Ask Why do I still have pain after passing a stone?

In our “Ask” section, we field questions from stone formers or their family members. See previous questions and answers here.


January 13, 2012.

Question about residual pain after passing a stone from a stone former in England, UK:

” I am 61 years old and have never had a kidney stone before last Saturday (almost 1 week ago). I was hit with sudden, excruciating pain in my kidney area. I went to hospital and was treated with pain meds and kept in over night. The pain was so bad that I thought I would pass out with it. The following day the pain had subsided and I had a full bladder CT scan (no medium used). The scan showed a swelling below the kidney, indicating that I had had a stone but that it had passed. The doctor could not see any sign of any more stones although the CT scan had not yet been reported by a radiologist. The problem is that I seem to have some dull pain still around the same kidney and fear it being another stone. I wonder if there would be some residual pain after passing a stone for a week or so? Or could it be more trouble?”


The experience that you described is consistent with a stone episode and although a stone was not seen on your CT scan, it is not uncommon for patients to have already passed a stone by the time a CT scan is obtained. It is also not uncommon to have residual discomfort after a stone has passed. We aren’t aware of good data on this phenomenon but we have seen patients complain of mild discomfort for up to several weeks after passing a stone. This discomfort may be due to remaining inflammation or swelling in the ureter and kidney area and should resolve on its own.

There are also some less likely reasons why someone may have persistent pain. Some of these include:

1) A stone was “missed” on the CT: While CT scans are highly accurate for detecting stones, there are a few scenarios where a stone can go undetected. A CT that does not include images of the entire length of the ureter but that instead stops before reaching the bladder can miss a stone that is further down. Also, a stone in the lowest part of the ureter near the bladder can sometimes be confused for calcifications known as phleboliths that can look similar on a CT scan.

2) There was another cause for your pain, unrelated to stones: Congenital obstructions of the ureter, known as ureteropelvic junction obstructions, can cause pain similar to a stone episode and will demonstrate swelling in the kidney on a CT scan. However, other clues on the CT scan will usually allow your physicians to determine whether this scenario is a possibility. Other uncommon causes for kidney swelling and pain that may not be easy to detect with a non-contrast CT scan can include passing a blood clot or piece of kidney tissue down the ureter, having a scar or other obstruction of the ureter, and very rarely, having a tumor involving the ureter.

It would be advisable for you to followup with your physician to review the radiologist’s report. Some physicians, including most urologists, may also review the actual CT scan images. You can consult with your physician to determine whether a followup ultrasound or CT scan is necessary to insure that the swelling in the kidney resolves. It should resolve if what you had was actually a successfully passed stone.

Please note that this information is not intended to represent medical advice or professional opinion. Each patient’s case is unique and we recommend that all patients seek care with a local medical professional who can thoroughly review the circumstances and details of their case.


About Dr. Mike Nguyen

Mike M Nguyen, MD, MPH, is a urologist and an Associate Professor of Clinical Urology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in Los Angeles, CA. He specializes in the treatment of kidney stones with both surgery and dietary prevention and the in the treatment of kidney and prostate cancer using the latest robotic surgical approaches. He sees patients at clinics located in Los Angeles and La Canada, CA. He is the founder of the website.

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I passed 2 drones last month and now having same symptoms again, anyone know if this is normal for stones 2 come back so soon? My doc had me on soma 350 mg 3x a day, gave relief but pain was still present for 2weeks after passing them n now same symptoms are back!


I pass stones weekly. Large 5-6 mm. Pain is common in my back daily. You can have pain afterwards. I have passed over 30 in the past 2 months. It’s never easy. Best advise…When you start to have pain drink water loads if it. I typically drink at least 1/2 gallon to start. The urine you produce acts as a force behind the stone to keep it moving. If you do this and the pain continues or worsens it’s time to go to the ER. I’ve had obstructed stones that I’ve been scheduled for surgery only to have the come out before the operation. Mine at Uric acid based. Good luck.


I had a kidney stone when i was 18 which was agonizing on and off pain for over a month, doctors were useless apart from giving me pain medication and anti sickness, but i eventually got the all clear after 2 months or so, the first few months after i had very mild pain in the same area at the front not in the back where the kidney is, but it’s now over a year since and i have just started to get very mild pains again, more like discomfort than pain but it’s worrying because it’s in exactly the same place, went to docs they said there was no infection and that kindey stones cause severe pain not mild pain and sent me on my way.. So i am not sure if i should be worried as the mild pain/discomfort is still continuing in the same place

Felix Gelbart

I passed a 4.5 mm stone last night after sitting in ER in agony for hours. Finally a sodium drip and a morphine drip and a shot of toradol. Pain dissipated. Peed through strainer…passed a stone which went to lab for analysis. Woke up today, still in pain from kidney. Took Tylenol . Hope it kicks in soon. Going to drink lots of lemon water, both hot and cold, and hope for the best….wondering how long this pain will stay.. It’s at about a 4 on 10 whereas yesterday it was a 12 on 10. Still not comfortable .


Hey just so everyone knows you will always have pain and discomfort for up to a week after passing kidney stones they tear up and cut the small tube from your kidney into the bladder. For some the pain will feel like your still passing stones. It is very common depending on the size of the stone.. I have passed 8 stones in a 2 month period and was in constant pain.


I passed a 4mm stone from my right kidney on the 18th December 2015. Felt fine for a few days then suddenly had some “dull” pain all over the right hand side of my back, not just the area of the kidney. Indeed most of the discomfort was around the belt line (pelvis). Nothing like what I experienced when passing the stone which was 10/10 pain more 3/10 pain, but enough to be a nuisance. Felt like nerve pain and full symptoms (shooting, burning, numb, tightness etc.) Worse when bending.

Went to doctor who was adamant I should not be experiencing pain. Scans and tests done, no signs of more stones so doctor was puzzled. Even went off on a tangent and thought it was my prostate but that proved negative. If I had not found this discussion on the internet I would have thought I was going mad!

To cut a long story short the pain symptoms didn’t go until at least 7 weeks post passing. Unheard of? I don’t know. Found massage and pressure helped – may be it was muscle issues, this article is an interesting read ref. muscle issues – Tried the tennis ball – it did work!

Will never know what was really the issue, but the point is if a doctor tells you in no uncertain terms (as I was) that you shouldn’t have pain after passing a stone, this forum & my experience suggests otherwise!!


I have the same story.. I initially started having waist pain in September… did not associate it with KS… Then on 11/1/15 I had classic KS attack with ER and CT,…Litho 11/9/15 on a 10mm stone. Two weeks later, the doctor said no stones… I never passed anything.. He said “see you in 9 months”.. I was puzzled because I told him I was still in pain. hadc TERRIBLE symtome of back, hip, groin waist line on right front. On 12/31/16 I hassed a 6mm, 4mm and a 2mm stones within 2 hours of each other. I immediately felt relieved. 2 days later, symtoms came back.. I figured more stone fragments. I did not pass anything, so four weeks with symptoms, I went to my Uro and he sent me for CT which showed no stones… pain for several more weeks which have just started to go away… MUCH MUCH better, and disapating. Doctors treat me like I am crazy and tell me I should not be in pain… I think just the amount of tme that Boulder was ripping through my ureter irritated nerves and tissue…

What a pain in the @$$… no… paining the ureter!! 🙂

I have passed 6 stones in the past 6 weeks. I do not go to doctors or the hospital for these. They are painful but I read a lot and I know if I drink enough wAter they will pass. What I have is pain at my waistline for about a week after it has passed. I do swell alittle around this area and I feel bloated. This does go away but then if I get stressed out another stone comes back. Can the stones be stress related? I have changed my diet and I drink lots of water with lemon juice in it. Why do I keep getting them over and over again is my question. What else can I do to prevent them from coming back?


Hi. I dont go to Doctor or hospital anymore either. I initially had a CT scan that verified stones. My body seems to manufacture these due to genetics. I have also changed my diet but it seems the healthier I eat, the more episodes I have had! I am able to manage my KS by myself and I found that drinking water more than normal, helps. My usual pain feels like cramping…the childbirth type. When I get that feeling, Its a sure bet that blood in my pee will follow, along with little specks of rock. I no longer freak out and think I’m dying and reading forums like this from others really helps a lot!!!


Yes stress can cause them. I am on tons of meds and changed my diet and still tons if stones. Dr told me they have to be from stress now.

Hi .
I had a kidney stone last weekend . Was taken to hospital with excruciating pain . Ft scan confirmed the stone, after a few hours and medication . Sent home, so frightened
As on my own .
A week later I’m still having pains even down my leg which is numb. Is this due to the sone. Does any body else have this ??? Qq


My leg is also numb I can see you posted a long time ago so if you found anything out please help me


I passed a kidney stone a few months ago and have had episodes of dizziness and have had bouts of nauseousness ever since. I have been twice admitted to the hospital but all my blood work and vitals are “normal.” Has anyone else experienced this and/or have any recommendations?


Alyssa Hubbard

Yes!!! I was in & out of the hospital for months!!! Each time the doctors did a CT scan & everything came back normal. Which i thought the doctors were crazy. I know my body. I know my pain & i knew that something was wrong. Just a couple days ago i passed a kidney stone when multiple doctors told me they didnt see anything!!!! And im still having pain in my kidneys after passing the stone.


I’ve had sharp pains in my lower left kidney for around 18 hours. The pain went away for a little while. Now I have a dull ache that is farther down my kidney area. Is it possible for the stone to have moved?


Pain right side abdomen.. CT scan showed one kidney stone 3cm at junction of kidney and ureter.. Admitted overnight with IV antibiodics for bad bladder infection.. Sent home next day with pain meds, nausea meds, and flomax (which caused me all kinds of problems) not taking flomax any longer.. Second day home no pain. Urine little dark but clear no stones when straining urine, I am 65 and have never had kidney stones before .. I may have passed stone during the all say diarrhea I had for almost two days from the flomax! I don’t have a clue.. So this is just a waiting game as to whether or not I’ll pass the stone (if not already) or another one to show up? Geesh it could happen at anytime.. What fun life can be..


The day before my “episode” I felt light pressure in my groin and noted cloudy urinr. I increased my fluid intake but nothing hurt so I ignored it. The next afternoon I had an experience where I was feeling intense pressure in my groin and frequent urination. It progressed over an hour or so where I finally went to the bathroom with excruciating pain, very little urine and lots of blood and little clots. The pain was so horrific I went to the ER.
CT clear, ultrasound clear, no infection no stones visible but a high white blood cell count. After about 2 hrs of horrific pain and frequent bloody visits to the bathroom ( where I released lots of blood and clots in my urine) the pain started to subside. I would pee very lightly and tiny clots released and the pain was tolerable. The visible blood was gone. Since they saw no stones and no infection they sent me home.
The pressure in my lower pelvic area is still rather bothersome. I have frequent urination but it seems abnormally clear for me. I still feel incredibly sore and uncomfortable. They abnormally clear and frequent urine is throwing me for a loop. The doctor believes I may have passed a stone but saw no inflammation. The only sign of inflammation was the high WBC count. I feel inflamed and uncomfortable in my groin. Is this common after passing a stone? Can passing a stone cause frequent urination even if a CT showed no hydro nephrosis (sorry? Sp?) Could this all be residual from passing a stone? I have a follow up with a urologist next week but I still feel horrible. Am I missing something?



What was your diagnosis? This is exactly what happened to me within the last couple of weeks?


I’m a 25 yr old male, and had my first kidney stone about 18 months ago. I passed it without surgery or any internal work, it was about 7MMS. Since then, when I’m in bed, I have a similar cramplike pain that signalled my stone.
I was wondering if the stone could have done some permanent damage to my urinary tract or something like that?



10-1-15 My ultrasound showed 2- 3mm stones in the left and 2- 5mm stones in the right. They say go home and they will pass. Awful! Flank pain, groin pain, nausea, shaking ( but no fever or infection)
10-14-15 still having pain all the above symptoms. Have CT scan showed no stones it I’m still having symptoms , though less sever.
10-15-15. Pain mostly in pubic area but some shooting pains in abdomon, flank and back. The Dr. Say there are no stones and I shouldn’t be having any more pain. Then she says maybe it might be bladder spasms and says to take Azo, anti inflammatory meds ad rest for the weekend. We’ll see!
4 Years ago I had the same thing, they told me everything passed but a few days later I passed a stone.
Just wondering if anyone else has had residual pain or bladder spasms after passing stones??


We are in the same predictament. CT Scan constantly give conflcting diagnosis. Yes stone.. No Stone.. 5 weeks in and my wife still in agony. She passed one stone and we are getting conflicting if there is another. Never knew what suffering was until now. very hard to watch and be helpless
For all those who suffer. Our prayers are with you and your not aloe

There is a natural remedy to reduce pain. Please google Kidney stone Lemon and Olive oil cure.. It states to reduce the pain.. God Bless


Try Chanca Piedra. A product you can google. It has 5 star reviews known to dissolve kidney stones. 500 mg is best. I also drank 6oz freshley squeezed lemon juice, which my husband bought for me a 32oz bottle at the grocery store, It did have pulp in it. I drank the lemon juice with 2 tbls olive oil 3 times per day. which helped me.pass my 4mm stone much quicker. I also made a concoction which was recommended by a doctor from India, whom I found on Youtube. I read GREAT reviews off his video and although it taste gross, it was worth the try. I just wanted the pain gone. Ingredients was Red Mill (baking soda), NOT arm & hammer. Red Mill is organic, 3 cups mineral water: Put ingredients in sauce pan and bring to boil along with 2 tbls of Tumeric. Take about 3 oz in the morning, 3 oz at noon and 3 oz in the evening. I really feel all these home rememdies helped me pass it within 21 days. I hope this helps in some way. The Indian doctor had great reviews from people who were grateful and said they tried his concoction and they passed their stones. I pray for all those who have kidney stones. I remeber the horrific pain and wish you blessings for healing.

Ivy pahlke

Thank you everything is worth a try. The pain is unbearable and I don’t want an operation so Iam going to try this.


Rafael, I appreciate your kind words. I just passed a stone Friday night while being admitted to the hospital. My husband felt helpless. You hit the nail on the head in regards to the suffering we go through. It was in one word terrifying! I am still having a few sharp pains and Dr. said I have a few small sand particles so I’m guessing that is what is causing it. I hope your wife gets better very soon 🙂


I had an IVP ex ray to look for a possible kidney stone. No blockage or stones were found, but two days later, a stone passed during urination. I was very happy the stone passed, but I’m still having significant burning every time I urinate. It really stings like I’m passing glass. It’s been a week and it’s still happening. Any idea what’s causing this and what I need to make this go away?


Hi Dan,
I hope you are feeling better!! Kidney stones are the worst!

I am going through the same thing, my ultra sound showed 4 stones and 2 weeks later I have a CT scan that shows nothing. I did not find any stones while straining. I am still having burning as well as a dull ache in the kidney almost a week since CT scan. They said to take Azo ( an OTC med for urinary pain) helps some. Did you end up passing anything? 4 years ago I had th same thing and after the CT scan showed nothing. I ended up passing a stone at work. Just wondering if you ended up passing anything and if the pain finally stopped?


It could be you are having an infection build up due to the scraping of the stone. Ask your doctor for antibiotics. My doctor perscribed flomax, antibiotics and pain killers Tramadol 50 mg,.which was a God sent. I loved my doctors. I recommend buying and having the natural product called Chanca Pierdra, 500 mg which is known to dissolve kidney stones. I bought it on Amazon. It has GREAT reviews, not to mention it’s a great preventative as well. All natural, but it has to be 500 mg. Just an FYI to share. I will pray for your healing.


I was detected with mild hydro-uretero nephrosis in right kidney with a calculus in pelvi-ureteric junction measuring 6mm. I was treated with suitable medicine by a family physician. After a month, one day it started to pain very badly had a tough night so I went my doctor and got my follow up scan done. I was free from the stone. after few weeks I am still getting a mild pain in that region, surprisingly if I drink 2 to 3L of water everyday the pain vanishes. I am confused!!

rajendra kr ravi

i had stone in both kidney by the report of CT scan no any stone found. but i suffer from pain now. why?


I am a 44 year old female who has suffered from kidney stones since childhood. The urologist can explain why I produce so many. I seem to have more in the left side than the right side. I just had another episode and finally went to the ER last night and they said no stone, no infection all is good. So WHY do I continue to have pain when nothing is there anymore. This happens more often than not. I feel embarrassed for wasting the hospital and family time for nothing. But I know this pain is real and not just in my head. Feeling very frustrated and don’t know where else to turn.


i had kidney stone 1month ago and have still pain . pain is little but why ?

I had severe pain for a whole week. I thought it was a urine infection. Went to the hospital they said it looks like a passed a stone. It was the worst pain ever. My question is I m still having pain in my lower left side of my back,and pressure down above. Im still haveing light bloood in urine, is this normalor not?


I just passed a kidney stone last thursday and had alot of blood in my urine, now I’m still having pain off and on not sure if i have another kidney stone, could hardly pee this morning and then went alot more after i drank alot of water.


My name is Daniella and I am 31 yrs old,I had Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy done on March 5th. The pain afterwards was not that bad at all. I was sore but my left kidney did not hurt as bad as before. I thought for few days that things were getting better. One night I was woken up with pain that I knew was a stone passing and I passed a 2mm. I passed another 1mm two day later (I had 4 total stones before and one of those being a 5mm) I hope that the stones passed were the bigger stone busted up but I also had a 3mm a 2mm and possible a 1mm. The Doc told me everything went well with the blasting. The problem is I have been in some pretty bad pain for WEEKS now. Like it hurts worse now than it did before I had the lithotrispy done. I knew I would be passing stones for a month but was under the impression I wouldn’t hurt AS BAD as before. Now that it is worse not only is my left kidney (back area) hurt it is starting to wrap around my side with the pain. This is new for my. Ive never had this pain before. Is this normal and HOW LONG WILL I HURT BAD???? I know you dont know for sure but on average? Thank you in advance for the help.


Passed a two mm. stone Thursday night and was discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon. Still have significant residual pain. Found information on website which offers several explanations for causes of the pain and they all seem reasonable. Check it out, you’ll probably be glad you did.


I had 3 mm stone and was operated on for scrotal sist had operation to remove it I went back to hospital with pain and stone was still there 3 weeks ago I had operation again and doctors told me they got the stone now here I am starting to suffer with pain again