Kidney stone gallery

We’ve gathered a collection of kidney stone pictures in this photo gallery. The stones include small passed stones up to large staghorn stones. Stone composition (or type) is indicated when available.

Photo of kidney stone fragments

3 stone fragments that were removed during percutaneous surgery.

Photo of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone

A 7 mm stone successfully passed by a patient. Comprised of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate.

Photo of calcium oxalate kidney stone fragments

Fragments of an orginally 1.1 cm stone treated with laser lithotripsy and removed during ureteroscopy. Comprised of calcium oxalate.

Photo of kidney stones removed percutaneously

A 1.4 cm and a 5 mm stone removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of carbonate apatite kidney stones

Collection of carbonate apatite stones removed percutaneously from a kidney.

Photo of uric acid kidney stones

2mm and 4mm uric acid stones removed with ureteroscopy.

multiple kidney stones







Multiple large smooth kidney stones removed percutaneously from a single kidney. Largest stone measures 1.2 cm in size. Analysis demonstrated 70% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 30% calcium phosphate.








Multiple small kidney stones with the appearance of bird seed. Removed with ureteroscopy from a single kidney. Largest stone measured 4mm in size. Analysis demonstrated 85% calcium oxalate monohydrate and 15% calcium phosphate.

Photo of large bladder stones

File photo of large bladder stones removed by open incision. These have a “jackstone” appearance.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of a large “staghorn” kidney stone removed intact by open surgery. The various parts of this stone fill up an entire kidney’s central collecting system, giving it a characteristic shape appearing similar to a deer’s antlers. Stones this size are not commonly seen intact anymore as most are now treated percutaneously and broken up before being removed.

Photo of staghorn kidney stone

File photo of another large “staghorn” stone removed by open surgery.


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Charles leuty

I have a 3.3cm stone that is killing me

Jerry Hernandez

Earlier this year, I passed a 7mm stone that had some prominent points on it. I yelled so loudly when it passed that I’m sure all of South St. Paul heard me!


Just passed my 14th stone and it was a whopping 14×8mm. Biggest one yet.

Joseph Williams

God bless you. The largest I passed was 6mm. I had a 3cm sone in each kidney, which were broken percutaneously. I’ve had several stones since, and this past Tuesday, had another lithotripsy. I thought I passed a stone last November, but it embedded itself in the ureter.

Jerry Hernandez

What did that feel like coming out?


Dr. Schninck, May I ask you what actually causes kidney stones? I read below where you asked is someone consumes an excessive Vitamin C?

Jeff gorgon

Jesus Christ!


LoL @ Jeff! I couldn’t agree with you more!

I think I have the blackish stone with rough edges. This is my second occasion of suffering this extremely painfull dilemma. Guessing because of my protein based diet,with just a cup of water/day,my kidney has gone bonkers. Been passing small dark fragments for a month. Think I have more than 1. What does my head in is I don’t drink fizzy drinks.

Dr. J.A. Schninck

Do you take excessive Vitamin C?

I have a stone that I think is gold? How do I find out if it is real or not?


My wife (86) has a large staghorn stone in the pelvis and lower calyx of her right kidney. She also has cancer, FIGO stage 2 grade 3, and is currently in hospital, awaiting chemotherapy, which can not start until she is clear of a kidney infection. The infection was detected 8 days ago. She has been in hospital since then, and the infection has become very much worse. Yesterday she was taken to theatre to have “Stents” inserted. Afterwards, she was told that stents AND “stomas” were inserted. What are “stoma” in this regard, and how will this affect her recovery? Her legs have become a blotchy purple colour, and have swollen to double the perimeter they were 8 days ago. Is this lymphoedema? Her left leg has become hard to the touch – almost like porcelain. I find it difficult to talk to doctors because I am almost deaf, and cannot hear what they say.


Is she okay? It sounded like she was dealing with a lot. I wondered if she ever had her genome mapped and advice from integrative medicine doctor.


I passed 12 stones between September 8, 2019 and October 29, 2019. Three were larger than 10mm. All passed without much discomfort, and I have pictures of 11 of them. These pictures are much better than mine. I place my stones on top of a dime for reference.

According to a recent KUB, I still have 8 more to pass.

Dr. J.A. Schninck

You might want to talk to your Nephrologist about colchicine maintenance therapy: this is not normal. Also, your diet needs a close inspection.


But How?

Helen Magoon

Please help me, my youngest daughter drinks Monster drinks all day long. She was hospitalized recently and told she has a kidney stone the size of a lemon. Is there any she can do to dissolve it, or is surgery her only option? I am two and a half hours from her. She has no insurance. Her pain is unbearable, but she thinks it’s her cross to bear.


Yes apple cider vinegar.

Dr. J.A. Schninck

Unless hse is planning to inject right into her kidney, this is an insane suggestion (actually, it’s even more insane if it is planned for injection). She needs surgical excision, and as quickly as can be reasonably accommodated. A stone the size described here is almost certainly of the large “staghorn” variety, which can grow to fill the entire chamber, causing significant damage to the kidney.


Dr. Schninck, even though I prefer old-time home remedies from the Grands, I am very leery, especially of these modern day, quick cures/fixes. I am one who has never even had a headache in my entire life. So therefore I don’t like consuming unnecessary meds. This being said/typed I had 4 kidney stones, without pain, that I wasn’t aware of. 2 were described as the size of golf balls……ewwwww! I had the procedure to have them removed at UNC in Chapel Hill, NC. By your earlier criticism/statement I can tell that you would have appreciated the path that I took. 🙂


What does this do Marcella? Does apple cider vinegar prevent them or dissolve ’em?

Dr. J.A. Schninck

Your daughter is in urgent need of surgery – this stone is far too large for lithotripsy. Then she neds to back off the “energy” drinks, and ask her Nephrologist whether s/he thinks she should be on some kind of prophylactic therapy.

Miriam Moscowicz

Hi! I’m the mother of a 19 year old male, suffering from cystinuria (cysteine stones). Had his 1st attack when he was 7 yrs. Had a few relaxed years for the past 4 years he is suffering forming stones. Laser lithotripsy etc. For the past 18 months he’s passing gravel, & tiny stones. He’s in alot off pain. He takes potassium citrate & Thiola. Was wondering if anyone knows if chancha piedra works with meds. citrate,& Thiola​


Please join the international Cystinuria Foundation on Facebook


I will be glad to b a member


I am 52 years old from Nigeria. I have 1.8cm and 1.6cm stones respectively in my left kidney. Potassium citrate dissolve them?

Dr. J.A. Schninck

As your Nephrologist if he is a candidate for colchicine prophylactic therapy, but first, get his diet closely examined by a good nutritionist: this sounds like it is likely related to his diet.

C Moretto

I have used Chenca Piedra and in a matter of 2 weeks it took my stone from 4 mm down to 2 mm and right now the stone is being diagnosed as I was told it was either a calcium stone or a Uric acid stone. Yes Chanca Piedra works…. but I’m not sure if it only works on certain types of stones. I was also cautioned by my endocrinologist NOT to take potassium citrate because it has dangerous side effects. I read up on it and it causes heart attacks as he told me as well.

Miriam Moscowicz

Hi! I’m the mother of a 19 year old male, suffering from cystinuria (cysteine stones). Had his 1st attack when he was 7 yrs. Had a few relaxed years for the past 4 years he is suffering forming stones. Laser lithotripsy etc. For the past 18 months he’s passing gravel, & tiny stones. He’s in alot off pain. He takes potassium citrate & Thiola. Was wondering if anyone knows if chancha piedra works with meds. citrate,& thiol


I passed a black kidney stone. I was in so much pain for about 2 or 3 hours. My lower back hurt, my entire right side. I thought I was gonna have to go to the ER. I knew I had stones in my kidneys, but never passed one. I guess the pain must have been it passing into my bladder, because when it got to my bladder, it felt like someone was taking a large pin and poking me. This lasted for about 4 hours. I went to the store, bought a bunch of real lemonade and lemons, and chugged a huge glass of that. When I finally had to really go, I went and for about 20 seconds, it stung really bad; like a cath coming out. I am still cramped up. I don’t know why. Anyway, there was a black stone in the toilet. I kept it to show my doc, but that has to be what it was! I didn’t take pain meds or anything, but the pain inside while it was passing was bad enough I had to lay down for hours, and my lower back hurt the worst. At least I know what it feels like now, because I have about 5 more left. This sucks!!!!!

The sharp pain you described is exactly what I have. Mine are black fragments with acid-wee. Only do maybe 30ml of liquid. It feels like 8m being tortured down below. I wish I could get rid of this feeling with a pill.

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