Severe pain after stent removal: How often does it happen and can anything prevent it?

Can a single pill prevent post stent removal pain? (Image from

Many patients complain of some pain after having a ureteral stent is removed. This pain is usually mild and self-limited. However, the pain can sometimes be severe. Because patients may not have been warned about the possibility of significant pain beforehand, it can come as an unwelcome surprise, and patients may be left wondering whether something is wrong. Patients who are affected by this pain may describe it as being worse than their original stone pain. In some cases the pain can be bad enough to bring them back to the emergency room.

Up to now, there hasn’t been much research on this topic and it was not clear how often this phenomenon occurs or what might be done to prevent it. A recent publication in the journal BJU International now suggests that severe pain after stent removal may occur in as many as half (55%) of patients. In the study, performed by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University and the Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center, patients having their indwelling ureteral stents removed were either given a placebo pill or a single 50mg dose of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) rofecoxib fifteen minutes before their stent removal procedure. Patients were asked to report their pain just before and 24 hours after their stent removal on a scale ranging from 1 to 10, with 7 or above being considered severe pain. Six of the eleven patients (55%) given placebo developed severe pain after their stent removal while none of the ten patients given rofecoxib developed severe pain.

The authors speculated that the mechanism by which the NSAID medicine may have provided such a dramatic reduction in severe pain occurrence might have been through reducing ureteral spasms or by decreasing pressure within the kidney. While the results of the study are very encouraging, further research will be needed to confirm the findings. For now though, the study is currently the only evidence we have on how often post stent removal severe pain occurs and what we might do to prevent it – take a single dose of a NSAID pain medication fifteen minutes before removing a stent.

Of note, the medication used in the study, rofecoxib (brand name Vioxx), was withdrawn from the US market in 2004 due to concerns about cardiovascular side effects and it is no longer available. The authors report in their paper that they now use a single 220mg dose of the NSAID naproxen with their patients. Naproxen is available over the counter (as a generic or under brand names such as Aleve) but you should check with your doctor about whether you should take it and make sure to read the warnings from the manufacturer as some patients with certain medical conditions shouldn’t take it.

While you might think that a single pill of naproxen can’t be very strong, other research actually supports its use for acute pain. In 15 randomized studies involving 1509 participants, naproxen was found to be effective for relieving moderate to severe pain in patients after surgery. Half of patients who were given a single dose of naproxen experienced at least half pain relief and the effects of the medicine lasted on average for up to nine hours. You can read more about naproxen for postoperative pain at the Cochrane Collaboration website.

REFERENCE: Tadros NN, Bland L, Legg E, Olyaei A, Conlin MJ. “A single dose of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prevents severe pain after ureteric stent removal: a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BJU International, 2012.


About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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I recently had my stone removed through my back. The dr gave me a Foley catheter and he laso had a tube in my back that had a stint attached to it going into my kidney. I also have had the unbearable pain after I was sent home and had to be rushed to the ER for pain injections as I was vomiting the oxy pills.
My question is that the stint appeared to have a J hook on the end and instead of removing it from the hook end, the hospital’s resident pulled it out from the other end which of course would cause the hook to open and scrap along the side of everything it touched on the way out.
The Dr. said that was a normal way of removing it but didn’t sound very convincing, especially since he told me it would be removed in his office at a later date.

Does anyone have any knowledge on the proper way of removing a stint inserted from the back?

I.P. Freely

I had a a 9mm stone blasted with the litho and a stent put in about 6 weeks ago. It was uncomfortable and at times painful if I wasn’t hydrated. The stent was removed this morning. The procedure went quickly, but it wasn’t pleasant. They numbed me up, got in got out. I suggest taking a pain pill such as hydrocodone or something to help you relax before the stent removal. The key is to not tense up even after it’s over.

William Haase

To all my fellow urinary stent buddies.I am a chronic stone factory. I produce 1-3 stones about every 3 months. I have gone through all the procedures from extraction to blasting. I have stents on one side and stents on both sides. The only relief I have found after stent removal is lots of water,pain meds and movement. Most of my discomfort is caused by spasms in the bladder and kidney. The other main one is blood clots. It seems they can form behind and in front, so after removal they work there way down the ureter and cause great pain. Thats why you have to push fluids so you can wash them out and give your ureter time to heal. Now everybody has pain after stent removal so maybe this might help.

Kiel Lillibridge

Wanted to share my story since there seems to only be horror stories and nobody comes back to post their positive experiences. I had a 3mm stone removed via uretoroscopy and stent placement. I had the stent in 5 days and that was pretty uncomfortable but the first 24-48hrs were by far the worst with discomfort and the only true “pain” being from flank pain at the end of urination. However, to stop the pain all i had to do was stop peeing and not try and empty everything right away. Most of the days were just uncomfortable having the stent, peeing some blood and having a string hanging outside of my you know where. Had the stent removed this morning and that was pretty weird, uncomfortable but it didnt really hurt. I was extremely nervous of having spasms afterwards as Ive heard they are terrible and worse than the stone itself. I had the stent removed at 9am and its now 6pm and so far so good. Ive urinated twice and it didnt even burn. Definitely some discharge of blood and whatever else was in there but no pain. I hope I am in the clear now but we will see. I have not been drinking a ton of water yet as Ive heard that can lead to the spasms. I think what has helped is I took 500mg of Naproxen about an hour before the removal. Ive been taking 200mg in morning and night since the surgery as well to hopefully reduce swelling and pain. Ive also been taking the pyridum (sp*) for spasms the last 5 days and took in before the procedure this morning as well. Taking that every 8 hours. Possibly the combination of everything has kept the spasms or pain away. Wanted to share my success story thus far as not all stents are terrible and the removal is not always horrific…at least through the first day. Tomorrow may be different but I plan on staying on the naproxen for at least the next few days as I heal from the removal of the stent. Same with the pyridium. If you’re on oxycontin, definitely take stool softener and miralax or you will get very constipated and its painful. Thats the last thing you want to deal with when already dealing with stent discomfort. Good luck to all those that have to deal with this. Never want to go through this surgery again. Drink water! Lots of it. I wouldn’t wish kidney stones on my enemy…they are the absolute worse and this was my 4th but first time having to have surgery to remove it.


Praise God for this site, my husband is going g through the same thing. Pain. About 3hrs after surgery just like his kidney stone pain also with vomiting. Gave him 2 tylenol #3 andnd his finally having some relief. Thought I was going to the Er without, but reading the comments on this site has helped.


Hi guys,

I had a uretroscopy and basket removal of a kidney stone. 5 days later the doctor removed the stent and warned me about pain that may present itself a few hours after the removal of the stent. I had no pain. However it is now the second day after the stent removal and i am experiencing waves of u bearable flank pain. Anyone with pain a few days after the stent removal?


I had a 4.5mm stone blasted and a stent put in, 2 weeks with a stent felt like 100years in hell, and five days after the stent was removed the pain is even worse, I found the best thing to use is heat around the area. Next time I’m just gonna let the stone come out on its own I rather have one day in pain then weeks of uncertainy….


I just had a stent removed yesterday and it was the worst pain. I have had many stones and many surgeries and many stents. This time I could feel the stent scraping the side of my kidney and then all the way down. I take prescription NSAID and I had also taken Hydrocodone 10 before the appointment and still felt the intense pain. I feel like they should have put me under to do it, but that is not the procedure that is done currently, though I did have it in 1993. Stents are horrible pain for me and the last 3 1/2 weeks have been hell. I had 2 stones on left, a 4 mm and a 7 mm. They put the stent in because I had a uti and did not blast it until a week later. I am glad to have it out, but it still is sore.


I had laser surgery last Tuesday for a 2 cm stone and a double J stent was removed today (1 week later). The stent removal was done in-office with a topical and I was really upset that my doc didn’t tell me what was going on…just spread-em attitude. That’s probably one reason I tensed up and it was quite painful.

I thought once the stent was out – I’d be good to go. However, 3 hours later I had pain as severe as when I went to the ER with the stone. It really scared me until I found all these comments and saw that it was not uncommon to have that pain. I was very close to going back to the ER after 2 hours of severe and constant pain…but I drank 3 bottles of water (quickly), took 2 pain pills, and put a heating pad on my right flank. I had relief in 15 minutes and so far – 4 hours later – I still don’t have pain. Hope this might help someone else. These stones are horrible!

FP md

i am a family physician and must say as i writh in pain that the surgeon told me nothing about the pain to expect after taking out my stent at home. i placed a call to him hours ago and have heard nothing. surgeons cut and bill but dont bother with communication. it is times like this that i am glad i did not become a surgeon


Just had my stent removed about three hours ago after being in for six days following lithotripsy for 4mm stone. Just felt a twinge having it removed but about an hour later started having severe left flank pain that was as bad as the stone. Took one Percocet for pain and zofran for nausea and layed on heating pad. After about an hour and a half I’m finally feeling some relief. Hoping I don’t have more flare ups! I need to work tomorrow but if this pain comes back there is no way….Incidentally, this is my second experience with stones and stents. My first stent did not hurt at all and I had zero pain after it was removed. That is why I was surprised to have all this pain this time. The doctor I had the first time was out of town so I had a different doctor who apparently uses a more rigid brand of stent. Hoping you are all feeling better!!

Well I am here in the UK having just had my stent removed by my urologist.
I agree with all your comments regarding the pain post removal. Unless someone has experienced kidney stones there is no way of explaining the pain level one experiences. It is an excruciating nightmare journey to hell and back. I had two sessions of lithotripsy which didn’t work. Then came the ureteroscopy to blast a 10mm stone in my ureter. This was hardly a cheeky vacation either. As others have said the actual stent removal procedure is bearable. However, about 1 hour post removal after I had arrived home the flank pain started remarkably just like the original renal colic with the stone in the ureter. The only pain meds that worked were 100mg of Diclofenac suppository and a warm soak in the bath. Now much more comfortable.
Good luck guys – thanks for your similar stories and get better soon.

Amanda Anderson

I have had similar circumstances and results. The first stone removal and stent placement I experienced was 4 years ago. It was a 5mm stone. The stent was in for almost a week. There was mild discomfort ipon removal but that was all. However this past week I have a 1.2 cm stone removed. With a stent put in for 6 days the removal was a bit evasive but I did feel relief. However now a few hours later I am in more pain than the stone caused me.


My God you people are scaring me to death. I received my double J stent on June 16 and will have it removed tomorrow July 15th. The dr removed a 6 mm stone and I had another and they laser blasted the 2nd stone. I also have had a very bad UTI with all this. This stent has been miserable. I have cramped, bled, freq trips to the bathroom etc. What I would like to know is *******When the Dr. removed your stent did he numb you first. How many days is it taking to rid of all pain after stent?****** removal?


3-⁴ days


Well it’s 2am and 3 days since I had stent removed. Severe pain worse than stone on 2nd day had to take oxycodeine , thought I was going to die. Pain not so bad yesterday but still blood in urine. Woke this morning severe cramping burning in urethra and lower abdominal cramping. Thought I was going mad until I googled this site.have taken 2 panadol didn’t touch pain and now oxycodeine and heat pad – pain just easing now. Just wondering if I should go back to work on Monday!!!
I have a very high pain threshold but this is nearly as bad as the kidney stones!!! Will call urologist and tell him that he should warn patients of the pain!!!


In excruciating pain in after 4 hours from stent removal. Why don’t they warn us of this? This is as painful as passing the kidney stone that sent me in the ER in the first place. Took 4 Advil and on heating pad how long does this last I can’t take much longer


I’m in excruciating pain after have two stents, one in each side, removed about 5 hours ago. There was mild discomfort initially, but I’m in about as much pain as what sent me to the ER to start with. I was admitted Sunday with 2, 6mm stones one on each side. They did laser Lithotripsy and placed a stent on each side. I was discharged Monday, but have been flat on my back since. The pain was horrific if I attempt to stand, sit, roll onto a side etc. The Dr’s sent me home on Norco, which has been absolutely worthless. I found myself back in the ER today with a BP of 218/111 in tears beside myself in pain. 10 hours later, they removed my stents and he I remain in more pain than I can describe. I’ve taken 2 Norcos and 800 mg of Ibuprofen and NOTHING is working. “Slight Discomfort” HAAAAAAAA

Tori Peters

How long does the psi last after the stent is removed? Just preparing for my niece and to know what to expect? It’s been a horrific 4 days after 2 surgeries for this young lady.


Had 1st lithotripsy for a 1 cm stone on Tuesday and was in excruciating pain in recovery, ended up being there past day surgery closing time an extra 3 hours. Doc said that I must just be one of the “rare” people who don’t tolerate a stent well. The brochure talks about “mild discomfort” while urinating. How about “hellish, sweet Jesus take me now searing hot pain”? I guess that wouldn’t look good in the brochure, though. Came to this forum thinking I’d better check out what was going to happen to me on Monday when I take the stent out. Doc said the pain while urinating will go away. From the looks of comments here, I’m trading my predictable ( while peeing and 20 minutes after) pain for some potential misery! Pain meds haven’t done much for my current situation because the severe pain comes and goes with slight pain in between. I’ve been able to function at about 1/2 steam in between bathroom trips. Looks like I should prepare by taking 2 percocets 15-20 minutes ahead of time and clear my schedule for the rest of the day! My question is how long does the post-removal pain last? Is it hours or days?


I had my stent put in yesterday morning and so far I have had nothing but pain and I literally feel like somebody beat the hell out of my insides I’m miserable and there is only so much pain meds and now I have the extra pleasure of worrying about having this thing taken out God Lord I’m so already over this, my dr. Said I would have the stent removed somerime next week not so sure how I’m goin to get threw all this I honestly wish that id never had this done…thanks sincerly ms.miserabler


I had a 4mm stone taken out by uteroscopy and laser last Friday when the bugger wouldn’t pass on its own. They put in a stent , no one warned me about possible pain from the stent. The Dr took out today…that part not bad, but now…about 4 hours later. Crazy painful in flank area and urethra when passing fluid.
I was warned about this poosoble pain thank goodness or I think I’d be freaking out. Forums like this are great. Nice not to be alone through this. Hope every one has relief soon!


Had my kidney stent removed and 24 hours later passing fluid is causing me excruciating pain.


How many days pain after stent removed???
I have out my stone on 28 th may..
Stent removed on 14/jun,.
There is no pain when stent is removed. But after one day pain in back side started
Someone reply me..its happen in these cases.. Or not..what can i do..


When does this get better because I feel like the worst isn’t even over yet 🙁

Tamara P.

I’m so thankful I found this forum. My urologist did not prepare me for the pain that I would be in. I was told I “may be uncomfortable” when experiencing bladder spasms. He blew it off like it would be no big thing. I had them removed yesterday and about 2 hours later I developed severe pain that was more intense than pain from kidney stones. It felt like a combo of the worst period cramps, UTI and kidney stone ever. It. Was. Awful. I called my doc who said to go to ER if I’m in that much pain. The ER doc called it ureteral spasms or colic. He said the pain can be as bad as the pain from a kidney stone and it’s not uncommon. They gave me Percocet which helped tremendously and sent me on my way. Today was a much better day until about an hour ago. I started experiencing bladder spasms and took a 600 ib profin. It has helped a little but I’m wishing I would have just taken oxycodone. 🙁 I was not prepared properly for this entire experience.

Angelique Hamm

I took my Stent out 24 hours ago and am still facing alot of flank pain, and spasms in my urethra. Anyone else passing blood clots after taking it out? I seem to be passing some big ones! This is my 5th lithotripsy 2nd by laser and I’m almost wishing I got the Shockwave litho instead! Ugh


I had my stent removed yesterday, the pain was bad when taking it out but a half hour later I felt pretty good. started feeling pain last night and woke up this morning feeling a lot of pain. I cant believe that the pain feels almost as bad as when the stone was in me. I don’t know if I’m glad to hear this is normal but at least I wont be rushing back to the emergency.


I had my stent removed about 4 hours ago. I had laser lithotripsy for a 15 mm stone that was imbedded in my ureter on May 13th. The stent caused me a great deal of grief. Felt like I was being stabbed with every step, and I walk 10 – 12 km a day at my job. The flank pain is pretty intense right now from the removal. There was some blood when I urinated about an hour ago. I took 2 Advil when I got home at 4 pm which did not even remotely alleviate any of the pain. I just took a Dilaudid, praying for some relief. I found this site and read all the comments to find out what to expect for length of time in pain after stent removal. Looks like it varies greatly. I have an unusually high tolerance for pain. I would definitely rather take ibuprofen than an opiate but this pain is unrelenting. I will try and post tomorrow as to how long the pain continues.


That is my story today–exactly. I just had to take hydrocodon. I felt better BEFORE I had the removal!

Amy Cameron

Hi Everyone.

I’m sitting here in pure anticipation of any pain from the stent removal may do to me. It was one to take out myself. That part is fine. I JUST pulled it out a half hour ago. I’m kicking myself for not grabbing my extra hydrocodone prescription first.

The unknown is the worst. This was my first lithotripsy (13mm) stone. The lithotripsy didn’t work so they “scooped” them all out several nights ago. Whoever said you recover in 24 hours needs to be found and killed lol.

They left the stent in because although most were removed, the beating my ureters took in one week has me swollen. They didn’t want to risk another blockage because ‘the ureter are closed to tight from agitation.

Pain. Awwww. The first litho they had me on percocet that did NOTHING. Went to er where they gave me fentanyl in an IV drip. Then prescribed oxycodone (it’s percocet, minus the tylenol) so I could take higher doses without any worry of to much Tylenol.

I’m no drug pusher, BUT you have pain meds for a reason. I started to take 15 mgs at a time instead of 5mg and it helped. A Lot. Do not wait until pain starts like I JUST did lol.

The have pills for the bladder spasms too. TAKE EVERYTHING they recommend. Also If you are in so much pain, let the ER give you an IV to stabilize the pain. Also call your doctor if unbearable.

This has been the most exhausting 2 weeks of my life. Drink water of course. Heating pad, take as much pain pills that your doc oks.

Sorry. Everyone is going through this. The “surgery expectations” guide is a fraud. It’s really painful and annoying.

TRY not to worry. I say that as I’m worried lol. I think I’ve gone through the worst.

Praying I don’t have some wild post stent pain tonight. I will write tomorrow with update!

Amy Cameron

Ugh. Huggggge Mistake not taking oxycodone first. I woke up about 10 mind ago in the worst pain ever. I have a heating pad on and from what I’ve read this shouldn’t last THIS strongly for more than a couple hours. My patience got the best of me! Right now I would do anything for real pain meds. This heating pad is all I can use for now. Hunkering down!

Amy Cameron

Hey All lol.

Surprise I’m at the ER! At least you got a full play by play. I’m pumped full IV pain pills, which has somewhat taken the edge off.

It simply comes down to pain management. If you have a doc give you a stent to take out at home, say NO. I really didn’t think it would get THIS bad. It’s not the stent being pulled out. That took 10 seconds. It’s the pain and intense cramping that follows about an hour later. Who knows how long this would go on… At least you can have the “good ” IV drugs like fentanyl or dilaulid right before they do it. Hopefully that will combat the pain of getting so bad that it’s passed the threshold of what vicodin or percocet can do. Which is nothing.

I think we have to remember how fragile and delicate the ureters and kidney systems are.

I’m happy I found all these forums. I’ve been convinced I’m this oddball with bad luck.

No. The best relatable things I’ve read are in the comments sections. I learned all this the hard way. No one told me this could be so debilitating. Hang in there.

Roxanne Forey

800 mg of Ibuprofen finally relieved my pain after stent removal. Vicodin didn’t help at all

Tracy H.

So sorry you are going through all this. My daughter is having the same problems. This site has been helpful.


AGREED! TOOK my stent out about an hour before I went to bed as I was told taking it out would make me feel better….UGGGH TIL I WAS WOKE UP OUT OF BED WITH EXCRUCIATING PAIN! and Dr didn’t return my call so I’m blessed to have found this to fund out I’m not crazy… Glad I normally don’t take lots of meds and didn’t finish my pain medicines as they were needed tonight…. Aleve and Percocet thank you!

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