously had stone(s) removed it was thru liproscopy I believe. now I hear there are meds you can take to help them pass but after doing some reading it does not look hopeful for this type stone. any ideas? thanks!

terri saenz

After no response to previous question on 1/10 want to let you know my story..staghorn stone was size of quarter. Went in for pcnl surgery on 2/6quarterer being told 3 step process. .1. Insert stent 2. Radiologist provides way for urologist 3. Urologist removes stone. My stone was too far embedded in kidney so ststent remained until uretherscopy surgery could be scheduled for 2/23..i had so much pain from stent while peeing and even not peeing…finally nagged doctors office for something to help with stent pain as pain pills did not help..prescribed rx for (cant remember name) but pharmacist directed me to AZO (9mg strength? )….it helped some but i was in discomfort. They moved surgery up to today whlasereonly part of the stone was lasered and new stent inserted..go back next thursday hopefully for remainder to be removed/ lasered.’s now almost midnight and just starting to feel cramping in kidney..i did have dr write rx for oxibutin which is supposed to help with stent pain so hopefully stent pain will be at bay until next laser have question about what fragments may be passing as tonight look like…noticed round white cloud like bubblelike in my pee..could these be fragments or meds acting out in urine?

Mary Duff

I just spent Saturday night in the hospital because of a kidney stone that came we Ithaca a uti…
Said stone measure 1.5 inches … yes I typed it correctly and your read irncorrectly


Mary, it seems as though you may require surgery. Depending on what type of stone it is (the make up of the stone), it can dissolve by drinking Lemon or Lime Juice everyday. At least 1 gallon a day. Please limit your sugar intake. If you can drink it with just water that is even better.


i have a kidney stone till now, it measure of 1.7 cm.. what im going to do? because i have no lots of money.. need response!

Rob Patroney

HI, I am not a qualified practioner but I have done considerable study on many issues, our urine is slightly acid mostly and some kidney stones form in this acidic medium and will dissolve when your urine turns alkaline either by using bicarb or just plain ural. Just take the dose it says on the packet and your urine will be alkalised and they will be dissolved in approx. 24 to 48 hours. I have seen all kinds of weird and wonderful cures on the net that people have posted and one in particular selling his cure ,I just shake my head at some of these so called cures, just use ural,its main ingredient is bicarb, and your doctor will not tell you this for obvious reasons ,money.

Esther Garrison

I’m interested in where to buy this? Or do we need a prescription?

What Rob is saying is baking soda. Look at the box of baking soda and it says 100% Sodium Bicarbonate. I did not know it would disolve kidney stones but I did know that urine is acidic and bicarbonate will change to alkalized. Most likely a box in your kitchen cabinet. It works on upset stomach too. and the box of Arm and Hammer has lots of uses. If I get yellow jacket sting I grab the baking soda and make a paste with water. It stops hurting and keeps me out of the doctors office!

syed Salman

7x5mm of stone size means what

James Kelly

I have had 308 KS They have caused Kidney failure. I am now in stage 3 KF. thanks to the kidney stones


Bonnie, December 11, 2016

I ame 62, I presently have 2 kidney stones one measuring 5mm and the other
4mm. I am scared of what the pain is going to be like when I pass them. I am
on a blood thinner (Xelto) and I am scared of bleeding to much. I am drinking
water with a lemon slice in it to see if it will desolve them a little.

Katie Rivers

Dear Bonnie…i am 58…i have been passing kidney stones for years the biggest one i passed 3 yrs ago…..was a 9mm…..its actually not painful to me but i felt like a sharp cut that was like a second……then a few days later i felt it there and and i sat on my throne and wiggled my body and pushed and peed & it popped out.


Dear Bonnie,
Don’t be afraid. I have passed so many stones that size by myself and on Warfarin. There is a lot of blood but not like you’re going to bleed out and sometimes there isn’t blood much even on the blood thinner. Just be the stone and let it go.. Presently have something in my left kidney i hope I don’t have to have surgery for this one. WOrst pain yet and I’ve passed a 5.8 mm.. so no telling what this is. Keep your chin up! Love, Stephanie.. 48.. Bladder cancer patient


Good afternoon Bonnie:

Put more than a lemon slice. Put a lot of lemon juice in your bottle. Take a regular 16 oz bottle of water and drink out enough water to right were the hump starts to go straight. what is about abut 2 oz of water. replace the water with lemon or Real Lime juice. that will help you dissolve them. I passed mine without bleeding. It was painful but my 6 x 4mm passed.


I am a stone former too and have been for 30 years. I have had over 20 and I have passed half of them with the rest removed by lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, and PNL surgery. I have had several 24 urine chemistry tests specially called Super Saturation tests. The results show what type of kidney stones I am forming. Mine are the common ones called calcium oxalate. Much has changed the last two years regarding how to prevent them besides meds there is a special diet. I have found out I have been eating the wrong food which helps to make my kidney stones. If you google “low oxalate diet” you will find the best website regarding kidney stone prevention from the University of Chicago Medical Center. It is tells you all the veggies and grains that you can’t eat (all meats and fish are ok) besides the obvious foods such as almonds/nuts, spinach/beets, chocolate. I didn’t know that potatoes, beans, raspberries, oranges, etc where bad for me. There is a long list of food with high oxalate levels that are to be avoided. (I do eat some of them on holidays or on vacation.) This site is also interactive….you can ask questions of the MD and the dietitian!! Yes, you still have to drink water and also take in moderate amounts of calcium too. Check out this website it’s great. Good luck!


20? I passed that many in just the past week and a half. I’ve had over 200 stones in 3 years. Tired of ER trips just for pain relief.

Rob Patroney

HI, I just posted a comment on dissolving some kidney stones, and just thought I’d mention that is ok to eat calcium rich foods but don’t take calcium supplements as they will cause calcium based kidney stones, and have magnesium rich foods.

hi i just like to say i know how every one feels. im 64 years old. and i have been fighting kidney stones off and on for 60 years.. and right now i have stones in both kidneys. one is 1.2 and the other is 3.6. i have been waiting on the v.a. doctors. for nearly two months. and they are draging there dam feet. so i say to you all. hope you dont get them anymore.


God bless you. I can relate to the pain you have. Keep bugging them daily.

Anna Fontanez

Did you get your VA team to take care of those stones yet..


No need to wait for DOCS John, be pro-active and dissolve those stones YourSelf by drinking ample quantities(1\2 oz per lb body weight) of pure water daily, distilled is best. In addition to drinking abundant water fast until all Your pains disappear.


That would be like 30 gallons a day of water for 135 pound person right?


Looks like 135 times 2 oz would be 270 oz divided by 128 oz in a gallon would be just over 2 gallons a day. I didn’t know if Gare was recommending 0.5, or one to 2 ounces the way it is written.


That’s a lot of water, and it can’t dissolve stones. Lemonade can help stop the bonding process of some stones, but water only flushes.


I had lithotripsy at the age of 27 ,now am 34 . My recent USG report shows 5 stones at Right kidney varying size from 1.3 cm to 4 mm & Lt.kidney shows 3 stones 8.2 mm, 1.4cm and 7.6 mm . This time my urologist also recommended Lithotripsy for Rt.Kidney and wait. But one of my colleague recommended an Ayurvedic physician and took medicine for 40 days. It’s taste is little bitter. I did my USG on last January 18 & its shows Rt.Kidney have two stones with a size 4 mm & 5.2 mm.Lt. Kidney have no stone with normal cortico medullary differentiation . I continued medication for two weeks also. Now I didn’t have any discomfort. I think it’s ok now . Planning to do one USG abdomen. I think that’s Herbal Formulation save me from undergoing these painful procedures and of course save my money and health.