Kidney stone gallery

We’ve gathered a collection of kidney stone pictures in this photo gallery. The stones include small passed stones up to large staghorn stones. Stone composition (or type) is indicated when available.

Photo of kidney stone fragments

3 stone fragments that were removed during percutaneous surgery.

Photo of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone

A 7 mm stone successfully passed by a patient. Comprised of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate.

Photo of calcium oxalate kidney stone fragments

Fragments of an orginally 1.1 cm stone treated with laser lithotripsy and removed during ureteroscopy. Comprised of calcium oxalate.

Photo of kidney stones removed percutaneously

A 1.4 cm and a 5 mm stone removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of carbonate apatite kidney stones

Collection of carbonate apatite stones removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of uric acid kidney stones

2mm and 4mm uric acid stones removed with ureteroscopy.

multiple kidney stones







Multiple large smooth kidney stones removed percutaneously from a single kidney. Largest stone measures 1.2 cm in size. Analysis demonstrated 70% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 30% calcium phosphate.








Multiple small kidney stones with the appearance of bird seed. Removed with ureteroscopy from a single kidney. Largest stone measured 4mm in size. Analysis demonstrated 85% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 15% calcium phosphate.

Photo of large bladder stones

File photo of large bladder stones removed by open incision. These have a “jackstone” appearance.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of a large “staghorn” kidney stone removed intact by open surgery. The various parts of this stone fill up an entire kidney’s central collecting system, giving it a characteristic shape appearing similar to a deer’s antlers. Stones this size are not commonly seen intact anymore as most are now treated percutaneously and broken up before being removed.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of another large “staghorn” stone removed by open surgery.


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Cindy M.

Does anyone know if a kidney stone can be flat and dagger shaped? My father-in-law started peeing pure blood 2 weeks ago and went to the Veteran’s Hospital (WW2 Veteran) where they did some sort of scan and saw a lesion on his Ureter tube but did not see any stones. They put in a catheter and gave him antibiotics for a UTI they said he had after testing his urine. Well he has had the catheter in for 2 weeks now and his urine has finally cleared up after multiple flushes to clear the blood clots and completing his antibiotics. After doing a flush I noticed a large milky colored stone come through his cath. It was about the size of a pea but was flat shaped with jagged edges. I’ve never seen a kidney stone but this had to be, I saw it come through his catheter. Veterans are going to do a scope on him finally in the morning. It just seems that this has been long and drawn out and unnecessary. I feel they could have done something to help him earlier. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Yes,I read your story,and yes I do Know what you are saying.I have had kidney stones for 17 years now, I have the one called uric stones with the sharp jagged edges on them. I just by passed one yesterday it was about the size of a pea and very painful.It was lodged in my penis for many weeks I just kept drinking a lot of water to dilute my urine to where it was clear coming out.People with these kind of stones must watch their diet. If you eat an insoluble diet like whole wheat bread and Total cereal,carrots and lots of juices and plenty of water to keep hydrated they do help the formation of these stones. (Apple-cider -vinegar) works well also.(1 tbs of apple cider vinegar-to 5 tbs of water mix and drink.You can use do this multiple times a day.Cut back on coffee and tea and pops. I think water is the best.


I have the same issues, I passed one today, a smooth one this time but last time was jagged. Similar to yourself mine seem to be getting stuck in the penis for a few weeks before passing. Have had them since age of 23 (last 8 years) 1st one needed pulberising as it got stuck (7mm) was the worst back pain ever. I had a tube to drain my kidney while it was passing. I sat on it by accident and ripped it out Lol was a bit of a shock! Luckily since the first one I havent had one as painful they just seem to pass through now. I only know when i start getting low urine output that its their. And to the dude before yeah that was deffinately a stone.


In reading these comments I feel bad for all those suffering, and hopefully give you some comfort in knowing it could be much worse. I have passed hundreds (If not thousands) of stones throughout my adult life. Surgery really is not practical. I know this will have skeptics throwing the B.S. flag, but not only do I pass stones frequently, I pass multiple stones frequently… LARGE stones. Granted, some are relatively small (3-6mm) I have a collections of my “greatest hits”… these range in size from 10 to about 19mm… again, these are stones I have PASSED, as God is my witness.If I knew how, I would upload the picture. I have also learned that the Urologists in my city are arrogant jerks. When they can’t explain this they somehow decide it is me. That I am just after pain meds. I have had doctors accuse me of getting gravel out of the back yard .. until they saw the CT scan. I even had one tell me stones don’t move. It is at this point that I have realized that in any profession, there is someone at the bottom of the class. So I guess the lesson here is hang in there… it could be worse. Reply – See more at:


Are there certain times at which kidney stones hurt worse. Like at night time or day time?


When they get stuck between ur kidney and bladder their is no pain like it. Ive broken bones it was less painful. Not joking the pain its disgusting when they get stuck in ur back. I thought i was dying at first lmao. When that happens its day and night its not fussy.

Dani Hayne

I am 29 and currently waiting for the last of my stones to kindly :/ leave the part of my ureter that passes through the bladder wall…. I have spent the last two days constantly feeling like I need to pee…… Although this is ALOT better than the normal pain.

I have been getting stones since I was very young, and I get different types every time.
I have gone from a new stone hospitalising me every 10 months to now 4-5 years between 🙂 however this time I had 13 stones 🙁

I’m sorry to say, but I have had times where one week I’m stone free, and a simple summer weekend with dehydration has been enough for me to create a new one.

As a child I never had takeaways, chips, high salt food etc, and remember nurses always waiting till my mum was out of the room to query what she fed me.
But we had an exceptionally healthy diet.
However, I unfortunately refused to drink from drinking fountains at school, used to sneak WAY too many vitamin C pills (they were like lollies) and all the healthy foods we ate were high protein, and a lot of the veges I should have avoided.
Plus I had 2 sides of hereditary tendency against me.

All I can say is really look at all the little things you can think of that could help prevent them, my problem is after about 2 years I get lulled into a false sense of security and really slack on all sides of precaution.

I never want want another nephrostomy, jj stent, high blood pressure pill, pain killer, lithotripsy etc EVER again.

Ok sorry, I’m rambling. Think this latest pill has kicked in.
Stay strong to all those out there. And good luck with preventing and prolonging reacurances 🙂


I had a staghorn type of kidney stone 2-1/2 inches in length & width 1-1/2 inch at the middle part &1/2 inch @ both ends, it was removed by open surgery last June 30, 2011.
I couldn’t imagine the pain i’ve suffered during those days as the stone was still in me, Ive tried so many medication both scientific and herbal but it didn’t work. As the stone been removed all the pain has gone. Im very happy cause I thought the problem has been solved. But sad to say that my thoughts was all wrong coz 4 months ago until now I’m suffering again same pain as it was. Side and back pain again bothers me. i believe the stone form again.
For those who has medical expertice about kidney stones, Woul’d it be possible for my staghorn stone to come back for just a span of 2 years time?
I woul’d be very glad if somebody will share advices about my illness……


Yes Im sorry to say….35yrs of stones…6 months to grow 1.5 cm…lastest one is easy to remember 11/12/13 🙂 Had a successful PNCL and here I sit totally stone and pain free(12/14/13)…had a great surgeon this time…But I WILL have more..MY advice…dont do any shock wave treatments fragments go everywhere and can get into places hard for surgeons to get at…KeyHole thru your back is the best method altho risky..Ive had 4 and im still here…Good Luck:) PS Beg them to do everything they can to avoid Dbl, J-Stent…they are brutal..your asleep when they put it in and awake when they remove it and if your Male…save pain pills for removal of J-Stent and dbl. your dose…feel free to email me for any advice..sad to say I have the experience , Bruce (

Melanie Clark

My daughter is 15 years old and has a 2.5 cm kidney stone with a partial blockage and one just a little smaller than that behind it in the left kidney. She has a 1.6cm stone in the right kidney. We are scheduled for a PCNL next week for the left kidney and after this she will have the ASWL (shock wave) with stent placement for the right kidney. After reading all this we are scared to death. Any comments on this that we are headed in right direction? I had two Dr’s who both agree on treatment.

Anna L

Replying on your concerns. I’m 39 yrs old who has kidney stones since 16. Had all types of surgeries as you can imagine. Over 25 to be exact. The worst experience I had, was surgery cut thru my back to get the stone out. It was very painful with lots of complications. Now I always get aswl done with some times stint put in …. no big deal. They put you to sleep, 45 min later you get out and go home. Trust me she will be fine. Do your self a favor and stop reading these crazy comments. Everyone is different so everyone has different pain tolerance. Just do your homework and look for respectable dr.

All of thes posts are helpful about what could be ahead. I am 68 and have just passed my third fourth and fifth stones. The others were about 5 years apart and were round and grey. These new ones were staghorne, brown and long and narrow. I did not see the catscan but the xray on follow up showed more stones have formed at the bottom of the kidney. I am hoping I can do something homeopathic to get rid of them.

I had been taking a lot of mineral supplements for enlarged prostate since my PSA was up. I had a prostate biopsy about two months ago and they founnd nothing in the prostate.

A few weeks ago I felt like I was coming down with a cold and took large amounts 2000 cc a day of vitamin C which helped the cold but I feel brought on the attack.

The emergency room was either more organized or the information I gave them was better. The second trip they did not give me pain meds for 5 hours. This time they gave me something right away to put under my toung that cut the nausea and the pain in half.

The first two times I only got pain meds and passed the stones in a few days. This time they gave me pain meds and Flomax.

The urine flow is amazing with Flomax (generic).

I would be very interested in any additional Homeopathic remedys.


After MANY kidney Stones I looked for a homeopathic ‘cure’. I have been taking Renavive for two years & have had only a couple of passable stones…up until Feb. of this year. I was instructed to stop taking them for 2 weeks prior to surgery on my shoulder. Yup – I just had a 6 removed & have the stent. I will never go off Renavive again!!!


Marla, did anyone do a CT or KUB x-Ray. I’m surprised that they would let you try and pass a stone that large. It can definitely be done (as you have shown), but not by many people.

I would expect to continue to have pain fir a week or two, but the feeling of having to pee all the time should go away. As the stone passed, it scratched up everything on the inside.

A few suggestions going forward. I was put on a blood pressure medication that contained thiazides. Worked great and the I found out that it is prescribed for kidney stones as well. Eventually, I had to stop the drug because it also depletes the body of potassium. So for me it wasn’t a good fit.

The other two things, I found out about just this week. The first is Flomax – they give to men with prostate problems. It lessens the uereter muscles which allows the stones to pass more easily.

The second was Toradol (NOT Tramadol). It is a NASID which works miracles for some people. It either works or it doesn’t there is no in between. I have chronic pain so I take both a narcotic and a NASID. When passing a kidney stone, the narcotic never once reduced the pain in the slightest bit. This go round I replaced my regular NASID with the Toradol and all the stone pain went away. I still felt like I had to pee all the time, but I could function.
Good Luck,


I had re occurring kidney infections for almost 2 years, and when I mean re occurent, as soon as I came off of Antibiotics it was back, sometimes making me so ill I struggled getting the kids to school and even getting up, I couldn’t eat and lost a lot of weight. In the last 10 months it was non stop, the doctors were giving me different antibiotics, none of which worked. My urine smelt awful, sometimes it was orange and cloudy, other times dark green! In the last month it felt different as if I needed to pass but felt as if something was blocking it. Last week the pain moved from my kidney, further down. The pain was more acute and no painkillers worked. Having been to the doctors so many times and nothing worked I decided not to bother going. On the Friday night the pain was a lot worse. But by Saturday morning it had subsided and the pain of passing urine had calmed. I was talking to my mum when I felt a popping sensation from my bladder area. I was stood on the landing when I had an overwhelming urge to pass urine. I legged it down the stairs and into the toilet (checking there was nothing in it as I have been keeping an eye on the colour of my urine), I passed a small amount of urine and the it stopped, I felt the need to push still so did this and there was another popping sensation but further down. I passed a bit more then there was a stinging feeling, I got up and looked down the toilet, there was a brown pip shaped stone. Measuring 1.3cm L and 0.8 W!! I am taking this to the doctors to have it confirmed. Now I need to find out if this was the cause of my re occurring infections or a product of it. Either way I feel a lot better. I don’t know if there is more but at least I’m coming to the bottom of my problems so good times I hope 🙂

rosemary Houchin

I have had every procedure now I have had stones since 1974.. At this time both kidneys are sprayed with stones and one right above the bladder, which may pass, as of date I have had over 90 stones, and no diet has helped and all my tests come back in normal range, therefore they can not figure out what is causing me to produce so many stones, mine have been oxalate calcium, and calcium phosphate. I just hope they can figure out the cause, the pain of passing them, or even having them is unbearable. My urologist specializes in Calculi, but can not find the cause, so now I am going to see a Nephrologist and see if he can figure it out and help me. If you haven’t had stones you don’t know the pain!!

Carla Smith

Try having your thyroid check someone told my husband that was what was causing his stones.

Elizabeth Tutttle

Look up medullary sponge kidney…its birth defect that ihave and u described my symptoms to a tee when talking about your own problems


I am diagnosed with a 7cm kidney stone. I am uninsured.
ER Doc recommends a visit to a Urologist and perhaps the process
that breaks it with shock wavs.. again I am uninsured. Not sure how to
proceed. Not sure of stones make up or if I can pass it safely.. Any help here?
Slippery Elm or Lemon Juice and Olive oil.. to pass it along.. what can be used
to dissolve it or can it be dissolved ?


Gloria…I also had a 7cm stone when I was 20 weeks pregnant. The urologist said it couldn’t be dissolved but that is a load of crap. Since I was pregnant there wasn’t much I could do about it and it was too large to pass so they would give me lithotripsy after I delivered. so I drank tonnes of lemon water and when I went back for my follow up after delivering my son it was no longer there. I swear by lemon water. If you can get lithotripsy I suggest that but if it’s not feasible for you try lemon. Good luck to you 🙂

I have had a kidney stent for 3 months , and I really don’t want that surgery to break my stone up, my stone is 14mm , so lemon in ur water will really dissolve ur stone. Please help

Carla Smith

The doctor told my husband to drink lemon in his water every night cause the acid will help break the stones up. I also googled home remedies and it tells you some other herbs that help break them up.


7CM or 7MM? There is quite a difference. No doctor will recommend you to pass a 3.5in stone alone.


My wife got kidney stone around 13-14mm in size. Which treatment would be better?
Lithotripsy or Keyhole surgeory?
Please suggest the best one and why?


It really depends where the stones are located. Lithotripsy seems to be the prefer option for surgeons. Because its less invasive. Speaking personally I am finding the stent more painful than the initial stones themselves. I do hope your wife gets a fast and effective solution to her problem.


I have had both lithotripsy and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. My stone was 2 Cm in size and lithotripsy did very little but break a small chunk off. Lithotripsy wasn’t too bad at all. I was achy for a day or two but didn’t take the pain pills they gave me. PCNL where they go in through your back was not terrible either, but I had it done twice in 3 days too because you could only use the laser for so long before it will cause damage. I found out today that I still have some small fragments left in my kidney that will need to pass, but should pass on their own. I didn’t find the PCNL too terrible either honestly. The first week I was pretty sore, but I am 7 days out and honestly I just need to build up my stamina to get up and do things again.


I have passed stones for over 3 years now. They are usually very tiny. I was hurting and peed and there was a ton of sandlike reddish stones. Anyone else have this?


I just had the external Shock wave Lipsotripsy and there are fragments left yet in the kidney. My dr has me lay my head down and feet up like heading down a staircase head first then have my husband tap lightly on my kidney. I have alot of the sandlike reddish stones… those are the fragments and so far they are passing without pain. I have to drink a coffee or coke then 2 to 3 cups of water then do the treatment… it really worked today was my first time. Strain your urine after for the next few hours… I was still passing them after an evening. I am happy to see they are coming out. Good luck


I had lithotripsy yesterday on my 2 cm stone. The stent is very uncomfortable and I feel like I have to use the bathroom constantly. I am not passing anything and expected that I would. I go back on Friday next week to have an x-ray and meet with the doctor. I was going to do percutaneous nephrolithomy so that I would know it was done and over with after 1 procedure, but after listening to my urologist he felt confident that lithotripsy would work. After treatment which lasted an hour and a half instead of the 30 min he had told us it would last, his comments to my family were that the stone broke and changed shape. This does not sound good to me because in the office he said it would basically blast the stone into small pieces so I could pass them and I don’t think that happened. Does anyone else have such discomfort with the stent?


the stent is uncomfortable definitely, but okay once removed. don’t hold back urine for long and no exertion in passing urine. take care of these two things. you may experience mild to heavy haemeturia (passing of blood in urine) but not to worry. it shall be okay soon.


I ended up having to go back for the percutaneous nephrolithotomy. I had my first surgery on Wednesday, and followed up with a second surgery on Friday. I had to remain in the hospital in between procedures, but was sent home on Friday after the second procedure. The pain has not been too bad, but I am pretty achy on my left side. Each day I am getting a bit better, but I tire very easily. Good news is the stone is completely gone and the stent will be removed later this week when I go in for my follow up appointment. Good luck to all of you going through this experience.


Diana, thanks for the perc info. I am facing this surgery and have been pretty scared about having invasive surgery after several unsuccessful attempts at shockwave and ureteroscopies. Don’t know anyone who has gone thru it so glad to hear you didn’t think it was too bad. Hope you are well soon!


Yes the stent is uncomfortable to say the least but the fragments pass easier while it is in so try to stay strong. It does cause you to feel like you need to urinate often… it even burns or mine did. I had my stent for about 5 days. I had the shock wave lithotripsy last Friday and today I am passing sandlike reddish pieces… Dr said the fragments sink to the bottom. I have to drink coffee, 2 to 3 cups of water then lay with my head down and feet up and my husband taps my kidney for 5 min… I couldn’t believe the sandlike fragments that came out after… I have to do this for 6 weeks then get an ex ray. I wish you luck.


My first attck was 3 years ago. Making stones is not of ‘running in family’ story in my case–at least as far as I asked later. it was oxalate calcium, 4 mm. I was in ER for some strong piankillers, then sono showed it had moved and on its way to bladder. it pased on its own 3 days later.
Now, the second so called reoccurrnce. this time there are 4 stones, 3 very small 1-2 mm, one big 6-7 mm. My doctors advised ESWL for the big one. What baffles me is that :1. I drink lots of water 2. I go trekking, cycling and play volleyball, 3. I am not a fan of soft drinks, coffee, … but they are there!!! ESWL worries me as I studies the risks and complications involved !


I had several eswr, do not worry. The only problem is that the last stone I had was too hard and did not break up. So last tuesday the had to remove the stone by taking the stone via a small hole in my back. I am at home since friday.


Farhad…. I’m 38, male…..did you FEEL your 4mm pass? I’m asking because weeks ago, a CT scan confirmed I had a 4mm stone, right side…. felt it moving a little. Now, its been 2 weeks…and I feel NOTHING. I’ve had lots of stones before… I’m thinking I would definitely feel a 4mm come out. Waiting on results of KUB scan. Please email me. Thanks


Dear JB,
yes… I did. I jest felt some little pain; not causing trouble or sending me to hospital. Actually, it was not a pain, a pain-like feeling if you like.
I am on herbal traditional heals to avoid ESWL. just one stone left. best!


I have had kidney stones since my mid 20’s (I am now 60). Up untill 1995 I used to get episodes every 2 years that would last for about 2 years (2 years of stones then 2 years normal). Since 1995 I have had constant episodes of Renal Cholic. My record to date is 32 stones passed in 1 month. (I am saving them for some future time when I am sure they will be valuable! Perhaps Greek worry beads).

Over the years I have been on hugh amounts of pain killers however, I have found that I was becoming more aware of the pain, and have now reduced my morphine to around 5% of what I had been taking.

The Pain Clinic people felf it was best if I was responsible for my own medication which has proved a major benifit in the quality of life for both myself & my wife. The episodes of are now not as frequent as they were I my renal man has told me that I should be almost pain free by age 70. (then you die).

I would be interested in hearing of any similar experience & any helpful treatment,


I have passed three stones in the last two years. Its been an almost completely different experience with each one except for the pain part. All three have been 3mm stones. My first stone started off feeling like bad indigestion and then turned into blinding pain in my back kidney region. I was admitted to the ER and given very strong pain meds to deal with the pain while I waited. I passed the stone in about and 8 hr period but then took a week pee it out.

My second stone came a year later and resulted in another ER visit. I was sick with a temperature ranging between 104-99 for three days before the stone passed. All pain and fever disappeared as soon as I passed the stone. I peed the stone out immediately.

I am now working on my third stone. It started as mild discomfort three days before which I confused for indigestion. I went to work with no signs of discomfort and then had an attack the came with no warning. I spent another day in the ER and I believe I passed the stone that night. It is the next day and am no longer in pain but I am still waiting to catch the stone. Hope I catch it soon so I know for sure that I am done with #3.

My latest CT scan shows that I have several new stones that are w forming. Wish there was more that could be done for people like us that have these recurring stones for no reason.


I have reoccuring stones too I just had lithotripsy and nothing passed going in Friday for another procedure to have them taken out. I did some research on Amazon and bought Beelith pills. Many testimonies of people that have stones and have been taking this bill, magnesium and B6 and have not had stones for years.

Worth a shot.

Good luck!


I had a huge staghorn stone, in my right kidney. My kidney was so damaged that the dr had to remove my kidney, it was the worst pain ever. So please don’t make the same mistake I did walked around with the pain, and never went to the dr, for 2 years. if you think you have kidney stones or even just a thought that it might be your kidneys don’t hesitate, go to the dr.


I had the same thing done to me. Been trying to find out if this has happened to a lot of people or far your the only one I’ve found. How long has it been and have you had anymore problems with the other kidney having stones? Would like to know. will be thankful for any info..

shirley c.

I had stag horn kidney stone , I had 4 times shock wave lithotripsy its break up my stone and I pass several., and my last one nothing pass stone at all. I am still had it and more bigger as a 14 kt stone and my doctor told me if, I want they same procedure. , I think I want different surgery that they can get my stone in one time not to break it a lot of pieces and pass it. I am hoping that the doctor who assisting my surgery that the Lord give them the ability to perform and successfully the right way. Any suggestions help.


Hi, I have a history of kidney stones but I never went for the robotic surgery or open operation. I suggest everyone, always go for homeopathic treatment for kidney stone trust me I had worst condition but I got homeopathic treatment and my kidney stone were passed naturally and no after affects, however you must go through some pain just before the night when stone is going to pass.

Homeopathic medicine helps passing the kidney stone of all types naturally. Don’t let any doctor chop your organs 🙂 at least try your best unless you have no other choice. I still have few stone left in my kidneys 3 in left and 1 in right (11mm, 10mm, 6mmX2) I believe I will get rid of them soon 🙂

I wish everyone good health and a very bless life. May God keep everyone happy and healthy, pain is after all pain, no matters more or less it definitely discomfort.


I had a 6mm stone that two percussion lithotripsy failed to breakup. I then had a laser lithotripsy that did work. It took 4 months to remove the stone because of the recovery period between procedures. Six months later, after taking Potassium Citrate, I now have two more 6mm stones; one in each kidney. I thought potassium citrate was supposed to reduce the formation of stones, not accelerate them! Why would it take 64 years to get one stone and only 6 months to get 2 more the same size?



I have had several stones through out my life, they started when I was sixteen. I have never been able to pass them on my own. When I was sixteen I had lithotripsy with a stent placement to help keep everything open so the stones would pass. When I was about nineteen I had another stone a little larger than a quarter. The stone was not painful, I didn’t even know I had the stone. It was found because I kept getting UTI’s. The doctor said that the stone was too large for me to pass and I had to have the stone surgically removed. The surgery was a percutanious renal stone removal, this is where they put a tube through your back into the kidney and remove the stone. The surgery went well, I didn’t have any post-op problems. Ten years later which was last year I started having the same problems and went back to my urologist and we found another stone…. this time it was 8cm (the size of an egg). So I had to have another surgery to have the stone removed. I opted for the percitanous route again, this time I had major complications. I was only supposed to have a one night stay in the hopsital which turned into a week. The nephostomy tube (the tube in my back to the kidney) kept leaking urine. So much that it would soak through the dressing around the tube and through my clothes about once an hour. After two days of this happening I was taken to have a CT which showed the tube was blocking my urethra so urine could not pass into my kidney. This meant I had to have another surgery to reposition the tube, and have a stent placed in the urethra which went to my bladder to keep everything open up again.
The stent pain was worse than any pain I have ever felt. Giving birth was a walk in the park compared to this. I had low back pain that wrapped around to the front. It hurt to urinate, it hurt to sit down, it just plain hurt all the time. I had the stent in for four weeks, when the stent was removed in the doctors office it had stones built up around the stent, after only 4 weeks!
After the trauma of this surgery the doctor found that I had a UPJ obstruction which was why I kept making stones. This called for yet another surgery. My doctor recommended a robotic UPJ obstruction repair. I had been seeing the same urologist for 13 years and I trusted that this was what was best for me, since he knew my history so well.
I had the surgery and everything seemed to be going well. I was up walking around the hospital the same night with very little discomfort. I was released home the next day, I had a little pain in my abdominal area since that is where he went in at. I had surgery on Thursday and on the following Monday I felt good, only minor pain from the stent. I went to work that day and work in the doctors clinic for my normal 8 hours. The next day I was in so much pain, I could not get out of the bed. I also noticed that I had put on some water weight. I took the rest of the week off to recover.
The following week (2 weeks post op) I again went back to work. I was again able to work 1 8 hour shift before my body protested. By this time I was carrying an extra 10 pounds of water weight. I called the urologist and his nurse said that it was just swelling and would go away. When I asked her about the stent discomfort she told me to take my pain medications and to take it easy. So I took off work for the week again.
I had a two week post-op appt with the urologist when I started telling him about my new problems which were passing blood clots in my urine, having urethra bleeding even without urinating, water weight, shortness of breath, cramping in my hands, legs and feet. He didn’t comment he just said that he wanted a xray to see if the stent was properly place. Five days later I called him to ask about a new symptom and his nurse says oh by the way your stent is a little low in the bladder we need to reposition it. At this time I was under the impression that the following week I would be having the stent removed so I opted to wait. The next day the nurse called and said I had another four weeks before the stent could be removed. Which leaves me with no choice but to have another surgery for the stent to be replaced with a shorter one.
This is set up for this coming week.

I am sharing all of this with you to so that if you have similar problems I recommend that you talk to the doctor ask a lot of questions, do internet research and don’t just listen to all the benefits the doctor tells you about. I didn’t do this since I was trusting that he had my best interest at heart, after all I was his patient for years. He didn’t tell me one negative thing about the robotic surgery, he said it was a faster recovery, shorter hospital stay, less invasive, I would be back to work sooner and the list goes on. After the fact I did my homework and found that the robotic surgery’s have a lot of potential problems and there are numerous class action lawsuits out from patients being injured.
I have definitely learned my lesson and hope that this post will help other not have to go through what I am going through now.


Your Story is awful, I certainly hope you resolve your health issues so you can have a more enjoyable life. Kidney stones take away a secure feeling of having a good life… you never know when they will hit you. I am hoping that my shock wave treatment broke up my stone and that what I am expelling now will continue to make me stone free in the next few months. Good luck to you


Over a month ago, I got the severe pain that sent me running to the er, found out it was a stone passing and there was another in my other kidney. After over a month of pain, discomfort and sickness. I just had stone removed a few days ago. After several scans my stone was 4mm but was stuck and had not moved since onset and images from er. Now I have a stent and its more painful than I expected. I had no idea how awful kidney stones are and PAINFUL. I will have stent removed friday. I am glad its out and will be tested but I am scared to death of the other stone in other side is gonna strick me down again one day. This stone has put me down for over a month and surgery put me down farther! I am 30 yr old female. I apprciate all the ppl who write about their stone situations, info has kept me sane and feel not alone going through all this. I hope results come back as its something in my diet. Ausing them so I can rid my life of these awful expierences. Good luck to all you suffering through the dreadful stone process! Thank you for sharing Nd any good advice dealing with this stent would be appreciated.


My 34 year old daughter just experienced a kidney stone attack (not her first) and this one was horrible. I had to go with her to ER and I felt helpless. They were not the least bit concerned that she was in such pain that she could not lay sit or crawl. She was vomiting terribly (dry heaves) and moaning in pain. They couldn’t give her drugs until they ruled out pregnancy, which took hours, then they wanted to give her Morphine but she had a bad reaction last time and refused it. They gave her another drug but it wore off in a short time. I had two children naturally (wasn’t near as bad as this) but this was sheer torture for me to watch. Finally admitted her to hospital after discovering it was a 9 to 10mm stone blocking her uretha. They put the stent in and she goes home today. You said you felt worse with the stent. Can you explain so we have some idea?


I had a stone removed in 2007 and after they took out the stent no one told me the pain I could be in. After knowing I had to have another stone removed this last week, I did a lot of research and found out that when the stent is pulled out the muscles go into spasms. I didn’t have them until the next day back in 2007 so I had no clue what caused it but now I do. So as I said after reading about the fact that so very many people had the same problem… I ask my Dr for a muscle relaxer … he gave me Valium… had me take it when I got to the office and between that and my Hydrocodene I didn’t have anywhere near the pain I had before. The Valium relaxed the muscles… so you might ask for that to see if it will help along with your pain medication. Good luck to you


I think I may have one 🙁 what are the symptoms?


I have had several kidney stone attacks in my lifetime over 5 now to be exact. Usually the pain will start in your lower back and it feels or starts out like a muscle cramp at first. Afterwards the pain will get worse almost to much to bare. More than likely you will end up at the er so you can receive pain meds. This is what has happened to myself im not sure if it is different for each person. There will be visible blood in your urine but usually no infection. I forgot to mention other symptoms that i have had are nausea and vomiting and a mild fever. Do not be alarmed by all of this but i will not lie it hurts like a mother. Best thing to do is make an appointment with an urologist asap they can tell you what to do and guide you rough the process and they will get a ct stone protocol scan done. This scan will look at your kidneys and tell if you have stones in your kidneys. Hope i didn’t scare you was just giving you my experience and some things to look for. Hope it was helpful.


“over 5 to be exact”… lol


I didn’t have any pain when I first had an issue. I had blood in my urine which scared me to death. I went to my dr who had me go for a CT scan and they saw the stone. It never caused problems for about 3 more months then wham… pain and surgery. So get to your Dr and get an ex ray done then if it is one check to see what would be the best way to get rid of it, and get rid of it… your life is never your own when you carry around a stone. I was on vacation and ended up in emergency in a strange town… not what you want on vacation. Good luck t you


Had shockwave lithotripsy about 8 years ago. All it did was split then stone in two. Passed one of the 2 , 3 years ago. Was calcium. I call it my 4th child! Sure felt like labor.
I have been having menstrual like cramps and back ache off and on for a year. GYN cudnt find anything. Then I remembered that was the symptom when I was initially diagnosed. Went to new urologist, had sono, nothing. I told him Litho had split the stone and I only passed 1 stone, so I was sure there was 1 left. Finally had CT, sure enough, he tells me “you have a stone”I tell him “told you so”! Grown to 1cm in 3 years.
Having laser tomorrow, dreading the stent. Shud have it removed MOnday.

5 days ago from today i did lithotripsy i have 13mm stones which toay fell in urine from time to time i feel very well now .after lithotripsy doctor told me tht do proper excercise like jumping small and easy weight lifts and drink more water now from today my stones fragments are comming out in urine.and my stone colour is brown in colour.


I had the shock wave lithotripsy last Friday and today I am passing sandlike reddish pieces… Dr said the fragments sink to the bottom. I have to drink coffee, 2 to 3 cups of water then lay with my head down and feet up and my husband taps my kidney for 5 min… I couldn’t believe the sandlike fragments that came out after… I have to do this for 6 weeks then get an ex ray. I wish you luck.