Ask us: How will I know when a stone has dropped into the bladder?

In our “Ask a kidney stone doctor” section, we field questions from stone formers or their family members. Today’s question is about knowing when a stone has passed successfully. See other questions and answers or ask your own question here.

July 26, 2011

Question from a stone former actively passing a stone:

I have been diagnosed with a kidney stone.  I am experiencing pain that has now moved to my side.  Occasionally I will get waves of overall abdominal pain, but the sharp pains are still generally located to the side.  How will I be able to tell when the stone has dropped to the bladder?
I’ve been drinking 4L of water (at least) a day for 8 days now and the stone still has not passed. I would rather now go into work and keep on with my life until the stone passes – I am just concerned with knowing the warning signs of when the stone is very close to passing.



During stone episodes, stones generally cause a predictable sequence
of symptoms as they move down the ureter. Initially, pain is located
in the back when the stone is located up near the kidney. As the stone
moves further down, the pain can also be located in the side and in
the abdomen. When the stone is in the lower part of the ureter, the
pain moves toward the front of the abdomen. Once a stone is entering
into the bladder, patients may also feel the urgency to urinate and
can feel pain in the groin. Once the stone makes it into the bladder,
there should be a relief of pain. While this sequence is typical, some
patients may experience different symptoms. We have more information
on this on our “What causes kidney stone pain?” page.

Staying hydrated is a good idea but it is not clear if it speeds the
passage of stones (make sure though to not drink more than about 1
liter in an hour, as water intoxication can occur with intakes of 2
liters an hour or higher). Use of certain medications, such as
tamsulosin, does appear to shorten stone passage. You should know
though that use of this medication for this purpose is “off label” and
should be discussed with your treating physician. Other factors that
influence the likelihood and speed of stone passage includes the size
of the stone and its location. Stones can take up to 6-8 weeks to
pass. If they have not passed by then, treatment may be required.


Before making any medical decisions, always consult with your treating physician.

About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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Wendy Longoria

I am pretty sure I passed a stone, can they tell if I have after the fact?


Hi I am also suffering from these stones .. I had one with 5.6 mm in left n 3 mm in right kidney. Actually it was stated from 2014 .. I was down with this pain every year .. my dad was suffered a lot back in 2004 until 4 years.. he found some natural medicine for this .. he cured .. he didn’t get any stone from 2008 ( touch wood..) he suggested me this right from my first day pain .. I follwed it for 1month,and I left to take … And second time ,same process ( he suggested n I follwed for only for 2 months ,ignored) but I got the pain 3 days back ,it was severe .. but this time I will follow this for whole life time ..
For this medicine , it’s actually a natural medicine ..liquid ..very cheap
U need to have
—- horse gram ( ulavalu,Indian version)
Soak the half cup of horse gram in 3 cups of water whole night , boil the that in early morning until u get only one cup of liquid ( one tea cup size) ..u need to filter boiled horse gram n take only liquid ( but it is very very hard ) ..but it will help you alot I promise. It will melt your stones with in a week ..
If you want to get rid of these in future .. continue Every day an year .
P.s : take lots of water , lemon water


On April 3rd I got a sharp pain on the bottom of my rib, I started vomiting, and couldn’t eat, I went to the ER and they told me I had a kidney stone on my left side, they didn’t give me any pain medication, I also had a urinary tract infection, they told me i was more than likely going to pee the stone out , so I went home drank a lot of water , and other home remedies and after a while the pain went away then on April 20th I was admitted to the hospital due to the same amount of pain, the same exact pain as the first time , I was supposed to get a stent placed, but the urologist said I had passed the stone, I got discharged and on May 12 2018 I went back with the same pain and I got a ct scan done again , to show the difference from the first time I went to this last time and turns out the stone was still there it was 4mm and I still hadn’t passed it , so I got the stent placed from my kidney to my bladder it’s been 3 days and I still can’t pass the stone but I get a lot of sharp pains on my side , how do I know if I will pass the stone or not? I’m scheduled for monday May 21 to have the stent removed what happens if I haven’t passed the stone?


Check into lithotripsy

Jennifer Lupi

I’m having really intense sharp pain in my groin area along with a lot of pressure and the need to urinate I’m hoping that I could be possibly passing my kidney stone Butch my urologist said is 4 mm and it should pass but it’s been almost a month and a half now my kidney is swollen and my urine is fully blocked I’ve been doing everything they told me taking medication that opens the ureter drinking a lot of fluids I also tried home remedies with lemon extra virgin olive oil and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar my cat scan shows that it’s very close to the bladder I’m just very concerned what it feels like passing or how long could it take to pass


ok i had stones for long time biggest one i passed was 10mm so don’t believe all things that doctors say and don’t worry about passing it once it enters the bladder it’s easy, and its really hard for a stone to completely block urine flow since the ureter is not really perfectly round shaped so the urine always finds the way around the stone plus the muscles inside of the ureter contract pushing the urine forward and 4mm stone really is not that big so just be active riding a bike helps and take an antibiotic and anti inflammatory medication in case it causes any infection, and that’s it once it enters your bladder worst is over you can barely feel it coming out through you urethra you mite feel little pinch but it isn’t going to be pain like when it first left the kidney.

Loretta Jones

Nicole, I was told that I could not pass my stone that was 8mm. I had to have them removed.


I can’t do poopers. My butt won’t work thanks to a Kidney Stone. There’s blood everywhere, I feel like I’m dying waaah. Why? I was fine before this. Just when I’m about to become homeless. Went to A&E, they messed with my groin area, tried to push it [the stone] out but failed. Now my groin hurts, my side hurt, it burns when I pee. I was advised to drink orange juice and lemon juice.

I noticed that when you pee and it’s in your side and it hurts, hold a [hot] water bottle (push it in on where the pain is) and it seems to help.


I have a 3mm stone ive had it for 6 weeks now i think it as travelled in to me bladder as i keep getting pain the when passing urine. i could sit on the toilet all day as i keep needing the toilet is this right . Long does it take pass when in bladder


I’ve been dealing with Kidney stones off and on for a while now. I even spent this past Thanksgiving in the ER passing a 5mm stone… not fun. Only one problem. My doctor says I need to catch a stone to diagnose what kind I’m passing so that I can figure out how to make them stop. And of course I’m having NO luck what so ever at catching one of the painfully annoying stones. I’ve strained and strained and still nothing. Any suggestions? I’ve started taking magnesium as the ER doctor suggested. Still having stones…. He also suggested cutting out any carbonated beverages and caffeine, which I had already given up a couple years ago. I rarely drink soda and I don’t drink coffee or tea… I honestly don’t know what is causing my stones and i’d love to be able to catch one so I can figure it out… sooner than later, as the pain is just stupid….


use a strainer place it over the toilet so that when you pee the urine goes thru the strainer and it will catch any stone that you pass


Weird how different doctors are depending on where you are.. Did you do the 24 hr urine collection? That’s how mine were diagnosed. My doc also said caffeine is fine in moderation as long as you stay super hydrated.


I am taking Disolvatol which i think is helping. Its expensive but had lab grade chanca puedra. All natural. Nanny have had good results. It can’t hurt to try. It’s about $58 a bottle.


Chanca Piedra.


i have chanca piedra but i dont know how to use it.kindly help


during a kidney stone take 400mg twice a day, after the stone passes take 400mg a day to prevent future stones


Whoever said to pinch off your pee when it starts so it stretches your bladder is genius!


can you be more elaborate about the pinch off your pee part, I don’t understand


Means pee and then stop then pee again.


Need some feedback PLEASE! A couple of weeks ago I was feeling achy mostly my upper back and shoulders, out of nowhere I urinated blood with what appeared to be small blood clots. My doctor treated me for a UTI while my urine was sent out for testing. I felt much better after taking the antibiotic but my urine came back with no infection. My doctor sent me for a CAT scan to check for stones but found none. Is it possible that what happened is I passed a stone? I’m very nervous not knowing what happened and wonder if this sounds like it was a stone?


I can only speak from my experience, but I have never passed a stone without noticing. You can usually feel it move through your urethra as you use the restroom, sometimes the stream stops and there is pressure and it pushes through. But I have never passed anything smaller then a 2mm stone, so maybe?


I’ve had the excat same thing happen 3 times. But the time they do the scan the pain has gone. I never feel a stone pass but all the symptoms suggest that’s what it was. I also get UTIs with no symptoms in the urinary area (I only feel very sick/ tired). So it could be possible although without offical diagnosis of a stone I can’t be sure.


Although I will add that my pain was side and lower back which I think is more consistent of stones. It was agonising to the point of hospital.


I’m currently passing an 8mm and the pain is unbearable. It’s moved to my lower abdomen and across the front. Do u think it’s moved to the bladder now?

Lex Deschain

Yep. I’m a veteran stone passer, and it is very possible to pass a small, usually >2mm stone and not realize it, especially if it’s a new experience to you. I once had an er dr refer to it as “throwing a stone”. I will suggest tho’ that you visit a urologist and do the 24hr urine collection. That lab looks for microscopic sand/grit that are like seeds of stones, imbalances in the pH of your p that could mean you’re at risk for stones, and checks for blood, white cells, proteins, and other chemical signatures that may mean the conditions are primed for stone formation. Also, uti symptoms are common with stones.


I have been to hospital for my scan, and I was told I wasn’t having any kidney stone, and after everything I still feel pains at my kidney side. And I was told to be taken lemon and a lot of water, but for 5 days now, I’m feeling the pains going round, but I don’t know if I can pee mine out, I’m only having pains at my back side and my urine colorful, because I have been feeling this pains for about 11 moment, but I thouyit was my normal back pain. I need your help, I would have love to send my results of my scan


You can pass an 8mm stone. It depends on the shape of the stone. Mine that passed was 8mm long by 4mm wide. It looked like an ibuprofen gel cap. Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is better then Flomax(less side effects) and can possibly break the stone up in smaller pieces. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the urinary tract and is also helpful for gall stones.



P.S. I will be having surgery in November. I have a 30x27mm in my left kidney. The Chanca Piedra did help pass the 6mm stone in the right kidney that was causing my UTI when the stone was moving. Cranberry gel caps and the Chanca Piedra did get rid of the fever as well as the pain. It took about 5 days for the stone to move into the bladder.

Matt Van Every

Okay, here is the secret to passing a stone, and to keeping the stone at bay throughout the years. It will not by itself solve the stone issue, but with change of diet and attentiveness, make a large difference.

When a stone is present, and you’re actively attempting to pass it, this is essential. Whatever you have going on, set a timer….as you’ll likely pass your stone within 36 hours of starting this potion.

A little background…

I got my first stone three years ago. I was urinating, and got a sudden itchy feeling in my testicles, I brushed it off and went to finish watching The Walking Dead with my then wife. I sat in my La-Z-Boy (wife repellent by the way) and forgot about the itch.

About 3 minutes later I flopped to the ground as if I had been shot! My then wife said she thought I was having a heart attack. I didn’t know at the time, but it was my introduction to kidney stones.

I’m lactose intolerant so no stranger to stomach pain, and it usually will pass. I tried to fight this off as I always had my pains. After about 4 hours, with my wife and kids sleeping in another room because I was writhing around, I was in bad shape. I thought I might be dying. I wasn’t able to work a laptop to search symptoms, nothing. Finally, I called 911, if for no other reasons than I couldn’t drive anywhere, and I wasn’t going to wait at the ER, I wanted in immediately.

Let me say, for the uninitiated….the pain from a bad stone is unbearable. It’s like nothing you’ve ever imagined in your worst nightmares. They say that it’s the “male version of giving birth,” but I met a woman that had done both births and passed a stone, she said unequivocally, it wasn’t comparable…passing a stone was much, much worse. You literally wouldn’t wish it on your enemy.

So that first night, it was diagnosed and I passed it right there in the ER, only about 5-6 hours total. It did break up on it’s own and passed as more or less dust….

My urologist I met with the next day, and he explained that I had to change my diet, or get used to having stones once a year, like clockwork. What does he know, he’s only a doctor!? I had given up drink and drug about 4 years previously, so I justified my 5-6 daily Dr. Pepper’s by saying I earned it because it was my only vice.

The first time was November of 2014, and like clockwork, in Octobe 2015 I was pumping gas and felt a sudden pang of pain, and instantly knew…. the timing had already been on my mind and it was unmistakable. I got in the car and sped to the ER, dry heaving and in a cold sweat the entire way there.

This second time was truly hell on earth. I got to the ER desk, was, fortunately, the only person there, slapped my ID on the table and proceeded to fall to the ground and writhe around like a breakdancer.

Ultimately, this next time lasted about 72 hours, and the pain ebbed and flowed for about an hour really bad at a time, mixed with 5-6 hours of not much pain at all. Typically when it would kick in, I felt it coming, and laid down and would mercifully pass out.

This was when I was told about the potion. One of those Facebook blessings, I mentioned what was happening and an old friend who was stationed in Japan in the mililtary contacted me and offered the recipe. He said he’d learned it from a friend’s grandfather, a 98-year-old Korean man who I will always be grateful to.

The recipe makes sense and you hear the ingredients, but I’d never heard them all together.

Raw, Unflitered Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

Mix these ingredients in to until it’s thick and gross, and mix in some coconut water to help it go down. Put it in a empty water bottle and refrigerate.

While passing a stone, take a shot every hour on the hour when awake, and as soon as you wake when not.

When not passing the stone, I’d recommend a shot or so a week, of just the citrus and the apple cider vinegar. The EVOO, I’ve since found out, is to grease the urinary tract and help the stone to squeeze down the line and out the chute as quickly and painlessly as possible. When not actively passing, it’s not necessary.

That’s it folks…I just passed my first one in over two years, and it was not that bad, just some light pain that I mistook the first night for bad gas. When I learned it was a stone, I was shocked because the pain just wasn’t that bad.

Good luck…don’t deviate. The 98-year-old Korean grandfather told my friend, who told me, to take this potion exactly as I’ve prescribed here. Since discovering it, I’ve prescribed it to at least a dozen friends passing a stone, and it’s 100% effective in less than 36 hours. That’s not to say there won’t eventually be a exception…if it’s you, congratulations, but don’t bash the potion…far more often than not, it works 100% of the time 😉

Matt Van Every

Let me add…that after that second time with the stone…when it took 36 hours and I was introduced to the potion. I have not had one single caramel-colored drink since. Also I never have been a coffee or tea drinker. No doubt the absence of carmel-colored soda has helped the potion to keep me stone free.


How much of these three items are you mixing together?

Mike P.

How much of each ingredient?

Mark T

I appreciate the advise, but we definitely need an idea of how much of each ingredient must be added together to achieve the results we’re seeking. Please let us know. Thanks!

Mark T

I appreciate the advice, but we definitely need an idea of how much of each ingredient must be added together to achieve the results we’re seeking. Please let us know. Thanks!

Jay Fox

What is the amounts of the above ingredients?


“Until thick and gross” is that the way you measure it? I’m looking for amounts if you use them. I’ll try anything at this point.


Tablespoon each


Or you can use 1 part each and keep in refrig, to make a larger batch but take a shot glass per serving and throughout the day always add lemon juice to your water.


I’m using CHANCA PIEDRA, it’s a natural medicine, so far is working, I have no pain.


Miracle cures don’t exist

J Saavedra

Hi. Where did you buy it?? I am located in Fairfax Va but could not find it anywhere.


Buy Chanca Pedra on Amazon. But it’s not a cure for Kidney Stones. It may help with Kidney cleansing and moving things along. Some say it helps in stone destruction but that’s after long usage if at all. Doesn’t work overnight.


I actually just saw this on fb also. Im definitely going to give it a try. I fainted from the sudden onset of pain and threw my back out as a result on top of it. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone ever!


Diagnosed with 4 kidney stone two in my right kidney one in my left and a 6mm stone stuck in my ureter and i have absolutely no pain…why??


Dan I have one in my left that is stuck also around the same size! I had the stone pain but then it was less and less and now almost no pain. Got an ultrasound and said if it doesn’t pass soon the Urologist will have to go in an get it because it partially blocking kidney flow.


I have a 0.4×0.9cm right renal calculi in lower. pls suggest how to cure


Try “chanka piedra”gave it to my husband and it worked they sell it at walmart also 2tablespoons of olive oil with lemon juice in the mornings helps


i have “chanca piedra” but i dont know how to use it.kindly help


Did u buy a liquid? It should be 60 drops in a glass of water, drink at least 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. For me is working, no pain

J Saavedra

Hi. Are these capsules ?

Hans Whitaker

It has been about 2 and a half months since I was diagnosed with a kidney stone and have taken 2 flomax prescriptions for 30 days each and I believe the stone has traveled down to the bladder because there is a tight and throbbing sensation occasionally , mainly when it is full , it is about 6mm will it pass on it’s own


When I had 6mm stone I had to have surgery. The doctor said it was to big to pass.


i have the same feeling with my 6mm stone that was in my lower ureter 4 weeks ago. have ct in the morning so hopeful its in bladder now.

Abe Kay

To everyone who is suffering from kidney stones. READ THIS
Before I begin my rant, I have a suggestion for those currently suffering through the pain of a passing stone – long hot showers would often help me (but when that didn’t work I used Oxycodone).

A COMMON CAUSE OF KIDNEY STONES (I have read varying opinions of how common ranging from 20-50%) is caused by high calcium levels from hyperparathyroidism (a non malignant tumor of 1 or more parathyroids. Get your calcium and PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels checked. The parathyroids are 4 glands, about the size of a grain of rice, generally located on the corners of the thyroid, hence the name, para (next to) thyroid. They monitor calcium levels in the blood. When there is a tumor they can leech calcium out of your bones, causing Osteoporosis, kidney stones, heart failure & much more. For some reason my urologist never checked my levels, that’s why I’m here informing you.

The following is for those who discover they have Hyperparathyroidism.
Minor outpatient surgery called hyperparathyroidectamy (removal of the tumored parathyroid) CURES the problem. BUT due to the specific nature of the parathyroid you must use a surgeon who specializes in this surgery (choose someone who performs AT LEAST 50 per year [in NY Dr Sanford Dubner preforms more than 150 per year, the most in NY, i recommend him]).

One more point (I have researched this to death) I would not recommend Dr Norman or the Norman Parathyroid center in Tampa. Good website ( lots of information but keep in mind he’s trying to sell you and IMHO it’s not all true.

From what i have found, neither Dr. Norman nor his surgeons are Endocrinologists and they are NOT board certified (huge red flag for me). Their claims of high success rates are based on the fact that there is no follow up so they don’t find out about those patients who’s veins collapsed due to their visually checking all 4 parathyroids. BTW I’m not saying don’t do this, i’m just suggesting you talk to your Dr. and or surgeon about the benefits of checking all 4, don’t rely on the info from a website on which every page states a disclaimer that what’s written is their opinion.

I wish you all a speedy recovery.

CeeCee Hagadone

Thank you for such valuable information!


Thanks for this. Thyroid issues run in my family. I’ve never had any issues, but both my mom and sister had to have their thyroid removed. This new info is earthshattering, yet very appreciated. Thanks so much! Now… off to read more information on this new subject.


Hi i had a 4mm stone and although i am nit getting the sharp pains i was getting – there is still residual pain and i am concerned. Ill be drinking ACV with water for a while to see if i can dislodge any residual material. I know it’s in my bladder – but just not sure if it will ever come out.


Hope you got a ultrasound, could be blocking your kidney if its not in your bladder 100pct


my right ureter is dilated due to the presence of 6.6 x 5.7 mm calculus at right vesico-ureteric junction.
what should i do now…is the sone too large? weather it will be remove without surgery?

Kayla marie bryson

Yed thats to big your have to get it removed


No it’s not to big to pass


This is my experience with a 6mm stone…
The left back flank pain began on April the 19, 2017 and lasted for about 24hrs. This initiated the first visit to ER. ER confirmed it was in all likelihood a stone base on blood and urine analysis. However, to be completely sure they recommended a CT scan. I declined because I was out of country at the time and did not want to complicate things with my insurance provider. I visited my doctor on the 20th of April.
She referred me to X-Ray and Ultra-Sound and scheduled an appointment with Urologist on May 17, 2017.
On April 23rd I had another painful attack on my left back flank, not as severe as the first round on the 19th but still painful.
Went for the Ultra-Sound and X-Ray on Monday the 24th of April and found out the dimensions of my stone 6mm left Ureter and also 1 stone 2-3mm in right kidney.
As I am writing this (May 10, 2017) I have not seen my Urologist, remember appointment is set for May 17, 2017 (Canadian healthcare system).
There was no significant pain between the April 25 through May 3rd, only some discomfort in my back, scrotum, left testicle and bladder. On May the 3rd I began having the urge to pee chronically. This lasted for approximately 5 days but the urgency did lessen with each passing day. Also I should mention since finding out about the stone I have been drinking 5-8 liters of water daily.
Yesterday, May 9th I passed the stone at around 5pm. It was anti climactic but nonetheless extremely happy. I have the stone and will present it to my Urologist on the 17th for analysis.

Here is a brief summary of what I learned/experience:
Drink lots of water
Take Flomax to increase diameter of the plumbing
I also began taking Chanca Piedra 500mg/day not entirely sure if this worked. However, I can tell you that most pictures of stones were jagged, mine was more rounded. Not sure if this is due to Chanca Piedra but I have read that they break down the stone. Regardless, I was grasping and thought I would try anything.
The Ureter is 3mm in diameter and does not expand. The stone passing through the Ureter is the most painful part. Once the stone passes this tube its pretty much uneventful.
When the stone is entering the bladder I felt a tremendous urge to pee like having a UTI without the fever, chills and body aches. Push through it and drink lots of water.
When the stone enters the bladder its now a waiting game and the passing will be almost irrelevant.
Also, I drank water with lemon in it occasionally based on what I have read in terms of Citric helping eliminate stones.
I am a 46 year old male 5’11 weighing 195lbs.
I am healthy otherwise and excise daily.
I have had one stone 6 years ago and believe my stone was created by dehydration and too much protein. Of course I can’t prove this but believe this to be the case.
I hope this provides info to others going through this situation. I know I found this website very helpful.


Not true that the ureter doesn’t expand. I had a 8 by 9mm stone in my ureter and the ER doctor said it most definitely can pass because the ureter expands. Flomax also helps.


yes it expands and medicines also dilate it


Nic, don’t complain about the Canadian Healthcare System! I’m living in California now and nursing a possible kidney stone. It took me forever to find a walkin clinic because they’ve all shut down (I live in San Jose!) and I didn’t want to go to the ER because the last time I went for an ovarian cyst they billed me nearly $10,000. Thankfully I have insurance so I only had to pay $3,000 for this visit in which the ultrasound tech couldn’t find my ovaries! This is not our first rodeo with the ER either. Last year my son had appendicitis and it took two ultrasounds and three visits to the ER to confirm was his GP & I already knew. Thankfully we caught it in time. In any case, just be thankful
you can afford to go to the ER whenever you like! I’m sitting here drinking fluids like mad to avoid having to pay thousands to the crackpots down at one of the supposedly best hospitals here! And btw, I am an extremely fit healthy eater so I have no idea how I got a kidney stone.


Thanks for the info. I was diagnosed with my first stone last week. Only 3mm. Pain for a full with a trip to the ER. I am now pain free since saturday but no stone unless I somehow missed. Was extremely curious why I was pain free and how long it could take hanging out in the bladder if in fact that’s where it was. This info helps!


@Chris, I had pain for 2 days on my right side near the lower rib and towards the back, had a CT scan 5 days ago and blood work, CT scan revealed a 3 mm stone–no more pain on side/back but not sure if I passed mine either. Where was your pain located? How are you feeling these days?


Nic, thank you so much for a very detailed information.


I had stones in kidney two years ago.I drank water and passed out through urine but its still recurring.Fortunately, it passes out through urine but I am concerned about my kidney. Can anyone give an idea how do I know if stone is still in my kidney? Should I need to consult the doctor?


Yes, definitely consult your doctor, you need to see a urologist right away.


I have a stone of size 11 mm 2 months back. Doctor told i should go for surgery. I did nt go for surgery. I am taking water and vulavulu telugu word water melon now it came to size 9mm but i am getting pain at the ribs. Can any body suggest me whether stone is moving or not

Kayla marie bryson

You should get it takein out


This is my third time having stones. The first time I wasn’t diagnosed and had no clue what was happening to me until I found a stone in my underwear after the pain had subsided. The second time I thought I had a UTI and went to the ER to receive a diagnosis of kidney stones, the largest being 5mm. (I was pregnant both times.) They told me it was stuck and the opening to the bladder and unlikely that I would pass it on my own. I went home and drank raw apple cider vinegar with my water, about a tablespoon in my jug every time I refilled and that sucker passed within 24 hours. I also had a lot of friends praying for me. So I can’t say enough about both. Thank God for the raw ACV, though. Chug that stuff with your water and pray to Jesus for mercy! Raw ACV is a godsend for kidney stone sufferers. I recommend drinking it in a glass of water at least once a day to keep the stones away, even after you pass them., it’s good for so many things. I got lazy once my stones passed and thought I was in the clear, but once you get stones once, your likelihood of getting them again increases. And here I am again. Prayers for you all who are miserable right now! It won’t last forever.

CeeCee Hagadone

Thank you! I happen to have ACV at home. I’ve in past gotten stones as well just hoping they will pass as i was just in hospital 3 days and they should of checked at least for that issue by ultrasound before i discharged myself being with my history they never can pass on own no matter what the sizes because my urethane tube is way too small and all have been surgically removed. Hoping this trick will help, as i dont want to go back to hosptial and end up with yet another stent! My oh my this pain though…

Matt Van Every

I would higly recommend buying a bottle of “Bragg,” apple cider vinegar. It is a bottle you can sometimes find near the pharmacy section of your local supermarket and it will say on the label

“Bragg Organic-Raw-Unfiltered …. “With The Mother,”

This is no ordinary apple cider vinegar, and talking about a shot once a week will help to lengthen the time between stones, and when present speed up their expulsion.

Be careful with this stuff, as it is super potentt. I tried to take a about 1/2 finger of the stuff in something like a highball glass, solo. This is way too much to take without diluting it and it will really upset your stomach. I always would try to take it with food, and it would spoil my appetite.

Today I mix it with a glass of water, or ideally coconut water.


Had about 14 hours on/off excruciating left abdominal/back pain. Dr. visit and CAT scan the next day showed 4mm stone in left ureter. Urologist put me on Flomax and made an appt to come back in one week-if stone hadn’t passed, I would need surgery. After reading all these posts I juiced several dozen lemons and heavily added to many, many liters of water. This is something I’m in the practice of already doing, I just really increased the lemon. I also did a combo of the Braggs ACV, lemon and water daily. I had no pain for the week at all. Urinated a ton and strained as much as possible and nothing. Thought I was doomed. Had follow up x-ray and appt with urologist and guess what??? The stone was gone!! Did it pass without me having any additional pain during it’s journey? Did I drown it with lemon and water? Did the ACV obliterate it? The urologist said who knows. Honestly, I really feel what I did made a difference. Thanks to all who posted and esp. the hints about lemon and ACV! Wish I had been able to catch the little sucker so I knew what kind of stone it was. I’ve decided to keep up the ACV regimen weekly. Good luck to all of you!


Mix 1tbsp ACV with a small dash of cinnamon and a couple oz of water. Take the spoon and put honey ont it. Put a little honey in your mouth, chug the drink and follow with honey. It actually tastes pretty good that way. Apple, cinnamon and honey

Stephanie H.

How did the hospital diagnose the size of the stone? I am 6 weeks pregnant and am told they can only diagnose that it’s a stone by the fact that I feel like I’ve been having UTI symptoms for 11 days (on and off urge to pee that lasts hours every few days), back pain that comes in waves, a sharp pain in my right side and blood in my urine. Personally, I want to know where the stone is, how big it is, and when it’s likely to pass but was told they can’t do x-rays or CT scans because I’m pregnant and a Urologist told me yesterday that an ultrasound won’t show anything and it’s pointless. I’ve never had a stone before and I feel so lost. For two days straight I have had straight fresh-squeezed lemon juice on an empty stomach and then lots of water throughout the day. I was prescribed antibiotics so that I don’t get an infection, pain meds and FloMax but I am afraid to take anything because I don’t want to harm the baby.
How much water do you mix with the ACV, I think I should try that?


You need to insist that an ultrasound be done. They absolutely can see stones with ultrasounds but for some reason doctors will try to avoid that. I think because they need a specialist and it takes time — it’ll be a lot of scanning and photographing all of your side and bladder. But, if a stone is large enough to cause pain it will show up in an ultrasound. I had a 5mm stone when I was pregnant and I basically said I wasn’t leaving until they do the u/s because they were making me feel crazy saying oh pain is normal during pregnancy when I KNEW something else was wrong. Good luck.


Stones show in a ultra sound unless they are in the ureter. You need an X-ray or CT scan to see them in the ureter.


The ultrasound will definitely show stones.It showed that I had stones in both kidneys and a really big one on one side blocking some urine in the kidney. The /x-ray gives them more exact information on the size and helps them know what is the best option to remove it. My big one was not mm it was cm and that is much bigger.


Thank you for your comments Sara you made me feel better.


intaking sweet broomweed herb is the best cure naturally. can take it in morning for upto 7 days


Where do you buy broomweed?