Can a single pill prevent post stent removal pain? (Image from Office.com)
Many patients complain of some pain after having a ureteral stent is removed. This pain is usually mild and self-limited. However, the pain can sometimes be severe. Because patients may not have been warned about the possibility of significant pain beforehand, it can come as an unwelcome surprise, and patients may be left wondering whether something is wrong. Patients who are affected by this pain may describe it as being worse than their original stone pain. In some cases the pain can be bad enough to bring them back to the emergency room.
Up to now, there hasn’t been much research on this topic and it was not clear how often this phenomenon occurs or what might be done to prevent it. A recent publication in the journal BJU International now suggests that severe pain after stent removal may occur in as many as half (55%) of patients. In the study, performed by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University and the Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center, patients having their indwelling ureteral stents removed were either given a placebo pill or a single 50mg dose of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) rofecoxib fifteen minutes before their stent removal procedure. Patients were asked to report their pain just before and 24 hours after their stent removal on a scale ranging from 1 to 10, with 7 or above being considered severe pain. Six of the eleven patients (55%) given placebo developed severe pain after their stent removal while none of the ten patients given rofecoxib developed severe pain.
The authors speculated that the mechanism by which the NSAID medicine may have provided such a dramatic reduction in severe pain occurrence might have been through reducing ureteral spasms or by decreasing pressure within the kidney. While the results of the study are very encouraging, further research will be needed to confirm the findings. For now though, the study is currently the only evidence we have on how often post stent removal severe pain occurs and what we might do to prevent it – take a single dose of a NSAID pain medication fifteen minutes before removing a stent.
Of note, the medication used in the study, rofecoxib (brand name Vioxx), was withdrawn from the US market in 2004 due to concerns about cardiovascular side effects and it is no longer available. The authors report in their paper that they now use a single 220mg dose of the NSAID naproxen with their patients. Naproxen is available over the counter (as a generic or under brand names such as Aleve) but you should check with your doctor about whether you should take it and make sure to read the warnings from the manufacturer as some patients with certain medical conditions shouldn’t take it.
While you might think that a single pill of naproxen can’t be very strong, other research actually supports its use for acute pain. In 15 randomized studies involving 1509 participants, naproxen was found to be effective for relieving moderate to severe pain in patients after surgery. Half of patients who were given a single dose of naproxen experienced at least half pain relief and the effects of the medicine lasted on average for up to nine hours. You can read more about naproxen for postoperative pain at the Cochrane Collaboration website.
REFERENCE: Tadros NN, Bland L, Legg E, Olyaei A, Conlin MJ. “A single dose of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prevents severe pain after ureteric stent removal: a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BJU International, 2012.
I had my stent removed today. Was fine then 1 hour later pain was terrible and couldn’t get comfortable. Took ibuprofen and Tylenol no relief tried heating pad. Nothing worked. I had some flomax and was desperate to have relief. Took that and literally 30 min later felt AMAZING! Flomax relaxes your bladder and kidney and the spasm pain was terrible! In my opinion the doctors need to know so they can educate patients! I’m calling tomorrow to inform them about my experience hopefully to help others as well. We will see what the days to come have in store but I pray the pain does not come back!
I also used Flomax as well. I had severe pain about an hour after the procedure, and was quite surprised when they told me I was only going to experience “mild to no pain.” I was taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol as well with no effect. I then called my doctor to ask what I should do and she told me to take Flomax. It really helped!
I just had my stent removed yesterday, thought I was home free for a bit. I had lithotripsy a week ago yesterday for a 4mm obstructive stone in my right ureter. History of going septic with a 5mm stone in 2014 at which time the doctors told my daughters I was not going to make it. But by the grace of God I did. I was pretty messed up from that health wise since it sent me into CHF, double pneumonia, both lungs collapsed and pulmonary hypertension. At the time the plan was to place a stent and do lithotripsy however I crashed in OR and they were only able to place the stent and bring me out. 2 mths later I had lithotripsy.
With all that being said, when I have a stone I just about panic. My surgery this time went smooth and actually have an awesome urologist now. But 2 different ER’s (small town hospital, then larger one) and no one wanted to give me anything for the pain since it was “only” a 4mm stone and I should be able to pass it on my own…. Ummmm NOT.
6 hours after having my stent removed yesterday the pain hit me hard and fast high up in my back (have another 4mm stone in my bladder) and under my right rib cage. I have hurt all night thinking with the pain medicine and heating pad that it would let up but I still have it. It’s not really any worse but not any better. I’m wondering if when they pulled the stent and I really started emptying my bladder if that stone has started to move. Just scared to death.
My first kidney stone was nice and easy once I had my stent removed. This time I had 2 stones, one stuck in each ureter, had surgery and they were broken up and bigger pieces removed, stented, my stent removed the last week of November. The stent was an annoying and dull pain, and really painful when I had to pee. Since it has been removed I drink 3-4 liters of water a day and have had pain in both kidneys and my bladder, bleeding off and on, and blood clots. I have had 1 ct scan since then which came back clear, and 2 ultrasounds, one clear, and the last one picked up 2 non-obstructing smaller stones, one in each kidney and mild hydronephrosis so I don’t know if there is any more or not. I’m getting frustrated and want to feel better because every time I’m active (just basic remodeling and shopping stuff) I get pain and start peeing blood again and no one seems to get how much it hurts at times.
I’m so sorry to hear this, and can sympathize completely. I had the SAME problem for months myself. Every CT scan, Ultrasound and exam showed “nothing wrong.” So peeing out blood clots and agonizing pain is “nothing wrong”?? The only thing I can say is hang in there, it WILL eventually resolve. I found putting 2 heating pads around my body and one between my legs (sorry TMI), helped considerably with both the pain and shrinking the size of the clots. They should tell us this can and does happen, more often than not. Feel better.
Thanks for helping talk me down during that. I started to feel better about 3 months after having the stent removed, I couldn’t take Flomax (bad side effects) but I was able to use Oxybutynin daily during that time and it helped a bit with the spasms and the pain when I did have to pee. I still have slight occasional pain that comes and goes and always has to pee but the pain is 100% better. I did use a heating pad almost every day, taking your suggestion to add another. I also took Motrin after my stronger pain pills were gone. And drank my gallon of water a day.
I’m so glad to hear you are finally better. A close friend of mine is going through this right now. She’s in complete agony and is petrified to have to pee because the pain is so bad she actually passed out in the bathroom (this is someone who gave birth to 6 kids, so no baby when it comes to pain…). I reminded her what I went through and showed her this comment board and it gave her hope and made her feel less crazy. Her doctor is acting like she’s exaggerating…I told her to make him read this board!!!
Hi there,
I fully empathise with you all. Back in July 2021 they removed my stent 3 days after the ureteroscopy. Within an hour I was in severe pain. Thankfully I was still an inpatient. They sent me for an Urgent CT Scan and discovered that my right ureter was completely blocked with Hydronephrosis and I was sent down to surgery for re insertion of the stent. Stent is still in!!!!! and is causing me a whole host of problems, bleeding, clots, infections etc… Now we need to remove it again and I’m terrified of the procedure and potential re-occurrence of the above scenario.
I am so glad I finally found this forum. I was beginning to think I’m crazy since it’s hard to find anything that talks about the severity of pain after a ureteroscopy and stent removal. I have been in excruciating pain for a month now. The first ureteroscopy surgery was unsuccessful because my ureter was too narrow and couldn’t get up to get the stones out so they put a stent in. I was in pain every day then had the surgery again yesterday and it was successful. This started on December 1st & is now December 31st. As of yesterday, the stones are out as well as the stent but I am still in horrific pain. I have had several back surgeries, a C-section, and a few other surgeries and consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance. I was beginning to think I was crazy because nowhere online has shown the possibility of still having severe pain. Everything I’ve read has just said mild to moderate pain may occur after this type of procedure. The pain I have been enduring is approximately every four hours & feels like someone stuck a knife in my kidney and is digging it inside of me in circles. This is not mild to moderate pain! I just want to get back to my old self. 😔
No you’re not crazy, it’s the doctors that are crazy for not warning people that this is a possibility. I’m actually finding this happens more often than not!
I removed my stent in the shower and was surprised that it was fairly easy with no discomfort. 15 min later and I felt as though I am going to die with pain. I showered again to try relieve the excruciating pain, don’t know what to do. Drank more pain meds and now waiting for it to subside. But yes as bad as initial pain pre op.
Same thing happened to me and it’s been happening for 4-6 hours at a time. Removed the stent on Monday 20 minutes after removing I’m on the floor in excruciating pain in my flank and lower belly, lasted about 4 hours. It went away and came back with a vengeance about 12 hours later and this cycle has repeated for the last 3 days. How long after did your spasms stop?
I have resently had a stent removed
I was in incredible pain
It was worst than the first op laserstone
I have burning all down the lower side of my body.
Mucle cramps in my legs
Feel like ive been kicked in the ribs
Can anyone help?
Is this normal?
Unfortunately it is normal as you can see from the comments. I’m so sorry you too are experiencing this. It really pisses me off that the urologists DON’T tell people this can happen – when it seems to happen more often than not. It took me, personally, 4 months to finally be pain free. I see your comment was 4 months ago, so I am hoping you are back to normal.
I am really anxious(I do have diagnosed anxiety) 2 weeks after my surgery and 1 week after stent removal. I am not pain free (not like the horrendous pain before removal) and I keep worrying that I have more stones and will have that horrible pain again. Should I ache on both sides even though the surgery was from the right side? I read that I should feel better now but I feel tired(still can’t sleep well) and somewhat weak. Reassurance that this concern is not uncommon or that the recovery can take longer. I was told it was more difficult because my ureter was quite narrow. thanks
Hi Andrea. I just had the same reaction like you, how you ferling now, im a week in, still feeling tied, in pain.
My husband and I need help. Stone removed 3/2/21, stent removed a week later and since then he’s been incapacitated. He was re-admitted to the hospital for unrelenting pain- given dilaudid, diazepam and toradol for ureter spasms. His CT scan and ultrasound are clear. He was given the option to go home because they said there’s nothing else they can do for him. So he’s continuing Flexeril and Dilaudid at home (in doses and sequence very closely monitored) and Tylenol too cuz why not, and he had an injection of toradol at the doctor’s office, but what the hell? No one knows when this will end. He can walk to the bathroom (improvement- he had to be catherized in hospital because he couldn’t urinate and was collapsing from pain when he stood) but then the pain shoots up. And the pain is positional. It shoots up depending on the position his body is in. In the meantime, he’s out of work for three weeks. We’re F-ed. Thinking about getting a second opinion for him, but what else could even be done?
I am so sorry to hear what your husband is going through! I too suffered severe pain for a full month after my stent was removed, with blood in my urine and sand in the toilet when I was done. Even after I thought the pain had completely gone, there were times, for a few more months, where I would go to pee and the pain would be so intense I would nearly pass out from the spasms! I am starting to see that this is the reality for some people that they just don’t tell you. Have your husband try 2 heating pads set on high and wrap them around him, the heat helped ease the pain better than the painkillers for me. I would literally put the heating pads between my legs (embarrassing, but it helped). I got a second opinion and a second CT scan and ultrasound, which ended in the same “nothing is wrong” result. Just let him know there is light at the end of the tunnel – eventually the pain does go away, but for me it took over a month. Try the heating pads, they helped considerably.
Thanks so much. I’m relieved to hear there’s light at the end of this tunnel from hell and that you have recovered. ❤️ His pain isn’t upon urination. It’s flank pain, just below the rib cage- right at kidney location. But same cause as yours- ureter spasms. I will have him try heating pads for sure. Thanks again. Your response is comforting.
All, I just had stent removed today ( 10/27/21) and I had it in for 7 days. Doctor didn’t mention there could be this pain or anything and I was expecting relief from stent discomforting . About 45 min after removal the pain was just as bad as instant post op, and close to when stone was moving.
I thought something had to be wrong until I read some of these posts, so thank you all!
One thing that helped very much was a very hot bath and soaking. I think there is something to be said about the Spasming details of trials. I hope this helps someone
Hi Melanie I am having the same issue like your husband, did his pain subside? What did doctor diagnose in his case?
thank you for posting this so I don’t feel crazy about how I feel 2 weeks post surgery and 1 week post stent
Thanks so much for your comments. I had my stent removed this morning at 9.:00 I was absolutely fine (went to hair apt and got second vaccine). Around 2:00 I started having terrible back/side and belly pain. I have had 9 back surgeries, bi-lateral hip replacements and RA. I have a very high pain tolerance. This pain is far worse than before the stone was removed. The Dr made 3 attempts to grab the stent as it was “pushed to the side”. He never mentioned anything about this. He did comment that the stent used was “large”. I would likely have gone to the ER thinking something was terribly wrong. I do have quite the supply of meds due to my chronic health issues. At this point, I am trying to treat myself. I will see how things go tomorrow. I hope everyone is starting to feel better soon 🙏🏻😊
This is apparently so common (by the amount of people experiencing the same thing on here and in other blogs), you would think the doctors would warn people! I had the same thing as you. I had my stent out and my husband and I went out to lunch and I was fine (so happy to get the thing OUT!). About an hour later BAM, I was crying in pain. Three days of total agony I went back to the ER. My pain lasted a month (plus a few horribly, horrific urinations for months afterward), but they said there was nothing wrong. It did finally stop though, thankfully.
I went to emergency room in October of 2020 with kidney stone pain. The next day they put in a stent and left it in for 3 months before removing the stone by laser. I had to use all of my sick time and vacation time because the pain was so terrible I could barely walk. December of 2020 they lasered the stone and put in another stent for three weeks, again the pain was unbearable. That sent was removed in early January of 2021. I still have side pain, sometimes a dull ache and other times sharp pains, and still have blood in urine. I was sure there must be a piece of lasered stone that was missed, but an ultrasound today showed nothing.
I feel for you, because I had the same thing. After the final stent removal, it took me a month before my pain (finally) subsided and my urine wasn’t bright red with blood. They don’t tell you how long recovery REALLY takes!
Hey all I hope all get better. I had preliminary Pcnl done August 13th in which i had a staghorn stone removed and all was well. I had stent put in and was told it would be removed in 10 or so days. To my surprise a second procedure for a 2nd staghorn was done September 15th. The ups and downs in between the two procedures was intense. The stent spasms from the first one drove me to the point of what i thought would be my complete and utter insanity. With 2 trips to Er and an infection or 2. I barely made it to my second procedure and by this time i was ready for them to just remove the kidney I didn’t care. A uteroscopy was done for second procedure and a self removal stent was done. That was Tuesday of this week and was told to keep it in till Monday morning. Well i read all the posts and decided to risk the 50/50 phantom pain as the spasms were driving me batty again but will admit nowhere near the first time. I removed the stent with one steady pull and although quite lets say uncomfortable I did not stop as i was told this is a crucial error. Although only 2 hours after removal the spasms have already stopped. I will check back in a report my progress to see if it can help anyone! Again good luck everyone and stay safe!!!! To be clear I removed Saturday Night or more precisely Sunday Morning at 1:15 A.M. so approximately 18 hours early but I had enough irritation and was ready to try anything for relief. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!
I was so glad to find this site. After 3 trips to the ER in 2 days, and learning I had a kidney stone of 6-8mm, I was finally admitted for surgery after my 3rd visit. 2 nights, 1 surgery, and one stent later, I was sent home. I hated seeing that darned rip cord coming out of me, and looked forward to 2 days later when it was removed. The stones had me at a 9 pain level, and the feeling I was urinating rocket fuel was unbearable. The stent came out painfully, and there definitely wasn’t a sense of relief after. Within 3 hours, I was in worse pain than I was with the stone and back at the ER and was admitted for pain management. The pain was unbelievable, in my lower right side where it’d been all along, but now I had a fire burn feeling all through my urethra and a constant feeling that I needed to urinate. Narco and Percocet did nothing, nor did the first shot of Dilaudid. I was passing debris ranging from the size of a grain of sand to a silver dollar (tissue fragments). I had to stay for 4 days, being denied Dilaudid by my incompetent attending physician for 2 days leading to two nights of me pacing and whimpering in pain for 5+ hours each night from 12:30-6am. He finally ordered stuff to control the pain (since that’s what I was friggin’ there for!) the morning of my 3rd day. I was just discharged late last night (4th day), and still feel the tingle of pain in my kidney with some discomfort still in my urethra. I’m afraid what the immediate future will feel like, and can’t believe I wasn’t forewarned about this, while also being made to feel like this wasn’t normal and I should be fine. I’m not fine, it was the most incredible pain I’ve ever felt after never needing a hospital stay in my 52 year life. This post-stent pain is real, and I’m so thankful this site is doing something about getting the word out. I pray this leads to change so others don’t have to suffer. It comes out of nowhere, and keeps coming back, going from a 3 to a 9-10 pain level in a matter of minutes. Please find a “cure”.
You are an idiot. My guess is you’ve never suffered acute or chronic pain nor have you been an actual addict to know what withdrawal is. You are a dangerous person, and I pray you are not a physician nor nurse because there are way too many lacking empathy or experience whom practice (or rather rule) with no actual lived experience. Come to my ER with your acute pain, I’ll give you an Advil and a smile. Kidney pain, by the way, has been measured GREATER THAN birth pain. Spinal surgery pain can be just as bad as other acute pain. Dying patients with their eyeballs hanging from their heads and brain tumours have said they don’t have much pain before – pain receptors differ individually. Please don’t spew your dangerous opinions further as it has an effect on the stigma that many pain sufferers face.
Who the hell were you calling an idiot? WTH?
Careful of Pyridium! It’s supposed to dull the pain but my brother and I both experience extreme pain while on it. Within 12 hours of stopping it the pain subsides. I’ve had enough kidney stones to have had a chance to test the theory. My urologist said there was nothing on file at the drug manufacturer about this and so was skeptical but has seen me enough now (17 stones and counting) to believe me. Add that my brother had same symptoms and I want to share caution.
Now, this time, I’m 6 days from my stent removal, and felt pain with blood upon urinating for a few days as well as pain in my flank. Percocet and a heating pad helped. I thought I was out of the woods until today. Urgency, pain upon urinating, strong pain in my lower belly and my flank. No fever or nausea. Unsure what to make of it but I’m calling the doctor tomorrow morning. Anyone experience similar?
And for me the Pyridium is the only thing that relieves the slight pain I have. I get. Weird dull ache in my low back (left side) just as my butt cheek starts lol. And a little side pain, too. Nothing unbearable. I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I know how bad my kidney stone pain was. I cannot imagine not getting relief. 🥺
I am SO glad I found this site! I have been in a panic because I had my stent removed 5 days ago and I’ve been to the ER twice with intense, horrific pain in my back, side, flank and bladder. I’ve had x-rays, CT scans and an ultrasound and they say nothing is wrong…really? This is the worst pain ever. They keep telling me to drink water, but to pee is AGONY, with burning and horrible spasiming of my privates and bladder. I am so upset because I was led to believe that once the stent was removed all I would have was a little soreness, maybe some blood in my urine and some burning. Nobody prepared me for this. I’m taking prescription narcotics and they are doing nothing to help. The doctor led me to believe I was the only one to suffer like this, but now I see I’m not.
Has this pain now gone? I had a stent removed 5 days ago and have experienced pain similar to how you have described. Seems to be relatively OK when I get out of bed in the morning but gets progressively worse and within a few hours I return to bed. Maybe due to standing up. I am concerned about how long this will go on for
Just had my 3rd stone, but second ureteroscopy with lithotripsy. This one was by far my worst. Surgery with stent was preformed on Wednesday. Got the stent removed on Monday morning. Severe pain returned with force 3 hours after stent removal. Ended up in the ER, and had another CT scan which showed a punctate stone in the mid right ureter. Finally got pain under control and went home. Pain returned again the next morning. And it has been a roller coaster of pain that has required staggering pain meds to control the pain. Hoping I have turned the corner.
I had my stent out 10 days ago after developing a stone while on holiday six weeks ago and needed a stent so I could get home, I’m still in severe pain it comes in spasms, I had a good day yesterday thought I was on the right side of things, but this morning I am back to how I was, I find the best relief is take to bed with two pain killers hot water bottle on my lower tummy. Has anyone else got any remedies which might help. The pain is in the uritha stings like mad. I’m trying to keep drinking lots of water, but the pain going to wee is a killer.
Hello I am one month after stent removal and i am still in pain , had got 2 ct scans blood test etc and they said everything it’s ok . Are you still in pain?
Hi all,
I’ve never had any issue with my kidneys until recently. I went to the E.R. with severe left flank/side pain. After the MRI I was told that I am being admitted for swelling in my kidney. A stent was placed in the next day. I suffered severe pain while the stent was in there. 2 months later it was removed and I thought that I would be back to 100% feeling better, and I was told that I would indeed be back to my old self in about 3 to 5 days. Well I found out the hard way that is not true. Months later I still have intermittent pain on the side that the stent was on. I’ve revisited my urologist several time to make sure my kidneys were normal because I am scared that something might be wrong because I’m still having moderate ro severe pain sometimes. After 2 visits and MRIs I am told that I am fine. So I’m thinking now what? I’m in pain!! So I do some research online and found out that over 50% of urethral stent removal patients suffer from unknown pain well after their stent is removed. So now I know that I’m not being paranoid or imagining things. I wish the doctors would just be honest with the ones / patients who come back and say ” hey, I’m still having some pain in that area” and say there will be continued pain for some patients after stent removal but the cause is unknown. Instead of keeping patients in the dark & making them keep running back to the doctors office because their in pain and scared. Its because they know medical insurance will pay for the visits. That is not right.
Are you back to normal now if so how long did it take. Any recommendations to help me.
I had kidney stone removed by laser on Monday 13th May and stent inserted. The latter was removed on Friday 17th.Have had intermittent bouts of severe pain for 3 days post stent removal not always controlled by medications…pain definitely worse than the original stond pain.Considering return to a/e for some medical intervention.
I had an emergency kidney stone removal done on April 15. Returned to hospital April 16 for pain. The stone had cratered itself deep into my ureter and was badly irritated. The first stent they put in was a nightmare and they replaced in a week later. Now today they removed the stent in office. Wow that was bizarre and intense. However they told me I’d feel better right away, and 3 hours later I’m in worse pain now then ever before. I even took pain meds before the procedure. I was really getting worried until I found this!
Man, I wish I would have read this sooner. I had uretoscopy last Monday and stent was placed. A lot of pain after stent but mildly manageable with ibuprofen. I am against taking opioids for personal reasons. Made it til Thursday and begged urologist to take it out. I was able to get appt but they didn’t tell me to take anything beforehand. I work at hospital so was able to get removed on lunch break and then go back to work. So I thought. I was ok for first hour but then pain went from 7 to 9. I couldn’t focus or find a comfortable position. Pain continued to get worse. Drove myself home. At this time pain was at plus 10. I was in a ball crying and almost went to hospital. Daughter in law talked me into taking pain pill. Took 1 tab oxy 5mg. Within 15 minutes was able to calm down. Rough night but next day woke up with no pain. 4 days later still no pain. I thought I could be tough but now have more appreciation for spasms and also the importance of asking all the questions
i have a stent and i am going to get it remove on monday shuld i take any pain killers be for i go in i have endone 5mg
I just took a pyridium and naproxen before hand. They numb you before they go in to get the stent. It really wasn’t that bad for me during the removal process.
I had an ureterscopy on March 25th! 2 days later ended up in the emergency room with pain worse then my spinal surgery in June! The pain was extreme until they put in a catheter! The pain was like night and day! Now I have to get the stent out tomorrow and I’m scared of that possibility of the pain putting me back into the ER! Thank you for this site! I’m going to try taking the Aleve, just before the procedure!
I had kidney stone lazered on Monday; stent came out on Thursday with just a little pull as most of it was hanging out. However the pain on my right side has been horrible, tynelol and or Advil does ease it for a few hours but it comes back. Today is Friday and discomfort still exists. I am a very active person and find it hard to deal with this. Had anyone else has the issues of pain not letting up? My doctor ( who I Love, Dr. Licht assured me everything went fine
I had laxer surgery Monday my stone was almost as big as a 50 cent peace , today’s friday just got the stent put and have to say now I’m truly truly suffering even more so with the pain in my kidney seems almost worse than when the kidney stone got me to begin with 😭very concerned at this point don’t know what eles to do taking oxycodone for the pain and nausea pills , using heating pad and simply resting other wize but deeply concerned at this point can someone help ?
Dear Linda
Sorry to hear of your daughter’s pain. I have just had a stent removed after having my fourth set of kidney stones removed. I too have epilepsy and have finally made the connection with the help of multiple specialists between my epilepsy medication and formation of the stones. If your daughter is on Topirimate can I suggest you seek urgent advice on changing her medication.
All the best
After biopsy and stent removal, I too developed infection, fever and hospitalization for 4 days. I was totally unprepared for any of this. MD’s make lightly of all urinary procedures without regard , verbally expresses that it is an easy procedure, and complications are minimal. After speaking to several patients with similar procedures, these are definitely false statistics. It has been 2-3 weeks and still feeling exhausted. MD should discuss thoroughly all complication and expectation of recovery individually. The immediate problem is too many patients /MD .Not everyone is the same and should be treated as a whole.
I had three stones impacted in my right ureter. First surgery was to place a stent in order to open up area so stones could safely be removed. This stent was in place for two weeks, then I had a second surgery to remove the stones using laser lithotripsy and basket removal. A second stent was placed and left in for a week post surgery. I have had virtually no pain throughout these procedures, though the stent was very uncomfortable. My surgeon left a string and the stent was pulled this morning. I followed the helpful advice on this website and took one Alleve (220 mg) about 30 minutes before. I only felt a slight pressure as the nurse grasped the string and started pulling, then it was out. I had no pain or discomfort. I’m really grateful for this website and the people who shared their experiences, which I found most helpful.
My daughter had kidney stones removed and two stents put in place that the doctor never mentioned to us. She has epilepsy and high functioning autism so you can image how difficult the surgery was not to mention the stents. She was in so much pain and got an infection 2 days after surgery and she was admitted to the hospital. 7 days later the stents were removed and it was like surgery pain all over again. The first hour was ok since there was lidocaine applied. It has been 3 weeks and 4 days and she is still dealing with an infection, pain and blood in her urine and she has lost 8 lbs. We would never have done this surgery if we had known about all the problems, pain and complications.
I just had the surgery as well, with an infection, and stent. I have to say I believe the issue is the poor preparation by the doctors (not uncommon, apparently). There is no alternative to the surgery, so don’t feel as if you were duped into making a bad decision. Sounds like you guys were just ill-prepared. The stones have to come out. I am so sorry to hear your daughter is going through this…I, too, was shocked by the amount of pain at each phase.
How long does post stent removal bladder pain last for?
I had a stent put in in February 6th I still have it in now on October 18th. Due to coronovirus there have been no hospital beds available It has been extremely painful for all those months and have been in great distress. I did not know that it is still painful after removal I was looking forward to being pain free. However I have been warned so it wont be quite such a shock. It is a lot to handle though at 87 years