Ask us: How will I know when a stone has dropped into the bladder?

In our “Ask a kidney stone doctor” section, we field questions from stone formers or their family members. Today’s question is about knowing when a stone has passed successfully. See other questions and answers or ask your own question here.

July 26, 2011

Question from a stone former actively passing a stone:

I have been diagnosed with a kidney stone.  I am experiencing pain that has now moved to my side.  Occasionally I will get waves of overall abdominal pain, but the sharp pains are still generally located to the side.  How will I be able to tell when the stone has dropped to the bladder?
I’ve been drinking 4L of water (at least) a day for 8 days now and the stone still has not passed. I would rather now go into work and keep on with my life until the stone passes – I am just concerned with knowing the warning signs of when the stone is very close to passing.



During stone episodes, stones generally cause a predictable sequence
of symptoms as they move down the ureter. Initially, pain is located
in the back when the stone is located up near the kidney. As the stone
moves further down, the pain can also be located in the side and in
the abdomen. When the stone is in the lower part of the ureter, the
pain moves toward the front of the abdomen. Once a stone is entering
into the bladder, patients may also feel the urgency to urinate and
can feel pain in the groin. Once the stone makes it into the bladder,
there should be a relief of pain. While this sequence is typical, some
patients may experience different symptoms. We have more information
on this on our “What causes kidney stone pain?” page.

Staying hydrated is a good idea but it is not clear if it speeds the
passage of stones (make sure though to not drink more than about 1
liter in an hour, as water intoxication can occur with intakes of 2
liters an hour or higher). Use of certain medications, such as
tamsulosin, does appear to shorten stone passage. You should know
though that use of this medication for this purpose is “off label” and
should be discussed with your treating physician. Other factors that
influence the likelihood and speed of stone passage includes the size
of the stone and its location. Stones can take up to 6-8 weeks to
pass. If they have not passed by then, treatment may be required.


Before making any medical decisions, always consult with your treating physician.

About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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Suzi Murphy

My 10 mm stone is in the upper lobe not close to the urethra.. I was told to leave it alone because it was in the tissue

[…] painful again as it leaves your body through the urethra. Passing a large stone can irritate the urethra, but it should be […]

Karen Lane

4 months ago I got diagnosed with an 11mm kidney stone. They put a stent in and it took about 3 weeks for surgery and another 2 weeks after for removal of the stent. They told me they left a 4mm in there. Today I had a mother horrible episode of vomiting and horrible pain all in the front part of my abdominal area. I went to the ER again and they did a CT scan and told me I have an 11mm stone. Is it possible for that 4mm stone to grow that fast? Did a new one form? Or did they miss blasting the original 11mm stone. I’m horribly shocked not to mention in serious pain. Thank you for your help!

Silke Wolf

I have been “passing this stone” for a month now. I went to the e.r w excruciating pain through back and abdomen vomiting everywhere and chills so violent, I couldn’t hold myself still. I had a 5mm x 7mm stone make its way down my uriter to get lodged in the “J” before my bladder. Urine backed up enough and then got blood poisoning from it as well. Fast fwd – they put a stint in from bladder to kidney. The stone, while smooshed between the uriter wall and the stint, HURT and I peed straight blood for about 2 weeks. I took all the meds prescribed- have surgery next week to remove stone and stint. Question. This entire time, I have felt like I have a U.I. They said that was normal w a stone. But this hurts when I pee, so bad and directly after I pee, that I literally hold my breath and try not to cry. The pain however and the blood from above the bladder area, quit. Totally. Now, the pain is ONLY in my urithera. Does this indicate the stone has moved into my bladder? Any ideas? IF it has, please someone tell me, the urithrea is bigger than the uriter and the stone wont “get lodged” in there!!! Thanks! First time passing a stone and I have not quit drinking Lemon water, nor will I ever, if this cures this!

Karen Lane

The stint was placed in wrong on me so yes horrible pain every time I had to pee. Prayers you feel better real soon.


I was informed that there was a Stone in my kidney and I experienced lot of pain on my back along with abdomen. Then I drank lot of water and now I don’t experience any pain and I feel normal. Should I have to scan once again to check whether the Stone is there or shall I leave


HELP!!!!!! Just diagnosed w one 2mm kidney stones. I’m scared to death of this from all horror stories I’ve hesrd/read. The pain or weirdness that I have now is the feeling of it settling for now in the area of the crease of my thigh. So his close am I to the damage ?

So big question is…… is it the actual passing through a female hole or is it the act prior to the passing?


I just got out of the hospital for stones. They did a scan and found that I have one about to drop into the bladder it’s only 2.6mm. my pain level has greatly decreased witch leads me to believe it’s probably in my bladder now. So all I have to do is piss it out right. Well my question is does the actually act of pissing it out hurt or only when it’s on its way to the bladder does it hurt

darren young

hello, having passed stones for nearly 30 years now you shouldn’t feel anything when passing it out when urinating . you should try to catch the stone in a strainer and have it looked at to determine what kind of stone it is
good luck

paul sheinberg

you and I both, brother. I’ve had about 20 in the past few decades.


I was diagnosed with a kidney stone a day before my ceserean. That was nearly 2 years ago! I finally had my surgery last Friday (5th October). Had a uteroscopy. Problem is, I find out 2 days later after being admitted to A&E from crippling pain, that the surgeon couldn’t find the stone! I was in the hospital for hours, crying in agony, before they gave me painkillers. The junior doctor believed that although the surgeon couldn’t find the stone, it may still be there, and now it has become dislodged. Unfortunately his superiors believed there wasn’t a stone, that I had passed this 1cm beast and that I was just moaning about post op pain! So I got sent home. I am now waiting for a scan date to see what’s going on and where this M.I.A stone is. The agonising pains in in back, stomach & groin have slightly subsided, along with the agony every time I go to th toilet. This afternoon though, I’ve started feeling some heavy pressure down below, been running to the loo frantically every 5-10mins, to just have a tiny wee. I’m not sure if the stone has now caused a blockage, or if this little rebel has finally had enough of tormenting me and is on its way out!


If you’re experiencing pain in your groin or bladder, get AZO or its off-brand counterparts, it can really help ease some of the pain.

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I was just released from the hospital for stones two days ago. The pain med won’t help much. I am using naproxen it’s anti inflammatory and helps more. A co worker suggested I drink freshly squeezed lemon juice cut with a little water and I tried it and I did feel some relief from the bloating and now a few hours later I’m feeling the stone move towards my bladder and I’m grateful even though it’s painful. I think it’s the lemon juice. I was shot full of iv fluids flomax and gallons of water all weekend and I never felt relief till the lemon. I’m buying more tomorrow. I have also heard of the apple cider vinegar and I bet it will help too. Above all try not to get an infection bladder urinary or otherwise. And don’t drink anything dark until it passes. Good luck man this is sooo terrible

darren young

hello, ive had over 30 stones in as many years and still cant get used the pain however the last couple passed quite quickly when I drank lemon juice .I now drink this every day and touch wood have been stone free for 5 years .doctors cant really explain why this seems to help but it does

Diane Pelanda

I passed a stone 3 months ago. I haven’t experienced any of the symptoms related to the passing except I still am showing a trace of blood in my urine when tested. Could I possibly still have a stone without pain and where would the location of it be.


Thanks for this. I suspect this is my current situation – again. The stone I had 2 1/2 weeks ago – my very first kidney stone – caused this deep annoying urge to urinate constantly, it wasn’t crippling pain or nausea thankfully. When I went to go to the bathroom on day 4, I literally felt the stone move down the ureter, a strange sensation. Once that happened the “urge” discomfort went completely away. I did pass the stone a few hours later. This is about 4mm in size.

But 3 days after this, that feeling of having to go, go, go came back again, this one has caused more discomfort than the last one – slight jabs of random pain on the side, back. But mostly that feeling of having to urinate On day 8 of this (Saturday) once again the urge & discomfort completely stopped. NO pain yesterday (Sunday) also which was so nice. But no passing of the stone yet.

I did wake up about 90 minutes ago to urinate and was jolted with a brief sting in the upper groin area, that woke me up real fast. A “new” area of pain for me. Now I have a dull ache around my upper groin. I am GUESSING right now the stone is floating around in the bladder now, sting is having to pass through the urethra. I do have an appt. with the urologist today.

I HOPE this is the last of these stones, I also fear it may not be the last of them as well. I just hope I don’t have some massive one up there that requires some big procedure. 🙁

darren young

hi Anthony ,as a regular stone passer ( 30 ) and counting you will usually get a slight infection in the ureter from the stone scratching as it passes through this is quite normal and antibiotics should clear it up .


I found out I have 2-2mm kidney stones one in each kidney on July 2, 2018 and the doctor gave me 12- acetaminophen-codeine pilla to take every six hours as needed for pain and it has not helped with the pain once. I know it’s only 2mm but the pain is horrible it comes and goes. And effects what I’m doing when it starts up. I’ve found that icy-hot helps a lot puts the pain to a bearable but I keep feeling the pain only in my lower left back and side. Any help on how I can get this to pass quickly and what else I can do to ease the pain?


I hope this passed by the time you read this! The pain meds I got from my doctor last week wasn’t helping at all either, this stinging urge was still there so I just stopped taking those. Advil for me seemed to work better actually, dulled the discomfort at least. I’ve tried to read so much on the web in the past 9 days about how to minimize and help pass this- at this point I would try anything. I hate to “WebMD myself” but I was at a loss.

Anyway I just kept reading about apple cider vinegar, how this can dissolve and move the stone from the kidney to the bladder. One glass of water, 2 tablespoons of this vinegar. It may sound nasty, but it’s not…slightly bitter taste. And just sip this throughout the day. I started that on Thursday (7-19), but Sat (7-21) the pain was seemed to finally leave the kidney, I suspect its now in the bladder…so Im not 100% of the woods just yet.

I DON’T know if this was “the cure” or just coincidence, timing. BUT If this vinegar,water concoction actually did do the trick of finally moving this stone out of the kidney..heck I’ll praise it. I fear that this wont be the last stone (This is number 2 since early July) If I get this pain again, I’ll try the vinegar, water drink again. I also read medication like Flomax, other similar meds -Calcium channel blockers and alpha-blockers- can open relax the ureter slightly more to move the stone alone easier. Just what I read, my experience so far with this. But I hate to sound like those TV ads…”ask your doctor…” 🙂

That is medication I would like to have in case I have more stones. I see my urologist today so I’ll ask. These are the first stones in my life, I ALWAYS feared these when my mom and dad would have them – thinking “I NEVER want these.” Well…so much for that wish. ugh.

John B

I’ve had 3 stones in the last two months and when they get into the ureter is when the intense pain really starts. It comes in waves and makes just about anything, including sleep, impossible. The first one had me in the ER and even Morphine didn’t help with the pain. The second two I’ve found when a pain wave comes I hop in the shower and move my shower massager over my lower back/side/abdomen area over and over, keeping it about as hot as I can stand it. Doing this helps me get through the pain wave. Many trips to the shower but it makes the pain bearable until it finally drops to the bladder.

Nona Lis

Hi you all stone collectors!!
Yep I’m a member of this family with a long history of passing stones, fooled my self for years thinking I was having food poisoning or catching colds in my lower back.
Well, after finding out through a CT scan that I have one 16mm “gem” in one kidney & one 5mm on the other, I’m going to have a Lithotripsy ” procedure of pulverizing the stones with ultra sound” I just wanted to share my findings with woman, Try this, after you urinate, with a clean hand gently rub your genitals area, I did this by accident try to rub witch hazel to stop an itch, to my surprise I could feel grit of very fine sandy substance on my hand.Ha!! ha!! Was that Chanca Piedra, lemon water & a diet of salads, okra, zucchini did the trick? My procedure is scheduled in 2 weeks, I just wanted to minimize the aftermath pain of passing those “diamonds are a girls worse friends” 🙂