Severe pain after stent removal: How often does it happen and can anything prevent it?

Can a single pill prevent post stent removal pain? (Image from

Many patients complain of some pain after having a ureteral stent is removed. This pain is usually mild and self-limited. However, the pain can sometimes be severe. Because patients may not have been warned about the possibility of significant pain beforehand, it can come as an unwelcome surprise, and patients may be left wondering whether something is wrong. Patients who are affected by this pain may describe it as being worse than their original stone pain. In some cases the pain can be bad enough to bring them back to the emergency room.

Up to now, there hasn’t been much research on this topic and it was not clear how often this phenomenon occurs or what might be done to prevent it. A recent publication in the journal BJU International now suggests that severe pain after stent removal may occur in as many as half (55%) of patients. In the study, performed by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University and the Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center, patients having their indwelling ureteral stents removed were either given a placebo pill or a single 50mg dose of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) rofecoxib fifteen minutes before their stent removal procedure. Patients were asked to report their pain just before and 24 hours after their stent removal on a scale ranging from 1 to 10, with 7 or above being considered severe pain. Six of the eleven patients (55%) given placebo developed severe pain after their stent removal while none of the ten patients given rofecoxib developed severe pain.

The authors speculated that the mechanism by which the NSAID medicine may have provided such a dramatic reduction in severe pain occurrence might have been through reducing ureteral spasms or by decreasing pressure within the kidney. While the results of the study are very encouraging, further research will be needed to confirm the findings. For now though, the study is currently the only evidence we have on how often post stent removal severe pain occurs and what we might do to prevent it – take a single dose of a NSAID pain medication fifteen minutes before removing a stent.

Of note, the medication used in the study, rofecoxib (brand name Vioxx), was withdrawn from the US market in 2004 due to concerns about cardiovascular side effects and it is no longer available. The authors report in their paper that they now use a single 220mg dose of the NSAID naproxen with their patients. Naproxen is available over the counter (as a generic or under brand names such as Aleve) but you should check with your doctor about whether you should take it and make sure to read the warnings from the manufacturer as some patients with certain medical conditions shouldn’t take it.

While you might think that a single pill of naproxen can’t be very strong, other research actually supports its use for acute pain. In 15 randomized studies involving 1509 participants, naproxen was found to be effective for relieving moderate to severe pain in patients after surgery. Half of patients who were given a single dose of naproxen experienced at least half pain relief and the effects of the medicine lasted on average for up to nine hours. You can read more about naproxen for postoperative pain at the Cochrane Collaboration website.

REFERENCE: Tadros NN, Bland L, Legg E, Olyaei A, Conlin MJ. “A single dose of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prevents severe pain after ureteric stent removal: a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BJU International, 2012.


About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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I have had a number of kidney stones over the years. Had three treated with lithotripsy,and had the pull out type of Stent with a removal string just as a precaution. During the two weeks that they were in there was constant uncomfort, and pain. But when they were removed in the urologist office there was no pain at all . The last stone that I had was lodged in my uritor, and I almost died in the ER according to the nurses that was working on me. The Urologist at the hospital proforma Laser trips to remove the stone. He also inserted a Stent that he had to use a scope to retrieve two weeks later. The nurse forced I think lidocaine into my uritheria prior the doctor going after the stint with a scope placed inside me. When the lidocaine started wareing off, I thought my insides were on fire for about two hours.
First, I believe the amount of pain has a lot to do with the caliber of doctor that you have working on you,
Second I will never allow another Stent placed inside me unless it has a string for removal!
Third, I will only allow the best urologist to treat me!
ALL DOCTORS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL! some make bad grades and barely get out of medical school, just like some kids barely graduate high school!


Sorry to hear the pain some of you had to endure. I am 52 and had a large kidney stone removed using laser ureteroscopy a week ago and a stent was put in. First time I passed urine (well, more like blood!) felt severe pain in the kidney. That quickly became a mild discomfort. Today had the stent removed in Dr surgery with local anaesthetic. It took a couple of minutes and at times experienced mild pain (like a needle being administered). Certainly manageable, though. I was given a Voltarin injection before leaving. An hour after, I did experience some pain in my flank (about 5/10) but it was gone 90 minutes. I am now 9 hours into my first day stent and stone free, and feeling no pain. Biggest advise I can give anyone having their stent removed is not to stress about it and to relax during the procedure. Also drinking 1.5L of water daily really does help! I hope the above gives some comfort and wish you all pain-free.


On 1/21/16 I went to the ER in severe pain, and was told I had a stone that looked too big to pass, they referred me to a specialist, who did surgery on 1/25 to insert a stent, and later the stone so I could pass it….the pain was UNBEARABLE and on the 28th they had to remove the stent because my body could not tolerate having it. Today is 1/31, I am supposed to return to work tomorrow and I don’t know how I am going to do it. I am so weak, tired, still having spasm pain, I sleep constantly, and have to continue pain meds dues to the pain. I feel hot all over, but do not have a fever. I stay nauseated and even though food stays down, eating makes me feel even sicker. Has anyone else had issues like this after the removal of the stent? Btw a CTscan shows that the stone is for sure gone.


I had a “simple” laparoscopic surgery on 12/2/15 to remove bilateral ovaries & tubes. The doc accidentally cut the right ureter. A urologist was called to repair the damage & insert a stent. Seven weeks, wound abscess, four antibiotics, two CAT Scans, various pain killers, multiple hot baths, and a newly-established love affair with “El Señor Heating Pad” led to stent removal. I thought it would all be over. Silly me! Since the removal, it’s been nothing but more pain, both in the kidney and in the urethra. I’m back on Pyridium for five days, hoping it helps (so far it hasn’t done much). I’ve figured out that the stent is a foreign body that our bodies try to expel. The longer it’s in, the great the muscular contractions (spasms) to try to expel it, even after removal. Everyone will react differently of course. I have every confidence that over the long term, my body will get back on the treadmill of what normal should be for me. At least that’s my hope. Good luck to everyone those still suffering.


Not knowing for yr post same thoughts and opinion about foreign body has at hospital .Had indweling stent for 5 days after ureterorenoscopy,catheter too, every time i moved i saw blood in catheter.
So after removal 2 days after i had and still have occasional flank pain and bladder spasm,burning pee and blood in urine like tubes are still present.Area is so innervated that it will take times to back to normal.


I just removed my uretal stent at home today(it was designed for self removal). The doctors said there would be minimal pain but I didn’t believe them so a half hour before I removed the stent I took both ibuprofen and morphine. The actual removal didn’t hurt but even through the meds I felt the pain start about five minutes after and I am so glad I took the pain killers. Even now 16 hours later and more pain meds, I can feel the pain through them. I had not read this before, but I wish to confirm that it can be very painful. Don’t just pull it out without taking something, you may be one of the lucky ones and it may not hurt, but it may. Good luck.


I am 32 weeks pregnant and experienced classic KS pain. Needed up in the hospital, found 3 stones, lazered them and I had a stent for a week. During the stent week lots of left back spasm and pain. I was only able to take Tylenol( which is such a joke) and use of my hot pack was my only relief. I was so looking forward to the stent removal and the end of this nagging pain. Low and behold walking home from the Drs office post stent removal the spasms began! After 45 min of waiting for my usual hot pack treatment to work I remembered one of the nurses in the hopistal had suggested hot baths. 10 min in a tub and the spasm subsided! Good as new, for a few hours. Again spasm so right into the tub. This time it took longer to subside but after 40 min and 3 glasses of water… I’m in the mend. My fingers are crossed for the next few hours that this isn’t going to continue. If you ah want tried it, hot bath and lots of cold water worked for me. I didn’t have the luxury of anti-inflammatories. Be strong and good luck!

prince Rastogi patna fb id search

I hve a kidney stone of 8mm in right from february @2015 in between i hve 6 times pain,by god yar one time that situation i hve whole nyt i was pain and i used ayurveduc homeopathic at last my urs surgery done on 20.11.15 at kolkata medica hospital by god yar after surgery that cather place for 3 days and that burning is very high and before surgery u hve done,ct scan tpo costly 8 thousand and cath profile test .urine culture and under anaethesia after done i feel very pain upto 5 days after discharge i was in home and there is pain when i gofor a long walk the blood comes urine and a dj stent is placed the doctor said,u can take out in 10 days also bt in 1 month it will be gud i decide whether pain i choose 1 month and my date is coming to near at 22 .12.15 i feel very fear bt i will post as i read many reveiw before surgery i say that if u do in snmall hospital so it will very hard if u r rich go in top hospital ..of that city my cost is come of surgery 80000 in 3 day package of eating living and ..i say that it was paining bt if i was done in local hospital it is very hard,to pass day by day …so …i tell u that@…after surgery i git 20 bottle if saline in 2 days for power and i say i was nt given any food of 6 hours after surgery after next morning they give..little soup and sane day whole next day wheb cather remove theywas given solid food rice roti..masala sbji..razma.paneer..i like it it was top hospital …so i say that …jo maine dard saha wo kam saha agar mai koi chote jagah karata to mera ek ek din jina muskil tha…mujhe jitna bhi dard hua mai bhut khis hu ki kam hua aise bhut lpg jo chote jagah krate hai mao unka dard smjh skta hu…my number 0780822727 so any one cal for details plz ..ok .i will help u for knowledge…koi homeopathic or ayurvedic 5mm ke upar stone ko nahi nikal skta isliye bhul jye kisi ke jhanse mai na aaye


HANG IN THERE!!! Things should improve and don’t worry too much. Be prepared for a day of hurt, And PREPARE WITH MEDS AND QUESTIONS.

Was told that I had large kidney stone (1.6 ?m) that had moved from last year and needed to come out. I was told this at ER as I was in for Bowel Obstruction which is way more painful for me then kidney stones (have had 3 stones). No pain at the time for kidney, but 3 different docs said it should come out. Had lithotripsy done and stent was put in place on 12.15. Doc said he was able to break it up and removed most if not all fragments (and gave them to me to hang!) Was somewhat painful that first day, not overly so. Only really when I peed and had the burning and felt like someone punching kidney while urinating. Got better each time. Pain was maybe 6/10 but only when peeing. Days 2 & 3 with stent went well, felt Ok.

Stent was removed 12.18. I had the kind with string hanging out. Was a but worried the actual removal would be excruciating. Didn’t take meds as I drove myself. Having it pulled out was uncomfortable and did hurt for a moment was not all that bad, maybe 4/10 and just for a second. The shocker was how freakin big the stent is. Went on my way and thought I was home free. Was told if pain continues, which it shouldn’t, take the pill for bladder spasms and if pain is intolerable go to ER, stone may not have broken up. Wrong!!

About an hour later I was sitting in another doc office and started to feel some ache up my groin to stomach. Started to get worse every 15 minutes. By the time I got home 2 hours after stent removal, I was big time Hurting. Pain was 8/10. Took 3 2mg dilauded and bladder spasm med. Still nothing 45 min later. Took oxycodone 10 mg (which I am on long term for something else hence the larger amounts of opioids). 4.5 hours total after stent removal I’m dreading this ordeal is nowhere near over and writhing in pain. Then thankfully I found this website. Thank God because I took 3 Advil (NSAID) No joke 30 min later pain was about gone.

Has been 7 hours since then and I’m fine. Sorry for the long story but reading many of yours was very helpful, and the NSAID saved me. Simple Advil. For me the pain went away. Hopefully many others did too and just didn’t come back to post. Hope this helps.


I had 5 Stones got removed on 8.12.2015 and as they were their in both kidney so two stents were been inserted but they are keep on giving pain always. They are supposed to be removed on 23.12.2015 really worried…….

prince Rastogi patna fb id search



I just had my stent removed today 12/21/15 4pm I am in spasm pain they sent me home 5 mg of narco lol I cant believe tbis I left hospital in pain acted like im a pill head or something im disgusted in Critenton Hospital Rochester Hills


I just had my stent removed today 12/21/15 4pm got home at 9:30 cuz I am still inpain I am havin spasm pain thats terrible they sent me home 5 mg of narco l I cant believe tbis I left hospital in pain they acted like im a pill head or something so just wanted out of there disgusted in Critenton Hospital Rochester Hills

Michelle Fraser

STENT REMOVAL WARNING: DO NOT BELIEVE doctors/nurses who tell you “the procedure is a bit uncomfortable”. It is not uncomfortable – it is agony. My husband has just come back after this ‘procedure’. A supposed local anaesthetic was applied in gel form 5 seconds before they removed the stent. This did not work at all. My husband – who in the past didn’t even react to having a severe tooth abscess – was shouting in pain. When he came out of the ‘procedure room’ he was completely white, shaking from head to foot and struggling to stand. He said it was the worst thing he had ever experienced and was close to losing consciousness from the pain. They weren’t even going to give him a painkiller afterwards until I insisted. His advice to everyone: DO NOT have the stent removed under local anaesthetic – insist on a general anaesthetic. One thing I don’t understand: dentists inject painkiller into your gum then you sit and wait until it takes effect. They check this before using the drill. So why didn’t the ‘surgeon’ make any effort to numb the area? Is it because it wouldn’t work anyway?


I accidentally pulled my stent out yesterday. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. This horrible ordeal has been going on for 5 weeks now and I wish I could see an end in sight…… 5 weeks ago my right kidney got obstructed and the kidney enlarged. I guess from that trauma the kidney filled up with blood clots and boy talk about pressure and pain! One this I have noticed and people think this is something that should be over in a day or two. Boy I wish that were true. This has been the worst 5 weeks of my life!

Samia najam

Had my dj removed periods started.came home ok.then the nightmare began.the pain was so intense that I was crying like a baby.had to have injection (pain killer).still in mild pain.I have a flight on 17 and I am so tense and worried whether I will be able to travel 20 hrs straight???I just hope and wish I never have to go through all this again..


I had my kidney stone removed via ureteroscopic procedure last Wednesday 09/12/2015. Now i fell discomfort and sometime muscle pain on my left waist. Each time i pass my urine the stent is pulling and it hurts but bearable. But each time I want to pass my urine im getting of the worst pain might come together. The doctor has told me that they’ll be removing the stent on 20/12/2015 and after I found this website and after I have read all the makes me scared and chilling. I was thinking of removing the stent through general anesthesia but the doctor told me its not necessary. Oh well guess have to face and experience it..


Couple people couldn’t believe the pain, time off from work and stent discomfort all from kidney stone. Told them, i read others
experiences and I found comfort during the 3 weeks of worst uncomfortable feeling of having stent from kidney stone ureteroscopy. I had my first KS episode in 10-6-15 then few days later felt better and by sure if I passed it during time didn’t have the strainer. So went to see my primary care doc with referral for ultrasound to confirm stone is gone. They said stone is gone so 2 weeks went to work and always had weird
side ache and frequent bathroom trips. Then on my way to a follow up doc appt . I end up going straight to ER again. Scared shitless thinking of cancer because I was determined this is not a kidney stone and couldn’t developer in 2 weeks. Long behold, after 2 hrs at the ER waiting for IV torodol/morphine not working to stop the pain worst than 1st episode that after 10mins IV pain stoppedu KS cramp. Well, ER for the second time confirmed from a CT with contrast this time, I still have the stone and I went home with out prescription of flomax that would have helped pass. So 3 days later at the urologist with all bad staff front front desk to back bad service. Dr felt bad and very apologetic and trying to make it up making sure she gives me her full attention . So urologist said too bad ER didn’t prescribe flomax. Therefore let’s try flomax for 4 days max to help pass time to maximize all options . Then 3dy no luck so I was in on 4th day for ureteroscopy and here it is Witt stent for 3 weeks the worst ever.
I feel for everyone and hope family members or anyone don’t go thru this . Because we all know here that it’s like the worst 4 was ever !! Why couldn’t they just cut me on the side and take the stone out to prevent stent . Urologist explained !! Omg . This kidney stone is the worst !! Worst that gallbladder and removal, worst than appendicitis !!
Thanks everyone for sharing . Mark Appleby, it’s been 1 month since my stent is out. I’m also still feeling a side ache from where the stone was . Stil sore ;( beginning of next year. If still have this side pain . I will call urologist !! This is a never ending saga !!


had a stone on Oct 20 they couldnt get to the stone so they put a stint in,,pain sticking stabbing 5 days later went to e/r sick fever nausea,, I had developed sepesis gram negative,,So everything these Doctors tell you is about 40% true ;So its all going to hurt some more then others and and watchout for infections,,9 days in the hospital..and I still have the STONE…


I ended up in the ER about three weeks ago due to severe pain in my left kidney, lower back and groin area. After a few hours of testing I found out that I had a 6mm stone with a 4mm stone right behind it and several more 4mm stones further up (those ones are not obstructing). The ER doctor referred me to a urologist and sent me on my way. The scheduled my ureteroscopy and fragment removal for the next week and during that week I was uncomfortable, but not in severe pain. After surgery they inserted a stent and that is where the real pain began. About 2 hours after surgery I began having the most severe pain in my kidney that held the stone along with urgency, burning and stabbing pain every time I had to pee (every 10 minutes). The surgeon had prescribed pyridium, which as a gastric bypass patient did not absorb well and left me with stomach cramping and orange urine without any relief. I ended up back in the ER almost a week after surgery when I could not take the pain anymore and the doctor treated me like I was just looking for drugs. He sent me on my way with Flomax and antibiotics for a UTI (when I did not have a UTI, which I found out later) and I suffered through the week with my heating pad and some left over pain meds from surgery. The stent was removed today, a little over a week past the second ER visit. It has been about 8 hours since my doctor took the stent out and the pain is so severe that I feel like I’m going to pass out. I still have the burning and urgency and severe stabbing pain where the stones were. I called his office and he said if it still hurts to call him tomorrow morning. I am very disappointed that he told me that there would be “mild discomfort” and “possible spasms” for 2-3 hours after removal; this is 8 hours later and this has been 8 hours of hell…..He did not prescribe me anything for pain or for spasms and I am limited to liquid tylenol for OTC remedies due to the gastric bypass. The past 3 weeks have been a nightmare for me and I am debating going to the ER again tonight to be treated like a pill seeker or just curling up in a ball and crying for the next 14 hours until his office opens again. I will NEVER let them put a stent in me again; I have degenerative disc disease, herniated a disc, and 2 types of precancerous cells and have NEVER had pain like this.

Kristine Payne

Had my procedure on the 9th of November. Yesterday I woke up and went to the bathroom at around 5:30 am or so and after finishing I began to wash my hands. While doing so I felt like I just peed my self. I got back in the toilet and you could hear urine just dripping into the toilet. I knew at that point that my stent had slipped out of place causing me to leak urine. I had to wait till 8:00 am to call the doctors office. Leaking urine is the equivalent of your water breaking! It is the most disgusting feeling ever! When I called the nurse st 8:00 we discussed briefly my symptoms and she agreed that my stent is out of place and put me on hold. Came back and said “can you come in this afternoon?” I was like oh my god are you kidding me, this afternoon?! Do you know what it is like to leak urine?!” She said “fine come in now.” I said “I’m on my way.” After the removal of the stent she told me there could be some discomfort. While I was taking my daughter to daycare I experienced “some” discomfort. About 1:00 pm I started to feel excruciating pain, I called the doctors office and they said that this normal and to get a heating pad on it and keep up with my Percocet. I pretty much want to kill this doctor, he made this procedure out to be a walk in the park. I have gone through 4 waves of excruciating pain from the spasms since the removal. I am praying that they stop by the afternoon because I am due to leave state till Saturday night. I most certainly can’t be dying in pain while in a van full of kids and my pastor! The worst part is….I am supposed to have at least 3-4 more procedures to break up the stone in my kidney and he wants to do one every two weeks! I pray that the damn stent stays in place when he puts it in the next time!


oct 22nd had ureteroscopy done for 6mm stone. on tues 27th i pulled out my stent, 2 hrs later i had significant pain that lasted 1& a half hrs,1 & a half hour after that, more significant pain. next day, one half the pain in morn. for half hr. afternoon one half pain for one half hr,that night, hard pain for 1 hr, passed 3 clots. next day, morn 1/2 hr mild pain, that night hard discomfort for 2 hrs passed some debris in urine. next day no pain. i just wish that the medical profession would sharpen their skills in communication, i had no idea this would occur. all i can is ENJOY THE DRUGS.


I had an outpatient Ureteroscopy procedure to remove a 6 mm Kidney stone and a stent placed on Friday Sept 25th 2015. I was told urinating would be painful due to the stent allowing urine to flush back up into the kidney and was given Hydrocodone but the pain was bearable without it. I returned to work the following Monday but was only able to work 1/2 a day due to discomfort for a couple days but was back to full days by the end of the week. Urinating blood on and off depending on how active I was but this was normal I was told. I had the stent removed 6 days after the procedure in the Drs. office. Took about 2 minutes and discomfort was minimal. Nurse told me that 50% of people may have pain after stent removal, Dr. said it was more like 5%-10%. I went back to work after the stent was removed but within an hour the pain started to set in and I had to go home. Took 2 Hydrocodone and it didn’t even phase the pain which I would scale it as a 9 or 10. I could not function or even sleep. Pain lasted about 5 hours then good for the night. Back to work the next morning but pain started in again by 9 AM. Back home and more Hydrocodone and pain only lasted 3 hours this time. This went on for 3 days after stent removal. My urine cleared up within 2 days after stent removal. That was 3 weeks ago and so far I’ve been pain free. The pain will pass, just takes longer for others I hear.

So when i went in for my kidney stone procedure,I was told it ould cause me a little discomfort and a few days off of work.Then I would be fine. Foolishly I believed it. First day I left the hsopital and returned to the ER that night cause I couldnt urinate. I got a catheter. Tons of fun. Went and saw doctor the next day and he gave me some meds like Uribel to make the “discomfort” bearable. Discomfort,huh,more like nazi torture pain level.Then while I was at the doctor they decide to Ultrasound me to make sure all of them were broken up to move. Were they? Nope had to go back in a week later for the same torture.I been in the ER two other times cause they pain was so bad i thought something horrible had happened. I was told its normal and to take more more pain meds. Pain meds that make me super sick to my stomach. So I been in pain for a month,havent gotten a straight answer from my doctor once, had two catheters,3 trips to the ER,barely eaten anything. missed a month of work and I am still in pain and urinating blood cause i stretched the other day. I still have to get the right stent out. They took the left one out after the second procedure.It didnt hurt at all but knowing my luck I think i have to miss another week of work and go through another week of ordeal. Been a blast. I am so hostile due to the pain, my room mates avoid me. I dont blame them. I cant wait for the ER bills and I hope I dont lose my job. From here on in I am just going to pass the stones the old fashion way. I have had heart failure for 10 years and that hasnt even touched the amount of torture this last month has been. If you have to get a kidney stent EXPECT the Worst!!!!


I have to 100% agree. I’m on my second stent, 2 procedures, and a total of 10 days in the hospital over the course of this. This is horrible and trying to make people understand how bad it is, is terrible…


I feel everyone’s pain. I have just had the worst 2 weeks of my life. Long story short, I had kidney stones requiring surgery. They left a stent in place for 4 days and removed it yesterday. So far the doctor didn’t warn me that I would have any pain after removing. I thought this nightmare was over. Boy was I wrong. I get these strong renal colics probably spasms that feel worst than when I was passing the stone. I could barely breathe when this attack comes on and it last about 1 hour. So far I had 3 yesterday including one last night at 11pm. I’m afraid to return to work like this. When those come on, I can’t function. As soon as I feel the right side hurting just a little I immediately take a pain killer because it’s coming. I then get in the shower and run hot water. I also rub some eucalyptus oil over my kidney and wait the spasm out and hope for the pain medication to kick in. I’ve been out of work a week and 2 days. ? I want this over so bad.

Steve Covic

Removal was fine but had severe pain now for second day.
Called surgeon that panadol not helping so prescribed tramadol.
Wait and see lying in bed with a hot pack under right kidney.
Pain is worse than was caused by the initial stones.
Surgeon did say could be caused by a clot formed from lasering the stones.
Let’s hope tramadol helps it is unbearable!

Daisy barry

I’m due to have my stent removed and the day can’t come soon enough,my last stent got encrusted as they tried to remove it,it got stuck and had to have put back in for a g.a to get removed ?
I’m sooooo scared there is going to be a repeat of the same,will comment on here if I get any pain!?and hopefully all will be well.

Jeremy Rittenhouse

I had a stent removed with hardly any pain during the removal. Once I had the stent removed , the pain in my groin and right kidney returned. Feeling as though I was passing the stone all over again. So far suggested ways to relieve pain has not worked. The pain level is about a 9. It’s been about 4 hours and the pain has not eased up.


Oh yes I feel your pain. I accidentally dislodged my stent just after being discharged less than 24 hours after placement. The surgeon suggested I take Endone to help. Have taken 6 in last 24 hours. I always thought I was a tough cookie when it comes to pain but this is unbelievable. Currently have a heat pad on the area awaiting my next dose of Endone.

I passed a kidney stone back in March 2015, at home. Ended up at the doctor office. He sent me to a Urology, he place stents on the left and right side on 4/07/15, out patient Surgery Center. He took the stents out on 05/29/15, because I was in the hospital a week before he took out the stents, (with an Infection). I had requested that the stents would be removed because I had a lot of pain with the right side, and had been sore on the right side the whole time they were in me. that when he decided to take the Stents out. I had requested that he would put me in as out patient at the Surgery Center. Had to go to a Duke Doctor, my primary Dr thought that I had a slip Disk because of pain on the right side. The Duke Dr gave me some medication, and I’m still sore on my right side, I think I have Scar Tissue. She gave me Diclofenac 75mg, and Tizanidine 2mg. It took a way the pain, but I’m still sore on my right side and cannot laid on my right side. I have been trying to reach this doctor to find out why I’m still having this soreness on the right side. I will continue to try to reach her for help with this matter. Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Devi Yankee

I had the stent removal and was okay until about an hour and a half later. Was driving home and picking up kids. Took hydrocodon two and then the anti spasm drug. No relieve. Ice pack between my legs because when your numb no feelings. When my legs got numb I had to stop ice pack. I saw this site and read about the baths. I am writing this in the tub. The pain is subsiding, but I’m scared. I have to return to work in three days. If I have these symptoms again I can’t function. I also argued with my Dr. about refilling a rx for pain. “Just in case” he told me ” it wasn’t necessary! “. What the f? I feel better. It’s been six hours of pain. I pray I will be ok.. The pressure in my groin a baby is making its way out! I had 2 csections but have to say . this is worse then when I broke my spine…God bless to all take azo and bath and good luck… Gonna go try the Naproxen sodium now …xoxo


I have just read about this and it gave me great relief as 2 hours after my stent has been removed, my kidney ro my bladder has gone in to spasm, thank god I had vesicare to stop the spasm after 2 hours and 2 tablets and can FINALLY relax and write. This website is the only thing that has kept me sane for the last 5 weeks, it’s just great to share information. I’m in the UK and find the usual NSAID, paracetamol and good old hot water bottles together with antispasmodic are the only answer. Just awaiting the result of my 2 x 24 urine collection as apart from a narrow ureter and being quite young to get repeat stones, my consultant is undertaking a metabolic screen to see if I’m over producing something to cause the stones. Apart from awful pain, the care I’ve received has been great.

Had kidney stones over 18 months ago.Two ops and a stent inserted and then removed.In between 2 ops stone disintegrated due to medication prescribed.However still have dull ache on and off in flank all this time after.Scans x2 and 2 x rays over this period revealed no problems and no stones.How can the pain go?

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